Python scipy.special 模块,gamma() 实例源码


项目:pycma    作者:CMA-ES    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def chin(self):
        """approximation of the expected length.

        The exact value could be computed by::

            from scipy.special import gamma
            return 2**0.5 * gamma((self.dimension+1) / 2) / gamma(self.dimension / 2)

        The approximation obeys ``chin < chin_hat < (1 + 5e-5) * chin``.
        values = {1: 0.7978845608028656, 2: 1.2533141373156,
                  3: 1.59576912160574,   4: 1.87997120597326}
            val = values[self.dimension]
        except KeyError:
            # for dim > 4 we have chin < chin_hat < (1 + 5e-5) * chin
            N = self.dimension
            val = N**0.5 * (1 - 1. / (4 * N) + 1. / (26 * N**2)) # was: 21
        return val
项目:pycma    作者:CMA-ES    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def chin(self):
        """approximation of the expected length.

        The exact value could be computed by::

            from scipy.special import gamma
            return 2**0.5 * gamma((self.dimension+1) / 2) / gamma(self.dimension / 2)

        The approximation obeys ``chin < chin_hat < (1 + 5e-5) * chin``.
        values = {1: 0.7978845608028656, 2: 1.2533141373156,
                  3: 1.59576912160574,   4: 1.87997120597326}
            val = values[self.dimension]
        except KeyError:
            # for dim > 4 we have chin < chin_hat < (1 + 5e-5) * chin
            N = self.dimension
            val = N**0.5 * (1 - 1. / (4 * N) + 1. / (26 * N**2)) # was: 21
        return val
项目:pycma    作者:CMA-ES    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def chin(self):
        """approximation of the expected length.

        The exact value could be computed by::

            from scipy.special import gamma
            return 2**0.5 * gamma((self.dimension+1) / 2) / gamma(self.dimension / 2)

        The approximation obeys ``chin < chin_hat < (1 + 5e-5) * chin``.

        values = {1: 0.7978845608028656, 2: 1.2533141373156,
                  3: 1.59576912160574,   4: 1.87997120597326}
            val = values[self.dimension]
        except KeyError:
            # for dim > 4 we have chin < chin_hat < (1 + 5e-5) * chin
            N = self.dimension
            val = N**0.5 * (1 - 1. / (4 * N) + 1. / (26 * N**2)) # was: 21
        return val
项目:slitSpectrographBlind    作者:aasensio    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def kolmogorov(self, r0):

        self.covariance = np.zeros((self.nZernike,self.nZernike))
        for i in range(self.nZernike):
            ni, mi = wf.nollIndices(
            for j in range(self.nZernike):
                nj, mj = wf.nollIndices(
                if (even(i - j)):
                    if (mi == mj):
                        phase = (-1.0)**(0.5*(ni+nj-2*mi))
                        t1 = np.sqrt((ni+1)*(nj+1)) * np.pi**(8.0/3.0) * 0.0072 * (self.telescopeD / r0)**(5.0/3.0)
                        t2 = sp.gamma(14./3.0) * sp.gamma(0.5*(ni+nj-5.0/3.0))
                        t3 = sp.gamma(0.5*(ni-nj+17.0/3.0)) * sp.gamma(0.5*(nj-ni+17.0/3.0)) * sp.gamma(0.5*(ni+nj+23.0/3.0))
                        self.covariance[i,j] = phase * t1 * t2 / t3

        self.coeff = np.random.multivariate_normal(np.zeros(self.nZernike), self.covariance, size=(self.nSteps, self.nImages))
项目:pyflux    作者:RJT1990    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def logpdf(self, mu):
        Log PDF for Skew t prior

        mu : float
            Latent variable for which the prior is being formed over

        - log(p(mu))
        if self.transform is not None:
            mu = self.transform(mu)    
        return self.logpdf_internal_prior(mu, df=self.df0, loc=self.loc0, scale=self.scale0, gamma=self.gamma0)
项目:pyflux    作者:RJT1990    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setup():
        """ Returns the attributes of this family

        - scale notes whether family has a variance parameter (sigma)
        - shape notes whether family has a tail thickness parameter (nu)
        - skewness notes whether family has a skewness parameter (gamma)
        - mean_transform is a function which transforms the location parameter
        - cythonized notes whether the family has cythonized routines

        - model name, link function, scale, shape, skewness, mean_transform, cythonized
        name = "Skewt"
        link = np.array
        scale = True
        shape = True
        skewness = True
        mean_transform = np.array
        cythonized = True
        return name, link, scale, shape, skewness, mean_transform, cythonized
项目:pyflux    作者:RJT1990    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def pdf(self, mu):
        PDF for Skew t prior

        mu : float
            Latent variable for which the prior is being formed over

        - p(mu)
        if self.transform is not None:
            mu = self.transform(mu)    
        return self.pdf_internal(mu, df=self.df0, loc=self.loc0, scale=self.scale0, gamma=self.gamma0)
项目:wtte-rnn    作者:ragulpr    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def mean(t, a, b):
        # TODO this is not tested yet.
        # tests:
        #    cemean(0., a, b)==mean(a, b, p)
        #    mean(t, a, 1., p)==mean(0., a, 1., p) == a
        # conditional excess mean
        # E[Y|y>t]
        # (conditional mean age at failure)
        from scipy.special import gamma
        from scipy.special import gammainc
        # Regularized lower gamma
        print('not tested')

        v = 1. + 1. / b
        gv = gamma(v)
        L = np.power((t + .0) / a, b)
        cemean = a * gv * np.exp(L) * (1 - gammainc(v, t / a) / gv)

        return cemean
项目:chxanalys    作者:yugangzhang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def poisson_dist(bin_values, K):
    Poisson Distribution
    K : int
        average counts of photons
    bin_values : array
        scattering bin values
    poisson_dist : array
       Poisson Distribution
    These implementations are based on the references under
    nbinom_distribution() function Notes
    :math ::
        P(K) = \frac{<K>^K}{K!}\exp(-<K>)
    #poisson_dist = stats.poisson.pmf(K, bin_values)
    K = float(K)
    poisson_dist = np.exp(-K) * np.power(K, bin_values)/gamma(bin_values + 1)
    return poisson_dist
项目:chxanalys    作者:yugangzhang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def poisson_dist(bin_values, K):
    Poisson Distribution
    K : int
        average counts of photons
    bin_values : array
        scattering bin values
    poisson_dist : array
       Poisson Distribution
    These implementations are based on the references under
    nbinom_distribution() function Notes
    :math ::
        P(K) = \frac{<K>^K}{K!}\exp(-<K>)
    #poisson_dist = stats.poisson.pmf(K, bin_values)
    K = float(K)
    poisson_dist = np.exp(-K) * np.power(K, bin_values)/gamma(bin_values + 1)
    return poisson_dist
项目:BayesVP    作者:cameronliang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def estimate_bayes_factor(traces, logp, r=0.05):
    Esitmate Odds ratios in a random subsample of the chains in MCMC
    AstroML (see Eqn 5.127, pg 237)

    ndim, nsteps = traces.shape # [ndim,number of steps in chain]

    # compute volume of a n-dimensional (ndim) sphere of radius r
    Vr = np.pi ** (0.5 * ndim) / gamma(0.5 * ndim + 1) * (r ** ndim)

    # use neighbor count within r as a density estimator
    bt = BallTree(traces.T)
    count = bt.query_radius(traces.T, r=r, count_only=True)

    # BF = N*p/rho
    bf = logp + np.log(nsteps) + np.log(Vr) - np.log(count) #log10(bf)

    p25, p50, p75 = np.percentile(bf, [25, 50, 75])
    return p50, 0.7413 * (p75 - p25)

项目:glasstone    作者:GOFAI    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def g(self, x):
        """Fallout Deposition Distribution Function.

Throughout the growth and transport of the radioactive cloud there is a 
continual fall of particles back to the ground. WSEG states that there must be some 
function "g(t)" which describes the fractional rate of activity arrival on the ground
everywhere at some time t. The integral of this function, G(t), represents the
fraction of activity down at time t. This g(t) function will be independent of the
horizontal activity distribution and therefore independent of the growth of a with
time. On the other hand g(t) will be dependent on the initial vertical distribution
and the activity/size distribution which determines particle fall rate. This
arbitrary choice of g(t) is based on Rand calculations which assume an activity/size
distribution given by activity_size_distribution(). These calculations are neither
shown nor referenced in the original 1959 WSEG model. If the activity/size
distribution for a given set of initial conditions is different
than that given by activity_size_distribution(), the form of g(t) should change.
This is not possible under the WSEG model where the function g(t) is fixed. The only
possible compensation for various activity/size distributions results because T_c
varies with yield."""
        return np.exp(-(np.abs(x) / self.L)**self.n) / (self.L * gamma(1 + 1 / self.n))
项目:pyBN    作者:ncullen93    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def K2(bn, data, ed=None):
    K2 is bayesian posterior probability of structure given the data,
    where N'ijk = 1.
    counts_dict = mle_fast(bn, data, counts=True, np=True)
    a_ijk = []
    k2 = 1
    for rv, value in counts_dict.items():
        nijk = value['cpt']
        nijk_prime = 1
        k2 *= gamma(nijk+nijk_prime)/gamma(nijk_prime)
        nij_prime = nijk_prime*(len(cpt)/bn.card(rv))
        nij = np.mean(nijk.reshape(-1, bn.card(rv)), axis=1) # sum along parents
        k2 *= gamma(nij_prime) / gamma(nij+nij_prime)

    return k2
项目:pyssp    作者:shunsukeaihara    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def compute_by_noise_pow(self, signal, n_pow):
        s_spec = np.fft.fftpack.fft(signal * self._window)
        s_amp = np.absolute(s_spec)
        s_phase = np.angle(s_spec)
        gamma = self._calc_aposteriori_snr(s_amp, n_pow)
        xi = self._calc_apriori_snr(gamma)
        self._prevGamma = gamma
        nu = gamma * xi / (1.0 + xi)
        self._G = (self._gamma15 * np.sqrt(nu) / gamma) * np.exp(-nu / 2.0) *\
                  ((1.0 + nu) * spc.i0(nu / 2.0) + nu * spc.i1(nu / 2.0))
        idx = np.less(s_amp ** 2.0, n_pow)
        self._G[idx] = self._constant
        idx = np.isnan(self._G) + np.isinf(self._G)
        self._G[idx] = xi[idx] / (xi[idx] + 1.0)
        idx = np.isnan(self._G) + np.isinf(self._G)
        self._G[idx] = self._constant
        self._G = np.maximum(self._G, 0.0)
        amp = self._G * s_amp
        amp = np.maximum(amp, 0.0)
        amp2 = self._ratio * amp + (1.0 - self._ratio) * s_amp
        self._prevAmp = amp
        spec = amp2 * np.exp(s_phase * 1j)
        return np.real(np.fft.fftpack.ifft(spec))
项目:pyssp    作者:shunsukeaihara    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def compute_by_noise_pow(self, signal, n_pow):
        s_spec = np.fft.fftpack.fft(signal * self._window)
        s_amp = np.absolute(s_spec)
        s_phase = np.angle(s_spec)
        gamma = self._calc_aposteriori_snr(s_amp, n_pow)
        # xi = self._calc_apriori_snr2(gamma,n_pow)
        xi = self._calc_apriori_snr(gamma)
        self._prevGamma = gamma
        u = 0.5 - self._mu / (4.0 * np.sqrt(gamma * xi))
        self._G = u + np.sqrt(u ** 2.0 + self._tau / (gamma * 2.0))
        idx = np.less(s_amp ** 2.0, n_pow)
        self._G[idx] = self._constant
        idx = np.isnan(self._G) + np.isinf(self._G)
        self._G[idx] = xi[idx] / (xi[idx] + 1.0)
        idx = np.isnan(self._G) + np.isinf(self._G)
        self._G[idx] = self._constant
        self._G = np.maximum(self._G, 0.0)
        amp = self._G * s_amp
        amp = np.maximum(amp, 0.0)
        amp2 = self._ratio * amp + (1.0 - self._ratio) * s_amp
        self._prevAmp = amp
        spec = amp2 * np.exp(s_phase * 1j)
        return np.real(np.fft.fftpack.ifft(spec))
项目:adversarial-variational-bayes    作者:gdikov    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def volume_of_the_unit_ball(d):
    """ Volume of the d-dimensional unit ball.

    d : int

    vol : float


    vol = pi**(d/2) / gamma(d/2+1)  # = 2 * pi^(d/2) / ( d*gamma(d/2) )

    return vol
项目:pyGPGO    作者:hawk31    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def K(self, X, Xstar):
        Computes covariance function values over `X` and `Xstar`.

        X: np.ndarray, shape=((n, nfeatures))
        Xstar: np.ndarray, shape=((n, nfeatures))

            Computed covariance matrix.
        r = l2norm_(X, Xstar)
        bessel = kv(self.v, np.sqrt(2 * self.v) * r / self.l)
        f = 2 ** (1 - self.v) / gamma(self.v) * (np.sqrt(2 * self.v) * r / self.l) ** self.v
        res = f * bessel
        res[np.isnan(res)] = 1
        res = self.sigmaf * res + self.sigman * kronDelta(X, Xstar)
        return (res)
项目:pyGPGO    作者:hawk31    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def K(self, X, Xstar):
        Computes covariance function values over `X` and `Xstar`.

        X: np.ndarray, shape=((n, nfeatures))
        Xstar: np.ndarray, shape=((n, nfeatures))

            Computed covariance matrix.
        r = l2norm_(X, Xstar)
        return self.sigmaf * (np.exp(-(r / self.l) ** self.gamma)) + \
               self.sigman * kronDelta(X, Xstar)
项目:gumbel-relatives    作者:matejbalog    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def estimate_MSE_vs_alpha(transform, Ms, alphas, K):
    # Without loss of generality
    Z = 1
    tZ = transform(Z)

    # Estimate MSEs by constructing estimators K times
    MSEs = np.empty((len(Ms), len(alphas)))
    MSEs_stdev = np.empty((len(Ms), len(alphas)))
    for Mi, M in enumerate(Ms):
        # Compute means (K x alphas) in a loop, as otherwise
        # this runs out of memory with K = 100,000.
        means = np.empty((K, len(alphas)))
        for ai, alpha in enumerate(alphas):
            Ws = np.power(np.random.exponential(1.0, size=(K, M)), alpha)   # (K, M)
            means[:, ai] = np.mean(Ws, axis=1)
            print_progress('M = %d: done %.0f%%' % (M, 100.0 * (ai+1) / len(alphas)))

        g = np.power(gamma(1.0 + alphas), 1.0 / alphas)         # (alphas)
        tZ_hats = transform(g * np.power(means, -1.0/alphas))   # (K, alphas)
        SEs = (tZ_hats - tZ) ** 2                               # (K, alphas)
        MSEs[Mi] = np.mean(SEs, axis=0)                         # (alphas)
        MSEs_stdev[Mi] = np.std(SEs, axis=0) / np.sqrt(K)       # (alphas)

    return MSEs, MSEs_stdev
项目:dmr    作者:mpkato    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def simple_multivariate_t_distribution(self, x, mu, sigma, df, d):
        Multivariate t-student density:
            the density of the given element
            x = parameter (d dimensional numpy array or scalar)
            mu = mean (d dimensional numpy array or scalar)
            Sigma = scale matrix (dxd numpy array)
            df = degrees of freedom
            d: dimension
        num = special.gamma((df + d)/2)
        xSigma = - mu), np.linalg.inv(sigma))
        xSigma = np.array([xSigma[i, i] for i in range(self.K)])
        denom = special.gamma(df / 2) * np.power(df * np.pi, d / 2.0)\
            * np.power(np.linalg.det(sigma), 1 / 2.0)\
            * np.power(1 + (1. / df)\
            * np.sum(xSigma * (x - mu), axis=1), (d + df) / 2)
        result = num / denom
        return result
项目:scikit-gstat    作者:mmaelicke    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def matern(h, a, C0, s, b=0):
    The Matérn model.

    For Matérn function see:
    Minasny, B., & McBratney, A. B. (2005). The Matérn function as a general model for soil variograms.
        Geoderma, 128(3–4 SPEC. ISS.), 192–207.

    :param h:   lag
    :param a:   range
    :param C0:  sill
    :param s:   smoothness parameter
    :param b:   nugget
    # prepare parameters
    r = a
    C0 -= b

    return b + C0 * (1 - ( (1 / (np.power(2, s - 1) * special.gamma(s))) * np.power(h / r, s) * special.kv(s, h / r) ))

# --- Adaptions using no nugget effect --- #
项目:mcplates    作者:ian-r-rose    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def spherical_beta_logp(x, lon_lat, alpha):

    if x[1] < -90. or x[1] > 90.:
        raise ZeroProbability
        return -np.inf

    if alpha == 1.0:
        return np.log(1. / 4. / np.pi)

    mu = np.array([np.cos(lon_lat[1] * d2r) * np.cos(lon_lat[0] * d2r),
                   np.cos(lon_lat[1] * d2r) * np.sin(lon_lat[0] * d2r),
                   np.sin(lon_lat[1] * d2r)])
    test_point = np.transpose(np.array([np.cos(x[1] * d2r) * np.cos(x[0] * d2r),
                                        np.cos(x[1] * d2r) *
                                        np.sin(x[0] * d2r),
                                        np.sin(x[1] * d2r)]))

    thetas = np.arccos(, mu))
    normalization = sp.gamma(alpha + 0.5) / \
        sp.gamma(alpha) / np.sqrt(np.pi) / np.pi / 2.
    logp_elem = np.log(np.sin(thetas)) * (2. * alpha - 2) + \

    logp = logp_elem.sum()
    return logp
项目:bmlingam    作者:taku-y    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def multivariatet(mu, Sigma, N, M, rng):
    """Return a sample (or samples) from the multivariate t distribution.

    This function is adopted from

    :param mu: Mean.
    :type mu: ndarray, shape=(n_dim,), dtype=float
    :param Sigma: Scaling matrix.
    :type Sigma: ndarray, shape=(n_dim, n_dim), dtype=float
    :param float N: Degrees of freedom.
    :param int M: Number of samples to produce. 
    :param np.random.RandomState rng: Random number generator. 
    :return: M samples of (n_dim)-dimensional multivariate t distribution.
    :rtype: ndarray, shape=(n_samples, n_dim), dtype=float

    d = len(Sigma)
    g = np.tile(rng.gamma(N/2., 2./N, M), (d, 1)).T
    Z = rng.multivariate_normal(np.zeros(d), Sigma, M)
    return mu + Z / np.sqrt(g)
项目:hh0    作者:sfeeney    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def nu2phr(nu):
    phr = np.sqrt(2.0 / nu) * spesh.gamma((nu + 1.0) / 2.0) / \
          spesh.gamma(nu / 2.0)
    phr = sps.t.pdf(0.0, nu) / sps.norm.pdf(0.0)
    return phr

# read in data
项目:hsmm4acc    作者:wadpac    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _sample_alpha(self, n=1):
        eps = 1e-5
        loglikelihood = lambda alpha: (alpha - 1) * np.log(self.a_0+eps) + alpha * self.c_0 * np.log(self.beta+eps) \
                                      - self.b_0 * np.log(special.gamma(alpha))
        likelihood = lambda alpha: np.exp(loglikelihood(alpha))
        stop = 15
        alpha_space = np.linspace(0, stop, num=old_div(stop, 0.001))
        alpha_dist = likelihood(alpha_space)
        alpha_dist = old_div(alpha_dist, alpha_dist.sum())
        return np.random.choice(a=alpha_space, p=alpha_dist, size=n)
项目:slitSpectrographBlind    作者:aasensio    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def factorial(n):
  Compute the factorial of a number

      n (real): input number

      real: n!
  return gamma(n+1)
项目:pyflux    作者:RJT1990    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def plot_fit(self, **kwargs):
        Plots the fit of the model against the data
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        import seaborn as sns

        figsize = kwargs.get('figsize',(10,7))
        date_index = self.index[max(,[0]]
        mu, Y = self._model(self.latent_variables.get_z_values())

        # Catch specific family properties (imply different link functions/moments)
        if self.model_name2 == "Exponential":
            values_to_plot = 1.0/
        elif self.model_name2 == "Skewt":
            t_params = self.transform_z()
            model_scale, model_shape, model_skewness = self._get_scale_and_shape(t_params)
            m1 = (np.sqrt(model_shape)*sp.gamma((model_shape-1.0)/2.0))/(np.sqrt(np.pi)*sp.gamma(model_shape/2.0))
            additional_loc = (model_skewness - (1.0/model_skewness))*model_scale*m1
            values_to_plot = mu + additional_loc
            values_to_plot =

        plt.plot(date_index, Y, label='Data')
        plt.plot(date_index, values_to_plot, label='ARIMA model', c='black')
项目:pyflux    作者:RJT1990    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def plot_fit(self, **kwargs):
        Plots the fit of the model against the data
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        import seaborn as sns

        figsize = kwargs.get('figsize',(10,7))
        date_index = self.index[max(,]
        mu, Y = self._model(self.latent_variables.get_z_values())

        # Catch specific family properties (imply different link functions/moments)
        if self.model_name2 == "Exponential":
            values_to_plot = 1.0/
        elif self.model_name2 == "Skewt":
            t_params = self.transform_z()
            model_scale, model_shape, model_skewness = self._get_scale_and_shape(t_params)
            m1 = (np.sqrt(model_shape)*sp.gamma((model_shape-1.0)/2.0))/(np.sqrt(np.pi)*sp.gamma(model_shape/2.0))
            additional_loc = (model_skewness - (1.0/model_skewness))*model_scale*m1
            values_to_plot = mu + additional_loc
            values_to_plot =

        plt.plot(date_index, Y, label='Data')
        plt.plot(date_index, values_to_plot, label='ARIMA model', c='black')
项目:pyflux    作者:RJT1990    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, loc=0.0, scale=1.0, df=8.0, gamma=1.0, transform=None, **kwargs):
        loc : float
            Location parameter for the Skew t distribution

        scale : float
            Scale parameter for the Skew t distribution

        df : float
            Degrees of freedom parameter for the Skew t distribution

        gamma : float
            Skewness parameter (1.0 is skewed; under 1.0, -ve skewed; over 1.0, +ve skewed)

        transform : str
            Whether to apply a transformation to the location variable - e.g. 'exp' or 'logit'
        super(Skewt, self).__init__(transform)
        self.loc0 = loc
        self.scale0 = scale
        self.df0 = df
        self.gamma0 = gamma
        self.covariance_prior = False

        self.gradient_only = kwargs.get('gradient_only', False) # used for GAS t models
        if self.gradient_only is True:
            self.score_function = self.first_order_score
            self.score_function = self.second_order_score
项目:pyflux    作者:RJT1990    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def first_order_score(y, mean, scale, shape, skewness):
        """ GAS Skew t Update term using gradient only - native Python function

        y : float
            datapoint for the time series

        mean : float
            location parameter for the Skew t distribution

        scale : float
            scale parameter for the Skew t distribution

        shape : float
            tail thickness parameter for the Skew t distribution

        skewness : float
            skewness parameter for the Skew t distribution

        - Score of the Skew t family
        m1 = (np.sqrt(shape)*sp.gamma((shape-1.0)/2.0))/(np.sqrt(np.pi)*sp.gamma(shape/2.0))
        mean = mean + (skewness - (1.0/skewness))*scale*m1
        if (y-mean)>=0:
            return ((shape+1)/shape)*(y-mean)/(np.power(skewness*scale,2) + (np.power(y-mean,2)/shape))
            return ((shape+1)/shape)*(y-mean)/(np.power(scale,2) + (np.power(skewness*(y-mean),2)/shape))
项目:pyflux    作者:RJT1990    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def rvs(df, gamma, n):
        """ Generates random variables from a Skew t distribution

        df : float
            degrees of freedom parameter

        gamma : float
            skewness parameter

        n : int or list
            Number of simulations to perform; if list input, produces array


        if type(n) == list:
            u = np.random.uniform(size=n[0]*n[1])
            result = Skewt.ppf(q=u, df=df, gamma=gamma)
            result = np.split(result,n[0])
            return np.array(result)
            u = np.random.uniform(size=n)
            if isinstance(df, np.ndarray) or isinstance(gamma, np.ndarray):
                return np.array([Skewt.ppf(q=np.array([u[i]]), df=df[i], gamma=gamma[i])[0] for i in range(n)])
                return Skewt.ppf(q=u, df=df, gamma=gamma)
项目:pyflux    作者:RJT1990    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def logpdf_internal_prior(x, df, loc=0.0, scale=1.0, gamma = 1.0):
        if x-loc < 0.0:
            return np.log(2.0) - np.log(gamma + 1.0/gamma) + ss.t.logpdf(x=gamma*x, loc=loc*gamma,df=df, scale=scale)
            return np.log(2.0) - np.log(gamma + 1.0/gamma) + ss.t.logpdf(x=x/gamma, loc=loc/gamma,df=df, scale=scale)
项目:pyflux    作者:RJT1990    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def markov_blanket(y, mean, scale, shape, skewness):
        """ Markov blanket for each likelihood term

        y : np.ndarray
            univariate time series

        mean : np.ndarray
            array of location parameters for the Skew t distribution

        scale : float
            scale parameter for the Skew t distribution

        shape : float
            tail thickness parameter for the Skew t distribution

        skewness : float
            skewness parameter for the Skew t distribution

        - Markov blanket of the Skew t family
        m1 = (np.sqrt(shape)*sp.gamma((shape-1.0)/2.0))/(np.sqrt(np.pi)*sp.gamma(shape/2.0))
        mean = mean + (skewness - (1.0/skewness))*scale*m1
        return Skewt.logpdf_internal(x=y, df=shape, loc=mean, gamma=skewness, scale=scale)
项目:pyflux    作者:RJT1990    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def neg_loglikelihood(y, mean, scale, shape, skewness):
        """ Negative loglikelihood function

        y : np.ndarray
            univariate time series

        mean : np.ndarray
            array of location parameters for the Skew t distribution

        scale : float
            scale parameter for the Skew t distribution

        shape : float
            tail thickness parameter for the Skew t distribution

        skewness : float
            skewness parameter for the Skew t distribution

        - Negative loglikelihood of the Skew t family
        m1 = (np.sqrt(shape)*sp.gamma((shape-1.0)/2.0))/(np.sqrt(np.pi)*sp.gamma(shape/2.0))
        mean = mean + (skewness - (1.0/skewness))*scale*m1
        return -np.sum(Skewt.logpdf_internal(x=y, df=shape, loc=mean, gamma=skewness, scale=scale))
项目:pyflux    作者:RJT1990    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def reg_score_function(X, y, mean, scale, shape, skewness):
        """ GAS Skew t Regression Update term using gradient only - native Python function

        X : float
            datapoint for the right hand side variable

        y : float
            datapoint for the time series

        mean : float
            location parameter for the Skew t distribution

        scale : float
            scale parameter for the Skew t distribution

        shape : float
            tail thickness parameter for the Skew t distribution

        skewness : float
            skewness parameter for the Skew t distribution

        - Score of the Skew t family
        m1 = (np.sqrt(shape)*sp.gamma((shape-1.0)/2.0))/(np.sqrt(np.pi)*sp.gamma(shape/2.0))
        mean = mean + (skewness - (1.0/skewness))*scale*m1
        if (y-mean)>=0:
            return ((shape+1)/shape)*((y-mean)*X)/(np.power(skewness*scale,2) + (np.power(y-mean,2)/shape))
            return ((shape+1)/shape)*((y-mean)*X)/(np.power(scale,2) + (np.power(skewness*(y-mean),2)/shape))
项目:pyflux    作者:RJT1990    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def second_order_score(y, mean, scale, shape, skewness):
        """ GAS Skew t Update term potentially using second-order information - native Python function

        y : float
            datapoint for the time series

        mean : float
            location parameter for the Skew t distribution

        scale : float
            scale parameter for the Skew t distribution

        shape : float
            tail thickness parameter for the Skew t distribution

        skewness : float
            skewness parameter for the Skew t distribution

        - Adjusted score of the Skew t family
        m1 = (np.sqrt(shape)*sp.gamma((shape-1.0)/2.0))/(np.sqrt(np.pi)*sp.gamma(shape/2.0))
        mean = mean + (skewness - (1.0/skewness))*scale*m1
        if (y-mean)>=0:
            return ((shape+1)/shape)*(y-mean)/(np.power(skewness*scale,2) + (np.power(y-mean,2)/shape))
            return ((shape+1)/shape)*(y-mean)/(np.power(scale,2) + (np.power(skewness*(y-mean),2)/shape))
项目:pyflux    作者:RJT1990    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cdf(x, df, loc=0.0, scale=1.0, gamma = 1.0):
        CDF function for Skew t distribution
        result = np.zeros(x.shape[0])
        result[x<0] = 2.0/(np.power(gamma,2) + 1.0)*ss.t.cdf(gamma*(x[x-loc < 0]-loc[x-loc < 0])/scale, df=df)
        result[x>=0] = 1.0/(np.power(gamma,2) + 1.0) + 2.0/((1.0/np.power(gamma,2)) + 1.0)*(ss.t.cdf((x[x-loc >= 0]-loc[x-loc >= 0])/(gamma*scale), df=df)-0.5)
        return result
项目:pyflux    作者:RJT1990    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ppf(q, df, loc=0.0, scale=1.0, gamma = 1.0):
        PPF function for Skew t distribution
        result = np.zeros(q.shape[0])
        probzero = Skewt.cdf(x=np.zeros(1),loc=np.zeros(1),df=df,gamma=gamma)
        result[q<probzero] = 1.0/gamma*ss.t.ppf(((np.power(gamma,2) + 1.0) * q[q<probzero])/2.0,df)
        result[q>=probzero] = gamma*ss.t.ppf((1.0 + 1.0/np.power(gamma,2))/2.0*(q[q >= probzero] - probzero) + 0.5, df)
        return result

    # Optional Cythonized recursions below for GAS Skew t models
项目:pyflux    作者:RJT1990    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def plot_predict_is(self, h=5, fit_once=True, fit_method='MLE', **kwargs):
        """ Plots forecasts with the estimated model against data (Simulated prediction with data)

        h : int (default : 5)
            How many steps to forecast

        fit_once : boolean
            (default: True) Fits only once before the in-sample prediction; if False, fits after every new datapoint

        fit_method : string
            Which method to fit the model with

        - Plot of the forecast against data 
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        import seaborn as sns

        figsize = kwargs.get('figsize',(10,7))

        date_index = self.index[-h:]
        predictions = self.predict_is(h, fit_method=fit_method, fit_once=fit_once)
        data =[-h:]

        t_params = self.transform_z()
        loc = t_params[-2] + t_params[-1]*predictions.values.T[0] + (t_params[-4] - (1.0/t_params[-4]))*predictions.values.T[0]*(np.sqrt(t_params[-3])*sp.gamma((t_params[-3]-1.0)/2.0))/(np.sqrt(np.pi)*sp.gamma(t_params[-3]/2.0))

        plt.plot(date_index, np.abs(data-loc), label='Data')
        plt.plot(date_index, predictions, label='Predictions', c='black')
项目:pyflux    作者:RJT1990    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def logpdf(x, shape, loc=0.0, scale=1.0, skewness = 1.0):
    m1 = (np.sqrt(shape)*sp.gamma((shape-1.0)/2.0))/(np.sqrt(np.pi)*sp.gamma(shape/2.0))
    loc = loc + (skewness - (1.0/skewness))*scale*m1
    result = np.zeros(x.shape[0])
    result[x-loc<0] = np.log(2.0) - np.log(skewness + 1.0/skewness) + ss.t.logpdf(x=skewness*x[(x-loc) < 0], loc=loc[(x-loc) < 0]*skewness,df=shape, scale=scale[(x-loc) < 0])
    result[x-loc>=0] = np.log(2.0) - np.log(skewness + 1.0/skewness) + ss.t.logpdf(x=x[(x-loc) >= 0]/skewness, loc=loc[(x-loc) >= 0]/skewness,df=shape, scale=scale[(x-loc) >= 0])
    return result
项目:pyflux    作者:RJT1990    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def tv_variate_exp(df):
        return (sqrt(df)*gamma((df-1.0)/2.0))/(sqrt(pi)*gamma(df/2.0))
项目:skan    作者:jni    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ball_volume(ndim, radius):
    """Return the volume of a ball of dimension `ndim` and radius `radius`."""
    n = ndim
    r = radius
    return np.pi ** (n / 2) / special.gamma(n / 2 + 1) * r ** n
项目:wtte-rnn    作者:ragulpr    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def mean(a, b):
    """ Continuous mean. at most 1 step below discretized mean 

    `E[T ] <= E[Td] + 1` true for positive distributions.
    from scipy.special import gamma
    return a * gamma(1.0 + 1.0 / b)
项目:wtte-rnn    作者:ragulpr    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def mean(a, b):
    """Continuous mean. Theoretically at most 1 step below discretized mean

    `E[T ] <= E[Td] + 1` true for positive distributions.

    :param a: Alpha
    :param b: Beta
    :return: `a * gamma(1.0 + 1.0 / b)`
    from scipy.special import gamma
    return a * gamma(1.0 + 1.0 / b)
项目:chxanalys    作者:yugangzhang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def gammaDist(x,params):
    '''Gamma distribution function
    M,K = params, where K is  average photon counts <x>,
    M is the number of coherent modes,
    In case of high intensity, the beam behavors like wave and
    the probability density of photon, P(x), satify this gamma function.

    K,M = params
    K = float(K)
    M = float(M)
    coeff = np.exp(M*np.log(M) + (M-1)*np.log(x) - gammaln(M) - M*np.log(K))
    Gd = coeff*np.exp(-M*x/K)
    return Gd
项目:chxanalys    作者:yugangzhang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def gamma_dist(bin_values, K, M):
    Gamma distribution function
    bin_values : array
        scattering intensities
    K : int
        average number of photons
    M : int
        number of coherent modes
    gamma_dist : array
        Gamma distribution
    These implementations are based on the references under
    nbinom_distribution() function Notes

    : math ::
        P(K) =(\frac{M}{<K>})^M \frac{K^(M-1)}{\Gamma(M)}\exp(-M\frac{K}{<K>})

    #gamma_dist = (stats.gamma(M, 0., K/M)).pdf(bin_values)
    x= bin_values
    coeff = np.exp(M*np.log(M) + (M-1)*np.log(x) - gammaln(M) - M*np.log(K))
    gamma_dist = coeff*np.exp(-M*x/K)
    return gamma_dist
项目:chxanalys    作者:yugangzhang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def poisson(x,K):    
    '''Poisson distribution function.
    K is  average photon counts    
    In case of low intensity, the beam behavors like particle and
    the probability density of photon, P(x), satify this poisson function.
    K = float(K)    
    Pk = np.exp(-K)*power(K,x)/gamma(x+1)
    return Pk
项目:chxanalys    作者:yugangzhang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def Schultz_Zimm(x,u,sigma):
      See also The size distribution of ‘gold standard’ nanoparticles
          Anal Bioanal Chem (2009) 395:1651–1660
          DOI 10.1007/s00216-009-3049-5
    k = 1.0/ (sigma)**2
    return 1.0/u * (x/u)**(k-1) * k**k*np.exp( -k*x/u)/gamma(k)
项目:chxanalys    作者:yugangzhang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def gamma_dist(bin_values, K, M):
    Gamma distribution function
    bin_values : array
        scattering intensities
    K : int
        average number of photons
    M : int
        number of coherent modes
    gamma_dist : array
        Gamma distribution
    These implementations are based on the references under
    nbinom_distribution() function Notes

    : math ::
        P(K) =(\frac{M}{<K>})^M \frac{K^(M-1)}{\Gamma(M)}\exp(-M\frac{K}{<K>})

    #gamma_dist = (stats.gamma(M, 0., K/M)).pdf(bin_values)
    x= bin_values
    coeff = np.exp(M*np.log(M) + (M-1)*np.log(x) - gammaln(M) - M*np.log(K))
    gamma_dist = coeff*np.exp(-M*x/K)
    return gamma_dist
项目:chxanalys    作者:yugangzhang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def poisson(x,K):    
    '''Poisson distribution function.
    K is  average photon counts    
    In case of low intensity, the beam behavors like particle and
    the probability density of photon, P(x), satify this poisson function.
    K = float(K)    
    Pk = np.exp(-K)*power(K,x)/gamma(x+1)
    return Pk