Python skimage.measure 模块,find_contours() 实例源码


项目:ASTRiDE    作者:dwkim78    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _detect_streaks(self):
        # Find contours.
        # Returned contours is the list of [row, columns] (i.e. [y, x])
        contours = measure.find_contours(
            self.image, self._std * self.contour_threshold, fully_connected='high'

        # Quantify shapes of the contours and save them as 'edges'.
        edge = EDGE(contours, min_points=self.min_points,
                    shape_cut=self.shape_cut, area_cut=self.area_cut,
        self.raw_borders = edge.get_edges()

        # Filter the edges, so only streak remains.

        # Set streaks variable.
        self.streaks = edge.get_edges()
项目:PyFRAP    作者:alexblaessle    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getContours(img,kernel=(10,10)):

    #Define kernel
    kernel = np.ones(kernel, np.uint8)

    #Open to erode small patches
    thresh = cv2.morphologyEx(img, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, kernel)

    #Close little holes
    thresh = cv2.morphologyEx(thresh, cv2.MORPH_CLOSE,kernel, iterations=4)

    #Find contours

    contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(thresh, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL,cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE)

    for c in contours:

    return contours,thresh,areas
项目:lddmm-ot    作者:jeanfeydy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def level_curves(fname, npoints = 200, smoothing = 10, level = 0.5) :
    "Loads regularly sampled curves from a .PNG image."
    # Find the contour lines
    img = misc.imread(fname, flatten = True) # Grayscale
    img = (img.T[:, ::-1])  / 255.
    img = gaussian_filter(img, smoothing, mode='nearest')
    lines = find_contours(img, level)

    # Compute the sampling ratio for every contour line
    lengths = np.array( [arclength(line) for line in lines] )
    points_per_line = np.ceil( npoints * lengths / np.sum(lengths) )

    # Interpolate accordingly
    points = [] ; connec = [] ; index_offset = 0
    for ppl, line in zip(points_per_line, lines) :
        (p, c) = resample(line, ppl)
        connec.append(c + index_offset)
        index_offset += len(p)

    size   = np.maximum(img.shape[0], img.shape[1])
    points = np.vstack(points) / size
    connec = np.vstack(connec)
    return Curve(points, connec)
# Pyplot Output =================================================================================
项目:lddmm-ot    作者:jeanfeydy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def level_curves(fname, npoints = 200, smoothing = 10, level = 0.5) :
    "Loads regularly sampled curves from a .PNG image."
    # Find the contour lines
    img = misc.imread(fname, flatten = True) # Grayscale
    img = (img.T[:, ::-1])  / 255.
    img = gaussian_filter(img, smoothing, mode='nearest')
    lines = find_contours(img, level)

    # Compute the sampling ratio for every contour line
    lengths = np.array( [arclength(line) for line in lines] )
    points_per_line = np.ceil( npoints * lengths / np.sum(lengths) )

    # Interpolate accordingly
    points = [] ; connec = [] ; index_offset = 0
    for ppl, line in zip(points_per_line, lines) :
        (p, c) = resample(line, ppl)
        connec.append(c + index_offset)
        index_offset += len(p)

    size   = np.maximum(img.shape[0], img.shape[1])
    points = np.vstack(points) / size
    connec = np.vstack(connec)
    return Curve(points, connec)
# Pyplot Output =================================================================================
项目:PassportEye    作者:konstantint    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, img_binary):
        cs = measure.find_contours(img_binary, 0.5)

        # Collect contours into RotatedBoxes
        results = []
        for c in cs:
            # Now examine the bounding box. If it is too small, we ignore the contour
            ll, ur = np.min(c, 0), np.max(c, 0)
            wh = ur - ll
            if wh[0]*wh[1] < self.min_area: continue

            # Finally, construct the rotatedbox. If its aspect ratio is too small, we ignore it
            rb = RotatedBox.from_points(c, self.box_type)
            if rb.height == 0 or rb.width/rb.height < self.min_box_aspect: continue

            # All tests fine, add to the list

        # Next sort and leave only max_boxes largest boxes by area
        results.sort(key = lambda x: -x.area)
        return self._merge_boxes(results[0:self.max_boxes])
项目:neith    作者:Rabrg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def extract_chars(pixels):
    # use sci-kit image to find the contours of the image
    contours = measure.find_contours(pixels, CONTOUR_LEVEL)
    # calls an algorithm on the contours to remove unwanted overlapping contours like the holes in 6's, 8's, and 9's
    contours = __remove_overlap_contours(contours)

    # populate a dictionary with key of the left most x coordinate of the contour and value of the resized contour
    resized_char_dict = dict()
    for n, contour in enumerate(contours):
        min, max = __get_min_max(contour)
        resized_contour = transform.resize(pixels[int(min[0]):int(max[0]), int(min[1]):int(max[1])], (32, 32))
        resized_char_dict[min[1]] = resized_contour

    # sort the map by key (left most x coordinate of the contour)
    sorted_dict = sorted(resized_char_dict.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(0))
    # extract the contours from the sorted dictionary into a list
    extracted_chars = np.asarray([i[1] for i in sorted_dict])
    # normalize the contours by subtracting 0.5 to each pixel value
    np.subtract(extracted_chars, 0.5, out=extracted_chars)
    return extracted_chars
项目:kaggle-dstl-satellite-imagery-feature-detection    作者:u1234x1234    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def polygonize_sk(mask, level):
    contours = measure.find_contours(mask, level)
    polys = []
    for contour in contours:
        if contour.shape[0] < 4:
        poly = Polygon(shell=contour[:, [1, 0]])
    polys = MultiPolygon(polys)
    return polys
项目:sudokuextract    作者:hbldh    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_contours(img, contour_param=0.8):
    # Find contours
    contours = find_contours(img, contour_param)
    # Sort with largest first.
    contours.sort(key=attrgetter('size'), reverse=True)
    return contours
项目:lddmm-ot    作者:jeanfeydy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def level_curves(fname, npoints, smoothing = 10, level = 0.5) :
    # Find the contour lines
    img = misc.imread(fname, flatten = True) # Grayscale
    img = img.T[:, ::-1]
    img = img / 255.
    img = gaussian_filter(img, smoothing, mode='nearest')
    lines = find_contours(img, level)

    # Compute the sampling ratio
    lengths = []
    for line in lines :
        lengths.append( arclength(line) )
    lengths = array(lengths)
    points_per_line = ceil( npoints * lengths / sum(lengths) )

    # Interpolate accordingly
    points = []
    connec = []
    index_offset = 0
    for ppl, line in zip(points_per_line, lines) :
        (p, c) = resample(line, ppl)
        connec.append(c + index_offset)
        index_offset += len(p)

    points = vstack(points)
    connec = vstack(connec)
    return Curve(points.ravel(), connec, 2) # Dimension 2 !
项目:BERNAISE    作者:gautelinga    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def main():
    cmd_kwargs = parse_command_line()

    image_path = cmd_kwargs.get("image", False)

    name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(image_path))[0]
    print name    

    if not image_path or not os.path.exists(image_path):
        info_on_red("Image does not exist.")

    image = misc.imread(image_path)
    image = np.array(np.array(np.mean(image[:, :, :3], 2), dtype=int)/255, dtype=float)

    contours = measure.find_contours(image, 0.5)

    nodes = contours[0][::10, 1::-1]
    nodes /= np.max(nodes)
    nodes[:, 1] = -nodes[:, 1]

    nodes_max = np.max(nodes, 0)
    nodes_min = np.min(nodes, 0)
    nodes[:, 1] -= nodes_min[1]
    nodes[:, 0] -= nodes_min[0]

    edges = round_trip_connect(0, len(nodes)-1)

    savefile_prefix = os.path.join(MESHES_DIR, name)
    np.savetxt(savefile_prefix + ".nodes", nodes)
    np.savetxt(savefile_prefix + ".edges", edges, fmt='%i')

    plot_edges(nodes, edges)
项目:imagepy    作者:Image-Py    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def mouse_down(self, ips, x, y, btn, **key): 
        lim = 5.0/key['canvas'].get_scale() 
        if btn==1 or btn==3:
            if ips.roi!= None:
                self.curobj = ips.roi.pick(x, y, lim)
            if not self.curobj in (None,True):return
            if ips.roi == None:
                msk = floodfill(ips.img, x, y, 
                    self.para['tor'], self.para['con']=='8-connect')
                conts = find_contours(msk, 0, 'high')
                ips.roi = shape2roi(polygonize(conts, btn==3))
            elif hasattr(ips.roi, 'topolygon'):
                shp = roi2shape(ips.roi.topolygon())
                oper = ''
                if key['shift']: oper = '+'
                elif key['ctrl']: oper = '-'
                elif self.curobj: return
                else: ips.roi=None

                msk = floodfill(ips.img, x, y, 
                    self.para['tor'], self.para['con']=='8-connect')
                conts = find_contours(msk, 0, 'high')
                cur = polygonize(conts, btn==3)
                if oper == '+':
                    ips.roi = shape2roi(shp.union(cur))
                elif oper == '-':
                    ips.roi = shape2roi(shp.difference(cur))
                else: ips.roi = shape2roi(cur)

            else: ips.roi = None

        ips.update = True
项目:imagepy    作者:Image-Py    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def mouse_down(self, ips, x, y, btn, **key): 
        lim = 5.0/key['canvas'].get_scale() 
        if btn==1 or btn==3:
            if ips.roi!= None:
                self.curobj = ips.roi.pick(x, y, lim)
      , self.curobj)
            if not self.curobj in (None,True):return
            if ips.roi == None:
                msk = floodfill(ips.img, x, y, 
                    self.para['tor'], self.para['con']=='8-connect')
                conts = find_contours(msk, 0, 'high')
                ips.roi = shape2roi(polygonize(conts, btn==3))
            elif hasattr(ips.roi, 'topolygon'):
                shp = roi2shape(ips.roi.topolygon())
                oper = ''
                if key['shift']: oper = '+'
                elif key['ctrl']: oper = '-'
                elif self.curobj: return
                else: ips.roi=None

                msk = floodfill(ips.img, x, y, 
                    self.para['tor'], self.para['con']=='8-connect')
                conts = find_contours(msk, 0, 'high')
                cur = polygonize(conts, btn==3)
                if oper == '+':
                    ips.roi = shape2roi(shp.union(cur))
                elif oper == '-':
                    ips.roi = shape2roi(shp.difference(cur))
                else: ips.roi = shape2roi(cur)

            else: ips.roi = None

        ips.update = True
项目:Level-Set    作者:Ramesh-X    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def show_fig2():
    contours = measure.find_contours(phi, 0)
    ax2 = fig2.add_subplot(111)
    ax2.imshow(img, interpolation='nearest',
    for n, contour in enumerate(contours):
        ax2.plot(contour[:, 1], contour[:, 0], linewidth=2)
项目:circletracking    作者:caspervdw    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def find_ellipse(image, mode='ellipse_aligned', min_length=24):
    """ Find bright ellipse contours on a black background.

    This routine thresholds the image (using the Otsu threshold), finds the
    longest contour and fits an ellipse to this contour.

    image : ndarray, 2d
    mode : {'ellipse', 'ellipse_aligned', 'circle'}
        'ellipse' or None finds an arbitrary ellipse (default)
        'circle' finds a circle
        'ellipse_aligned' finds an ellipse with its axes aligned along [x y] axes
    min_length : number, optional
        minimum length of the ellipse contour, in pixels. Default 24.

    yr, xr, yc, xc when dimension order was y, x (most common)
    xr, yr, xc, yc when dimension order was x, y
    assert image.ndim == 2
    # Threshold the image
    thresh = threshold_otsu(image)
    binary = image > thresh

    # Find the contours of 0.5 value. For a thresholded ellipse contour, this
    # likely finds 2 contours: the inner and the outer.
    contours = find_contours(binary, 0.5, fully_connected='high')
    if len(contours) == 0:
        raise ValueError('No contours found')

    # Eliminate short contours
    contours = [c for c in contours if len(c) >= min_length]

    # fit circles to the rest, keep the one with lowest residual deviation
    result = [np.nan] * 4
    residual = None
    for c in contours:
            (xr, yr), (xc, yc), _ = fit_ellipse(c.T, mode=mode)
            if np.any(np.isnan([xr, yr, xc, yc])):
            x, y = c.T
            r = np.sum((((xc - x)/xr)**2 + ((yc - y)/yr)**2 - 1)**2)/len(c)
            if residual is None or r < residual:
                result = xr, yr, xc, yc
                residual = r
        except np.linalg.LinAlgError:

    return result