Python scipy.sparse.linalg 模块,splu() 实例源码


项目:bear    作者:theeluwin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def preprocess(self, filepath):
        """Remember: row-first ordered csv file only!"""
        self.node2index, H = read_matrix(filepath, d=-self.d, add_identity=True)
        n, _ = H.shape
        if self.t is None:
            self.t = np.power(n, -0.5)
        elif self.t == 0:
            self.exact = True
        self.pp("sorting H")
        self.perm = degree_reverse_rank_perm(H)
        H = reorder_matrix(H, self.perm).tocsc()
        self.pp("computing LU decomposition")
        if self.exact:
            self.LU = splu(H)
            self.LU = spilu(H, drop_tol=self.t)
项目:NewtonMultigrid    作者:amergl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def do_newton_lu_cycle(self,prob,max_outer=20,eps=1e-10):
        """Newton iteration using sparse lu decomposition"""
        #compatibility for linear problems
        F = prob.A
        if type(prob.A) is csc_matrix:
            F = lambda x:

        r=prob.rhs - F(v)
        while max_outer > 0 and np.linalg.norm(r,np.inf) > eps:
            Jv = specificJacobi(prob.ndofs,prob.gamma,v)
            max_outer -= 1
        return v, max_outer
项目:KaFKA    作者:jgomezdans    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def spsolve2(a, b):
    a_lu = spl.splu(a.tocsc())   # LU decomposition for sparse a
    out = sp.lil_matrix((a.shape[1], b.shape[1]), dtype=np.float32)
    b_csc = b.tocsc()
    for j in xrange(b.shape[1]):
        bb = np.array(b_csc[j, :].todense()).squeeze()
        out[j, j] = a_lu.solve(bb)[j]
    return out.tocsr()
项目:mle_rev    作者:trendelkampschroer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def myfactor(A):
    if issparse(A):
        return splu(A.tocsc())
        return lu_factor(A)
项目:bear    作者:theeluwin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def preprocess(self, filepath):
        """Remember: row-first ordered csv file only!"""
        self.node2index, H = read_matrix(filepath, d=-self.d, add_identity=True)
        self.n, _ = H.shape
        if self.t is None:
            self.t = np.power(self.n, -0.5)
        elif self.t == 0:
            self.exact = True
        if self.k is None:
            self.k = max(1, int(0.001 * self.n))
        self.pp("running slashburn")
        self.perm_H, wing = slashburn(H, self.k, self.greedy)
        self.body = self.n - wing
        self.pp("sorting H")
        H = reorder_matrix(H, self.perm_H)
        self.pp("partitioning H")
        H11, H12, H21, H22 = matrix_partition(H, self.body)
        del H
        H11 = H11.tocsc()
        self.pp("computing LU decomposition on H11")
        if self.exact:
            self.LU1 = splu(H11)
            self.LU1 = spilu(H11, drop_tol=self.t)
        del H11
        self.pp("computing LU1 solve")
        S = H22 - H21 @ self.LU1.solve(H12.toarray())
        S = coo_matrix(S)
        self.pp("sorting S")
        self.perm_S = degree_reverse_rank_perm(S)
        S = reorder_matrix(S, self.perm_S)
        self.H12 = reorder_matrix(H12, self.perm_S, fix_row=True)
        self.H21 = reorder_matrix(H21, self.perm_S, fix_col=True)
        S = S.tocsc()
        del H12, H21, H22
        self.pp("computing LU decomposition on S")
        if self.exact:
            self.LU2 = splu(S)
            self.LU2 = spilu(S, drop_tol=self.t)
        # issue: this approximation drops accuracy way too much! why?
        if not self.exact:
            H12 = drop_tolerance(self.H12, self.t)
            del self.H12
            self.H12 = H12
            H21 = drop_tolerance(self.H21, self.t)
            del self.H21
            self.H21 = H21
        del S
项目:bear    作者:theeluwin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, sess, n, filename, jump_prob=0.05, drop_tol=1e-8, verbose=False):
        Computes PPR using LU decomposition.

            sess (Session): tensorflow session.
            n (int): Number of nodes.
            filename (str): A csv file denoting the graph.
            jump_prob (float): Jumping probability of PPR.
            drop_tol (float): Drops entries with absolute value lower than this value when computing inverse of LU.
            verbose (bool): Prints step messages if True.
        self.alias = 'ludc'
        self.verbose = verbose
        self.sess = sess
        self.n = n
        self.c = jump_prob
        d = 1 - self.c
        t = drop_tol
        exact = False
        if t is None:
            t = np.power(n, -0.5)
        elif t == 0:
            exact = True
        self.node2index, H = read_matrix(filename, d=-d, add_identity=True)
        self.pp("sorting H")
        self.perm = degree_reverse_rank_perm(H)
        H = reorder_matrix(H, self.perm).tocsc()
        self.pp("computing LU decomposition")
        if exact:
            self.LU = splu(H)
            self.LU = spilu(H, drop_tol=t)
        Linv = inv(self.LU.L).tocoo()
        Uinv = inv(self.LU.U).tocoo()
        self.pp("tf init")
        with tf.variable_scope('ppr_lu_decomposition_tf'):
            t_Linv = tf.SparseTensorValue(list(zip(Linv.row, Linv.col)),, dense_shape=self.LU.L.shape)
            t_Uinv = tf.SparseTensorValue(list(zip(Uinv.row, Uinv.col)),, dense_shape=self.LU.U.shape)
            self.t_q = tf.placeholder(tf.float64, shape=[self.n, 1])
            self.t_r = _sdmm(t_Uinv, _sdmm(t_Linv, self.c * self.t_q))