Python scipy.special 模块,gammaln() 实例源码


项目:paragraph2vec    作者:thunlp    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def lda_e_step(doc_word_ids, doc_word_counts, alpha, beta, max_iter=100):
    gamma = np.ones(len(alpha))
    expElogtheta = np.exp(dirichlet_expectation(gamma))
    betad = beta[:, doc_word_ids]
    phinorm =, betad) + 1e-100
    counts = np.array(doc_word_counts)
    for _ in xrange(max_iter):
        lastgamma = gamma

        gamma = alpha + expElogtheta * / phinorm, betad.T)
        Elogtheta = dirichlet_expectation(gamma)
        expElogtheta = np.exp(Elogtheta)
        phinorm =, betad) + 1e-100
        meanchange = np.mean(abs(gamma - lastgamma))
        if (meanchange < meanchangethresh):

    likelihood = np.sum(counts * np.log(phinorm))
    likelihood += np.sum((alpha - gamma) * Elogtheta)
    likelihood += np.sum(sp.gammaln(gamma) - sp.gammaln(alpha))
    likelihood += sp.gammaln(np.sum(alpha)) - sp.gammaln(np.sum(gamma))

    return (likelihood, gamma)
项目:zhusuan    作者:thu-ml    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_value(self):
        with self.test_session(use_gpu=True):
            def _test_value(given, temperature, logits):
                given = np.array(given, np.float32)
                logits = np.array(logits, np.float32)
                n = logits.shape[-1]

                t = temperature
                target_log_p = special.gammaln(n) + (n - 1) * np.log(t) + \
                    (logits - t * given).sum(axis=-1) - \
                    n * np.log(np.exp(logits - t * given).sum(axis=-1))

                con = ExpConcrete(temperature, logits=logits)
                log_p = con.log_prob(given)
                self.assertAllClose(log_p.eval(), target_log_p)
                p = con.prob(given)
                self.assertAllClose(p.eval(), np.exp(target_log_p))

            _test_value([np.log(0.25), np.log(0.25), np.log(0.5)],
                        [1., 1., 1.2])
            _test_value([[np.log(0.25), np.log(0.25), np.log(0.5)],
                        [np.log(0.1), np.log(0.5), np.log(0.4)]],
                        [[1., 1., 1.], [.5, .5, .4]])
项目:zhusuan    作者:thu-ml    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_value(self):
        with self.test_session(use_gpu=True):
            def _test_value(given, temperature, logits):
                given = np.array(given, np.float32)
                logits = np.array(logits, np.float32)
                n = logits.shape[-1]

                t = temperature
                target_log_p = special.gammaln(n) + (n - 1) * np.log(t) + \
                    (logits - (t + 1) * np.log(given)).sum(axis=-1) - \
                    n * np.log(np.exp(logits - t * np.log(given)).sum(axis=-1))

                con = Concrete(temperature, logits=logits)
                log_p = con.log_prob(given)
                self.assertAllClose(log_p.eval(), target_log_p)
                p = con.prob(given)
                self.assertAllClose(p.eval(), np.exp(target_log_p))

            _test_value([0.25, 0.25, 0.5],
                        [1., 1., 1.2])
            _test_value([[0.25, 0.25, 0.5],
                        [0.1, 0.5, 0.4]],
                        [[1., 1., 1.], [.5, .5, .4]])
项目:pyflux    作者:RJT1990    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def neg_loglikelihood(y, mean, scale, shape, skewness):
        """ Negative loglikelihood function

        y : np.ndarray
            univariate time series

        mean : np.ndarray
            array of location parameters for the Poisson distribution

        scale : float
            scale parameter for the Poisson distribution

        shape : float
            tail thickness parameter for the Poisson distribution

        skewness : float
            skewness parameter for the Poisson distribution

        - Negative loglikelihood of the Poisson family
        return -np.sum(-mean + np.log(mean)*y - sp.gammaln(y + 1))
项目:bayes-qnet    作者:casutton    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sample_gamma_posterior (data, shape0, scale0):
    S = numpy.sum(data)
    Slog = numpy.sum(map(numpy.log, data))
    N = len(data)

    logP = 1.0+Slog
    q = 1.0 + S
    r = 1.0 + N
    s = 1.0 + N
#    lnf_shape = lambda al: (al-1)*logP + special.gammaln(s*al+1) - (1-al*s)*numpy.log(q) -r*special.gammaln(al)

    lnf_shape = lambda al: (al-1)*logP - q/scale0 - r*special.gammaln(al) - (al*s)*numpy.log(scale0)
    shape_new = sampling.slice (lnf_shape, shape0, thin=5, N=1, lower=0, upper=numpy.inf)[0]
#    print "Sfoo", shape0, lnf_shape(shape0)
#    print "....", shape_new, lnf_shape(shape_new)

#    lnf_rate = lambda beta: -beta*q + s*shape_new*numpy.log(beta)
#    rate_new = sampling.slice (lnf_rate, 1.0/scale0, thin=5, N=1, lower=0, upper=numpy.inf)[0]
    lnf_scale = lambda beta: (shape_new-1)*logP - q/beta - r*special.gammaln(shape_new) - (shape_new*s)*numpy.log(beta)
    scale_new = sampling.slice (lnf_scale, scale0, thin=5, N=1, lower=0, upper=numpy.inf)[0]
#    print "Rfoo", 1.0/scale0, lnf_scale(scale0)
#    print "...", scale_new, lnf_scale(scale_new)

    return [shape_new, scale_new]
项目:bayes-qnet    作者:casutton    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def gamma_transition_kernel (data, shape0, scale0, shape1, scale1):
    S = numpy.sum(data)
    Slog = numpy.sum(map(numpy.log, data))
    N = len(data)

    logP = 1.0+Slog
    q = 1.0 + S
    r = 1.0 + N
    s = 1.0 + N

    lnf_shape = lambda al: (al-1)*logP - q/scale0 - r*special.gammaln(al) - (al*s)*numpy.log(scale0)
    p_shape = lnf_shape(shape1)

    lnf_scale = lambda beta: (shape1-1)*logP - q/beta - r*special.gammaln(shape1) - (shape1*s)*numpy.log(beta)
    p_scale = lnf_scale (scale1)

    return p_shape + p_scale

# proposal
项目:topical_word_embeddings    作者:thunlp    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def lda_e_step(doc_word_ids, doc_word_counts, alpha, beta, max_iter=100):
    gamma = np.ones(len(alpha))
    expElogtheta = np.exp(dirichlet_expectation(gamma))
    betad = beta[:, doc_word_ids]
    phinorm =, betad) + 1e-100
    counts = np.array(doc_word_counts)
    for _ in xrange(max_iter):
        lastgamma = gamma

        gamma = alpha + expElogtheta * / phinorm, betad.T)
        Elogtheta = dirichlet_expectation(gamma)
        expElogtheta = np.exp(Elogtheta)
        phinorm =, betad) + 1e-100
        meanchange = np.mean(abs(gamma - lastgamma))
        if (meanchange < meanchangethresh):

    likelihood = np.sum(counts * np.log(phinorm))
    likelihood += np.sum((alpha - gamma) * Elogtheta)
    likelihood += np.sum(sp.gammaln(gamma) - sp.gammaln(alpha))
    likelihood += sp.gammaln(np.sum(alpha)) - sp.gammaln(np.sum(gamma))

    return (likelihood, gamma)
项目:topical_word_embeddings    作者:thunlp    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def lda_e_step(doc_word_ids, doc_word_counts, alpha, beta, max_iter=100):
    gamma = np.ones(len(alpha))
    expElogtheta = np.exp(dirichlet_expectation(gamma))
    betad = beta[:, doc_word_ids]
    phinorm =, betad) + 1e-100
    counts = np.array(doc_word_counts)
    for _ in xrange(max_iter):
        lastgamma = gamma

        gamma = alpha + expElogtheta * / phinorm, betad.T)
        Elogtheta = dirichlet_expectation(gamma)
        expElogtheta = np.exp(Elogtheta)
        phinorm =, betad) + 1e-100
        meanchange = np.mean(abs(gamma - lastgamma))
        if (meanchange < meanchangethresh):

    likelihood = np.sum(counts * np.log(phinorm))
    likelihood += np.sum((alpha - gamma) * Elogtheta)
    likelihood += np.sum(sp.gammaln(gamma) - sp.gammaln(alpha))
    likelihood += sp.gammaln(np.sum(alpha)) - sp.gammaln(np.sum(gamma))

    return (likelihood, gamma)
项目:topical_word_embeddings    作者:thunlp    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def lda_e_step(doc_word_ids, doc_word_counts, alpha, beta, max_iter=100):
    gamma = np.ones(len(alpha))
    expElogtheta = np.exp(dirichlet_expectation(gamma))
    betad = beta[:, doc_word_ids]
    phinorm =, betad) + 1e-100
    counts = np.array(doc_word_counts)
    for _ in xrange(max_iter):
        lastgamma = gamma

        gamma = alpha + expElogtheta * / phinorm, betad.T)
        Elogtheta = dirichlet_expectation(gamma)
        expElogtheta = np.exp(Elogtheta)
        phinorm =, betad) + 1e-100
        meanchange = np.mean(abs(gamma - lastgamma))
        if (meanchange < meanchangethresh):

    likelihood = np.sum(counts * np.log(phinorm))
    likelihood += np.sum((alpha - gamma) * Elogtheta)
    likelihood += np.sum(sp.gammaln(gamma) - sp.gammaln(alpha))
    likelihood += sp.gammaln(np.sum(alpha)) - sp.gammaln(np.sum(gamma))

    return (likelihood, gamma)
项目:PyBGMM    作者:junlulocky    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def log_marg_for_copy(self, copy_components):
        """Return log marginal of data and component assignments: p(X, z)"""

        # Log probability of component assignment P(z|alpha)
        # Equation (10) in Wood and Black, 2008
        # Use \Gamma(n) = (n - 1)!
        facts_ = gammaln(copy_components.counts[:copy_components.K])
        facts_[copy_components.counts[:copy_components.K] == 0] = 0  # definition of log(0!)
        log_prob_z = (
            (copy_components.K - 1)*math.log(self.alpha) + gammaln(self.alpha)
            - gammaln(np.sum(copy_components.counts[:copy_components.K])
            + self.alpha) + np.sum(facts_)

        log_prob_X_given_z = copy_components.log_marg()

        return log_prob_z + log_prob_X_given_z
项目:PyBGMM    作者:junlulocky    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def log_marg(self):
        """Return log marginal of data and component assignments: p(X, z)"""

        # Log probability of component assignment P(z|alpha)
        # Equation (10) in Wood and Black, 2008
        # Use \Gamma(n) = (n - 1)!
        facts_ = gammaln(self.components.counts[:self.components.K])
        facts_[self.components.counts[:self.components.K] == 0] = 0  # definition of log(0!)
        log_prob_z = (
            (self.components.K - 1)*math.log(self.alpha) + gammaln(self.alpha)
            - gammaln(np.sum(self.components.counts[:self.components.K])
            + self.alpha) + np.sum(facts_)

        log_prob_X_given_z = self.components.log_marg()

        return log_prob_z + log_prob_X_given_z
项目:PyBGMM    作者:junlulocky    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def log_marg(self):
        """Return log marginal of data and component assignments: p(X, z)"""

        # Log probability of component assignment, (24.24) in Murphy, p. 842
        log_prob_z = (
            - gammaln(self.kalpha + np.sum(self.components.counts))
            + np.sum(
                    + float(self.kalpha)/self.components.K_max
                - gammaln(self.kalpha/self.components.K_max)

        # Log probability of data in each component
        log_prob_X_given_z = self.components.log_marg()

        return log_prob_z + log_prob_X_given_z
项目:dmr    作者:mpkato    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _ll(self, x):
        result = 0.0
        # P(w|z)
        result += self.K * special.gammaln(self.beta * self.K)
        result += -np.sum(special.gammaln(np.sum(self.n_z_w, axis=1)))
        result += np.sum(special.gammaln(self.n_z_w))
        result += -self.V * special.gammaln(self.beta)

        # P(z|Lambda)
        alpha = self.get_alpha(x)
        result += np.sum(special.gammaln(np.sum(alpha, axis=1)))
        result += -np.sum(special.gammaln(
            np.sum(self.n_m_z+alpha, axis=1)))
        result += np.sum(special.gammaln(self.n_m_z+alpha))
        result += -np.sum(special.gammaln(alpha))

        # P(Lambda)
        result += -self.K / 2.0 * np.log(2.0 * np.pi * (self.sigma ** 2))
        result += -1.0 / (2.0 * (self.sigma ** 2)) * np.sum(x ** 2)

        result = -result
        return result
项目:sdaopt    作者:sgubianpm    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def visit_fn(self, temperature):
        factor1 = np.exp(np.log(temperature) / (self.qv - 1.0))
        factor2 = np.exp((4.0 - self.qv) * np.log(self.qv - 1.0))
        factor3 = np.exp((2.0 - self.qv) * np.log(2.0) / (self.qv - 1.0))
        factor4 = np.sqrt(np.pi) * factor1 * factor2 / (factor3 * (
            3.0 - self.qv))
        factor5 = 1.0 / (self.qv - 1.0) - 0.5
        d1 = 2.0 - factor5
        factor6 = np.pi * (1.0 - factor5) / np.sin(
            np.pi * (1.0 - factor5)) / np.exp(gammaln(d1))
        sigmax = np.exp(-(self.qv - 1.0) * np.log(
            factor6 / factor4) / (3.0 - self.qv))
        x = sigmax * self.gaussian_fn(1)
        y = self.gaussian_fn(0)
        den = np.exp(
            (self.qv - 1.0) * np.log((np.fabs(y))) / (3.0 - self.qv))
        return x / den
项目:pymake    作者:dtrckd    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def prob_jk(self, j, k):
        # -1 because table of current sample topic jk, is not conditioned on
        njdotk = self.count_k_by_j[j, k]
        if njdotk == 1:
            return np.ones(1)

        possible_ms = np.arange(1, njdotk) # +1-1
        log_alpha_beta_k = self.get_log_alpha_beta(k)
        alpha_beta_k = np.exp(log_alpha_beta_k)

        normalizer = gammaln(alpha_beta_k) - gammaln(alpha_beta_k + njdotk)
        log_stir = self.stirling_mat(njdotk, possible_ms)

        params = normalizer + log_stir + possible_ms*log_alpha_beta_k

        return lognormalize(params)
项目:CNValloc    作者:m1m0r1    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def init_with_data(cls, lda_data, nhaps=3, haplotypes=None, use_ll_offset=False):
        V = len(lda_data.alphabets)

        status = cls(lda_data)

        zero = 1e-30  # value for zero count

        status.nhaps = nhaps
        status.ll_offset = gammaln(nhaps + 1) if use_ll_offset else 0.
        status.alpha = np.array([1. for _ in xrange(nhaps)])    # Uniform distribution
        #status.alpha = np.array([1. / nhaps for _ in xrange(nhaps)])
        if haplotypes:
            status.log_beta = np.log(np.array([[[1 if a == haplotypes[n][m] else zero for n in xrange(nhaps)] for a in lda_data.alphabets] for m in xrange(lda_data.nsites)]))
            status.log_beta = np.array([[[np.random.random() for _ in xrange(nhaps)] for _ in lda_data.alphabets] for _ in xrange(lda_data.nsites)])
        status.log_beta = log_normalize(status.log_beta, axis=1)
        # adhoc initialization
        status.log_psi = status.log_beta[np.newaxis, :, :, :]
        status.gamma = status.alpha[np.newaxis, :] + np.exp(lda_data.log_d[:, :, :, np.newaxis] + status.log_psi).sum(axis=1).sum(axis=1)
        status.ll = status.calc_lower_ll()

        #(status.gamma, status.log_psi) = _calc_gamma_psi(log_d, status.alpha, status.log_beta, gamma, log_psi)
        return status
项目:KMMMs    作者:blt2114    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def log_p_kmer_table(kmer_counts, p_kmers):
    """log_p_kmer_table calculates the probabilty of an observed kmer table
    given as a multinomial given the multinomial probabilities.  The kmer
    table is preferably collapsed, i.e. if a given sequence is present, its
    reverse complement is not.

        kmer_counts: the kmer table
        p_kmers: the multinomial probabilities

        the total log probability as a float
    total = 0
    log_p = 0
    total_p = sum(p_kmers.values())
    for kmer in p_kmers.keys():
        p_kmers[kmer] /= total_p
    for kmer, count in kmer_counts.iteritems():
        log_p += count*np.log(p_kmers[kmer]) - special.gammaln(count+1)
        total += count
    log_p += special.gammaln(total+1)
    return log_p
项目:KMMMs    作者:blt2114    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def log_p_multinomial(X, p):
    """log_p_multinomial returns the probability of drawing a vector of
    counts from a multinomial parameterized by p.

        X: np.array of counts representing a multinomial draw.
        p: np.array of probabilities, corresponding to X

        the log probability of the multinomial draw.
    if sum(X) == 0:
        return 0.0
    # check that input is valid
    assert len(X) == len(p)
    eps = 0.0001
    assert abs(sum(p)- 1.0) < eps

    # calculate log prob.

    log_n_choices = special.gammaln(sum(X)+1) - sum([special.gammaln(x_i+1)
                                                     for x_i in X])
    log_p_items = sum(x_i*np.log(p_i) for (x_i, p_i) in zip(X, p))
    return log_n_choices + log_p_items
项目:KMMMs    作者:blt2114    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def log_prob_given_alpha(self):
        """log_prob_given_alpha returns the probability of the mixing
        proportions, gamma, under the CRP prior

            the log probability as a float.
        K = len(self.component_counts.keys()) # number of seen components
        N = sum(self.component_counts.values())
        log_numerator = K*np.log(self.alpha_crp) + sum(
                special.gammaln(N_k) for N_k in
        log_denom = (special.gammaln(N + self.alpha_crp) -
        return log_numerator - log_denom
项目:bnpy    作者:bnpy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def makePlot_pdf_Phi(
        nu=0, tau=0, phi_grid=None,
        ngrid=1000, min_phi=-100, max_phi=100):
    label = 'nu=%7.2f' % (nu)
    cPrior = - gammaln(nu) + gammaln(nu-tau) + gammaln(tau)
    if phi_grid is None:
        phi_grid = np.linspace(min_phi, max_phi, ngrid)
    logpdf_grid = tau * phi_grid - nu * c_Phi(phi_grid) - cPrior
    pdf_grid = np.exp(logpdf_grid)
    IntegralVal = np.trapz(pdf_grid, phi_grid)
    mu_grid = phi2mu(phi_grid)
    ExpectedPhiVal = np.trapz(pdf_grid * phi_grid, phi_grid)
    ExpectedMuVal = np.trapz(pdf_grid * mu_grid, phi_grid)
    print '%s Integral=%.4f E[phi]=%6.3f E[mu]=%.4f' % (
        label, IntegralVal, ExpectedPhiVal, ExpectedMuVal)
    pylab.plot(phi_grid, pdf_grid, '-', label=label)
    pylab.xlabel('phi (log odds ratio)')
    pylab.ylabel('density p(phi)')
项目:bnpy    作者:bnpy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def makePlot_pdf_Mu(
        nu=0, tau=0, phi_grid=None,
        ngrid=1000, min_phi=-100, max_phi=100):
    label = 'nu=%7.2f' % (nu,)
    cPrior = - gammaln(nu) + gammaln(nu-tau) + gammaln(tau)

    mu_grid = np.linspace(1e-15, 1-1e-15, ngrid)
    phi_grid = mu2phi(mu_grid)
    logpdf_grid = tau * phi_grid - nu * c_Phi(phi_grid) - cPrior
    logJacobian_grid = logJacobian_mu(mu_grid)
    pdf_grid = np.exp(logpdf_grid + logJacobian_grid)
    IntegralVal = np.trapz(pdf_grid, mu_grid)
    ExpectedMuVal = np.trapz(pdf_grid * mu_grid, mu_grid)
    ExpectedPhiVal = np.trapz(pdf_grid * phi_grid, mu_grid)
    print '%s Integral=%.4f E[phi]=%6.3f E[mu]=%.4f' % (
        label, IntegralVal, ExpectedPhiVal, ExpectedMuVal)
    pylab.plot(mu_grid, pdf_grid, '-', label=label)
    pylab.ylabel('density p(mu)')
项目:bnpy    作者:bnpy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def makePlot_pdf_Phi(
        nu=0, tau=0, phi_grid=None,
        ngrid=1000, min_phi=-100, max_phi=100):
    label = 'nu=%7.2f' % (nu)
    cPrior = - gammaln(nu) + gammaln(nu-tau) + gammaln(tau)
    if phi_grid is None:
        phi_grid = np.linspace(min_phi, max_phi, ngrid)
    logpdf_grid = tau * phi_grid - nu * c_Phi(phi_grid) - cPrior
    pdf_grid = np.exp(logpdf_grid)
    IntegralVal = np.trapz(pdf_grid, phi_grid)
    mu_grid = phi2mu(phi_grid)
    ExpectedPhiVal = np.trapz(pdf_grid * phi_grid, phi_grid)
    ExpectedMuVal = np.trapz(pdf_grid * mu_grid, phi_grid)
    print '%s Integral=%.4f E[phi]=%6.3f E[mu]=%.4f' % (
        label, IntegralVal, ExpectedPhiVal, ExpectedMuVal)
    pylab.plot(phi_grid, pdf_grid, '-', label=label)
    pylab.xlabel('phi (log odds ratio)')
    pylab.ylabel('density p(phi)')
项目:bnpy    作者:bnpy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def L_hdp(beta, omega, Tvec, alpha):
    ''' Compute top-tier of hdp bound.
    K = omega.size
    assert K == beta.size
    assert K == Tvec.size
    rho = OROB.beta2rho(beta, K)
    eta1 = rho * omega
    eta0 = (1-rho) * omega
    digamma_omega = digamma(omega)
    digamma_eta1 = digamma(eta1)
    digamma_eta0 = digamma(eta0)

    ElogU = digamma_eta1 - digamma_omega
    Elog1mU = digamma_eta0 - digamma_omega
    Lscore = \
        np.sum(gammaln(eta1) + gammaln(eta0) - gammaln(omega)) \
        + np.inner(nDoc + 1 - eta1, ElogU) \
        + np.inner(nDoc * OROB.kvec(K) + gamma - eta0, Elog1mU) \
        + alpha * np.inner(beta, Tvec)
    return Lscore
项目:bnpy    作者:bnpy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def c_Func(nu, logdetB, M, logdetV):
    ''' Evaluate cumulant function c at given parameters.

    c is the cumulant of the MatrixNormal-Wishart, using common params.

    c : scalar real value of cumulant function at provided args
    if logdetB.ndim >= 2:
        logdetB = np.log(np.linalg.det(logdetB))
    if logdetV.ndim >= 2:
        logdetV = np.log(np.linalg.det(logdetV))
    D, E = M.shape
    dvec = np.arange(1, D + 1, dtype=np.float)
    return - 0.25 * D * (D - 1) * LOGPI \
        - 0.5 * D * LOGTWO * nu \
        - np.sum(gammaln(0.5 * (nu + 1 - dvec))) \
        + 0.5 * nu * logdetB \
        - 0.5 * D * E * LOGTWOPI \
        + 0.5 * E * logdetV
项目:bnpy    作者:bnpy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def c_Diff(nu1, logdetB1, D, nu2, logdetB2):
    ''' Evaluate difference of cumulant functions c(params1) - c(params2)

    May be more numerically stable than directly using c_Func
    to find the difference.

    diff : scalar real value of the difference in cumulant functions
    if logdetB1.ndim >= 2:
        assert D == logdetB1.shape[-1]
        logdetB1 = np.log(np.linalg.det(logdetB1))
        logdetB2 = np.log(np.linalg.det(logdetB2))
    dvec = np.arange(1, D + 1, dtype=np.float)
    return - 0.5 * D * LOGTWO * (nu1 - nu2) \
        - np.sum(gammaln(0.5 * (nu1 + 1 - dvec))) \
        + np.sum(gammaln(0.5 * (nu2 + 1 - dvec))) \
        + 0.5 * (nu1 * logdetB1 - nu2 * logdetB2)
项目:bnpy    作者:bnpy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _calcPredProbVec_Fast(self, SS, x):
        p = np.zeros(SS.K)
        nu, beta, m, kappa = self.calcPostParams(SS)
        kbeta = beta
        kbeta *= ((kappa + 1) / kappa)[:, np.newaxis]
        base = np.square(x - m)
        base /= kbeta
        base += 1
        # logp : 2D array, size K x D
        logp = (-0.5 * (nu + 1))[:, np.newaxis] * np.log(base)
        logp += (gammaln(0.5 * (nu + 1)) - gammaln(0.5 * nu))[:, np.newaxis]
        logp -= 0.5 * np.log(kbeta)

        # p : 1D array, size K
        p = np.sum(logp, axis=1)
        p -= np.max(p)
        np.exp(p, out=p)
        return p
项目:bnpy    作者:bnpy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def c_Diff(nu1, beta1, m1, kappa1,
           nu2, beta2, m2, kappa2):
    ''' Evaluate difference of cumulant functions c(params1) - c(params2)

    May be more numerically stable than directly using c_Func
    to find the difference.

    diff : scalar real value of the difference in cumulant functions
    cDiff = - 0.5 * LOGTWO * (nu1 - nu2) \
        - gammaln(0.5 * nu1) + gammaln(0.5 * nu2) \
        + 0.5 * (np.log(kappa1) - np.log(kappa2)) \
        + 0.5 * (nu1 * np.log(beta1) - nu2 * np.log(beta2))
    return np.sum(cDiff)
项目:bnpy    作者:bnpy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _calcPredProbVec_Fast(self, SS, x):
        nu, B, m, kappa = self.calcPostParams(SS)
        kB = B
        kB *= ((kappa + 1) / kappa)[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis]
        logp = np.zeros(SS.K)
        p = logp  # Rename so its not confusing what we're returning
        for k in xrange(SS.K):
            cholKB = scipy.linalg.cholesky(kB[k], lower=1)
            logdetKB = 2 * np.sum(np.log(np.diag(cholKB)))
            mVec = np.linalg.solve(cholKB, x - m[k])
            mDist_k = np.inner(mVec, mVec)
            logp[k] = -0.5 * logdetKB - 0.5 * \
                (nu[k] + 1) * np.log(1.0 + mDist_k)
        logp += gammaln(0.5 * (nu + 1)) - gammaln(0.5 * (nu + 1 - self.D))
        logp -= np.max(logp)
        np.exp(logp, out=p)
        return p
项目:bnpy    作者:bnpy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def c_Func(nu, logdetB, m, kappa):
    ''' Evaluate cumulant function at given params.

    c : scalar real value of cumulant function at provided args
    if logdetB.ndim >= 2:
        logdetB = np.log(np.linalg.det(logdetB))
    D = m.size
    dvec = np.arange(1, D + 1, dtype=np.float)
    return - 0.5 * D * LOGTWOPI \
           - 0.25 * D * (D - 1) * LOGPI \
           - 0.5 * D * LOGTWO * nu \
           - np.sum(gammaln(0.5 * (nu + 1 - dvec))) \
        + 0.5 * D * np.log(kappa) \
        + 0.5 * nu * logdetB
项目:bnpy    作者:bnpy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def c_Diff(nu1, logdetB1, m1, kappa1,
           nu2, logdetB2, m2, kappa2):
    ''' Evaluate difference of cumulant functions c(params1) - c(params2)

    May be more numerically stable than directly using c_Func
    to find the difference.

    diff : scalar real value of the difference in cumulant functions
    if logdetB1.ndim >= 2:
        logdetB1 = np.log(np.linalg.det(logdetB1))
    if logdetB2.ndim >= 2:
        logdetB2 = np.log(np.linalg.det(logdetB2))
    D = m1.size
    dvec = np.arange(1, D + 1, dtype=np.float)
    return - 0.5 * D * LOGTWO * (nu1 - nu2) \
           - np.sum(gammaln(0.5 * (nu1 + 1 - dvec))) \
        + np.sum(gammaln(0.5 * (nu2 + 1 - dvec))) \
        + 0.5 * D * (np.log(kappa1) - np.log(kappa2)) \
        + 0.5 * (nu1 * logdetB1 - nu2 * logdetB2)
项目:bnpy    作者:bnpy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def c_Beta(g1, g0):
    ''' Calculate cumulant function of the Beta distribution

    Input can be vectors, in which case we compute sum over
    several cumulant functions of the independent distributions:
    \prod_k Beta(g1[k], g0[k])

    g1 : 1D array, size K
        first parameter of a Beta distribution
    g0 : 1D array, size K
        second parameter of a Beta distribution

    c : scalar sum of the cumulants defined by provided parameters
    return np.sum(gammaln(g1 + g0) - gammaln(g1) - gammaln(g0))
项目:bnpy    作者:bnpy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def c_Beta(g1, g0):
    ''' Calculate cumulant function of the Beta distribution

    Input can be vectors, in which case we compute sum over
    several cumulant functions of the independent distributions:
    \prod_k Beta(g1[k], g0[k])

    g1 : 1D array, size K
        first parameter of a Beta distribution
    g0 : 1D array, size K
        second parameter of a Beta distribution

    c : scalar sum of the cumulants defined by provided parameters
    return np.sum(gammaln(g1 + g0) - gammaln(g1) - gammaln(g0))
项目:bnpy    作者:bnpy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def calcELBO_SingleDocFromSparseResp(
        spResp_d, ElogLik_d, wc_d, alphaEbeta):
    ''' Calculate single document contribution to the ELBO objective.

    This isolates all ELBO terms that depend on local parameters of this doc.

    L : scalar float
        value of ELBO objective, up to additive constant.
        This constant is independent of any local parameter attached to doc d.
    DocTopicCount_d = wc_d * spResp_d # Sparse multiply
    theta_d = DocTopicCount_d + alphaEbeta
    R_d = spResp_d.toarray()
    wR_d = wc_d[:, np.newaxis] * R_d
    L_alloc = np.sum(gammaln(theta_d))
    L_data = np.sum(wR_d * ElogLik_d)
    RlogR = np.sum(wR_d * np.log(R_d + 1e-100))
    return L_alloc + L_data - RlogR
项目:segmentalist    作者:kamperh    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def log_prob_z(self):
        Return the log marginal probability of component assignment P(z).

        See (24.24) in Murphy, p. 842.
        log_prob_z = (
            - gammaln(self.alpha + np.sum(self.components.counts))
            + np.sum(
                    + float(self.alpha)/self.components.K_max
                - gammaln(self.alpha/self.components.K_max)
        return log_prob_z
项目:segmentalist    作者:kamperh    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def log_marg(self):
        """Return log marginal of data and component assignments: p(X, z)"""

        log_prob_z = self.log_prob_z()
        log_prob_X_given_z = self.log_prob_X_given_z()

        # # Log probability of component assignment, (24.24) in Murphy, p. 842
        # log_prob_z = (
        #     gammaln(self.alpha)
        #     - gammaln(self.alpha + np.sum(self.components.counts))
        #     + np.sum(
        #         gammaln(
        #             self.components.counts
        #             + float(self.alpha)/self.components.K_max
        #             )
        #         - gammaln(self.alpha/self.components.K_max)
        #         )
        #     )

        # # Log probability of data in each component
        # log_prob_X_given_z = self.components.log_marg()

        return log_prob_z + log_prob_X_given_z

    # @profile
项目:siHMM    作者:Ardavans    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _vlb(self):
        vlb = 0.
        vlb += sum(l.get_vlb() for l in self.labels_list)
        vlb += self.weights.get_vlb()
        vlb += sum(c.get_vlb() for c in self.components)
        for l in self.labels_list:
            vlb += np.sum([
                                for c,r in zip(self.components, l.r.T)])

        # add in symmetry factor (if we're actually symmetric)
        if len(set(type(c) for c in self.components)) == 1:
            vlb += special.gammaln(len(self.components)+1)

        return vlb

    ### SVI
项目:siHMM    作者:Ardavans    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_vlb(self):
        # E[ln p(mu) / q(mu)] part
        h_0, J_0, h_mf, J_mf = self.h_0, self.J_0, self.h_mf, self.J_mf
        Emu, Emu2 = self._E_mu
        p_mu_avgengy = -1./2*J_0*Emu2 + h_0*Emu \
                - 1./2*(h_0**2/J_0) + 1./2*np.log(J_0) - 1./2*np.log(2*np.pi)
        q_mu_entropy = 1./2*np.log(2*np.pi*np.e/J_mf)

        # E[ln p(sigmasq) / q(sigmasq)] part
        alpha_0, beta_0, alpha_mf, beta_mf = \
                self.alpha_0, self.beta_0, self.alpha_mf, self.beta_mf
        (Esigmasqinv, Elnsigmasq) = self._E_sigmasq
        p_sigmasq_avgengy = (-alpha_0-1)*Elnsigmasq + (-beta_0)*Esigmasqinv \
                - (special.gammaln(alpha_0) - alpha_0*np.log(beta_0))
        q_sigmasq_entropy = alpha_mf + np.log(beta_mf) + special.gammaln(alpha_mf) \
                - (1+alpha_mf)*special.digamma(alpha_mf)

        return p_mu_avgengy + q_mu_entropy + p_sigmasq_avgengy + q_sigmasq_entropy
项目:siHMM    作者:Ardavans    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_vlb(self):
        # E[ln p(mu) / q(mu)] part
        h_0, J_0, h_mf, J_mf = self.h_0, self.J_0, self.h_mf, self.J_mf
        Emu, Emu2 = self._E_mu
        p_mu_avgengy = -1./2*J_0*Emu2 + h_0*Emu \
                - 1./2*(h_0**2/J_0) + 1./2*np.log(J_0) - 1./2*np.log(2*np.pi)
        q_mu_entropy = 1./2*np.log(2*np.pi*np.e/J_mf)

        # E[ln p(sigmasq) / q(sigmasq)] part
        alpha_0, beta_0, alpha_mf, beta_mf = \
                self.alpha_0, self.beta_0, self.alpha_mf, self.beta_mf
        (Esigmasqinv, Elnsigmasq) = self._E_sigmasq
        p_sigmasq_avgengy = (-alpha_0-1)*Elnsigmasq + (-beta_0)*Esigmasqinv \
                - (special.gammaln(alpha_0) - alpha_0*np.log(beta_0))
        q_sigmasq_entropy = alpha_mf + np.log(beta_mf) + special.gammaln(alpha_mf) \
                - (1+alpha_mf)*special.digamma(alpha_mf)

        return np.sum(p_mu_avgengy + q_mu_entropy + p_sigmasq_avgengy + q_sigmasq_entropy)
项目:siHMM    作者:Ardavans    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def log_likelihood(self,x,r=None,p=None):
        r = r if r is not None else self.r
        p = p if p is not None else self.p
        x = np.array(x,ndmin=1)

        if self.p > 0:
            xnn = x[x >= 0]
            raw = np.empty(x.shape)
            raw[x>=0] = special.gammaln(r + xnn) - special.gammaln(r) \
                    - special.gammaln(xnn+1) + r*np.log(1-p) + xnn*np.log(p)
            raw[x<0] = -np.inf
            return raw if isinstance(x,np.ndarray) else raw[0]
            raw = np.log(np.zeros(x.shape))
            raw[x == 0] = 0.
            return raw if isinstance(x,np.ndarray) else raw[0]
项目:siHMM    作者:Ardavans    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_statistics(self,data):
        # NOTE: since this isn't really in exponential family, this method needs
        # to look at hyperparameters. form posterior hyperparameters for the p
        # parameters here so we can integrate them out and get the r statistics
        n, tot = super(NegativeBinomialIntegerR,self)._get_statistics(data)
        if n > 0:
            alpha_n, betas_n = self.alpha_0 + tot, self.beta_0 + self.r_support*n
            data = flattendata(data)
            log_marg_likelihoods = \
                    special.betaln(alpha_n, betas_n) \
                        - special.betaln(self.alpha_0, self.beta_0) \
                    + (special.gammaln(data[:,na]+self.r_support)
                        - special.gammaln(data[:,na]+1) \
                        - special.gammaln(self.r_support)).sum(0)
            log_marg_likelihoods = np.zeros_like(self.r_support)

        return n, tot, log_marg_likelihoods
项目:DeepLearning_VirtualReality_BigData_Project    作者:rashmitripathi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def log_prob(self, x):
    def _compute(df, loc, scale_tril, x):
      k = scale_tril.shape[-1]
      ildj = np.sum(np.log(np.abs(np.diag(scale_tril))), axis=-1)
      logz = ildj + k * (0.5 * np.log(df) +
                         0.5 * np.log(np.pi) +
                         special.gammaln(0.5 * df) -
                         special.gammaln(0.5 * (df + 1.)))
      y = linalg.solve_triangular(scale_tril, np.matrix(x - loc).T,
                                  lower=True, overwrite_b=True)
      logs = -0.5 * (df + 1.) * np.sum(np.log1p(y**2. / df), axis=-2)
      return logs - logz
    if not self._df.shape:
      return _compute(self._df, self._loc, self._scale_tril, x)
    return np.concatenate([
        [_compute(self._df[i], self._loc[i], self._scale_tril[i], x[:, i, :])]
        for i in range(len(self._df))]).T
项目:treecat    作者:posterior    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def logprob_dc(counts, prior, axis=None):
    """Non-normalized log probability of a Dirichlet-Categorical distribution.

    # Note that this excludes the factorial(counts) term, since we explicitly
    # track permutations in assignments.
    return gammaln(np.add(counts, prior, dtype=np.float32)).sum(axis)
项目:cellranger    作者:10XGenomics    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def neg_bin_log_pmf(k, mu, phi):
    """ Log(PMF) of negative binomial distribution with mean mu and dispersion phi,
    conveniently parameterized.
      k (int) - NB random variable
      mu (float) - mean
      phi (float) - dispersion
      The log of the pmf at k. """
    r = 1.0/phi
    return gammaln(r+k) - (gammaln(r) + gammaln(k+1)) + \
        k * np.log(mu/(r+mu)) + \
        r * np.log(r/(r+mu))
项目:CLAM    作者:Xinglab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def trunc_logLik(data, mu, alpha):
    log_1_plus_a_mu = np.log(1 + alpha*mu)
    log_1_minus_prob_zero = np.log(1.0 - np.exp(-np.log(1.0+alpha*mu)/alpha))
    alpha_inv = 1.0/alpha
    lim = int(np.max(data.keys()))
    for i in range(1, lim+1):
        holding_val += np.log(1+alpha*(i-1))
        log_L += data[i]* (holding_val - special.gammaln(i) + i*np.log(mu)-(i+alpha_inv)*log_1_plus_a_mu - log_1_minus_prob_zero)
    return log_L
项目:mitre    作者:gerberlab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def log_multinomial_coefficient(list_of_primitive_rules):
    Count copies of each primitive and calculate a log multinomial coefficient.
    list_of_tuples = [p.as_tuple() for p in list_of_primitive_rules]
    counts = dict.fromkeys(set(list_of_tuples),0)
    for t in list_of_tuples:
        counts[t] += 1
    N = len(list_of_primitive_rules)
    v = np.array(counts.values())
    return gammaln(N+1)-np.sum(gammaln(v+1))
项目:mitre    作者:gerberlab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def log_multinomial_coefficient(list_of_tuples):
    counts = dict.fromkeys(set(list_of_tuples),0)
    for t in list_of_tuples:
        counts[t] += 1
    N = len(list_of_tuples)
    v = np.array(counts.values())
    return gammaln(N+1)-np.sum(gammaln(v+1))

# Parameters (this should be made user-configurable later)
项目:MIT-Thesis    作者:alec-heif    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_serialize(self):
        from scipy.special import gammaln
        x = range(1, 5)
        expected = list(map(gammaln, x))
        observed =
        self.assertEqual(expected, observed)
项目:CSB    作者:csb-toolbox    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def estimate_with_fixed_beta(self, data, beta):

        mu = median(data)
        v = mean((data - mu) ** 2)
        alpha = sqrt(v * exp(gammaln(1. / beta) - gammaln(3. / beta)))

        return mu, alpha
项目:CSB    作者:csb-toolbox    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def log_prob(self, x):

        mu =
        alpha = self.alpha
        beta = self.beta

        return log(beta / (2.0 * alpha)) - gammaln(1. / beta) - power(fabs(x - mu) / alpha, beta)
项目:CSB    作者:csb-toolbox    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def log_prob(self, x):

        a, b = self['alpha'], self['beta']

        return a * log(b) - gammaln(clip(a, 1e-308, 1e308)) + \
               (a - 1) * log(clip(x, 1e-308, 1e308)) - b * x