Python scipy.signal 模块,hann() 实例源码


项目:gm-cml    作者:wangyida    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def dft_np(signal, hop_size=256, fft_size=512):
    n_hops = len(signal) // hop_size
    s = []
    hann_win = hann(fft_size)
    for hop_i in range(n_hops):
        frame = signal[(hop_i * hop_size):(hop_i * hop_size + fft_size)]
        frame = np.pad(frame, (0, fft_size - len(frame)), 'constant')
        frame *= hann_win
    s = np.array(s)
    N = s.shape[-1]
    k = np.reshape(np.linspace(0.0, 2 * np.pi / N * (N // 2), N // 2), [1, N // 2])
    x = np.reshape(np.linspace(0.0, N - 1, N), [N, 1])
    freqs =, k)
    reals =, np.cos(freqs)) * (2.0 / N)
    imags =, np.sin(freqs)) * (2.0 / N)
    return reals, imags
项目:decoding_challenge_cortana_2016_3rd    作者:kingjr    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _window_evoked(evoked, size):
    """Window evoked (size in seconds)"""
    if isinstance(size, (float, int)):
        lsize = rsize = float(size)
        lsize, rsize = size
    evoked = evoked.copy()
    sfreq = float(['sfreq'])
    lsize = int(lsize * sfreq)
    rsize = int(rsize * sfreq)
    lhann = signal.hann(lsize * 2)
    rhann = signal.hann(rsize * 2)
    window = np.r_[lhann[:lsize],
                   np.ones(len(evoked.times) - lsize - rsize),
                   rhann[-rsize:]] *= window[None, :]
    return evoked
项目:Epileptic-Seizure-Prediction    作者:cedricsimar    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def hanning(self, sig):

        Apply a Hanning window to the signal and return it

        han_window = signal.hann(len(sig))
项目:kaggle-seizure-prediction    作者:sics-lm    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def apply(self, data):
        axis = data.ndim - 1
        out = resample(data, self.f, axis=axis, window=hann(M=data.shape[axis]))
        return out
项目:auDeep    作者:auDeep    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def power_spectrum(signal: np.ndarray,
                   fs: int,
                   window_width: int,
                   window_overlap: int) -> (np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray):
    Computes the power spectrum of the specified signal.

    A periodic Hann window with the specified width and overlap is used.

    signal: numpy.ndarray
        The input signal
    fs: int
        Sampling frequency of the input signal
    window_width: int
        Width of the Hann windows in samples
    window_overlap: int
        Overlap between Hann windows in samples

    f: numpy.ndarray
        Array of frequency values for the first axis of the returned spectrogram
    t: numpy.ndarray
        Array of time values for the second axis of the returned spectrogram
    sxx: numpy.ndarray
        Power spectrogram of the input signal with axes [frequency, time]
    f, t, sxx = spectrogram(x=signal,
                            window=hann(window_width, sym=False),

    return f, t, (1.0 / window_width) * (sxx ** 2)
项目:qudi    作者:Ulm-IQO    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_ft_windows():
    """ Retrieve the available windows to be applied on signal data before FT.

    @return: dict with keys being the window name and items being again a dict
             containing the actual function and the normalization factor to
             calculate correctly the amplitude spectrum in the Fourier Transform

    To find out the amplitude normalization factor check either the scipy
    implementation on
    or just perform a sum of the window (oscillating parts of the window should
    be averaged out and constant offset factor will remain):
        MM=1000000  # choose a big number

    win = {'none': {'func': np.ones, 'ampl_norm': 1.0},
           'hamming': {'func': signal.hamming, 'ampl_norm': 1.0/0.54},
           'hann': {'func': signal.hann, 'ampl_norm': 1.0/0.5},
           'blackman': {'func': signal.blackman, 'ampl_norm': 1.0/0.42},
           'triang': {'func': signal.triang, 'ampl_norm': 1.0/0.5},
           'flattop': {'func': signal.flattop, 'ampl_norm': 1.0/0.2156},
           'bartlett': {'func': signal.bartlett, 'ampl_norm': 1.0/0.5},
           'parzen': {'func': signal.parzen, 'ampl_norm': 1.0/0.375},
           'bohman': {'func': signal.bohman, 'ampl_norm': 1.0/0.4052847},
           'blackmanharris': {'func': signal.blackmanharris, 'ampl_norm': 1.0/0.35875},
           'nuttall': {'func': signal.nuttall, 'ampl_norm': 1.0/0.3635819},
           'barthann': {'func': signal.barthann, 'ampl_norm': 1.0/0.5}}
    return win
项目:decoding_challenge_cortana_2016_3rd    作者:kingjr    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_window(start, end):
    """Return window which has length as much as parameter start - end"""
    from scipy.signal import hann
    window = 1 - np.r_[hann(4)[:2],
                       np.ones(np.abs(end - start) - 4),
    return window
项目:Speaker-Recognition    作者:orchidas    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def stft(signal, fs, nfft, overlap):

    #plotting time domain signal
    t = np.arange(0,len(signal)/fs, 1/fs)
    plt.axis(xmax = 1)
    plt.xlabel('Time in seconds')
    plt.title('Speech signal')

    if not np.log2(nfft).is_integer():
        nfft = nearestPow2(nfft)
    slength = len(signal)
    hop_size = np.int32(overlap * nfft)
    nFrames = int(np.round(len(signal)/(nfft-hop_size)))
    #zero padding to make signal length long enough to have nFrames
    signal = np.append(signal, np.zeros(nfft))
    STFT = np.empty((nfft, nFrames))
    segment = np.zeros(nfft)
    start = 0

    for n in range(nFrames):
        segment = signal[start:start+nfft] * hann(nfft) 
        padded_seg = np.append(segment,np.zeros(nfft))
        spec = fftshift(fft(padded_seg))
        spec = spec[len(spec)/2:]
        spec = abs(spec)/max(abs(spec))
        powerspec = 20*np.log10(spec)
        STFT[:,n] = powerspec
        start = start + nfft - hop_size 

    #plot spectrogram
    freq = (fs/(2*nfft)) * np.arange(0,nfft,1)
    time = np.arange(0,nFrames)*(slength/(fs*nFrames))
    plt.imshow(STFT, extent = [0,max(time),0,max(freq)],origin='lower', cmap='jet', interpolation='nearest', aspect='auto')
    plt.ylabel('Frequency in Hz')
    plt.xlabel('Time in seconds')
    plt.title('Spectrogram of speech')
    return (STFT, time, freq)