Python scipy.special 模块,iv() 实例源码


项目:picasso    作者:jungmannlab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def nena(locs, info, callback=None):
    bin_centers, dnfl_ = next_frame_neighbor_distance_histogram(locs, callback)

    def func(d, a, s, ac, dc, sc):
        f = a * (d / s**2) * _np.exp(-0.5 * d**2 / s**2)
        fc = ac * (d / sc**2) * _np.exp(-0.5 * (d**2 + dc**2) / sc**2) * _iv(0, d * dc / sc)
        return f + fc

    pdf_model = _lmfit.Model(func)
    params = _lmfit.Parameters()
    area = _np.trapz(dnfl_, bin_centers)
    median_lp = _np.mean([_np.median(locs.lpx), _np.median(locs.lpy)])
    params.add('a', value=area/2, min=0)
    params.add('s', value=median_lp, min=0)
    params.add('ac', value=area/2, min=0)
    params.add('dc', value=2*median_lp, min=0)
    params.add('sc', value=median_lp, min=0)
    result =, params, d=bin_centers)
    return result, result.best_values['s']
项目:megamix    作者:14thibea    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _log_vMF_matrix(points,means,K,n_jobs=1):
    This method computes the log of the density of probability of a von Mises Fischer law. Each line
    corresponds to a point from points.

    :param points: an array of points (n_points,dim)
    :param means: an array of k points which are the means of the clusters (n_components,dim)
    :param cov: an array of k arrays which are the covariance matrices (n_components,dim,dim)
    :return: an array containing the log of density of probability of a von Mises Fischer law (n_points,n_components)
    n_points,dim = points.shape
    n_components,_ = means.shape
    dim = float(dim)

    log_prob = K *,means.T)
    # Regularisation to avoid infinte terms
    bessel_term = iv(dim*0.5-1,K)
    idx = np.where(bessel_term==np.inf)[0]
    bessel_term[idx] = np.finfo(K.dtype).max

    log_C = -.5 * dim * np.log(2*np.pi) - np.log(bessel_term) + (dim/2-1) * np.log(K)

    return log_C + log_prob
项目:megamix    作者:14thibea    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _log_vMF_matrix(points,means,K,n_jobs=1):
    This method computes the log of the density of probability of a von Mises Fischer law. Each line
    corresponds to a point from points.

    :param points: an array of points (n_points,dim)
    :param means: an array of k points which are the means of the clusters (n_components,dim)
    :param cov: an array of k arrays which are the covariance matrices (n_components,dim,dim)
    :return: an array containing the log of density of probability of a von Mises Fischer law (n_points,n_components)
    n_points,dim = points.shape
    n_components,_ = means.shape
    dim = float(dim)

    log_prob = K *,means.T)
    # Regularisation to avoid infinte terms
    bessel_term = iv(dim*0.5-1,K)
    idx = np.where(bessel_term==np.inf)[0]
    bessel_term[idx] = np.finfo(K.dtype).max

    log_C = -.5 * dim * np.log(2*np.pi) - np.log(bessel_term) + (dim/2-1) * np.log(K)

    return log_C + log_prob
项目:PyFusionGUI    作者:SyntaxVoid    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _EM_GMM_expectation_step(self,):
        self.probs = self.zij*0#np.ones((self.instance_array.shape[0],self.n_clusters),dtype=float)
        #instance_array_c and instance_array_s are used to speed up cos(instance_array - mu) using
        #the trig identity cos(a-b) = cos(a)cos(b) + sin(a)sin(b)
        #this removes the need to constantly recalculate cos(a) and sin(a)
        for mu_tmp, std_tmp, p_hat, cluster_ident in zip(self.mu_list,self.std_list,self.pi_hat,range(self.n_clusters)):
            #norm_fac_exp = self.n_clusters*np.log(1./(2.*np.pi)) - np.sum(np.log(spec.iv(0,kappa_tmp)))
            #norm_fac_exp = -self.n_dimensions*np.log(2.*np.pi) - np.sum(np.log(spec.iv(0,std_tmp)))
            norm_fac_exp = self.n_dimensions*np.log(1./np.sqrt(2.*np.pi)) + np.sum(np.log(1./std_tmp))
            #pt1 = kappa_tmp * (self.instance_array_c*np.cos(mu_tmp) + self.instance_array_s*np.sin(mu_tmp))
            pt1 = -(self.instance_array - mu_tmp)**2/(2*(std_tmp**2))
            self.probs[:,cluster_ident] = p_hat * np.exp(np.sum(pt1,axis=1) + norm_fac_exp)
        prob_sum = (np.sum(self.probs,axis=1))[:,np.newaxis]
        self.zij = self.probs/(prob_sum)
        #Calculate the log-likelihood - note this is quite an expensive computation and not really necessary
        #unless comparing different techniques and/or checking for convergence
        #This is to prevent problems with log of a very small number....
        #L = np.sum(zij[probs>1.e-20]*np.log(probs[probs>1.e-20]))
        #L = np.sum(zij*np.log(np.clip(probs,1.e-10,1)))

#####################Plotting functions#####################################
项目:nanopores    作者:mitschabaude    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def pdf_bessel(self, tt):
        a = self.K
        t = tt/self.tau
        return np.exp(-t)*np.sqrt(a/t)*iv(1., 2.*np.sqrt(a*t))/self.tau/np.expm1(a)
项目:vonmiseskde    作者:engelen    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def vonMisesPDF(self, alpha, mu=0.0):
        """ Probability density function of Von Mises pdf for input points

        @param List[float] alpha List-like or single value of input values
        @return List[float] List of probabilities for input points

        num = np.exp(self.kappa * np.cos(alpha - mu))
        den = 2 * np.pi * iv(0, self.kappa)

        return num / den
项目:PyFusionGUI    作者:SyntaxVoid    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def kappa_guess_func(kappa,R_e):
    return (R_e - spec.iv(1,kappa)/spec.iv(0,kappa))**2
项目:PyFusionGUI    作者:SyntaxVoid    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _EM_VMM_expectation_step_hard(mu_list, kappa_list, instance_array):
    start_time = time.time()
    n_clusters = len(mu_list); 
    n_datapoints, n_dimensions = instance_array.shape
    probs = np.ones((instance_array.shape[0],n_clusters),dtype=float)
    for mu_tmp, kappa_tmp, cluster_ident in zip(mu_list,kappa_list,range(n_clusters)):
        #We are checking the probability of belonging to cluster_ident
        probs_1 = np.product(np.exp(kappa_tmp*np.cos(instance_array-mu_tmp))/(2.*np.pi*spec.iv(0,kappa_tmp)),axis=1)
        probs[:,cluster_ident] = probs_1
    assignments = np.argmax(probs,axis=1)
    #return assignments, L
    return assignments, 0
项目:PyFusionGUI    作者:SyntaxVoid    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def generate_bessel_lookup_table(self):
        self.kappa_lookup = np.linspace(0,100,10000)
        self.bessel_lookup_table = [spec.iv(1,kappa_lookup)/spec.iv(0,kappa_lookup), kappa_lookup]
项目:PyFusionGUI    作者:SyntaxVoid    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_von_mises_fits():
    N = 20000
    mu = 2.9
    kappa = 5
    mu_list = np.linspace(-np.pi,np.pi,20)
    kappa_list = range(1,50)
    mu_best_fit = []
    mu_record = []
    fig,ax = pt.subplots(nrows = 2)
    def kappa_guess_func(kappa,R_e):
        return (R_e - spec.iv(1,kappa)/spec.iv(0,kappa))**2

    def calc_best_fit(theta):
        z = np.exp(1j*theta)
        z_bar = np.average(z)
        mean_theta = np.angle(z_bar)
        R_squared = np.real(z_bar * z_bar.conj())
        R_e = np.sqrt((float(N)/(float(N)-1))*(R_squared-1./float(N)))
        tmp1 = opt.fmin(kappa_guess_func,3,args=(R_e,))
        return mean_theta, tmp1[0]

    for mu in mu_list:
        kappa_best_fit = []
        for kappa in kappa_list:
            theta = np.random.vonmises(mu,kappa,N)
            mean_theta, kappa_best = calc_best_fit(theta)
        ax[0].plot(kappa_list, kappa_best_fit,'.')
        ax[0].plot(kappa_list, kappa_list,'-')
项目:PyFusionGUI    作者:SyntaxVoid    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def convert_kappa_std(kappa,deg=True):
    '''This converts kappa from the von Mises distribution into a
    standard deviation that can be used to generate a similar normal

    SH: 14June2013
    R_bar = spec.iv(1,kappa)/spec.iv(0,kappa)
    if deg==True:
        return np.sqrt(-2*np.log(R_bar))*180./np.pi
        return np.sqrt(-2*np.log(R_bar))
项目:PyFusionGUI    作者:SyntaxVoid    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def generate_bessel_lookup_table(self):
        self.kappa_lookup = np.linspace(0,100,10000)
        self.bessel_lookup_table = [spec.iv(1,kappa_lookup)/spec.iv(0,kappa_lookup), kappa_lookup]
项目:PyFusionGUI    作者:SyntaxVoid    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _EM_VMM_GMM_expectation_step(self,):

        #Can probably remove this and modify zij directly
        self.probs = self.zij*0
        #instance_array_c and instance_array_s are used to speed up cos(instance_array - mu) using
        #the trig identity cos(a-b) = cos(a)cos(b) + sin(a)sin(b)
        #this removes the need to constantly recalculate cos(a) and sin(a)
        for mu_tmp, kappa_tmp, mean_tmp, std_tmp, p_hat, cluster_ident in zip(self.mu_list,self.kappa_list,self.mean_list, self.std_list, self.pi_hat,range(self.n_clusters)):
            #norm_fac_exp = self.n_clusters*np.log(1./(2.*np.pi)) - np.sum(np.log(spec.iv(0,kappa_tmp)))
            norm_fac_exp_VMM = -self.n_dimensions*np.log(2.*np.pi) - np.sum(np.log(spec.iv(0,kappa_tmp)))
            norm_fac_exp_GMM = -self.n_dimensions_amps*np.log(2.*np.pi) - np.sum(np.log(std_tmp))
            pt1_GMM = -(self.instance_array_amps - mean_tmp)**2/(2*(std_tmp**2))
            #Note the use of instance_array_c and s is from a trig identity
            #This speeds this calc up significantly because mu_tmp is small compared to instance_array_c and s
            #which can be precalculated
            pt1_VMM = kappa_tmp * (self.instance_array_c*np.cos(mu_tmp) + self.instance_array_s*np.sin(mu_tmp))
            self.probs[:,cluster_ident] = p_hat * np.exp(np.sum(pt1_VMM,axis=1) + norm_fac_exp_VMM +
                                                         np.sum(pt1_GMM,axis=1) + norm_fac_exp_GMM)
        #This is to make sure the row sum is 1
        prob_sum = (np.sum(self.probs,axis=1))[:,np.newaxis]
        self.zij = self.probs/(prob_sum)
        #Calculate the log-likelihood - note this is quite an expensive computation and not really necessary
        #unless comparing different techniques and/or checking for convergence
        #This is to prevent problems with log of a very small number....
        #L = np.sum(zij[probs>1.e-20]*np.log(probs[probs>1.e-20]))
        #L = np.sum(zij*np.log(np.clip(probs,1.e-10,1)))
项目:PyFusionGUI    作者:SyntaxVoid    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _EM_VMM_expectation_step_soft(mu_list, kappa_list, instance_array, pi_hat, c_arr = None, s_arr = None):
    n_clusters = len(mu_list); 
    n_datapoints, n_dimensions = instance_array.shape
    probs = np.ones((instance_array.shape[0],n_clusters),dtype=float)

    #c_arr and s_arr are used to speed up cos(instance_array - mu) using
    #the trig identity cos(a-b) = cos(a)cos(b) + sin(a)sin(b)
    #this removes the need to constantly recalculate cos(a) and sin(a)
    if c_arr==None or s_arr==None:
        c_arr = np.cos(instance_array)
        s_arr = np.sin(instance_array)

    # c_arr2 = c_arr[:,np.newaxis,:]
    # s_arr2 = s_arr[:,np.newaxis,:]
    # pt1 = (np.cos(mu_list))[np.newaxis,:,:]
    # pt2  = (np.sin(mu_list))[np.newaxis,:,:]
    # pt2 = (c_arr2*pt1 + s_arr2*pt2)
    # pt2 = (np.array(kappa_list))[np.newaxis,:,:] * pt2
    #print pt2.shape
    for mu_tmp, kappa_tmp, p_hat, cluster_ident in zip(mu_list,kappa_list,pi_hat,range(n_clusters)):
        norm_fac_exp = len(mu_list[0])*np.log(1./(2.*np.pi)) - np.sum(np.log(spec.iv(0,kappa_tmp)))
        pt1 = kappa_tmp * (c_arr*np.cos(mu_tmp) + s_arr*np.sin(mu_tmp))
        probs[:,cluster_ident] = p_hat * np.exp(np.sum(pt1,axis=1) + norm_fac_exp)

        #old way without trig identity speed up
        #probs[:,cluster_ident] = p_hat * np.exp(np.sum(kappa_tmp*np.cos(instance_array - mu_tmp),axis=1)+norm_fac_exp)

        #older way including everything in exponent, and not taking log of hte constant
        #probs[:,cluster_ident] = p_hat * np.product( np.exp(kappa_tmp*np.cos(instance_array-mu_tmp))/(2.*np.pi*spec.iv(0,kappa_tmp)),axis=1)
    prob_sum = (np.sum(probs,axis=1))[:,np.newaxis]
    zij = probs/((prob_sum))

    #This was from before using np.newaxis
    #zij = (probs.T/prob_sum).T

    #Calculate the log-likelihood - note this is quite an expensive computation and not really necessary
    #unless comparing different techniques and/or checking for convergence
    valid_items = probs>1.e-20
    #L = np.sum(zij[probs>1.e-20]*np.log(probs[probs>1.e-20]))
    L = np.sum(zij[valid_items]*np.log(probs[valid_items]))
    #L = np.sum(zij*np.log(np.clip(probs,1.e-10,1)))
    return zij, L
项目:PyFusionGUI    作者:SyntaxVoid    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def EM_VMM_clustering(instance_array, n_clusters = 9, n_iterations = 20, n_cpus=1, start='random'):
    #This is for the new method...
    instance_array_complex = np.exp(1j*instance_array)

    kappa_lookup = np.linspace(0,100,10000)
    bessel_lookup_table = [spec.iv(1,kappa_lookup)/spec.iv(0,kappa_lookup), kappa_lookup]
    print '...'

    n_dimensions = instance_array.shape[1]
    iteration = 1    
    #First assignment step
    mu_list = np.ones((n_clusters,n_dimensions),dtype=float)
    kappa_list = np.ones((n_clusters,n_dimensions),dtype=float)
    LL_list = []
    if start=='k_means':
        print 'Initialising clusters using a fast k_means run'
        cluster_assignments, cluster_details = k_means_clustering(instance_array, n_clusters=n_clusters, sin_cos = 1, number_of_starts = 1)
        mu_list, kappa_list, convergence_mu, convergence_kappa = _EM_VMM_maximisation_step_hard(mu_list, kappa_list, instance_array, cluster_assignments, instance_array_complex = instance_array_complex, bessel_lookup_table= bessel_lookup_table, n_cpus=n_cpus)
    elif start=='EM_GMM':
        print 'Initialising clusters using a EM_GMM run'
        cluster_assignments, cluster_details = EM_GMM_clustering(instance_array, n_clusters=n_clusters, sin_cos = 0, number_of_starts = 1)
        mu_list, kappa_list, convergence_mu, convergence_kappa = _EM_VMM_maximisation_step_hard(mu_list, kappa_list, instance_array, cluster_assignments, instance_array_complex = instance_array_complex, bessel_lookup_table = bessel_lookup_table, n_cpus=n_cpus)
        print 'Initialising clusters using random start points'
        mu_list = np.random.rand(n_clusters,n_dimensions)*2.*np.pi - np.pi
        kappa_list = np.random.rand(n_clusters,n_dimensions)*20
        cluster_assignments, L = _EM_VMM_expectation_step_hard(mu_list, kappa_list,instance_array)
        while np.min([np.sum(cluster_assignments==i) for i in range(len(mu_list))])<20:#(instance_array.shape[0]/n_clusters/4):
            print 'recalculating initial points'
            mu_list = np.random.rand(n_clusters,n_dimensions)*2.*np.pi - np.pi
            kappa_list = np.random.rand(n_clusters,n_dimensions)*20
            cluster_assignments = _EM_VMM_expectation_step_hard(mu_list, kappa_list,instance_array)
            print cluster_assignments
    convergence_record = []
    converged = 0; 
    while (iteration<=n_iterations) and converged!=1:
        start_time = time.time()
        cluster_assignments, L = _EM_VMM_expectation_step_hard(mu_list, kappa_list,instance_array)
        mu_list, kappa_list, convergence_mu, convergence_kappa = _EM_VMM_maximisation_step_hard(mu_list, kappa_list, instance_array, cluster_assignments,  instance_array_complex = instance_array_complex, bessel_lookup_table = bessel_lookup_table, n_cpus=n_cpus)
        print 'Time for iteration %d :%.2f, mu_convergence:%.3f, kappa_convergence:%.3f, LL: %.8e'%(iteration,time.time() - start_time,convergence_mu, convergence_kappa,L)
        convergence_record.append([iteration, convergence_mu, convergence_kappa])
        if convergence_mu<0.01 and convergence_kappa<0.01:
            converged = 1
            print 'Convergence criteria met!!'
    print 'AIC : %.2f'%(2*(mu_list.shape[0]*mu_list.shape[1])-2.*LL_list[-1])
    cluster_details = {'EM_VMM_means':mu_list, 'EM_VMM_kappas':kappa_list, 'EM_VMM_LL':LL_list}
    return cluster_assignments, cluster_details