Python skimage.color 模块,lab2rgb() 实例源码


项目:DenoiseAverage    作者:Pella86    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def average(self, aligned = True):
        ''' averaging procedure, this function saves the newly calculated average'''

        if aligned:
            dataset = self.algimgs
            dataset = self.imgs

        s = MyRGBImg(np.zeros(dataset[0].data.shape))
        s = color.rgb2lab(
        for i, picture in enumerate(dataset):
            print("Averaging image: " , i)
            # convert both to lab
            im = color.rgb2lab(
            #perform operations
            s += im 

        s = s / float(len(dataset))
        self.avg = MyRGBImg(color.lab2rgb(s))
项目:facade-segmentation    作者:jfemiani    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ransac_guess_color(colors, n_iter=50, std=2):
    colors = rgb2lab(colors)
    colors = colors.reshape(-1, 3)
    masked = colors[:, 0] < 0.1
    colors = colors[~masked]
    assert len(colors) > 0, "Must have at least one color"

    best_mu = np.array([0, 0, 0])
    best_n = 0
    for k in range(n_iter):
        subset = colors[np.random.choice(np.arange(len(colors)), 1)]

        mu = subset.mean(0)
        #inliers = (((colors - mu) ** 2 / std) < 1).all(1)
        inliers = ((np.sqrt(np.sum((colors - mu)**2, axis=1))  / std) < 1)

        mu = colors[inliers].mean(0)
        n = len(colors[inliers])
        if n > best_n:
            best_n = n
            best_mu = mu
    #import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
    best_mu = np.squeeze(lab2rgb(np.array([[best_mu]])))
    return best_mu
项目:Virtual-Makeup    作者:badarsh2    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def applyTexture(x, y, texture = texture_input):
    text = imread(texture_input)
    height,width = text.shape[:2]
    xmin, ymin = amin(x),amin(y)
    xmax, ymax = amax(x),amax(y)
    scale = max(((xmax - xmin + 2)/height),((ymax - ymin + 2)/width))
    text = imresize(text, scale)
    # print text.shape[:2]
    # print xmax - xmin +2, ymax - ymin+2
    X = (x-xmin).astype(int)
    Y = (y-ymin).astype(int)
    val1 = color.rgb2lab((text[X, Y]/255.).reshape(len(X), 1, 3)).reshape(len(X), 3)
    val2 = color.rgb2lab((im[x, y]/255.).reshape(len(x), 1, 3)).reshape(len(x), 3)
    L, A, B = mean(val2[:,0]), mean(val2[:,1]), mean(val2[:,2])
    val2[:, 0] = np.clip(val2[:, 0] - L + val1[:,0], 0, 100)
    val2[:, 1] = np.clip(val2[:, 1] - A + val1[:,1], -127, 128)
    val2[:, 2] = np.clip(val2[:, 2] - B + val1[:,2], -127, 128)
    im[x,y] = color.lab2rgb(val2.reshape(len(x), 1, 3)).reshape(len(x), 3)*255

# points = np.loadtxt('nailpoint_5')
项目:Comicolorization    作者:DwangoMediaVillage    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def lab_array_to_image(images_array, normalized=True):
    # type: (numpy.ndarray, any) -> typing.List[Image.Image]
    images_array = images_array.transpose(0, 2, 3, 1)

    if normalized:
        images_array[:, :, :, 0] = images_array[:, :, :, 0] + 1
        images_array *= 50

    def lab2image(image_array):
        image_array = image_array.astype(dtype=numpy.float64)
        rgb = (lab2rgb(image_array) * 255).astype(numpy.uint8)
        image = Image.fromarray(rgb)
        return image

    images = [lab2image(image_array) for image_array in images_array]
    return images
项目:WEARING    作者:nlkim0817    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def itf( X, npx, mode='RGB' ):
    X = ( X.reshape( -1, nc, npx, npx ).transpose( 0, 2, 3, 1 ) + 1. ) / 2.
    if mode == 'LAB':
       X[:,:,:,0] *= 100
       X[:,:,:,1] *= 255
       X[:,:,:,2] *= 255
       X[:,:,:,1] -= 128
       X[:,:,:,2] -= 128

       for i in range(X.shape[0]):

     #X[i,:,:,:]  = color.lab2rgb(X[i,])
     X[i,:,:,:]  = color.lab2rgb(X[i,:,:,:].astype('int8'))
    #X *= 255
    return X.astype('float32')
项目:WEARING    作者:nlkim0817    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def itf( X, npx, mode='RGB' ):
    X = ( X.reshape( -1, nc, npx, npx ).transpose( 0, 2, 3, 1 ) + 1. ) / 2.
    if mode == 'LAB':
       X[:,:,:,0] *= 100
       X[:,:,:,1] *= 255
       X[:,:,:,2] *= 255
       X[:,:,:,1] -= 128
       X[:,:,:,2] -= 128

       for i in range(X.shape[0]):

     #X[i,:,:,:]  = color.lab2rgb(X[i,])
     X[i,:,:,:]  = color.lab2rgb(X[i,:,:,:].astype('int8'))
    #X *= 255
    return X.astype('float32')
项目:WEARING    作者:nlkim0817    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def itf( X, npx, mode='RGB' ):
    X = ( X.reshape( -1, nc, npx, npx ).transpose( 0, 2, 3, 1 ) + 1. ) / 2.
    if mode == 'LAB':
       X[:,:,:,0] *= 100
       X[:,:,:,1] *= 255
       X[:,:,:,2] *= 255
       X[:,:,:,1] -= 128
       X[:,:,:,2] -= 128

       for i in range(X.shape[0]):

     #X[i,:,:,:]  = color.lab2rgb(X[i,])
     X[i,:,:,:]  = color.lab2rgb(X[i,:,:,:].astype('int8'))
    #X *= 255
    return X.astype('float32')
项目:image-quantizer    作者:se7entyse7en    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def quantize(cls, raster, n_colors, **kwargs):
        lab_raster = color.rgb2lab(raster)
        lab_quantized_raster = super(RGBtoLABmixin, cls).quantize(
            lab_raster, n_colors, **kwargs)
        quantized_raster = (color.lab2rgb(lab_quantized_raster) * 255).astype(

        return quantized_raster
项目:Virtual-Makeup    作者:badarsh2    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def applyNailPolish(x , y , r = Rg, g = Gg, b = Bg):
    val = color.rgb2lab((im[x, y]/255.).reshape(len(x), 1, 3)).reshape(len(x), 3)
    L, A, B = mean(val[:,0]), mean(val[:,1]), mean(val[:,2])
    L1, A1, B1 = color.rgb2lab(np.array((r/255., g/255., b/255.)).reshape(1, 1, 3)).reshape(3,)
    ll, aa, bb = L1 - L, A1 - A, B1 - B
    val[:, 0] = np.clip(val[:, 0] + ll, 0, 100)
    val[:, 1] = np.clip(val[:, 1] + aa, -127, 128)
    val[:, 2] = np.clip(val[:, 2] + bb, -127, 128)
    im[x, y] = color.lab2rgb(val.reshape(len(x), 1, 3)).reshape(len(x), 3)*255
项目:PIC    作者:ameroyer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def lab_to_rgb(x, eps=1e-8):
    """Converts a lab image [0; 100] [-127; 128] [-128; 127] to a valid RGB image."""
    x_rectified = np.array(x)
    upper_bound = 200 * (x[..., 0] + 16.) / 116. - eps
    x_rectified[..., 2] = np.clip(x_rectified[..., 2], - float('inf'), upper_bound)
    return np.array([lab2rgb(y) * 255. for y in x_rectified]).astype(np.uint8)
项目:Deep-learning-Colorization-for-visual-media    作者:OmarSayedMostafa    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def Test(image_Name,flag):
        saver = tf.train.Saver()
        saver = tf.train.import_meta_graph('Model Directory/our_model.meta')
        saver.restore(sess, 'Model Directory/our_model')
    GreyImagesRezied_Batch = []
    Original_Img ='RGB').convert('L')  
    Original_Img = Original_Img.resize((int(width/8) * 8,int(height/8) * 8),Image.ANTIALIAS)      

    Grey_img = Original_Img.resize((224,224),Image.ANTIALIAS)      
    Original_Img = np.asanyarray(Original_Img) 
    Grey_img = np.asanyarray(Grey_img) 

    img_shape = Original_Img.shape
    Original_reshaped = Original_Img.reshape(img_shape[0],img_shape[1], GreyChannels)#[H,W,1]
    img_reshaped = Grey_img.reshape(224, 224, GreyChannels)#[224,224,1]

    TestImage = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32,shape=[1,224,224,1])
    original = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32,shape=[1,None,None,1])
    Prediction = TestModel(original,TestImage,Original_Img.shape[0],Original_Img.shape[1]) 
    Chrominance =,feed_dict={TestImage:GreyImagesRezied_Batch,original:OriginalImage_Batch})

    NewImg = np.empty((Original_Img.shape[0],Original_Img.shape[1],3))
    for i in range(len(Original_reshaped[:,1,0])):
      for j in range(len(Original_reshaped[1,:,0])):
         NewImg[i,j,0]= 0 + ( (Original_reshaped[i,j,0] - 0) * (100 - 0) / (255 - 0) )  
    NewImg[:,:,1] = DeNormalize(Chrominance[0,:,:,0],0,1)
    NewImg[:,:,2] = DeNormalize(Chrominance[0,:,:,1],0,1)
    NewImg = color.lab2rgb(NewImg)
项目:Deep-learning-Colorization-for-visual-media    作者:OmarSayedMostafa    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def Merge_Chrominance_Luminance(Chrominance, Luminance):

    NewImg = np.empty((Luminance.shape[0],Luminance.shape[1],3))

    for i in range(len(Luminance[:,1,0])):
      for j in range(len(Luminance[1,:,0])):
         NewImg[i,j,0]= 0 + ( (Luminance[i,j,0] - 0) * (100 - 0) / (255 - 0) ) 

    NewImg[:,:,1] = DeNormalize(Chrominance[0,:,:,0],0,1)
    NewImg[:,:,2] = DeNormalize(Chrominance[0,:,:,1],0,1)

    NewImg = color.lab2rgb(NewImg)

    return NewImg
项目:Virtual-Makeup    作者:srivatsan-ramesh    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def apply_nail_polish(x, y, r=Rg, g=Gg, b=Bg):
    val = color.rgb2lab((im[x, y] / 255.).reshape(len(x), 1, 3)).reshape(len(x), 3)
    L, A, B = mean(val[:, 0]), mean(val[:, 1]), mean(val[:, 2])
    L1, A1, B1 = color.rgb2lab(np.array((r / 255., g / 255., b / 255.)).reshape(1, 1, 3)).reshape(3, )
    ll, aa, bb = L1 - L, A1 - A, B1 - B
    val[:, 0] = np.clip(val[:, 0] + ll, 0, 100)
    val[:, 1] = np.clip(val[:, 1] + aa, -127, 128)
    val[:, 2] = np.clip(val[:, 2] + bb, -127, 128)
    im[x, y] = color.lab2rgb(val.reshape(len(x), 1, 3)).reshape(len(x), 3) * 255
项目:Virtual-Makeup    作者:srivatsan-ramesh    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def apply_texture(x, y):
    xmin, ymin = amin(x), amin(y)
    X = (x - xmin).astype(int)
    Y = (y - ymin).astype(int)
    val1 = color.rgb2lab((text[X, Y] / 255.).reshape(len(X), 1, 3)).reshape(len(X), 3)
    val2 = color.rgb2lab((im[x, y] / 255.).reshape(len(x), 1, 3)).reshape(len(x), 3)
    L, A, B = mean(val2[:, 0]), mean(val2[:, 1]), mean(val2[:, 2])
    val2[:, 0] = np.clip(val2[:, 0] - L + val1[:, 0], 0, 100)
    val2[:, 1] = np.clip(val2[:, 1] - A + val1[:, 1], -127, 128)
    val2[:, 2] = np.clip(val2[:, 2] - B + val1[:, 2], -127, 128)
    im[x, y] = color.lab2rgb(val2.reshape(len(x), 1, 3)).reshape(len(x), 3) * 255
项目:Virtual-Makeup    作者:srivatsan-ramesh    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def apply_blush_color(r=Rg, g=Gg, b=Bg):
    global im
    val = color.rgb2lab((im / 255.)).reshape(width * height, 3)
    L, A, B = mean(val[:, 0]), mean(val[:, 1]), mean(val[:, 2])
    L1, A1, B1 = color.rgb2lab(np.array((r / 255., g / 255., b / 255.)).reshape(1, 1, 3)).reshape(3, )
    ll, aa, bb = (L1 - L) * intensity, (A1 - A) * intensity, (B1 - B) * intensity
    val[:, 0] = np.clip(val[:, 0] + ll, 0, 100)
    val[:, 1] = np.clip(val[:, 1] + aa, -127, 128)
    val[:, 2] = np.clip(val[:, 2] + bb, -127, 128)
    im = color.lab2rgb(val.reshape(height, width, 3)) * 255
项目:WEARING    作者:nlkim0817    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ConvertGenOutput( X_src, X_est ): 
    #X_est : estimated AB-channel
    if X_est.shape[1] == 3:
       LAB_est = np.concatenate((X_src[:,[0],:,:], X_est[:,[1,2],:,:]), axis = 1 )
    if X_est.shape[1] == 2:
       LAB_est = np.concatenate((X_src[:,[0],:,:], X_est), axis = 1)
    return LAB_est
    # RGB_est = color.lab2rgb(LAB_est)
    # return floatX( RGB_est/ 0.5 - 1. )
项目:WEARING    作者:nlkim0817    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def LAB2RGB(X):
    for i in range(X.shape[0]):
        X[i,:,:,:] = color.lab2rgb(X[i,:,:,:].astype('int8'))
    return X.astype('float32')
项目:WEARING    作者:nlkim0817    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ConvertGenOutput( X_src, X_est ): 
    #X_est : estimated AB-channel
    if X_est.shape[1] == 3:
       LAB_est = np.concatenate((X_src[:,[0],:,:], X_est[:,[1,2],:,:]), axis = 1 )
    if X_est.shape[1] == 2:
       LAB_est = np.concatenate((X_src[:,[0],:,:], X_est), axis = 1)
    return LAB_est
    # RGB_est = color.lab2rgb(LAB_est)
    # return floatX( RGB_est/ 0.5 - 1. )
项目:WEARING    作者:nlkim0817    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def itf( X, npx, mode='RGB' ):
    X = ( X.reshape( -1, nc, npx, npx ).transpose( 0, 2, 3, 1 ) + 1. ) / 2.
    if mode == 'LAB':
       X[:,:,:,0] *= 100
       X[:,:,:,1] *= 255
       X[:,:,:,2] *= 255
       X[:,:,:,1] -= 128
       X[:,:,:,2] -= 128
       for i in range(X.shape[0]):
     X[i,:,:,:]  = color.lab2rgb(X[i,:,:,:].astype('int8'))
    return X.astype('float32')
项目:WEARING    作者:nlkim0817    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ConvertGenOutput( X_src, X_est ): 
    #X_est : estimated AB-channel
    if X_est.shape[1] == 3:
       LAB_est = np.concatenate((X_src[:,[0],:,:], X_est[:,[1,2],:,:]), axis = 1 )
    if X_est.shape[1] == 2:
       LAB_est = np.concatenate((X_src[:,[0],:,:], X_est), axis = 1)
    return LAB_est
    # RGB_est = color.lab2rgb(LAB_est)
    # return floatX( RGB_est/ 0.5 - 1. )
项目:imagepy    作者:Image-Py    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def trans(self, img1, img2, img3):
        rst = np.array((img1.T, img2.T, img3.T), dtype=np.float64)
        rst *= (200/255.0); rst -= 100
        rst = color.lab2rgb(rst.T)
        rst *= 255
        return (rst).astype(np.uint8)
项目:Colorization.tensorflow    作者:shekkizh    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def save_image(image, save_dir, name):
    Save image by unprocessing and converting to rgb.
    :param image: iamge to save
    :param save_dir: location to save image at
    :param name: prefix to save filename
    image = color.lab2rgb(image)
    io.imsave(os.path.join(save_dir, name + ".png"), image)
项目:rasterio-cookbook    作者:mapbox    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def lch2rgb(lch):
    """Convert LCH to RGB colorspace (via LAB)
    Input and output are in (bands, cols, rows) order
    # reshape for skimage (bands, cols, rows) -> (cols, rows, bands)
    slch = np.swapaxes(lch, 0, 2)
    # convert colorspace
    rgb = lab2rgb(lch2lab(slch))
    # return in (bands, cols, rows) order
    return np.swapaxes(rgb, 2, 0)
项目:divcolor    作者:aditya12agd5    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def save_zhang_feats(img_fns, ext='JPEG'):

    gpu_id = 0
    net = caffe.Net('third_party/colorization/models/colorization_deploy_v1.prototxt', \
    'third_party/colorization/models/colorization_release_v1.caffemodel', caffe.TEST)

    (H_in,W_in) = net.blobs['data_l'].data.shape[2:] # get input shape
    (H_out,W_out) = net.blobs['class8_ab'].data.shape[2:] # get output shape
    net.blobs['Trecip'].data[...] = 6/np.log(10) # 1/T, set annealing temperature

    feats_fns = []
    for img_fn_i, img_fn in enumerate(img_fns):

        # load the original image
        img_rgb =
        img_lab = color.rgb2lab(img_rgb) # convert image to lab color space
        img_l = img_lab[:,:,0] # pull out L channel
        (H_orig,W_orig) = img_rgb.shape[:2] # original image size

        # create grayscale version of image (just for displaying)
        img_lab_bw = img_lab.copy()
        img_lab_bw[:,:,1:] = 0
        img_rgb_bw = color.lab2rgb(img_lab_bw)

        # resize image to network input size
        img_rs =,(H_in,W_in)) # resize image to network input size
        img_lab_rs = color.rgb2lab(img_rs)
        img_l_rs = img_lab_rs[:,:,0]

        net.blobs['data_l'].data[0,0,:,:] = img_l_rs-50 # subtract 50 for mean-centering
        net.forward() # run network

        npz_fn = img_fn.replace(ext, 'npz')
        np.savez_compressed(npz_fn, net.blobs['conv7_3'].data)

    return feats_fns
项目:DenoiseAverage    作者:Pella86    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def average_mean(self, aligned = True, debug = False, transition = True):
        ''' performs the mean of the images, aligned is True will use the
        aligned pictures while if false will use the original picture, 
        for the transition, each averaging step is printed out

        self.mylog.log("started the mean averaging procedure")

        sizedataset = len(self.imgs_names)

        if aligned:
            picture = self.get_alg_image(0)
            picture = self.get_image(0)       

        # initialize sum variable
        s = MyRGBImg(np.zeros(
        #s = color.rgb2lab(

        for i in range(sizedataset):
            if debug:
                self.mylog.log("Averaging image: " + str(i))
            #load the picture
            if aligned:
                picture = self.get_alg_image(i)
                picture = self.get_image(i)
            # convert both to lab
            #im = color.rgb2lab(
            im =

            #perform operations
            s += im

            # if the transition is true show what happens to each picture
            if transition:
                tr = s / float(i + 1)
                #avg = MyRGBImg(color.lab2rgb(tr))
                avg = tr
      ["avg_transition"], "avg_tr_" + str(i) + ".png"))

        # calculate the average    
        s = s / float(sizedataset)
        #self.avg = MyRGBImg(color.lab2rgb(s))
        self.avg = s

        # small trick to align the image in the correct sense if they are 
        # squared
        if[0] ==[1]:
项目:colorNet-pytorch    作者:shufanwu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def val():

    i = 0
    for data, _ in val_loader:
        original_img = data[0].unsqueeze(1).float()
        gray_name = './gray/' + str(i) + '.jpg'
        for img in original_img:
            pic = img.squeeze().numpy()
            pic = pic.astype(np.float64)
            plt.imsave(gray_name, pic, cmap='gray')
        w = original_img.size()[2]
        h = original_img.size()[3]
        scale_img = data[1].unsqueeze(1).float()
        if have_cuda:
            original_img, scale_img = original_img.cuda(), scale_img.cuda()

        original_img, scale_img = Variable(original_img, volatile=True), Variable(scale_img)
        _, output = color_model(original_img, scale_img)
        color_img =, output[:, :, 0:w, 0:h]), 1)
        color_img =, 2, 3, 1))
        for img in color_img:
            img[:, :, 0:1] = img[:, :, 0:1] * 100
            img[:, :, 1:3] = img[:, :, 1:3] * 255 - 128
            img = img.astype(np.float64)
            img = lab2rgb(img)
            color_name = './colorimg/' + str(i) + '.jpg'
            plt.imsave(color_name, img)
            i += 1
        # use the follow method can't get the right image but I don't know why
        # color_img = torch.from_numpy(color_img.transpose((0, 3, 1, 2)))
        # sprite_img = make_grid(color_img)
        # color_name = './colorimg/'+str(i)+'.jpg'
        # save_image(sprite_img, color_name)
        # i += 1
项目:Comicolorization    作者:DwangoMediaVillage    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def array_to_image(
    # type: (any,any,any,any,any) -> typing.List[Image.Image]
    :param color_images_array: shape is [number of image, channel(3), width, height]
    :param gray_images_array: used when mode=='ab' or 'gray'
    :param mode: mode of input images array (RGB, Lab, ab, gray)
    :param color_normalize: normalize rgb color to [min(rgb_images_array) max(rgb_images_array)]
    if color_images_array is not None:
        color_images_array = chainer.cuda.to_cpu(color_images_array)

    if gray_images_array is not None:
        gray_images_array = chainer.cuda.to_cpu(gray_images_array)

    if mode == 'gray':
        color_images_array = numpy.concatenate([gray_images_array] * 3, axis=1)
        mode = 'RGB'

    if mode == 'ab':
        # concat gray image(luminance) and ab(chromaticity)
        color_images_array = chainer.cuda.to_cpu(color_images_array)
        color_images_array = numpy.concatenate((gray_images_array, color_images_array), axis=1)
        mode = 'Lab'

    color_images_array = color_images_array.transpose(0, 2, 3, 1)

    if mode == 'Lab':
        color_images_array = color_images_array.astype(dtype=numpy.float64)
        image_array_list = [lab2rgb(image_array) * 255 for image_array in color_images_array]
        color_images_array = numpy.concatenate(
            [numpy.expand_dims(image_array, axis=0) for image_array in image_array_list]
        mode = 'RGB'

    if mode == 'RGB':
        rgb_images_array = color_images_array
        raise ValueError('{} mode is not supported'.format(mode))

    # to uint8
    if color_normalize:
        minmax = (rgb_images_array.min(), rgb_images_array.max())
        if linedrawing is not None:
            minmax = (0, 1)
            minmax = (0, 255)

    def clip_image(x):
        x = (x - minmax[0]) / (minmax[1] - minmax[0]) * 255  # normalize to 0~255
        return numpy.float32(0 if x < 0 else (255 if x > 255 else x))

    rgb_images_array = numpy.vectorize(clip_image)(rgb_images_array)
    rgb_images_array = rgb_images_array.astype(numpy.uint8)
    return [Image.fromarray(image_array) for image_array in rgb_images_array]