Python scipy.sparse.linalg 模块,spsolve() 实例源码


项目:SpicePy    作者:giaccone    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ac_solve(net):

    :param net:


    # frequency
    f = float(net.analysis[-1])

    # linear system definition
    net.x = spsolve(net.G + 1j * 2 * np.pi * f* net.C, net.rhs)
项目:StructEngPy    作者:zhuoju36    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def solve_linear(model:Model.fem_model):
    Dvec=model.D'Solving linear model with %d DOFs...'%model.DOF)
        #sparse matrix solution
        delta_bar = sl.spsolve(sp.csr_matrix(K_bar),F_bar,sym_pos=True)
        delta = delta_bar
        #fill original displacement vector
        prev = 0
        for idx in index:
            if gap>0:
            prev = idx + 1               
            if idx==index[-1] and idx!=n_nodes-1:
                delta = np.insert(delta,prev, [0]*(n_nodes*6-prev))
        delta += Dvec
    except Exception as e:
        return None
    return delta
项目:StructEngPy    作者:zhuoju36    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def solve_linear2(model:Model.fem_model):
    Dvec=model.D'Solving linear model with %d DOFs...'%model.DOF)
    #sparse matrix solution
    delta_bar = sl.spsolve(sp.csc_matrix(K_bar),F_bar)
    delta = delta_bar
    #fill original displacement vector
    prev = 0
    for idx in index:
        if gap>0:
        prev = idx + 1               
        if idx==index[-1] and idx!=n_nodes-1:
            delta = np.insert(delta,prev, [0]*(n_nodes*6-prev))
    delta += Dvec

    return delta
项目:Splipy    作者:sintefmath    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def raise_order(self, amount):
        """  Raise the polynomial order of the curve.

        :param int amount: Number of times to raise the order
        :return: self
        if amount < 0:
            raise ValueError('Raise order requires a non-negative parameter')
        elif amount == 0:

        # create the new basis
        newBasis = self.bases[0].raise_order(amount)

        # set up an interpolation problem. This is in projective space, so no problems for rational cases
        interpolation_pts_t = newBasis.greville()  # parametric interpolation points (t)
        N_old = self.bases[0].evaluate(interpolation_pts_t)
        N_new = newBasis.evaluate(interpolation_pts_t, sparse=True)
        interpolation_pts_x = N_old * self.controlpoints  # projective interpolation points (x,y,z,w)

        # solve the interpolation problem
        self.controlpoints = np.array(splinalg.spsolve(N_new, interpolation_pts_x))
        self.bases = [newBasis]

        return self
项目:Splipy    作者:sintefmath    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def rebuild(self, p, n):
        """  Creates an approximation to this curve by resampling it using a
        uniform knot vector of order *p* with *n* control points.

        :param int p: Polynomial discretization order
        :param int n: Number of control points
        :return: A new approximate curve
        :rtype: Curve
        # establish uniform open knot vector
        knot = [0] * p + list(range(1, n - p + 1)) + [n - p + 1] * p
        basis = BSplineBasis(p, knot)
        # set parametric range of the new basis to be the same as the old one
        t0 = self.bases[0].start()
        t1 = self.bases[0].end()
        basis *= (t1 - t0)
        basis += t0
        # fetch evaluation points and solve interpolation problem
        t = basis.greville()
        N = basis.evaluate(t, sparse=True)
        controlpoints = splinalg.spsolve(N, self.evaluate(t))

        # return new resampled curve
        return Curve(basis, controlpoints)
项目:Splipy    作者:sintefmath    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def interpolate(x, basis, t=None):
    """  Perform general spline interpolation on a provided basis.

    :param matrix-like x: Matrix *X[i,j]* of interpolation points *xi* with
        components *j*
    :param BSplineBasis basis: Basis on which to interpolate
    :param array-like t: parametric values at interpolation points; defaults to
        Greville points if not provided
    :return: Interpolated curve
    :rtype: Curve
    # wrap x into a numpy matrix
    x = np.matrix(x)

    # evaluate all basis functions in the interpolation points
    if t is None:
        t = basis.greville()
    N = basis.evaluate(t, sparse=True)

    # solve interpolation problem
    controlpoints = splinalg.spsolve(N, x)

    return Curve(basis, controlpoints)
项目:NewtonMultigrid    作者:amergl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def do_newton_fmg_cycle(self, prob, rhs, level, nu0, nu1, nu2, max_inner=1,max_outer=20):
        self.fh[level] = rhs
        current_ndofs = int(math.sqrt(rhs.shape[0]))        
        mgrid = MyMultigrid(current_ndofs,int(np.log2(current_ndofs+1)))
        M = specificJacobi(current_ndofs,prob.gamma, np.ones(rhs.shape[0]))

        if (level < self.nlevels - 1):
            self.fh[level + 1] = mgrid.trans[0].restrict(self.fh[level])
            self.vh[level + 1] = self.do_newton_fmg_cycle(prob,self.fh[level + 1], level + 1, nu0, nu1, nu2)
            self.vh[-1] = self.fh[-1]/M[0,0]#self.do_newton_cycle(prob,self.vh[-1], self.fh[-1], nu1, nu2, level, n_v_cycles=1, max_outer=1) #sLA.spsolve(M, self.fh[-1])
            return self.vh[-1]

        for i in range(nu0):
            self.vh[level] = self.do_newton_cycle(prob,self.vh[level], self.fh[level], nu1, nu2, level, max_inner, max_outer)[0]

        return self.vh[level]
项目:NewtonMultigrid    作者:amergl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def do_fmg_cycle_recursive(self, rhs, h, nu0, nu1, nu2):
        # set intial conditions (note: resetting vectors here is important!)
        self.fh[0] = rhs

        # downward cycle
        if (h < self.nlevels - 1):
            self.fh[h + 1] = self.trans[h].restrict(self.fh[h])
            # plt.plot(h, self.fh[h])
            self.vh[h + 1] = self.do_fmg_cycle_recursive(self.fh[h + 1], h + 1, nu0, nu1, nu2)
            self.vh[-1] = sLA.spsolve(self.Acoarse, self.fh[-1])
            return self.vh[-1]

        # correct
        self.vh[h] = self.trans[h].prolong(self.vh[h + 1])

        for i in range(nu0):
            self.vh[h] = self.do_v_cycle(self.vh[h], self.fh[h], nu1, nu2, h)

        return self.vh[h]
项目:NewtonMultigrid    作者:amergl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def exact_is_fixpoint(smoo_class):
    ndofs = 127
    prob = Poisson1D(ndofs)
    smoo = smoo_class(prob.A, 2.0/3.0)
    k = 6

    xvalues = np.array([(i + 1) * prob.dx for i in range(prob.ndofs)])
    rhs = np.sin(np.pi * k * xvalues)
    uex = spLA.spsolve(smoo.A, rhs)

    u = uex
    for i in range(10):
        u = smoo.smooth(rhs, u)

    err = np.linalg.norm(u - uex, np.inf)

    assert err <= 1E-14, 'Exact solution is not a fixpoint of the iteration!'
项目:CVPR2015-Unconstrained-3D-Face-Reconstruction    作者:NJUPole    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def computeX(template, L, H, D, landmarkAll, landmarkIndex):
    X = np.array(template.v)
    ptsNum = len(X)
    left =
    right =
    landmark3D = X[landmarkIndex]
    rowForP = np.array(map(lambda x:x, xrange(2*ptsNum))).repeat(3)
    colForP = (np.tile(np.array(map(lambda x:x, xrange(3*ptsNum))).reshape((ptsNum,3)),2)).flatten()
    for landmark2D in landmarkAll:
        P = calP(landmark2D[19:], landmark3D)
        valForP = np.tile(P[0:2,0:3].flatten(),ptsNum)
        Pplus = csr_matrix((valForP, (rowForP, colForP)), shape=(2*ptsNum, 3*ptsNum))
        W = np.zeros((2*vCount,1))
        for count, index in enumerate(landmarkIndex):
            W[2*index] = landmark2D[count, 0] - P[0, 3]
            W[2*index+1] = landmark2D[count, 1] - P[1, 3]
        tempL =
        left += lam*
        right += lam*
    #return lsqr(left, np.array(right))[0]
    return spsolve(left, right)
项目:CVPR2015-Unconstrained-3D-Face-Reconstruction    作者:NJUPole    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def itera(template):
    #L = computeL(template)
    vertex = np.array(template.v)
    ptsNum = len(vertex)
    X = vertex.reshape((3*vCount,1))
    landmark3D = vertex[landmarkIndex]
    sumL =    
    sumR =
    rowForP = np.array(map(lambda x:x, xrange(2*ptsNum))).repeat(3)
    colForP = (np.tile(np.array(map(lambda x:x, xrange(3*ptsNum))).reshape((ptsNum,3)),2)).flatten()
    for landmark2D in landmarkAll:
        P = calP(landmark2D, landmark3D)
        valForP = np.tile(P[0:2,0:3].flatten(),ptsNum)
        Pplus = csr_matrix((valForP, (rowForP, colForP)), shape=(2*ptsNum, 3*ptsNum))
        W = np.zeros((2*vCount,1))
        for count, index in enumerate(landmarkIndex):
            W[2*index] = landmark2D[count, 0] - P[0, 3]
            W[2*index+1] = landmark2D[count, 1] - P[1, 3]
        tempL =
        sumL = sumL + lamda *
        sumR = sumR + lamda *
    newV = spsolve(sumL, sumR)
    template.v = newV.reshape((len(newV)/3, 3))
    return template
项目:poi    作者:jchluo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def iteration(self, user, fixed_vecs):
        num_solve = self.num_users if user else self.num_items
        num_fixed = fixed_vecs.shape[0]
        YTY =
        eye = sparse.eye(num_fixed)
        lambda_eye = self.reg_param * sparse.eye(self.num_factors)
        solve_vecs = np.zeros((num_solve, self.num_factors))

        for i in xrange(num_solve):
            if user:
                matrix_i = self.matrix[i].toarray()
                matrix_i = self.matrix[:, i].T.toarray()
            CuI = sparse.diags(matrix_i, [0])
            pu = matrix_i.copy()
            pu[np.where(pu != 0)] = 1.0
            YTCuIY =
            YTCupu = + eye).dot(sparse.csr_matrix(pu).T)
            xu = spsolve(YTY + YTCuIY + lambda_eye, YTCupu)
            solve_vecs[i] = xu

        return solve_vecs
项目:SpicePy    作者:giaccone    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def dc_solve(net):
    "dc_solve" solves DC network

        * x, solution


    # linear system definition
    net.x = spsolve(net.G, net.rhs)
项目:PorousMediaLab    作者:biogeochemistry    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def linear_alg_solver(A, B):
    return linalg.spsolve(A, B, use_umfpack=True)
项目:diamond    作者:stitchfix    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def solve(A, b):
    A generic linear solver for sparse and dense matrices

        A : array_like, possibly sparse
        b : array_like
        x such that Ax = b
    if sparse.issparse(A):
        return spsolve(A, b)
        return np.linalg.solve(A, b)
项目:transmutagen    作者:ergs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_solve_identity_ones(dtype):
    b = np.ones(solver.N, dtype=dtype)
    mat = sp.eye(solver.N, format='csr', dtype=dtype)
    obs = solver.solve(mat, b)
    exp = spla.spsolve(mat, b)
    assert np.allclose(exp, obs)
项目:transmutagen    作者:ergs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_solve_identity_range(dtype):
    b = np.arange(solver.N, dtype=dtype)
    mat = sp.eye(solver.N, format='csr', dtype=dtype)
    obs = solver.solve(mat, b)
    exp = spla.spsolve(mat, b)
    assert np.allclose(exp, obs)
项目:transmutagen    作者:ergs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_solve_ones_ones(dtype):
    b = np.ones(solver.N, dtype=dtype)
    mat = solver.ones(dtype=dtype) + 9*sp.eye(solver.N, format='csr', dtype=dtype)
    obs = solver.solve(mat, b)
    exp = spla.spsolve(mat, b)
    assert np.allclose(exp, obs)
项目:transmutagen    作者:ergs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_solve_ones_range(dtype):
    b = np.arange(solver.N, dtype=dtype)
    mat = solver.ones(dtype=dtype) + 9*sp.eye(solver.N, format='csr', dtype=dtype)
    obs = solver.solve(mat, b)
    exp = spla.spsolve(mat, b)
    assert np.allclose(exp, obs)
项目:transmutagen    作者:ergs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_solve_range_range(dtype):
    b = np.arange(solver.N, dtype=dtype)
    mat = solver.ones(dtype=dtype) + sp.diags([b], offsets=[0], shape=(solver.N, solver.N),
                                              format='csr', dtype=dtype)
    obs = solver.solve(mat, b)
    exp = spla.spsolve(mat, b)
    assert np.allclose(exp, obs)
项目:KaFKA    作者:jgomezdans    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def propagate_information_filter_SLOW(x_analysis, P_analysis, P_analysis_inverse,
                                 M_matrix, Q_matrix):
    """Information filter state propagation using the INVERSER state covariance
    matrix and a linear state transition model. This function returns `None`
    for the forecast covariance matrix (as this takes forever). This method is
    based on the approximation to the inverse of the KF covariance matrix.

    x_analysis : array
        The analysis state vector. This comes either from the assimilation or
        directly from a previoulsy propagated state.
    P_analysis : 2D sparse array
        The analysis covariance matrix (typically will be a sparse matrix).
        As this is an information filter update, you will typically pass `None` 
        to it, as it is unused.
    P_analysis_inverse : 2D sparse array
        The INVERSE analysis covariance matrix (typically a sparse matrix).
    M_matrix : 2D array
        The linear state propagation model. 
    Q_matrix: 2D array (sparse)
        The state uncertainty inflation matrix that is added to the covariance

    x_forecast (forecast state vector), `None` and P_forecast_inverse (forecast 
    inverse covariance matrix)""""Starting the propagation...")
    x_forecast =
    n, n = P_analysis_inverse.shape
    A = (sp.eye(n) + S).tocsc()
    P_forecast_inverse = spl.spsolve(A, P_analysis_inverse)"DOne with propagation")

    return x_forecast, None, P_forecast_inverse
项目:NewtonMultigrid    作者:amergl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_exact_is_fixpoint_of_vcycle(self):
        k = 6
        xvalues = np.array([(i+1) * self.prob.dx for i in range(self.prob.ndofs)])
        self.prob.rhs = (np.pi*k)**2 * np.sin(np.pi*k*xvalues)
        uex = spLA.spsolve(self.prob.A, self.prob.rhs)

        u = uex
        for i in range(10):
            u = self.mymg.do_v_cycle(u, self.prob.rhs, nu1=self.nu1, nu2=self.nu2, lstart=0)

        err = np.linalg.norm(u - uex, np.inf)

        assert err <= 1E-14, 'Exact solution is not a fixpoint of the V-cycle iteration!' + str(err)
项目:PyPSA    作者:PyPSA    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def newton_raphson_sparse(f, guess, dfdx, x_tol=1e-10, lim_iter=100):
    """Solve f(x) = 0 with initial guess for x and dfdx(x). dfdx(x) should
    return a sparse Jacobian.  Terminate if error on norm of f(x) is <
    x_tol or there were more than lim_iter iterations.


    converged = False
    n_iter = 0
    F = f(guess)
    diff = norm(F,np.Inf)

    logger.debug("Error at iteration %d: %f", n_iter, diff)

    while diff > x_tol and n_iter < lim_iter:

        n_iter +=1

        guess = guess - spsolve(dfdx(guess),F)

        F = f(guess)
        diff = norm(F,np.Inf)

        logger.debug("Error at iteration %d: %f", n_iter, diff)

    if diff > x_tol:
        logger.warn("Warning, we didn't reach the required tolerance within %d iterations, error is at %f. See the section \"Troubleshooting\" in the documentation for tips to fix this. ", n_iter, diff)
    elif not np.isnan(diff):
        converged = True

    return guess, n_iter, diff, converged
项目:PyPSA    作者:PyPSA    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def calculate_PTDF(sub_network,skip_pre=False):
    Calculate the Power Transfer Distribution Factor (PTDF) for

    Sets sub_network.PTDF as a (dense) numpy array.

    sub_network : pypsa.SubNetwork
    skip_pre: bool, default False
        Skip the preliminary steps of computing topology, calculating dependent values,
        finding bus controls and computing B and H.


    if not skip_pre:

    #calculate inverse of B with slack removed

    n_pvpq = len(sub_network.pvpqs)
    index = np.r_[:n_pvpq]

    I = csc_matrix((np.ones(n_pvpq), (index, index)))

    B_inverse = spsolve(sub_network.B[1:, 1:],I)

    #exception for two-node networks, where B_inverse is a 1d array
    if issparse(B_inverse):
        B_inverse = B_inverse.toarray()
    elif B_inverse.shape == (1,):
        B_inverse = B_inverse.reshape((1,1))

    #add back in zeroes for slack
    B_inverse = np.hstack((np.zeros((n_pvpq,1)),B_inverse))
    B_inverse = np.vstack((np.zeros(n_pvpq+1),B_inverse))

    sub_network.PTDF = sub_network.H*B_inverse
项目:ADER-WENO    作者:haranjackson    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def predictor(wh, dt):
    """ Returns the Galerkin predictor, given the WENO reconstruction at tn
    nx, ny, nz, = wh.shape[:3]
    wh = wh.reshape([nx, ny, nz, (N+1)**ndim, n])
    qh = zeros([nx, ny, nz, NT, n])

    for i, j, k in product(range(nx), range(ny), range(nz)):

        w = wh[i, j, k]
        Ww = dot(W, w)

        if hidalgo:
            q = hidalgo_initial_guess(w, dt*gaps)
            q = standard_initial_guess(w)

        if stiff:
            func = lambda X: X - spsolve(U, rhs(X, Ww, dt))
            qh[i, j, k] = newton_krylov(func, q, f_tol=TOL, method='bicgstab')

            for count in range(MAX_ITER):
                qNew = spsolve(U, rhs(q, Ww, dt))

                if isnan(qNew).any():
                    print("DG root finding failed")
                elif (absolute(q-qNew) > TOL * (1 + absolute(q))).any():    # Check convergence
                    q = qNew
                    qh[i, j, k] = qNew
                print("Maximum iterations reached")
    return qh
项目:PyPardisoProject    作者:haasad    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_basic_spsolve_vector():
    A, b = create_test_A_b_rand()
    xpp = spsolve(A,b)
    xscipy = scipyspsolve(A,b)
    np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(xpp, xscipy)
项目:PyPardisoProject    作者:haasad    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_basic_spsolve_matrix():
    A, b = create_test_A_b_rand(matrix=True)
    xpp = spsolve(A,b)
    xscipy = scipyspsolve(A,b)
    np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(xpp, xscipy)
项目:discreteMarkovChain    作者:gvanderheide    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def linearMethod(self): 
        Determines ``pi`` by solving a system of linear equations using :func:`spsolve`. 
        The method has no parameters since it is an exact method. The result is stored in the class attribute ``pi``.   

        >>> P = np.array([[0.5,0.5],[0.6,0.4]])
        >>> mc = markovChain(P)
        >>> mc.linearMethod()
        >>> print(mc.pi) 
        [ 0.54545455  0.45454545]

        For large state spaces, the linear algebra solver may not work well due to memory overflow.
        Code due to
        P       = self.getIrreducibleTransitionMatrix()        

        #if P consists of one element, then set self.pi = 1.0
        if P.shape == (1, 1):
            self.pi = np.array([1.0]) 

        size    = P.shape[0]
        dP      = P - eye(size)
        #Replace the first equation by the normalizing condition.
        A       = vstack([np.ones(size), dP.T[1:,:]]).tocsr()  
        rhs     = np.zeros((size,))
        rhs[0]  = 1   

        self.pi = spsolve(A, rhs)
项目:OpenMDAO    作者:OpenMDAO    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, training_points, training_values, num_leaves=2, n=5, comp=2):
        Initialize all attributes.

        training_points : ndarray

        training_values : ndarray

        num_leaves : int

        n : int

        comp : int
        super(RBFInterpolator, self).__init__(training_points, training_values, num_leaves)

        if self._ntpts < n:
            raise ValueError('RBFInterpolator only given {0} training points, but requested n={1}.'
                             .format(self._ntpts, n))

        # Comp is an arbitrary value that picks a function to use
        self.comp = comp

        # For weights, first find the training points radial neighbors
        tdist, tloc = self._KData.query(self._tp, n)
        Tt = tdist[:, :-1] / tdist[:, -1:]
        # Next determine weight matrix
        Rt = self._find_R(self._ntpts, Tt, tloc)
        weights = (spsolve(csc_matrix(Rt), self._tv))[..., np.newaxis]

        self.N = n
        self.weights = weights
项目:meshless    作者:compmech    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def solve(a, b, silent=False, **kwargs):
    """Wrapper for spsolve removing null columns

    The null columns of matrix ``a`` is removed such and the linear system of
    equations is solved. The corresponding values of the solution ``x`` where
    the columns are null will also be null values.

    a : ndarray or sparse matrix
        A square matrix that will be converted to CSR form in the solution.
    b : scipy sparse matrix
        The matrix or vector representing the right hand side of the equation.
    silent : bool, optional
        A boolean to tell whether the msg messages should be printed.
    kwargs : keyword arguments, optional
        Other arguments directly passed to :func:`spsolve`.

    x : ndarray or sparse matrix
        The solution of the sparse linear equation.
        If ``b`` is a vector, then ``x`` is a vector of size ``a.shape[1]``.
        If ``b`` is a sparse matrix, then ``x`` is a matrix of size
        ``(a.shape[1], b.shape[1])``.

    a, used_cols = remove_null_cols(a, silent=silent)
    px = spsolve(a, b[used_cols], **kwargs)
    x = np.zeros(b.shape[0], dtype=b.dtype)
    x[used_cols] = px

    return x
项目:edm2016    作者:Knewton    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, x, gradient, hessian, support=None):
        :param np.ndarray x: current estimate of the parameter
        :param np.ndarray gradient: parameter gradient.
        :param np.ndarray hessian: parameter Hessian.
        :param tuple(float) support: the bounds of the variable being updated, used to truncate
            the updated value
        :return: the new estimate after moving in the direction of the Newton step.
        :rtype: np.ndarray
        if hessian is None:
            raise ValueError('Hessian required for second order methods')
            if np.isscalar(hessian):
                step_vec = -gradient / hessian
            elif isinstance(hessian, np.ndarray):
                # dense matrix
                if hessian.size == gradient.size:
                    # assume Hessian diagonal is stored
                    step_vec = -gradient / np.asarray(hessian)
                    step_vec = -np.linalg.solve(hessian, gradient.ravel(order=self.ravel_order))
                # sparse matrix
                if hessian.shape[0] == 1:
                    # sp.linalg.spsolve cannot handle 1D matrices
                    step_vec = -gradient / hessian.toarray()
                    step_vec = -spsolve(hessian, gradient.ravel(order=self.ravel_order))
            self.step = step_vec.reshape(x.shape, order=self.ravel_order)
            value = x + self.step_size * self.step
            if np.any(~np.isfinite(value)):
                raise RuntimeError("Newly computed values are not all finite!")
            if support is not None:
                np.clip(value, support[0], support[1], out=value)
            return value
项目:jsonrpc-calculator    作者:1stop-st    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def calculate(model):
    boundaries = model['boundaries']
    nodes = model['nodes']
    unfixed = unfixed_coos(keys(nodes), values(boundaries))
    coo_indexes = index_dict(unfixed)
    section_keys = 'Ax', 'Iz', 'Iy', 'Ay', 'Az', 'theta', 'J'
    sections = calculated_sections(items(model['sections']), section_keys)
    material_keys = 'E', 'G'
    materials = calculated_materials(items(model['materials']), material_keys)
    a = dok_matrix((len(coo_indexes),) * 2)
    for ln in values(model['lines']):
        v = line_vector(*line_nodes(ln, nodes))
        p = dict(sections[ln['section']], **materials[ln['material']])
        for k, (n1, n2) in zip(line.stiffness_global(*v, **p), stiffness_node_ids(ln)):
            for i, row in get_indexes(n1, coo_indexes):
                for j, col in get_indexes(n2, coo_indexes):
                    a[row, col] += k[i][j]
    b = zeros(len(coo_indexes))
    for ld in values(model['nodeloads']):
        for i, row in get_indexes(ld['node'], coo_indexes):
            if ld[coos[i]]:
                b[row] += ld[coos[i]]
    dis_array = spsolve(a, b)
    dis = {}
    for (node_id, coo), i in coo_indexes.items():
        if node_id in dis:
            dis[node_id][coo] = dis_array[i]
            dis[node_id] = {coo: dis_array[i]}
    return {
        'displacements': dis
项目:shenfun    作者:spectralDNS    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def solve(self, b, u=None, axis=0):
        """Solve matrix system Au = b

        where A is the current matrix (self)

            b    (input/output)    Vector of right hand side on entry.
                                   Solution on exit unless u is provided.
            u    (output)          Optional output vector

        Vectors may be one- or multidimensional.

        assert self.shape[0] == self.shape[1]
        assert self.shape[0] == b.shape[axis]

        if u is None:
            u = b
            assert u.shape == b.shape

        # Roll relevant axis to first
        if axis > 0:
            u = np.moveaxis(u, axis, 0)
            if not u is b:
                b = np.moveaxis(b, axis, 0)

        if b.ndim == 1:
            u[:] = spsolve(self.diags(), b)
            N = b.shape[0]
            P =[1:])
            u[:] = spsolve(self.diags(), b.reshape((N, P))).reshape(u.shape)

        if axis > 0:
            u = np.moveaxis(u, 0, axis)
            if not u is b:
                b = np.moveaxis(b, 0, axis)
        return u
项目:uncover-ml    作者:GeoscienceAustralia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def main():
    """Main demo."""

    # Load survey data
    llh, data = get_flightlines()
    # llh in n*3 lon-lat-hei format
    # data in n*3 k th u format

    # Crop to ROI
    ROI = (120.4, 120.5, -27.4, -27.3)
    keep = ((llh[:, 0] > ROI[0]) *
            (llh[:, 0] < ROI[1]) *
            (llh[:, 1] > ROI[2]) *
            (llh[:, 1] < ROI[3]))
    llh = llh[keep]
    data = data[keep]

    # Change reference frame to local North/East/Up in metres
    frame = LocalFrame(ROI)
    sensor_xyz = frame.to_xyz(llh)
    sensor_range = 1000  # metres
    sensor_scale = 1e2  # sensor parameter. Unknown?
    sensor_tol = 1e-12  # Sensor noise level pre-scaling
    noise_var = sensor_scale**2 * 1e-9  # known or learn?

    res = 20  # Output Grid resolution
    ground = make_ground(sensor_xyz, pad=2*sensor_range, res=res, frame=frame)
    n_grid =[:2])
    n_sensor = sensor_xyz.shape[0]
    sensor_gain = sensor_scale * res ** 2
    S = sensor_gain * sensitivity_matrix(ground, sensor_xyz, sensor_range,

    # Investigate the sensor itself - we assume a white noise spatial prior
    # for now...
    G = sparse.eye(n_grid)  # Ground sparsity?
    K = + noise_var * sparse.eye(n_sensor)

    y = data[:, 2]  # uranium column
    mu =, y)).reshape(ground.shape[:2])

    # Display the prediction
    # its not quite 2d but we can approximately show as a flat image
    gx = np.mean(ground[:, :, 0], axis=1)
    gy = np.mean(ground[:, :, 1], axis=0)
    pl.imshow(mu.T, interpolation='none',
              extent=(gx[0], gx[-1], gy[0], gy[-1]))

    # Display the points used in the calculation
    fig = pl.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
    ax.plot(ground[::2, ::2, 0].ravel(), ground[::2, ::2, 1].ravel(),
            'b.', zs=ground[::2, ::2, 2].ravel())
    ax.plot(sensor_xyz[:, 0], sensor_xyz[:, 1], 'k.', zs=sensor_xyz[:, 2])
    ax.set_zlim((-200, 250))
    ax.set_xlabel('Eastings (m)')
    ax.set_ylabel('Northings (m)')
项目:NewtonMultigrid    作者:amergl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def do_v_cycle(self, v0, rhs, nu1, nu2, lstart):
        """Straightforward implementation of a V-cycle

        This can also be used inside an FMG-cycle!

            v0 (numpy.array): initial values on finest level
            rhs (numpy.array): right-hand side on finest level
            nu1 (int): number of downward smoothing steps
            nu2 (int): number of upward smoothing steps
            lstart (int): starting level

            numpy.array: solution vector on finest level

        assert self.nlevels >= lstart >= 0
        assert v0.size == self.vh[lstart].size

        # set intial conditions (note: resetting vectors here is important!)
        self.vh[lstart] = v0
        self.fh[lstart] = rhs

        # downward cycle
        for l in range(lstart, self.nlevels-1):
            # print('V-down: %i -> %i' %(l,l+1))
            # pre-smoothing
            for i in range(nu1):
                self.vh[l] = self.smoo[l].smooth(self.fh[l], self.vh[l])

            # restrict
            self.fh[l+1] = self.trans[l].restrict(self.fh[l] - self.smoo[l][l]))

        # solve on coarsest level
        self.vh[-1] = sLA.spsolve(self.Acoarse, self.fh[-1])

        # upward cycle
        for l in reversed(range(lstart, self.nlevels-1)):
            # print('V-up: %i -> %i' %(l+1,l))
            # correct
            self.vh[l] += self.trans[l].prolong(self.vh[l+1])

            # post-smoothing
            for i in range(nu2):
                self.vh[l] = self.smoo[l].smooth(self.fh[l], self.vh[l])

        return self.vh[lstart]
项目:NewtonMultigrid    作者:amergl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def do_v_cycle_recursive(self, v0, rhs, nu1, nu2, level):
        """Recursive implementation of a V-cycle

        This can also be used inside an FMG-cycle!

            v0 (numpy.array): initial values on finest level
            rhs (numpy.array): right-hand side on finest level
            nu1 (int): number of downward smoothing steps
            nu2 (int): number of upward smoothing steps
            level (int): current level

            numpy.array: solution vector on current level

        assert self.nlevels > level >= 0
        assert v0.size == self.vh[level].size

        # set intial conditions
        self.vh[level] = v0
        self.fh[level] = rhs

        # downward cycle
        if level < self.nlevels-1:

            # pre-smoothing
            for i in range(nu1):
                self.vh[level] = self.smoo[level].smooth(self.fh[level], self.vh[level])

            # restrict
            self.fh[level+1] = self.trans[level].restrict(self.fh[level] -
            # recursive call to v-cycle
            self.vh[level+1] = self.do_v_cycle_recursive(np.zeros(self.vh[level+1].size),
                                                         self.fh[level+1], nu1, nu2, level+1)
            # on coarsest level

            # solve on coarsest level
            self.vh[level] = sLA.spsolve(self.Acoarse, self.fh[level])

            return self.vh[level]

        # correct
        self.vh[level] += self.trans[level].prolong(self.vh[level+1])

        # post-smoothing
        for i in range(nu2):
            self.vh[level] = self.smoo[level].smooth(self.fh[level], self.vh[level])

        return self.vh[level]
项目:mrflow    作者:jswulff    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def solve(A, b, method, tol=1e-3):
    """ General sparse solver interface.

    method can be one of
    - spsolve_umfpack_mmd_ata
    - spsolve_umfpack_colamd
    - spsolve_superlu_mmd_ata
    - spsolve_superlu_colamd
    - bicg
    - bicgstab
    - cg
    - cgs
    - gmres
    - lgmres
    - minres
    - qmr
    - lsqr
    - lsmr

    if method == 'spsolve_umfpack_mmd_ata':
        return spla.spsolve(A,b,use_umfpack=True, permc_spec='MMD_ATA')
    elif method == 'spsolve_umfpack_colamd':
        return spla.spsolve(A,b,use_umfpack=True, permc_spec='COLAMD')
    elif method == 'spsolve_superlu_mmd_ata':
        return spla.spsolve(A,b,use_umfpack=False, permc_spec='MMD_ATA')
    elif method == 'spsolve_superlu_colamd':
        return spla.spsolve(A,b,use_umfpack=False, permc_spec='COLAMD')
    elif method == 'bicg':
        res = spla.bicg(A,b,tol=tol)
        return res[0]
    elif method == 'bicgstab':
        res = spla.bicgstab(A,b,tol=tol)
        return res[0]
    elif method == 'cg':
        res =,b,tol=tol)
        return res[0]
    elif method == 'cgs':
        res = spla.cgs(A,b,tol=tol)
        return res[0]
    elif method == 'gmres':
        res = spla.gmres(A,b,tol=tol)
        return res[0]
    elif method == 'lgmres':
        res = spla.lgmres(A,b,tol=tol)
        return res[0]
    elif method == 'minres':
        res = spla.minres(A,b,tol=tol)
        return res[0]
    elif method == 'qmr':
        res = spla.qmr(A,b,tol=tol)
        return res[0]
    elif method == 'lsqr':
        res = spla.lsqr(A,b,atol=tol,btol=tol)
        return res[0]
    elif method == 'lsmr':
        res = spla.lsmr(A,b,atol=tol,btol=tol)
        return res[0]
        raise Exception('UnknownSolverType')
项目:CVPR2015-Unconstrained-3D-Face-Reconstruction    作者:NJUPole    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def itera(template):
    #L = calL(template)
    vertex = np.array(template.v)  
    X = vertex.reshape((3*vCount,1))#3p vector
    #X = X0
    landmark3D = vertex[landmarkIndex]
    imgList = os.listdir(imgSetDir)
    Pset = []
    Wset = []
    pMatrix = []
    for im in imgList:
        imgPath = os.path.join(imgSetDir, im)
        landmark2D = landmarkFromFacepp(imgPath)[19:]
        #landmark2D = landmarkFromFacepp(imgPath)
        P = calP(landmark2D, landmark3D)
        W = np.zeros((2*vCount,1))
        Pplus = np.zeros((2*vCount, 3*vCount))
        count = 0
        for index in landmarkIndex:
            Pplus[2*index:2*index+2, 3*index:3*index+3] = P[0:2,0:3]
            W[2*index] = landmark2D[count, 0] - P[0, 3]
            W[2*index+1] = landmark2D[count, 1] - P[1, 3]
            #W[2*index] = landmark2D[count, 0]
            #W[2*index+1] = landmark2D[count, 1]
            count = count + 1
        Pplus = csr_matrix(Pplus)
        W = csr_matrix(W)

    sumL =
    sumR =
    costVal2 = 0
    for i in range(len(Pset)):
        #sumL = sumL +[i].T).dot(Pset[i]).dot(D)
        tempL = Pset[i].dot(D)
        costVal2 = costVal2 + np.linalg.norm( - Wset[i])
        sumL = sumL + lamda *
        sumR = sumR + lamda * (Pset[i].T).dot(Wset[i])
    newV = spsolve(sumL, sumR)
    template.v = newV.reshape((len(newV)/3, 3))
    return template, pMatrix, Wset, Pset

#def main():
项目:finite-element-course    作者:finite-element    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def solve_helmholtz(degree, resolution, analytic=False, return_error=False):
    """Solve a model Helmholtz problem on a unit square mesh with
    ``resolution`` elements in each direction, using equispaced
    Lagrange elements of degree ``degree``."""

    # Set up the mesh, finite element and function space required.
    mesh = UnitSquareMesh(resolution, resolution)
    fe = LagrangeElement(mesh.cell, degree)
    fs = FunctionSpace(mesh, fe)

    # Create a function to hold the analytic solution for comparison purposes.
    analytic_answer = Function(fs)
    analytic_answer.interpolate(lambda x: cos(4*pi*x[0])*x[1]**2*(1.-x[1])**2)

    # If the analytic answer has been requested then bail out now.
    if analytic:
        return analytic_answer, 0.0

    # Create the right hand side function and populate it with the
    # correct values.
    f = Function(fs)
    f.interpolate(lambda x: ((16*pi**2 + 1)*(x[1] - 1)**2*x[1]**2 - 12*x[1]**2 + 12*x[1] - 2) *

    # Assemble the finite element system.
    A, l = assemble(fs, f)

    # Create the function to hold the solution.
    u = Function(fs)

    # Cast the matrix to a sparse format and use a sparse solver for
    # the linear system. This is vastly faster than the dense
    # alternative.
    A = sp.csr_matrix(A)
    u.values[:] = splinalg.spsolve(A, l)

    # Compute the L^2 error in the solution for testing purposes.
    error = errornorm(analytic_answer, u)

    if return_error:
        u.values -= analytic_answer.values

    # Return the solution and the error in the solution.
    return u, error
项目:finite-element-course    作者:finite-element    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def solve_poisson(degree, resolution, analytic=False, return_error=False):
    """Solve a model Poisson problem on a unit square mesh with
    ``resolution`` elements in each direction, using equispaced
    Lagrange elements of degree ``degree``."""

    # Set up the mesh, finite element and function space required.
    mesh = UnitSquareMesh(resolution, resolution)
    fe = LagrangeElement(mesh.cell, degree)
    fs = FunctionSpace(mesh, fe)

    # Create a function to hold the analytic solution for comparison purposes.
    analytic_answer = Function(fs)
    analytic_answer.interpolate(lambda x: sin(4*pi*x[0])*x[1]**2*(1.-x[1])**2)

    # If the analytic answer has been requested then bail out now.
    if analytic:
        return analytic_answer, 0.0

    # Create the right hand side function and populate it with the
    # correct values.
    f = Function(fs)
    f.interpolate(lambda x: (16*pi**2*(x[1] - 1)**2*x[1]**2 - 2*(x[1] - 1)**2 -
                             8*(x[1] - 1)*x[1] - 2*x[1]**2) * sin(4*pi*x[0]))

    # Assemble the finite element system.
    A, l = assemble(fs, f)

    # Create the function to hold the solution.
    u = Function(fs)

    # Cast the matrix to a sparse format and use a sparse solver for
    # the linear system. This is vastly faster than the dense
    # alternative.
    A = sp.csr_matrix(A)
    u.values[:] = splinalg.spsolve(A, l)

    # Compute the L^2 error in the solution for testing purposes.
    error = errornorm(analytic_answer, u)

    if return_error:
        u.values -= analytic_answer.values

    # Return the solution and the error in the solution.
    return u, error
项目:opendeplete    作者:mit-crpg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def CRAM16(A, n0, dt):
    """ Chebyshev Rational Approximation Method, order 16

    Algorithm is the 16th order Chebyshev Rational Approximation Method,
    implemented in the more stable incomplete partial fraction (IPF) form

    .. [cram16]
        Pusa, Maria. "Higher-Order Chebyshev Rational Approximation Method and
        Application to Burnup Equations." Nuclear Science and Engineering 182.3

    A : scipy.linalg.csr_matrix
        Matrix to take exponent of.
    n0 : numpy.array
        Vector to operate a matrix exponent on.
    dt : float
        Time to integrate to.

        Results of the matrix exponent.

    alpha = np.array([+2.124853710495224e-16,
                      +5.464930576870210e+3 - 3.797983575308356e+4j,
                      +9.045112476907548e+1 - 1.115537522430261e+3j,
                      +2.344818070467641e+2 - 4.228020157070496e+2j,
                      +9.453304067358312e+1 - 2.951294291446048e+2j,
                      +7.283792954673409e+2 - 1.205646080220011e+5j,
                      +3.648229059594851e+1 - 1.155509621409682e+2j,
                      +2.547321630156819e+1 - 2.639500283021502e+1j,
                      +2.394538338734709e+1 - 5.650522971778156e+0j],
    theta = np.array([+0.0,
                      +3.509103608414918 + 8.436198985884374j,
                      +5.948152268951177 + 3.587457362018322j,
                      -5.264971343442647 + 16.22022147316793j,
                      +1.419375897185666 + 10.92536348449672j,
                      +6.416177699099435 + 1.194122393370139j,
                      +4.993174737717997 + 5.996881713603942j,
                      -1.413928462488886 + 13.49772569889275j,
                      -10.84391707869699 + 19.27744616718165j],

    n = A.shape[0]

    alpha0 = 2.124853710495224e-16

    k = 8

    y = np.array(n0, dtype=np.float64)
    for l in range(1, k+1):
        y = 2.0*np.real(alpha[l]*sla.spsolve(A*dt - theta[l]*sp.eye(n), y)) + y

    y *= alpha0
    return y