Python scipy.special 模块,expit() 实例源码


项目:diamond    作者:stitchfix    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def predict(self, new_df):
        """ Use the estimated model to make predictions. \
        New levels of grouping factors are given fixed effects,
            with zero random effects

            new_df (DataFrame):  data to make predictions on
            n x J matrix, where n is the number of rows \
            of new_df and J is the number \
            of possible response values. The (i, j) entry of \
           this matrix is the probability that observation i \
            realizes response level j.
        eta = super(CumulativeLogisticRegression, self).predict(new_df)
        intercepts = self.effects['intercepts']
        J = self.J
        preds = np.zeros((len(eta), J))
        preds[:, 0] = expit(intercepts[0] + eta)
        preds[:, J - 1] = 1.0 - expit(intercepts[J - 2] + eta)
        for j in range(1, J - 1):
            preds[:, j] = expit(intercepts[j] + eta) - \
                expit(intercepts[j - 1] + eta)
        return preds
项目:pyglmnet    作者:glm-tools    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _mu(distr, z, eta):
    """The non-linearity (inverse link)."""
    if distr in ['softplus', 'gamma']:
        mu = np.log1p(np.exp(z))
    elif distr == 'poisson':
        mu = z.copy()
        intercept = (1 - eta) * np.exp(eta)
        mu[z > eta] = z[z > eta] * np.exp(eta) + intercept
        mu[z <= eta] = np.exp(z[z <= eta])
    elif distr == 'gaussian':
        mu = z
    elif distr == 'binomial':
        mu = expit(z)
    elif distr == 'probit':
        mu = norm.cdf(z)
    return mu
项目:dl4nlp    作者:yohokuno    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def logistic_regression_cost_gradient(parameters, input, output):
    Cost and gradient for logistic regression
    :param parameters: weight vector
    :param input: feature vector
    :param output: binary label (0 or 1)
    :return: cost and gradient for the input and output
    prediction = expit(, parameters))
    if output:
        inside_log = prediction
        inside_log = 1.0 - prediction

    if inside_log != 0.0:
        cost = -np.log(inside_log)
        cost = np.finfo(float).min

    gradient = (prediction - output) * input
    return cost, gradient
项目:dl4nlp    作者:yohokuno    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def assertLogisticRegression(self, sampler):
        data_size = 3
        input_size = 5
        inputs = np.random.uniform(-10.0, 10.0, size=(data_size, input_size))
        outputs = np.random.randint(0, 2, size=data_size)
        initial_parameters = np.random.normal(scale=1e-5, size=input_size)

        # Create cost and gradient function for gradient descent and check its gradient
        cost_gradient = bind_cost_gradient(logistic_regression_cost_gradient,
                                           inputs, outputs, sampler=sampler)
        result = gradient_check(cost_gradient, initial_parameters)
        self.assertEqual([], result)

        # Train logistic regression and see if it predicts correct labels
        final_parameters, cost_history = gradient_descent(cost_gradient, initial_parameters, 100)
        predictions = expit(, final_parameters)) > 0.5

        # Binary classification of 3 data points with 5 dimension is always linearly separable
        for output, prediction in zip(outputs, predictions):
            self.assertEqual(output, prediction)
项目:instacart-basket-prediction    作者:colinmorris    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_probmap(model, sess):
  """{uid -> {pid -> prob}}"""
  # Start a fresh pass through the validation data
  pmap = defaultdict(dict)
  i = 0
  nseqs = 0
  to_fetch = [model.lastorder_logits, model.dataset['uid'], model.dataset['pid']]
  while 1:
      final_logits, uids, pids =
    except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError:
    batch_size = len(uids)
    nseqs += batch_size
    final_probs = expit(final_logits)
    for uid, pid, prob in zip(uids, pids, final_probs):
      pmap[uid][pid] = prob
    i += 1"Computed probabilities for {} users over {} sequences in {} batches".format(
    len(pmap), nseqs, i
  return pmap
项目:instacart-basket-prediction    作者:colinmorris    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def main():
  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
  parser.add_argument('--tag', default='pairs')
  parser.add_argument('--fold', default='test')
  args = parser.parse_args()

  #metavec = load_metavectors(args.fold)

  clf = train.load_model(args.tag)
  X, y = vectorize.load_fold(args.fold, args.tag)

  if hasattr(clf, 'predict_proba'):
    probs = clf.predict_proba(X)
    # returns an array of shape (n, 2), where each len-2 subarray
    # has the probability of the negative and positive classes. which is silly.
    probs = probs[:,1]
    scores = clf.decision_function(X)
    probs = expit(scores)

  pdict = pdictify(probs, args.fold)
  common.save_pdict_for_tag(args.tag, pdict, args.fold)
项目:cebl    作者:idfah    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def logistic(x, prime=0):
    if prime == 0:
        ##v = np.empty_like(x)
        ##mask = x < 0.0

        ##zl = np.exp(x[mask])
        ##zl = 1.0 / (1.0 + zl)
        ##v[mask] = zl

        ##zh = np.exp(-x[~mask])
        ##zh = zh / (1.0 + zh)
        ##v[~mask] = zh

        v = sps.expit(x)

        return v

    elif prime == 1:
        return logistic(x) * (1.0 - logistic(x))

        raise NotImplementedError('%d order derivative not implemented.' % int(prime))
项目:ShallowLearn    作者:giacbrd    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def train_cbow_pair_softmax(model, target, input_word_indices, l1, alpha, learn_vectors=True, learn_hidden=True):
        neu1e = zeros(l1.shape)

        target_vect = zeros(model.syn1neg.shape[0])
        target_vect[target.index] = 1.
        l2 = copy(model.syn1neg)
        fa = expit(dot(l1, l2.T))  # propagate hidden -> output
        ga = (target_vect - fa) * alpha  # vector of error gradients multiplied by the learning rate
        if learn_hidden:
            model.syn1neg += outer(ga, l1)  # learn hidden -> output
        neu1e += dot(ga, l2)  # save error

        if learn_vectors:
            # learn input -> hidden, here for all words in the window separately
            if not model.cbow_mean and input_word_indices:
                neu1e /= len(input_word_indices)
            for i in input_word_indices:
                model.wv.syn0[i] += neu1e * model.syn0_lockf[i]

        return neu1e
项目:ShallowLearn    作者:giacbrd    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def score_cbow_labeled_pair(model, targets, l1):
        if model.hs:
            prob = []
            # FIXME this cycle should be executed internally in numpy
            for target in targets:
                l2a = model.syn1[target.point]
                sgn = (-1.0) ** target.code  # ch function, 0-> 1, 1 -> -1
                prob.append(prod(expit(sgn * dot(l1, l2a.T))))
        # Softmax
            def exp_dot(x):
                return exp(dot(l1, x.T))

            prob_num = exp_dot(model.syn1neg[[t.index for t in targets]])
            prob_den = np_sum(apply_along_axis(exp_dot, 1, model.syn1neg))
            prob = prob_num / prob_den
        return prob
项目:Steal-ML    作者:ftramer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def temp_log_loss(w, X, Y, alpha):
    n_classes = Y.shape[1]
    w = w.reshape(n_classes, -1)
    intercept = w[:, -1]
    w = w[:, :-1]
    z = safe_sparse_dot(X, w.T) + intercept

    denom = expit(z)
    #print denom
    #print denom.sum()
    denom = denom.sum(axis=1).reshape((denom.shape[0], -1))
    #print denom
    p = log_logistic(z)

    loss = - (Y * p).sum()
    loss += np.log(denom).sum()
    loss += 0.5 * alpha * squared_norm(w)

    return loss
项目:prml    作者:Yevgnen    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def logistic_regression(x, t, w, eps=1e-2, max_iter=int(1e3)):
    N = x.shape[1]
    Phi = np.vstack([np.ones(N), phi(x)]).T

    for k in range(max_iter):
        y = expit(
        R = np.diag(np.ones(N) * (y * (1 - y)))
        H =
        g = - t)

        w_new = w - linalg.solve(H, g)

        diff = linalg.norm(w_new - w) / linalg.norm(w)
        if (diff < eps):

        w = w_new
        print('{0:5d} {1:10.6f}'.format(k, diff))

    return w
项目:uncover-ml    作者:GeoscienceAustralia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def transform(self, y):

        yexpit = expit(self.scale * y)

        return yexpit
项目:aboleth    作者:data61    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def make_image_data():
    """Make some simple data."""
    N = 100
    M = 3
    # N 28x28 RGB float images
    x = expit(RAND.randn(N, 28, 28, 3)).astype(np.float32)
    w = np.linspace(-2.5, 2.5, 28*28*3)
    Y =, 28*28*3), w) + RAND.randn(N, 1)
    X = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(x, 0), [M, 1, 1, 1, 1])
    return x, Y, X
项目:diamond    作者:stitchfix    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def predict(self, new_df):
        """ Use estimated coefficients to make predictions on new data

            new_df (DataFrame). DataFrame to make predictions on.
            array-like. Predictions on the response scale, i.e. probabilities
        return expit(super(LogisticRegression, self).predict(new_df))
项目:diamond    作者:stitchfix    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def l2_clogistic_llh(X, Y, alpha, beta, penalty_matrix, offset):
    """ Penalized log likelihood function for proportional odds cumulative logit model

        X : array_like. design matrix
        Y : array_like. response matrix
        alpha : array_like. intercepts.\
        must have shape == one less than the number of columns of `Y`
        beta : array_like. parameters.\
        must have shape == number of columns of X
        penalty_matrix : array_like. Regularization matrix
        offset : array_like, optional. Defaults to 0
        scalar : penalized loglikelihood
    offset = 0.0 if offset is None else offset
    obj = 0.0
    J = Y.shape[1]
    Xb = dot(X, beta) + offset
    for j in range(J):
        if j == 0:
            obj += dot(np.log(expit(alpha[j] + Xb)), Y[:, j])
        elif j == J - 1:
            obj += dot(np.log(1 - expit(alpha[j - 1] + Xb)), Y[:, j])
            obj += dot(np.log(expit(alpha[j] + Xb) - expit(alpha[j - 1] + Xb)), Y[:, j])
    obj -= 0.5 * dot(beta, dot(penalty_matrix, beta))
    return -np.inf if np.isnan(obj) else obj
项目:diamond    作者:stitchfix    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _l2_clogistic_gradient_IL(X, alpha, beta, offset=None, **kwargs):
    """ Helper function for calculating the cumulative logistic gradient. \
        The inverse logit of alpha[j + X*beta] is \
        ubiquitous in gradient and Hessian calculations \
        so it's more efficient to calculate it once and \
        pass it around as a parameter than to recompute it every time

        X : array_like. design matrix
        alpha : array_like. intercepts. must have shape == one less than the number of columns of `Y`
        beta : array_like. parameters. must have shape == number of columns of X
        offset : array_like, optional. Defaults to 0
        n : int, optional.\
        You must specify the number of rows if there are no main effects
        array_like. n x J-1 matrix where entry i,j is the inverse logit of (alpha[j] + X[i, :] * beta)
    J = len(alpha) + 1
    if X is None:
        n = kwargs.get("n")
        n = X.shape[0]
    if X is None or beta is None:
        Xb = 0.
        Xb = dot(X, beta) + (0 if offset is None else offset)
    IL = np.zeros((n, J - 1))
    for j in range(J - 1):
        IL[:, j] = expit(alpha[j] + Xb)
    return IL
项目:pyglmnet    作者:glm-tools    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _grad_mu(distr, z, eta):
    """Derivative of the non-linearity."""
    if distr in ['softplus', 'gamma']:
        grad_mu = expit(z)
    elif distr == 'poisson':
        grad_mu = z.copy()
        grad_mu[z > eta] = np.ones_like(z)[z > eta] * np.exp(eta)
        grad_mu[z <= eta] = np.exp(z[z <= eta])
    elif distr == 'gaussian':
        grad_mu = np.ones_like(z)
    elif distr == 'binomial':
        grad_mu = expit(z) * (1 - expit(z))
    elif distr in 'probit':
        grad_mu = norm.pdf(z)
    return grad_mu
项目:dl4nlp    作者:yohokuno    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def neural_network_cost_gradient(parameters, input, output):
    3-layer network cost and gradient function
    :param parameters: pair of (W1, W2)
    :param input: input vector
    :param output: index to correct label
    :return: cross entropy cost and gradient
    W1, W2 = parameters
    input = input.reshape(-1, 1)

    hidden_layer = expit(
    inside_softmax =

    # TODO: allow softmax to normalize column vector
    prediction = softmax(inside_softmax.reshape(-1)).reshape(-1, 1)
    cost = -np.sum(np.log(prediction[output]))

    one_hot = np.zeros_like(prediction)
    one_hot[output] = 1
    delta = prediction - one_hot
    gradient_W2 =
    gradient_W1 = sigmoid_gradient(hidden_layer) *

    gradient = [gradient_W1, gradient_W2]
    return cost, gradient
项目:dl4nlp    作者:yohokuno    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_sigmoid(self):
        x = np.array([[1, 2], [-1, -2]])
        f = expit(x)
        g = sigmoid_gradient(f)
        expected = np.array([[0.73105858,  0.88079708],
                    [0.26894142,  0.11920292]])
        self.assertNumpyEqual(expected, f)

        expected = np.array([[0.19661193,  0.10499359],
                    [0.19661193,  0.10499359]])
        self.assertNumpyEqual(expected, g)
项目:dl4nlp    作者:yohokuno    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_logistic_regression(self):
        input = np.random.uniform(-10.0, 10.0, size=10)
        output = np.random.randint(0, 2)

        def logistic_regression_wrapper(parameters):
            return logistic_regression_cost_gradient(parameters, input, output)

        initial_parameters = np.random.normal(scale=1e-5, size=10)
        result = gradient_check(logistic_regression_wrapper, initial_parameters)
        self.assertEqual([], result)

        # Train logistic regression and see if it predicts correct label
        final_parameters, cost_history = gradient_descent(logistic_regression_wrapper, initial_parameters, 100)
        prediction = expit(, final_parameters)) > 0.5
        self.assertEqual(output, prediction)
项目:dl4nlp    作者:yohokuno    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_gradient_check_sigmoid(self):
        def sigmoid_check(x):
            return expit(x), sigmoid_gradient(expit(x))

        x = np.array(0.0)
        result = gradient_check(sigmoid_check, x)
        self.assertEqual([], result)
项目:instacart-basket-prediction    作者:colinmorris    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def b_and_a(feat, val):
    before, after = alt(feat, val)
    print 'Setting {} to {}'.format(feat, val)
    delta = after - before
    print 'Logits: {:.2f} -> {:.2f} ({}{:.2f})'.format(before, after,
        ('+' if delta >= 0 else ''), delta
    print 'Prob: {:.3f} -> {:.3f}'.format(expit(before), expit(after))
项目:instacart-basket-prediction    作者:colinmorris    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def main():
  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
  parser.add_argument('tags', nargs='+')
  parser.add_argument('--dest-tag', default='stacked', 
      help='Tag for generated pdict (default: "stacked")')
  parser.add_argument('--fold', default='test')
  args = parser.parse_args()

  metavec = load_metavectors(args.fold)

  #clf = train.load_model()
  clf = joblib.load('model.pkl')

  with time_me('Vectorized fold {}'.format(args.fold)):
    # TODO: this fn is not a thing?
    X, y = train.vectorize_fold(args.fold, args.tags, metavec)

  if hasattr(clf, 'predict_proba'):
    probs = clf.predict_proba(X)
    # returns an array of shape (n, 2), where each len-2 subarray
    # has the probability of the negative and positive classes. which is silly.
    probs = probs[:,1]
    scores = clf.decision_function(X)
    probs = expit(scores)

  pdict = pdictify(probs, metavec)
  common.save_pdict_for_tag(args.dest_tag, pdict, args.fold)
项目:vec4ir    作者:lgalke    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def delta(u, v):
    """ cosine ° sigmoid
    >>> delta([0.2], [0.3])
    >>> delta([0.3], [0.2])
    >>> delta([0.1,0.9], [-0.9,0.1]) == delta([-0.9,0.1], [0.1,0.9])
    # TODO scale with a and c
    return expit(cosine(u, v))
项目:vec4ir    作者:lgalke    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def delta(X, Y, n_jobs=-1, a=1, c=0):
    """Pairwise delta function: cosine and sigmoid

    :X: TODO
    :returns: TODO

    D = pairwise_distances(X, Y, metric="cosine", n_jobs=n_jobs)
    if c != 0:
        D -= c
    if a != 1:
        D *= a
    D = expit(D)
    return D
项目:HackCU-Machine-Learning    作者:spencer-hanson    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def hypothesisFunc(theta, x):
    hx = expit(, theta));
    return hx;
项目:ML_algorithm    作者:luoshao23    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def logistic(X):
    return logistic_sigmoid(X, out=X)
项目:Tethys    作者:JosePedroMatos    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _activate(self, X, layer):
        if self.activationFuns[layer]=='log':
            return expit(X)
        elif self.activationFuns[layer]=='tan':
            return 2 / (1 + np.exp(-2*X)) - 1
            return X
项目:ML-DS_practice    作者:PiyKat    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def H(initTheta,X):
    # X1 = FeatureScaling(X) 
    hypothesis = expit(,initTheta))
    return hypothesis
项目:Steal-ML    作者:ftramer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def logistic_loss(w, X, Y, alpha):
    Implementation of the logistic loss function when Y is a probability

    loss = -SUM_i SUM_k y_ik * log(P[yi == k]) + alpha * ||w||^2
    n_classes = Y.shape[1]
    n_features = X.shape[1]
    intercept = 0

    if n_classes > 2:
        fit_intercept = w.size == (n_classes * (n_features + 1))
        w = w.reshape(n_classes, -1)
        if fit_intercept:
            intercept = w[:, -1]
            w = w[:, :-1]
        fit_intercept = w.size == (n_features + 1)
        if fit_intercept:
            intercept = w[-1]
            w = w[:-1]

    z = safe_sparse_dot(X, w.T) + intercept

    if n_classes == 2:
        # in the binary case, simply compute the logistic function
        p = np.vstack([log_logistic(-z), log_logistic(z)]).T
        # compute the logistic function for each class and normalize
        denom = expit(z)
        denom = denom.sum(axis=1).reshape((denom.shape[0], -1))
        p = log_logistic(z)
        loss = - (Y * p).sum()
        loss += np.log(denom).sum()  # Y.sum() = 1
        loss += 0.5 * alpha * squared_norm(w)
        return loss

    loss = - (Y * p).sum() + 0.5 * alpha * squared_norm(w)
    return loss
项目:Steal-ML    作者:ftramer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def logistic_grad_bin(w, X, Y, alpha):
    Implementation of the logistic loss gradient when Y is a binary probability
    grad = np.empty_like(w)
    n_classes = Y.shape[1]
    n_features = X.shape[1]
    fit_intercept = w.size == (n_features + 1)

    if fit_intercept:
        intercept = w[-1]
        w = w[:-1]
        intercept = 0

    z = safe_sparse_dot(X, w.T) + intercept

    _, n_features = X.shape
    z0 = - (Y[:, 1] + (expit(-z) - 1))

    grad[:n_features] = safe_sparse_dot(X.T, z0) + alpha * w

    if fit_intercept:
        grad[-1] = z0.sum()

    return grad.flatten()
项目:Steal-ML    作者:ftramer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def predict(self, x):
        _x = np.ones((x.shape[0], x.shape[1] + 1))
        _x[:, : - 1] = x
        score = expit(np.inner(self.w, _x))
        signs = np.sign(score - .5)
        return [0 if x == -1 else 1 for x in signs]
项目:othello-rl    作者:jpypi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def activation(x):
    #return expit(x)
    ##return 1.7159 * math.tanh(2/3*x)

    return np.tanh(x)#list(map(math.tanh, x))
    #return np.multiply(x > 0, x)
项目:othello-rl    作者:jpypi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def dactivation(x):
    #v = expit(x)
    #return v*(1-v)
    #return 1 - math.tanh(x)**2

    return 1 - np.tanh(x)**2#list(map(lambda y: 1 - math.tanh(y)**2, x))
    #return np.float64(x > 0)
项目:nonce2vec    作者:minimalparts    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def train_cbow_pair(model, word, input_word_indices, l1, alpha, learn_vectors=True, learn_hidden=True):
    neu1e = zeros(l1.shape)

    if model.hs:
        l2a = model.syn1[word.point]  # 2d matrix, codelen x layer1_size
        fa = expit(dot(l1, l2a.T))  # propagate hidden -> output
        ga = (1. - word.code - fa) * alpha  # vector of error gradients multiplied by the learning rate
        if learn_hidden:
            model.syn1[word.point] += outer(ga, l1)  # learn hidden -> output
        neu1e += dot(ga, l2a)  # save error

    if model.negative:
        # use this word (label = 1) + `negative` other random words not from this sentence (label = 0)
        word_indices = [word.index]
        while len(word_indices) < model.negative + 1:
            w = model.cum_table.searchsorted(model.random.randint(model.cum_table[-1]))
            if w != word.index:
        l2b = model.syn1neg[word_indices]  # 2d matrix, k+1 x layer1_size
        fb = expit(dot(l1, l2b.T))  # propagate hidden -> output
        gb = (model.neg_labels - fb) * alpha  # vector of error gradients multiplied by the learning rate
        if learn_hidden:
            model.syn1neg[word_indices] += outer(gb, l1)  # learn hidden -> output
        neu1e += dot(gb, l2b)  # save error

    if learn_vectors:
        # learn input -> hidden, here for all words in the window separately
        if not model.cbow_mean and input_word_indices:
            neu1e /= len(input_word_indices)
        for i in input_word_indices:
            model.wv.syn0[i] += neu1e * model.syn0_lockf[i]

    return neu1e
项目:RBM_AE    作者:lingxuez    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def predict_x_mean(self, noisy_data_x, noise_prob=0):
        Calculate the predicted mean given input data_x.
        :param data_x: binary input with dimension (dim_input, 1)
        ## hidden layer
        h = expit(self.bias_hidden +
        ## predicted x
        x_mean = expit(self.bias_input + self.W.transpose().dot(h))

        return (h, x_mean)
项目:RBM_AE    作者:lingxuez    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def activate(aValue):
        activate function: sigmoid
        g(a) = 1/(1+exp(-a)); same dimension as aValue
        return special.expit(aValue)
项目:RBM_AE    作者:lingxuez    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def energy_gradient(self, x):
        Calculate the (estimated) gradient of energy E(h, x) at given x,
        with respect to W, bias_input, bias_hidden at current values.
        :param x: input vector with shape (dim_input, 1)
        h_mean = expit(self.bias_hidden +
        grad_W =
        grad_bias_input = -x
        grad_bias_hidden = -h_mean

        return (grad_W, grad_bias_input, grad_bias_hidden)
项目:RBM_AE    作者:lingxuez    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def gibbs_sample_h(self, x):
        Sample a new h from p(h|x) using current parameters.
        :param x: shape (dim_input, 1)
        :return: shape (dim_hidden, 1)
        h_mean = expit(self.bias_hidden +
        return self.bernoulli(h_mean)
项目:RBM_AE    作者:lingxuez    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def gibbs_sample_x(self, h):
        Sample a new x from p(x|h) using current parameters.
        :param h: shape (dim_hidden, 1)
        :return: shape (dim_input, 1)
        x_mean = expit(self.bias_input + self.W.transpose().dot(h))
        return self.bernoulli(x_mean)
项目:loglizer    作者:logpai    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def computeWeight(rawData,numEvents):
    # to avoid the case that a term never occurs in a document, we add 1 to the cnt
    for j in range(numEvents):
        cnt = np.count_nonzero(rawData[:,j])
        for i in range(numLines):
            weight = 0.5 * expit(math.log(numLines/float(cnt)))
            weightedData[i,j] = rawData[i,j] * weight
    print('weighted data size is',weightedData.shape)
    return weightedData
项目:loglizer    作者:logpai    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def computeWeight(rawData):
    # to avoid the case that a term never occurs in a document, we add 1 to the cnt
    for j in range(numEvents):
        cnt = np.count_nonzero(rawData[:,j])
        for i in range(numLines):
            weight = 0.5 * expit(math.log(numLines/float(cnt)))
            weightedData[i,j] = rawData[i,j] * weight
    print('weighted data size is',weightedData.shape)
    return weightedData
项目:pulse2percept    作者:uwescience    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def stationary_nonlinearity(self, stim):
        """Stationary nonlinearity

        Nonlinearly rescale a temporal signal `stim` across space and time,
        based on a sigmoidal function dependent on the maximum value of `stim`.
        This is Box 4 in Nanduri et al. (2012).
        The parameter values of the asymptote, slope, and shift of the logistic
        function are given by self.asymptote, self.slope, and self.shift,

        stim: array
           Temporal signal to process, stim(r, t) in Nanduri et al. (2012).

        Rescaled signal, b4(r, t) in Nanduri et al. (2012).

        Conversion to TimeSeries is avoided for the sake of speedup.
        # use expit (logistic) function for speedup
        sigmoid = ss.expit((stim.max() - self.shift) / self.slope)
        return stim * sigmoid
项目:prml    作者:Yevgnen    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sigmoid(a):
    h = expit(a)

    return h, h * (1 - h)
项目:nodeembedding-to-communityembedding    作者:andompesta    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def gradient_update(positive_node_embedding, negative_nodes_embedding, neg_labels, _alpha):
          Perform stochastic gradient descent of the first and second order embedding.
          NOTE: using the cython implementation (fast_community_sdg_X) is much more fast
        fb = sigmoid(, negative_nodes_embedding.T))  #  propagate hidden -> output
        gb = (neg_labels - fb) * _alpha# vector of error gradients multiplied by the learning rate
        return gb
项目:nodeembedding-to-communityembedding    作者:andompesta    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def loss(self, model, edges):
        ret_loss = 0
        for edge in prepare_sentences(model, edges):
            assert len(edge) == 2, "edges have to be done by 2 nodes :{}".format(edge)
            ret_loss -= np.log(sigmoid([edge[1].index], model.node_embedding[edge[0].index].T)))
        return ret_loss
项目:MLAlgorithms    作者:rushter    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def grad(self, actual, predicted):
        return actual * expit(-actual * predicted)
项目:MLAlgorithms    作者:rushter    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def hess(self, actual, predicted):
        expits = expit(predicted)
        return expits * (1 - expits)
项目:MLAlgorithms    作者:rushter    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def transform(self, output):
        # Apply logistic (sigmoid) function to the output
        return expit(output)
项目:singing_horse    作者:f0k    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sigmoid(x, out):
        if out is not x:
            out[:] = x
        np.negative(out, out)
        np.exp(out, out)
        out += 1
        np.reciprocal(out, out)
        return out