def handle_data(self, data): if not self.ordered: for s in data: self.order(self.sid(s), 100) self.ordered = True if not self.exited: amounts = [pos.amount for pos in itervalues(self.portfolio.positions)] if ( all([(amount == 100) for amount in amounts]) and (len(amounts) == len(data.keys())) ): for stock in self.portfolio.positions: self.order(self.sid(stock), -100) self.exited = True # Should be 0 when all positions are exited. self.record(num_positions=len(self.portfolio.positions))
def get_treasury_data(start_date, end_date): bill_data = load_frame( format_bill_url(start_date, end_date, start_date), # We skip fewer rows here because we query for fewer bill fields, # which makes the header smaller. skiprows=18, ) bond_data = load_frame( format_bond_url(start_date, end_date, start_date), skiprows=22, ) check_known_inconsistencies(bill_data, bond_data) # dropna('any') removes the rows for which we only had data for one of # bills/bonds. out = pd.concat([bond_data, bill_data], axis=1).dropna(how='any') assert set(out.columns) == set(six.itervalues(COLUMN_NAMES)) # Multiply by 0.01 to convert from percentages to expected output format. return out * 0.01
def _get_file_contents(from_data, files): if not isinstance(from_data, (dict, list)): return if isinstance(from_data, dict): recurse_data = six.itervalues(from_data) for key, value in six.iteritems(from_data): if _ignore_if(key, value): continue if not value.startswith(('http://', 'https://')): raise exceptions.GetFileError(value, 'get_file') if value not in files: file_content = heat_utils.read_url_content(value) if template_utils.is_template(file_content): template = get_template_files(template_url=value)[1] file_content = jsonutils.dumps(template) files[value] = file_content else: recurse_data = from_data for value in recurse_data: _get_file_contents(value, files)
def get_server_info(self, cmgr, server_id): """Get server's ip addresses""" svr = cmgr.servers_client.show_server(server_id) svr = svr.get('server', svr) sinfo = dict(id=svr['id'], name=svr['name'], security_gropus=svr['security_groups'], fixed_ip_address=None, floating_ip_address=None) addresses = svr.get('addresses') for n_addresses in six.itervalues(addresses): for n_addr in n_addresses: if n_addr['OS-EXT-IPS:type'] == 'fixed': if not sinfo['fixed_ip_address']: sinfo['fixed_ip_address'] = n_addr['addr'] elif n_addr['OS-EXT-IPS:type'] == 'floating': if not sinfo['floating_ip_address']: sinfo['floating_ip_address'] = n_addr['addr'] return sinfo
def write_members(self): """Write the members CSV.""" for group in itervalues(self.groups): filename = group['email'] + '-membership.csv' if self.datestamp: filename = self.append_datestamp(filename) path = os.path.join(self.path, filename) logger.debug('Writing %s...', path) with open(path, 'w') as csvfile: writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=[ 'kind', 'id', 'email', 'role', 'type', 'status', 'etag']) writer.writeheader() for member in group['members']: writer.writerow(member)
def process_bucket(self, bucket): n = bucket['Notification'] if not n: return statement_ids = self.data.get('statement_ids') if statement_ids == 'matched': statement_ids = bucket.get(BucketNotificationFilter.annotation_key, ()) if not statement_ids: return cfg = defaultdict(list) for t in six.itervalues(BucketNotificationFilter.FIELDS): for c in n.get(t, []): if c['Id'] not in statement_ids: cfg[t].append(c) client = bucket_client(local_session(self.manager.session_factory), bucket) client.put_bucket_notification_configuration( Bucket=bucket['Name'], NotificationConfiguration=cfg)
def _get_ds_descriptions_unsorted( cls, data, ignore_keys=['attrs', 'plotter'], nums=None): """Recursive method to get all the file names or datasets out of a dictionary `data` created with the :meth`array_info` method""" ds_description = {'ds', 'fname', 'num', 'arr', 'store'} if 'ds' in data: # make sure that the data set has a number assigned to it data['ds'].psy.num keys_in_data = ds_description.intersection(data) if keys_in_data: return {key: data[key] for key in keys_in_data} for key in ignore_keys: data.pop(key, None) func = partial(cls._get_ds_descriptions_unsorted, ignore_keys=ignore_keys, nums=nums) return chain(*map(lambda d: [d] if isinstance(d, dict) else d, map(func, six.itervalues(data))))
def _report_failed_challs(failed_achalls): """Notifies the user about failed challenges. :param set failed_achalls: A set of failed :class:`certbot.achallenges.AnnotatedChallenge`. """ problems = dict() for achall in failed_achalls: if achall.error: problems.setdefault(achall.error.typ, []).append(achall) reporter = zope.component.getUtility(interfaces.IReporter) for achalls in six.itervalues(problems): reporter.add_message( _generate_failed_chall_msg(achalls), reporter.MEDIUM_PRIORITY)
def _set_webroots(self, achalls): if self.conf("path"): webroot_path = self.conf("path")[-1] logger.info("Using the webroot path %s for all unmatched domains.", webroot_path) for achall in achalls: self.conf("map").setdefault(achall.domain, webroot_path) else: known_webroots = list(set(six.itervalues(self.conf("map")))) for achall in achalls: if achall.domain not in self.conf("map"): new_webroot = self._prompt_for_webroot(achall.domain, known_webroots) # Put the most recently input # webroot first for easy selection try: known_webroots.remove(new_webroot) except ValueError: pass known_webroots.insert(0, new_webroot) self.conf("map")[achall.domain] = new_webroot
def get_type_cls(cls, jobj): """Get the registered class for ``jobj``.""" if cls in six.itervalues(cls.TYPES): if cls.type_field_name not in jobj: raise errors.DeserializationError( "Missing type field ({0})".format(cls.type_field_name)) # cls is already registered type_cls, force to use it # so that, e.g Revocation.from_json(jobj) fails if # jobj["type"] != "revocation". return cls if not isinstance(jobj, dict): raise errors.DeserializationError( "{0} is not a dictionary object".format(jobj)) try: typ = jobj[cls.type_field_name] except KeyError: raise errors.DeserializationError("missing type field") try: return cls.TYPES[typ] except KeyError: raise errors.UnrecognizedTypeError(typ, jobj)
def includeme(config): """ Add pyramid_webpack methods and config to the app """ settings = config.registry.settings root_package_name = config.root_package.__name__ config.registry.webpack = { 'DEFAULT': WebpackState(settings, root_package_name) } for extra_config in aslist(settings.get('webpack.configs', [])): state = WebpackState(settings, root_package_name, name=extra_config) config.registry.webpack[extra_config] = state # Set up any static views for state in six.itervalues(config.registry.webpack): if state.static_view: config.add_static_view(name=state.static_view_name, path=state.static_view_path, cache_max_age=state.cache_max_age) config.add_request_method(get_webpack, 'webpack')
def compactify(self): """ Assign new word ids to all words. This is done to make the ids more compact, e.g. after some tokens have been removed via :func:`filter_tokens` and there are gaps in the id series. Calling this method will remove the gaps. """ logger.debug("rebuilding dictionary, shrinking gaps") # build mapping from old id -> new id idmap = dict(izip(itervalues(self.token2id), xrange(len(self.token2id)))) # reassign mappings to new ids self.token2id = dict((token, idmap[tokenid]) for token, tokenid in iteritems(self.token2id)) self.id2token = {} self.dfs = dict((idmap[tokenid], freq) for tokenid, freq in iteritems(self.dfs))
def cossim(vec1, vec2): """ Return cosine similarity between two sparse vectors. The similarity is a number between <-1.0, 1.0>, higher is more similar. """ vec1, vec2 = dict(vec1), dict(vec2) if not vec1 or not vec2: return 0.0 vec1len = 1.0 * math.sqrt(sum(val * val for val in itervalues(vec1))) vec2len = 1.0 * math.sqrt(sum(val * val for val in itervalues(vec2))) assert vec1len > 0.0 and vec2len > 0.0, "sparse documents must not contain any explicit zero entries" if len(vec2) < len(vec1): vec1, vec2 = vec2, vec1 # swap references so that we iterate over the shorter vector result = sum(value * vec2.get(index, 0.0) for index, value in iteritems(vec1)) result /= vec1len * vec2len # rescale by vector lengths return result
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Executes child computations in parallel. :arg args: list of values to the placeholders specified in __init__ *args :return: tuple of return values, one per return specified in __init__ returns list. """ args = self.unpack_args_or_feed_dict(args, kwargs) for child in itervalues(self.child_computations): child.feed_input([args[i] for i in child.param_idx]) return_vals = dict() for child in itervalues(self.child_computations): return_vals.update(child.get_results()) if isinstance(self.computation_op.returns, Op): return return_vals[self.computation_op.returns] elif isinstance(self.computation_op.returns, (collections.Sequence, OrderedSet)): return tuple(return_vals[op] for op in self.computation_op.returns) elif isinstance(self.computation_op.returns, collections.Set): return return_vals else: return None
def add_tensor_decl(self, tensor_decl): if tensor_decl in self.tensors_with_nodes: return if tensor_decl in self.tensors_without_nodes: self.tensors_without_nodes.remove(tensor_decl) self.tensors_with_nodes.add(tensor_decl) views_labels = ' | '.join(['<{}>'.format(self.tensor_view_decl_ext(tensor_view_decl)) for tensor_view_decl in six.itervalues(tensor_decl.tensor_view_decls)]) label = '{ <tensor> ' + tensor_decl.name + ' | { ' + views_labels + ' } }' self.graph.node(self.tensor_decl_name(tensor_decl), label=label, shape='Mrecord', fillcolor=tensor_color, style='filled') if False: self.graph.edge(self.tensor_decl_name(tensor_decl), self.exop_name(tensor_decl), color=tensor_edge_color, style='dashed')
def get_acls(self, context): """create the list of ACLS in OVN. @param context: neutron context @type context: object of type neutron.context.Context @var lswitch_names: List of lswitch names @var acl_list: List of NB acls @var acl_list_dict: Dictionary of acl-lists based on lport as key @return: acl_list-dict """ lswitch_names = set([]) for network in self.core_plugin.get_networks(context): lswitch_names.add(network['id']) acl_dict, ignore1, ignore2 = \ self.ovn_api.get_acls_for_lswitches(lswitch_names) acl_list = list(itertools.chain(*six.itervalues(acl_dict))) acl_list_dict = {} for acl in acl_list: key = acl['lport'] if key in acl_list_dict: acl_list_dict[key].append(acl) else: acl_list_dict[key] = list([acl]) return acl_list_dict
def test_object_dict_syntax(self): obj = MyObj(foo=123, bar=u'text') self.assertEqual(obj['foo'], 123) self.assertIn('bar', obj) self.assertNotIn('missing', obj) self.assertEqual(sorted(iter(obj)), ['bar', 'foo']) self.assertEqual(sorted(obj.keys()), ['bar', 'foo']) self.assertEqual(sorted(obj.iterkeys()), ['bar', 'foo']) self.assertEqual(sorted(obj.values(), key=str), [123, u'text']) self.assertEqual(sorted(obj.itervalues(), key=str), [123, u'text']) self.assertEqual(sorted(obj.items()), [('bar', u'text'), ('foo', 123)]) self.assertEqual(sorted(list(obj.iteritems())), [('bar', u'text'), ('foo', 123)]) self.assertEqual(dict(obj), {'foo': 123, 'bar': u'text'})
def to_instance_dicts(batch_dict): """Converts from the internal batch format to a list of instances. Args: batch_dict: A dict in the in-memory batch format, as returned by `make_output_dict`. Returns: A list of dicts in the in-memory instance format. """ def get_instance_values(batch_dict): # SparseFeatures are represented as a 2-tuple of list of lists, so # in that case we convert to a list of 2-tuples of lists. columns = (column if not isinstance(column, tuple) else zip(*column) for column in six.itervalues(batch_dict)) return itertools.izip(*columns) return [dict(zip(six.iterkeys(batch_dict), instance_values)) for instance_values in get_instance_values(batch_dict)]
def handle_data(self, data): if not self.ordered: for s in self.sids: self.order(self.sid(s), 1) self.ordered = True if not self.exited: amounts = [pos.amount for pos in itervalues(self.portfolio.positions)] if ( len(amounts) > 0 and all([(amount == 1) for amount in amounts]) ): for stock in self.portfolio.positions: self.order(self.sid(stock), -1) self.exited = True # Should be 0 when all positions are exited. self.record(num_positions=len(self.portfolio.positions))
def _check_delete(self): '''Check project delete''' now = time.time() for project in list(itervalues(self.projects)): if project.db_status != 'STOP': continue if now - project.updatetime < self.DELETE_TIME: continue if 'delete' not in self.projectdb.split_group(project.group): continue logger.warning("deleting project: %s!", project.name) del self.projects[project.name] self.taskdb.drop(project.name) self.projectdb.drop(project.name) if self.resultdb: self.resultdb.drop(project.name) for each in self._cnt.values(): del each[project.name]
def complete_contexts(self): ''' Returns a list of context interfaces that yield a complete context. ''' interfaces = [] [interfaces.extend(i.complete_contexts()) for i in six.itervalues(self.templates)] return interfaces
def get_incomplete_context_data(self, interfaces): ''' Return dictionary of relation status of interfaces and any missing required context data. Example: {'amqp': {'missing_data': ['rabbitmq_password'], 'related': True}, 'zeromq-configuration': {'related': False}} ''' incomplete_context_data = {} for i in six.itervalues(self.templates): for context in i.contexts: for interface in interfaces: related = False if interface in context.interfaces: related = context.get_related() missing_data = context.missing_data if missing_data: incomplete_context_data[interface] = {'missing_data': missing_data} if related: if incomplete_context_data.get(interface): incomplete_context_data[interface].update({'related': True}) else: incomplete_context_data[interface] = {'related': True} else: incomplete_context_data[interface] = {'related': False} return incomplete_context_data
def build_description(self, event): enhanced_privacy = event.organization.flags.enhanced_privacy if enhanced_privacy: return ENHANCED_PRIVACY_BODY interface_list = [] for interface in six.itervalues(event.interfaces): body = interface.to_string(event) if not body: continue interface_list.append((interface.get_title(), body)) return '\n\n'.join(('{}\n-----------\n\n{}'.format(k, v) for k, v in interface_list))
def calc_position_values(amounts, last_sale_prices, value_multipliers): iter_amount_price_multiplier = zip( amounts, last_sale_prices, itervalues(value_multipliers), ) return [ price * amount * multiplier for price, amount, multiplier in iter_amount_price_multiplier ]
def calc_position_exposures(amounts, last_sale_prices, exposure_multipliers): iter_amount_price_multiplier = zip( amounts, last_sale_prices, itervalues(exposure_multipliers), ) return [ price * amount * multiplier for price, amount, multiplier in iter_amount_price_multiplier ]
def __init__(self, terms): super(TermGraph, self).__init__(self) self._frozen = False parents = set() for term in itervalues(terms): self._add_to_graph(term, parents, extra_rows=0) # No parents should be left between top-level terms. assert not parents self._outputs = terms self._ordered = topological_sort(self) # Mark that no more terms should be added to the graph. self._frozen = True
def test_retrieve_specific_type(self, type_, lookup_name, failure_type): equities = make_simple_equity_info( range(5), start_date=pd.Timestamp('2014-01-01'), end_date=pd.Timestamp('2015-01-01'), ) max_equity = equities.index.max() futures = make_commodity_future_info( first_sid=max_equity + 1, root_symbols=['CL'], years=[2014], ) equity_sids = [0, 1] future_sids = [max_equity + 1, max_equity + 2, max_equity + 3] if type_ == Equity: success_sids = equity_sids fail_sids = future_sids else: fail_sids = equity_sids success_sids = future_sids with tmp_asset_finder(equities=equities, futures=futures) as finder: # Run twice to exercise caching. lookup = getattr(finder, lookup_name) for _ in range(2): results = lookup(success_sids) self.assertIsInstance(results, dict) self.assertEqual(set(results.keys()), set(success_sids)) self.assertEqual( valmap(int, results), dict(zip(success_sids, success_sids)), ) self.assertEqual( {type_}, {type(asset) for asset in itervalues(results)}, ) with self.assertRaises(failure_type): lookup(fail_sids) with self.assertRaises(failure_type): # Should fail if **any** of the assets are bad. lookup([success_sids[0], fail_sids[0]])
def tearDown(self): """ Each test consumes a source, we need to rewind it. """ for _, source in itervalues(self.sim_and_source): source.rewind()
def everything_but(k, d): """ Return iterator of all values in d except the values in k. """ assert k in d return concat(itervalues(keyfilter(ne(k), d)))
def test_update_timers(self): images = self.getImages() img_mocks = {} for key in self.faker.pyiterable(10, True, str): img = mock.Mock() img.update_timer = mock.Mock() img_mocks[key] = img images.update(img_mocks) images.update_timers() for img in six.itervalues(img_mocks): img.update_timer.assert_called_once_with()
def update_timers(self): for image in six.itervalues(self): image.update_timer()
def test_iter(self): keys = ['first', 'middle', 'last'] values = list(range(len(keys))) items = list(zip(keys, values)) om = OrderedMap(items) itr = iter(om) self.assertEqual(sum([1 for _ in itr]), len(keys)) self.assertRaises(StopIteration, six.next, itr) self.assertEqual(list(iter(om)), keys) self.assertEqual(list(six.iteritems(om)), items) self.assertEqual(list(six.itervalues(om)), values)
def __check(self, key=None, oldvalue=None, newvalue=None, **kw): """Call all registered validation methods on this spec.""" for func in six.itervalues(self.__checks): func(self, key, oldvalue, newvalue)
def override_worker_setting(self, setting_name, new_value): old_value = list(values(self.setenv(setting_name, new_value)))[0] try: yield finally: self.setenv(setting_name, old_value)
def assert_ok_pidbox_response(self, replies): for reply in values(replies): if not reply['ok']: raise RuntimeError( 'Worker remote control command raised: {0!r}'.format( reply.get('error', reply))) return replies
def contribute_to_model(self, model): # type: (type) -> type [event.connect_model(model) for event in values(self.events) if event] model.webhooks = self model.webhook_events = self # XXX remove for Thorn 2.0 return model