def _idna_encode(self, value): parsed = urllib_parse.urlparse(value) if parsed.port: netloc = ( idna.encode(parsed.hostname) + ":{0}".format(parsed.port).encode("ascii") ).decode("ascii") else: netloc = idna.encode(parsed.hostname).decode("ascii") # Note that building a URL in this fashion means it should be # semantically indistinguishable from the original but is not # guaranteed to be exactly the same. return urllib_parse.urlunparse(( parsed.scheme, netloc, parsed.path, parsed.params, parsed.query, parsed.fragment ))
def modify_start_url(self, start_url): """ Given a SAML redirect URL, parse it and change the ID to a consistent value, so the request is always identical. """ # Parse the SAML Request URL to get the XML being sent to TestShib url_parts = urlparse(start_url) query = dict((k, v[0]) for (k, v) in parse_qs(url_parts.query).items()) xml = OneLogin_Saml2_Utils.decode_base64_and_inflate( query['SAMLRequest'] ) # Modify the XML: xml = xml.decode() xml, changed = re.subn(r'ID="[^"]+"', 'ID="TEST_ID"', xml) self.assertEqual(changed, 1) # Update the URL to use the modified query string: query['SAMLRequest'] = OneLogin_Saml2_Utils.deflate_and_base64_encode( xml ) url_parts = list(url_parts) url_parts[4] = urlencode(query) return urlunparse(url_parts)
def __init__(self, value): if not isinstance(value, six.text_type): raise TypeError("value must be a unicode string") parsed = urllib_parse.urlparse(value) if not parsed.hostname: netloc = "" elif parsed.port: netloc = ( idna.encode(parsed.hostname) + ":{0}".format(parsed.port).encode("ascii") ).decode("ascii") else: netloc = idna.encode(parsed.hostname).decode("ascii") # Note that building a URL in this fashion means it should be # semantically indistinguishable from the original but is not # guaranteed to be exactly the same. uri = urllib_parse.urlunparse(( parsed.scheme, netloc, parsed.path, parsed.params, parsed.query, parsed.fragment )).encode("ascii") self._value = value self._encoded = uri