Python scipy.sparse 模块,bmat() 实例源码


项目:ip-nonlinear-solver    作者:antonior92    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _compute_jacobian(self, J_eq, J_ineq, s):
        if self.n_ineq == 0:
            return J_eq
            if spc.issparse(J_eq) or spc.issparse(J_ineq):
                # It is expected that J_eq and J_ineq
                # are already `csr_matrix` because of
                # the way ``BoxConstraint``, ``NonlinearConstraint``
                # and ``LinearConstraint`` are defined.
                J_eq = spc.csr_matrix(J_eq)
                J_ineq = spc.csr_matrix(J_ineq)
                return self._assemble_sparse_jacobian(J_eq, J_ineq, s)
                S = np.diag(s)
                zeros = np.zeros((self.n_eq, self.n_ineq))
                # Convert to matrix
                if spc.issparse(J_ineq):
                    J_ineq = J_ineq.toarray()
                if spc.issparse(J_eq):
                    J_eq = J_eq.toarray()
                # Concatenate matrices
                return np.asarray(np.bmat([[J_eq, zeros],
                                           [J_ineq, S]]))
项目:qcqp    作者:cvxgrp    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def homogeneous_form(self):
        return sp.bmat([[self.P, self.q/2], [self.q.T/2, self.r]])

    # Returns QuadraticFunction f1, f2 such that
    # f(x) = f1(x) - f2(x), with f1 and f2 both convex.
    # Affine and constant components are always put into f1.
项目:ip-nonlinear-solver    作者:antonior92    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _assemble_sparse_jacobian(self, J_eq, J_ineq, s):
        """Assemble sparse jacobian given its components.

        Given ``J_eq``, ``J_ineq`` and ``s`` returns:
            jacobian = [ J_eq,     0     ]
                       [ J_ineq, diag(s) ]

        It is equivalent to:
            spc.bmat([[ J_eq,   None    ],
                      [ J_ineq, diag(s) ]], "csr")
        but significantly more efficient for this
        given structure.
        n_vars, n_ineq, n_eq = self.n_vars, self.n_ineq, self.n_eq
        J_aux = spc.vstack([J_eq, J_ineq], "csr")
        indptr, indices, data = J_aux.indptr, J_aux.indices,
        new_indptr = indptr + np.hstack((np.zeros(n_eq, dtype=int),
                                         np.arange(n_ineq+1, dtype=int)))
        size = indices.size+n_ineq
        new_indices = np.empty(size)
        new_data = np.empty(size)
        mask = np.full(size, False, bool)
        mask[new_indptr[-n_ineq:]-1] = True
        new_indices[mask] = n_vars+np.arange(n_ineq)
        new_indices[~mask] = indices
        new_data[mask] = s
        new_data[~mask] = data
        J = spc.csr_matrix((new_data, new_indices, new_indptr),
                           (n_eq + n_ineq, n_vars + n_ineq))
        return J
项目:mle_rev    作者:trendelkampschroer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def factor_aug(z, DPhival, G, A):    
    M, N = G.shape
    P, N = A.shape
    """Multiplier for inequality constraints"""
    l = z[N+P:N+P+M]

    s = z[N+P+M:]

    """Sigma matrix"""
    SIG = diags(l/s, 0)

    """Condensed system"""
    if issparse(DPhival):
        if not issparse(A):
            A = csr_matrix(A)        
        H = DPhival + mydot(G.T, mydot(SIG, G))
        J = bmat([[H, A.T], [A, None]])
        if issparse(A):
            A = A.toarray()
        J = np.zeros((N+P, N+P))
        J[0:N, 0:N] = DPhival + mydot(G.T, mydot(SIG, G))            
        J[0:N, N:] = A.T
        J[N:, 0:N] = A

    LU = myfactor(J)    
    return LU
项目:decoding_challenge_cortana_2016_3rd    作者:kingjr    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _sparse_block_diag(mats, format=None, dtype=None):
    """An implementation of scipy.sparse.block_diag since old versions of
    scipy don't have it. Forms a sparse matrix by stacking matrices in block
    diagonal form.

    mats : list of matrices
        Input matrices.
    format : str, optional
        The sparse format of the result (e.g. "csr"). If not given, the
        matrix is returned in "coo" format.
    dtype : dtype specifier, optional
        The data-type of the output matrix. If not given, the dtype is
        determined from that of blocks.

    res : sparse matrix
    nmat = len(mats)
    rows = []
    for ia, a in enumerate(mats):
        row = [None] * nmat
        row[ia] = a
    return sparse.bmat(rows, format=format, dtype=dtype)
项目:hexmachina    作者:dnkrtz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def parametrize_volume(machina, singular_vertices, h):
    """Parametrize the volume as an atlas of maps based on the 3d frame field.
    Returns the discretized uvw map atlas (vertex-based)."""

    # Each vertex has multiple values, depending
    # on the number of tets it's a part of.
    ne = len(machina.tet_mesh.elements)

    # Minimum spanning tree of dual mesh as list of face indices.
    # Span until all tets have been visited.
    ti = 0
    mst_edges = set()
    visited_tets = set()
    while ti < len(machina.tet_mesh.elements):
        for neigh_ti in machina.tet_mesh.neighbors[ti]:
            if neigh_ti in visited_tets or neigh_ti == -1:
            # Get face index from s-t tet pair.
            fi = machina.dual_edges[frozenset([ti, neigh_ti])]
        ti += 1

    print('Computing laplacian and constraints...')

    # Create linear system based on laplacian and constraints.
    laplacian, cons = linear_system(machina, mst_edges, singular_vertices)
    n_cons = cons.get_shape()[0]

    A = sparse.bmat(([[laplacian, cons.transpose()],[cons, None]]), dtype=np.int32)

    # Discrete frame divergence.
    b = np.zeros((12*ne + n_cons))
    for ti in range(ne):
        tet_vol = tet_volume(machina.tet_mesh, ti)
        frame = machina.frames[ti]
        div = [ np.sum(frame.uvw[:,0]),
                np.sum(frame.uvw[:,2]) ]
        b[12*ti : 12*(ti+1)] = np.hstack([ div for _ in range(4)])

    b = np.divide(b, h)

    print("Conjugate Gradient... (Round 1)", end=" ")

    x, info =, b, tol = 1e-4)


    print('Adaptive rounding...')

    # uvw_map = adaptive_rounding(machina, A, x, b, singular_vertices)

    uvw_map = x

    return uvw_map