def test_megkde_2d_basic(): # Draw from normal, fit KDE, see if sampling from kde's pdf recovers norm np.random.seed(1) data = np.random.multivariate_normal([0, 1], [[1.0, 0.], [0., 0.75 ** 2]], size=10000) xs, ys = np.linspace(-4, 4, 50), np.linspace(-4, 4, 50) xx, yy = np.meshgrid(xs, ys, indexing='ij') samps = np.vstack((xx.flatten(), yy.flatten())).T zs = MegKDE(data).evaluate(samps).reshape(xx.shape) zs_x = zs.sum(axis=1) zs_y = zs.sum(axis=0) cs_x = zs_x.cumsum() cs_x /= cs_x[-1] cs_x[0] = 0 cs_y = zs_y.cumsum() cs_y /= cs_y[-1] cs_y[0] = 0 samps_x = interp1d(cs_x, xs)(np.random.uniform(size=10000)) samps_y = interp1d(cs_y, ys)(np.random.uniform(size=10000)) mu_x, std_x = norm.fit(samps_x) mu_y, std_y = norm.fit(samps_y) assert np.isclose(mu_x, 0, atol=0.1) assert np.isclose(std_x, 1.0, atol=0.1) assert np.isclose(mu_y, 1, atol=0.1) assert np.isclose(std_y, 0.75, atol=0.1)
def fit(self, X, y): self.base_models_ = [list() for x in self.base_models] self.meta_model_ = clone(self.meta_model) kfold = KFold(n_splits=self.n_folds, shuffle=True, random_state=15) # train cloned base models then create out-of-fold predictions that are needed to train the cloned meta-model out_of_fold_predictions = np.zeros((X.shape[0], len(self.base_models))) for i, model in enumerate(self.base_models): for train_index, holdout_index in kfold.split(X, y): instance = clone(model) self.base_models_[i].append(instance) instance.fit(X[train_index], y[train_index]) y_pred = instance.predict(X[holdout_index]) out_of_fold_predictions[holdout_index, i] = y_pred # now train the cloned meta-model using the out-of-fold predictions as new feature self.meta_model_.fit(out_of_fold_predictions, y) return self # do the predictions of all base models on the test data and use the averaged predictions as #meta-features for the final prediction which is done by the meta-model
def test_megkde_1d_basic(): # Draw from normal, fit KDE, see if sampling from kde's pdf recovers norm np.random.seed(0) data = np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=1.0, size=2000) xs = np.linspace(-3, 3, 100) ys = MegKDE(data).evaluate(xs) cs = ys.cumsum() cs /= cs[-1] cs[0] = 0 samps = interp1d(cs, xs)(np.random.uniform(size=10000)) mu, std = norm.fit(samps) assert np.isclose(mu, 0, atol=0.1) assert np.isclose(std, 1.0, atol=0.1)
def test_megkde_1d_uniform_weight(): # Draw from normal, fit KDE, see if sampling from kde's pdf recovers norm np.random.seed(0) data = np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=1.0, size=2000) xs = np.linspace(-3, 3, 100) ys = MegKDE(data, weights=np.ones(2000)).evaluate(xs) cs = ys.cumsum() cs /= cs[-1] cs[0] = 0 samps = interp1d(cs, xs)(np.random.uniform(size=10000)) mu, std = norm.fit(samps) assert np.isclose(mu, 0, atol=0.1) assert np.isclose(std, 1.0, atol=0.1)
def test_megkde_1d_changing_weights(): # Draw from normal, fit KDE, see if sampling from kde's pdf recovers norm np.random.seed(0) xs = np.linspace(-3, 3, 1000) weights = norm.pdf(xs) ys = MegKDE(xs, weights=weights).evaluate(xs) cs = ys.cumsum() cs /= cs[-1] cs[0] = 0 samps = interp1d(cs, xs)(np.random.uniform(size=10000)) mu, std = norm.fit(samps) assert np.isclose(mu, 0, atol=0.1) assert np.isclose(std, 1.0, atol=0.1)
def logistic_fidelity(self): #group data and assign state labels gnd_features = np.hstack([np.real(self.ground_data.T), np.imag(self.ground_data.T)]) ex_features = np.hstack([np.real(self.excited_data.T), np.imag(self.excited_data.T)]) #liblinear wants arrays in C order features = np.ascontiguousarray(np.vstack([gnd_features, ex_features])) state = np.ascontiguousarray(np.hstack([np.zeros(self.ground_data.shape[1]), np.ones(self.excited_data.shape[1])])) #Set up logistic regression with cross-validation using liblinear. #Cs sets the inverse of the regularization strength, which will be optimized #through cross-validation. Uses the default Stratified K-Folds #CV generator, with 3 folds. #This is set up to be as consistent with the MATLAB implementation #as I can make it. --GJR Cs = np.logspace(-1,2,5) logreg = LogisticRegressionCV(Cs, cv=3, solver='liblinear') logreg.fit(features, state) #fit the model predictions = logreg.predict(features) #in-place classification score = logreg.score(features,state) #mean accuracy of classification N = len(predictions) S = np.sum(predictions == state) #how many we got right #now calculate confidence intervals c = 0.95 flo = betaincinv(S+1, N-S+1, (1-c)/2., ) fhi = betaincinv(S+1, N-S+1, (1+c)/2., ) logger.info(("In-place logistic regression fidelity: " + "{:.2f}% ({:.2f}, {:.2f})".format(100*score, 100*flo, 100*fhi)))
def _rerender(self): nmr_maps = len(self.maps_to_show) if self._show_trace: nmr_maps *= 2 grid = GridSpec(nmr_maps, 1, left=0.04, right=0.96, top=0.94, bottom=0.06, hspace=0.2) i = 0 for map_name in self.maps_to_show: samples = self._voxels[map_name] if self._sample_indices is not None: samples = samples[:, self._sample_indices] title = map_name if map_name in self.names: title = self.names[map_name] if isinstance(self._nmr_bins, dict) and map_name in self._nmr_bins: nmr_bins = self._nmr_bins[map_name] else: nmr_bins = self._nmr_bins hist_plot = plt.subplot(grid[i]) n, bins, patches = hist_plot.hist(np.nan_to_num(samples[self.voxel_ind, :]), nmr_bins, normed=True) plt.title(title) i += 1 if self._fit_gaussian: mu, sigma = norm.fit(samples[self.voxel_ind, :]) bincenters = 0.5*(bins[1:] + bins[:-1]) y = mlab.normpdf(bincenters, mu, sigma) hist_plot.plot(bincenters, y, 'r', linewidth=1) if self._show_trace: trace_plot = plt.subplot(grid[i]) trace_plot.plot(samples[self.voxel_ind, :]) i += 1
def display_distrib(pd, feature): plt.figure() sns.distplot(pd[feature].dropna() , fit=norm); (mu, sigma) = norm.fit(pd[feature].dropna()) plt.legend(['Normal dist. ($\mu=$ {:.2f} and $\sigma=$ {:.2f} )'.format(mu, sigma)], loc='best') plt.ylabel('Frequency') plt.title('SalePrice distribution') plt.show()
def __init__(self, models): self.models = models # we define clones of the original models to fit the data in
def fit(self, X, y): self.models_ = [clone(x) for x in self.models] # Train cloned base models for model in self.models_: model.fit(X, y) return self # now we do the predictions for cloned models and average them
def __init__(self, base_models, meta_model, n_folds=5): self.base_models = base_models self.meta_model = meta_model self.n_folds = n_folds # we again fit the data on clones of the original models
def central_limit(rvs, n, length): rv_mean = np.zeros(length) for i in range(n): rv = rvs(size=length) rv_mean = rv_mean + rv rv_mean = rv_mean / n gaussian_params = norm_dist.fit(rv_mean) gaussian = norm_dist(gaussian_params[0], gaussian_params[1]) return rv_mean, gaussian
def graphing(what, data, who): kek = data[who][what] fig = figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) if '\xa0' in str(kek): kek = (int(kek.replace(u'\xa0', ''))) data = stuff[what] mean, sigma = norm.fit(data) plt.hist(data, bins = 1000, normed=True, alpha=0.4) xmin, xmax = plt.xlim() x = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, 1000) p = norm.pdf(x, mean, sigma) plt.plot(x, p, 'k', linewidth=2) title = f'{what}\nFit results: mean = {round(mean,2)}, sigma = {round(sigma,2)}' plt.title(title) two, eight = norm.interval(.999, loc = mean, scale = sigma) plt.xlim(0, eight) new = norm.pdf(kek, mean, sigma) plt.plot([kek, kek], [0, new], color='r', linestyle='--') if what == 'Death/Game': at = round((1-norm.cdf(kek, mean, sigma))*100, 2) else: at = round(norm.cdf(kek, mean, sigma)*100, 2) text = f'You are better than \n{at}% players' ax.annotate(text, xy=(kek, new), xytext=(0.7, 0.8), textcoords='axes fraction', arrowprops=dict(facecolor='g', color='g')) what = what.replace('/', '-') #plt.show() plt.savefig(f'Y:/python/graphs/data/{what}.png') #plt.close()
def scales(stuff): limits = {} for key in stuff.keys(): try: data = stuff[key] mean, sigma = norm.fit(data) one, nine = norm.interval(.99, loc = mean, scale = sigma) two, eight = norm.interval(.9, loc = mean, scale = sigma) three, seven = norm.interval(.7, loc = mean, scale = sigma) four, six = norm.interval(.5, loc = mean, scale = sigma) five = mean if key != 'Karma': if four < 0: four = five/2 if three < 0: three = four/2 if two < 0: two = three/2 if one < 0: one = two/2 if key == 'Fleet Strength': if nine > 200: nine = 200 if key == 'Eff rating': if nine > 9000: nine = 9000 if key == 'Death/Game' or key == 'Total deaths': limits[key] = {one: 9, two: 8, three: 7, four: 6, five: 5, six: 4, seven: 3, eight: 2, nine: 1} else: limits[key] = {one: 1, two: 2, three: 3, four: 4, five: 5, six: 6, seven: 7, eight: 8, nine: 9} except: continue return limits
def fit_distribution(self): y = np.zeros(self.num_sent) iter = 0 for key in self.stats: iter_end = self.stats[key].num_sents + iter y[iter:iter_end] = key iter = iter_end mu, std = norm.fit(y) self.distr = norm(mu, std)
def __get_est_price_mode_pe(realtime, code, years): q_str = 'code==' + '\"' + code + '\"' pe_obj = {} eps = 0 for y in range(datetime.now().year - years, datetime.now().year + 1): for q in range(1, 5): quarter = str(y)+'q'+str(q) if (os.path.exists(PREFIX+'/'+quarter+'.csv')): r = __pd_read_report(quarter) if (len(r.query(q_str)) > 0): # save all pe history and latest eps tmp_pe, tmp_eps = __get_pe_and_eps(code, quarter) if (isinstance(tmp_pe, float) & isinstance(tmp_eps, float)): pe_obj[quarter] = tmp_pe eps = tmp_eps log.debug('%s pe: %.2f, eps: %.2f', quarter, pe_obj[quarter], eps) else: log.warn('skip %s', quarter) continue #sorted(pe_obj) #log.debug(pe_obj) arr = pe_obj.values() mu, std = norm.fit(arr) if (realtime): d = datetime.now() today = __pd_read_today_all() close = round(today.query(q_str).trade.values[0], 2) else: k, d = __get_k_data_of_last_trade_day(code) close = round(k.close.values[0], 2) log.info('%s price: %.2f @ pe %.2f, eps %.2f', d.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), close, close/eps, eps) log.info('mu, std: %.2f, %.2f', mu, std) growth = __get_growth(code, years) left = __estimation_formula_bg_dynamic(growth, eps, mu - std) centrum = __estimation_formula_bg_dynamic(growth, eps, mu) right = __estimation_formula_bg_dynamic(growth, eps, mu + std) value = __estimation_formula_bg_dynamic(growth, eps, 8.5) log.info('est dynamic: %.2f~%.2f~%.2f', left, centrum, right) log.info('est value: %.2f', value) log.info('range from left: %.2f%%', (close-left)/left*100.0) log.info('position: %.2f%%', (close-left)/(right-left)*100.0) return left, centrum, right, value
def __get_est_price_mode_pb(realtime, code, years): q_str = 'code==' + '\"' + code + '\"' pb_obj = {} bvps = 0 for y in range(datetime.now().year - years, datetime.now().year + 1): for q in range(1, 5): quarter = str(y)+'q'+str(q) if (os.path.exists(PREFIX+'/'+quarter+'.csv')): r = __pd_read_report(quarter) if (len(r.query(q_str)) > 0): # save all pb history and latest bvps tmp_pb, tmp_bvps = __get_pb_and_bvps(code, quarter) if (isinstance(tmp_pb, float) & isinstance(tmp_bvps, float)): pb_obj[quarter] = tmp_pb bvps = tmp_bvps log.debug('%s pb: %.2f, bvps: %.2f', quarter, pb_obj[quarter], bvps) else: log.warn('skip %s', quarter) continue #sorted(pb_obj) #log.debug(pb_obj) arr = pb_obj.values() mu, std = norm.fit(arr) if (realtime): d = datetime.now() today = __pd_read_today_all() close = round(today.query(q_str).trade.values[0], 2) else: k, d = __get_k_data_of_last_trade_day(code) close = round(k.close.values[0], 2) log.info('%s price: %.2f @ pb %.2f, bvps %.2f', d.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), close, close/bvps, bvps) log.info('mu, std: %.2f, %.2f', mu, std) left = __estimation_formula_pb(bvps, mu - std) centrum = __estimation_formula_pb(bvps, mu) right = __estimation_formula_pb(bvps, mu + std) value = __estimation_formula_pb(bvps, 1.0) log.info('est dynamic: %.2f~%.2f~%.2f', left, centrum, right) log.info('est value: %.2f', value) log.info('range from left: %.2f%%', (close-left)/left*100.0) log.info('position: %.2f%%', (close-left)/(right-left)*100.0) return left, centrum, right, value
def show(self, voxel_ind=0, names=None, maps_to_show=None, to_file=None, block=True, maximize=False, show_trace=True, nmr_bins=20, window_title=None, show_sliders=True, fit_gaussian=True, figure_options=None, sample_indices=None): """Show the samples per voxel. Args: voxel_ind (int): the voxel to show the samples from. names (dict): A list of names for the different maps. Use as ``{map_name: display_name}`` that is, the key is the name of the map in the volumes dictionary and the display name is the string that will be used as title for that map. maps_to_show (:class:`list`): A list of maps to show. The items in this list must correspond to the keys in the volumes dictionary. to_file (string, optional, default None): If to_file is not None it is supposed to be a filename where the image will be saved. If not set to None, nothing will be displayed, the results will directly be saved. Already existing items will be overwritten. block (boolean): If we want to block after calling the plots or not. Set this to False if you do not want the routine to block after drawing. In doing so you manually need to block. maximize (boolean): if we want to display the window maximized or not show_trace (boolean): if we show the trace of each map or not nmr_bins (dict or int): either a single value or one per map name show_sliders (boolean): if we show the slider or not fit_gaussian (boolean): if we fit and show a normal distribution (Gaussian) to the histogram or not window_title (str): the title of the window. If None, the default title is used figure_options (dict) options for the figure sample_indices (list): the list of sample indices to use """ figure_options = figure_options or {'figsize': (18, 16)} self._figure = plt.figure(**figure_options) if names: self.names = names if maps_to_show: self.maps_to_show = maps_to_show self.voxel_ind = voxel_ind self._nmr_bins = nmr_bins or self._nmr_bins self._show_trace = show_trace self.show_sliders = show_sliders self._fit_gaussian = fit_gaussian self._sample_indices = sample_indices self._setup() if maximize: mng = plt.get_current_fig_manager() mng.window.showMaximized() if window_title: mng = plt.get_current_fig_manager() mng.canvas.set_window_title(window_title) if to_file: plt.savefig(to_file) plt.close() else: plt.draw() if block: plt.show(True)
def calibrateNoise(self): bg, bgstd, las, time, conc, ok = CalibrationDialog.setExt() _np.asarray(bg) _np.asarray(bgstd) _np.asarray(las) _np.asarray(time) _np.asarray(conc) x_3d = _np.array([conc, las, time]) p0 = [1, 1] fitParamsBg, fitCovariances = curve_fit(fitFuncBg, x_3d, bg, p0) print(' fit coefficients :\n', fitParamsBg) # SET VALUES TO PARAMETER self.lasercEdit.setValue(fitParamsBg[0]) self.imagercEdit.setValue(fitParamsBg[1]) x_3dStd = _np.array([las, time, bg]) p0S = [1, 1, 1] fitParamsStd, fitCovariances = curve_fit(fitFuncStd, x_3dStd, bgstd, p0S) print(' fit coefficients2:\n', fitParamsStd) self.EquationAEdit.setValue(fitParamsStd[0]) self.EquationBEdit.setValue(fitParamsStd[1]) self.EquationCEdit.setValue(fitParamsStd[2]) # Noise model working point figure4 = plt.figure() # Background bgmodel = fitFuncBg(x_3d, fitParamsBg[0], fitParamsBg[1]) ax1 = figure4.add_subplot(121) ax1.cla() ax1.plot(bg, bgmodel, 'o') x = _np.linspace(*ax1.get_xlim()) ax1.plot(x, x) title = "Background Model:" ax1.set_title(title) # Std bgmodelstd = fitFuncStd(x_3dStd, fitParamsStd[0], fitParamsStd[1], fitParamsStd[2]) ax2 = figure4.add_subplot(122) ax2.cla() ax2.plot(bgstd, bgmodelstd, 'o') x = _np.linspace(*ax2.get_xlim()) ax2.plot(x, x) title = "Background Model Std:" ax2.set_title(title) figure4.show()
def run(self): """ NOTE: Gibbs sampling is a way of selecting variables one at a time instead of all at once. This is beneficial in high dimensional variable space because it will increase the probability of accepting a new sample. It isn't implemented here, but it might be worth keeping in mind. """ counter = 0 while not self._check_convergence() and (counter <= self.steps or self.steps == 0): tmp_dump = self.dumpfile + ".temp" with open(tmp_dump, "wb") as ofile: dump_obj = [chain._dump_obj() for chain in self.chains] dill.dump(dump_obj, ofile, protocol=-1) shutil.move(tmp_dump, self.dumpfile) counter += 1 child_list = OrderedDict() for chain in self.chains: # Note that this will spin off (c * w) new processes, where c=chains, w=walkers for walker in chain.walkers: # Start new process func_args = [] for variable in walker.variables: if walker.lava: variable.draw_random() else: variable.draw_new_value(walker.heat) func_args.append(variable.draw_value) # Always add a new seed for the target function func_args.append(self.rand_gen.randint(1, 999999999999999)) p = Process(target=self.mc_step_run, args=(walker, [func_args])) p.start() child_list[walker.name] = p # wait for remaining processes to complete while len(child_list) > 0: for _name, child in child_list.items(): if child.is_alive(): continue else: del child_list[_name] break for chain in self.chains: # Get the normalized standard deviation among all historical walker scores for this chain history_series = pd.Series([score for walker in chain.walkers for score in walker.score_history]) mu, std = norm.fit(history_series) for walker in chain.walkers: self.step_parse(walker, std) if self.best["score"] is None or walker.current_score > self.best["score"]: self.best["score"] = walker.current_score self.best["variables"] = OrderedDict([(x.name, x.current_value) for x in walker.variables]) for chain in self.chains: chain.swap_hot_cold() # Send output to files if counter % self.sample_rate == 0: chain.step_counter += 1 chain.write_sample() return