def __nearest_pow_2(self,x): """ Find power of two nearest to x >>> _nearest_pow_2(3) 2.0 >>> _nearest_pow_2(15) 16.0 :type x: float :param x: Number :rtype: Int :return: Nearest power of 2 to x """ a = math.pow(2, math.ceil(np.log2(x))) b = math.pow(2, math.floor(np.log2(x))) if abs(a - x) < abs(b - x): return a else: return b # calculate spectrogram of signals
def __spectrogram(self,data,samp_rate,window,per_lap,wlen,mult): samp_rate = float(samp_rate) if not wlen: wlen = samp_rate/100.0 npts=len(data) nfft = int(self.__nearest_pow_2(wlen * samp_rate)) if nfft > npts: nfft = int(self.__nearest_pow_2(npts / 8.0)) if mult is not None: mult = int(self.__nearest_pow_2(mult)) mult = mult * nfft nlap = int(nfft * float(per_lap)) end = npts / samp_rate window = signal.get_window(window,nfft) specgram, freq, time = mlab.specgram(data, Fs=samp_rate,window=window,NFFT=nfft, pad_to=mult, noverlap=nlap) return specgram,freq,time # Sort data by experimental conditions and plot spectrogram for analog signals (e.g. LFP)
def calculate_features_for_VAD(sound_frames, frequencies_axis, spectrogram): features = numpy.empty((spectrogram.shape[0], 3)) # smooted_spectrogram, smoothed_frequencies_axis = smooth_spectrogram(spectrogram, frequencies_axis, 24) for time_ind in range(spectrogram.shape[0]): mean_spectrum = spectrogram[time_ind].mean() if mean_spectrum > 0.0: sfm = -10.0 * math.log10(stats.gmean(spectrogram[time_ind]) / mean_spectrum) else: sfm = 0.0 # max_freq = smoothed_frequencies_axis[smooted_spectrogram[time_ind].argmax()] max_freq = frequencies_axis[spectrogram[time_ind].argmax()] features[time_ind][0] = numpy.square(sound_frames[time_ind]).mean() features[time_ind][1] = sfm features[time_ind][2] = max_freq """medfilt_order = 3 for feature_ind in range(features.shape[0]): features[feature_ind] = signal.medfilt(features[feature_ind], medfilt_order)""" return features
def __init__(self, **params): """Create an AudioAnalyzer All keyword arguments are gathered and stored in the instance's self.params. Keyword arguments relate to STFT parameters, """ # List of loaded songs self.songs = [] self.motifs = [] # Reference to and spectrogram of currently active song self.active_song = None self.Sxx = None self.params = params # Reference to the neural net used for processing self.classifier = None
def plot_spectrogram(data, rate, name, dir_label): window_size = 2 ** 10 overlap = window_size // 8 window = sig.tukey(M=window_size, alpha=0.25) freq, time, spectrogram = sig.spectrogram(data, fs=rate, window=window, nperseg=window_size, scaling='density', noverlap=overlap) spectrogram = np.log10(np.flipud(spectrogram)) try: if spectrogram.shape[1] > 512: spec_padded = spectrogram[:512,:512] elif spectrogram.shape[1] < 512: spec_padded = np.pad(spectrogram, ((0, 0), (0, 512 - spectrogram.shape[1])), mode='median')[:512, :] else: spec_padded = spectrogram except Exception as e: print('ERROR!') print('Fault in: {}'.format(name)) raise spec_padded = transform.downscale_local_mean(spec_padded, (2, 2)) final_path = os.path.join(output_dir, dir_label, name + '.png') plt.imsave(final_path, spec_padded, cmap=plt.get_cmap('gray'))
def __init__(self, data, Fs, name='', start=0): """Create a SongFile for storing signal data Inputs: data: a numpy array with time series data. For use with PyAudio, ensure the format of data is the same as the player Fs: sampling frequency, ideally a float Keyword Arguments: name: a string identifying where this SongFile came from start: a value in seconds indicating that the SongFile's data does not come from the start of a longer signal """ # Values passed into the init self.data = data self.Fs = Fs # Post-processed values (does not include spectrogram) self.time = None self.freq = None self.classification = None self.entropy = None self.power = None self.name = name self.start = start self.length = len(self.data) / self.Fs
def power_spectrum(signal: np.ndarray, fs: int, window_width: int, window_overlap: int) -> (np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray): """ Computes the power spectrum of the specified signal. A periodic Hann window with the specified width and overlap is used. Parameters ---------- signal: numpy.ndarray The input signal fs: int Sampling frequency of the input signal window_width: int Width of the Hann windows in samples window_overlap: int Overlap between Hann windows in samples Returns ------- f: numpy.ndarray Array of frequency values for the first axis of the returned spectrogram t: numpy.ndarray Array of time values for the second axis of the returned spectrogram sxx: numpy.ndarray Power spectrogram of the input signal with axes [frequency, time] """ f, t, sxx = spectrogram(x=signal, fs=fs, window=hann(window_width, sym=False), noverlap=window_overlap, mode="magnitude") return f, t, (1.0 / window_width) * (sxx ** 2)
def mel_spectrum(power_spectrum: np.ndarray, mel_fbank: np.ndarray = None, fs: int = None, window_width: int = None, n_filt: int = 40) -> np.ndarray: """ Computes a Mel spectrogram from the specified power spectrogram. Optionally, precomputed Mel filter banks can be passed to this function, in which case the n_filt, fs, and window_width parameters are ignored. If precomputed Mel filter banks are used, the caller has to ensure that they have correct shape. Parameters ---------- power_spectrum: numpy.ndarray The power spectrogram from which a Mel spectrogram should be computed mel_fbank: numpy.ndarray, optional Precomputed Mel filter banks fs: int Sampling frequency of the signal from which the power spectrogram was computed. Ignored if precomputed Mel filter banks are used. window_width: int Window width in samples that was used to comput the power spectrogram. Ignored if precomputed Mel filter banks are used. n_filt: int Number of Mel filter banks to use. Ignored if precomputed Mel filter banks are used. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Mel spectrogram computed from the specified power spectrogram """ if mel_fbank is None: _, mel_fbank = mel_filter_bank(fs, window_width, n_filt) filter_banks = np.dot(mel_fbank, power_spectrum) return filter_banks
def power_to_db(spectrum: np.ndarray, clip_below: float = None, clip_above: float = None) -> np.ndarray: """ Convert a spectrogram to the Decibel scale. Optionally, frequencies with amplitudes below or above a certain threshold can be clipped. Parameters ---------- spectrum: numpy.ndarray The spectrogram to convert clip_below: float, optional Clip frequencies below the specified amplitude in dB clip_above: float, optional Clip frequencies above the specified amplitude in dB Returns ------- numpy.ndarray The spectrogram on the Decibel scale """ # there might be zeros, fix them to the lowest non-zero power in the spectrogram epsilon = np.min(spectrum[np.where(spectrum > 0)]) sxx = np.where(spectrum > epsilon, spectrum, epsilon) sxx = 10 * np.log10(sxx / np.max(sxx)) if clip_below is not None: sxx = np.maximum(sxx, clip_below) if clip_above is not None: sxx = np.minimum(sxx, clip_above) return sxx
def get_spectrogram(audio, sampling_rate): return signal.spectrogram(audio, fs=sampling_rate, window='hanning', nperseg=M, noverlap=M-window_shift, detrend=False, scaling='spectrum') # def plot_spectrogram(freqs, times, Sx): # print(Sx.shape) # f, ax = plt.subplots() # ax.pcolormesh(times, freqs / 1000, 10 * np.log10(Sx), cmap='viridis') # ax.set_ylabel('Frequency [kHz]') # ax.set_xlabel('Time [s]') # plt.show()
def show_VAD_features(sound_data, sampling_frequency): assert sampling_frequency >= 8000, 'Sampling frequency is inadmissible!' n_data = len(sound_data) assert (n_data > 0) and ((n_data % 2) == 0), 'Sound data are wrong!' frame_size = int(round(FRAME_DURATION * float(sampling_frequency))) n_fft_points = 2 while n_fft_points < frame_size: n_fft_points *= 2 sound_signal = numpy.empty((int(n_data / 2),)) for ind in range(sound_signal.shape[0]): sound_signal[ind] = float(struct.unpack('<h', sound_data[(ind * 2):(ind * 2 + 2)])[0]) frequencies_axis, time_axis, spectrogram = signal.spectrogram( sound_signal, fs=sampling_frequency, window='hamming', nperseg=frame_size, noverlap=0, nfft=n_fft_points, scaling='spectrum', mode='psd' ) spectrogram = spectrogram.transpose() if spectrogram.shape[0] <= INIT_SILENCE_FRAMES: return [] if (sound_signal.shape[0] % frame_size) == 0: sound_frames = numpy.reshape(sound_signal, (spectrogram.shape[0], frame_size)) else: sound_frames = numpy.reshape(sound_signal[0:int(sound_signal.shape[0] / frame_size) * frame_size], (spectrogram.shape[0], frame_size)) features = calculate_features_for_VAD(sound_frames, frequencies_axis, spectrogram).transpose() time_axis = time_axis.transpose() del spectrogram del frequencies_axis plt.subplot(411) plt.plot(time_axis, features[0]) plt.title('Short-time Energy') plt.grid(True) plt.subplot(412) plt.plot(time_axis, features[1]) plt.title('Spectral Flatness Measure') plt.grid(True) plt.subplot(413) plt.plot(time_axis, features[2]) plt.title('Most Dominant Frequency Component') plt.grid(True) plt.subplot(414) x = numpy.repeat(time_axis, 4) y = [] for time_ind in range(time_axis.shape[0]): y += [sound_frames[time_ind][0], sound_frames[time_ind].max(), sound_frames[time_ind].min(), sound_frames[time_ind][-1]] y = numpy.array(y) plt.plot(x, y) plt.title('Wave File') plt.grid(True) plt.show() del sound_frames del time_axis
def get_data_sample(self, idx): """Get a sample from the spectrogram and the corresponding class Inputs: idx: an ndarray of integer indices Returns: data: data is a (1,1,img_rows,img_cols) slice from Sxx and classification is the corresponding integer class from self.active_song.classification If idx exceeds the dimensions of the data, throws IndexError If there is not a processed, active song, throws TypeError """ img_rows = self.params.get('img_rows', self.Sxx.shape[0]) img_cols = self.params.get('img_cols', 1) if self.Sxx is None or self.active_song.classification is None: raise TypeError('No active song from which to get data') if np.amax(idx) > self.Sxx.shape[1]: raise IndexError('Data index of sample out of bounds, only {0} ' 'samples in the dataset'.format(self.Sxx.shape[1] - img_cols)) if np.amin(idx) < 0: raise IndexError('Data index of sample out of bounds, ' 'negative index requested') # index out the data max_idx = (self.Sxx.shape[1] - 1) data_slices = [self.Sxx[0:img_rows, np.minimum( max_idx, idx + i)].T.reshape(idx.size, 1, img_rows) for i in range(img_cols)] data = np.stack(data_slices, axis=-1) # scale the input data = np.log10(data) data -= np.amin(data) data /= np.amax(data) return data
def mel_filter_bank(fs: int, window_width: int, n_filt: int = 40) -> (np.ndarray, np.ndarray): """ Computes Mel filter banks for the specified parameters. A power spectrogram can be converted to a Mel spectrogram by multiplying it with the filter bank. This method exists so that the computation of Mel filter banks does not have to be repeated for each computation of a Mel spectrogram. The coefficients of Mel filter banks depend on the sampling frequency and the window width that were used to generate power spectrograms. Parameters ---------- fs: int The sampling frequency of signals window_width: int The window width in samples used to generate spectrograms n_filt: int The number of filters to compute Returns ------- f: numpy.ndarray Array of Hertz frequency values for the filter banks filters: numpy.ndarray Array of Mel filter bank coefficients. The first axis corresponds to different filters, and the second axis corresponds to the original frequency bands """ n_fft = window_width low_freq_mel = 0 high_freq_mel = (2595 * np.log10(1 + (fs / 2) / 700)) # Convert Hz to Mel mel_points = np.linspace(low_freq_mel, high_freq_mel, n_filt + 2) # Equally spaced in Mel scale hz_points = (700 * (10 ** (mel_points / 2595) - 1)) # Convert Mel to Hz bin = np.floor((n_fft + 1) * hz_points / fs) fbank = np.zeros((n_filt, int(np.floor(n_fft / 2 + 1)))) for m in range(1, n_filt + 1): f_m_minus = int(bin[m - 1]) # left f_m = int(bin[m]) # center f_m_plus = int(bin[m + 1]) # right for k in range(f_m_minus, f_m): fbank[m - 1, k] = (k - bin[m - 1]) / (bin[m] - bin[m - 1]) for k in range(f_m, f_m_plus): fbank[m - 1, k] = (bin[m + 1] - k) / (bin[m + 1] - bin[m]) return hz_points[1:n_filt + 1], fbank