Python six 模块,get_method_function() 实例源码


项目:reahl    作者:reahl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_monitor():
    """A CallMonitor records each call to a method, and its arguments."""

    class SomethingElse(object):
        def foo(self, n, y=None):
            self.n = n
            return y

    s = SomethingElse()
    original_method = six.get_method_function(

    with CallMonitor( as monitor:
        assert, y='a') == 'a'
        assert == None

    assert six.get_method_function( is original_method
    assert s.n == 2
    assert monitor.times_called == 2
    assert monitor.calls[0].args == (1,)
    assert monitor.calls[0].kwargs == {'y':'a'}
    assert monitor.calls[0].return_value == 'a'

    assert monitor.calls[1].args == (2,)
    assert monitor.calls[1].kwargs == {}
    assert monitor.calls[1].return_value == None
项目:pure_interface    作者:aranzgeo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_abc_interface_props_and_funcs(cls):
    properties = set()
    function_sigs = {}
    if not hasattr(cls, '__abstractmethods__'):
        return properties, function_sigs
    for name in cls.__abstractmethods__:
        if _builtin_attrs(name):
            pass  # shortcut
        value = getattr(cls, name)
        if isinstance(value, (staticmethod, classmethod, types.MethodType)):
            func = six.get_method_function(value)
            function_sigs[name] = _get_function_signature(func)
        elif isinstance(value, types.FunctionType):
            function_sigs[name] = _get_function_signature(value)
        elif isinstance(value, property):

    return properties, function_sigs
项目:widgetastic.core    作者:RedHatQE    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def call_unlogged(method, *args, **kwargs):
    """Calls the original method without logging when ``logged`` is applied.

    In case you pass in an ordinary method that was not decorated, it will work as usual.

        method: The method object from the object.
        *args: Args to pass to the method.
        **kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to the method.

        Whatever that method returns.
        f = method.original_function
    except AttributeError:
        f = get_method_function(method)

    return f(get_method_self(method), *args, **kwargs)
项目:widgetastic.core    作者:RedHatQE    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __getattr__(self, attr):
        """Route all other attribute requests into the parent object's browser. Black magic included

        Here is the explanation:
        If you call ``.elements`` on this object directly, it will correctly inject the parent
        locator. But if you call eg. ``element``, what will happen is that it will invoke the
        original method from underlying browser and that method's ``self`` is the underlying browser
        and not this wrapper. Therefore ``element`` would call the original ``elements`` without
        injecting the parent.

        What this getter does is that if you pull out a method, it detects that, unbinds the
        pure function and rebinds it to this wrapper. The method that came from the browser object
        is now executed not against the browser, but against this wrapper, enabling us to intercept
        every single ``elements`` call.
        value = getattr(self._browser, attr)
        if inspect.ismethod(value):
            function = six.get_method_function(value)
            # Bind the function like it was defined on this class
            value = function.__get__(self, BrowserParentWrapper)
        return value
项目:obsoleted-vpduserv    作者:InfraSIM    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_get_method_function():
    class X(object):
        def m(self):
    x = X()
    assert six.get_method_function(x.m) is X.__dict__["m"]
    py.test.raises(AttributeError, six.get_method_function, hasattr)
项目:azure-cli    作者:Azure    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_op_handler(operation):
    """ Import and load the operation handler """
    # Patch the unversioned sdk path to include the appropriate API version for the
    # resource type in question.
    from azure.cli.core._profile import CLOUD
    import types

    for rt in ResourceType:
        if operation.startswith(rt.import_prefix + ".operations."):
            subs = operation[len(rt.import_prefix + ".operations."):]
            operation_group = subs[:subs.index('_operations')]
            operation = operation.replace(
                get_versioned_sdk_path(CLOUD.profile, rt, operation_group=operation_group))
        elif operation.startswith(rt.import_prefix):
            operation = operation.replace(rt.import_prefix,
                                          get_versioned_sdk_path(CLOUD.profile, rt))
        mod_to_import, attr_path = operation.split('#')
        op = import_module(mod_to_import)
        for part in attr_path.split('.'):
            op = getattr(op, part)
        if isinstance(op, types.FunctionType):
            return op
        return six.get_method_function(op)
    except (ValueError, AttributeError):
        raise ValueError("The operation '{}' is invalid.".format(operation))
项目:reahl    作者:reahl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def replaced(method, replacement, on=None):
    """A context manager which replaces the method passed in as `method` with the callable
       in `replacement` for the duration of the managed context.

       .. code-block:: python

          class SomethingElse(object):
              def foo(self, n, y='yyy'):
                  assert None, 'This should never be reached in this test'

          s = SomethingElse()

          def replacement(n, y=None):
              return y

          with replaced(, replacement):
              assert, y='a') == 'a'
              assert == None

          assert == 'yyy'
    StubClass.signatures_match(method, replacement, ignore_self=True)

    is_unbound_method = six.PY2 and inspect.ismethod(method) and not method.im_self
    if (not inspect.ismethod(method) or is_unbound_method) and not on:
        raise ValueError('You have to supply a on= when stubbing an unbound method')
    target = on or six.get_method_self(method)

    if inspect.isfunction(method) or inspect.isbuiltin(method):
        method_name = method.__name__
        method_name = six.get_method_function(method).__name__
    saved_method = getattr(target, method_name)
        setattr(target, method_name, replacement)
        setattr(target, method_name, saved_method)
项目:Deploy_XXNET_Server    作者:jzp820927    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_get_method_function():
    class X(object):
        def m(self):
    x = X()
    assert six.get_method_function(x.m) is X.__dict__["m"]
    py.test.raises(AttributeError, six.get_method_function, hasattr)
项目:pure_interface    作者:aranzgeo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _is_empty_function(func, unwrap=False):
    """ Return True if func is considered empty.
     All functions with no return statement have an implicit return None - this is explicit in the code object.
    if isinstance(func, (staticmethod, classmethod, types.MethodType)):
        func = six.get_method_function(func)
    if isinstance(func, property):
        func = property.fget
    if unwrap:
        func = _unwrap_function(func)
        code_obj = six.get_function_code(func)
    except AttributeError:
        # This callable is something else - assume it is OK.
        return True

    # quick check
    if code_obj.co_code == b'd\x00\x00S' and code_obj.co_consts[0] is None:
        return True
    if code_obj.co_code == b'd\x01\x00S' and code_obj.co_consts[1] is None:
        return True
    # convert bytes to instructions
    instructions = _get_instructions(code_obj)
    if len(instructions) < 2:
        return True  # this never happens as there is always the implicit return None which is 2 instructions
    assert instructions[-1].opname == 'RETURN_VALUE'  # returns TOS (top of stack)
    instruction = instructions[-2]
    if not (instruction.opname == 'LOAD_CONST' and code_obj.co_consts[instruction.arg] is None):  # TOS is None
        return False  # return is not None
    instructions = instructions[:-2]
    if len(instructions) == 0:
        return True
    # look for raise NotImplementedError
    if instructions[-1].opname == 'RAISE_VARARGS':
        # the thing we are raising should be the result of __call__  (instantiating exception object)
        if instructions[-2].opname == 'CALL_FUNCTION':
            for instr in instructions[:-2]:
                if instr.opname == 'LOAD_GLOBAL' and code_obj.co_names[instr.arg] == 'NotImplementedError':
                    return True

    return False
项目:Sasila    作者:DarkSand    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _find_method(obj, func):
    if obj:
            func_self = six.get_method_self(func)
        except AttributeError:  # func has no __self__
            if func_self is obj:
                return six.get_method_function(func).__name__
    raise ValueError("Function %s is not a method of: %s" % (func, obj))
项目:knack    作者:Microsoft    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_op_handler(operation):
        """ Import and load the operation handler """
            mod_to_import, attr_path = operation.split('#')
            op = import_module(mod_to_import)
            for part in attr_path.split('.'):
                op = getattr(op, part)
            if isinstance(op, types.FunctionType):
                return op
            return six.get_method_function(op)
        except (ValueError, AttributeError):
            raise ValueError("The operation '{}' is invalid.".format(operation))
项目:six    作者:benjaminp    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_get_method_function():
    class X(object):
        def m(self):
    x = X()
    assert six.get_method_function(x.m) is X.__dict__["m"]
    py.test.raises(AttributeError, six.get_method_function, hasattr)
项目:pytest-relaxed    作者:bitprophet    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _getobj(self):
        # Regular object-making first
        obj = super(SpecInstance, self)._getobj()
        # Then decorate it with our parent's extra attributes, allowing nested
        # test classes to appear as an aggregate of parents' "scopes".
        # NOTE: need parent.parent due to instance->class hierarchy
        # NOTE: of course, skipping if we've gone out the top into a module etc
        if (
            not hasattr(self, 'parent') or
            not hasattr(self.parent, 'parent') or
            not isinstance(self.parent.parent, SpecInstance)
            return obj
        parent_obj = self.parent.parent.obj
        # Obtain parent attributes, etc not found on our obj (serves as both a
        # useful identifier of "stuff added to an outer class" and a way of
        # ensuring that we can override such attrs), and set them on obj
        delta = set(dir(parent_obj)).difference(set(dir(obj)))
        for name in delta:
            value = getattr(parent_obj, name)
            # Classes get skipped; they'd always just be other 'inner' classes
            # that we don't want to copy elsewhere.
            if isinstance(value, six.class_types):
            # Functions (methods) may get skipped, or not, depending:
            if isinstance(value, types.MethodType):
                # If they look like tests, they get skipped; don't want to copy
                # tests around!
                if istestfunction(name):
                # Non-test == they're probably lifecycle methods
                # (setup/teardown) or helpers (_do_thing). Rebind them to the
                # target instance, otherwise the 'self' in the setup/helper is
                # not the same 'self' as that in the actual test method it runs
                # around or within!
                # TODO: arguably, all setup or helper methods should become
                # autouse class fixtures (see e.g. pytest docs under 'xunit
                # setup on steroids')
                func = six.get_method_function(value)
                setattr(obj, name, six.create_bound_method(func, obj))
            # Anything else should be some data-type attribute, which is copied
            # verbatim / by-value.
                setattr(obj, name, value)
        return obj
项目:reahl    作者:reahl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_replace():
    """Replaced methods replace the original one, but are restored after the with."""

    class SomethingElse(object):
        def foo(self, n, y=None):
            assert None, 'This should never be reached in this test'

    # Case: bound method
    s = SomethingElse()
    def replacement(n, y=None):
        return y
    original_method = six.get_method_function(

    with replaced(, replacement):
        assert, y='a') == 'a'
        assert == None

    assert six.get_method_function( is original_method

    # Case: unbound method
    """Python 3 does not support the concept of unbound methods, they are
    just plain functions without an im_class pointing back to their class.
    for the rationale.

    To be able to support them under Python3, on= is mandatory.

    s = SomethingElse()
    def replacement(self, n, y=None):
        return y

    original_method = six.get_unbound_function(

    with replaced(, replacement, on=SomethingElse):
        assert, y='a') == 'a'
        assert == None

    restored_method = six.get_unbound_function(
    assert restored_method is original_method

    # Case: unbound method (no on= given)
    s = SomethingElse()
    def replacement(self, n, y=None):
        return y

    with pytest.raises(ValueError, message='You have to supply a on= when stubbing an unbound method'):
        with replaced(, replacement):
项目:Chromium_DepotTools    作者:p07r0457    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def object_build(self, node, obj):
        """recursive method which create a partial ast from real objects
         (only function, class, and method are handled)
        if obj in self._done:
            return self._done[obj]
        self._done[obj] = node
        for name in dir(obj):
                member = getattr(obj, name)
            except AttributeError:
                # damned ExtensionClass.Base, I know you're there !
                attach_dummy_node(node, name)
            if ismethod(member):
                member = six.get_method_function(member)
            if isfunction(member):
                # verify this is not an imported function
                filename = getattr(six.get_function_code(member),
                                   'co_filename', None)
                if filename is None:
                    assert isinstance(member, object)
                    object_build_methoddescriptor(node, member, name)
                elif filename != getattr(self._module, '__file__', None):
                    attach_dummy_node(node, name, member)
                    object_build_function(node, member, name)
            elif isbuiltin(member):
                if (not _io_discrepancy(member) and
                        self.imported_member(node, member, name)):
                object_build_methoddescriptor(node, member, name)
            elif isclass(member):
                if self.imported_member(node, member, name):
                if member in self._done:
                    class_node = self._done[member]
                    if not class_node in node.locals.get(name, ()):
                        node.add_local_node(class_node, name)
                    class_node = object_build_class(node, member, name)
                    # recursion
                    self.object_build(class_node, member)
                if name == '__class__' and class_node.parent is None:
                    class_node.parent = self._done[self._module]
            elif ismethoddescriptor(member):
                assert isinstance(member, object)
                object_build_methoddescriptor(node, member, name)
            elif isdatadescriptor(member):
                assert isinstance(member, object)
                object_build_datadescriptor(node, member, name)
            elif type(member) in _CONSTANTS:
                attach_const_node(node, name, member)
                # create an empty node so that the name is actually defined
                attach_dummy_node(node, name, member)
项目:node-gn    作者:Shouqun    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def object_build(self, node, obj):
        """recursive method which create a partial ast from real objects
         (only function, class, and method are handled)
        if obj in self._done:
            return self._done[obj]
        self._done[obj] = node
        for name in dir(obj):
                member = getattr(obj, name)
            except AttributeError:
                # damned ExtensionClass.Base, I know you're there !
                attach_dummy_node(node, name)
            if ismethod(member):
                member = six.get_method_function(member)
            if isfunction(member):
                # verify this is not an imported function
                filename = getattr(six.get_function_code(member),
                                   'co_filename', None)
                if filename is None:
                    assert isinstance(member, object)
                    object_build_methoddescriptor(node, member, name)
                elif filename != getattr(self._module, '__file__', None):
                    attach_dummy_node(node, name, member)
                    object_build_function(node, member, name)
            elif isbuiltin(member):
                if (not _io_discrepancy(member) and
                        self.imported_member(node, member, name)):
                object_build_methoddescriptor(node, member, name)
            elif isclass(member):
                if self.imported_member(node, member, name):
                if member in self._done:
                    class_node = self._done[member]
                    if not class_node in node.locals.get(name, ()):
                        node.add_local_node(class_node, name)
                    class_node = object_build_class(node, member, name)
                    # recursion
                    self.object_build(class_node, member)
                if name == '__class__' and class_node.parent is None:
                    class_node.parent = self._done[self._module]
            elif ismethoddescriptor(member):
                assert isinstance(member, object)
                object_build_methoddescriptor(node, member, name)
            elif isdatadescriptor(member):
                assert isinstance(member, object)
                object_build_datadescriptor(node, member, name)
            elif type(member) in _CONSTANTS:
                attach_const_node(node, name, member)
                # create an empty node so that the name is actually defined
                attach_dummy_node(node, name, member)
项目:depot_tools    作者:webrtc-uwp    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def object_build(self, node, obj):
        """recursive method which create a partial ast from real objects
         (only function, class, and method are handled)
        if obj in self._done:
            return self._done[obj]
        self._done[obj] = node
        for name in dir(obj):
                member = getattr(obj, name)
            except AttributeError:
                # damned ExtensionClass.Base, I know you're there !
                attach_dummy_node(node, name)
            if ismethod(member):
                member = six.get_method_function(member)
            if isfunction(member):
                # verify this is not an imported function
                filename = getattr(six.get_function_code(member),
                                   'co_filename', None)
                if filename is None:
                    assert isinstance(member, object)
                    object_build_methoddescriptor(node, member, name)
                elif filename != getattr(self._module, '__file__', None):
                    attach_dummy_node(node, name, member)
                    object_build_function(node, member, name)
            elif isbuiltin(member):
                if (not _io_discrepancy(member) and
                        self.imported_member(node, member, name)):
                object_build_methoddescriptor(node, member, name)
            elif isclass(member):
                if self.imported_member(node, member, name):
                if member in self._done:
                    class_node = self._done[member]
                    if not class_node in node.locals.get(name, ()):
                        node.add_local_node(class_node, name)
                    class_node = object_build_class(node, member, name)
                    # recursion
                    self.object_build(class_node, member)
                if name == '__class__' and class_node.parent is None:
                    class_node.parent = self._done[self._module]
            elif ismethoddescriptor(member):
                assert isinstance(member, object)
                object_build_methoddescriptor(node, member, name)
            elif isdatadescriptor(member):
                assert isinstance(member, object)
                object_build_datadescriptor(node, member, name)
            elif type(member) in _CONSTANTS:
                attach_const_node(node, name, member)
                # create an empty node so that the name is actually defined
                attach_dummy_node(node, name, member)
项目:wuye.vim    作者:zhaoyingnan911    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def object_build(self, node, obj):
        """recursive method which create a partial ast from real objects
         (only function, class, and method are handled)
        if obj in self._done:
            return self._done[obj]
        self._done[obj] = node
        for name in dir(obj):
                member = getattr(obj, name)
            except AttributeError:
                # damned ExtensionClass.Base, I know you're there !
                attach_dummy_node(node, name)
            if ismethod(member):
                member = six.get_method_function(member)
            if isfunction(member):
                # verify this is not an imported function
                filename = getattr(six.get_function_code(member),
                                   'co_filename', None)
                if filename is None:
                    assert isinstance(member, object)
                    object_build_methoddescriptor(node, member, name)
                elif filename != getattr(self._module, '__file__', None):
                    attach_dummy_node(node, name, member)
                    object_build_function(node, member, name)
            elif isbuiltin(member):
                if (not _io_discrepancy(member) and
                        self.imported_member(node, member, name)):
                object_build_methoddescriptor(node, member, name)
            elif isclass(member):
                if self.imported_member(node, member, name):
                if member in self._done:
                    class_node = self._done[member]
                    if not class_node in node.locals.get(name, ()):
                        node.add_local_node(class_node, name)
                    class_node = object_build_class(node, member, name)
                    # recursion
                    self.object_build(class_node, member)
                if name == '__class__' and class_node.parent is None:
                    class_node.parent = self._done[self._module]
            elif ismethoddescriptor(member):
                assert isinstance(member, object)
                object_build_methoddescriptor(node, member, name)
            elif isdatadescriptor(member):
                assert isinstance(member, object)
                object_build_datadescriptor(node, member, name)
            elif type(member) in _CONSTANTS:
                attach_const_node(node, name, member)
                # create an empty node so that the name is actually defined
                attach_dummy_node(node, name, member)