Python skimage.draw 模块,circle() 实例源码


项目:uchroma    作者:cyanogen    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def circle(self, row: int, col: int, radius: float,
               color: ColorType, fill: bool=False, alpha=1.0) -> 'Layer':
        Draw a circle centered on the specified row and column,
        with the given radius.

        :param row: Center row of circle
        :param col: Center column of circle
        :param radius: Radius of circle
        :param color: Color to draw with
        :param fill: True if the circle should be filled

        :return: This frame instance
        if fill:
            rr, cc =, col, round(radius), shape=self.matrix.shape)
            self._draw(rr, cc, color, alpha)

            rr, cc, aa = draw.circle_perimeter_aa(row, col, round(radius), shape=self.matrix.shape)
            self._draw(rr, cc, color, aa)

        return self
项目:cancer    作者:yancz1989    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_img_mask(scan, h, nodules, nth=-1, z=None):
    h = spacing_z/spacing_xy
    nodules = list (x,y,z,r) of the nodule, in Voxel space
    specify nth or z. nth: the nth nodule
    if z is None:
        z = int(nodules[nth][2]);
    img = normalize(scan[z,:,:]);
    res = np.zeros(img.shape);
    #draw nodules
    for xyzd in nodules:
        r = xyzd[3]/2.0;
        dz = np.abs((xyzd[2]-z)*h);
        if dz>=r:continue
        rlayer = np.sqrt(r**2-dz**2);
        if rlayer<3:continue
        #create contour at xyzd[0],xyzd[1] with radius rlayer
        res[rr,cc] = 1;
    return img,res;
项目:chxanalys    作者:yugangzhang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_polygon_mask(  image, xcorners, ycorners   ):
    Give image and x/y coners to create a polygon mask    
    image: 2d array
    xcorners, list, points of x coners
    ycorners, list, points of y coners
    the polygon mask: 2d array, the polygon pixels with values 1 and others with 0


    from skimage.draw import line_aa, line, polygon, circle    
    imy, imx = image.shape 
    bst_mask = np.zeros_like( image , dtype = bool)   
    rr, cc = polygon( ycorners,xcorners)
    bst_mask[rr,cc] =1    
    #full_mask= ~bst_mask    
    return bst_mask
项目:chxanalys    作者:yugangzhang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_rectangle_mask(  image, xcorners, ycorners   ):
    Give image and x/y coners to create a rectangle mask    
    image: 2d array
    xcorners, list, points of x coners
    ycorners, list, points of y coners
    the polygon mask: 2d array, the polygon pixels with values 1 and others with 0


    from skimage.draw import line_aa, line, polygon, circle    
    imy, imx = image.shape 
    bst_mask = np.zeros_like( image , dtype = bool)   
    rr, cc = polygon( ycorners,xcorners)
    bst_mask[rr,cc] =1    
    #full_mask= ~bst_mask    
    return bst_mask
项目:luna16    作者:gzuidhof    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def process_failure(name):
    name = name.replace("mask","truth")
    name2 = name.replace("truth","")
    image,_,_ = image_read_write.load_itk_image(name2)
    #image_cropped = image[:,120:420,60:460]
    image_mask = np.zeros(image.shape)
    center = 256
    cc,rr = circle(center+20,center,160)
    image_mask[:,cc,rr] = 1
    image = image*image_mask

    kernel20 = np.zeros((15,15))
    cc,rr = circle(7,7,8)
    image = binary_closing(image, [kernel20],1)
    truth,_,_ = image_read_write.load_itk_image(name)
    print evaluator.calculate_dice(image,truth,name)
    image = np.array(image,dtype=np.int8)
项目:kaggle_dsb    作者:syagev    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def process_failure(name):
    name = name.replace("mask","truth")
    name2 = name.replace("truth","")
    image,_,_ = image_read_write.load_itk_image(name2)
    #image_cropped = image[:,120:420,60:460]
    image_mask = np.zeros(image.shape)
    center = 256
    cc,rr = circle(center+20,center,160)
    image_mask[:,cc,rr] = 1
    image = image*image_mask

    kernel20 = np.zeros((15,15))
    cc,rr = circle(7,7,8)
    image = binary_closing(image, [kernel20],1)
    truth,_,_ = image_read_write.load_itk_image(name)
    print evaluator.calculate_dice(image,truth,name)
    image = np.array(image,dtype=np.int8)
项目:uchroma    作者:cyanogen    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ellipse(self, row: int, col: int, radius_r: float, radius_c: float,
                color: ColorType, fill: bool=False, alpha: float=1.0) -> 'Layer':
        Draw an ellipse centered on the specified row and column,
        with the given radiuses.

        :param row: Center row of ellipse
        :param col: Center column of ellipse
        :param radius_r: Radius of ellipse on y axis
        :param radius_c: Radius of ellipse on x axis
        :param color: Color to draw with
        :param fill: True if the circle should be filled

        :return: This frame instance
        if fill:
            rr, cc = draw.ellipse(row, col, math.floor(radius_r), math.floor(radius_c),
            self._draw(rr, cc, color, alpha)

            rr, cc = draw.ellipse_perimeter(row, col, math.floor(radius_r), math.floor(radius_c),
            self._draw(rr, cc, color, alpha)

        return self
项目:gym-extensions    作者:Breakend    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def set_circular_observation(self, img, col_center, row_center, radius, color=(0,0,0)):
        rr,cc = circle(row_center, col_center, radius)
        # make sure within bounds of img
        rr[rr<0] = 0
        rr[rr>img.shape[0]-1] = img.shape[0]-1
        cc[cc<0] = 0
        cc[cc>img.shape[1]-1] = img.shape[1]-1
        img[rr,cc] = color
        return img
项目:Learning-to-navigate-without-a-map    作者:ToniRV    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def mask_grid(pos, grid, radius, one_is_free=True):
    """Mask a grid.

    pos : tuple
        the center of the circle (row, col)
        e.g. (2,3) = center at 3rd row, 4th column
    grid : numpy.ndarray
        should be a 2d matrix
        e.g. 8x8, 16x16, 28x28, 40x40
    imsize : tuple
        the grid size
    radius : int
        the length of the radius
    one_is_free : bool
        if True, then 1 is freezone, 0 is block
        if False, then 0 is freezone, 1 is block

    masked_grid : numpy.ndarray
        the masked grid
    mask = np.zeros_like(grid)
    new_grid = grid.copy()
    rr, cc =[0], pos[1], radius=radius,
    mask[rr, cc] = 1
    if one_is_free:
        return new_grid*mask, (rr, cc)
        masked_img = np.ones_like(new_grid)
        masked_img[rr, cc] = new_grid[rr, cc]
        return masked_img
项目:chxanalys    作者:yugangzhang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_wedge(  image, center, radius, wcors,  acute_angle=True) :
    '''YG develop at June 18, 2017, @CHX
        Create a wedge by a combination of circle and a triangle defined by center and wcors
        wcors: [ [x1,x2,x3...], [y1,y2,y3..]

    from skimage.draw import line_aa, line, polygon, circle
    imy, imx = image.shape   
    cy,cx = center
    x  = [cx] + list(wcors[0])
    y =  [cy] + list(wcors[1])

    maskc = np.zeros_like( image , dtype = bool) 
    rr, cc = circle( cy, cx, radius, shape = image.shape)
    maskc[rr,cc] =1  

    maskp = np.zeros_like( image , dtype = bool)
    x = np.array( x )  
    y = np.array( y ) 
    rr, cc = polygon( y,x)
    maskp[rr,cc] =1
    if acute_angle:
        return maskc*maskp
        return maskc*~maskp
项目:nuts-ml    作者:maet3608    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def annotation2pltpatch(annotation, **kwargs):
    Convert geometric annotation to matplotlib geometric objects (=patches)

    For details regarding matplotlib patches see:
    For annotation formats see:

    :param annotation annotation: Annotation of an image region such as
      point, circle, rect or polyline
    :return: matplotlib.patches
    :rtype: generator over matplotlib patches
    if not annotation or isnan(annotation):
    kind, geometries = annotation
    for geo in geometries:
        if kind == 'point':
            pltpatch = plp.CirclePolygon((geo[0], geo[1]), 1, **kwargs)
        elif kind == 'circle':
            pltpatch = plp.Circle((geo[0], geo[1]), geo[2], **kwargs)
        elif kind == 'rect':
            x, y, w, h = geo
            pltpatch = plp.Rectangle((x, y), w, h, **kwargs)
        elif kind == 'polyline':
            pltpatch = plp.Polygon(geo, closed=False, **kwargs)
            raise ValueError('Invalid kind of annotation: ' + kind)
        yield pltpatch
项目:nuts-ml    作者:maet3608    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def annotation2mask(image, annotations, pos=255):
    Convert geometric annotation to mask.

    For annotation formats see:

    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> img = np.zeros((3, 3), dtype='uint8')
    >>> anno = ('point', ((0, 1), (2, 0)))
    >>> annotation2mask(img, anno)
    array([[  0,   0, 255],
           [255,   0,   0],
           [  0,   0,   0]], dtype=uint8)

    :param annotation annotation: Annotation of an image region such as
      point, circle, rect or polyline
    :param int pos: Value to write in mask for regions defined by annotation
    :param numpy array image: Image annotation refers to.
      Returned mask will be of same size.
    :return: Mask with annotation
    :rtype: numpy array
    mask = np.zeros(image.shape[:2], dtype=np.uint8)
    for rr, cc in annotation2coords(image, annotations):
        mask[rr, cc] = pos
    return mask
项目:pyblur    作者:lospooky    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def DiskKernel(dim):
    kernelwidth = dim
    kernel = np.zeros((kernelwidth, kernelwidth), dtype=np.float32)
    circleCenterCoord = dim / 2
    circleRadius = circleCenterCoord +1

    rr, cc = circle(circleCenterCoord, circleCenterCoord, circleRadius)

    if(dim == 3 or dim == 5):
        kernel = Adjust(kernel, dim)

    normalizationFactor = np.count_nonzero(kernel)
    kernel = kernel / normalizationFactor
    return kernel
项目:tabea_video_project    作者:neilslater    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def circle_mask_blurred( img, radius, sig = 20 ):
    '''Creates a blurred circle, using supplied image as template for dimensions'''
    height, width, ch = img.shape
    centre_y = (height-1) / 2.
    centre_x = (width-1) / 2.
    img_copy = img.copy()
    img_copy[:, :, :] = (0.,0.,0.)
    rr, cc =, centre_x, radius, img.shape)
    img_copy[rr, cc, :] = (1.,1.,1.)
    img_copy = filters.gaussian(img_copy, sigma=sig, mode='nearest', multichannel=True)
    return img_copy
项目:MachineLearning    作者:timomernick    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def generate_image(width, height):
    image = np.zeros([height, width], dtype=np.float32)
    count = np.random.randint(min_count, max_count+1)
    half_size = dot_size/2
    for i in range(count):
        x = np.random.randint(half_size, width - half_size)
        y = np.random.randint(half_size, height - half_size)
        rr, cc = circle(x, y, half_size)
        image[rr, cc] = 1.0
    return image, count
项目:chxanalys    作者:yugangzhang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_cross_mask(  image, center, wy_left=4, wy_right=4, wx_up=4, wx_down=4,
                     center_circle = True, center_radius=10
    Give image and the beam center to create a cross-shaped mask
    wy_left: the width of left h-line
    wy_right: the width of rigth h-line
    wx_up: the width of up v-line
    wx_down: the width of down v-line
    center_circle: if True, create a circle with center and center_radius

    the cross mask
    from skimage.draw import line_aa, line, polygon, circle

    imy, imx = image.shape   
    cx,cy = center
    bst_mask = np.zeros_like( image , dtype = bool)   
    #for right part    
    wy = wy_right
    x = np.array( [ cx, imx, imx, cx  ])  
    y = np.array( [ cy-wy, cy-wy, cy + wy, cy + wy])
    rr, cc = polygon( y,x)
    bst_mask[rr,cc] =1

    #for left part    
    wy = wy_left
    x = np.array( [0,  cx, cx,0  ])  
    y = np.array( [ cy-wy, cy-wy, cy + wy, cy + wy])
    rr, cc = polygon( y,x)
    bst_mask[rr,cc] =1    

    #for up part    
    wx = wx_up
    x = np.array( [ cx-wx, cx + wx, cx+wx, cx-wx  ])  
    y = np.array( [ cy, cy, imy, imy])
    rr, cc = polygon( y,x)
    bst_mask[rr,cc] =1    

    #for low part    
    wx = wx_down
    x = np.array( [ cx-wx, cx + wx, cx+wx, cx-wx  ])  
    y = np.array( [ 0,0, cy, cy])
    rr, cc = polygon( y,x)
    bst_mask[rr,cc] =1   

    if center_radius!=0:
        rr, cc = circle( cy, cx, center_radius, shape = bst_mask.shape)
        bst_mask[rr,cc] =1   

    full_mask= ~bst_mask

    return full_mask