Python six 模块,iteritems() 实例源码


项目:charm-plumgrid-gateway    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sync_helpers(include, src, dest, options=None):
    if not os.path.isdir(dest):

    global_options = parse_sync_options(options)

    for inc in include:
        if isinstance(inc, str):
            inc, opts = extract_options(inc, global_options)
            sync(src, dest, inc, opts)
        elif isinstance(inc, dict):
            # could also do nested dicts here.
            for k, v in six.iteritems(inc):
                if isinstance(v, list):
                    for m in v:
                        inc, opts = extract_options(m, global_options)
                        sync(src, dest, '%s.%s' % (k, inc), opts)
项目:deb-python-cassandra-driver    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def serialize_safe(cls, themap, protocol_version):
        key_type, value_type = cls.subtypes
        pack = int32_pack if protocol_version >= 3 else uint16_pack
        buf = io.BytesIO()
            items = six.iteritems(themap)
        except AttributeError:
            raise TypeError("Got a non-map object for a map value")
        inner_proto = max(3, protocol_version)
        for key, val in items:
            keybytes = key_type.to_binary(key, inner_proto)
            valbytes = value_type.to_binary(val, inner_proto)
        return buf.getvalue()
项目:charm-plumgrid-gateway    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_hacluster_config(exclude_keys=None):
    Obtains all relevant configuration from charm configuration required
    for initiating a relation to hacluster:

        ha-bindiface, ha-mcastport, vip

    param: exclude_keys: list of setting key(s) to be excluded.
    returns: dict: A dict containing settings keyed by setting name.
    raises: HAIncompleteConfig if settings are missing.
    settings = ['ha-bindiface', 'ha-mcastport', 'vip']
    conf = {}
    for setting in settings:
        if exclude_keys and setting in exclude_keys:

        conf[setting] = config_get(setting)
    missing = []
    [missing.append(s) for s, v in six.iteritems(conf) if v is None]
    if missing:
        log('Insufficient config data to configure hacluster.', level=ERROR)
        raise HAIncompleteConfig
    return conf
项目:charm-plumgrid-gateway    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ensure_loopback_device(path, size):
    Ensure a loopback device exists for a given backing file path and size.
    If it a loopback device is not mapped to file, a new one will be created.

    TODO: Confirm size of found loopback device.

    :returns: str: Full path to the ensured loopback device (eg, /dev/loop0)
    for d, f in six.iteritems(loopback_devices()):
        if f == path:
            return d

    if not os.path.exists(path):
        cmd = ['truncate', '--size', size, path]

    return create_loopback(path)
项目:charm-plumgrid-gateway    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def context_complete(self, ctxt):
        """Check for missing data for the required context data.
        Set self.missing_data if it exists and return False.
        Set self.complete if no missing data and return True.
        # Fresh start
        self.complete = False
        self.missing_data = []
        for k, v in six.iteritems(ctxt):
            if v is None or v == '':
                if k not in self.missing_data:

        if self.missing_data:
            self.complete = False
            log('Missing required data: %s' % ' '.join(self.missing_data), level=INFO)
            self.complete = True
        return self.complete
项目:charm-plumgrid-gateway    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self):
        ports = config('data-port')
        if ports:
            # Map of {port/mac:bridge}
            portmap = parse_data_port_mappings(ports)
            ports = portmap.keys()
            # Resolve provided ports or mac addresses and filter out those
            # already attached to a bridge.
            resolved = self.resolve_ports(ports)
            # FIXME: is this necessary?
            normalized = {get_nic_hwaddr(port): port for port in resolved
                          if port not in ports}
            normalized.update({port: port for port in resolved
                               if port in ports})
            if resolved:
                return {normalized[port]: bridge for port, bridge in
                        six.iteritems(portmap) if port in normalized.keys()}

        return None
项目:charm-plumgrid-gateway    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_os_version_package(pkg, fatal=True):
    '''Derive OpenStack version number from an installed package.'''
    codename = get_os_codename_package(pkg, fatal=fatal)

    if not codename:
        return None

    if 'swift' in pkg:
        vers_map = SWIFT_CODENAMES
        for cname, version in six.iteritems(vers_map):
            if cname == codename:
                return version[-1]
        vers_map = OPENSTACK_CODENAMES
        for version, cname in six.iteritems(vers_map):
            if cname == codename:
                return version
    # e = "Could not determine OpenStack version for package: %s" % pkg
    # error_out(e)
项目:charm-plumgrid-gateway    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def save_script_rc(script_path="scripts/scriptrc", **env_vars):
    Write an rc file in the charm-delivered directory containing
    exported environment variables provided by env_vars. Any charm scripts run
    outside the juju hook environment can source this scriptrc to obtain
    updated config information necessary to perform health checks or
    service changes.
    juju_rc_path = "%s/%s" % (charm_dir(), script_path)
    if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(juju_rc_path)):
    with open(juju_rc_path, 'wb') as rc_script:
        [rc_script.write('export %s=%s\n' % (u, p))
         for u, p in six.iteritems(env_vars) if u != "script_path"]
项目:charm-plumgrid-gateway    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _validate_dict_data(self, expected, actual):
        """Validate dictionary data.

           Compare expected dictionary data vs actual dictionary data.
           The values in the 'expected' dictionary can be strings, bools, ints,
           longs, or can be a function that evaluates a variable and returns a
        self.log.debug('actual: {}'.format(repr(actual)))
        self.log.debug('expected: {}'.format(repr(expected)))

        for k, v in six.iteritems(expected):
            if k in actual:
                if (isinstance(v, six.string_types) or
                        isinstance(v, bool) or
                        isinstance(v, six.integer_types)):
                    # handle explicit values
                    if v != actual[k]:
                        return "{}:{}".format(k, actual[k])
                # handle function pointers, such as not_null or valid_ip
                elif not v(actual[k]):
                    return "{}:{}".format(k, actual[k])
                return "key '{}' does not exist".format(k)
        return None
项目:charm-plumgrid-gateway    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run_action(self, unit_sentry, action,
        """Run the named action on a given unit sentry.

        params a dict of parameters to use
        _check_output parameter is used for dependency injection.

        @return action_id.
        unit_id =["unit_name"]
        command = ["juju", "action", "do", "--format=json", unit_id, action]
        if params is not None:
            for key, value in params.iteritems():
                command.append("{}={}".format(key, value))"Running command: %s\n" % " ".join(command))
        output = _check_output(command, universal_newlines=True)
        data = json.loads(output)
        action_id = data[u'Action queued with id']
        return action_id
项目:nova    作者:hubblestack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_top_data(topfile):
    Helper method to retrieve and parse the nova topfile
    topfile = os.path.join(_hubble_dir()[1], topfile)

        with open(topfile) as handle:
            topdata = yaml.safe_load(handle)
    except Exception as e:
        raise CommandExecutionError('Could not load topfile: {0}'.format(e))

    if not isinstance(topdata, dict) or 'nova' not in topdata or \
            not(isinstance(topdata['nova'], dict)):
        raise CommandExecutionError('Nova topfile not formatted correctly')

    topdata = topdata['nova']

    ret = []

    for match, data in topdata.iteritems():
        if __salt__['match.compound'](match):

    return ret
项目:estreamer    作者:spohara79    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, start_from, **kwargs):
        self.flags = Flags()
        if start_from == 0 or start_from == 0xFFFFFFFF:
            self.timestamp = start_from
            except TypeError as exc:
                raise_from(InvalidTimestampError('Timestamp invalid (0, 0xFFFFFFFF, or Unix Timestamp'), exc)
                self.timestamp = start_from
        for k,v in iteritems(kwargs):
              getattr(self.flags.flag, k)
              setattr(self.flags.flag, k, int(v))
            except AttributeError as exc:
                raise_from(InvalidFlagError('Invalid flag: {}'.format(k)), exc)

        # save the timestamp and flags for reuse (if needed)
        # build the request
        self.event_request = EventRequest(timestamp=self.timestamp,flags=self.flags.from_bytes)
        self.message_header =  MessageHeader(type=2, data=self.event_request.pack())
        self.record = self.message_header.pack()
项目:DropboxConnect    作者:raguay    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _params_to_urlencoded(params):
    Returns a application/x-www-form-urlencoded ``str`` representing the
    key/value pairs in ``params``.

    Keys are values are ``str()``'d before calling ``urllib.urlencode``, with
    the exception of unicode objects which are utf8-encoded.
    def encode(o):
        if isinstance(o, six.binary_type):
            return o
            if isinstance(o, six.text_type):
                return o.encode('utf-8')
                return str(o).encode('utf-8')

    utf8_params = {encode(k): encode(v) for k, v in six.iteritems(params)}
    return url_encode(utf8_params)
项目:sentry-plugins    作者:getsentry    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def save_changes(self):
        new_projects = []
        removed_projects = []

        for project_id, project in six.iteritems(self.projects_by_id):
            if project_id in self.cleaned_data['projects']:
                if enable_plugin_for_tenant(project, self.tenant):
                if disable_plugin_for_tenant(project, self.tenant):

        if new_projects or removed_projects:
            with Context.for_tenant(self.tenant) as ctx:
                    **make_subscription_update_notification(new_projects, removed_projects)
                if removed_projects:
                    mentions.clear_project_mentions(self.tenant, removed_projects)
项目:charm-swift-proxy    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def service(action, service_name, **kwargs):
    """Control a system service.

    :param action: the action to take on the service
    :param service_name: the name of the service to perform th action on
    :param **kwargs: additional params to be passed to the service command in
                    the form of key=value.
    if init_is_systemd():
        cmd = ['systemctl', action, service_name]
        cmd = ['service', service_name, action]
        for key, value in six.iteritems(kwargs):
            parameter = '%s=%s' % (key, value)
    return == 0
项目:charm-swift-proxy    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ensure_loopback_device(path, size):
    Ensure a loopback device exists for a given backing file path and size.
    If it a loopback device is not mapped to file, a new one will be created.

    TODO: Confirm size of found loopback device.

    :returns: str: Full path to the ensured loopback device (eg, /dev/loop0)
    for d, f in six.iteritems(loopback_devices()):
        if f == path:
            return d

    if not os.path.exists(path):
        cmd = ['truncate', '--size', size, path]

    return create_loopback(path)
项目:charm-swift-proxy    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_os_version_package(pkg, fatal=True):
    '''Derive OpenStack version number from an installed package.'''
    codename = get_os_codename_package(pkg, fatal=fatal)

    if not codename:
        return None

    if 'swift' in pkg:
        vers_map = SWIFT_CODENAMES
        for cname, version in six.iteritems(vers_map):
            if cname == codename:
                return version[-1]
        vers_map = OPENSTACK_CODENAMES
        for version, cname in six.iteritems(vers_map):
            if cname == codename:
                return version
    # e = "Could not determine OpenStack version for package: %s" % pkg
    # error_out(e)

# Module local cache variable for the os_release.
项目:charm-swift-proxy    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def save_script_rc(script_path="scripts/scriptrc", **env_vars):
    Write an rc file in the charm-delivered directory containing
    exported environment variables provided by env_vars. Any charm scripts run
    outside the juju hook environment can source this scriptrc to obtain
    updated config information necessary to perform health checks or
    service changes.
    juju_rc_path = "%s/%s" % (charm_dir(), script_path)
    if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(juju_rc_path)):
    with open(juju_rc_path, 'wt') as rc_script:
        [rc_script.write('export %s=%s\n' % (u, p))
         for u, p in six.iteritems(env_vars) if u != "script_path"]
项目:charm-swift-proxy    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def validate_svc_catalog_endpoint_data(self, expected, actual):
        """Validate service catalog endpoint data.

           Validate a list of actual service catalog endpoints vs a list of
           expected service catalog endpoints.
        self.log.debug('Validating service catalog endpoint data...')
        self.log.debug('actual: {}'.format(repr(actual)))
        for k, v in six.iteritems(expected):
            if k in actual:
                ret = self._validate_dict_data(expected[k][0], actual[k][0])
                if ret:
                    return self.endpoint_error(k, ret)
                return "endpoint {} does not exist".format(k)
        return ret
项目:charm-swift-proxy    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _validate_dict_data(self, expected, actual):
        """Validate dictionary data.

           Compare expected dictionary data vs actual dictionary data.
           The values in the 'expected' dictionary can be strings, bools, ints,
           longs, or can be a function that evaluates a variable and returns a
        self.log.debug('actual: {}'.format(repr(actual)))
        self.log.debug('expected: {}'.format(repr(expected)))

        for k, v in six.iteritems(expected):
            if k in actual:
                if (isinstance(v, six.string_types) or
                        isinstance(v, bool) or
                        isinstance(v, six.integer_types)):
                    # handle explicit values
                    if v != actual[k]:
                        return "{}:{}".format(k, actual[k])
                # handle function pointers, such as not_null or valid_ip
                elif not v(actual[k]):
                    return "{}:{}".format(k, actual[k])
                return "key '{}' does not exist".format(k)
        return None
项目:charm-swift-proxy    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_unit_process_ids(self, unit_processes, expect_success=True):
        """Construct a dict containing unit sentries, process names, and
        process IDs.

        :param unit_processes: A dictionary of Amulet sentry instance
            to list of process names.
        :param expect_success: if False expect the processes to not be
            running, raise if they are.
        :returns: Dictionary of Amulet sentry instance to dictionary
            of process names to PIDs.
        pid_dict = {}
        for sentry_unit, process_list in six.iteritems(unit_processes):
            pid_dict[sentry_unit] = {}
            for process in process_list:
                pids = self.get_process_id_list(
                    sentry_unit, process, expect_success=expect_success)
                pid_dict[sentry_unit].update({process: pids})
        return pid_dict
项目:charm-swift-proxy    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def service(action, service_name, **kwargs):
    """Control a system service.

    :param action: the action to take on the service
    :param service_name: the name of the service to perform th action on
    :param **kwargs: additional params to be passed to the service command in
                    the form of key=value.
    if init_is_systemd():
        cmd = ['systemctl', action, service_name]
        cmd = ['service', service_name, action]
        for key, value in six.iteritems(kwargs):
            parameter = '%s=%s' % (key, value)
    return == 0
项目:charm-swift-proxy    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _apply_overrides(settings, overrides, schema):
    """Get overrides config overlayed onto modules defaults.

    :param modules: require stack modules config.
    :returns: dictionary of modules config with user overrides applied.
    if overrides:
        for k, v in six.iteritems(overrides):
            if k in schema:
                if schema[k] is None:
                    settings[k] = v
                elif type(schema[k]) is dict:
                    settings[k] = _apply_overrides(settings[k], overrides[k],
                    raise Exception("Unexpected type found in schema '%s'" %
                                    type(schema[k]), level=ERROR)
                log("Unknown override key '%s' - ignoring" % (k), level=INFO)

    return settings
项目:charm-swift-proxy    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def parse_vlan_range_mappings(mappings):
    """Parse vlan range mappings.

    Mappings must be a space-delimited list of provider:start:end mappings.

    The start:end range is optional and may be omitted.

    Returns dict of the form {provider: (start, end)}.
    _mappings = parse_mappings(mappings)
    if not _mappings:
        return {}

    mappings = {}
    for p, r in six.iteritems(_mappings):
        mappings[p] = tuple(r.split(':'))

    return mappings
项目:charm-swift-proxy    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def context_complete(self, ctxt):
        """Check for missing data for the required context data.
        Set self.missing_data if it exists and return False.
        Set self.complete if no missing data and return True.
        # Fresh start
        self.complete = False
        self.missing_data = []
        for k, v in six.iteritems(ctxt):
            if v is None or v == '':
                if k not in self.missing_data:

        if self.missing_data:
            self.complete = False
            log('Missing required data: %s' % ' '.join(self.missing_data),
            self.complete = True
        return self.complete
项目:charm-swift-proxy    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self):
        ports = config('data-port')
        if ports:
            # Map of {port/mac:bridge}
            portmap = parse_data_port_mappings(ports)
            ports = portmap.keys()
            # Resolve provided ports or mac addresses and filter out those
            # already attached to a bridge.
            resolved = self.resolve_ports(ports)
            # FIXME: is this necessary?
            normalized = {get_nic_hwaddr(port): port for port in resolved
                          if port not in ports}
            normalized.update({port: port for port in resolved
                               if port in ports})
            if resolved:
                return {normalized[port]: bridge for port, bridge in
                        six.iteritems(portmap) if port in normalized.keys()}

        return None
项目:charm-swift-proxy    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_os_version_package(pkg, fatal=True):
    '''Derive OpenStack version number from an installed package.'''
    codename = get_os_codename_package(pkg, fatal=fatal)

    if not codename:
        return None

    if 'swift' in pkg:
        vers_map = SWIFT_CODENAMES
        for cname, version in six.iteritems(vers_map):
            if cname == codename:
                return version[-1]
        vers_map = OPENSTACK_CODENAMES
        for version, cname in six.iteritems(vers_map):
            if cname == codename:
                return version
    # e = "Could not determine OpenStack version for package: %s" % pkg
    # error_out(e)

# Module local cache variable for the os_release.
项目:charm-swift-proxy    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def save_script_rc(script_path="scripts/scriptrc", **env_vars):
    Write an rc file in the charm-delivered directory containing
    exported environment variables provided by env_vars. Any charm scripts run
    outside the juju hook environment can source this scriptrc to obtain
    updated config information necessary to perform health checks or
    service changes.
    juju_rc_path = "%s/%s" % (charm_dir(), script_path)
    if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(juju_rc_path)):
    with open(juju_rc_path, 'wt') as rc_script:
        [rc_script.write('export %s=%s\n' % (u, p))
         for u, p in six.iteritems(env_vars) if u != "script_path"]
项目:charm-swift-proxy    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def validate_svc_catalog_endpoint_data(self, expected, actual):
        """Validate service catalog endpoint data.

           Validate a list of actual service catalog endpoints vs a list of
           expected service catalog endpoints.
        self.log.debug('Validating service catalog endpoint data...')
        self.log.debug('actual: {}'.format(repr(actual)))
        for k, v in six.iteritems(expected):
            if k in actual:
                ret = self._validate_dict_data(expected[k][0], actual[k][0])
                if ret:
                    return self.endpoint_error(k, ret)
                return "endpoint {} does not exist".format(k)
        return ret
项目:seq2seq    作者:google    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def merge_default_with_oplog(graph, op_log=None, run_meta=None):
  """Monkeypatch. There currently is a bug in tfprof_logger that
    prevents it from being used with Python 3. So we override the method
    manually until the fix comes in.
  tmp_op_log = tfprof_log_pb2.OpLog()
  # pylint: disable=W0212
  logged_ops = tfprof_logger._get_logged_ops(graph, run_meta)
  if not op_log:
    all_ops = dict()
    for entry in op_log.log_entries:
      all_ops[] = entry
    for op_name, entry in six.iteritems(logged_ops):
      if op_name in all_ops:
        if entry.float_ops > 0 and all_ops[op_name].float_ops == 0:
          all_ops[op_name].float_ops = entry.float_ops
        all_ops[op_name] = entry
  return tmp_op_log
项目:database_assetstore    作者:OpenGeoscience    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        # The super class also validates the connector
        super(PostgresSAConnector, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        # dbparams can include values in
        #   current/static/libpq-connect.html#LIBPQ-PARAMKEYWORDS
        self.databaseOperators = PostgresOperators
        # Get a list of types and their classes so that we can cast using
        # sqlalchemy
        self.types = KnownTypes
            type: getattr(dialect, type) for type in dir(dialect)
            if isinstance(getattr(dialect, type),
        # Include types that were added to the ischema_names table (this is
        # done, for instance, by the geoalchemy module).
        for ikey, itype in six.iteritems(dialect.base.ischema_names):
            key = getattr(itype, '__visit_name__', None)
            if key and key not in KnownTypes:
                KnownTypes[key] = itype
项目:zipline-chinese    作者:zhanghan1990    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __getstate__(self):
        state_dict = {k: v for k, v in iteritems(self.__dict__)
                      if not k.startswith('_')}

        state_dict['_portfolio_store'] = self._portfolio_store
        state_dict['_account_store'] = self._account_store

        state_dict['processed_transactions'] = \
        state_dict['orders_by_id'] = \
        state_dict['orders_by_modified'] = \
        state_dict['_payout_last_sale_prices'] = \

        STATE_VERSION = 3
        state_dict[VERSION_LABEL] = STATE_VERSION
        return state_dict
项目:zipline-chinese    作者:zhanghan1990    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_positions(self):

        positions = self._positions_store

        for sid, pos in iteritems(self.positions):

            if pos.amount == 0:
                # Clear out the position if it has become empty since the last
                # time get_positions was called.  Catching the KeyError is
                # faster than checking `if sid in positions`, and this can be
                # potentially called in a tight inner loop.
                    del positions[sid]
                except KeyError:

            # Note that this will create a position if we don't currently have
            # an entry
            position = positions[sid]
            position.amount = pos.amount
            position.cost_basis = pos.cost_basis
            position.last_sale_price = pos.last_sale_price
        return positions
项目:zipline-chinese    作者:zhanghan1990    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, constants, dates, sids):
        loaders = {}
        for column, const in iteritems(constants):
            frame = DataFrame(
            loaders[column] = DataFrameLoader(

        self._loaders = loaders
项目:zipline-chinese    作者:zhanghan1990    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_completeness(self):
        Tests that all rules are being tested.
        if not self.class_:
            return  # This is the base class testing, it is always complete.

        dem = {
            k for k, v in iteritems(vars(
            if isinstance(v, type) and
            issubclass(v, self.class_) and
            v is not self.class_
        ds = {
            k[5:] for k in dir(self)
            if k.startswith('test') and k[5:] in dem
            dem <= ds,
            msg='This suite is missing tests for the following classes:\n' +
            '\n'.join(map(repr, dem - ds)),
项目:zipline-chinese    作者:zhanghan1990    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_bar_reader(cls, tempdir):
        resources = {
            cls.AAPL: join(TEST_RESOURCE_PATH, 'AAPL.csv'),
            cls.MSFT: join(TEST_RESOURCE_PATH, 'MSFT.csv'),
            cls.BRK_A: join(TEST_RESOURCE_PATH, 'BRK-A.csv'),
        raw_data = {
            asset: read_csv(path, parse_dates=['day']).set_index('day')
            for asset, path in iteritems(resources)
        # Add 'price' column as an alias because all kinds of stuff in zipline
        # depends on it being present. :/
        for frame in raw_data.values():
            frame['price'] = frame['close']

        writer = DailyBarWriterFromCSVs(resources)
        data_path = tempdir.getpath('testdata.bcolz')
        table = writer.write(data_path, trading_days, cls.assets)
        return raw_data, BcolzDailyBarReader(table)
项目:zipline-chinese    作者:zhanghan1990    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def with_defaults(**default_funcs):
    Decorator for providing dynamic default values for a method.


    @with_defaults(foo=lambda self: self.x + self.y)
    def func(self, foo):

    If a value is passed for `foo`, it will be used. Otherwise the function
    supplied to `with_defaults` will be called with `self` as an argument.
    def decorator(f):
        def method(self, *args, **kwargs):
            for name, func in iteritems(default_funcs):
                if name not in kwargs:
                    kwargs[name] = func(self)
            return f(self, *args, **kwargs)
        return method
    return decorator
项目:zipline-chinese    作者:zhanghan1990    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def pipeline_event_loader_args(self, dates):
        _, mapping = super(
        return (
                SID_FIELD_NAME: sid,
            for sid, frame in iteritems(mapping)
项目    作者:adobe-apiplatform    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def insert(self, **kwargs):
        Insert commands at the beginning of the sequence.

        This is provided because certain commands
        have to come first (such as user creation), but may be need to beadded
        after other commands have already been specified.
        Later calls to insert put their commands before those in the earlier calls.

        Also, since the order of iterated kwargs is not guaranteed (in Python 2.x),
        you should really only call insert with one keyword at a time.  See the doc of append
        for more details.
        :param kwargs: the key/value pair to append first
        :return: the action, so you can append Action(...).insert(...).append(...)
        for k, v in six.iteritems(kwargs):
            self.commands.insert(0, {k: v})
        return self
项目    作者:adobe-apiplatform    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def do(self, **kwargs):
        Here for compatibility with legacy clients only - DO NOT USE!!!
        This is sort of mix of "append" and "insert": it puts commands in the list,
        with some half smarts about which commands go at the front or back.
        If you add multiple commands to the back in one call, they will get added sorted by command name.
        :param kwargs: the commands in key=val format
        :return: the Action, so you can do Action(...).do(...).do(...)
        # add "create" / "add" / "removeFrom" first
        for k, v in list(six.iteritems(kwargs)):
            if k.startswith("create") or k.startswith("addAdobe") or k.startswith("removeFrom"):
                self.commands.append({k: v})
                del kwargs[k]

        # now do the other actions, in a canonical order (to avoid py2/py3 variations)
        for k, v in sorted(six.iteritems(kwargs)):
            if k in ['add', 'remove']:
                self.commands.append({k: {"product": v}})
                self.commands.append({k: v})
        return self
项目    作者:adobe-apiplatform    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def update(self, email=None, username=None, first_name=None, last_name=None, country=None):
        Update values on an existing user.  See the API docs for what kinds of update are possible.
        :param email: new email for this user
        :param username: new username for this user
        :param first_name: new first name for this user
        :param last_name: new last name for this user
        :param country: new country for this user
        :return: the User, so you can do User(...).update(...).add_to_groups(...)
        if email:
        if username:
        updates = {}
        for k, v in six.iteritems(dict(email=email, username=username,
                                       firstname=first_name, lastname=last_name,
            if v: updates[k] = v
        return self.append(update=updates)
项目:oscars2016    作者:0x0ece    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def clean_headers(headers):
    """Forces header keys and values to be strings, i.e not unicode.

    The httplib module just concats the header keys and values in a way that
    may make the message header a unicode string, which, if it then tries to
    contatenate to a binary request body may result in a unicode decode error.

        headers: dict, A dictionary of headers.

        The same dictionary but with all the keys converted to strings.
    clean = {}
        for k, v in six.iteritems(headers):
            if not isinstance(k, six.binary_type):
                k = str(k)
            if not isinstance(v, six.binary_type):
                v = str(v)
            clean[_to_bytes(k)] = _to_bytes(v)
    except UnicodeEncodeError:
        raise NonAsciiHeaderError(k, ': ', v)
    return clean
项目:oscars2016    作者:0x0ece    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _add_next_methods(self, resourceDesc, schema):
    # Add _next() methods
    # Look for response bodies in schema that contain nextPageToken, and methods
    # that take a pageToken parameter.
    if 'methods' in resourceDesc:
      for methodName, methodDesc in six.iteritems(resourceDesc['methods']):
        if 'response' in methodDesc:
          responseSchema = methodDesc['response']
          if '$ref' in responseSchema:
            responseSchema = schema.get(responseSchema['$ref'])
          hasNextPageToken = 'nextPageToken' in responseSchema.get('properties',
          hasPageToken = 'pageToken' in methodDesc.get('parameters', {})
          if hasNextPageToken and hasPageToken:
            fixedMethodName, method = createNextMethod(methodName + '_next')
                                   method.__get__(self, self.__class__))
项目:oscars2016    作者:0x0ece    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _build_query(self, params):
    """Builds a query string.

      params: dict, the query parameters

      The query parameters properly encoded into an HTTP URI query string.
    if self.alt_param is not None:
      params.update({'alt': self.alt_param})
    astuples = []
    for key, value in six.iteritems(params):
      if type(value) == type([]):
        for x in value:
          x = x.encode('utf-8')
          astuples.append((key, x))
        if isinstance(value, six.text_type) and callable(value.encode):
          value = value.encode('utf-8')
        astuples.append((key, value))
    return '?' + urlencode(astuples)
项目:caduc    作者:tjamet    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_init_with_values(self):
        value = self.faker.text()
        node = caduc.config.Node(someAttribute=value)

        dic = self.faker.pydict(nb_elements=10, variable_nb_elements=True)
        node = caduc.config.Node(**dic)
        for key, val in six.iteritems(node):

        # ensure Node initializer does not alter source dict
        dic = self.faker.pydict(nb_elements=10, variable_nb_elements=True)
        orig = dict(dic)
项目:caduc    作者:tjamet    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_grace_times(self, names):
        labels = self.details['Config']['Labels']
        if labels and labels.get("com.caduc.image.grace_time"):
            return set([labels.get('com.caduc.image.grace_time', None)])
        grace_config = self.config.get("images")
        grace_times = set()
        if grace_config:
            for name in names:
                for pattern, kv in six.iteritems(grace_config):
                    if fnmatch.fnmatch(name, pattern):
                        grace_time = kv['grace_time']
                        if grace_time is None or grace_time==-1:
        if grace_times:
            return grace_times
        return set([self.grace_time])
项目:caduc    作者:tjamet    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def update(self, other):
        for k, v in six.iteritems(other):
                oldv = self[k]
            except KeyError:
                if isinstance(v, dict):
                    node = Node()
                    self[k] = node
                    self[k] = v
                if isinstance(oldv, dict):
                    if not isinstance(v, dict):
                        raise ValueError("Can't update uncoherent values for key %s, old value: %r, new value: %r" % (k, oldv, v))
                    if isinstance(v, dict):
                        raise ValueError("Can't update uncoherent values for key %s, old value: %r, new value: %r" % (k, oldv, v))
                    self[k] = v
项目:deb-python-cassandra-driver    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _add_table_metadata(self, table_metadata):
        old_indexes = {}
        old_meta = self.tables.get(, None)
        if old_meta:
            # views are not queried with table, so they must be transferred to new
            table_metadata.views = old_meta.views
            # indexes will be updated with what is on the new metadata
            old_indexes = old_meta.indexes

        # note the intentional order of add before remove
        # this makes sure the maps are never absent something that existed before this update
        for index_name, index_metadata in six.iteritems(table_metadata.indexes):
            self.indexes[index_name] = index_metadata

        for index_name in (n for n in old_indexes if n not in table_metadata.indexes):
            self.indexes.pop(index_name, None)

        self.tables[] = table_metadata
项目:deb-python-cassandra-driver    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_schema_mismatches(self, peers_result, local_result, local_address):
        peers_result = dict_factory(*peers_result.results)

        versions = defaultdict(set)
        if local_result.results:
            local_row = dict_factory(*local_result.results)[0]
            if local_row.get("schema_version"):

        for row in peers_result:
            schema_ver = row.get('schema_version')
            if not schema_ver:
            addr = self._rpc_from_peer_row(row)
            peer = self._cluster.metadata.get_host(addr)
            if peer and peer.is_up is not False:

        if len(versions) == 1:
            log.debug("[control connection] Schemas match")
            return None

        return dict((version, list(nodes)) for version, nodes in six.iteritems(versions))
项目:deb-python-cassandra-driver    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if len(args) > 1:
            raise TypeError('expected at most 1 arguments, got %d' % len(args))

        self._items = []
        self._index = {}
        if args:
            e = args[0]
            if callable(getattr(e, 'keys', None)):
                for k in e.keys():
                    self._insert(k, e[k])
                for k, v in e:
                    self._insert(k, v)

        for k, v in six.iteritems(kwargs):
            self._insert(k, v)