def _map_ascii_key_code_to_key(self, key_code): map = { 0: Keys.NULL, 8: Keys.BACK_SPACE, 9: Keys.TAB, 10: Keys.RETURN, 13: Keys.ENTER, 24: Keys.CANCEL, 27: Keys.ESCAPE, 32: Keys.SPACE, 42: Keys.MULTIPLY, 43: Keys.ADD, 44: Keys.SEPARATOR, 45: Keys.SUBTRACT, 56: Keys.DECIMAL, 57: Keys.DIVIDE, 59: Keys.SEMICOLON, 61: Keys.EQUALS, 127: Keys.DELETE } key = map.get(key_code) if key is None: key = chr(key_code) return key
def onFail(self, by, value, message, text): if message: message = message + ". " else: message = "" if text: text = ":" + text else: text = "" self.fail("Failed: {0}{1} {2}".format(message, self.describeElement(by, value), text)) #def clearKeys(self): # return [ Keys.CONTROL+"a", Keys.DELETE ]
def test_admin_set_the_course_scholastic_year_100135(self): """Set the course scholastic year. Steps: Expected Result: """ self.ps.test_updates['name'] = 't1.59.021' \ + inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name[4:] self.ps.test_updates['tags'] = ['t1', 't1.59', 't1.59.021', '100135'] self.ps.test_updates['passed'] = False # Test steps and verification assertions self.admin.wait.until( expect.visibility_of_element_located( (By.PARTIAL_LINK_TEXT, 'Course Organization') ) ).click() self.admin.wait.until( expect.visibility_of_element_located( (By.PARTIAL_LINK_TEXT, 'Courses') ) ).click() # Create the course self.admin.find(By.XPATH, "//a[text()='Add Course']").click() self.admin.find( By.ID, "course_year" ).send_keys((Keys.DELETE * 4) + str(datetime.date.today().year)) self.ps.test_updates['passed'] = True # Case C100136 - 022 - Admin | Set the number of sections
def test_admin_set_the_number_of_sections_100136(self): """Set the number of sections. Steps: Expected Result: """ self.ps.test_updates['name'] = 't1.59.022' \ + inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name[4:] self.ps.test_updates['tags'] = ['t1', 't1.59', 't1.59.022', '100136'] self.ps.test_updates['passed'] = False # Test steps and verification assertions self.admin.wait.until( expect.visibility_of_element_located( (By.PARTIAL_LINK_TEXT, 'Course Organization') ) ).click() self.admin.wait.until( expect.visibility_of_element_located( (By.PARTIAL_LINK_TEXT, 'Courses') ) ).click() # Create the course self.admin.find(By.XPATH, "//a[text()='Add Course']").click() self.admin.find( By.ID, "course_num_sections" ).send_keys((Keys.DELETE) + str(1)) self.ps.test_updates['passed'] = True # Case C100137 - 023 - Admin | Set the course start date and time