def _map_ascii_key_code_to_key(self, key_code): map = { 0: Keys.NULL, 8: Keys.BACK_SPACE, 9: Keys.TAB, 10: Keys.RETURN, 13: Keys.ENTER, 24: Keys.CANCEL, 27: Keys.ESCAPE, 32: Keys.SPACE, 42: Keys.MULTIPLY, 43: Keys.ADD, 44: Keys.SEPARATOR, 45: Keys.SUBTRACT, 56: Keys.DECIMAL, 57: Keys.DIVIDE, 59: Keys.SEMICOLON, 61: Keys.EQUALS, 127: Keys.DELETE } key = map.get(key_code) if key is None: key = chr(key_code) return key
def press_backspace(self, locator): """Simulates the user pressing the backspace key while the element at `locator` has focus. :param locator: An instance of :class:`XPath` or a string containing an XPath expression. """ self.find_element(locator).send_keys(Keys.BACK_SPACE)
def clear(self, element): """Send back space commands to clear a form field element. This is used because Selenium's built-in clear() method is inconsistent.""" value = element.get_attribute('value') if len(value) > 0: for char in value: element.send_keys(Keys.BACK_SPACE)
def set_selectize(self, selector, value, text=None, clear=True, blur=False): ''' Sets visible value of a selectize control based on the "selectized" element. Parameters ---------- selector: str A CSS selector to search for. This can be any valid CSS selector. value: str The value of the option to select. (Stored Value) text: str The visible value that the user sees. (Visible value, if different than the stored value) clear: bool Whether or not we should clear the selectize value first. Defaults to True blur: bool Whether or not we should blur the element after setting the value. This corresponds to the 'selectOnTab' selecize setting. Defaults to False ''' selectize_control = selector + ' + .selectize-control' selectize_input = selectize_control + ' input' # Make sure the selectize control is active so the input is visible self.click(selectize_control) input_element = self.get_element(selectize_input) if clear: input_element.send_keys(Keys.BACK_SPACE) input_element.send_keys(text or value) # Wait for options to be rendered self.wait_for_visible(selectize_control + ' .has-options') if blur: input_element.send_keys(Keys.TAB) else: # Click the option for the given value self.click(selectize_control + ' .option[data-value="{}"]'.format(value))
def process(self,post_url, caption_text): groups = [] #groups = ['https://www.facebook.com/groups/bangalorestartupsnetwork/', # 'https://www.facebook.com/groups/delhistartupnetwork/', # 'https://www.facebook.com/groups/indianstartupnetwork'] time.sleep(1) if not groups: print "You might prefer to edit AutoShareFacebook.py?" try: number_of_groups = int(raw_input("Anyways How many groups:")) for j in range(0, number_of_groups): app = raw_input("Enter group url(with https)" + str(j + 1) + ":") groups.append(app) pass except: print "Error" else: pass for i in groups: try: self.driver.get(str(i)) actions = ActionChains(self.driver) time.sleep(2) actions.send_keys('p').perform() time.sleep(1) actions2 = ActionChains(self.driver) actions2.send_keys(str(post_url) + " ").perform() time.sleep(3) actions4 = ActionChains(self.driver) for j in range(0, 15): actions4.send_keys(Keys.BACK_SPACE).perform() caption = ActionChains(self.driver) caption.send_keys(caption_text).perform() click_post = self.driver.find_element_by_class_name("_332r") click_post.click() time.sleep(10) print "Successfully posted in " + str(i.split('https://www.facebook.com/groups/')[1].split('/')[0]) except: print"Error posting in " + str(i.split('https://www.facebook.com/groups/')[1].split('/')[0]) self.driver.close()
def process(self,post_url, caption_text): groups = [] #groups = ['https://www.facebook.com/groups/bangalorestartupsnetwork/', # 'https://www.facebook.com/groups/delhistartupnetwork/', # 'https://www.facebook.com/groups/indianstartupnetwork'] time.sleep(1) if not groups: try: number_of_groups = int(raw_input("How many groups:")) for j in range(0, number_of_groups): app = raw_input("Enter group url(with https)" + str(j + 1) + ":") groups.append(app) pass except: print "Error" else: pass for i in groups: try: self.driver.get(str(i)) actions = ActionChains(self.driver) time.sleep(2) actions.send_keys('p').perform() time.sleep(1) actions2 = ActionChains(self.driver) actions2.send_keys(str(post_url) + " ").perform() time.sleep(3) actions4 = ActionChains(self.driver) for j in range(0, 15): actions4.send_keys(Keys.BACK_SPACE).perform() caption = ActionChains(self.driver) caption.send_keys(caption_text).perform() click_post = self.driver.find_element_by_class_name("_332r") click_post.click() time.sleep(10) print "Successfully posted in " + str(i.split('https://www.facebook.com/groups/')[1].split('/')[0]) except: print"Error posting in " + str(i.split('https://www.facebook.com/groups/')[1].split('/')[0]) self.driver.close()