def tsne_cluster_cuisine(df,sublist): lenlist=[0] df_sub = df[df['cuisine']==sublist[0]] lenlist.append(df_sub.shape[0]) for cuisine in sublist[1:]: temp = df[df['cuisine']==cuisine] df_sub = pd.concat([df_sub, temp],axis=0,ignore_index=True) lenlist.append(df_sub.shape[0]) df_X = df_sub.drop(['cuisine','recipeName'],axis=1) print df_X.shape, lenlist dist = squareform(pdist(df_X, metric='cosine')) tsne = TSNE(metric='precomputed').fit_transform(dist) palette = sns.color_palette("hls", len(sublist)) plt.figure(figsize=(10,10)) for i,cuisine in enumerate(sublist): plt.scatter(tsne[lenlist[i]:lenlist[i+1],0],\ tsne[lenlist[i]:lenlist[i+1],1],c=palette[i],label=sublist[i]) plt.legend() #interactive plot with boken; set up for four categories, with color palette; pass in df for either ingredient or flavor
def saturation_index_countour(lab, elem1, elem2, Ks, labels=False): plt.figure() plt.title('Saturation index %s%s' % (elem1, elem2)) resoluion = 100 n = math.ceil(lab.time.size / resoluion) plt.xlabel('Time') z = np.log10((lab.species[elem1]['concentration'][:, ::n] + 1e-8) * ( lab.species[elem2]['concentration'][:, ::n] + 1e-8) / lab.constants[Ks]) lim = np.max(abs(z)) lim = np.linspace(-lim - 0.1, +lim + 0.1, 51) X, Y = np.meshgrid(lab.time[::n], -lab.x) plt.xlabel('Time') CS = plt.contourf(X, Y, z, 20, cmap=ListedColormap(sns.color_palette( "RdBu_r", 101)), origin='lower', levels=lim, extend='both') if labels: plt.clabel(CS, inline=1, fontsize=10, colors='w') # cbar = plt.colorbar(CS) if labels: plt.clabel(CS, inline=1, fontsize=10, colors='w') cbar = plt.colorbar(CS) plt.ylabel('Depth') ax = plt.gca() ax.ticklabel_format(useOffset=False) cbar.ax.set_ylabel('Saturation index %s%s' % (elem1, elem2)) return ax
def contour_plot_of_rates(lab, r, labels=False, last_year=False): plt.figure() plt.title('{}'.format(r)) resoluion = 100 n = math.ceil(lab.time.size / resoluion) if last_year: k = n - int(1 / lab.dt) else: k = 1 z = lab.estimated_rates[r][:, k - 1:-1:n] # lim = np.max(np.abs(z)) # lim = np.linspace(-lim - 0.1, +lim + 0.1, 51) X, Y = np.meshgrid(lab.time[k::n], -lab.x) plt.xlabel('Time') CS = plt.contourf(X, Y, z, 20, cmap=ListedColormap( sns.color_palette("Blues", 51))) if labels: plt.clabel(CS, inline=1, fontsize=10, colors='w') cbar = plt.colorbar(CS) plt.ylabel('Depth') ax = plt.gca() ax.ticklabel_format(useOffset=False) cbar.ax.set_ylabel('Rate %s [M/V/T]' % r) return ax
def contour_plot_of_delta(lab, element, labels=False, last_year=False): plt.figure() plt.title('Rate of %s consumption/production' % element) resoluion = 100 n = math.ceil(lab.time.size / resoluion) if last_year: k = n - int(1 / lab.dt) else: k = 1 z = lab.species[element]['rates'][:, k - 1:-1:n] lim = np.max(np.abs(z)) lim = np.linspace(-lim - 0.1, +lim + 0.1, 51) X, Y = np.meshgrid(lab.time[k:-1:n], -lab.x) plt.xlabel('Time') CS = plt.contourf(X, Y, z, 20, cmap=ListedColormap(sns.color_palette( "RdBu_r", 101)), origin='lower', levels=lim, extend='both') if labels: plt.clabel(CS, inline=1, fontsize=10, colors='w') cbar = plt.colorbar(CS) plt.ylabel('Depth') ax = plt.gca() ax.ticklabel_format(useOffset=False) cbar.ax.set_ylabel('Rate of %s change $[\Delta/T]$' % element) return ax
def set_defaults(self): self.options["color_palette"] = "Paired" if self._levels: self.options["color_number"] = len(self._levels[-1]) else: self.options["color_number"] = 1 if len(self._number_columns) == 0: raise VisualizationInvalidDataError if len(self._number_columns) == 1: if self.cumulative: self.options["label_y_axis"] = "Cumulative probability" else: self.options["label_y_axis"] = "Density" else: self.options["label_y_axis"] = self._number_columns[-2] self.options["label_x_axis"] = self._number_columns[-1] if len(self._groupby) == 1: self.options["label_legend"] = self._groupby[-1] super(Visualizer, self).set_defaults()
def set_defaults(self): self.options["color_palette"] = "Paired" if self._levels: self.options["color_number"] = len(self._levels[-1]) else: self.options["color_number"] = 1 if len(self._number_columns) == 0: raise VisualizationInvalidDataError if len(self._number_columns) == 1: self.options["label_x_axis"] = self._default else: self.options["label_x_axis"] = self._number_columns[-2] self.options["label_y_axis"] = self._number_columns[-1] if len(self._groupby) == 1: self.options["label_legend"] = self._groupby[-1] super(Visualizer, self).set_defaults()
def accept(self): self.options["label_main"] = str(self.ui.label_main.text()) self.options["label_x_axis"] = str(self.ui.label_x_axis.text()) self.options["label_y_axis"] = str(self.ui.label_y_axis.text()) self.options["label_legend"] = str(self.ui.label_legend.text()) self.options["label_legend_columns"] = int(self.ui.spin_columns.value()) try: self.options["color_transparency"] = float(self.ui.slide_transparency.value()) except AttributeError: pass self.options["color_palette"] = self.palette_name self.options["color_palette_values"] = self.get_current_palette() if len(self.options["color_palette_values"]) < self.options.get("color_number", 6): self.options["color_palette_values"] = (self.options["color_palette_values"] * self.options.get("color_number", 6))[:self.options.get("color_number", 6)] for x in ["main", "x_axis", "x_ticks", "y_axis", "y_ticks", "legend", "legend_entries"]: self.options["font_{}".format(x)] = getattr(self.ui, "label_sample_{}".format(x)).font() super(FigureOptions, self).accept() options.settings.setValue("figureoptions_size", self.size())
def plot_all(self): from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns cols = sns.color_palette(n_colors=6) p = self.global_pivots fig = plt.figure(figsize = (20,7)) ax = plt.subplot(111) for clade in self.global_freqs.keys(): f = self.global_freqs[clade] if np.max(f)>0.2: ax.plot(p, f, c=cols[clade%len(cols)], alpha=0.3, ls='--') for tint, (p,freq) in self.train_frequencies.iteritems(): for clade in freq.keys(): if np.max(freq[clade])>0.2: ax.plot(p, freq[clade], c=cols[clade%len(cols)], alpha=0.5)
def scoped_mpl_import(): import matplotlib matplotlib.rcParams['backend'] = MPL_BACKEND import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.rcParams['toolbar'] = 'None' # mute matplotlib toolbar import seaborn as sns sns.set(style="whitegrid", color_codes=True, font_scale=1.0, rc={'lines.linewidth': 1.0, 'backend': matplotlib.rcParams['backend']}) palette = sns.color_palette("Blues_d") palette.reverse() sns.set_palette(palette) return (matplotlib, plt, sns)
def vals2colors(vals,cmap='GnBu_d',res=100): """Maps values to colors Args: values (list or list of lists) - list of values to map to colors cmap (str) - color map (default is 'husl') res (int) - resolution of the color map (default: 100) Returns: list of rgb tuples """ # flatten if list of lists if any(isinstance(el, list) for el in vals): vals = list(itertools.chain(*vals)) # get palette from seaborn palette = np.array(sns.color_palette(cmap, res)) ranks = np.digitize(vals, np.linspace(np.min(vals), np.max(vals)+1, res+1)) - 1 return [tuple(i) for i in palette[ranks, :]]
def plot_heatmaps(img_arr, img_names, titles, heatmaps, labels, out_dir): # construct cmap pal = sns.diverging_palette(240, 10, n=30, center="dark") my_cmap = ListedColormap(sns.color_palette(pal).as_hex()) min_val, max_val = np.min(heatmaps), np.max(heatmaps) for j, (img, img_name, h_map, title, y) in enumerate(zip(img_arr, img_names, heatmaps, titles, labels)): fig, ax = plt.subplots() img = np.transpose(img, (1, 2, 0)) plt.clf() plt.imshow(img, cmap='Greys', interpolation='bicubic') plt.imshow(h_map, cmap=my_cmap, alpha=0.7, interpolation='nearest') #, vmin=-.05, vmax=.05) plt.colorbar() plt.axis('off') plt.title(title) class_name = CLASSES[y] class_dir = make_sub_dir(out_dir, class_name) plt.savefig(join(class_dir, img_name), bbox_inches='tight', dpi=300)
def plot(self, ax=None, holdon=False): sns.set(style="white") data = self.X if ax is None: _, ax = plt.subplots() for i, index in enumerate(self.clusters): point = np.array(data[index]).T ax.scatter(*point, c=sns.color_palette("hls", self.K + 1)[i]) for point in self.centroids: ax.scatter(*point, marker='x', linewidths=10) if not holdon: plt.show()
def plot_kde(data, dir=None, filename="kde", color="Greens"): if dir is None: raise Exception() try: os.mkdir(dir) except: pass fig = pylab.gcf() fig.set_size_inches(16.0, 16.0) pylab.clf() bg_color = sns.color_palette(color, n_colors=256)[0] ax = sns.kdeplot(data[:, 0], data[:,1], shade=True, cmap=color, n_levels=30, clip=[[-4, 4]]*2) ax.set_axis_bgcolor(bg_color) kde = ax.get_figure() pylab.xlim(-4, 4) pylab.ylim(-4, 4) kde.savefig("{}/{}.png".format(dir, filename))
def plot_kde(data, dir=None, filename="kde", color="Greens"): if dir is None: raise Exception() try: os.mkdir(dir) except: pass fig = pylab.gcf() fig.set_size_inches(16.0, 16.0) pylab.clf() bg_color = sns.color_palette(color, n_colors=256)[0] ax = sns.kdeplot(data[:, 0], data[:,1], shade=True, cmap=color, n_levels=30, clip=[[-4, 4]]*2) ax.set_axis_bgcolor(bg_color) kde = ax.get_figure() pylab.xlim(-4, 4) pylab.ylim(-4, 4) kde.savefig("{}/{}".format(dir, filename))
def plotPrediction(pred): """ Plots the prediction than encodes it to base64 :param pred: prediction accuracies :return: base64 encoded image as string """ labels = ['setosa', 'versicolor', 'virginica'] sns.set_context(rc={"figure.figsize": (5, 5)}) with sns.color_palette("RdBu_r", 3): ax = sns.barplot(x=labels, y=pred) ax.set(ylim=(0, 1)) # Base64 encode the plot stringIObytes = cStringIO.StringIO() sns.plt.savefig(stringIObytes, format='jpg') sns.plt.show() stringIObytes.seek(0) base64data = base64.b64encode(stringIObytes.read()) return base64data
def phase1_plot_setup(): # Set up a 1x2 plot f, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1,2) f.suptitle('Phase 1 - Rise Times', fontsize=18, fontweight='bold') # Choose a colour palette and font size/style colours = sns.color_palette("muted") sns.set_context('poster') # Maximise the plotting window plot_backend = matplotlib.get_backend() mng = plt.get_current_fig_manager() if plot_backend == 'TkAgg': mng.resize(*mng.window.maxsize()) elif plot_backend == 'wxAgg': mng.frame.Maximize(True) elif plot_backend == 'Qt4Agg': mng.window.showMaximized() return f, ax1, ax2
def phase2_plot_setup(): # Set up a 1x1 plot f, ax1 = plt.subplots(1,1) f.suptitle('Phase 2 - Line Width', fontsize=18, fontweight='bold') # Choose a colour palette and font size/style colours = sns.color_palette("muted") sns.set_context('poster') # Maximise the plotting window plot_backend = matplotlib.get_backend() mng = plt.get_current_fig_manager() if plot_backend == 'TkAgg': mng.resize(*mng.window.maxsize()) elif plot_backend == 'wxAgg': mng.frame.Maximize(True) elif plot_backend == 'Qt4Agg': mng.window.showMaximized() return f, ax1
def get_colors(cfg): """Get colors from config file or set them with seaborn color palette. Args: cfg (dict): config settings. Returns: list: colors """ try: colors = cfg['Plot']['colors'] if not isinstance(colors, list): colors = [colors] except KeyError: colors = sns.color_palette('bright') return colors
def print_heatmap( points,label,id_map ): ''' points: N_samples * N_features label: (int) N_samples id_map: map label id to its name ''' # = sns.color_palette("RdBu_r", max(label)+1) #cNorm = colors.Normalize(vmin=0,vmax=max(label)) #normalise the colormap #scalarMap = cm.ScalarMappable(norm=cNorm,cmap='Paired') #map numbers to colors index = [id_map[i] for i in label] df = DataFrame( points, columns = list(range(points.shape[1])), index = index ) row_color = [current_palette[i] for i in label] cmap = sns.cubehelix_palette(as_cmap=True, rot=-.3, light=1) g = sns.clustermap( df,cmap=cmap,row_colors=row_color,col_cluster=False,xticklabels=False,yticklabels=False) #,standard_scale=1 ) return g.fig
def set_styling(): sb.set_style("white") red = colors.hex2color("#bb3f3f") blue = colors.hex2color("#5a86ad") deep_colors = sb.color_palette("deep") green = deep_colors[1] custom_palette = [red, blue, green] custom_palette.extend(deep_colors[3:]) sb.set_palette(custom_palette) mpl.rcParams.update({"figure.figsize": np.array([6, 6]), "legend.fontsize": 12, "font.size": 16, "axes.labelsize": 16, "axes.labelweight": "bold", "xtick.labelsize": 16, "ytick.labelsize": 16})
def visualize_pca2D(X,y): """ Visualize the first two principal components Keyword arguments: X -- The feature vectors y -- The target vector """ pca = PCA(n_components = 2) principal_components = pca.fit_transform(X) palette = sea.color_palette() plt.scatter(principal_components[y==0, 0], principal_components[y==0, 1], marker='s',color='green',label="Paid", alpha=0.5,edgecolor='#262626', facecolor=palette[1], linewidth=0.15) plt.scatter(principal_components[y==1, 0], principal_components[y==1, 1], marker='^',color='red',label="Default", alpha=0.5,edgecolor='#262626''', facecolor=palette[2], linewidth=0.15) leg = plt.legend(loc='upper right', fancybox=True) leg.get_frame().set_alpha(0.5) plt.title("Two-Dimensional Principal Component Analysis") plt.tight_layout #save fig output_dir='img' save_fig(output_dir,'{}/pca2D.png'.format(output_dir))
def visualize_pca3D(X,y): """ Visualize the first three principal components Keyword arguments: X -- The feature vectors y -- The target vector """ pca = PCA(n_components = 3) principal_components = pca.fit_transform(X) fig = pylab.figure() ax = Axes3D(fig) # azm=30 # ele=30 # ax.view_init(azim=azm,elev=ele) palette = sea.color_palette() ax.scatter(principal_components[y==0, 0], principal_components[y==0, 1], principal_components[y==0, 2], label="Paid", alpha=0.5, edgecolor='#262626', c=palette[1], linewidth=0.15) ax.scatter(principal_components[y==1, 0], principal_components[y==1, 1], principal_components[y==1, 2],label="Default", alpha=0.5, edgecolor='#262626''', c=palette[2], linewidth=0.15) ax.legend() plt.show()
def makeGarbageDimTs(): np.random.seed(123) seqLen = 750 squareLen = seqLen / 17. seq = synth.notSoRandomWalk(seqLen, std=.05, trendFilterLength=(seqLen // 2), lpfLength=2) sb.set_style('white') _, ax = plt.subplots() # color = sb.color_palette()[1] # ax.plot(seq, lw=4, color="#660000") # red I'm using in keynote ax.plot(seq, lw=4, color="#CC0000") # red I'm using in keynote ax.set_xlim([-squareLen, seqLen + squareLen]) ax.set_ylim([np.min(seq) * 2, np.max(seq) * 2]) sb.despine(left=True) plt.show() # def makeMethodsWarpedTs(): # ================================================================ Better Fig1
def get_level_colors(index): pallete = sns.color_palette("colorblind") * int(1e6) colors = list() if hasattr(index, "levels"): for level in index.levels: color_dict = dict(zip(level, pallete)) level_colors = [color_dict[x] for x in index.get_level_values(level.name)] colors.append(level_colors) else: color_dict = dict(zip(set(index), pallete)) index_colors = [color_dict[x] for x in index] colors.append(index_colors) return colors
def plot_clustermap(sequences, title, plotpath, size=300, dpi=200): """ Plot a clustermap of the given sequences size -- Downsample to this many sequences title -- plot title Return the number of clusters. """ logger.info('Clustering %d sequences (downsampled to at most %d)', len(sequences), size) sequences = downsampled(sequences, size) df, linkage, clusters = cluster_sequences(sequences) palette = sns.color_palette([(0.15, 0.15, 0.15)]) palette += sns.color_palette('Spectral', n_colors=max(clusters), desat=0.9) row_colors = [ palette[cluster_id] for cluster_id in clusters ] cm = sns.clustermap(df, row_linkage=linkage, col_linkage=linkage, row_colors=row_colors, linewidths=None, linecolor='none', figsize=(210/25.4, 210/25.4), cmap='Blues', xticklabels=False, yticklabels=False ) if title is not None: cm.fig.suptitle(title) cm.savefig(plotpath, dpi=dpi) # free the memory used by the plot import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.close('all') return len(set(clusters))
def plot_energy(curv, color=None, title='', figsize=(21,5), nylabel=3, nxlabel=5, fontsize=24): """ Accepts the output of compute_curvature or combine_curvature and returns a figure with appropriate styling. """ def _deltaE(col): if col.name == 'n': return col cat = np.linspace(col.values[0], 0, 51) an = np.linspace(0, col.values[-1], 51) return col - np.hstack([cat, an]) figargs = {'figsize': figsize} fig = _gen_figure(nxplot=1, nyplot=3, nxlabel=nxlabel, figargs=figargs, fontsize=fontsize) ax, axnone, ax1 = fig.get_axes() axnone.set_visible(False) color = sns.color_palette('cubehelix', curv.shape[1] - 1) \ if color is None else color plargs = {'x': 'n', 'color': color, 'title': title, 'legend': False} curvy = curv.apply(_deltaE) curv.plot(ax=ax, **plargs) ax.set_ylim([curv.min().min(), curv.max().max()]) ax.set_ylabel('$\Delta$E (eV)', fontsize=fontsize) ax.set_xlabel('$\Delta$N', fontsize=fontsize) curvy.plot(ax=ax1, **plargs) del curvy['n'] ax1.set_ylim([curvy.min().min(), curvy.max().max()]) ax1.set_ylabel('$\Delta \Delta$E (eV)', fontsize=fontsize) ax.set_xlabel('$\Delta$N', fontsize=fontsize) loc = [1.2, (9 - curv.shape[1]) / 25] ax.legend(*ax.get_legend_handles_labels(), loc=loc) return fig
def plot_dist(train_y,dev_y,test_y): import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.rc('text', usetex=True) plt.rc('font', family='Times-Roman') sns.set_style(style='white') color = sns.color_palette("Set2", 10) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,12)) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(3, 1, 1) # plt.title("Label distribution",fontsize=20) sns.distplot(train_y,kde=False,label='Training', hist=True, norm_hist=True,color="blue") ax1.set_xlabel("Answer") ax1.set_ylabel("Frequency") ax1.set_xlim([0,500]) plt.legend(loc='best') ax2 = fig.add_subplot(3, 1, 2) sns.distplot(dev_y,kde=False,label='Validation', hist=True, norm_hist=True,color="green") ax2.set_xlabel("Answer") ax2.set_ylabel("Frequency") ax2.set_xlim([0,500]) plt.legend(loc='best') ax3 = fig.add_subplot(3, 1, 3) sns.distplot(test_y,kde=False,label='Test', hist=True, norm_hist=True,color="red") ax3.set_xlabel("Answer") ax3.set_ylabel("Frequency") ax3.set_xlim([0,500]) plt.legend(loc='best') plt.savefig('checkpoints/label_dist.pdf', format='pdf', dpi=300) plt.show()
def contour_plot(lab, element, labels=False, days=False, last_year=False): plt.figure() plt.title(element + ' concentration') resoluion = 100 n = math.ceil(lab.time.size / resoluion) if last_year: k = n - int(1 / lab.dt) else: k = 1 if days: X, Y = np.meshgrid(lab.time[k::n] * 365, -lab.x) plt.xlabel('Time') else: X, Y = np.meshgrid(lab.time[k::n], -lab.x) plt.xlabel('Time') z = lab.species[element]['concentration'][:, k - 1:-1:n] CS = plt.contourf(X, Y, z, 51, cmap=ListedColormap( sns.color_palette("Blues", 51)), origin='lower') if labels: plt.clabel(CS, inline=1, fontsize=10, colors='w') cbar = plt.colorbar(CS) plt.ylabel('Depth') ax = plt.gca() ax.ticklabel_format(useOffset=False) cbar.ax.set_ylabel('%s [M/V]' % element) if element == 'Temperature': plt.title('Temperature contour plot') cbar.ax.set_ylabel('Temperature, C') if element == 'pH': plt.title('pH contour plot') cbar.ax.set_ylabel('pH') return ax
def set_defaults(self): """ Set the plot defaults. """ # choose the "Paired" palette if the number of grouping factor # levels is even and below 13, or the "Set3" palette otherwise: if len(self._levels[1 if len(self._groupby) == 2 else 0]) in (2, 4, 6, 8, 12): self.options["color_palette"] = "Paired" else: # use 'Set3', a quantitative palette, if there are two grouping # factors, or a palette diverging from Red to Purple otherwise: if len(self._groupby) == 2: self.options["color_palette"] = "Set3" else: self.options["color_palette"] = "RdPu" super(Visualizer, self).set_defaults() if self.percentage: self.options["label_x_axis"] = "Percentage" else: self.options["label_x_axis"] = "Frequency" session = options.cfg.main_window.Session if len(self._groupby) == 2: self.options["label_y_axis"] = session.translate_header(self._groupby[0]) self.options["label_legend"] = session.translate_header(self._groupby[1]) else: self.options["label_legend"] = session.translate_header(self._groupby[0]) if self.percentage: self.options["label_y_axis"] = "" else: self.options["label_y_axis"] = session.translate_header(self._groupby[0])
def set_defaults(self): self.options["color_palette"] = "Paired" self.options["color_number"] = len(self._levels[0]) super(Visualizer, self).set_defaults() self.options["label_x_axis"] = "Corpus position" if not self._levels or len(self._levels[0]) < 2: self.options["label_y_axis"] = "" else: self.options["label_y_axis"] = self._groupby[0]
def set_defaults(self): if self.numerical_axes and False: if not self.options.get("color_number"): self.options["color_number"] = 1 if not self.options.get("label_legend_columns"): self.options["label_legend_columns"] = 1 if not self.options.get("color_palette"): self.options["color_palette"] = "Paired" self.options["color_number"] = 1 else: if not self.options.get("color_number"): self.options["color_number"] = len(self._levels[-1]) if not self.options.get("label_legend_columns"): self.options["label_legend_columns"] = 1 if not self.options.get("color_palette"): if len(self._levels) == 0: self.options["color_palette"] = "Paired" self.options["color_number"] = 1 elif len(self._levels[-1]) in (2, 4, 6): self.options["color_palette"] = "Paired" elif len(self._groupby) == 2: self.options["color_palette"] = "Paired" else: self.options["color_palette"] = "RdPu" self.options["figure_font"] = ( QtWidgets.QApplication.instance().font()) if not self.options.get("color_palette_values"): self.set_palette_values(self.options["color_number"])
def set_palette_values(self, n=None): """ Set the color palette values to the specified number. """ if not n: n = self.options["color_number"] else: self.options["color_number"] = n if self.options["color_palette"] != "custom": self.options["color_palette_values"] = sns.color_palette( self.options["color_palette"], n)
def show_palette(self): self.ui.color_test_area.clear() #test_numbers = self.ui.spin_number.value() test_numbers = 12 test_palette = sns.color_palette(self._palette_name, test_numbers) for i, (r, g, b)in enumerate(test_palette): item = QtWidgets.QListWidgetItem() self.ui.color_test_area.addItem(item) brush = QtGui.QBrush(QtGui.QColor( int(r * 255), int(g * 255), int(b * 255))) item.setBackground(brush)
def test_palette(self): if self.palette_name == "custom": palette = self.custom_palette else: palette = sns.color_palette(self.palette_name, int(self.ui.spin_number.value())) self.ui.color_test_area.clear() for color in palette: item = CoqColorItem(color) self.ui.color_test_area.addItem(item)
def _get_cmap(kwargs): """Get the colour map for plots that support it. Parameters ---------- cmap : str or colors.Colormap or list of colors A map or an instance of cmap. This can also be a seaborn palette (if seaborn is installed). Returns ------- colors.Colormap """ from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap cmap = kwargs.pop("cmap", default_cmap) if isinstance(cmap, list): return ListedColormap(cmap) if isinstance(cmap, str): try: cmap = plt.get_cmap(cmap) except BaseException as exc: try: # Try to use seaborn palette import seaborn as sns sns_palette = sns.color_palette(cmap, n_colors=256) cmap = ListedColormap(sns_palette, name=cmap) except ImportError: raise exc return cmap
def make_palette(self): if not self.palette: self.palette = sns.color_palette("husl", len(self.benchmarks))
def plot_br_chart(self,column): if type(self.woe_dicts[column].items()[0][0]) == str: woe_lists = sorted(self.woe_dicts[column].items(), key = self.sort_dict) else: woe_lists = sorted(self.woe_dicts[column].items(),key = lambda item:item[0]) sns.set_style(rc={"axes.facecolor": "#EAEAF2", "axes.edgecolor": "#EAEAF2", "axes.linewidth": 1, "grid.color": "white",}) tick_label = [i[0] for i in woe_lists] counts = [i[1][1] for i in woe_lists] br_data = [i[1][2] for i in woe_lists] x = range(len(counts)) fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(12,8)) my_palette = sns.color_palette(n_colors=100) sns.barplot(x,counts,ax=ax1,palette=sns.husl_palette(n_colors=20,l=.7)) plt.xticks(x,tick_label,rotation = 30,fontsize=12) plt.title(column,fontsize=18) ax1.set_ylabel('count',fontsize=15) ax1.tick_params('y',direction='in',length=6, width=0.5, labelsize=12) #ax1.bar(x,counts,tick_label = tick_label,color = 'y',align = 'center') #ax1.bar(x,counts,color = 'y',align = 'center') ax2 = ax1.twinx() ax2.plot(x,br_data,color='black') ax2.set_ylabel('bad rate',fontsize=15) ax2.tick_params('y',direction='in',length=6, width=0.5, labelsize=12) plot_margin = 0.25 x0, x1, y0, y1 = ax1.axis() ax1.axis((x0 - plot_margin, x1 + plot_margin, y0 - 0, y1 * 1.1)) plt.show()
def save_br_chart(self, column, path): if type(self.woe_dicts[column].items()[0][0]) == str: woe_lists = sorted(self.woe_dicts[column].items(), key = self.sort_dict) else: woe_lists = sorted(self.woe_dicts[column].items(),key = lambda item:item[0]) tick_label = [i[0] for i in woe_lists] counts = [i[1][1] for i in woe_lists] br_data = [i[1][2] for i in woe_lists] x = range(len(counts)) fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(12,8)) my_palette = sns.color_palette(n_colors=100) sns.barplot(x,counts,ax=ax1,palette=sns.husl_palette(n_colors=20,l=.7)) plt.xticks(x,tick_label,rotation = 30,fontsize=12) plt.title(column,fontsize=18) ax1.set_ylabel('count',fontsize=15) ax1.tick_params('y',labelsize=12) ax2 = ax1.twinx() ax2.plot(x,br_data,color='black') ax2.set_ylabel('bad rate',fontsize=15) ax2.tick_params('y',labelsize=12) plot_margin = 0.25 x0, x1, y0, y1 = ax1.axis() ax1.axis((x0 - plot_margin, x1 + plot_margin, y0 - 0, y1 * 1.1)) plt.savefig(path)
def plot(self): nconfounds = len(self.confounds) nspikes = len(self.spikes) nrows = 1 + nconfounds + nspikes # Create grid grid = mgs.GridSpec(nrows, 1, wspace=0.0, hspace=0.2, height_ratios=[1] * (nrows - 1) + [3.5]) grid_id = 0 for tsz, name, iszs in self.spikes: spikesplot(tsz, title=name, outer_gs=grid[grid_id], tr=self.tr, zscored=iszs) grid_id += 1 if self.confounds: palette = color_palette("husl", nconfounds) for i, (tseries, kwargs) in enumerate(self.confounds): confoundplot( tseries, grid[grid_id], tr=self.tr, color=palette[i], **kwargs) grid_id += 1 fmricarpetplot(self.func_data, self.seg_data, grid[-1], tr=self.tr) setattr(self, 'grid', grid) # spikesplot_cb([0.7, 0.78, 0.2, 0.008])
def generic_unstacked_barplot(df, pdf, title_string, legend_labels, ylabel, names, box_label, bbox_to_anchor=(1.12, 0.7)): fig, ax = plt.subplots() bars = [] shorter_bar_width = bar_width / len(df) for i, (_, d) in enumerate(df.iterrows()): bars.append(ax.bar(np.arange(len(df.columns)) + shorter_bar_width * i, d, shorter_bar_width, color=sns.color_palette()[i], linewidth=0.0)) _generic_histogram(bars, legend_labels, title_string, pdf, ax, fig, ylabel, names, box_label, bbox_to_anchor)
def generic_stacked_barplot(df, pdf, title_string, legend_labels, ylabel, names, box_label, bbox_to_anchor=(1.12, 0.7)): fig, ax = plt.subplots() bars = [] cumulative = np.zeros(len(df.columns)) color_palette = choose_palette(legend_labels) for i, (_, d) in enumerate(df.iterrows()): bars.append(ax.bar(np.arange(len(df.columns)), d, bar_width, bottom=cumulative, color=color_palette[i], linewidth=0.0)) cumulative += d _generic_histogram(bars, legend_labels, title_string, pdf, ax, fig, ylabel, names, box_label, bbox_to_anchor) ### # Shared functions ###
def choose_palette(ordered_genomes): """choose palette in cases where genomes get different colors""" if len(ordered_genomes) <= 6: return sns.color_palette() else: return sns.color_palette("Set2", len(ordered_genomes))
def plot_frequencies(flu, gene, mutation=None, plot_regions=None, all_muts=False, ax=None, **kwargs): import seaborn as sns sns.set_style('whitegrid') cols = sns.color_palette() linestyles = ['-', '--', '-.', ':'] if plot_regions is None: plot_regions=regions pivots = flu.pivots if ax is None: plt.figure() ax=plt.subplot(111) if type(mutation)==int: mutations = [x for x,freq in flu.mutation_frequencies[('global', gene)].iteritems() if (x[0]==mutation)&(freq[0]<0.5 or all_muts)] elif mutation is not None: mutations = [mutation] else: mutations=None if mutations is None: for ri, region in enumerate(plot_regions): count=flu.mutation_frequency_counts[region] plt.plot(pivots, count, c=cols[ri%len(cols)], label=region) else: print("plotting mutations", mutations) for ri,region in enumerate(plot_regions): for mi,mut in enumerate(mutations): if mut in flu.mutation_frequencies[(region, gene)]: freq = flu.mutation_frequencies[(region, gene)][mut] err = flu.mutation_frequency_confidence[(region, gene)][mut] c=cols[ri%len(cols)] label_str = str(mut[0]+1)+mut[1]+', '+region plot_trace(ax, pivots, freq, err, c=c, ls=linestyles[mi%len(linestyles)],label=label_str, **kwargs) else: print(mut, 'not found in region',region) ax.ticklabel_format(useOffset=False) ax.legend(loc=2)
def plot_sequence_count(flu, fname=None, fs=12): # make figure with region counts import seaborn as sns date_bins = pivots_to_dates(flu.pivots) sns.set_style('ticks') region_label = {'global': 'Global', 'NA': 'N America', 'AS': 'Asia', 'EU': 'Europe', 'OC': 'Oceania'} regions_abbr = ['global', 'NA', 'AS', 'EU', 'OC'] region_colors = {r:col for r, col in zip(regions_abbr, sns.color_palette(n_colors=len(regions_abbr)))} fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 3)) count_by_region = flu.mutation_frequency_counts drop = 3 tmpcounts = np.zeros(len(flu.pivots[drop:])) plt.bar(date_bins[drop:], count_by_region['global'][drop:], width=18, \ linewidth=0, label="Other", color="#bbbbbb", clip_on=False) for region in region_groups: if region!='global': plt.bar(date_bins[drop:], count_by_region[region][drop:], bottom=tmpcounts, width=18, linewidth=0, label=region_label[region], color=region_colors[region], clip_on=False) tmpcounts += count_by_region[region][drop:] make_date_ticks(ax, fs=fs) ax.set_ylabel('Sample count') ax.legend(loc=3, ncol=1, bbox_to_anchor=(1.02, 0.53)) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, right=0.82, top=0.94, bottom=0.22) sns.despine() if fname is not None: plt.savefig(fname)
def plot_prediction(self): ''' plots the global frequencies, the predicted frequencies, and the frequencies in the short interval used for learning. ''' from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns fig, axs = plt.subplots(1,2, figsize=(12,6)) axs[0].plot(self.t_cut*np.ones(2), [0,1], lw=3, alpha=0.3, c='k', ls='--') axs[0].plot(self.current_prediction_interval[1]*np.ones(2), [0,1], lw=3, alpha=0.3, c='k') train_pivots = self.train_frequencies[self.current_prediction_interval][0] train_freqs = self.train_frequencies[self.current_prediction_interval][1] cols = sns.color_palette() future_pivots = self.global_pivots>train_pivots[-1] for node in self.predictions: if np.max(self.predictions[node][self.global_pivots>train_pivots[0]])>0.02: #print(self.predictions[t_cut_val][node]) axs[0].plot(self.global_pivots[future_pivots], self.predictions[node][future_pivots], ls='--', c=cols[node.clade%6]) axs[0].plot(self.global_pivots, self.global_freqs[node.clade], ls='-', c=cols[node.clade%6]) axs[0].plot(train_pivots, train_freqs[node.clade], ls='-.', c=cols[node.clade%6]) axs[0].set_xlim(train_pivots[0]-2, train_pivots[-1]+2) dev = self.prediction_error() dev[~future_pivots]=0.0 axs[1].plot(self.global_pivots, dev) axs[1].set_xlim(train_pivots[0], train_pivots[-1]+2) axs[1].set_ylim(0, 3)
def scatter(x, colors): # We choose a color palette with seaborn. palette = np.array(sea.color_palette("hls", 258)) # We create a scatter plot. f = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8)) ax = plt.subplot(aspect='equal') sc = ax.scatter(x[:, 0], x[:, 1], lw=0, s=40, c=palette[colors.astype(np.int)]) plt.xlim(-25, 25) plt.ylim(-25, 25) ax.axis('off') ax.axis('tight') # We add the labels for each digit. txts = [] for i in range(10): # Position of each label. xtext, ytext = np.median(x[colors == i, :], axis=0) txt = ax.text(xtext, ytext, str(i), fontsize=24) txt.set_path_effects([ patheffects.Stroke(linewidth=5, foreground="w"), patheffects.Normal()]) txts.append(txt) plt.show() return f, ax, sc, txts
def word_count_by_label(articles: pd.DataFrame): """Show graph of word counts by article label.""" palette = sns.color_palette(palette='hls', n_colors=2) true_news_wc = articles[articles['labels'] == 0]['word_count'] fake_news_wc = articles[articles['labels'] == 1]['word_count'] sns.kdeplot(true_news_wc, bw=3, color=palette[0], label='True News') sns.kdeplot(fake_news_wc, bw=3, color=palette[1], label='Fake News') sns.plt.legend() sns.plt.show()
def visual_feature_space(features, labels, num_classes, name_dict): num = len(labels) title_font = {'fontname':'Arial', 'size':'20', 'color':'black', 'weight':'normal', 'verticalalignment':'bottom'} # Bottom vertical alignment for more space axis_font = {'fontname':'Arial', 'size':'20'} # draw palette = np.array(sns.color_palette("hls", num_classes)) # We create a scatter plot. f = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8)) ax = plt.subplot(aspect='equal') sc = ax.scatter(features[:,0], features[:,1], lw=0, s=40, c=palette[labels.astype(np.int)]) # ax.axis('off') # ax.axis('tight') # We add the labels for each digit. txts = [] for i in range(num_classes): # Position of each label. xtext, ytext = np.median(features[labels == i, :], axis=0) txt = ax.text(xtext, ytext, name_dict[i]) txt.set_path_effects([ PathEffects.Stroke(linewidth=5, foreground="w"), PathEffects.Normal()]) txts.append(txt) ax.set_xlabel('Activation of the 1st neuron', **axis_font) ax.set_ylabel('Activation of the 2nd neuron', **axis_font) ax.set_title('softmax_loss + center_loss', **title_font) ax.set_axis_bgcolor('grey') f.savefig('center_loss.png') plt.show() return f, ax, sc, txts