def solve(self, x, w): # Check that w is a vector or a nx1 matrix if w.ndim == 2: assert(w.shape[1] == 1) elif w.dim == 1: w = w.reshape(w.shape[0], 1) A_smooth = (self.Dm - self.Dn.dot(self.grid.blur(self.Dn))) w_splat = self.grid.splat(w) A_data = diags(w_splat[:,0], 0) A = self.params["lam"] * A_smooth + A_data xw = x * w b = self.grid.splat(xw) # Use simple Jacobi preconditioner A_diag = np.maximum(A.diagonal(), self.params["A_diag_min"]) M = diags(1 / A_diag, 0) # Flat initialization y0 = self.grid.splat(xw) / w_splat yhat = np.empty_like(y0) for d in xrange(x.shape[-1]): yhat[..., d], info = cg(A, b[..., d], x0=y0[..., d], M=M, maxiter=self.params["cg_maxiter"], tol=self.params["cg_tol"]) xhat = self.grid.slice(yhat) return xhat
def ordinaryWalk(self): tick = time.time() alpha = self.param['alpha'] n = self.graph.shape[0] c = self.Y.shape[1] nf = self.param['normalize_factor'] #self.graph = self.graph + 3000 * sparse.eye(n,n) Di = sparse.diags([np.sqrt(1 / (self.graph.sum(axis=0) + nf * np.ones(n))).getA1()], [0]) S = Di.dot(self.graph.dot(Di)) S_iter = (sparse.eye(n) - alpha * S).tocsc() F = np.zeros((n,c)) for i in range(c): F[:, i], info = slin.cg(S_iter, self.Y[:, i], tol=1e-12) toc = time.time() #print np.where(F > 0) self.ElapsedTime = toc - tick self.PredictedProbs = F
def variantWalk(self): tick = time.time() alpha = self.param['alpha'] n = self.graph.shape[0] c = self.Y.shape[1] nf = self.param['normalize_factor'] data = (self.graph.sum(axis=0) + nf * np.ones(n)).ravel() Di = sparse.spdiags(data,0,n,n).tocsc() S_iter = (Di - alpha * self.graph).tocsc() F = np.zeros((n, c)) for i in range(c): F[:, i], info = slin.cg(S_iter, self.Y[:, i], tol=1e-10) toc = time.time() self.ElapsedTime = toc - tick self.PredictedProbs = F
def ngstep(x0, obj0, objgrad0, obj_and_kl_func, hvpx0_func, max_kl, damping, max_cg_iter, enable_bt): ''' Natural gradient step using hessian-vector products Args: x0: current point obj0: objective value at x0 objgrad0: grad of objective value at x0 obj_and_kl_func: function mapping a point x to the objective and kl values hvpx0_func: function mapping a vector v to the KL Hessian-vector product H(x0)v max_kl: max kl divergence limit. Triggers a line search. damping: multiple of I to mix with Hessians for Hessian-vector products max_cg_iter: max conjugate gradient iterations for solving for natural gradient step ''' assert x0.ndim == 1 and x0.shape == objgrad0.shape # Solve for step direction damped_hvp_func = lambda v: hvpx0_func(v) + damping * v hvpop = ssl.LinearOperator(shape=(x0.shape[0], x0.shape[0]), matvec=damped_hvp_func) step, _ = ssl.cg(hvpop, -objgrad0, maxiter=max_cg_iter) fullstep = step / np.sqrt(.5 * step.dot(damped_hvp_func(step)) / max_kl + 1e-8) # Line search on objective with a hard KL wall if not enable_bt: return x0 + fullstep, 0 def barrierobj(p): obj, kl = obj_and_kl_func(p) return np.inf if kl > 2 * max_kl else obj xnew, num_bt_steps = btlinesearch(f=barrierobj, x0=x0, fx0=obj0, g=objgrad0, dx=fullstep, accept_ratio=.1, shrink_factor=.5, max_steps=10) return xnew, num_bt_steps
def fit(self, Xt, yt): self.Xt = Xt x0 = np.zeros(Xt.shape[0]) # returns an approximate solution of the inner optimization K = pairwise_kernels(Xt, gamma=np.exp(self.alpha0[0]), metric='rbf') (out, success) = splinalg.cg( K + np.exp(self.alpha0[1]) * np.eye(x0.size), yt, x0=x0) if success is False: raise ValueError self.dual_coef_ = out
def ngstep(x0, obj0, objgrad0, obj_and_kl_func, hvpx0_func, max_kl, damping, max_cg_iter, enable_bt): ''' Natural gradient step using hessian-vector products Args: x0: current point obj0: objective value at x0 objgrad0: grad of objective value at x0 obj_and_kl_func: function mapping a point x to the objective and kl values hvpx0_func: function mapping a vector v to the KL Hessian-vector product H(x0)v max_kl: max kl divergence limit. Triggers a line search. damping: multiple of I to mix with Hessians for Hessian-vector products max_cg_iter: max conjugate gradient iterations for solving for natural gradient step ''' assert x0.ndim == 1 and x0.shape == objgrad0.shape # Solve for step direction damped_hvp_func = lambda v: hvpx0_func(v) + damping*v hvpop = ssl.LinearOperator(shape=(x0.shape[0], x0.shape[0]), matvec=damped_hvp_func) step, _ = ssl.cg(hvpop, -objgrad0, maxiter=max_cg_iter) fullstep = step / np.sqrt(.5 * step.dot(damped_hvp_func(step)) / max_kl + 1e-8) # Line search on objective with a hard KL wall if not enable_bt: return x0+fullstep, 0 def barrierobj(p): obj, kl = obj_and_kl_func(p) return np.inf if kl > 2*max_kl else obj xnew, num_bt_steps = btlinesearch( f=barrierobj, x0=x0, fx0=obj0, g=objgrad0, dx=fullstep, accept_ratio=.1, shrink_factor=.5, max_steps=10) return xnew, num_bt_steps
def solvemdbi_cg(ah, rho, b, axisM, axisK, tol=1e-5, mit=1000, isn=None): r""" Solve a multiple diagonal block linear system with a scaled identity term using Conjugate Gradient (CG) via :func:`scipy.sparse.linalg.cg`. The solution is obtained by independently solving a set of linear systems of the form (see :cite:`wohlberg-2016-efficient`) .. math:: (\rho I + \mathbf{a}_0 \mathbf{a}_0^H + \mathbf{a}_1 \mathbf{a}_1^H + \; \ldots \; + \mathbf{a}_{K-1} \mathbf{a}_{K-1}^H) \; \mathbf{x} = \mathbf{b} where each :math:`\mathbf{a}_k` is an :math:`M`-vector. The inner products and matrix products in this equation are taken along the M and K axes of the corresponding multi-dimensional arrays; the solutions are independent over the other axes. Parameters ---------- ah : array_like Linear system component :math:`\mathbf{a}^H` rho : float Parameter rho b : array_like Linear system component :math:`\mathbf{b}` axisM : int Axis in input corresponding to index m in linear system axisK : int Axis in input corresponding to index k in linear system tol : float CG tolerance mit : int CG maximum iterations isn : array_like CG initial solution Returns ------- x : ndarray Linear system solution :math:`\mathbf{x}` cgit : int Number of CG iterations """ a = np.conj(ah) if isn is not None: isn = isn.ravel() Aop = lambda x: inner(ah, x, axis=axisM) AHop = lambda x: inner(a, x, axis=axisK) AHAop = lambda x: AHop(Aop(x)) vAHAoprI = lambda x: AHAop(x.reshape(b.shape)).ravel() + rho*x.ravel() lop = LinearOperator((b.size, b.size), matvec=vAHAoprI, dtype=b.dtype) vx, cgit = cg(lop, b.ravel(), isn, tol, mit) return vx.reshape(b.shape), cgit
def solve(A, b, method, tol=1e-3): """ General sparse solver interface. method can be one of - spsolve_umfpack_mmd_ata - spsolve_umfpack_colamd - spsolve_superlu_mmd_ata - spsolve_superlu_colamd - bicg - bicgstab - cg - cgs - gmres - lgmres - minres - qmr - lsqr - lsmr """ if method == 'spsolve_umfpack_mmd_ata': return spla.spsolve(A,b,use_umfpack=True, permc_spec='MMD_ATA') elif method == 'spsolve_umfpack_colamd': return spla.spsolve(A,b,use_umfpack=True, permc_spec='COLAMD') elif method == 'spsolve_superlu_mmd_ata': return spla.spsolve(A,b,use_umfpack=False, permc_spec='MMD_ATA') elif method == 'spsolve_superlu_colamd': return spla.spsolve(A,b,use_umfpack=False, permc_spec='COLAMD') elif method == 'bicg': res = spla.bicg(A,b,tol=tol) return res[0] elif method == 'bicgstab': res = spla.bicgstab(A,b,tol=tol) return res[0] elif method == 'cg': res = spla.cg(A,b,tol=tol) return res[0] elif method == 'cgs': res = spla.cgs(A,b,tol=tol) return res[0] elif method == 'gmres': res = spla.gmres(A,b,tol=tol) return res[0] elif method == 'lgmres': res = spla.lgmres(A,b,tol=tol) return res[0] elif method == 'minres': res = spla.minres(A,b,tol=tol) return res[0] elif method == 'qmr': res = spla.qmr(A,b,tol=tol) return res[0] elif method == 'lsqr': res = spla.lsqr(A,b,atol=tol,btol=tol) return res[0] elif method == 'lsmr': res = spla.lsmr(A,b,atol=tol,btol=tol) return res[0] else: raise Exception('UnknownSolverType')
def update_W(m_opts, m_vars): # print "Updating W" if not m_opts['use_grad']: sigma = m_vars['X_batch_T'].dot(m_vars['X_batch']) + m_opts['lam_w']*ssp.eye(m_vars['n_features'], format="csr") m_vars['sigma_W'] = (1-m_vars['gamma'])*m_vars['sigma_W'] + m_vars['gamma']*sigma x = m_vars['X_batch'].T.dot(m_vars['U_batch']) m_vars['x_W'] = (1-m_vars['gamma'])*m_vars['x_W'] + m_vars['gamma']*x if m_opts['use_cg'] != True: # For the Ridge regression on W matrix with the closed form solutions if ssp.issparse(m_vars['sigma_W']): m_vars['sigma_W'] = m_vars['sigma_W'].todense() sigma = linalg.inv(m_vars['sigma_W']) # O(N^3) time for N x N matrix inversion m_vars['W'] = np.asarray(sigma.dot(m_vars['x_W'])).T else: # For the CG on the ridge loss to calculate W matrix if not m_opts['use_grad']: # assert m_vars['X_batch'].shape[0] == m_vars['U_batch'].shape[0] X = m_vars['sigma_W'] for i in range(m_opts['n_components']): y = m_vars['x_W'][:, i] w,info = sp_linalg.cg(X, y, x0=m_vars['W'][i,:], maxiter=m_opts['cg_iters']) if info < 0: print "WARNING: sp_linalg.cg info: illegal input or breakdown" m_vars['W'][i, :] = w.T else: ''' Solving X*W' = U ''' # print "Using grad!" my_invert = lambda x: x if x<1 else 1.0/x l2_norm = lambda x: np.sqrt((x**2).sum()) def clip_by_norm(x, clip_max): x_norm = l2_norm(x) if x_norm > clip_max: # print "Clipped!",clip_max x = clip_max*(x/x_norm) return x lr = m_opts['grad_alpha']*(1.0 + np.arange(m_opts['cg_iters']*10))**(-0.9) #(-0.75) try: W_old = m_vars['W'].copy() tail_norm, curr_norm = 1.0,1.0 for iter_idx in range(m_opts['cg_iters']*10): grad = m_vars['X_batch_T'].dot(m_vars['X_batch'].dot(m_vars['W'].T) - m_vars['U_batch']) grad = lr[iter_idx]*(grad.T + m_opts['lam_w']*m_vars['W']) tail_norm = 0.5*curr_norm + (1-0.5)*tail_norm curr_norm = l2_norm(grad) if curr_norm < 1e-15: return elif iter_idx > 10 and my_invert(np.abs(tail_norm/curr_norm)) > 0.8: # print "Halved!" lr = lr/2.0 m_vars['W'] = m_vars['W'] - clip_by_norm(grad, 1e0) # Clip by norm Delta_W = l2_norm(m_vars['W']-W_old) except FloatingPointError: print "FloatingPointError in:" print grad assert False
def _solve_sparse_cg(X, y, alpha, max_iter=None, tol=1e-3, verbose=0): n_samples, n_features = X.shape X1 = sp_linalg.aslinearoperator(X) coefs = np.empty((y.shape[1], n_features)) if n_features > n_samples: def create_mv(curr_alpha): def _mv(x): return X1.matvec(X1.rmatvec(x)) + curr_alpha * x return _mv else: def create_mv(curr_alpha): def _mv(x): return X1.rmatvec(X1.matvec(x)) + curr_alpha * x return _mv for i in range(y.shape[1]): y_column = y[:, i] mv = create_mv(alpha[i]) if n_features > n_samples: # kernel ridge # w = X.T * inv(X X^t + alpha*Id) y C = sp_linalg.LinearOperator( (n_samples, n_samples), matvec=mv, dtype=X.dtype) coef, info = sp_linalg.cg(C, y_column, tol=tol) coefs[i] = X1.rmatvec(coef) else: # linear ridge # w = inv(X^t X + alpha*Id) * X.T y y_column = X1.rmatvec(y_column) C = sp_linalg.LinearOperator( (n_features, n_features), matvec=mv, dtype=X.dtype) coefs[i], info = sp_linalg.cg(C, y_column, maxiter=max_iter, tol=tol) if info < 0: raise ValueError("Failed with error code %d" % info) if max_iter is None and info > 0 and verbose: warnings.warn("sparse_cg did not converge after %d iterations." % info) return coefs