def solve(self, x, w): # Check that w is a vector or a nx1 matrix if w.ndim == 2: assert(w.shape[1] == 1) elif w.dim == 1: w = w.reshape(w.shape[0], 1) A_smooth = (self.Dm - self.Dn.dot(self.grid.blur(self.Dn))) w_splat = self.grid.splat(w) A_data = diags(w_splat[:,0], 0) A = self.params["lam"] * A_smooth + A_data xw = x * w b = self.grid.splat(xw) # Use simple Jacobi preconditioner A_diag = np.maximum(A.diagonal(), self.params["A_diag_min"]) M = diags(1 / A_diag, 0) # Flat initialization y0 = self.grid.splat(xw) / w_splat yhat = np.empty_like(y0) for d in xrange(x.shape[-1]): yhat[..., d], info = cg(A, b[..., d], x0=y0[..., d], M=M, maxiter=self.params["cg_maxiter"], tol=self.params["cg_tol"]) xhat = self.grid.slice(yhat) return xhat
def generate_laplacian_score_scalar(X_ent, X_word, kNeighbors): # Generate cosine similarity graph n = X_ent.shape[0] cosX = cosine_similarity(X_word) graph = np.zeros((n, n)) for i in range(n): for j in np.argpartition(cosX[i], -kNeighbors)[-kNeighbors:]: if j == i: continue graph[i, j] = cosX[i, j] graph[j, i] = cosX[i, j] D = sparse.diags([graph.sum(axis=0)], [0]) L = D - graph f_tilde = X_ent - (float(X_ent.transpose() * D * np.ones((n, 1))) / D.sum().sum()) * np.ones((n, 1)) score = float(f_tilde.transpose() * L * f_tilde) / float(f_tilde.transpose() * D * f_tilde + 1e-10) laplacian_score = score return laplacian_score
def iteration(self, user, fixed_vecs): num_solve = self.num_users if user else self.num_items num_fixed = fixed_vecs.shape[0] YTY = fixed_vecs.T.dot(fixed_vecs) eye = sparse.eye(num_fixed) lambda_eye = self.reg_param * sparse.eye(self.num_factors) solve_vecs = np.zeros((num_solve, self.num_factors)) for i in xrange(num_solve): if user: matrix_i = self.matrix[i].toarray() else: matrix_i = self.matrix[:, i].T.toarray() CuI = sparse.diags(matrix_i, [0]) pu = matrix_i.copy() pu[np.where(pu != 0)] = 1.0 YTCuIY = fixed_vecs.T.dot(CuI).dot(fixed_vecs) YTCupu = fixed_vecs.T.dot(CuI + eye).dot(sparse.csr_matrix(pu).T) xu = spsolve(YTY + YTCuIY + lambda_eye, YTCupu) solve_vecs[i] = xu return solve_vecs
def _calculate_jacobian_mask(nx, ny, dof): from scipy.sparse import diags, kron N = nx * ny j_structure = diags( np.ones(shape=(7,)), [-nx + 1, -nx, -1, 0, 1, +nx, +nx - 1], shape=(N, N), format='csr', ) j_structure = kron( j_structure, np.ones(shape=(dof, dof)), format='csr', ) return j_structure
def hessian_wrt_mean(self): """ The Hessian of the multivariate Gaussian w.r.t. its mean, potentially including the linear projection. :return: The Hessian w.r.t. the mean :rtype: float|np.ndarray|sp.spmatrix """ if self.hessian_mean_cache is None: hessian = self.hessian if self.mean_lin_op is not None: if np.isscalar(hessian) and isinstance(self.mean_lin_op, IndexOperator): # index operator preserves diagonality hessian = sp.diags(self.mean_lin_op.rmatvec(hessian * np.ones(self.dim)), 0) elif np.isscalar(hessian): hessian = hessian * np.eye(self.dim) hessian = rmatvec_nd(self.mean_lin_op, hessian) else: hessian = rmatvec_nd(self.mean_lin_op, hessian) self.hessian_mean_cache = hessian return self.hessian_mean_cache
def make_linearOperator(shape, Xn, K): M,N = shape fx = K[0,0] fy = K[1,1] x_hat = Xn[0,:] y_hat = Xn[1,:] Kx,Ky = make_derivatives_2D_complete(shape) # use one-sided differences with backward diff at image border Kx = Kx.tocsr() Ky = Ky.tocsr() spId = sparse.eye(M*N, M*N, format='csr') spXhat = sparse.diags(x_hat.flatten(), 0).tocsr() spYhat = sparse.diags(y_hat.flatten(), 0).tocsr() L = sparse.vstack([-Kx/fy, -Ky/fx, spXhat*Kx/fy + spYhat*Ky/fx + 2*spId/(fx*fy) ]) return L.tocsr()
def diags(self, format='dia'): """Return a regular sparse matrix of specified format kwargs: format ('dia', 'csr') """ if self._diags is None: self._diags = sp_diags(list(self.values()), list(self.keys()), shape=self.shape, format=format) if self._diags.format != format: self._diags = sp_diags(list(self.values()), list(self.keys()), shape=self.shape, format=format) return self._diags
def fit(self, X, y, L): """Fit the model according to the given training data. Prameters --------- X : array-like, shpae = [n_samples, n_features] Training data. y : array-like, shpae = [n_samples] Target values (unlabeled points are marked as 0). L : array-like, shpae = [n_samples, n_samples] Graph Laplacian. """ labeled = y != 0 y_labeled = y[labeled] n_samples, n_features = X.shape n_labeled_samples = y_labeled.size I = sp.eye(n_samples) J = sp.diags(labeled.astype(np.float64)) K = rbf_kernel(X, gamma=self.gamma_k) M = J @ K \ + self.gamma_a * n_labeled_samples * I \ + self.gamma_i * n_labeled_samples / n_samples**2 * L**self.p @ K # Train a classifer self.dual_coef_ = LA.solve(M, y) return self
def preprocess_graph(adj): adj = sp.coo_matrix(adj) adj_ = adj + sp.eye(adj.shape[0]) rowsum = np.array(adj_.sum(1)) degree_mat_inv_sqrt = sp.diags(np.power(rowsum, -0.5).flatten()) adj_normalized = adj_.dot(degree_mat_inv_sqrt).transpose().dot(degree_mat_inv_sqrt).tocoo() return sparse_to_tuple(adj_normalized)
def getDiffusionMap(SSM, Kappa, t = -1, includeDiag = True, thresh = 5e-4, NEigs = 51): """ :param SSM: Metric between all pairs of points :param Kappa: Number in (0, 1) indicating a fraction of nearest neighbors used to autotune neighborhood size :param t: Diffusion parameter. If -1, do Autotuning :param includeDiag: If true, include recurrence to diagonal in the markov chain. If false, zero out diagonal :param thresh: Threshold below which to zero out entries in markov chain in the sparse approximation :param NEigs: The number of eigenvectors to use in the approximation """ N = SSM.shape[0] #Use the letters from the delaPorte paper K = getW(SSM, int(Kappa*N)) if not includeDiag: np.fill_diagonal(K, np.zeros(N)) RowSumSqrt = np.sqrt(np.sum(K, 1)) DInvSqrt = sparse.diags([1/RowSumSqrt], [0]) #Symmetric normalized Laplacian Pp = (K/RowSumSqrt[None, :])/RowSumSqrt[:, None] Pp[Pp < thresh] = 0 Pp = sparse.csr_matrix(Pp) lam, X = sparse.linalg.eigsh(Pp, NEigs, which='LM') lam = lam/lam[-1] #In case of numerical instability #Check to see if autotuning if t > -1: lamt = lam**t else: #Autotuning diffusion time lamt = np.array(lam) lamt[0:-1] = lam[0:-1]/(1-lam[0:-1]) #Do eigenvector version V = DInvSqrt.dot(X) #Right eigenvectors M = V*lamt[None, :] return M/RowSumSqrt[:, None] #Put back into orthogonal Euclidean coordinates
def getC(mask, c): scribble_mask = mask != 0 return c * sparse.diags(c * scribble_mask.ravel())
def test_solve_range_range(dtype): b = np.arange(solver.N, dtype=dtype) mat = solver.ones(dtype=dtype) + sp.diags([b], offsets=[0], shape=(solver.N, solver.N), format='csr', dtype=dtype) obs = solver.solve(mat, b) exp = spla.spsolve(mat, b) assert np.allclose(exp, obs)
def get_tfidf_matrix(cnts): """Convert the word count matrix into tfidf one. tfidf = log(tf + 1) * log((N - Nt + 0.5) / (Nt + 0.5)) * tf = term frequency in document * N = number of documents * Nt = number of occurences of term in all documents """ Ns = get_doc_freqs(cnts) idfs = np.log((cnts.shape[1] - Ns + 0.5) / (Ns + 0.5)) idfs[idfs < 0] = 0 idfs = sp.diags(idfs, 0) tfs = cnts.log1p() tfidfs = idfs.dot(tfs) return tfidfs
def normalize_adj(adj): """Symmetrically normalize adjacency matrix.""" adj = sp.coo_matrix(adj) rowsum = np.array(adj.sum(1)) d_inv_sqrt = np.power(rowsum, -0.5).flatten() d_inv_sqrt[np.isinf(d_inv_sqrt)] = 0. d_mat_inv_sqrt = sp.diags(d_inv_sqrt) return adj.dot(d_mat_inv_sqrt).transpose().dot(d_mat_inv_sqrt).tocoo()
def variational_kalman( observations, mask, state_mask, uncertainty, H_matrix, n_params, x_forecast, P_forecast, P_forecast_inv, the_metadata, approx_diagonal=True): """We can just use """ if len(H_matrix) == 2: non_linear = True H0, H_matrix = H_matrix else: H0 = 0. non_linear = False R_mat = sp.diags(uncertainty.diagonal()[state_mask.flatten()]) LOG.info("Creating linear problem") y = observations[state_mask] y = np.where(mask[state_mask], y, 0.) if non_linear: y = y + H_matrix.dot(x_forecast) - H0 #Aa = matrix_squeeze (P_forecast_inv, mask=maska.ravel()) A = H_matrix.T.dot(R_mat).dot(H_matrix) + P_forecast_inv b = H_matrix.T.dot(R_mat).dot(y) + P_forecast_inv.dot (x_forecast) # Here we can either do a spLU of A, and solve, or we can have a first go # by assuming P_forecast_inv is diagonal, and use the inverse of A_approx as # a preconditioner LOG.info("Solving") AI = sp.linalg.splu ( A ) x_analysis = AI.solve (b) # So retval is the solution vector and A is the Hessian # (->inv(A) is posterior cov) innovations = y - H_matrix.dot(x_analysis) LOG.info("Inflating analysis state") #x_analysis = reconstruct_array ( x_analysis_prime, x_forecast, # mask.ravel(), n_params=n_params) return x_analysis, None, A, innovations
def on_changed(self, which): # pylint: disable=access-member-before-definition, attribute-defined-outside-init if not hasattr(self, 'normalized'): self.normalized = True if hasattr(self, 'v') and hasattr(self, 'f'): if 'f' not in which and hasattr(self, 'faces_by_vertex') and self.faces_by_vertex.shape[0]/3 == self.v.shape[0]: self.tns.v = self.v else: # change in f or in size of v. shouldn't happen often. f = self.f IS = f.ravel() JS = np.array([range(f.shape[0])]*3).T.ravel() data = np.ones(len(JS)) IS = np.concatenate((IS*3, IS*3+1, IS*3+2)) JS = np.concatenate((JS*3, JS*3+1, JS*3+2)) data = np.concatenate((data, data, data)) sz = self.v.size self.faces_by_vertex = sp.csc_matrix((data, (IS, JS)), shape=(sz, f.size)) self.tns = ch.Ch(lambda v: CrossProduct(TriEdges(f, 1, 0, v), TriEdges(f, 2, 0, v))) self.tns.v = self.v if self.normalized: tmp = ch.MatVecMult(self.faces_by_vertex, self.tns) self.normals = NormalizedNx3(tmp) else: test = self.faces_by_vertex.dot(np.ones(self.faces_by_vertex.shape[1])) faces_by_vertex = sp.diags([1. / test], [0]).dot(self.faces_by_vertex).tocsc() normals = ch.MatVecMult(faces_by_vertex, self.tns).reshape((-1, 3)) normals = normals / (ch.sum(normals ** 2, axis=1) ** .25).reshape((-1, 1)) self.normals = normals
def _degrees_inv(g): """ Given graph g. Returns inverse of degree matrix where 0 entries are ignored. """ n, degs = g.order(), g.degree().values() degs = list(map(lambda x : 0 if x == 0 else 1.0/float(x), degs)) return sp.diags(degs, format = "csc")
def normalize_rows(self, matrix): """ Normalizes the rows of the given matrix, such that every row sums up to 1 :param matrix: Matrix of which the rows should be normalized :return: Row-normalized version of the given matrix """ # We'll normalize the row to sum up to 1 by pre-multiplying by a matrix # that contains the scalars for every row on the diagonal scalars = [1.0 / matrix.getrow(i).sum() for i in range(matrix.shape[0])] return diags(scalars, 0) * matrix
def subtract_rowsum_on_diag(spmat): spmat = spmat.tocsr() - sparse.diags(numpy.array(spmat.sum(axis=1)).T, offsets=[0], format="csr") return spmat.tocsr()
def emptyGraph(hin): n = len(hin.Ids) return sparse.diags(np.zeros(n))
def generate_meta_graph(scope, scope_name, type_list, count): split_path = 'data/local/split/' + scope_name + '/' pred_path = 'data/local/metagraph/' + scope_name + '/' if not os.path.exists('data/local/metagraph/' + scope_name + '/'): os.makedirs('data/local/metagraph/' + scope_name + '/') with open('data/local/' + scope_name + '.dmp') as f: hin = pk.load(f) tf_param = {'word':True, 'entity':True, 'we_weight':0.1} for t in type_list: #print t X, newIds, entitynewIds = GraphGenerator.getTFVectorX(hin, tf_param, t) n = X.shape[0] e = X.shape[1] with open('data/local/laplacian/' + scope_name + '/' + str(t) + '_scores') as f: laplacian_score = pk.load(f) laplacian_score = 20 * np.exp(-laplacian_score * 0.01) D = sparse.diags(laplacian_score) X = X * D X = X.toarray() graph = np.zeros((n+e,n+e)) graph[0:n,n:n+e] = X graph[n:n+e,0:n] = X.transpose() graph = sparse.csc_matrix(graph) newLabel = GraphGenerator.getNewLabels(hin) lp_param = {'alpha':0.98, 'normalization_factor':5} # 3-class classification lp_candidate = [5] for lp in lp_candidate: ssl = SSLClassifier(graph, newLabel, scope, lp_param, repeatTimes=50, trainNumbers=lp, classCount=count) if not os.path.exists(pred_path + str(t) + '/'): os.makedirs(pred_path + str(t) + '/') ssl.repeatedFixedExperimentwithNewIds(pathPrefix=split_path + 'lb' + str(lp).zfill(3) + '_',newIds=newIds, saveProb=True,savePathPrefix=pred_path + str(t) + '/' + 'lb' + str(lp).zfill(3))
def generate_laplacian_score(X_ent, X_word, kNeighbors): # Generate cosine similarity graph n = X_ent.shape[0] m = X_ent.shape[1] cosX = cosine_similarity(X_word) graph = np.zeros((n, n)) t = cosX.sum().sum() / n/n for i in range(n): for j in np.argpartition(cosX[i], -kNeighbors)[-kNeighbors:]: if j == i: continue # diff = (X_word[i, :] - X_word[j, :]).toarray().flatten() # dist = np.exp(np.dot(diff, diff) / t) graph[i, j] = cosX[i, j] #np.exp(- (1 - cosX[i, j]) / 0.03) # graph[j, i] = cosX[i, j] #np.exp(- (1 - cosX[i, j]) / 0.03) # D = sparse.diags([graph.sum(axis=0)], [0]) L = D - graph laplacian_score = np.zeros(m) for i in range(m): f_tilde = X_ent[:, i] - (float(X_ent[:, i].transpose() * D * np.ones((n, 1))) / D.sum().sum()) * np.ones( (n, 1)) score = float(f_tilde.transpose() * L * f_tilde) / float(f_tilde.transpose() * D * f_tilde + 1e-10) laplacian_score[i] = score return (laplacian_score)
def extract_DF_F(Y, A, C, i=None): """Extract DF/F values from spatial/temporal components and background Parameters ----------- Y: np.ndarray input data (d x T) A: sparse matrix of np.ndarray Set of spatial including spatial background (d x K) C: matrix Set of temporal components including background (K x T) Returns ----------- C_df: matrix temporal components in the DF/F domain Df: np.ndarray vector with baseline values for each trace """ A2 = A.copy() A2.data **= 2 nA2 = np.squeeze(np.array(A2.sum(axis=0))) A = A * diags(1 / nA2, 0) C = diags(nA2, 0) * C # if i is None: # i = np.argmin(np.max(A,axis=0)) Y = np.matrix(Y) Yf = A.transpose() * (Y - A * C) # + A[:,i]*C[i,:]) Df = np.median(np.array(Yf), axis=1) C_df = diags(1 / Df, 0) * C return C_df, Df
def Diag(self, v, **kwargs): """ A := diag(v) """ v = np.require(v, requirements='F') if v.ndim > 1: v = v.flatten(order='A') dtype = kwargs.get('dtype', np.dtype('complex64')) M = spp.diags( v, offsets=0 ).astype(dtype) return self.SpMatrix(M, **kwargs)
def TikhonovDiff(f, dx, lam, d = 1): """ Tikhonov differentiation. return argmin_g \|Ag-f\|_2^2 + lam*\|Dg\|_2^2 where A is trapezoidal integration and D is finite differences for first dervative It looks like it will work well and does for the ODE case but tends to introduce too much bias to work well for PDEs. If the data is noisy, try using polynomials instead. """ # Initialize a few things n = len(f) f = np.matrix(f - f[0]).reshape((n,1)) # Get a trapezoidal approximation to an integral A = np.zeros((n,n)) for i in range(1, n): A[i,i] = dx/2 A[i,0] = dx/2 for j in range(1,i): A[i,j] = dx e = np.ones(n-1) D = sparse.diags([e, -e], [1, 0], shape=(n-1, n)).todense() / dx # Invert to find derivative g = np.squeeze(np.asarray(np.linalg.lstsq(A.T.dot(A) + lam*D.T.dot(D),A.T.dot(f))[0])) if d == 1: return g # If looking for a higher order derivative, this one should be smooth so now we can use finite differences else: return FiniteDiff(g, dx, d-1)
def normalize_adj(adj, symmetric=True): if symmetric: d = sp.diags(np.power(np.array(adj.sum(1)), -0.5).flatten(), 0) a_norm = adj.dot(d).transpose().dot(d).tocsr() else: d = sp.diags(np.power(np.array(adj.sum(1)), -1).flatten(), 0) a_norm = d.dot(adj).tocsr() return a_norm
def bistochastize(grid, maxiter=10): """Compute diagonal matrices to bistochastize a bilateral grid""" m = grid.splat(np.ones(grid.npixels)) n = np.ones(grid.nvertices) for i in xrange(maxiter): n = np.sqrt(n * m / grid.blur(n)) # Correct m to satisfy the assumption of bistochastization regardless # of how many iterations have been run. m = n * grid.blur(n) Dm = diags(m, 0) Dn = diags(n, 0) return Dn, Dm
def factor_aug(z, DPhival, G, A): M, N = G.shape P, N = A.shape """Multiplier for inequality constraints""" l = z[N+P:N+P+M] """Slacks""" s = z[N+P+M:] """Sigma matrix""" SIG = diags(l/s, 0) """Condensed system""" if issparse(DPhival): if not issparse(A): A = csr_matrix(A) H = DPhival + mydot(G.T, mydot(SIG, G)) J = bmat([[H, A.T], [A, None]]) else: if issparse(A): A = A.toarray() J = np.zeros((N+P, N+P)) J[0:N, 0:N] = DPhival + mydot(G.T, mydot(SIG, G)) J[0:N, N:] = A.T J[N:, 0:N] = A LU = myfactor(J) return LU
def factor_schur(z, DPhival, G, A): M, N = G.shape P, N = A.shape """Multiplier for inequality constraints""" l = z[N+P:N+P+M] """Slacks""" s = z[N+P+M:] """Sigma matrix""" SIG = diags(l/s, 0) """Augmented Jacobian""" H = DPhival + mydot(G.T, mydot(SIG, G)) """Factor H""" LU_H = myfactor(H) """Compute H^{-1}A^{T}""" HinvAt = mysolve(LU_H, A.T) """Compute Schur complement AH^{-1}A^{T}""" S = mydot(A, HinvAt) """Factor Schur complement""" LU_S = myfactor(S) LU = (LU_S, LU_H) return LU
def contrib_prod_e2_x(docs, test_x, n_docs): ''' Compute contribution of the partition to the product of E2 and X Parameters ----------- docs : m-by-vocab_size array or csr_matrix Current partition of word count vectors. test_x : vocab_size-by-k array Test matrix where k is the number of factors. n_docs : int Total number of documents, could be greater than m. Returns ---------- out : vocab_size-by-k array Contribution of the partition to the product of E2 and X. ''' partition_size, vocab_size = docs.shape _vocab_size, num_factors = test_x.shape assert partition_size >= 1 and vocab_size >= 1 assert partition_size <= n_docs assert vocab_size == _vocab_size and num_factors >= 1 docs = docs[np.squeeze(np.array(docs.sum(axis=1))) >= 3] document_lengths = np.squeeze(np.array(docs.sum(axis=1))) diag_l = spsp.diags(1.0 / document_lengths / (document_lengths - 1)) scaled_docs = diag_l.dot(docs) prod_x = scaled_docs.T.dot(docs.dot(test_x)) sum_scaled_docs = np.squeeze(np.array(scaled_docs.sum(axis=0))) prod_x_adj = spsp.diags(sum_scaled_docs).dot(test_x) return (prod_x - prod_x_adj) / n_docs
def test_get_posterior_hessian(self): """ Tests the computation of the log-posterior Hessian with a simple graph, X /| / | v v Y Z where all nodes contain 2D Gaussians and node X encodes the mean for nodes Y and Z """ for k in range(NUM_TESTS): prec_x = np.diag(np.random.rand(2), 0) prec_y = sp.diags(np.random.rand(2), 0) # throw in a sparse precision prec_z = np.diag(np.random.rand(2), 0) node_x = Node(name='x', data=np.random.randn(2), cpd=GaussianCPD(precision=prec_x)) node_y = Node(name='y', data=np.random.randn(2), cpd=GaussianCPD(precision=prec_y), param_nodes={GaussianCPD.MEAN_KEY: node_x}) node_z = Node(name='z', data=np.random.randn(2), cpd=GaussianCPD(precision=prec_z), param_nodes={GaussianCPD.MEAN_KEY: node_x}, held_out=True) learner = undertest.BayesNetLearner(nodes=[node_x, node_y, node_z]) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(learner.get_posterior_hessian('x', use_held_out=True), -prec_x - prec_y - prec_z) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(learner.get_posterior_hessian('x', use_held_out=False), -prec_x - prec_y) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(learner.get_posterior_hessian('x'), -prec_x - prec_y) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(learner.get_posterior_hessian('x', np.random.randn(2)), -prec_x - prec_y)
def counts_to_ppmi(counts_csr, smoothing=0.75): """ Converts a sparse matrix of co-occurrences into a sparse matrix of positive pointwise mutual information. Context distributional smoothing is applied to the resulting matrix. """ # word_counts adds up the total amount of association for each term. word_counts = np.asarray(counts_csr.sum(axis=1)).flatten() # smooth_context_freqs represents the relative frequency of occurrence # of each term as a context (a column of the table). smooth_context_freqs = np.asarray(counts_csr.sum(axis=0)).flatten() ** smoothing smooth_context_freqs /= smooth_context_freqs.sum() # Divide each row of counts_csr by the word counts. We accomplish this by # multiplying on the left by the sparse diagonal matrix of 1 / word_counts. ppmi = sparse.diags(1 / word_counts).dot(counts_csr) # Then, similarly divide the columns by smooth_context_freqs, by the same # method except that we multiply on the right. ppmi = ppmi.dot(sparse.diags(1 / smooth_context_freqs)) # Take the log of the resulting entries to give pointwise mutual # information. Discard those whose PMI is less than 0, to give positive # pointwise mutual information (PPMI). ppmi.data = np.maximum(np.log(ppmi.data), 0) ppmi.eliminate_zeros() return ppmi
def fit(self, X, y, L): """Fit the model according to the given training data. Prameters --------- X : array-like, shpae = [n_samples, n_features] Training data. y : array-like, shpae = [n_samples] Target values (unlabeled points are marked as 0). L : array-like, shpae = [n_samples, n_samples] Graph Laplacian. """ labeled = y != 0 y_labeled = y[labeled] n_samples, n_features = X.shape n_labeled_samples = y_labeled.size I = sp.eye(n_samples) Y = sp.diags(y_labeled) J = sp.eye(n_labeled_samples, n_samples) K = rbf_kernel(X, gamma=self.gamma_k) M = 2 * self.gamma_a * I \ + 2 * self.gamma_i / n_samples**2 * L**self.p @ K # Construct the QP, invoke solver solvers.options['show_progress'] = False sol = solvers.qp( P = matrix(Y @ J @ K @ LA.inv(M) @ J.T @ Y), q = matrix(-1 * np.ones(n_labeled_samples)), G = matrix(np.vstack(( -1 * np.eye(n_labeled_samples), n_labeled_samples * np.eye(n_labeled_samples) ))), h = matrix(np.hstack(( np.zeros(n_labeled_samples), np.ones(n_labeled_samples) ))), A = matrix(y_labeled, (1, n_labeled_samples), 'd'), b = matrix(0.0) ) # Train a classifer self.dual_coef_ = LA.solve(M, J.T @ Y @ np.array(sol['x']).ravel()) return self
def factor_aug(z, DPhival, G, A): r"""Set up augmented system and return. Parameters ---------- z : (N+P+M+M,) ndarray Current iterate, z = (x, nu, l, s) DPhival : LinearOperator Jacobian of the variational inequality mapping G : (M, N) ndarray or sparse matrix Inequality constraints A : (P, N) ndarray or sparse matrix Equality constraints Returns ------- J : LinearOperator Augmented system """ M, N = G.shape P, N = A.shape """Multiplier for inequality constraints""" l = z[N+P:N+P+M] """Slacks""" s = z[N+P+M:] """Sigma matrix""" SIG = diags(l/s, 0) # SIG = diags(l*s, 0) """Convert A""" if not issparse(A): A = csr_matrix(A) """Convert G""" if not issparse(G): G = csr_matrix(G) """Since we expect symmetric DPhival, we need to change A""" sign = np.zeros(N) sign[0:N/2] = 1.0 sign[N/2:] = -1.0 T = diags(sign, 0) A_new = A.dot(T) W = AugmentedSystem(DPhival, G, SIG, A_new) return W
def solve_factorized_aug(z, Fval, LU, G, A): M, N=G.shape P, N=A.shape """Total number of inequality constraints""" m = M """Primal variable""" x = z[0:N] """Multiplier for equality constraints""" nu = z[N:N+P] """Multiplier for inequality constraints""" l = z[N+P:N+P+M] """Slacks""" s = z[N+P+M:] """Dual infeasibility""" rd = Fval[0:N] """Primal infeasibility""" rp1 = Fval[N:N+P] rp2 = Fval[N+P:N+P+M] """Centrality""" rc = Fval[N+P+M:] """Sigma matrix""" SIG = diags(l/s, 0) """RHS for condensed system""" b1 = -rd - mydot(G.T, mydot(SIG, rp2)) + mydot(G.T, rc/s) b2 = -rp1 b = np.hstack((b1, b2)) dxnu = mysolve(LU, b) dx = dxnu[0:N] dnu = dxnu[N:] """Obtain search directions for l and s""" ds = -rp2 - mydot(G, dx) dl = -mydot(SIG, ds) - rc/s dz = np.hstack((dx, dnu, dl, ds)) return dz ############################################################################### # Solve via normal equations (Schur complement) ###############################################################################
def solve_factorized_schur(z, Fval, LU, G, A): M, N=G.shape P, N=A.shape """Total number of inequality constraints""" m = M """Primal variable""" x = z[0:N] """Multiplier for equality constraints""" nu = z[N:N+P] """Multiplier for inequality constraints""" l = z[N+P:N+P+M] """Slacks""" s = z[N+P+M:] """Dual infeasibility""" rd = Fval[0:N] """Primal infeasibility""" rp1 = Fval[N:N+P] rp2 = Fval[N+P:N+P+M] """Centrality""" rc = Fval[N+P+M:] """Sigma matrix""" SIG = diags(l/s, 0) """Assemble right hand side of augmented system""" r1 = rd + mydot(G.T, mydot(SIG, rp2)) - mydot(G.T, rc/s) r2 = rp1 """Unpack LU-factors""" LU_S, LU_H = LU """Assemble right hand side for normal equation""" b = r2 - mydot(A, mysolve(LU_H, r1)) """Solve for dnu""" dnu = mysolve(LU_S, b) """Solve for dx""" dx = mysolve(LU_H, -(r1 + mydot(A.T, dnu))) """Obtain search directions for l and s""" ds = -rp2 - mydot(G, dx) dl = -mydot(SIG, ds) - rc/s dz = np.hstack((dx, dnu, dl, ds)) return dz
def test_rmatvec_nd(self): """ Test that given an n x k linear operator and n x n matrix rmatvec_nd yields a k x k matrix""" def rev_index(index_map, x, output_dim): intermediate = np.empty((output_dim, x.shape[1])) final = np.empty((output_dim, output_dim)) for i in range(x.shape[1]): intermediate[:, i] = np.bincount(index_map, weights=x[:, i], minlength=output_dim) for i in range(output_dim): final[i, :] = np.bincount(index_map, weights=intermediate[i, :], minlength=output_dim) return final n = 10 x = np.random.randn(n, n) k = np.random.randint(1, 5) index_map = np.random.randint(k, size=n) lin_op = undertest.IndexOperator(index_map=index_map, dim_x=k) actual = undertest.rmatvec_nd(lin_op, x) expected_backproj = rev_index(index_map, x, k) np.testing.assert_array_equal(actual, expected_backproj) # Sparse, non-diagonal x_sp = sp.csr_matrix(x) actual = undertest.rmatvec_nd(lin_op, x_sp) np.testing.assert_array_equal(actual, expected_backproj) # Sparse diagonal x_sp_diag = sp.diags(np.diag(x), 0) actual = undertest.rmatvec_nd(lin_op, x_sp_diag) self.assertEqual(actual.shape, (k, k)) expected_backproj = np.diag(np.bincount(index_map, weights=np.diag(x), minlength=k)) np.testing.assert_array_equal(actual, expected_backproj) # Non-sparse diagonal x_diag = np.diag(np.random.randn(n)) actual = undertest.rmatvec_nd(lin_op, x_diag) self.assertEqual(actual.shape, (k, k)) # The result should also be sparse and diagonal expected_backproj = np.diag(np.bincount(index_map, weights=np.diag(x_diag), minlength=k)) np.testing.assert_array_equal(actual, expected_backproj) # scalar x = 1.3 k = 5 index_map = np.random.randint(k, size=1) lin_op = undertest.IndexOperator(index_map=index_map, dim_x=k) actual = undertest.rmatvec_nd(lin_op, x) expected_backproj = np.zeros(k) expected_backproj[index_map] = x np.testing.assert_array_equal(actual, expected_backproj)