Python scipy.sparse.linalg 模块,gmres() 实例源码


项目:discreteMarkovChain    作者:gvanderheide    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def krylovMethod(self,tol=1e-8): 
        We obtain ``pi`` by using the :func:``gmres`` solver for the system of linear equations. 
        It searches in Krylov subspace for a vector with minimal residual. The result is stored in the class attribute ``pi``.   

        >>> P = np.array([[0.5,0.5],[0.6,0.4]])
        >>> mc = markovChain(P)
        >>> mc.krylovMethod()
        >>> print(mc.pi) 
        [ 0.54545455  0.45454545]

        tol : float, optional(default=1e-8)
            Tolerance level for the precision of the end result. A lower tolerance leads to more accurate estimate of ``pi``.        

        For large state spaces, this method may not always give a solution. 
        Code due to
        P       = self.getIrreducibleTransitionMatrix()

        #if P consists of one element, then set self.pi = 1.0
        if P.shape == (1, 1):
            self.pi = np.array([1.0]) 

        size    = P.shape[0]
        dP      = P - eye(size)
        #Replace the first equation by the normalizing condition.
        A       = vstack([np.ones(size), dP.T[1:,:]]).tocsr()
        rhs     = np.zeros((size,))
        rhs[0]  = 1

        pi, info = gmres(A, rhs, tol=tol)
        if info != 0:
            raise RuntimeError("gmres did not converge")
        self.pi = pi
项目:OpenMDAO    作者:OpenMDAO    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _declare_options(self):
        Declare options before kwargs are processed in the init method.
        self.options.declare('solver', default='gmres', values=tuple(_SOLVER_TYPES.keys()),
                             desc='function handle for actual solver')

        self.options.declare('restart', default=20, types=int,
                             desc='Number of iterations between restarts. Larger values increase '
                                  'iteration cost, but may be necessary for convergence. This '
                                  'option applies only to gmres.')

        # changing the default maxiter from the base class
        self.options['maxiter'] = 1000
        self.options['atol'] = 1.0e-12
项目:Parallel-SGD    作者:angadgill    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, M, ifunc=gmres, tol=0):
        if tol <= 0:
            # when tol=0, ARPACK uses machine tolerance as calculated
            # by LAPACK's _LAMCH function.  We should match this
            tol = 2 * np.finfo(M.dtype).eps
        self.M = M
        self.ifunc = ifunc
        self.tol = tol
        if hasattr(M, 'dtype'):
            self.dtype = M.dtype
            x = np.zeros(M.shape[1])
            self.dtype = (M * x).dtype
        self.shape = M.shape
项目:Parallel-SGD    作者:angadgill    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, A, M, sigma, ifunc=gmres, tol=0):
        if tol <= 0:
            # when tol=0, ARPACK uses machine tolerance as calculated
            # by LAPACK's _LAMCH function.  We should match this
            tol = 2 * np.finfo(A.dtype).eps
        self.A = A
        self.M = M
        self.sigma = sigma
        self.ifunc = ifunc
        self.tol = tol

        def mult_func(x):
            return A.matvec(x) - sigma * M.matvec(x)

        def mult_func_M_None(x):
            return A.matvec(x) - sigma * x

        x = np.zeros(A.shape[1])
        if M is None:
            dtype = mult_func_M_None(x).dtype
            self.OP = LinearOperator(self.A.shape,
            dtype = mult_func(x).dtype
            self.OP = LinearOperator(self.A.shape,
        self.shape = A.shape
项目:mrflow    作者:jswulff    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def solve(A, b, method, tol=1e-3):
    """ General sparse solver interface.

    method can be one of
    - spsolve_umfpack_mmd_ata
    - spsolve_umfpack_colamd
    - spsolve_superlu_mmd_ata
    - spsolve_superlu_colamd
    - bicg
    - bicgstab
    - cg
    - cgs
    - gmres
    - lgmres
    - minres
    - qmr
    - lsqr
    - lsmr

    if method == 'spsolve_umfpack_mmd_ata':
        return spla.spsolve(A,b,use_umfpack=True, permc_spec='MMD_ATA')
    elif method == 'spsolve_umfpack_colamd':
        return spla.spsolve(A,b,use_umfpack=True, permc_spec='COLAMD')
    elif method == 'spsolve_superlu_mmd_ata':
        return spla.spsolve(A,b,use_umfpack=False, permc_spec='MMD_ATA')
    elif method == 'spsolve_superlu_colamd':
        return spla.spsolve(A,b,use_umfpack=False, permc_spec='COLAMD')
    elif method == 'bicg':
        res = spla.bicg(A,b,tol=tol)
        return res[0]
    elif method == 'bicgstab':
        res = spla.bicgstab(A,b,tol=tol)
        return res[0]
    elif method == 'cg':
        res =,b,tol=tol)
        return res[0]
    elif method == 'cgs':
        res = spla.cgs(A,b,tol=tol)
        return res[0]
    elif method == 'gmres':
        res = spla.gmres(A,b,tol=tol)
        return res[0]
    elif method == 'lgmres':
        res = spla.lgmres(A,b,tol=tol)
        return res[0]
    elif method == 'minres':
        res = spla.minres(A,b,tol=tol)
        return res[0]
    elif method == 'qmr':
        res = spla.qmr(A,b,tol=tol)
        return res[0]
    elif method == 'lsqr':
        res = spla.lsqr(A,b,atol=tol,btol=tol)
        return res[0]
    elif method == 'lsmr':
        res = spla.lsmr(A,b,atol=tol,btol=tol)
        return res[0]
        raise Exception('UnknownSolverType')