def getFileURLs(file_ids): ''' Retrieve the ftp location for a list of file IDs @param file_ids: List of file IDs @return List of ftp locations ''' info_url='http://modwebsrv.modaps.eosdis.nasa.gov/axis2/services/MODAPSservices/getFileUrls?fileIds=' for file_id in file_ids: info_url += str(file_id) + ',' info_url = info_url[:-1] url = urlopen(info_url) tree = ET.fromstring(url.read().decode()) url.close() return [ child.text for child in tree ]
def download_sifts_xml(pdb_id, outdir='', outfile=''): """Download the SIFTS file for a PDB ID. Args: pdb_id: outdir: outfile: Returns: """ baseURL = 'ftp://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/msd/sifts/xml/' filename = '{}.xml.gz'.format(pdb_id) if outfile: outfile = op.join(outdir, outfile) else: outfile = op.join(outdir, filename.split('.')[0] + '.sifts.xml') if not op.exists(outfile): response = urlopen(baseURL + filename) with open(outfile, 'wb') as f: f.write(gzip.decompress(response.read())) return outfile
def get_template_files(template_data=None, template_url=None): if template_data: tpl = template_data elif template_url: with contextlib.closing(request.urlopen(template_url)) as u: tpl = u.read() else: return {}, None if not tpl: return {}, None if isinstance(tpl, six.binary_type): tpl = tpl.decode('utf-8') template = template_format.parse(tpl) files = {} _get_file_contents(template, files) return files, template
def urlretrieve(url, filename, reporthook=None, data=None): def chunk_read(response, chunk_size=8192, reporthook=None): total_size = response.info().get('Content-Length').strip() total_size = int(total_size) count = 0 while 1: chunk = response.read(chunk_size) count += 1 if not chunk: reporthook(count, total_size, total_size) break if reporthook: reporthook(count, chunk_size, total_size) yield chunk response = urlopen(url, data) with open(filename, 'wb') as fd: for chunk in chunk_read(response, reporthook=reporthook): fd.write(chunk)
def get_contents_if_file(contents_or_file_name): """Get the contents of a file. If the value passed in is a file name or file URI, return the contents. If not, or there is an error reading the file contents, return the value passed in as the contents. For example, a workflow definition will be returned if either the workflow definition file name, or file URI are passed in, or the actual workflow definition itself is passed in. """ try: if parse.urlparse(contents_or_file_name).scheme: definition_url = contents_or_file_name else: path = os.path.abspath(contents_or_file_name) definition_url = parse.urljoin( 'file:', request.pathname2url(path) ) return request.urlopen(definition_url).read().decode('utf8') except Exception: return contents_or_file_name
def test_ClientRedirectServer(self): # create a ClientRedirectServer and run it in a thread to listen # for a mock GET request with the access token # the server should return a 200 message and store the token httpd = tools.ClientRedirectServer(('localhost', 0), tools.ClientRedirectHandler) code = 'foo' url = 'http://localhost:{0}?code={1}'.format( httpd.server_address[1], code) t = threading.Thread(target=httpd.handle_request) t.setDaemon(True) t.start() f = request.urlopen(url) self.assertTrue(f.read()) t.join() httpd.server_close() self.assertEqual(httpd.query_params.get('code'), code)
def import_libs(): from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import hashlib import os import shutil import sys import tarfile import zipfile import six from six.moves.urllib.error import HTTPError from six.moves.urllib.error import URLError from six.moves.urllib.request import urlopen from tensorflow.contrib.keras.python.keras.utils.generic_utils import Progbar
def _make_tide_request(city, date): station = STATIONS.get(city.lower()) noaa_api_params = { 'station': station, 'product': 'predictions', 'datum': 'MLLW', 'units': 'english', 'time_zone': 'lst_ldt', 'format': 'json' } if date == datetime.date.today(): noaa_api_params['date'] = 'today' else: noaa_api_params['begin_date'] = date.strftime('%Y%m%d') noaa_api_params['range'] = 24 url = ENDPOINT + "?" + urlencode(noaa_api_params) resp_body = urlopen(url).read() if len(resp_body) == 0: statement_text = render_template('noaa_problem') else: noaa_response_obj = json.loads(resp_body) predictions = noaa_response_obj['predictions'] tideinfo = _find_tide_info(predictions) statement_text = render_template('tide_info', date=date, city=city, tideinfo=tideinfo) return statement(statement_text).simple_card("Tide Pooler", statement_text)
def urlretrieve(url, filename, reporthook=None, data=None): ''' This function is adpated from: https://github.com/fchollet/keras Original work Copyright (c) 2014-2015 keras contributors ''' def chunk_read(response, chunk_size=8192, reporthook=None): total_size = response.info().get('Content-Length').strip() total_size = int(total_size) count = 0 while 1: chunk = response.read(chunk_size) if not chunk: break count += 1 if reporthook: reporthook(count, chunk_size, total_size) yield chunk response = urlopen(url, data) with open(filename, 'wb') as fd: for chunk in chunk_read(response, reporthook=reporthook): fd.write(chunk)
def download_and_extract_nord_zipfile(ovpn_dir_path): """ This function retrieves NordVPN's zipfile, de-serializes & saves it. Then it extracts the contents. :param ovpn_dir_path: efault is the users {$HOME}/OVPN/ (%HOME%\OVPN\ on windows) :return: NUTHIN' """ zip_data = urlopen('https://downloads.nordcdn.com/configs/archives/servers/ovpn.zip').read() zipfile_path = os.path.join(ovpn_dir_path, 'zipfile.zip') with open(zipfile_path, 'wb+') as nord_zipfile: nord_zipfile.write(zip_data) # sanity check assert os.path.exists(zipfile_path) # lololol This could be more than one line...buttfuckit #TODO: also this can b dangerous AF. Need to make some checks before deserializing. zipfile.ZipFile(zipfile_path).extractall(ovpn_dir_path)
def read_file_or_url(self, fname): # TODO: not working on localhost if os.path.isfile(fname): result = open(fname, 'r') else: match = self.urlre.match(fname) if match: result = urlopen(match.group(1)) else: fname = os.path.expanduser(fname) try: result = open(os.path.expanduser(fname), 'r') except IOError: result = open('%s.%s' % (os.path.expanduser(fname), self.defaultExtension), 'r') return result
def _pd_api(self, url, data=None, method='GET'): url = '%s/%s' % (PD_API_BASE, url) request_args = { 'headers': dict(self._pd_headers) } if six.PY3: # pragma: no cover request_args['method'] = method if data is not None: request_args['data'] = json.dumps(data).encode('utf-8') request_args['headers']['Content-Type'] = APPLICATION_JSON request = Request(url, **request_args) if six.PY2: # pragma: no cover request.get_method = lambda: method try: response = urlopen(request) return json.loads(response.read().decode('utf-8')) except HTTPError as e: response = e.read().decode('utf-8') logger.warning("API error: %s", response) if method == 'GET' and e.code == 404: return None else: raise e
def check_connection(default='http://google.com', timeout=1): """Test the internet connection. Parameters ---------- default : str URL to test; defaults to a Google IP address. timeout : number Time in seconds to wait before giving up. Returns ------- success : bool True if appears to be online, else False """ success = True try: surl = urlparse.quote(default, safe=':./') urlrequest.urlopen(surl, timeout=timeout) except urlerror.URLError as derp: success = False logger.debug("Network unreachable: {}".format(derp)) return success
def _read_from_url(url): try: response = urlopen(url) except HTTPError as e: if e.code == 404: return "{}" else: raise PeeringDBError( "HTTP error while retrieving info from PeeringDB: " "code: {}, reason: {} - {}".format( e.code, e.reason, str(e) ) ) except Exception as e: raise PeeringDBError( "Error while retrieving info from PeeringDB: {}".format( str(e) ) ) return response.read().decode("utf-8")
def download(url, filename, overwrite=False, timeout=None): """ Download the given URL to the given filename. If the file exists, it won't be downloaded unless asked to overwrite. Both, text data like html, txt, etc. or binary data like images, audio, etc. are acceptable. :param url: A URL to download. :param filename: The file to store the downloaded file to. :param overwrite: Set to True if the file should be downloaded even if it already exists. """ if not os.path.exists(filename) or overwrite: if timeout is None: response = urlopen(url) else: response = urlopen(url, timeout=timeout) with open(filename, 'wb') as out_file: copyfileobj(response, out_file)
def get_sap_symbols(name='sap500'): """Get ticker symbols constituting S&P Args: name(str): should be 'sap500' or 'sap100' """ if name == 'sap500': site = 'http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_S%26P_500_companies' elif name == 'sap100': site = 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S%26P_100' else: raise NameError('invalid input: name should be "sap500" or "sap100"') # fetch data from yahoo finance page = urlopen(site) soup = BeautifulSoup(page, 'html.parser') table = soup.find('table', {'class': 'wikitable sortable'}) symbols = [] for row in table.findAll('tr'): col = row.findAll('td') if len(col) > 0: symbol = col[0].string.replace('.', '-') symbols.append(str(symbol)) return symbols
def urlretrieve(url, filename, reporthook=None, data=None): def chunk_read(response, chunk_size=8192, reporthook=None): total_size = response.info().get('Content-Length').strip() total_size = int(total_size) count = 0 while 1: chunk = response.read(chunk_size) if not chunk: break count += 1 if reporthook: reporthook(count, chunk_size, total_size) yield chunk response = urlopen(url, data) with open(filename, 'wb') as fd: for chunk in chunk_read(response, reporthook=reporthook): fd.write(chunk)
def __network_ping(self): try: repourl = urljoin(self.get_depot_url(), "versions/0") # Disable SSL peer verification, we just want to check # if the depot is running. url = urlopen(repourl, context=ssl._create_unverified_context()) url.close() except HTTPError as e: # Server returns NOT_MODIFIED if catalog is up # to date if e.code == http_client.NOT_MODIFIED: return True else: return False except URLError as e: return False return True
def getFileIDs(modis_identifier, start_date, end_date, lat, lon, daynightboth): ''' Retrieve file IDs for images matching search parameters @param modis_identifier: Product identifier (e.g. MOD09) @param start_date: Starting date @param end_date: Ending date @param lat: Latitude @param lon: Longitude @param daynightboth: Get daytime images ('D'), nightime images ('N') or both ('B') @return list of file IDs ''' lat_str = str(lat) lon_str = str(lon) info_url = ('http://modwebsrv.modaps.eosdis.nasa.gov/axis2/services/MODAPSservices/searchForFiles' + '?product=' + modis_identifier + '&collection=6&start=' + start_date + '&stop=' + end_date + '&north=' + lat_str + '&south=' + lat_str + '&west=' + lon_str + '&east=' + lon_str + '&coordsOrTiles=coords&dayNightBoth=' + daynightboth) url = urlopen(info_url) tree = ET.fromstring(url.read().decode()) url.close() return [ int(child.text) for child in tree ]
def download_biological_assemblies(pdb_id, outdir): """Downloads biological assembly file from: `ftp://ftp.wwpdb.org/pub/pdb/data/biounit/coordinates/divided/` Args: outdir (str): Output directory of the decompressed assembly """ # TODO: not tested yet if not op.exists(outdir): raise ValueError('{}: output directory does not exist'.format(outdir)) folder = pdb_id[1:3] server = 'ftp://ftp.wwpdb.org/pub/pdb/data/biounit/coordinates/divided/{}/'.format(folder) html_folder = urlopen(server).readlines() for line in html_folder: if pdb_id in str(line).strip(): file_name = '%s' % (pdb_id + str(line).strip().split(pdb_id)[1].split('\r\n')[0]) outfile_name = file_name.replace('.', '_') outfile_name = outfile_name.replace('_gz', '.pdb') f = urlopen(op.join(server, file_name)) decompressed_data = zlib.decompress(f.read(), 16 + zlib.MAX_WBITS) with open(op.join(outdir, outfile_name), 'wb') as f: f.write(decompressed_data) f.close() log.debug('{}: downloaded biological assembly') return op.join(outdir, outfile_name)
def open(self, url, **params): if url.startswith('http') and params: r = requests.get(url, params=params, stream=True) r.raw.decode_content = self.decode response = r.text if self.cache_type else r.raw else: try: r = urlopen(url, context=self.context, timeout=self.timeout) except TypeError: r = urlopen(url, timeout=self.timeout) text = r.read() if self.cache_type else None if self.decode: encoding = get_response_encoding(r, self.def_encoding) if text: response = decode(text, encoding) else: response = reencode(r.fp, encoding, decode=True) else: response = text or r content_type = get_response_content_type(r) if 'xml' in content_type: self.ext = 'xml' elif 'json' in content_type: self.ext = 'json' else: self.ext = content_type.split('/')[1].split(';')[0] self.r = r return response
def get_user_details(self, response): # Obtain JWT and the keys to validate the signature idToken = response.get('id_token') jwks = request.urlopen("https://" + self.setting('DOMAIN') + "/.well-known/jwks.json") issuer = "https://" + self.setting('DOMAIN') + "/" audience = self.setting('KEY') #CLIENT_ID payload = jwt.decode(idToken, jwks.read(), algorithms=['RS256'], audience=audience, issuer=issuer) return {'username': payload['nickname'], 'first_name': payload['name'], 'picture': payload['picture'], 'user_id': payload['sub']}
def fetch(self): """Fetch report from PDB website Yields: dict: Dictionary with keys same as ['structureId', 'chainID'] + self.fields """ response = urlopen(self.url) return parse_csv_file(response)
def open_image(filename): if re.match('http[s]?:.*', filename): image = request.urlopen(filename) else: image = open(filename, 'rb') return image.read()
def load_image(in_image): """ Load an image, returns PIL.Image. """ # if the path appears to be an URL if urlparse(in_image).scheme in ('http', 'https',): # set up the byte stream img_stream = BytesIO(request.urlopen(in_image).read()) # and read in as PIL image img = Image.open(img_stream) else: # else use it as local file path img = Image.open(in_image) return img
def urlretrieve(url, filename, reporthook=None, data=None): """Replacement for `urlretrive` for Python 2. Under Python 2, `urlretrieve` relies on `FancyURLopener` from legacy `urllib` module, known to have issues with proxy management. # Arguments url: url to retrieve. filename: where to store the retrieved data locally. reporthook: a hook function that will be called once on establishment of the network connection and once after each block read thereafter. The hook will be passed three arguments; a count of blocks transferred so far, a block size in bytes, and the total size of the file. data: `data` argument passed to `urlopen`. """ def chunk_read(response, chunk_size=8192, reporthook=None): total_size = response.info().get('Content-Length').strip() total_size = int(total_size) count = 0 while 1: chunk = response.read(chunk_size) count += 1 if not chunk: reporthook(count, total_size, total_size) break if reporthook: reporthook(count, chunk_size, total_size) yield chunk response = urlopen(url, data) with open(filename, 'wb') as fd: for chunk in chunk_read(response, reporthook=reporthook): fd.write(chunk)
def get_template_contents(template_file=None, template_url=None, files=None): # Transform a bare file path to a file:// URL. if template_file: # nosec template_url = utils.normalise_file_path_to_url(template_file) tpl = request.urlopen(template_url).read() else: raise exceptions.CommandErrorException(_('Need to specify exactly ' 'one of %(arg1)s, %(arg2)s ' 'or %(arg3)s') % {'arg1': '--template-file', 'arg2': '--template-url'}) if not tpl: raise exceptions.CommandErrorException(_('Could not fetch ' 'template from %s') % template_url) try: if isinstance(tpl, six.binary_type): tpl = tpl.decode('utf-8') template = template_format.parse(tpl) except ValueError as e: raise exceptions.CommandErrorException(_('Error parsing template ' '%(url)s %(error)s') % {'url': template_url, 'error': e}) return template
def fetch_inventory(app, uri, inv): """Fetch, parse and return an intersphinx inventory file.""" # both *uri* (base URI of the links to generate) and *inv* (actual # location of the inventory file) can be local or remote URIs localuri = uri.find('://') == -1 join = localuri and path.join or posixpath.join try: if inv.find('://') != -1: f = request.urlopen(inv) else: f = open(path.join(app.srcdir, inv), 'rb') except Exception as err: app.warn('intersphinx inventory %r not fetchable due to ' '%s: %s' % (inv, err.__class__, err)) return try: line = f.readline().rstrip().decode('utf-8') try: if line == '# Sphinx inventory version 1': invdata = read_inventory_v1(f, uri, join) elif line == '# Sphinx inventory version 2': invdata = read_inventory_v2(f, uri, join) else: raise ValueError f.close() except ValueError: f.close() raise ValueError('unknown or unsupported inventory version') except Exception as err: app.warn('intersphinx inventory %r not readable due to ' '%s: %s' % (inv, err.__class__.__name__, err)) else: return invdata
def urlretrieve(url, filename, reporthook=None, data=None): """Replacement for `urlretrive` for Python 2. Under Python 2, `urlretrieve` relies on `FancyURLopener` from legacy `urllib` module, known to have issues with proxy management. Arguments: url: url to retrieve. filename: where to store the retrieved data locally. reporthook: a hook function that will be called once on establishment of the network connection and once after each block read thereafter. The hook will be passed three arguments; a count of blocks transferred so far, a block size in bytes, and the total size of the file. data: `data` argument passed to `urlopen`. """ def chunk_read(response, chunk_size=8192, reporthook=None): content_type = response.info().get('Content-Length') total_size = -1 if content_type is not None: total_size = int(content_type.strip()) count = 0 while 1: chunk = response.read(chunk_size) count += 1 if not chunk: reporthook(count, total_size, total_size) break if reporthook: reporthook(count, chunk_size, total_size) yield chunk response = urlopen(url, data) with open(filename, 'wb') as fd: for chunk in chunk_read(response, reporthook=reporthook): fd.write(chunk)
def test_rfc6979(self): text = urlopen('https://tools.ietf.org/rfc/rfc6979.txt').read().decode() curve_tests = findall(r'curve: NIST P-192(.*)curve: NIST P-224', text, flags=DOTALL)[0] q = int(findall(r'q = ([0-9A-F]*)', curve_tests)[0], 16) x = int(findall(r'x = ([0-9A-F]*)', curve_tests)[0], 16) test_regex = r'With SHA-(\d+), message = "([a-zA-Z]*)":\n' \ r'\s*k = ([0-9A-F]*)\n' \ r'\s*r = ([0-9A-F]*)\n' \ r'\s*s = ([0-9A-F]*)\n' hash_lookup = { '1': sha1, '224': sha224, '256': sha256, '384': sha384, '512': sha512 } for test in findall(test_regex, curve_tests): h = hash_lookup[test[0]] msg = test[1] k = int(test[2], 16) r = int(test[3], 16) s = int(test[4], 16) self.assertEqual(k, RFC6979(msg, x, q, h).gen_nonce()) self.assertEqual((r, s), sign(msg, x, curve=P192, hashfunc=h))
def test_rfc6979(self): text = urlopen('https://tools.ietf.org/rfc/rfc6979.txt').read().decode() curve_tests = findall(r'curve: NIST P-224(.*)curve: NIST P-256', text, flags=DOTALL)[0] q = int(findall(r'q = ([0-9A-F]*)', curve_tests)[0], 16) x = int(findall(r'x = ([0-9A-F]*)', curve_tests)[0], 16) test_regex = r'With SHA-(\d+), message = "([a-zA-Z]*)":\n' \ r'\s*k = ([0-9A-F]*)\n' \ r'\s*r = ([0-9A-F]*)\n' \ r'\s*s = ([0-9A-F]*)\n' hash_lookup = { '1': sha1, '224': sha224, '256': sha256, '384': sha384, '512': sha512 } for test in findall(test_regex, curve_tests): h = hash_lookup[test[0]] msg = test[1] k = int(test[2], 16) r = int(test[3], 16) s = int(test[4], 16) self.assertEqual(k, RFC6979(msg, x, q, h).gen_nonce()) self.assertEqual((r, s), sign(msg, x, curve=P224, hashfunc=h))
def test_rfc6979(self): text = urlopen('https://tools.ietf.org/rfc/rfc6979.txt').read().decode() curve_tests = findall(r'curve: NIST P-256(.*)curve: NIST P-384', text, flags=DOTALL)[0] q = int(findall(r'q = ([0-9A-F]*)', curve_tests)[0], 16) x = int(findall(r'x = ([0-9A-F]*)', curve_tests)[0], 16) test_regex = r'With SHA-(\d+), message = "([a-zA-Z]*)":\n' \ r'\s*k = ([0-9A-F]*)\n' \ r'\s*r = ([0-9A-F]*)\n' \ r'\s*s = ([0-9A-F]*)\n' hash_lookup = { '1': sha1, '224': sha224, '256': sha256, '384': sha384, '512': sha512 } for test in findall(test_regex, curve_tests): h = hash_lookup[test[0]] msg = test[1] k = int(test[2], 16) r = int(test[3], 16) s = int(test[4], 16) self.assertEqual(k, RFC6979(msg, x, q, h).gen_nonce()) self.assertEqual((r, s), sign(msg, x, curve=P256, hashfunc=h))
def test_rfc6979(self): text = urlopen('https://tools.ietf.org/rfc/rfc6979.txt').read().decode() curve_tests = findall(r'curve: NIST P-384(.*)curve: NIST P-521', text, flags=DOTALL)[0] q_parts = findall(r'q = ([0-9A-F]*)\n\s*([0-9A-F]*)', curve_tests)[0] q = int(q_parts[0] + q_parts[1], 16) x_parts = findall(r'x = ([0-9A-F]*)\n\s*([0-9A-F]*)', curve_tests)[0] x = int(x_parts[0] + x_parts[1], 16) test_regex = r'With SHA-(\d+), message = "([a-zA-Z]*)":\n' \ r'\s*k = ([0-9A-F]*)\n\s*([0-9A-F]*)\n' \ r'\s*r = ([0-9A-F]*)\n\s*([0-9A-F]*)\n' \ r'\s*s = ([0-9A-F]*)\n\s*([0-9A-F]*)\n' hash_lookup = { '1': sha1, '224': sha224, '256': sha256, '384': sha384, '512': sha512 } for test in findall(test_regex, curve_tests): h = hash_lookup[test[0]] msg = test[1] k = int(test[2] + test[3], 16) r = int(test[4] + test[5], 16) s = int(test[6] + test[7], 16) self.assertEqual(k, RFC6979(msg, x, q, h).gen_nonce()) self.assertEqual((r, s), sign(msg, x, curve=P384, hashfunc=h))
def test_rfc6979(self): text = urlopen('https://tools.ietf.org/rfc/rfc6979.txt').read().decode() curve_tests = findall(r'curve: NIST P-521(.*)curve: NIST K-163', text, flags=DOTALL)[0] q_parts = findall(r'q = ([0-9A-F]*)\n\s*([0-9A-F]*)\n\s*([0-9A-F]*)', curve_tests)[0] q = int(q_parts[0] + q_parts[1] + q_parts[2], 16) x_parts = findall(r'x = ([0-9A-F]*)\n\s*([0-9A-F]*)\n\s*([0-9A-F]*)', curve_tests)[0] x = int(x_parts[0] + x_parts[1] + x_parts[2], 16) test_regex = r'With SHA-(\d+), message = "([a-zA-Z]*)":\n' \ r'\s*k = ([0-9A-F]*)\n\s*([0-9A-F]*)\n\s*([0-9A-F]*)\n' \ r'\s*r = ([0-9A-F]*)\n\s*([0-9A-F]*)\n\s*([0-9A-F]*)\n' \ r'\s*s = ([0-9A-F]*)\n\s*([0-9A-F]*)\n\s*([0-9A-F]*)\n' hash_lookup = { '1': sha1, '224': sha224, '256': sha256, '384': sha384, '512': sha512 } for test in findall(test_regex, curve_tests): h = hash_lookup[test[0]] msg = test[1] k = int(test[2] + test[3] + test[4], 16) r = int(test[5] + test[6] + test[7], 16) s = int(test[8] + test[9] + test[10], 16) self.assertEqual(k, RFC6979(msg, x, q, h).gen_nonce()) self.assertEqual((r, s), sign(msg, x, curve=P521, hashfunc=h))
def get_demand_price(aws_region, instance_type): """Get AWS instance demand price. >>> print(get_demand_price('us-east-1', 'm4.2xlarge')) """ soup = BeautifulSoup(urlopen(EC2_INSTANCES_INFO_URL), 'html.parser') table = soup.find('table', {'id': 'data'}) row = table.find(id=instance_type) td = row.find('td', {'class': 'cost-ondemand-linux'}) region_prices = json.loads(td['data-pricing']) return float(region_prices[aws_region])
def do_stack_adopt(hc, args): '''Adopt a stack.''' env_files, env = template_utils.process_multiple_environments_and_files( env_paths=args.environment_file) if not args.adopt_file: raise exc.CommandError(_('Need to specify %(arg)s') % {'arg': '--adopt-file'}) adopt_url = utils.normalise_file_path_to_url(args.adopt_file) adopt_data = request.urlopen(adopt_url).read() if not len(adopt_data): raise exc.CommandError('Invalid adopt-file, no data!') if args.create_timeout: logger.warning(_LW('%(arg1)s is deprecated, ' 'please use %(arg2)s instead'), { 'arg1': '-c/--create-timeout', 'arg2': '-t/--timeout'}) fields = { 'stack_name': args.name, 'disable_rollback': not(args.enable_rollback), 'adopt_stack_data': adopt_data, 'parameters': utils.format_parameters(args.parameters), 'files': dict(list(env_files.items())), 'environment': env } timeout = args.timeout or args.create_timeout if timeout: fields['timeout_mins'] = timeout hc.stacks.create(**fields) do_stack_list(hc)
def do_resource_signal(hc, args): '''Send a signal to a resource.''' fields = {'stack_id': args.id, 'resource_name': args.resource} data = args.data data_file = args.data_file if data and data_file: raise exc.CommandError(_('Can only specify one of data and data-file')) if data_file: data_url = utils.normalise_file_path_to_url(data_file) data = request.urlopen(data_url).read() if data: if isinstance(data, six.binary_type): data = data.decode('utf-8') try: data = jsonutils.loads(data) except ValueError as ex: raise exc.CommandError(_('Data should be in JSON format: %s') % ex) if not isinstance(data, dict): raise exc.CommandError(_('Data should be a JSON dict')) fields['data'] = data try: hc.resources.signal(**fields) except exc.HTTPNotFound: raise exc.CommandError(_('Stack or resource not found: ' '%(id)s %(resource)s') % {'id': args.id, 'resource': args.resource})
def do_config_create(hc, args): '''Create a software configuration.''' config = { 'group': args.group, 'config': '' } defn = {} if args.definition_file: defn_url = utils.normalise_file_path_to_url( args.definition_file) defn_raw = request.urlopen(defn_url).read() or '{}' defn = yaml.load(defn_raw, Loader=template_format.yaml_loader) config['inputs'] = defn.get('inputs', []) config['outputs'] = defn.get('outputs', []) config['options'] = defn.get('options', {}) if args.config_file: config_url = utils.normalise_file_path_to_url( args.config_file) config['config'] = request.urlopen(config_url).read() # build a mini-template with a config resource and validate it validate_template = { 'heat_template_version': '2013-05-23', 'resources': { args.name: { 'type': 'OS::Heat::SoftwareConfig', 'properties': config } } } hc.stacks.validate(template=validate_template) config['name'] = args.name sc = hc.software_configs.create(**config) print(jsonutils.dumps(sc.to_dict(), indent=2))
def _create_config(heat_client, args): config = { 'group': args.group, 'config': '' } defn = {} if args.definition_file: defn_url = heat_utils.normalise_file_path_to_url( args.definition_file) defn_raw = request.urlopen(defn_url).read() or '{}' defn = yaml.load(defn_raw, Loader=template_format.yaml_loader) config['inputs'] = defn.get('inputs', []) config['outputs'] = defn.get('outputs', []) config['options'] = defn.get('options', {}) if args.config_file: config_url = heat_utils.normalise_file_path_to_url( args.config_file) config['config'] = request.urlopen(config_url).read() # build a mini-template with a config resource and validate it validate_template = { 'heat_template_version': '2013-05-23', 'resources': { args.name: { 'type': 'OS::Heat::SoftwareConfig', 'properties': config } } } heat_client.stacks.validate(template=validate_template) config['name'] = args.name sc = heat_client.software_configs.create(**config).to_dict() rows = list(six.itervalues(sc)) columns = list(six.iterkeys(sc)) return columns, rows
def _resource_signal(heat_client, args): fields = {'stack_id': args.stack, 'resource_name': args.resource} data = args.data data_file = args.data_file if data and data_file: raise exc.CommandError(_('Should only specify one of data or ' 'data-file')) if data_file: data_url = heat_utils.normalise_file_path_to_url(data_file) data = request.urlopen(data_url).read() if data: try: data = jsonutils.loads(data) except ValueError as ex: raise exc.CommandError(_('Data should be in JSON format: %s') % ex) if not isinstance(data, dict): raise exc.CommandError(_('Data should be a JSON dict')) fields['data'] = data try: heat_client.resources.signal(**fields) except heat_exc.HTTPNotFound: raise exc.CommandError(_('Stack %(stack)s or resource %(resource)s ' 'not found.') % {'stack': args.stack, 'resource': args.resource})
def take_action(self, parsed_args): self.log.debug('take_action(%s)', parsed_args) client = self.app.client_manager.orchestration env_files, env = ( template_utils.process_multiple_environments_and_files( env_paths=parsed_args.environment)) adopt_url = heat_utils.normalise_file_path_to_url( parsed_args.adopt_file) adopt_data = request.urlopen(adopt_url).read().decode('utf-8') fields = { 'stack_name': parsed_args.name, 'disable_rollback': not parsed_args.enable_rollback, 'adopt_stack_data': adopt_data, 'parameters': heat_utils.format_parameters(parsed_args.parameter), 'files': dict(list(env_files.items())), 'environment': env, 'timeout': parsed_args.timeout } stack = client.stacks.create(**fields)['stack'] if parsed_args.wait: stack_status, msg = event_utils.poll_for_events( client, parsed_args.name, action='ADOPT') if stack_status == 'ADOPT_FAILED': raise exc.CommandError(msg) return _show_stack(client, stack['id'], format='table', short=True)
def resolve(self, uri): if uri.startswith('s3://'): contents = self.get_s3_uri(uri) else: # TODO: in the case of file: content and untrusted # third parties, uri would need sanitization fh = urlopen(uri) contents = fh.read().decode('utf-8') fh.close() self.cache.save(("uri-resolver", uri), contents) return contents
def _get_json_events_from_wikipedia(month, date): url = "{}{}_{}".format(URL_PREFIX, month, date) data = urlopen(url).read().decode('utf-8') return _parse_json(data)
def load_certificate(cert_url): if not _valid_certificate_url(cert_url): raise VerificationError("Certificate URL verification failed") cert_data = urlopen(cert_url).read() cert = crypto.load_certificate(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, cert_data) if not _valid_certificate(cert): raise VerificationError("Certificate verification failed") return cert
def get(url): try: return json.loads(urlopen(url).read()) except ValueError as e: stop_err(str(e))
def post(api_key, url, data): url = make_url(api_key, url) response = Request(url, headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, data=json.dumps(data)) return json.loads(urlopen(response).read())
def example_data(): if not os.path.isfile("cwl-example-data/chr22_cwl_test.cram"): from six.moves.urllib.request import urlopen import tarfile print("Downloading and extracting cwl-example-data") tgz = urlopen("https://cwl-example-data.cog.sanger.ac.uk/chr22_cwl_test.tgz") tar = tarfile.open(fileobj=tgz, mode="r|gz") tar.extractall(path="cwl-example-data") tar.close() tgz.close()