Python scipy.signal 模块,firwin() 实例源码


项目:triflow    作者:locie    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _signal_template(self,
                         n: int=1000):
        randgen = np.random.RandomState(seed=seed)
        noisy = randgen.normal(mean, std, size=self._size)
        high_band_filter = firwin(filter_window_size, frequency_cut,
                                  window=('gaussian', filter_std))
        filtered_noisy = convolve(noisy, high_band_filter, mode='same')
        return filtered_noisy
项目:arlpy    作者:org-arl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def pb2bb(x, fs, fc, fd=None, flen=127, cutoff=None):
    """Convert passband signal to baseband.

    The baseband conversion uses a low-pass filter after downconversion, with a
    default cutoff frequency of `0.6*fd`, if `fd` is specified, or `1.1*fc` if `fd`
    is not specified. Alternatively, the user may specify the cutoff frequency

    For communication applications, one may wish to use :func:`arlpy.comms.downconvert` instead,
    as that function supports matched filtering with a pulse shape rather than a generic
    low-pass filter.

    :param x: passband signal
    :param fs: sampling rate of passband signal in Hz
    :param fc: carrier frequency in passband in Hz
    :param fd: sampling rate of baseband signal in Hz (``None`` => same as `fs`)
    :param flen: number of taps in the low-pass FIR filter
    :param cutoff: cutoff frequency in Hz (``None`` means auto-select)
    :returns: complex baseband signal, sampled at `fd`
    if cutoff is None:
        cutoff = 0.6*fd if fd is not None else 1.1*fc
    y = x * _np.sqrt(2)*_np.exp(2j*_np.pi*fc*time(x,fs))
    hb = _sig.firwin(flen, cutoff=cutoff, nyq=fs/2.0)
    y = _sig.filtfilt(hb, 1, y)
    if fd is not None and fd != fs:
        y = _sig.resample_poly(y, 2*fd, fs)[::2]
    return y
项目:pactools    作者:pactools    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def design(self, fs, fc, bandwidth, ripple_db=60.0):
        Designs a FIR filter that is a low-pass filter.
        fs : sampling frequency (Hz)
        fc : cut-off frequency (Hz)
        bandwidth : transition bandwidth (Hz)s
        # Compute the order and Kaiser parameter for the FIR filter.
        N, beta = signal.kaiserord(ripple_db, bandwidth / fs * 2)

        # Use firwin with a Kaiser window to create a lowpass FIR filter.
        fir = signal.firwin(N, fc / fs * 2, window=('kaiser', beta))

        # the filter must be symmetric, in order to be zero-phase
        assert np.all(np.abs(fir - fir[::-1]) < 1e-15)

        self.fir = fir / np.sum(fir)
        self.fs = fs
        return self
项目:kaggle-seizure-prediction    作者:sics-lm    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def apply(self, data):
        nyq = self.f / 2.0
        cutoff = min(self.f, nyq-1)
        h = signal.firwin(numtaps=101, cutoff=cutoff, nyq=nyq)

        # data[i][ch][dim0]
        for i in range(len(data)):
            data_point = data[i]
            for j in range(len(data_point)):
                data_point[j] = signal.lfilter(h, 1.0, data_point[j])

        return data
项目:tools    作者:kastnerkyle    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def polyphase_lowpass(arr, downsample=2, n_taps=50, filter_pad=1.1):
    filt = firwin(downsample * n_taps, 1 / (downsample * filter_pad))
    filtered = polyphase_single_filter(arr, downsample, filt)
    return filtered
项目:tools    作者:kastnerkyle    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def polyphase_lowpass(arr, downsample=2, n_taps=50, filter_pad=1.1):
    filt = firwin(downsample * n_taps, 1 / (downsample * filter_pad))
    filtered = polyphase_single_filter(arr, downsample, filt)
    return filtered
项目:sprocket    作者:k2kobayashi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _high_frequency_completion(self, x, transformed):
        Please see Sect. 3.2 and 3.3 in the following paper to know why we complete the
        unvoiced synthesized voice of the original voice into high frequency range
        of F0 transformed voice.

        - K. Kobayashi et al., "F0 transformation techniques for statistical voice
        conversion with direct waveform modification with spectral differential,"
        Proc. IEEE SLT 2016, pp. 693-700. 2016.
        # construct feature extractor and synthesis
        feat = FeatureExtractor(fs=self.fs)
        f0, spc, ap = feat.analyze(x)
        uf0 = np.zeros(len(f0))

        # synthesis
        synth = Synthesizer(fs=self.fs)
        unvoice_anasyn = synth.synthesis_spc(uf0, spc, ap)

        # HPF for synthesized speech
        fil = firwin(255, self.f0rate, pass_zero=False)
        HPFed_unvoice_anasyn = lfilter(fil, 1, unvoice_anasyn)

        if len(HPFed_unvoice_anasyn) > len(transformed):
            return transformed + HPFed_unvoice_anasyn[:len(transformed)]
            transformed[:len(HPFed_unvoice_anasyn)] += HPFed_unvoice_anasyn
            return transformed
项目:sprocket    作者:k2kobayashi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def low_cut_filter(x, fs, cutoff=70):
    """Low cut filter

    x : array, shape(`samples`)
        Waveform sequence
    fs: array, int
        Sampling frequency
    cutoff : float, optional
        Cutoff frequency of low cut filter
        Default set to 70 [Hz]

    lcf_x : array, shape(`samples`)
        Low cut filtered waveform sequence

    nyquist = fs // 2
    norm_cutoff = cutoff / nyquist

    # low cut filter
    fil = firwin(255, norm_cutoff, pass_zero=False)
    lcf_x = lfilter(fil, 1, x)

    return lcf_x
项目:pactools    作者:pactools    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _design(self):
        # Compute the order and Kaiser parameter for the FIR filter.
        N, beta = signal.kaiserord(self.ripple_db,
                                   self.bandwidth / self.fs * 2)

        # Use firwin with a Kaiser window to create a lowpass FIR filter.
        fir = signal.firwin(N, self.fc / self.fs * 2, window=('kaiser', beta))

        # the filter must be symmetric, in order to be zero-phase
        assert np.all(np.abs(fir - fir[::-1]) < 1e-15)

        self.fir = fir / np.sum(fir)
        return self
项目:nelpy    作者:nelpy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def bandpass_filter(data, lowcut=None, highcut=None, *, numtaps=None,
    """Band filter data using a zero phase FIR filter (filtfilt).

    data : AnalogSignalArray, ndarray, or list
    lowcut : float, optional (default 1 Hz)
        Lower cut-off frequency
    highcut : float, optional (default 600 Hz)
        Upper cut-off frequency
    numtaps : int, optional (default 25)
        Number of filter taps
    fs : float, optional if AnalogSignalArray is passed
        Sampling frequency (Hz)

    filtered : same type as data

    if numtaps is None:
        numtaps = 25
    if lowcut is None:
        lowcut = 1
    if highcut is None:
        highcut = 600

    if isinstance(data, (np.ndarray, list)):
        if fs is None:
            raise ValueError("sampling frequency must be specified!")
        # Generate filter for detection
        b = firwin(numtaps=numtaps,
                   cutoff=[lowcut/(fs/2), highcut/(fs/2)],
        # Filter raw data to get ripple data
        ripple_data = filtfilt(b, 1, data)
        return ripple_data
    elif isinstance(data, AnalogSignalArray):
        if fs is None:
            fs = data.fs
            warnings.warn("no sampling frequency provided,"
                " using fs={} Hz from AnalogSignalArray".format(fs))
        # Generate filter for detection
        b = firwin(numtaps=numtaps,
                   cutoff=[lowcut/(fs/2), highcut/(fs/2)],
        # Filter raw data to get ripple data
        ripple_data = filtfilt(b,1,data.ydata)
        # Return a copy of the AnalogSignalArray with the filtered data
        filtered_analogsignalarray = data.copy()
        filtered_analogsignalarray._ydata = ripple_data
        return filtered_analogsignalarray
        raise TypeError(
          "Unknown data type {} to filter.".format(str(type(data))))
项目:signal_subspace    作者:scivision    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def computefir(fc,L:int, ofn, fs:int, method:str):
    bandpass FIR design

    L: number of taps

    b: FIR filter coefficients

    assert len(fc) == 2,'specify lower and upper bandpass filter corner frequencies in Hz.'

    if method == 'remez':
        b  = signal.remez(numtaps=L,
                      bands=[0, 0.9*fc[0], fc[0],fc[1], 1.1*fc[1], 0.5*fs],
                      desired=[0, 1,0],
    elif method == 'firwin':
        b = signal.firwin(L,[fc[0],fc[1]],
    elif method == 'firwin2':
        b = signal.firwin2(L,[0,fc[0],fc[1],fs//2],[0,1,1,0],
        raise ValueError(f'unknown filter design method {method}')

    if ofn:
        ofn = Path(ofn).expanduser()
        print(f'writing {ofn}')
# FIXME make binary
        with'w') as h:
            h.write(f'{b.size}\n') # first line is number of coefficients
            b.tofile(h,sep=" ") # second line is space-delimited coefficents

    return b