def test_feature_union_fit_failure(): X, y = make_classification(n_samples=100, n_features=10, random_state=0) pipe = Pipeline([('union', FeatureUnion([('good', MockClassifier()), ('bad', FailingClassifier())], transformer_weights={'bad': 0.5})), ('clf', MockClassifier())]) grid = {'union__bad__parameter': [0, 1, 2]} gs = dcv.GridSearchCV(pipe, grid, refit=False, scoring=None) # Check that failure raises if error_score is `'raise'` with pytest.raises(ValueError): gs.fit(X, y) # Check that grid scores were set to error_score on failure gs.error_score = float('nan') with pytest.warns(FitFailedWarning): gs.fit(X, y) check_scores_all_nan(gs, 'union__bad__parameter')
def train(self, train_size=0.8, k_folds=5): # retrieve data from DB and pre-process self._get_data() # perform train/test split self._get_train_test_split(train_size=train_size) # define text pre-processing pipeline text_pipeline = Pipeline([ ('extract_text', DFColumnExtractor(TEXT_FEATURES)), ('vect', TfidfVectorizer(tokenizer=twitter_tokenizer)) ]) # define pipeline for pre-processing of numeric features numeric_pipeline = Pipeline([ ('extract_nums', DFColumnExtractor(NON_TEXT_FEATURES)), ('scaler', MinMaxScaler()) ]) # combine both steps into a single pipeline pipeline = Pipeline([ ('features', FeatureUnion([ ('text_processing', text_pipeline), ('num_processing', numeric_pipeline) ])), ('clf', self._estimator) ]) self.logger.info('Fitting model hyperparameters with {0}-fold CV'.format(k_folds)) gs = GridSearchCV(pipeline, self.params, n_jobs=-1, cv=k_folds) X = self.data.iloc[self.train_inds_, :] y = self.data[LABEL].values[self.train_inds_] gs.fit(X, y) self.logger.info('Validation set accuracy is {0}'.format(gs.best_score_)) self.gs_ = gs self.model_ = gs.best_estimator_
def test_feature_union_fit_failure_multiple_metrics(): scoring = {"score_1": _passthrough_scorer, "score_2": _passthrough_scorer} X, y = make_classification(n_samples=100, n_features=10, random_state=0) pipe = Pipeline([('union', FeatureUnion([('good', MockClassifier()), ('bad', FailingClassifier())], transformer_weights={'bad': 0.5})), ('clf', MockClassifier())]) grid = {'union__bad__parameter': [0, 1, 2]} gs = dcv.GridSearchCV(pipe, grid, refit=False, scoring=scoring) # Check that failure raises if error_score is `'raise'` with pytest.raises(ValueError): gs.fit(X, y) # Check that grid scores were set to error_score on failure gs.error_score = float('nan') with pytest.warns(FitFailedWarning): gs.fit(X, y) for key in scoring: check_scores_all_nan(gs, 'union__bad__parameter', score_key=key)
def test_feature_union_raises(): X, y = make_classification(n_samples=100, n_features=10, random_state=0) union = FeatureUnion([('tr0', MockClassifier()), ('tr1', MockClassifier())]) pipe = Pipeline([('union', union), ('est', MockClassifier())]) grid = {'union__tr2__parameter': [0, 1, 2]} gs = dcv.GridSearchCV(pipe, grid, refit=False) with pytest.raises(ValueError): gs.fit(X, y) grid = {'union__transformer_list': [[('one', MockClassifier())]]} gs = dcv.GridSearchCV(pipe, grid, refit=False) with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): gs.fit(X, y)
def __init__(self, lang=None, method=None, features=None): fs = [] if 'unigram' in features: fs.append(word_unigrams()) if 'bigram' in features: fs.append(word_bigrams()) if 'spelling' in features: fs.append(avg_spelling_error(lang=lang)) if 'punctuation' in features: fs.append(punctuation_features()) if 'char' in features: fs.append(char_ngrams()) fu = FeatureUnion(fs, n_jobs=1) self.pipeline = Pipeline([('features', fu), ('scale', Normalizer()), ('classifier', get_classifier(method=method))])
def create_union_model(params=None): def preprocessor(tweet): tweet = tweet.lower() for k in emo_repl_order: tweet = tweet.replace(k, emo_repl[k]) for r, repl in re_repl.iteritems(): tweet = re.sub(r, repl, tweet) return tweet.replace("-", " ").replace("_", " ") tfidf_ngrams = TfidfVectorizer(preprocessor=preprocessor, analyzer="word") ling_stats = LinguisticVectorizer() all_features = FeatureUnion( [('ling', ling_stats), ('tfidf', tfidf_ngrams)]) #all_features = FeatureUnion([('tfidf', tfidf_ngrams)]) #all_features = FeatureUnion([('ling', ling_stats)]) clf = MultinomialNB() pipeline = Pipeline([('all', all_features), ('clf', clf)]) if params: pipeline.set_params(**params) return pipeline
def init_model(): # “????”?? f_trunk = QuestionTrunkVectorizer(tokenizer=tokenize) # Word2Vec ???? f_word2vec = Question2VecVectorizer(tokenizer=tokenize) # ???? (400 ?) union_features = FeatureUnion([ ('f_trunk_lsa', Pipeline([ ('trunk', f_trunk), # ??_????: ?????? (LSA) ('lsa', TruncatedSVD(n_components=200, n_iter=10)) ])), ('f_word2vec', f_word2vec), ]) model = Pipeline([('union', union_features), ('clf', LinearSVC(C=0.02))]) return model
def __add__(self, other): """ Returns: :py:class:`ibex.sklearn.pipeline.FeatureUnion` """ if isinstance(self, FeatureUnion): self_features = [e[1] for e in self.transformer_list] else: self_features = [self] if isinstance(other, FeatureUnion): other_features = [e[1] for e in other.transformer_list] else: other_features = [other] combined = self_features + other_features return FeatureUnion(_make_pipeline_steps(combined))
def make_union(*transformers, **kwargs): """Construct a FeatureUnion with alternative estimators to search over Parameters ---------- steps Each step is specified as one of: * an estimator instance * None (meaning no features) * a list of the above, indicating that a grid search should alternate over the estimators (or None) in the list kwargs Keyword arguments to the constructor of :class:`sklearn.pipeline.FeatureUnion`. Notes ----- Each step is named according to the set of estimator types in its list: * if a step has only one type of estimator (disregarding None), it takes that estimator's class name (lowercased) * if a step has estimators of mixed type, the step is named 'alt' * if there are multiple steps of the same name using the above rules, a suffix '-1', '-2', etc. is added. """ steps, grid = _name_steps(transformers) return set_grid(_FeatureUnion(steps, **kwargs), **grid)
def get_pipeline(sample_col, parallel_jobs=None): feat_ext_objs = [feat_ext_class(sample_col) for feat_ext_class in get_objs(FEAT_EXTS_DIR, 'Worker')] feat_ext_tuples = [(feat_ext_obj.feature_name, feat_ext_obj) for feat_ext_obj in feat_ext_objs] pipeline = Pipeline([ ('features', FeatureUnion(feat_ext_tuples, n_jobs=parallel_jobs)), ('describe_data', describe_data.Transformer()), ('classifier', MultinomialNB()), ]) return pipeline
def test_feature_union(weights): X = np.ones((10, 5)) y = np.zeros(10) union = FeatureUnion([('tr0', ScalingTransformer()), ('tr1', ScalingTransformer()), ('tr2', ScalingTransformer())]) factors = [(2, 3, 5), (2, 4, 5), (2, 4, 6), (2, 4, None), (None, None, None)] params, sols, grid = [], [], [] for constants, w in product(factors, weights or [None]): p = {} for n, c in enumerate(constants): if c is None: p['tr%d' % n] = None elif n == 3: # 3rd is always an estimator p['tr%d' % n] = ScalingTransformer(c) else: p['tr%d__factor' % n] = c sol = union.set_params(transformer_weights=w, **p).transform(X) sols.append(sol) if w is not None: p['transformer_weights'] = w params.append(p) p2 = {'union__' + k: [v] for k, v in p.items()} p2['est'] = [CheckXClassifier(sol[0])] grid.append(p2) # Need to recreate the union after setting estimators to `None` above union = FeatureUnion([('tr0', ScalingTransformer()), ('tr1', ScalingTransformer()), ('tr2', ScalingTransformer())]) pipe = Pipeline([('union', union), ('est', CheckXClassifier())]) gs = dcv.GridSearchCV(pipe, grid, refit=False, cv=2) with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True): gs.fit(X, y)
def feature_union_concat(Xs, nsamples, weights): """Apply weights and concatenate outputs from a FeatureUnion""" if any(x is FIT_FAILURE for x in Xs): return FIT_FAILURE Xs = [X if w is None else X * w for X, w in zip(Xs, weights) if X is not None] if not Xs: return np.zeros((nsamples, 0)) if any(sparse.issparse(f) for f in Xs): return sparse.hstack(Xs).tocsr() return np.hstack(Xs) # Current set_params isn't threadsafe
def construct_pipeline(classifier): """ This function creates a feature extraction pipeline that accepts data from a CorpusLoader and appends the classification model to the end of the pipeline, returning a newly constructed Pipeline object that is ready to be fit and trained! """ return Pipeline([ # Create a Feature Union of Text Stats and Bag of Words ('union', FeatureUnion( transformer_list = [ # Pipeline for pulling document structure features ('stats', Pipeline([ ('stats', TextStats()), ('vect', DictVectorizer()), ])), # Pipeline for creating a bag of words TF-IDF vector ('bow', Pipeline([ ('tokens', TextNormalizer()), ('tfidf', TfidfVectorizer( tokenizer=identity, preprocessor=None, lowercase=False )), ('best', TruncatedSVD(n_components=1000)), ])), ], # weight components in feature union transformer_weights = { 'stats': 0.15, 'bow': 0.85, }, )), # Append the estimator to the end of the pipeline ('classifier', classifier), ])
def get_feature_transformer(parser, run_grammar=True, run_tfidf=True): ''' Creates a transformer object that will take a text series and generate TFIDF counts and frequency of syntactical structures. Suitable for use as a step in a SKLearn Pipeline. inputs: parser: a Spacy pipeline object returns: feature transformer: FeatureUnion ''' tfidf = Pipeline([ ('cln', CleanTextTransformer()), ('pre', PreTokenizer(parser=parser)), ('vect', TfidfVectorizer( max_features=3000, decode_error='replace')), ('clf', None) ]) grammar_counter = Pipeline([ ('cln', CleanTextTransformer()), ('grm', GrammarTransformer(parser=parser)), ('to_dict', DictVectorizer()), ('clf', None) ]) if run_grammar and run_tfidf: print('Running both feature sets.') feature_transformer = FeatureUnion([("tfidf", tfidf), ('grammar_counter', grammar_counter)]) elif not run_grammar: print('Running only TFIDF.') feature_transformer = FeatureUnion([("tfidf", tfidf)]) elif not run_tfidf: print('Running only PCFGs.') feature_transformer = FeatureUnion([('grammar_counter', grammar_counter)]) return feature_transformer
def __init__(self, transformer_list, n_jobs=1, transformer_weights=None, as_index=True): pipeline.FeatureUnion.__init__( self, transformer_list, n_jobs, transformer_weights) FrameMixin.__init__(self) self._as_index = as_index # Tmp Ami - get docstrings from sklearn.
def test_feature_union(): # basic sanity check for feature union iris = load_iris() X = iris.data X -= X.mean(axis=0) y = iris.target svd = TruncatedSVD(n_components=2, random_state=0) select = SelectKBest(k=1) fs = FeatureUnion([("svd", svd), ("select", select)]) fs.fit(X, y) X_transformed = fs.transform(X) assert_equal(X_transformed.shape, (X.shape[0], 3)) # check if it does the expected thing assert_array_almost_equal(X_transformed[:, :-1], svd.fit_transform(X)) assert_array_equal(X_transformed[:, -1], select.fit_transform(X, y).ravel()) # test if it also works for sparse input # We use a different svd object to control the random_state stream fs = FeatureUnion([("svd", svd), ("select", select)]) X_sp = sparse.csr_matrix(X) X_sp_transformed = fs.fit_transform(X_sp, y) assert_array_almost_equal(X_transformed, X_sp_transformed.toarray()) # test setting parameters fs.set_params(select__k=2) assert_equal(fs.fit_transform(X, y).shape, (X.shape[0], 4)) # test it works with transformers missing fit_transform fs = FeatureUnion([("mock", TransfT()), ("svd", svd), ("select", select)]) X_transformed = fs.fit_transform(X, y) assert_equal(X_transformed.shape, (X.shape[0], 8))
def test_feature_union_weights(): # test feature union with transformer weights iris = load_iris() X = iris.data y = iris.target pca = PCA(n_components=2, svd_solver='randomized', random_state=0) select = SelectKBest(k=1) # test using fit followed by transform fs = FeatureUnion([("pca", pca), ("select", select)], transformer_weights={"pca": 10}) fs.fit(X, y) X_transformed = fs.transform(X) # test using fit_transform fs = FeatureUnion([("pca", pca), ("select", select)], transformer_weights={"pca": 10}) X_fit_transformed = fs.fit_transform(X, y) # test it works with transformers missing fit_transform fs = FeatureUnion([("mock", TransfT()), ("pca", pca), ("select", select)], transformer_weights={"mock": 10}) X_fit_transformed_wo_method = fs.fit_transform(X, y) # check against expected result # We use a different pca object to control the random_state stream assert_array_almost_equal(X_transformed[:, :-1], 10 * pca.fit_transform(X)) assert_array_equal(X_transformed[:, -1], select.fit_transform(X, y).ravel()) assert_array_almost_equal(X_fit_transformed[:, :-1], 10 * pca.fit_transform(X)) assert_array_equal(X_fit_transformed[:, -1], select.fit_transform(X, y).ravel()) assert_equal(X_fit_transformed_wo_method.shape, (X.shape[0], 7))
def test_feature_union_feature_names(): word_vect = CountVectorizer(analyzer="word") char_vect = CountVectorizer(analyzer="char_wb", ngram_range=(3, 3)) ft = FeatureUnion([("chars", char_vect), ("words", word_vect)]) ft.fit(JUNK_FOOD_DOCS) feature_names = ft.get_feature_names() for feat in feature_names: assert_true("chars__" in feat or "words__" in feat) assert_equal(len(feature_names), 35)
def prop_vectorizer(train_docs, which, stats=None, n_most_common_tok=1000, n_most_common_dep=1000, return_transf=False): # One pass to compute training corpus statistics. train_docs = list(train_docs) if stats is None: stats = stats_train(train_docs) lemma_freqs, _, dep_freqs, _, _ = stats # vectorize BOW-style features lemma_vocab = [w for w, _ in lemma_freqs[:n_most_common_tok]] dep_vocab = [p for p, _ in dep_freqs[:n_most_common_dep]] vects = dict(lemmas=dict(vocabulary=lemma_vocab, lowercase=True), dependency_tuples=dict(vocabulary=dep_vocab), pos={}, discourse={}, indicators={}, indicator_preceding_in_para={}, indicator_following_in_para={}) raw_keys = ['is_first_in_para', 'is_last_in_para', 'toks_to_sent_ratio', 'relative_in_para', 'first_person_any', 'root_vb_modal', 'root_vb_tense'] nrm_keys = ['n_tokens', 'n_toks_in_sent', 'n_toks_in_para', 'n_toks_preceding_in_sent', 'n_toks_following_in_sent', 'preceding_props_in_para', 'following_props_in_para', 'parse_tree_height', 'n_subordinate_clauses'] if which == 'ukp': raw_keys += ['is_in_intro', 'is_in_conclusion', 'has_shared_np_intro', 'has_shared_vp_intro', 'has_shared_np_conclusion', 'has_shared_vp_conclusion'] nrm_keys += ['n_shared_np_intro', 'n_shared_vp_intro', 'n_shared_np_conclusion', 'n_shared_vp_conclusion'] # load embeds embed_vocab, embeds = load_embeds(which) vect_list = list(make_union_prop(vects)) + [ ('raw', FilteredDictVectorizer(raw_keys)), ('nrm', make_pipeline(FilteredDictVectorizer(nrm_keys, sparse=False), MinMaxScaler((0, 1)))), ('embeds', EmbeddingVectorizer(embeds, embed_vocab))] if which == 'ukp': vect_list.append(('proba', PrecedingStats())) vect = FeatureUnion(vect_list) train_feats = [f for doc in train_docs for f in doc.prop_features] if return_transf: X_tr = vect.fit_transform(train_feats) return vect, X_tr else: return vect.fit(train_feats)
def link_vectorizer(train_docs, stats=None, n_most_common=1000, return_transf=False): # One pass to compute training corpus statistics. train_docs = list(train_docs) if stats is None: stats = stats_train(train_docs) lemma_freqs, prod_freqs, _, pmi_incoming, pmi_outgoing = stats # vectorize BOW-style features lemma_vocab = [w for w, _ in lemma_freqs[:n_most_common]] prod_vocab = [p for p, _ in prod_freqs[:n_most_common]] vects = dict(lemmas=dict(vocabulary=lemma_vocab, lowercase=True), productions=dict(vocabulary=prod_vocab), pos={}, discourse={}, indicators={}, indicator_preceding_in_para={}, indicator_following_in_para={}) raw_keys = ['src__is_first_in_para', 'src__is_last_in_para', 'trg__is_first_in_para', 'trg__is_last_in_para', 'same_sentence', 'src_precedes_trg', 'trg_precedes_src', 'any_shared_nouns', 'src__pmi_pos_ratio', 'src__pmi_neg_ratio', 'trg__pmi_pos_ratio', 'trg__pmi_neg_ratio', 'src__pmi_pos_any', 'src__pmi_neg_any', 'trg__pmi_pos_any', 'trg__pmi_neg_any', ] nrm_keys = ['src__n_tokens', 'trg__n_tokens', 'props_between', 'n_props', 'n_shared_nouns'] vect_list = list(make_union_link(vects)) + [ ('raw', FilteredDictVectorizer(raw_keys)), ('nrm', make_pipeline( FilteredDictVectorizer(nrm_keys, sparse=False), MinMaxScaler((0, 1))))] vect = FeatureUnion(vect_list) train_feats = [f for doc in train_docs for f in doc.features] [add_pmi_features(f, pmi_incoming, pmi_outgoing) for f in train_feats] if return_transf: X_tr = vect.fit_transform(train_feats) return vect, X_tr else: return vect.fit(train_feats)
def fit_logreg(self): tokenize_sense = CachedFitTransform(Pipeline([ ('tokenize', Map(compose(tokenize, normalize_special, unescape))), ('normalize', MapTokens(normalize_elongations)), ]), self.memory) features = FeatureUnion([ # ('w2v_doc', ToCorporas(Pipeline([ # ('tokenize', MapCorporas(tokenize_sense)), # ('feature', MergeSliceCorporas(Doc2VecTransform(CachedFitTransform(Doc2Vec( # dm=0, dbow_words=1, size=100, window=10, hs=0, negative=5, sample=1e-3, min_count=1, iter=20, # workers=16 # ), self.memory)))), # ]).fit([self.train_docs, self.unsup_docs[:10**6], self.val_docs, self.test_docs]))), # ('w2v_word_avg', Pipeline([ # ('tokenize', tokenize_sense), # ('feature', Word2VecAverage(CachedFitTransform(Word2Vec( # sg=1, size=100, window=10, hs=0, negative=5, sample=1e-3, min_count=1, iter=20, workers=16 # ), self.memory))), # ]).fit(self.unsup_docs[:10**6])), # ('w2v_word_avg_google', Pipeline([ # ('tokenize', tokenize_sense), # ('feature', Word2VecAverage(joblib.load('data/google/GoogleNews-vectors-negative300.pickle'))), # ])), # ('w2v_word_norm_avg', Pipeline([ # ('tokenize', tokenize_sense), # ('feature', Word2VecNormAverage(CachedFitTransform(Word2Vec( # sg=1, size=100, window=10, hs=0, negative=5, sample=1e-3, min_count=1, iter=20, workers=16 # ), self.memory))), # ]).fit(self.unsup_docs[:10**6])), ('w2v_word_norm_avg_google', Pipeline([ ('tokenize', tokenize_sense), ('feature', Word2VecNormAverage(joblib.load('data/google/GoogleNews-vectors-negative300.pickle'))), ])), # ('w2v_word_max', Pipeline([ # ('tokenize', tokenize_sense), # ('feature', Word2VecMax(CachedFitTransform(Word2Vec( # sg=1, size=100, window=10, hs=0, negative=5, sample=1e-3, min_count=1, iter=20, workers=16 # ), self.memory))), # ]).fit(self.unsup_docs[:10**6])), # ('w2v_word_max_google', Pipeline([ # ('tokenize', tokenize_sense), # ('feature', Word2VecMax(joblib.load('data/google/GoogleNews-vectors-negative300.pickle'))), # ])), # ('w2v_word_inv', ToCorporas(Pipeline([ # ('tokenize', MapCorporas(tokenize_sense)), # ('feature', MergeSliceCorporas(Word2VecInverse(CachedFitTransform(Word2Vec( # sg=1, size=100, window=10, hs=0, negative=5, sample=0, min_count=1, iter=20, workers=16 # ), self.memory)))), # ]).fit([self.train_docs, self.unsup_docs[:10**5], self.val_docs, self.test_docs]))), ]) classifier = LogisticRegression() with temp_log_level({'gensim.models.word2vec': logging.INFO}): classifier.fit(features.transform(self.train_docs), self.train_labels()) estimator = Pipeline([('features', features), ('classifier', classifier)]) return 'logreg({})'.format(','.join(name for name, _ in features.transformer_list)), estimator
def test_pipeline_feature_union(): iris = load_iris() X, y = iris.data, iris.target pca = PCA(random_state=0) kbest = SelectKBest() empty_union = FeatureUnion([('first', None), ('second', None)]) empty_pipeline = Pipeline([('first', None), ('second', None)]) scaling = Pipeline([('transform', ScalingTransformer())]) svc = SVC(kernel='linear', random_state=0) pipe = Pipeline([('empty_pipeline', empty_pipeline), ('scaling', scaling), ('missing', None), ('union', FeatureUnion([('pca', pca), ('missing', None), ('kbest', kbest), ('empty_union', empty_union)], transformer_weights={'pca': 0.5})), ('svc', svc)]) param_grid = dict(scaling__transform__factor=[1, 2], union__pca__n_components=[1, 2, 3], union__kbest__k=[1, 2], svc__C=[0.1, 1, 10]) gs = GridSearchCV(pipe, param_grid=param_grid) gs.fit(X, y) dgs = dcv.GridSearchCV(pipe, param_grid=param_grid, scheduler='sync') dgs.fit(X, y) # Check best params match assert gs.best_params_ == dgs.best_params_ # Check PCA components match sk_pca = gs.best_estimator_.named_steps['union'].transformer_list[0][1] dk_pca = dgs.best_estimator_.named_steps['union'].transformer_list[0][1] np.testing.assert_allclose(sk_pca.components_, dk_pca.components_) # Check SelectKBest scores match sk_kbest = gs.best_estimator_.named_steps['union'].transformer_list[2][1] dk_kbest = dgs.best_estimator_.named_steps['union'].transformer_list[2][1] np.testing.assert_allclose(sk_kbest.scores_, dk_kbest.scores_) # Check SVC coefs match np.testing.assert_allclose(gs.best_estimator_.named_steps['svc'].coef_, dgs.best_estimator_.named_steps['svc'].coef_)
def test_feature_union_parallel(): # test that n_jobs work for FeatureUnion X = JUNK_FOOD_DOCS fs = FeatureUnion([ ("words", CountVectorizer(analyzer='word')), ("chars", CountVectorizer(analyzer='char')), ]) fs_parallel = FeatureUnion([ ("words", CountVectorizer(analyzer='word')), ("chars", CountVectorizer(analyzer='char')), ], n_jobs=2) fs_parallel2 = FeatureUnion([ ("words", CountVectorizer(analyzer='word')), ("chars", CountVectorizer(analyzer='char')), ], n_jobs=2) fs.fit(X) X_transformed = fs.transform(X) assert_equal(X_transformed.shape[0], len(X)) fs_parallel.fit(X) X_transformed_parallel = fs_parallel.transform(X) assert_equal(X_transformed.shape, X_transformed_parallel.shape) assert_array_equal( X_transformed.toarray(), X_transformed_parallel.toarray() ) # fit_transform should behave the same X_transformed_parallel2 = fs_parallel2.fit_transform(X) assert_array_equal( X_transformed.toarray(), X_transformed_parallel2.toarray() ) # transformers should stay fit after fit_transform X_transformed_parallel2 = fs_parallel2.transform(X) assert_array_equal( X_transformed.toarray(), X_transformed_parallel2.toarray() )