Python scipy.spatial 模块,cKDTree() 实例源码


项目:circletracking    作者:caspervdw    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def eliminate_overlapping_locations(f, separation):
    """ Makes sure that no position is within `separation` from each other, by
    deleting one of the that are to close to each other.
    separation = validate_tuple(separation, f.shape[1])
    assert np.greater(separation, 0).all()
    # Rescale positions, so that pairs are identified below a distance of 1.
    f = f / separation
    while True:
        duplicates = cKDTree(f, 30).query_pairs(1)
        if len(duplicates) == 0:
        to_drop = []
        for pair in duplicates:
        f = np.delete(f, to_drop, 0)
    return f * separation
项目:iutils    作者:inconvergent    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def darts(n, xx, yy, rr, dst):
  get at most n random, uniformly distributed, points in a circle.
  centered at (xx,yy), with radius rr. points are no closer to each other
  than dst.

  ## remove new nodes that are too close to other
  ## new nodes

  visited = set()
  dartsxy = random_points_in_circle(n, xx, yy, rr)
  tree = kdt(dartsxy)
  near = tree.query_ball_point(dartsxy, dst)
  jj = []
  for j,n in enumerate(near):

    if len(visited.intersection(n))<1:

  res = dartsxy[jj,:]
  return res
项目:iutils    作者:inconvergent    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def darts_rect(n, xx, yy, w=1, h=1, dst=0):

  ## remove new nodes that are too close to other
  ## new nodes

  visited = set()
  dartsxy = random_points_in_rectangle(n, xx, yy, w, h)
  tree = kdt(dartsxy)
  near = tree.query_ball_point(dartsxy, dst)
  jj = []
  for j,n in enumerate(near):

    if len(visited.intersection(n))<1:

  res = dartsxy[jj,:]
  return res
项目:ababe    作者:unkcpz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_neighbors(self, pos, delta):

        def _pos2coor(pos):
            a, b, c = np.array(self.m)
            x, y, z = pos
            coor = a*x + b*y + c*z    # an array
            return tuple(coor)

        def p_gen():
            for z in range(self.depth):
                for x in range(self.width):
                    for y in range(self.length):
                        yield(x, y, z)

        point = _pos2coor(pos)
        # w = self.width
        # l = self.length
        coor_map = {p: _pos2coor(p) for p in p_gen()}
        del coor_map[pos]

        points = list(coor_map.values())
        points_tree = cKDTree(points)
        ind = points_tree.query_ball_point(point, delta)
        neighbors = itemgetter(*ind)(list(coor_map.keys()))
        return set(neighbors)
项目:ababe    作者:unkcpz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_neighbors(self, pos, delta):

        def _pos2coor(pos):
            a, b = np.array(self.m)
            x, y = pos
            coor = a*x + b*y    # an array
            return tuple(coor)

        def p_gen():
            for x in range(self.width):
                for y in range(self.length):
                    yield(x, y)

        point = _pos2coor(pos)
        # w = self.width
        # l = self.length
        coor_map = {p : _pos2coor(p) for p in p_gen()}
        del coor_map[pos]

        points = list(coor_map.values())
        points_tree = cKDTree(points)
        ind = points_tree.query_ball_point(point, delta)
        neighbors = itemgetter(*ind)(list(coor_map.keys()))
        return set(neighbors)
项目:osm_rg    作者:Scitator    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _pquery(scheduler, data, ndata, ndim, leafsize,
            x, nx, d, i, k, eps, p, dub, ierr):
        _data = shmem_as_nparray(data).reshape((ndata, ndim))
        _x = shmem_as_nparray(x).reshape((nx, ndim))
        _d = shmem_as_nparray(d).reshape((nx, k))
        _i = shmem_as_nparray(i).reshape((nx, k))

        kdtree = cKDTree(_data, leafsize=leafsize)

        for s in scheduler:
            d_out, i_out = kdtree.query(_x[s, :], k=k, eps=eps, p=p,
            m_d = d_out.shape[0]
            m_i = i_out.shape[0]
            _d[s, :], _i[s, :] = d_out.reshape(m_d, 1), i_out.reshape(m_i, 1)
        ierr.value += 1
项目:osm_rg    作者:Scitator    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, mode=1, precision_mode=2):
        self.mode = mode

        if precision_mode == 0:
            loc_path = RG_FILE_1000
        elif precision_mode == 1:
            loc_path = RG_FILE_5000
            loc_path = RG_FILE_15000

        if not os.path.exists(loc_path):
            loc_path = rel_path(loc_path)

        # coordinates, locations = self.extract(path)
        coordinates, self.locations = self.extract(loc_path)

        if mode == 1:  # Single-process
            self.tree = KDTree(coordinates)
        else:  # Multi-process
            self.tree = KDTree_MP.cKDTree_MP(coordinates)
项目:IDNNs    作者:ravidziv    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def mi(x, y, k=3, base=2):
    """ Mutual information of x and y
        x, y should be a list of vectors, e.g. x = [[1.3], [3.7], [5.1], [2.4]]
        if x is a one-dimensional scalar and we have four samples
    assert len(x) == len(y), "Lists should have same length"
    assert k <= len(x) - 1, "Set k smaller than num. samples - 1"
    intens = 1e-10  # small noise to break degeneracy, see doc.
    x = [list(p + intens * nr.rand(len(x[0]))) for p in x]
    y = [list(p + intens * nr.rand(len(y[0]))) for p in y]
    points = zip2(x, y)
    # Find nearest neighbors in joint space, p=inf means max-norm
    tree = ss.cKDTree(points)
    dvec = [tree.query(point, k + 1, p=float('inf'))[0][k] for point in points]
    a, b, c, d = avgdigamma(x, dvec), avgdigamma(y, dvec), digamma(k), digamma(len(x))
    return (-a - b + c + d) / log(base)
项目:IDNNs    作者:ravidziv    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cmi(x, y, z, k=3, base=2):
    """ Mutual information of x and y, conditioned on z
        x, y, z should be a list of vectors, e.g. x = [[1.3], [3.7], [5.1], [2.4]]
        if x is a one-dimensional scalar and we have four samples
    assert len(x) == len(y), "Lists should have same length"
    assert k <= len(x) - 1, "Set k smaller than num. samples - 1"
    intens = 1e-10  # small noise to break degeneracy, see doc.
    x = [list(p + intens * nr.rand(len(x[0]))) for p in x]
    y = [list(p + intens * nr.rand(len(y[0]))) for p in y]
    z = [list(p + intens * nr.rand(len(z[0]))) for p in z]
    points = zip2(x, y, z)
    # Find nearest neighbors in joint space, p=inf means max-norm
    tree = ss.cKDTree(points)
    dvec = [tree.query(point, k + 1, p=float('inf'))[0][k] for point in points]
    a, b, c, d = avgdigamma(zip2(x, z), dvec), avgdigamma(zip2(y, z), dvec), avgdigamma(z, dvec), digamma(k)
    return (-a - b + c + d) / log(base)
项目:IDNNs    作者:ravidziv    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def kldiv(x, xp, k=3, base=2):
    """ KL Divergence between p and q for x~p(x), xp~q(x)
        x, xp should be a list of vectors, e.g. x = [[1.3], [3.7], [5.1], [2.4]]
        if x is a one-dimensional scalar and we have four samples
    assert k <= len(x) - 1, "Set k smaller than num. samples - 1"
    assert k <= len(xp) - 1, "Set k smaller than num. samples - 1"
    assert len(x[0]) == len(xp[0]), "Two distributions must have same dim."
    d = len(x[0])
    n = len(x)
    m = len(xp)
    const = log(m) - log(n - 1)
    tree = ss.cKDTree(x)
    treep = ss.cKDTree(xp)
    nn = [tree.query(point, k + 1, p=float('inf'))[0][k] for point in x]
    nnp = [treep.query(point, k, p=float('inf'))[0][k - 1] for point in x]
    return (const + d * np.mean(map(log, nnp)) - d * np.mean(map(log, nn))) / log(base)

项目:kharita    作者:vipyoung    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def load_data(fname='data/gps_data/gps_points.csv'):
    Given a file that contains gps points, this method creates different data structures
    :param fname: the name of the input file, as generated by QMIC
    :return: data_points (list of gps positions with their metadata), raw_points (coordinates only),
    points_tree is the KDTree structure to enable searching the points space
    data_points = list()
    raw_points = list()

    with open(fname, 'r') as f:
        for line in f:
            if len(line) < 10:
            vehicule_id, timestamp, lat, lon, speed, angle = line.split(',')
            pt = GpsPoint(vehicule_id=vehicule_id, timestamp=timestamp, lat=lat, lon=lon, speed=speed,angle=angle)
    points_tree = cKDTree(raw_points)
    return np.array(data_points), np.array(raw_points), points_tree
项目:py-graphart    作者:dandydarcy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def connect_graphs(self, sets_orig, edges_orig):
        Returns the edges needed to connect unconnected graphs (sets of nodes)
        given a set of sets of nodes, select the master_graph (the biggest) one
        and search the shortest edges to connect the other sets of nodes
        master_graph = max(sets_orig, key=len)
        sets = sets_orig.copy()
        edges = np.array([], dtype=object)
        master_tree = cKDTree(self.nodes[list(master_graph)])
        for s in sets:
            x = np.array(list(s))
            nearests = np.array([master_tree.query(self.nodes[v]) for v in x])
            tails = nearests[
                nearests[:, 0].argsort()][:, 1][:self.max_neighbours]
            heads = x[nearests[:, 0].argsort()][:self.max_neighbours]
            for head, tail in zip(heads, tails):
                edges = np.append(edges, None)
                edges[-1] = (head, tail)
                edges = np.append(edges, None)
                edges[-1] = (tail, head)
        return edges
项目:py-graphart    作者:dandydarcy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def tsp(self, start):
        res = []
        nodes = np.array([i for i in range(self.n)])
        visited = np.empty(self.n, dtype=np.bool)
        visited[start] = True
        node = start

        while False in visited:
            tree = cKDTree(self.nodes[~visited])
            nearest = tree.query(self.nodes[node], k=1)[1]
            t = nodes[~visited][nearest]
            res.append([node, t])
            visited[t] = True
            node = t
        return res + [node, start]
项目:PyGraphArt    作者:dnlcrl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def connect_graphs(self, sets_orig, edges_orig):
        Returns the edges needed to connect unconnected graphs (sets of nodes)
        given a set of sets of nodes, select the master_graph (the biggest) one
        and search the shortest edges to connect the other sets of nodes
        master_graph = max(sets_orig, key=len)
        sets = sets_orig.copy()
        edges = np.array([], dtype=object)
        master_tree = cKDTree(self.nodes[list(master_graph)])
        for s in sets:
            x = np.array(list(s))
            nearests = np.array([master_tree.query(self.nodes[v]) for v in x])
            tails = nearests[
                nearests[:, 0].argsort()][:, 1][:self.max_neighbours]
            heads = x[nearests[:, 0].argsort()][:self.max_neighbours]
            for head, tail in zip(heads, tails):
                edges = np.append(edges, None)
                edges[-1] = (head, tail)
                edges = np.append(edges, None)
                edges[-1] = (tail, head)
        return edges
项目:PyGraphArt    作者:dnlcrl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def tsp(self, start):
        res = []
        nodes = np.array([i for i in range(self.n)])
        visited = np.empty(self.n, dtype=np.bool)
        visited[start] = True
        node = start

        while False in visited:
            tree = cKDTree(self.nodes[~visited])
            nearest = tree.query(self.nodes[node], k=1)[1]
            t = nodes[~visited][nearest]
            res.append([node, t])
            visited[t] = True
            node = t
        return res + [node, start]
项目:lnn    作者:wgao9    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def KL_entropy(x,k=5):
        Estimate the entropy H(X) from samples {x_i}_{i=1}^N
        Using Kozachenko-Leonenko (KL) estimator 

        Input: x: 2D list of size N*d_x
        k: k-nearest neighbor parameter

        Output: one number of H(X)
    assert k <= len(x)-1, "Set k smaller than num. samples - 1"
    N = len(x)
    d = len(x[0])   
    tree = ss.cKDTree(x)
    knn_dis = [tree.query(point,k+1,p=2)[0][k] for point in x]
    ans = -log(k) + log(N) + vd(d,2)
    return ans + d*np.mean(map(log,knn_dis))
项目:lnn    作者:wgao9    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _3LNN_1_KSG_mi(data,split,k=5,tr=30):
        Estimate the mutual information I(X;Y) from samples {x_i,y_i}_{i=1}^N
        Using I(X;Y) = H_{LNN}(X) + H_{LNN}(Y) - H_{LNN}(X;Y) with "KSG trick"
        where H_{LNN} is the LNN entropy estimator with order 1

        Input: data: 2D list of size N*(d_x + d_y)
        split: should be d_x, splitting the data into two parts, X and Y
        k: k-nearest neighbor parameter
        tr: number of sample used for computation

        Output: one number of I(X;Y)
    assert split >=1, "x must have at least one dimension"
    assert split <= len(data[0]) - 1, "y must have at least one dimension"
    x = data[:,:split]
    y = data[:,split:]

    tree_xy = ss.cKDTree(data)
    knn_dis = [tree_xy.query(point,k+1,p=2)[0][k] for point in data]
    return LNN_1_entropy(x,k,tr,bw=knn_dis) + LNN_1_entropy(y,k,tr,bw=knn_dis) - LNN_1_entropy(data,k,tr,bw=knn_dis)
项目:cgpm    作者:probcomp    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def mi(x, y, k=3, base=2):
  """Mutual information of x and y.
  x,y should be a list of vectors, e.g. x = [[1.3], [3.7], [5.1], [2.4]]
  if x is a one-dimensional scalar and we have four samples.
  assert len(x)==len(y), 'Lists should have same length.'
  assert k <= len(x) - 1, 'Set k smaller than num samples - 1.'
  intens = 1e-10 # Small noise to break degeneracy, see doc.
  x = [list(p + intens*nr.rand(len(x[0]))) for p in x]
  y = [list(p + intens*nr.rand(len(y[0]))) for p in y]
  points = zip2(x,y)
  # Find nearest neighbors in joint space, p=inf means max-norm.
  tree = ss.cKDTree(points)
  dvec = [tree.query(point, k+1, p=float('inf'))[0][k] for point in points]
  a = avgdigamma(x,dvec)
  b = avgdigamma(y,dvec)
  c = digamma(k)
  d = digamma(len(x))
  return (-a-b+c+d) / log(base)
项目:cgpm    作者:probcomp    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cmi(x, y, z, k=3, base=2):
  """Mutual information of x and y, conditioned on z
  x,y,z should be a list of vectors, e.g. x = [[1.3], [3.7], [5.1], [2.4]]
  if x is a one-dimensional scalar and we have four samples
  assert len(x)==len(y), 'Lists should have same length.'
  assert k <= len(x) - 1, 'Set k smaller than num samples - 1.'
  intens = 1e-10 # Small noise to break degeneracy, see doc.
  x = [list(p + intens*nr.rand(len(x[0]))) for p in x]
  y = [list(p + intens*nr.rand(len(y[0]))) for p in y]
  z = [list(p + intens*nr.rand(len(z[0]))) for p in z]
  points = zip2(x,y,z)
  # Find nearest neighbors in joint space, p=inf means max-norm.
  tree = ss.cKDTree(points)
  dvec = [tree.query(point, k+1, p=float('inf'))[0][k] for point in points]
  a = avgdigamma(zip2(x,z), dvec)
  b = avgdigamma(zip2(y,z), dvec)
  c = avgdigamma(z,dvec)
  d = digamma(k)
  return (-a-b+c+d) / log(base)
项目:cgpm    作者:probcomp    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def kldiv(x, xp, k=3, base=2):
  """KL Divergence between p and q for x~p(x),xp~q(x).
  x, xp should be a list of vectors, e.g. x = [[1.3],[3.7],[5.1],[2.4]]
  if x is a one-dimensional scalar and we have four samples
  assert k <= len(x) - 1, 'Set k smaller than num samples - 1.'
  assert k <= len(xp) - 1, 'Set k smaller than num samples - 1.'
  assert len(x[0]) == len(xp[0]), 'Two distributions must have same dim.'
  d = len(x[0])
  n = len(x)
  m = len(xp)
  const = log(m) - log(n-1)
  tree = ss.cKDTree(x)
  treep = ss.cKDTree(xp)
  nn = [tree.query(point, k+1, p=float('inf'))[0][k] for point in x]
  nnp = [treep.query(point, k, p=float('inf'))[0][k-1] for point in x]
  return (const + d * np.mean(map(log, nnp)) \
    - d * np.mean(map(log, nn))) / log(base)

项目:kuramoto_vicsek    作者:lisamnash    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def calc_vbar(self):
        # Calculates the average velocities from neighboring birds depending on max_dist and max_num.
        my_tree = spatial.cKDTree(self.current_points)
        dist, indexes = my_tree.query(self.current_points, k=self._max_num)

        ri = np.zeros((len(self.current_points), self._max_num), dtype=int)
        rk = np.zeros_like(ri, dtype=int)

        good_inds = (dist < self._max_dist)
        ri[good_inds] = indexes[good_inds]
        rk[good_inds] = 1

        # I should get the angle and average
        ori = np.arctan2(self.current_v[:, 1], self.current_v[:, 0])

        mean_n = []
        for i in range(len(ri)):
            nei = ri[i][np.where(rk[i] == 1)[0]]
            mm = (np.arctan2(np.sum(np.sin(ori[nei])), np.sum(np.cos(ori[nei])))) % (2 * np.pi)

        vbar = np.array(zip(np.cos(mean_n), np.sin(mean_n)))
        return vbar, [np.array(ri), np.array(rk)]
项目:UAV-and-TrueOrtho    作者:LeonChen66    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def genDSM_building(BD_footprint,PC_data,h,w,n,ground_height,affine_par,upper_bd_par):

    [A,D,B,E,C,F] = np.loadtxt(affine_par)
    BD_footprint = cv2.imread(BD_footprint,0)
    point_cloud = pd.read_csv(PC_data,names=['X', 'Y', 'Z', 'R','G','B'],delim_whitespace=True)

    X = point_cloud.X.copy()
    Y = point_cloud.Y.copy()      # Inverse the Y-axis
    Z = point_cloud.Z.copy()

    del point_cloud
    Dsm_arr = np.zeros((h, w))
        # cKDtree
    tree = spatial.cKDTree(list(zip(Y, X)))
        #Affine Trans
    yv, xv = np.where(BD_footprint>127)
    XA = A*xv+B*yv+C
    YA = D*xv+E*yv+F
    pts = np.dstack((YA,XA))
    dis, loc = tree.query(pts, k=n ,distance_upper_bound=upper_bd_par)
    #building use max
    Dsm_arr[yv,xv] = Z[loc[:,:,:].ravel()].values.reshape(-1, n).max(axis=1)

    return Dsm_arr
项目:bates_galaxies_lab    作者:aleksds    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def voronoi_tessellation(x, y, xnode, ynode, scale):
    Computes (Weighted) Voronoi Tessellation of the pixels grid

    if scale[0] == 1:  # non-weighted VT
        tree = cKDTree(np.column_stack([xnode, ynode]))
        classe = tree.query(np.column_stack([x, y]))[1]
        if x.size < 1e4:
            classe = np.argmin(((x[:, None] - xnode)**2 + (y[:, None] - ynode)**2)/scale**2, axis=1)
        else:  # use for loop to reduce memory usage
            classe = np.zeros(x.size, dtype=int)
            for j, (xj, yj) in enumerate(zip(x, y)):
                classe[j] = np.argmin(((xj - xnode)**2 + (yj - ynode)**2)/scale**2)

    return classe

项目:pyhiro    作者:wanweiwei07    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def remove_close(points, face_index, radius):
    Given an (n, m) set of points where n=(2|3) return a list of points
    where no point is closer than radius
    from scipy.spatial import cKDTree as KDTree

    tree     = KDTree(points)
    consumed = np.zeros(len(points), dtype=np.bool)
    unique   = np.zeros(len(points), dtype=np.bool)
    for i in range(len(points)):
        if consumed[i]: continue
        neighbors = tree.query_ball_point(points[i], r=radius)
        consumed[neighbors] = True
        unique[i] = True
    return points[unique], face_index[unique]
项目:pyhiro    作者:wanweiwei07    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def remove_close(points, face_index, radius):
    Given an (n, m) set of points where n=(2|3) return a list of points
    where no point is closer than radius
    from scipy.spatial import cKDTree as KDTree

    tree     = KDTree(points)
    consumed = np.zeros(len(points), dtype=np.bool)
    unique   = np.zeros(len(points), dtype=np.bool)
    for i in range(len(points)):
        if consumed[i]: continue
        neighbors = tree.query_ball_point(points[i], r=radius)
        consumed[neighbors] = True
        unique[i] = True
    return points[unique], face_index[unique]
项目:pyhiro    作者:wanweiwei07    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def remove_close(points, radius):
    Given an (n, m) set of points where n=(2|3) return a list of points
    where no point is closer than radius
    from scipy.spatial import cKDTree as KDTree

    tree     = KDTree(points)
    consumed = np.zeros(len(points), dtype=np.bool)
    unique   = np.zeros(len(points), dtype=np.bool)
    for i in range(len(points)):
        if consumed[i]: continue
        neighbors = tree.query_ball_point(points[i], r=radius)
        consumed[neighbors] = True
        unique[i]           = True
    return points[unique]
项目:pyhiro    作者:wanweiwei07    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def remove_close_set(points_fixed, points_reduce, radius):
    Given two sets of points and a radius, return a set of points
    that is the subset of points_reduce where no point is within 
    radius of any point in points_fixed
    from scipy.spatial import cKDTree as KDTree

    tree_fixed  = KDTree(points_fixed)
    tree_reduce = KDTree(points_reduce)
    reduce_duplicates = tree_fixed.query_ball_tree(tree_reduce, r = radius)
    reduce_duplicates = np.unique(np.hstack(reduce_duplicates).astype(int))
    reduce_mask = np.ones(len(points_reduce), dtype=np.bool)
    reduce_mask[reduce_duplicates] = False
    points_clean = points_reduce[reduce_mask]
    return points_clean
项目:wradlib    作者:wradlib    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_neighbours_ix(obs_coords, raw_coords, nnear):
    Returns <nnear> neighbour indices per <obs_coords> coordinate pair

    obs_coords : array of float of shape (num_points,ndim)
        in the neighbourhood of these coordinate pairs we look for neighbours
    raw_coords : array of float of shape (num_points,ndim)
        from these coordinate pairs the neighbours are selected
    nnear : integer
        number of neighbours to be selected per coordinate pair of obs_coords

    # plant a tree
    tree = cKDTree(raw_coords)
    # return nearest neighbour indices
    return tree.query(obs_coords, k=nnear)[1]
项目:wradlib    作者:wradlib    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_neighbours(obs_coords, raw_coords, raw, nnear):
    Returns <nnear> neighbour values per <obs_coords> coordinate pair

    obs_coords : array of float of shape (num_points,ndim)
        in the neighbourhood of these coordinate pairs we look for neighbours
    raw_coords : array of float of shape (num_points,ndim)
        from these coordinate pairs the neighbours are selected
    raw : array of float of shape (num_points,...)
        this is the data corresponding to the coordinate pairs raw_coords
    nnear : integer
        number of neighbours to be selected per coordinate pair of obs_coords

    # plant a tree
    tree = cKDTree(raw_coords)
    # retrieve nearest neighbour indices
    ix = tree.query(obs_coords, k=nnear)[1]
    # return the values of the nearest neighbours
    return raw[ix]
项目:collision    作者:EelcoHoogendoorn    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_point_correctness():
    import itertools
    stencil = [-1, 0, 1]
    ndim = 3
    n = 2000
    stencil = itertools.product(*[stencil]*ndim)
    stencil = np.array(list(stencil)).astype(np.int32)

    points = (np.random.rand(n, ndim) * [1, 2, 3]).astype(np.float32)
    scale = 0.1

    spec = GridSpec(points, float(scale))
    offsets = spec.stencil(stencil).astype(np.int32)
    grid = PointGrid(spec, points, offsets)

    pairs = grid.pairs()

    from scipy.spatial import cKDTree
    tree = cKDTree(points)
    tree_pairs = tree.query_pairs(scale, output_type='ndarray')

    assert np.alltrue(npi.unique(tree_pairs) == npi.unique(np.sort(pairs, axis=1)))
项目:collision    作者:EelcoHoogendoorn    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_point_correctness():
    import itertools
    stencil = [-1, 0, 1]
    ndim = 3
    n = 2000
    stencil = itertools.product(*[stencil]*ndim)
    stencil = np.array(list(stencil)).astype(np.int32)

    points = (np.random.rand(n, ndim) * [1, 2, 3]).astype(np.float32)
    scale = 0.1

    spec = GridSpec(points, float(scale))
    offsets = spec.stencil(stencil).astype(np.int32)
    grid = PointGrid(spec, points, offsets)

    pairs = grid.pairs()

    from scipy.spatial import cKDTree
    tree = cKDTree(points)
    tree_pairs = tree.query_pairs(scale, output_type='ndarray')

    assert np.alltrue(npi.unique(tree_pairs) == npi.unique(np.sort(pairs, axis=1)))
项目:sims_featureScheduler    作者:lsst    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def hp_kd_tree(nside=set_default_nside(), leafsize=100):
    Generate a KD-tree of healpixel locations

    nside : int
        A valid healpix nside
    leafsize : int (100)
        Leafsize of the kdtree

    tree : scipy kdtree
    hpid = np.arange(hp.nside2npix(nside))
    ra, dec = _hpid2RaDec(nside, hpid)
    x, y, z = treexyz(ra, dec)
    tree = kdtree(list(zip(x, y, z)), leafsize=leafsize, balanced_tree=False, compact_nodes=False)
    return tree
项目:sims_featureScheduler    作者:lsst    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _set_altaz_fields(self, leafsize=10):
        Have a fixed grid of alt,az pointings to use
        tmp = read_fields()
        names = ['alt', 'az']
        types = [float, float]
        self.fields = np.zeros(tmp.size, dtype=list(zip(names, types)))
        self.fields['alt'] = tmp['dec']
        self.fields['az'] = tmp['RA']

        x, y, z = treexyz(self.fields['az'], self.fields['alt'])
        self.field_tree = kdtree(list(zip(x, y, z)), leafsize=leafsize,
                                 balanced_tree=False, compact_nodes=False)
        hpids = np.arange(hp.nside2npix(self.nside))
        self.reward_ra, self.reward_dec = _hpid2RaDec(self.nside, hpids)
项目:sims_featureScheduler    作者:lsst    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _spin_fields(self, lon=None, lat=None):
        """Spin the field tesselation
        if lon is None:
            lon = np.random.rand()*np.pi*2
        if lat is None:
            lat = np.random.rand()*np.pi*2
        # rotate longitude
        ra = (self.fields['RA'] + lon) % (2.*np.pi)
        dec = self.fields['dec'] + 0

        # Now to rotate ra and dec about the x-axis
        x, y, z = thetaphi2xyz(self.fields['RA'], self.fields['dec']+np.pi/2.)
        xp, yp, zp = rotx(lat, x, y, z)
        theta, phi = xyz2thetaphi(xp, yp, zp)
        dec = phi - np.pi/2
        ra = theta + np.pi

        self.fields['RA'] = ra
        self.fields['dec'] = dec
        # Rebuild the kdtree with the new positions
        # XXX-may be doing some ra,dec to conversions xyz more than needed.
        self._hp2fieldsetup(ra, dec)
项目:pyabc    作者:neuralyzer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fit(self, X, w):
        if len(X) == 0:
            raise NotEnoughParticles("Fitting not possible.")
        self.X_arr = X.as_matrix()

        ctree = cKDTree(X)
        _, indices = ctree.query(X, k=min(self.k + 1, X.shape[0]))

        covs, inv_covs, dets = list(zip(*[self._cov_and_inv(n, indices)
                                    for n in range(X.shape[0])]))
        self.covs = sp.array(covs)
        self.inv_covs = sp.array(inv_covs)
        self.determinants = sp.array(dets)

        self.normalization = sp.sqrt(
            (2 * sp.pi) ** self.X_arr.shape[1] * self.determinants)

        if not sp.isreal(self.normalization).all():
            raise Exception("Normalization not real")
        self.normalization = sp.real(self.normalization)
项目:boids    作者:inconvergent    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, init_num, size, stp):
    self.num = init_num
    self.size = size
    self.stp = stp = 1.0/size

    self.rad = 0.04

    edge = 0.2
    self.xy = edge + random((init_num, 2))*(1.0-2*edge)

    self.v = zeros((init_num, 2), 'float')
    self.dx = zeros((init_num, 2), 'float')
    self.tree = kdtree(self.xy)

    self.slowdown = 0.99999
项目:RasterFairy    作者:Quasimondo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_cKDTree():
        from scipy.spatial import cKDTree
    except ImportError:
        cKDTree = None
    return cKDTree

# getheader gives a 87a header and a color palette (two elements in a list).
# getdata()[0] gives the Image Descriptor up to (including) "LZW min code size".
# getdatas()[1:] is the image data itself in chuncks of 256 bytes (well
# technically the first byte says how many bytes follow, after which that
# amount (max 255) follows).
项目:RasterFairy    作者:Quasimondo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def quantize_with_scipy(self, image):
        w,h = image.size
        px = np.asarray(image).copy()
        px2 = px[:,:,:3].reshape((w*h,3))

        cKDTree = get_cKDTree()
        kdtree = cKDTree(self.colormap[:,:3],leafsize=10)
        result = kdtree.query(px2)
        colorindex = result[1]
        print("Distance: %1.2f" % (result[0].sum()/(w*h)) )
        px2[:] = self.colormap[colorindex,:3]

        return Image.fromarray(px).convert("RGB").quantize(palette=self.paletteImage())
项目:pybot    作者:spillai    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def compute_index(codebook): 
        return cKDTree(codebook)
项目:CycleGAN-Tensorflow-PyTorch-Simple    作者:LynnHo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_cKDTree():
        from scipy.spatial import cKDTree
    except ImportError:
        cKDTree = None
    return cKDTree

# getheader gives a 87a header and a color palette (two elements in a list).
# getdata()[0] gives the Image Descriptor up to (including) "LZW min code size".
# getdatas()[1:] is the image data itself in chuncks of 256 bytes (well
# technically the first byte says how many bytes follow, after which that
# amount (max 255) follows).
项目:CycleGAN-Tensorflow-PyTorch-Simple    作者:LynnHo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def quantize_with_scipy(self, image):
        w, h = image.size
        px = np.asarray(image).copy()
        px2 = px[:, :, :3].reshape((w * h, 3))

        cKDTree = get_cKDTree()
        kdtree = cKDTree(self.colormap[:, :3], leafsize=10)
        result = kdtree.query(px2)
        colorindex = result[1]
        print("Distance: %1.2f" % (result[0].sum() / (w * h)))
        px2[:] = self.colormap[colorindex, :3]

        return Image.fromarray(px).convert("RGB").quantize(palette=self.paletteImage())
项目:cg    作者:michaelhabeck    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def invalidate_distances(self):
        self._tree = cKDTree(self.params.X)
        self._distances, self._neighbors = None, None
项目:circletracking    作者:caspervdw    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def where_close(pos, separation, intensity=None):
    """ Returns indices of features that are closer than separation from other
    features. When intensity is given, the one with the lowest intensity is
    returned: else the most topleft is returned (to avoid randomness)

    To be implemented in trackpy v0.4"""
    if len(pos) == 0:
        return []
    separation = validate_tuple(separation, pos.shape[1])
    if any([s == 0 for s in separation]):
        return []
    # Rescale positions, so that pairs are identified below a distance
    # of 1.
    pos_rescaled = pos / separation
    duplicates = cKDTree(pos_rescaled, 30).query_pairs(1 - 1e-7)
    if len(duplicates) == 0:
        return []
    index_0 = np.fromiter((x[0] for x in duplicates), dtype=int)
    index_1 = np.fromiter((x[1] for x in duplicates), dtype=int)
    if intensity is None:
        to_drop = np.where(np.sum(pos_rescaled[index_0], 1) >
                           np.sum(pos_rescaled[index_1], 1),
                           index_1, index_0)
        intensity_0 = intensity[index_0]
        intensity_1 = intensity[index_1]
        to_drop = np.where(intensity_0 > intensity_1, index_1, index_0)
        edge_cases = intensity_0 == intensity_1
        if np.any(edge_cases):
            index_0 = index_0[edge_cases]
            index_1 = index_1[edge_cases]
            to_drop[edge_cases] = np.where(np.sum(pos_rescaled[index_0], 1) >
                                           np.sum(pos_rescaled[index_1], 1),
                                           index_1, index_0)
    return np.unique(to_drop)
项目:circletracking    作者:caspervdw    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sort_positions(actual, expected):
    assert_equal(len(actual), len(expected))
    tree = cKDTree(actual)
    devs, argsort = tree.query([expected])
    return devs, actual[argsort][0]
项目:inverse_distance_weighting    作者:paulbrodersen    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, X=None, z=None, leafsize=10):
        if not X is None:
            self.tree = cKDTree(X, leafsize=leafsize )
        if not z is None:
            self.z = z
项目:uncover-ml    作者:GeoscienceAustralia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _make_kdtree(self, x):
        self.kdtree = cKDTree(mpiops.random_full_points(x, Napprox=self.nodes))
        if not np.isfinite(self.kdtree.query(x, k=self.k)[0]).all():
            log.warning('Kdtree computation encountered problem. '
                        'Not enough neighbors available to compute '
                        'kdtree. Printing kdtree for debugging purpose')
            raise ValueError('Computed kdtree is not fully populated.'
                             'Not enough valid neighbours available.')
项目:ChainConsumer    作者:Samreay    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, train, weights=None, truncation=3.0, nmin=4, factor=1.0):
        train : np.ndarray
            The training data set. Should be a 1D array of samples or a 2D array of shape (n_samples, n_dim).
        weights : np.ndarray, optional
            An array of weights. If not specified, equal weights are assumed.
        truncation : float, optional
            The maximum deviation (in sigma) to use points in the KDE
        nmin : int, optional
            The minimum number of points required to estimate the density
        factor : float, optional
            Send bandwidth to this factor of the data estimate

        self.truncation = truncation
        self.nmin = nmin
        self.train = train
        if len(train.shape) == 1:
            train = np.atleast_2d(train).T
        self.num_points, self.num_dim = train.shape
        if weights is None:
            weights = np.ones(self.num_points)
        self.weights = weights

        self.mean = np.average(train, weights=weights, axis=0)
        dx = train - self.mean
        cov = np.atleast_2d(np.cov(dx.T, aweights=weights))
        self.A = np.linalg.cholesky(np.linalg.inv(cov))  # The sphere-ifying transform

        self.d =, self.A)  # Sphere-ified data
        self.tree = spatial.cKDTree(self.d)  # kD tree of data

        self.sigma = 2.0 * factor * np.power(self.num_points, -1. / (4 + self.num_dim))  # Starting sigma (bw) of Gauss
        self.sigma_fact = -0.5 / (self.sigma * self.sigma)

        # Cant get normed probs to work atm, turning off for now as I don't need normed pdfs for contours
        # self.norm = np.product(np.diagonal(self.A)) * (2 * np.pi) ** (-0.5 * self.num_dim)  # prob norm
        # self.scaling = np.power(self.norm * self.sigma, -self.num_dim)
项目:IDNNs    作者:ravidziv    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def entropy(x, k=3, base=2):
    """ The classic K-L k-nearest neighbor continuous entropy estimator
        x should be a list of vectors, e.g. x = [[1.3], [3.7], [5.1], [2.4]]
        if x is a one-dimensional scalar and we have four samples
    assert k <= len(x) - 1, "Set k smaller than num. samples - 1"
    d = len(x[0])
    N = len(x)
    intens = 1e-10  # small noise to break degeneracy, see doc.
    x = [list(p + intens * nr.rand(len(x[0]))) for p in x]
    tree = ss.cKDTree(x)
    nn = [tree.query(point, k + 1, p=float('inf'))[0][k] for point in x]
    const = digamma(N) - digamma(k) + d * log(2)
    return (const + d * np.mean(map(log, nn))) / log(base)
项目:IDNNs    作者:ravidziv    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def avgdigamma(points, dvec):
    # This part finds number of neighbors in some radius in the marginal space
    # returns expectation value of <psi(nx)>
    N = len(points)
    tree = ss.cKDTree(points)
    avg = 0.
    for i in range(N):
        dist = dvec[i]
        # subtlety, we don't include the boundary point,
        # but we are implicitly adding 1 to kraskov def bc center point is included
        num_points = len(tree.query_ball_point(points[i], dist - 1e-15, p=float('inf')))
        avg += digamma(num_points) / N
    return avg
项目:PyFRAP    作者:alexblaessle    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def maskMeshByDistance(x,y,d,grid):

    """Filters all (x,y) coordinates that are more than d 
    in meshgrid given some actual coordinates (x,y).

        x (numpy.ndarray): x-coordinates.
        y (numpy.ndarray): y-coordinates.
        d (float): Maximum distance.
        grid (numpy.ndarray): Numpy meshgrid.

        idxs (list): List of booleans.


    #Convert x/y into useful array

    #Compute distances to nearest neighbors
    tree = cKDTree(xy.T)
    xi = _ndim_coords_from_arrays(tuple(grid))
    dists, indexes = tree.query(xi)

    #Get indices of distances that are further apart than d
    idxs = (dists > d)

    return idxs,