Python scipy.sparse 模块,eye() 实例源码


项目:mpnum    作者:dseuss    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sparse_cH(terms, ldim=2):
    """Construct a sparse cyclic nearest-neighbour Hamiltonian

    :param terms: List of nearst-neighbour terms (square array or MPO,
        see return value of :func:`cXY_local_terms`)
    :param ldim: Local dimension

    :returns: The Hamiltonian as sparse matrix

    H = 0
    N = len(terms)
    for pos, term in enumerate(terms[:-1]):
        if hasattr(term, 'lt'):
            # Convert MPO to regular matrix
            term = term.to_array_global().reshape((ldim**2, ldim**2))
        left = sp.eye(ldim**pos)
        right = sp.eye(ldim**(N - pos - 2))
        H += sp.kron(left, sp.kron(term, right))
    # The last term acts on the first and last site.
    cyc = terms[-1]
    middle = sp.eye(ldim**pos)
    for i in range(cyc.ranks[0]):
        H += sp.kron([0][0, ..., i], sp.kron(middle,[1][i, ..., 0]))
    return H
项目:discretize    作者:simpeg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_FaceInnerProductAnisotropicDeriv(self):

        def fun(x):
            # fake anisotropy (testing anistropic implementation with isotropic
            # vector). First order behavior expected for fully anisotropic
            x = np.repeat(np.atleast_2d(x), 3, axis=0).T
            x0 = np.repeat(self.x0, 3, axis=0).T

            zero = sp.csr_matrix((self.mesh.nC, self.mesh.nC))
            eye = sp.eye(self.mesh.nC)
            P = sp.vstack([sp.hstack([eye, zero, eye])])

            MfSig = self.mesh.getFaceInnerProduct(x)
            MfSigDeriv = self.mesh.getFaceInnerProductDeriv(x0)
            return MfSig*self.face_vec ,  MfSigDeriv(self.face_vec) * P.T

        print('Testing FaceInnerProduct Anisotropic')
        return self.assertTrue(Tests.checkDerivative(fun, self.x0, num=7,
                               tolerance=TOLD, plotIt=False))
项目:discretize    作者:simpeg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_FaceInnerProductAnisotropicDerivInvProp(self):

        def fun(x):
            x = np.repeat(np.atleast_2d(x), 3, axis=0).T
            x0 = np.repeat(self.x0, 3, axis=0).T

            zero = sp.csr_matrix((self.mesh.nC, self.mesh.nC))
            eye = sp.eye(self.mesh.nC)
            P = sp.vstack([sp.hstack([eye, zero, eye])])

            MfSig = self.mesh.getFaceInnerProduct(x, invProp=True)
            MfSigDeriv = self.mesh.getFaceInnerProductDeriv(x0,
            return MfSig*self.face_vec, MfSigDeriv(self.face_vec) * P.T

        print('Testing FaceInnerProduct Anisotropic InvProp')
        return self.assertTrue(Tests.checkDerivative(fun, self.x0, num=7,
项目:discretize    作者:simpeg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_FaceInnerProductAnisotropicDerivInvMat(self):

        def fun(x):
            x = np.repeat(np.atleast_2d(x), 3, axis=0).T
            x0 = np.repeat(self.x0, 3, axis=0).T

            zero = sp.csr_matrix((self.mesh.nC, self.mesh.nC))
            eye = sp.eye(self.mesh.nC)
            P = sp.vstack([sp.hstack([eye, zero, eye])])

            MfSig = self.mesh.getFaceInnerProduct(x, invMat=True)
            MfSigDeriv = self.mesh.getFaceInnerProductDeriv(x0, invMat=True)
            return MfSig*self.face_vec, MfSigDeriv(self.face_vec) * P.T

        print('Testing FaceInnerProduct Anisotropic InvMat')
        return self.assertTrue(Tests.checkDerivative(fun, self.x0, num=7,
项目:discretize    作者:simpeg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_FaceInnerProductAnisotropicDerivInvPropInvMat(self):

        def fun(x):
            x = np.repeat(np.atleast_2d(x), 3, axis=0).T
            x0 = np.repeat(self.x0, 3, axis=0).T

            zero = sp.csr_matrix((self.mesh.nC, self.mesh.nC))
            eye = sp.eye(self.mesh.nC)
            P = sp.vstack([sp.hstack([eye, zero, eye])])

            MfSig = self.mesh.getFaceInnerProduct(x, invProp=True, invMat=True)
            MfSigDeriv = self.mesh.getFaceInnerProductDeriv(x0,
            return MfSig*self.face_vec, MfSigDeriv(self.face_vec) * P.T

        print('Testing FaceInnerProduct Anisotropic InvProp InvMat')
        return self.assertTrue(Tests.checkDerivative(fun, self.x0, num=7,
项目:discretize    作者:simpeg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_EdgeInnerProductAnisotropicDeriv(self):

        def fun(x):
            x = np.repeat(np.atleast_2d(x), 3, axis=0).T
            x0 = np.repeat(self.x0, 3, axis=0).T

            zero = sp.csr_matrix((self.mesh.nC, self.mesh.nC))
            eye = sp.eye(self.mesh.nC)
            P = sp.vstack([sp.hstack([zero, eye, zero])])

            MeSig = self.mesh.getEdgeInnerProduct(x.reshape(self.mesh.nC, 3))
            MeSigDeriv = self.mesh.getEdgeInnerProductDeriv(x0)
            return MeSig*self.edge_vec, MeSigDeriv(self.edge_vec) * P.T

        print('Testing EdgeInnerProduct Anisotropic')
        return self.assertTrue(Tests.checkDerivative(fun, self.x0, num=7,
项目:discretize    作者:simpeg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_EdgeInnerProductAnisotropicDerivInvMat(self):

        def fun(x):
            x = np.repeat(np.atleast_2d(x), 3, axis=0).T
            x0 = np.repeat(self.x0, 3, axis=0).T

            zero = sp.csr_matrix((self.mesh.nC, self.mesh.nC))
            eye = sp.eye(self.mesh.nC)
            P = sp.vstack([sp.hstack([zero, eye, zero])])

            MeSig = self.mesh.getEdgeInnerProduct(x, invMat=True)
            MeSigDeriv = self.mesh.getEdgeInnerProductDeriv(x0, invMat=True)
            return MeSig*self.edge_vec, MeSigDeriv(self.edge_vec) * P.T

        print('Testing EdgeInnerProduct Anisotropic InvMat')
        return self.assertTrue(Tests.checkDerivative(fun, self.x0, num=7,
项目:discretize    作者:simpeg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_EdgeInnerProductAnisotropicDerivInvPropInvMat(self):

        def fun(x):
            x = np.repeat(np.atleast_2d(x), 3, axis=0).T
            x0 = np.repeat(self.x0, 3, axis=0).T

            zero = sp.csr_matrix((self.mesh.nC, self.mesh.nC))
            eye = sp.eye(self.mesh.nC)
            P = sp.vstack([sp.hstack([zero, eye, zero])])

            MeSig = self.mesh.getEdgeInnerProduct(x, invProp=True, invMat=True)
            MeSigDeriv = self.mesh.getEdgeInnerProductDeriv(x0,
            return MeSig*self.edge_vec, MeSigDeriv(self.edge_vec) * P.T

        print('Testing EdgeInnerProduct Anisotropic InvProp InvMat')
        return self.assertTrue(Tests.checkDerivative(fun, self.x0, num=7,
项目:KaFKA    作者:jgomezdans    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def linear_diagonal_solver ( observations, mask, H_matrix, n_params,
            x_forecast, P_forecast, R_mat, the_metadata, approx_diagonal=True):"Diagonal covariance solver")
    the_mask = np.array([mask.ravel() for i in xrange(n_params)]).ravel() 

    S = ( + R_mat
    Sd = np.zeros(x_forecast.shape[0]/n_params)
    Sd[mask.ravel()] = 1./(S.diagonal()[mask.ravel()])
    Sinv = sp.eye(Sd.shape[0])

    kalman_gain = (

    innovations = (observations.ravel() -
    innovations[~mask.ravel()] = 0.
    x_analysis = x_forecast + kalman_gain*innovations
    P_analysis = (sp.eye(x_analysis.shape[0]) -
    P_analysis_prime = None"Solved!")
    return x_analysis, P_analysis, None, innovations[~mask.ravel()]
项目:KaFKA    作者:jgomezdans    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def set_trajectory_uncertainty(self, Q):
        """In a Kalman filter, the model that propagates the state from time
        `t` to `t+1` is assumed to be *wrong*, and this is indicated by having
        additive Gaussian noise, which we assume is zero-mean, and controlled
        by a covariance matrix `Q`. Here, you can provide the main diagonal of

        Q: array
            The main diagonal of the model uncertainty covariance matrix.
        n = self.n_state_elems
        self.trajectory_uncertainty = sp.eye(self.n_params*n, self.n_params*n,
项目:blmath    作者:bodylabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_random_cholmod(self):
        n_rows = 100
        A0 = 10*sp.rand(n_rows, n_rows, density=0.01, format='csc')
        A = A0*A0.transpose() + sp.eye(n_rows, n_rows)

        [L, L_nonpsd, S] = lchol.lchol(A)

        self.assertTrue(sum((abs( < 1e-5)
        self.assertEqual(L_nonpsd, 0)

    # def test_memory_leak(self):
    #     n_rows = 3000
    #     A0 = 10*sp.rand(n_rows, n_rows, density=0.001, format='csc')
    #     A = A0*A0.transpose() + sp.eye(n_rows, n_rows)
    #     # mem0 = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss
    #     for i in range(50):
    #         [chol_L, L_nonpsd, chol_S] = lchol.lchol(A)
    #         import gc
    #         gc.collect()
    #     # mem1 = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss
    #     #print(mem1 - mem0)
    #     self.assertTrue(True)
项目:scipy-lecture-notes-zh-CN    作者:jayleicn    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sakurai(n):
    """ Example taken from
        T. Sakurai, H. Tadano, Y. Inadomi and U. Nagashima
        A moment-based method for large-scale generalized eigenvalue problems
        Appl. Num. Anal. Comp. Math. Vol. 1 No. 2 (2004) """

    A = sparse.eye( n, n )
    d0 = array(r_[5,6*ones(n-2),5])
    d1 = -4*ones(n)
    d2 =  ones(n)
    B = sparse.spdiags([d2,d1,d0,d1,d2],[-2,-1,0,1,2],n,n)

    k = arange(1,n+1)
    w_ex = sort(1./(16.*pow(cos(0.5*k*pi/(n+1)),4))) # exact eigenvalues

    return A,B, w_ex
项目:semihin    作者:HKUST-KnowComp    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ordinaryWalk(self):
        tick = time.time()

        alpha = self.param['alpha']
        n = self.graph.shape[0]
        c = self.Y.shape[1]
        nf = self.param['normalize_factor']

        #self.graph = self.graph + 3000 * sparse.eye(n,n)

        Di = sparse.diags([np.sqrt(1 / (self.graph.sum(axis=0) + nf * np.ones(n))).getA1()], [0])
        S =
        S_iter = (sparse.eye(n) - alpha * S).tocsc()

        F = np.zeros((n,c))
        for i in range(c):
            F[:, i], info =, self.Y[:, i], tol=1e-12)
        toc = time.time()

        #print np.where(F > 0)
        self.ElapsedTime = toc - tick
        self.PredictedProbs = F
项目:PolicyGradient    作者:sergeyprokudin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _evalPolicyMatrix(self):
        # Evaluate the value function of the policy using linear equations.
        # Arguments
        # ---------
        # Let S = number of states, A = number of actions
        # P(SxSxA) = transition matrix
        #      P could be an array with 3 dimensions or a cell array (1xA),
        #      each cell containing a matrix (SxS) possibly sparse
        # R(SxSxA) or (SxA) = reward matrix
        #      R could be an array with 3 dimensions (SxSxA) or
        #      a cell array (1xA), each cell containing a sparse matrix (SxS) or
        #      a 2D array(SxA) possibly sparse
        # discount = discount rate in ]0; 1[
        # policy(S) = a policy
        # Evaluation
        # ----------
        # Vpolicy(S) = value function of the policy
        Ppolicy, Rpolicy = self._computePpolicyPRpolicy()
        # V = PR + gPV  => (I-gP)V = PR  => V = inv(I-gP)* PR
        self.V = _np.linalg.solve(
            (_sp.eye(self.S, self.S) - * Ppolicy), Rpolicy)
项目:keras-gcn    作者:tkipf    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def chebyshev_polynomial(X, k):
    """Calculate Chebyshev polynomials up to order k. Return a list of sparse matrices."""
    print("Calculating Chebyshev polynomials up to order {}...".format(k))

    T_k = list()

    def chebyshev_recurrence(T_k_minus_one, T_k_minus_two, X):
        X_ = sp.csr_matrix(X, copy=True)
        return 2 * - T_k_minus_two

    for i in range(2, k+1):
        T_k.append(chebyshev_recurrence(T_k[-1], T_k[-2], X))

    return T_k
项目:poi    作者:jchluo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def iteration(self, user, fixed_vecs):
        num_solve = self.num_users if user else self.num_items
        num_fixed = fixed_vecs.shape[0]
        YTY =
        eye = sparse.eye(num_fixed)
        lambda_eye = self.reg_param * sparse.eye(self.num_factors)
        solve_vecs = np.zeros((num_solve, self.num_factors))

        for i in xrange(num_solve):
            if user:
                matrix_i = self.matrix[i].toarray()
                matrix_i = self.matrix[:, i].T.toarray()
            CuI = sparse.diags(matrix_i, [0])
            pu = matrix_i.copy()
            pu[np.where(pu != 0)] = 1.0
            YTCuIY =
            YTCupu = + eye).dot(sparse.csr_matrix(pu).T)
            xu = spsolve(YTY + YTCuIY + lambda_eye, YTCupu)
            solve_vecs[i] = xu

        return solve_vecs
项目:GenEML    作者:nirbhayjm    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def update_V(m_opts, m_vars):
    P, N = E_x_omega_col(m_opts, m_vars) # expectation of xi_{nl} for n = i, expecation of omega_{nl} for n = i
    Kappa = PG_col(m_opts, m_vars) # polyagamma kappa_{nl} for n = i
    PN = P*N
    PK = P*Kappa

    for i in range(m_vars['n_labels']):
        PN_i = PN[i][:,np.newaxis]
        PK_i = PK[i]

        sigma = m_vars['U_batch']*m_vars['U_batch'])# + m_opts['lam_v']*np.eye(m_opts['n_components'])
        x = m_vars['U_batch']

        m_vars['sigma_v'][i] = (1-m_vars['gamma'])*m_vars['sigma_v'][i] + m_vars['gamma']*sigma
        m_vars['x_v'][i] = (1-m_vars['gamma'])*m_vars['x_v'][i] + m_vars['gamma']*x
        m_vars['V'][i] = linalg.solve(m_vars['sigma_v'][i], m_vars['x_v'][i])
项目:GEM    作者:palash1992    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def learn_embedding(self, graph=None, edge_f=None,
                        is_weighted=False, no_python=False):
        if not graph and not edge_f:
            raise Exception('graph/edge_f needed')
        if not graph:
            graph = graph_util.loadGraphFromEdgeListTxt(edge_f)
        graph = graph.to_undirected()
        t1 = time()
        A = nx.to_scipy_sparse_matrix(graph)
        normalize(A, norm='l1', axis=1, copy=False)
        I_n = sp.eye(graph.number_of_nodes())
        I_min_A = I_n - A
        u, s, vt = lg.svds(I_min_A, k=self._d + 1, which='SM')
        t2 = time()
        self._X = vt.T
        self._X = self._X[:, 1:]
        return self._X, (t2 - t1)
项目:anndata    作者:theislab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_creation():
    AnnData(np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]))
    AnnData(np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]), {}, {})
    AnnData(ma.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]), uns={'mask': [0, 1, 1, 0]})
        np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]),
        dict(Smp=['A', 'B']),
        dict(Feat=['a', 'b', 'c']))

    assert AnnData(np.array([1, 2])).X.shape == (2,)

    from pytest import raises
    raises(ValueError, AnnData,
           np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]),
           dict(TooLong=[1, 2, 3, 4]))
项目:surface-area-regularization    作者:VLOGroup    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def make_linearOperator(shape, Xn, K):

    M,N = shape

    fx = K[0,0]
    fy = K[1,1]

    x_hat = Xn[0,:]
    y_hat = Xn[1,:]

    Kx,Ky = make_derivatives_2D_complete(shape)       # use one-sided differences with backward diff at image border
    Kx = Kx.tocsr()
    Ky = Ky.tocsr()

    spId = sparse.eye(M*N, M*N, format='csr')
    spXhat = sparse.diags(x_hat.flatten(), 0).tocsr()
    spYhat = sparse.diags(y_hat.flatten(), 0).tocsr()

    L = sparse.vstack([-Kx/fy, -Ky/fx, 
                       spXhat*Kx/fy + spYhat*Ky/fx +

    return L.tocsr()
项目:TextCategorization    作者:Y-oHr-N    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fit(self, X, y, L):
        """Fit the model according to the given training data.

        X : array-like, shpae = [n_samples, n_features]
            Training data.

        y : array-like, shpae = [n_samples]
            Target values (unlabeled points are marked as 0).

        L : array-like, shpae = [n_samples, n_samples]
            Graph Laplacian.

        labeled               = y != 0
        X_labeled             = X[labeled]
        y_labeled             = y[labeled]
        n_samples, n_features = X.shape
        n_labeled_samples     = y_labeled.size
        I                     = sp.eye(n_features)
        M                     = X_labeled.T @ X_labeled \
            + self.gamma_a * n_labeled_samples * I \
            + self.gamma_i * n_labeled_samples / n_samples**2 * X.T @ L**self.p @ X

        # Train a classifer
        self.coef_            = LA.solve(M, X_labeled.T @ y_labeled)

        return self
项目:TextCategorization    作者:Y-oHr-N    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fit(self, X, y, L):
        """Fit the model according to the given training data.

        X : array-like, shpae = [n_samples, n_features]
            Training data.

        y : array-like, shpae = [n_samples]
            Target values (unlabeled points are marked as 0).

        L : array-like, shpae = [n_samples, n_samples]
            Graph Laplacian.

        labeled               = y != 0
        y_labeled             = y[labeled]
        n_samples, n_features = X.shape
        n_labeled_samples     = y_labeled.size
        I                     = sp.eye(n_samples)
        J                     = sp.diags(labeled.astype(np.float64))
        K                     = rbf_kernel(X, gamma=self.gamma_k)
        M                     = J @ K \
            + self.gamma_a * n_labeled_samples * I \
            + self.gamma_i * n_labeled_samples / n_samples**2 * L**self.p @ K

        # Train a classifer
        self.dual_coef_       = LA.solve(M, y)

        return self
项目:quantum-SVM    作者:JinlongHuang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def globalphase(theta, N=1):
    Returns quantum object representing the global phase shift gate.

    theta : float
        Phase rotation angle.

    phase_gate : qobj
        Quantum object representation of global phase shift gate.

    >>> phasegate(pi/4)
    Quantum object: dims = [[2], [2]], \
shape = [2, 2], type = oper, isHerm = False
    Qobj data =
    [[ 0.70710678+0.70710678j          0.00000000+0.j]
     [ 0.00000000+0.j          0.70710678+0.70710678j]]

    data = (np.exp(1.0j * theta) * sp.eye(2 ** N, 2 ** N,
                                          dtype=complex, format="csr"))
    return Qobj(data, dims=[[2] * N, [2] * N])

# Operation on Gates
项目:gae    作者:tkipf    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def preprocess_graph(adj):
    adj = sp.coo_matrix(adj)
    adj_ = adj + sp.eye(adj.shape[0])
    rowsum = np.array(adj_.sum(1))
    degree_mat_inv_sqrt = sp.diags(np.power(rowsum, -0.5).flatten())
    adj_normalized =
    return sparse_to_tuple(adj_normalized)
项目:initialisation-problem    作者:georgedeath    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getLapCoefRow(win, numPixInWindow, d, _lambda):
    win = np.concatenate((win, np.ones((win.shape[0], numPixInWindow, 1))), axis=2)

    I = np.tile(np.eye(numPixInWindow), (win.shape[0], 1, 1))
    I[:, -1, -1] = 0

    winTProd = np.einsum('...ij,...kj ->...ik', win, win)
    winTProd_reg_inv = np.linalg.inv(winTProd + I*_lambda)

    F = np.einsum('...ij,...jk->...ik', winTProd, winTProd_reg_inv)
    I_F = np.eye(numPixInWindow) - F

    return np.einsum('...ji,...jk->...ik', I_F, I_F )
项目:initialisation-problem    作者:georgedeath    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def solveQuadOpt(L, C, alpha_star):
    lbda = 1e-9 # different lambda to the one used to calc the lap
                # this one regularises the alpha calculation

    D = sparse.eye(L.shape[0])

    alpha = sparse.linalg.spsolve(L + C + D*lbda, C @ alpha_star.ravel())
    alpha = np.reshape(alpha, alpha_star.shape)

    # rescale alpha to ~ [0, 1] if using [-1, 0, 1] as labels
    if np.min(alpha_star) == -1:
        alpha = alpha/2 + 0.5

    # clip to [0, 1]
    return np.maximum(np.minimum(alpha, 1), 0)
项目:spectrassembler    作者:antrec    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_fiedler(A):
    Compute the 2nd lowest eigenvalue of the laplacian of A and associated eigenvector (Fiedler vector).

    A : scipy.sparse matrix (similarity matrix)

    fidval : real (2nd smallest eigenvalue)
    fidvec : array (associated eigenvector)

    # Construct Laplacian
    L_A = laplacian(A, normed=False, return_diag=False) + 1.e-9 * eye(A.shape[0])

    # Construct M = lambda_max(lap)*I - lap, whose "second largest"
    # eigenvector is the "second smallest" eigenvector of lap (Fiedler vector)
    (evals_max, _) = eigsh(L_A, 1, which='LA', tol=1e-15, ncv=20)
    maxval = float(evals_max)
    m_lap = maxval * eye(L_A.shape[0]) - L_A
    evec0 = np.ones((1, L_A.shape[0]))
    evals_small, evecs_small = eigsh(m_lap, 2, which='LA', v0=evec0, tol=1e-20, ncv=20)
    fidvec = -evecs_small[:, 0]
    fidval = float(maxval - evals_small[0])

    return fidval, fidvec
项目:transmutagen    作者:ergs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def common_mat(mats):
    assert len({i.shape for i in mats}) == 1
    mats = [i.tocoo() for i in mats] + [eye(mats[0].shape[0], format='coo')]
    rows = np.hstack([i.row for i in mats])
    cols = np.hstack([i.col for i in mats])
    data = np.ones(len(rows))
    return csr_matrix((data, (rows, cols)))
项目:transmutagen    作者:ergs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_solve_identity_ones(dtype):
    b = np.ones(solver.N, dtype=dtype)
    mat = sp.eye(solver.N, format='csr', dtype=dtype)
    obs = solver.solve(mat, b)
    exp = spla.spsolve(mat, b)
    assert np.allclose(exp, obs)
项目:transmutagen    作者:ergs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_solve_identity_range(dtype):
    b = np.arange(solver.N, dtype=dtype)
    mat = sp.eye(solver.N, format='csr', dtype=dtype)
    obs = solver.solve(mat, b)
    exp = spla.spsolve(mat, b)
    assert np.allclose(exp, obs)
项目:transmutagen    作者:ergs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_solve_ones_ones(dtype):
    b = np.ones(solver.N, dtype=dtype)
    mat = solver.ones(dtype=dtype) + 9*sp.eye(solver.N, format='csr', dtype=dtype)
    obs = solver.solve(mat, b)
    exp = spla.spsolve(mat, b)
    assert np.allclose(exp, obs)
项目:transmutagen    作者:ergs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_solve_ones_range(dtype):
    b = np.arange(solver.N, dtype=dtype)
    mat = solver.ones(dtype=dtype) + 9*sp.eye(solver.N, format='csr', dtype=dtype)
    obs = solver.solve(mat, b)
    exp = spla.spsolve(mat, b)
    assert np.allclose(exp, obs)
项目:transmutagen    作者:ergs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_dot(dtype):
    x = np.arange(solver.N, dtype=dtype)
    mat = solver.ones(dtype=dtype) + 9*sp.eye(solver.N, format='csr', dtype=dtype)
    exp =
    obs =, x)
    assert np.allclose(exp, obs)
项目:triflow    作者:locie    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __cache__(self, N):
        Id = sps.eye(N, format='csc')
        return Id
项目:GVIN    作者:sufengniu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def preprocesss_adj(adj):
    adj_normalized, sup_normalized = [], []
    print "normalize adjcent matrix..."
    for i in tqdm(range(adj.shape[0]), ascii=True):
    return np.array(adj_normalized), np.array(sup_normalized)
项目:GVIN    作者:sufengniu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def preprocesss_adj(adj):
    adj_normalized, sup_normalized = [], []
    print "normalize adjcent matrix..."
    for i in tqdm(range(adj.shape[0]), ascii=True):
    return np.array(adj_normalized), np.array(sup_normalized)
项目:KaFKA    作者:jgomezdans    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def propagate_information_filter_SLOW(x_analysis, P_analysis, P_analysis_inverse,
                                 M_matrix, Q_matrix):
    """Information filter state propagation using the INVERSER state covariance
    matrix and a linear state transition model. This function returns `None`
    for the forecast covariance matrix (as this takes forever). This method is
    based on the approximation to the inverse of the KF covariance matrix.

    x_analysis : array
        The analysis state vector. This comes either from the assimilation or
        directly from a previoulsy propagated state.
    P_analysis : 2D sparse array
        The analysis covariance matrix (typically will be a sparse matrix).
        As this is an information filter update, you will typically pass `None` 
        to it, as it is unused.
    P_analysis_inverse : 2D sparse array
        The INVERSE analysis covariance matrix (typically a sparse matrix).
    M_matrix : 2D array
        The linear state propagation model. 
    Q_matrix: 2D array (sparse)
        The state uncertainty inflation matrix that is added to the covariance

    x_forecast (forecast state vector), `None` and P_forecast_inverse (forecast 
    inverse covariance matrix)""""Starting the propagation...")
    x_forecast =
    n, n = P_analysis_inverse.shape
    A = (sp.eye(n) + S).tocsc()
    P_forecast_inverse = spl.spsolve(A, P_analysis_inverse)"DOne with propagation")

    return x_forecast, None, P_forecast_inverse
项目:KaFKA    作者:jgomezdans    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def set_trajectory_model(self):
        """In a Kalman filter, the state is progated from time `t` to `t+1`
        using a model. We assume that this model is a matrix, and for the time
        being, the matrix is the identity matrix. That's how we roll!"""
        n = self.n_state_elems
        self.trajectory_model = sp.eye(self.n_params*n, self.n_params*n,
项目:PolicyGradient    作者:sergeyprokudin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(self):
        #Run the linear programming algorithm.
        self.time = _time.time()
        # The objective is to resolve : min V / V >= PR + discount*P*V
        # The function linprog of the optimisation Toolbox of Mathworks
        # resolves :
        # min f'* x / M * x <= b
        # So the objective could be expressed as :
        # min V / (discount*P-I) * V <= - PR
        # To avoid loop on states, the matrix M is structured following actions
        # M(A*S,S)
        f = self._cvxmat(_np.ones((self.S, 1)))
        h = _np.array(self.R).reshape(self.S * self.A, 1, order="F")
        h = self._cvxmat(h, tc='d')
        M = _np.zeros((self.A * self.S, self.S))
        for aa in range(self.A):
            pos = (aa + 1) * self.S
            M[(pos - self.S):pos, :] = (
       * self.P[aa] - _sp.eye(self.S, self.S))
        M = self._cvxmat(M)
        # Using the glpk option will make this behave more like Octave
        # (Octave uses glpk) and perhaps Matlab. If solver=None (ie using the
        # default cvxopt solver) then V agrees with the Octave equivalent
        # only to 10e-8 places. This assumes glpk is installed of course.
        self.V = _np.array(self._linprog(f, M, -h)['x']).reshape(self.S)
        # apply the Bellman operator
        self.policy, self.V = self._bellmanOperator()
        # update the time spent solving
        self.time = _time.time() - self.time
        # store value and policy as tuples
        self.V = tuple(self.V.tolist())
        self.policy = tuple(self.policy.tolist())
项目:indigo    作者:mbdriscoll    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def visit_Eye(self, node):
        node = self.generic_visit(node)
        eye = spp.eye(node.shape[0], dtype=node.dtype)
        return SpMatrix( node._backend, eye, name=node._name )
项目:indigo    作者:mbdriscoll    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_KronI(backend, M, N, K, density, alpha, beta):
    b = backend()
    mat_h = indigo.util.randM(M,N,density)
    A_h = spp.kron( spp.eye(K), mat_h )

    mat_d = b.SpMatrix(mat_h)
    A = b.KronI(K, mat_d)

    # forward
    x = b.rand_array((A.shape[1],K))
    y = b.rand_array((A.shape[0],K))
    y_exp = beta * y.to_host() + alpha * A_h @ x.to_host()
    A.eval(y, x, alpha=alpha, beta=beta)
    npt.assert_allclose(y.to_host(), y_exp, rtol=1e-5)

    # adjoint
    x = b.rand_array((A.shape[0],K))
    y = b.rand_array((A.shape[1],K))
    y_exp = beta * y.to_host() + alpha * np.conj(A_h.T) @ x.to_host()
    A.H.eval(y, x, alpha=alpha, beta=beta)
    npt.assert_allclose(y.to_host(), y_exp, rtol=1e-5)

    # shape
    assert A.shape == (M*K,N*K)
    assert A.H.shape == (N*K,M*K)

    # dtype
    assert A.dtype == np.dtype('complex64')
项目:indigo    作者:mbdriscoll    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_nested_kroni(backend, batch, M, N, c1, c2):
    A00_h = indigo.util.randM(M, N, 0.9)
    A0_h = spp.kron( spp.eye(c1), A00_h )
    A_h = spp.kron( spp.eye(c2), A0_h )

    b = backend()
    A00 = b.SpMatrix(A00_h)
    A0 = b.KronI(c1, A00)
    A = b.KronI(c2, A0)

    V, U = A.shape
    u = np.random.rand(U) + 1j*np.random.rand(U)
    u = np.require(u, dtype=np.dtype('complex64'), requirements='F')
    v = np.random.rand(V) + 1j*np.random.rand(V)
    v = np.require(v, dtype=np.dtype('complex64'), requirements='F')

    # forward
    u_d = b.copy_array(u)
    v_d = b.copy_array(v)
    A.eval(v_d, u_d)
    v_act = v_d.to_host()
    v_exp = A_h @ u
    np.testing.assert_allclose( v_act, v_exp, rtol=1e-6 )

    # adjoint
    u_d = b.copy_array(u)
    v_d = b.copy_array(v)
    A.H.eval(u_d, v_d)
    u_act = u_d.to_host()
    u_exp = A_h.H @ v
    np.testing.assert_allclose( u_act, u_exp, rtol=1e-6 )
项目:ip-nonlinear-solver    作者:antonior92    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def default_scaling(x):
    n, = np.shape(x)
    return spc.eye(n)
项目:ip-nonlinear-solver    作者:antonior92    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def evaluate_and_initialize(self, x0, sparse_jacobian=None):
        x0 = np.atleast_1d(x0).astype(float)
        f0 = x0
        self.n = x0.size
        self.m = f0.size
        if sparse_jacobian or sparse_jacobian is None:
            J0 = spc.eye(self.n).tocsr()
            self.sparse_jacobian = True
            J0 = np.eye(self.n)
            self.sparse_jacobian = False

        self.J0 = J0
        self.kind = _check_kind(self.kind, self.m)
        self.enforce_feasibility \
            = _check_enforce_feasibility(self.enforce_feasibility, self.m)
        self.isinitialized = True
        if not _is_feasible(self.kind, self.enforce_feasibility, f0):
            warn("The initial point was changed in order "
                 "to stay inside box constraints.")
            x0_new = _reinforce_box_constraint(self.kind,
            self.x0 = x0_new
            self.f0 = x0_new
            return x0_new
            self.x0 = x0
            self.f0 = f0
            return x0
项目:keras-gcn    作者:tkipf    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def preprocess_adj(adj, symmetric=True):
    adj = adj + sp.eye(adj.shape[0])
    adj = normalize_adj(adj, symmetric)
    return adj
项目:keras-gcn    作者:tkipf    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def normalized_laplacian(adj, symmetric=True):
    adj_normalized = normalize_adj(adj, symmetric)
    laplacian = sp.eye(adj.shape[0]) - adj_normalized
    return laplacian
项目:keras-gcn    作者:tkipf    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def rescale_laplacian(laplacian):
        print('Calculating largest eigenvalue of normalized graph Laplacian...')
        largest_eigval = eigsh(laplacian, 1, which='LM', return_eigenvectors=False)[0]
    except ArpackNoConvergence:
        print('Eigenvalue calculation did not converge! Using largest_eigval=2 instead.')
        largest_eigval = 2

    scaled_laplacian = (2. / largest_eigval) * laplacian - sp.eye(laplacian.shape[0])
    return scaled_laplacian
项目:GenEML    作者:nirbhayjm    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def update_U(m_opts, m_vars):
    for it in range(m_opts['PG_iters']):
        P, N = E_x_omega_row(m_opts, m_vars) # expectation of xi_{nl} for n = i, expecation of omega_{nl} for n = i
        Kappa = PG_row(m_opts, m_vars) # polyagamma kappa_{nl} for n = i
        PN = P*N
        PK = P*Kappa

        for i in range(m_opts['batch_size']):
            PN_i = PN[i][:,np.newaxis]
            PK_i = PK[i]

            sigma = m_vars['V']*m_vars['V']) + m_opts['lam_u']*np.eye(m_opts['n_components'])
            x = m_vars['V'] + np.asarray((m_opts['lam_u']*m_vars['W']).dot(m_vars['X_batch'][i].todense().T)).reshape(-1)
            m_vars['U_batch'][i] = linalg.solve(sigma, x)
项目:PyPardisoProject    作者:haasad    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_test_A_b_rand(n=1000, density=0.05, matrix=False):
    A = sp.csr_matrix(sp.rand(n, n, density) + sp.eye(n))
    if matrix:
        b = np.random.rand(n,5)
        b = np.random.rand(n,1)

    return A, b
项目:discreteMarkovChain    作者:gvanderheide    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def linearMethod(self): 
        Determines ``pi`` by solving a system of linear equations using :func:`spsolve`. 
        The method has no parameters since it is an exact method. The result is stored in the class attribute ``pi``.   

        >>> P = np.array([[0.5,0.5],[0.6,0.4]])
        >>> mc = markovChain(P)
        >>> mc.linearMethod()
        >>> print(mc.pi) 
        [ 0.54545455  0.45454545]

        For large state spaces, the linear algebra solver may not work well due to memory overflow.
        Code due to
        P       = self.getIrreducibleTransitionMatrix()        

        #if P consists of one element, then set self.pi = 1.0
        if P.shape == (1, 1):
            self.pi = np.array([1.0]) 

        size    = P.shape[0]
        dP      = P - eye(size)
        #Replace the first equation by the normalizing condition.
        A       = vstack([np.ones(size), dP.T[1:,:]]).tocsr()  
        rhs     = np.zeros((size,))
        rhs[0]  = 1   

        self.pi = spsolve(A, rhs)