Python sqlalchemy.orm.session 模块,set() 实例源码


项目:pyetje    作者:rorlika    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _validator_events(desc, key, validator, include_removes):
    """Runs a validation method on an attribute value to be set or appended."""

    if include_removes:
        def append(state, value, initiator):
            return validator(state.obj(), key, value, False)

        def set_(state, value, oldvalue, initiator):
            return validator(state.obj(), key, value, False)

        def remove(state, value, initiator):
            validator(state.obj(), key, value, True)
        def append(state, value, initiator):
            return validator(state.obj(), key, value)

        def set_(state, value, oldvalue, initiator):
            return validator(state.obj(), key, value)

    event.listen(desc, 'append', append, raw=True, retval=True)
    event.listen(desc, 'set', set_, raw=True, retval=True)
    if include_removes:
        event.listen(desc, "remove", remove, raw=True, retval=True)
项目:Flask_Blog    作者:sugarguo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __new__(cls, value_list):
        if isinstance(value_list, util.string_types) or value_list is None:
            return cls.from_string(value_list)
        values = set(value_list)
        if values.difference(cls._allowed_cascades):
            raise sa_exc.ArgumentError(
                "Invalid cascade option(s): %s" %
                ", ".join([repr(x) for x in

        if "all" in values:
        if "none" in values:

        self = frozenset.__new__(CascadeOptions, values)
        self.save_update = 'save-update' in values
        self.delete = 'delete' in values
        self.refresh_expire = 'refresh-expire' in values
        self.merge = 'merge' in values
        self.expunge = 'expunge' in values
        self.delete_orphan = "delete-orphan" in values

        if self.delete_orphan and not self.delete:
            util.warn("The 'delete-orphan' cascade "
                      "option requires 'delete'.")
        return self
项目:Flask_Blog    作者:sugarguo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def randomize_unitofwork():
    """Use random-ordering sets within the unit of work in order
    to detect unit of work sorting issues.

    This is a utility function that can be used to help reproduce
    inconsistent unit of work sorting issues.   For example,
    if two kinds of objects A and B are being inserted, and
    B has a foreign key reference to A - the A must be inserted first.
    However, if there is no relationship between A and B, the unit of work
    won't know to perform this sorting, and an operation may or may not
    fail, depending on how the ordering works out.   Since Python sets
    and dictionaries have non-deterministic ordering, such an issue may
    occur on some runs and not on others, and in practice it tends to
    have a great dependence on the state of the interpreter.  This leads
    to so-called "heisenbugs" where changing entirely irrelevant aspects
    of the test program still cause the failure behavior to change.

    By calling ``randomize_unitofwork()`` when a script first runs, the
    ordering of a key series of sets within the unit of work implementation
    are randomized, so that the script can be minimized down to the
    fundamental mapping and operation that's failing, while still reproducing
    the issue on at least some runs.

    This utility is also available when running the test suite via the
    ``--reversetop`` flag.

    .. versionadded:: 0.8.1 created a standalone version of the
       ``--reversetop`` feature.

    from sqlalchemy.orm import unitofwork, session, mapper, dependency
    from sqlalchemy.util import topological
    from sqlalchemy.testing.util import RandomSet
    topological.set = unitofwork.set = session.set = mapper.set = \
        dependency.set = RandomSet
项目:QXSConsolas    作者:qxsch    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __new__(cls, value_list):
        if isinstance(value_list, util.string_types) or value_list is None:
            return cls.from_string(value_list)
        values = set(value_list)
        if values.difference(cls._allowed_cascades):
            raise sa_exc.ArgumentError(
                "Invalid cascade option(s): %s" %
                ", ".join([repr(x) for x in

        if "all" in values:
        if "none" in values:

        self = frozenset.__new__(CascadeOptions, values)
        self.save_update = 'save-update' in values
        self.delete = 'delete' in values
        self.refresh_expire = 'refresh-expire' in values
        self.merge = 'merge' in values
        self.expunge = 'expunge' in values
        self.delete_orphan = "delete-orphan" in values

        if self.delete_orphan and not self.delete:
            util.warn("The 'delete-orphan' cascade "
                      "option requires 'delete'.")
        return self
项目:QXSConsolas    作者:qxsch    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def randomize_unitofwork():
    """Use random-ordering sets within the unit of work in order
    to detect unit of work sorting issues.

    This is a utility function that can be used to help reproduce
    inconsistent unit of work sorting issues.   For example,
    if two kinds of objects A and B are being inserted, and
    B has a foreign key reference to A - the A must be inserted first.
    However, if there is no relationship between A and B, the unit of work
    won't know to perform this sorting, and an operation may or may not
    fail, depending on how the ordering works out.   Since Python sets
    and dictionaries have non-deterministic ordering, such an issue may
    occur on some runs and not on others, and in practice it tends to
    have a great dependence on the state of the interpreter.  This leads
    to so-called "heisenbugs" where changing entirely irrelevant aspects
    of the test program still cause the failure behavior to change.

    By calling ``randomize_unitofwork()`` when a script first runs, the
    ordering of a key series of sets within the unit of work implementation
    are randomized, so that the script can be minimized down to the
    fundamental mapping and operation that's failing, while still reproducing
    the issue on at least some runs.

    This utility is also available when running the test suite via the
    ``--reversetop`` flag.

    .. versionadded:: 0.8.1 created a standalone version of the
       ``--reversetop`` feature.

    from sqlalchemy.orm import unitofwork, session, mapper, dependency
    from sqlalchemy.util import topological
    from sqlalchemy.testing.util import RandomSet
    topological.set = unitofwork.set = session.set = mapper.set = \
        dependency.set = RandomSet
项目:flasky    作者:RoseOu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __new__(cls, arg):
        values = set([
            c for c
            in re.split('\s*,\s*', arg or "")
            if c

        if values.difference(cls._allowed_cascades):
            raise sa_exc.ArgumentError(
                "Invalid cascade option(s): %s" %
                ", ".join([repr(x) for x in

        if "all" in values:
        if "none" in values:

        self = frozenset.__new__(CascadeOptions, values)
        self.save_update = 'save-update' in values
        self.delete = 'delete' in values
        self.refresh_expire = 'refresh-expire' in values
        self.merge = 'merge' in values
        self.expunge = 'expunge' in values
        self.delete_orphan = "delete-orphan" in values

        if self.delete_orphan and not self.delete:
            util.warn("The 'delete-orphan' cascade "
                      "option requires 'delete'.")
        return self
项目:flasky    作者:RoseOu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def randomize_unitofwork():
    """Use random-ordering sets within the unit of work in order
    to detect unit of work sorting issues.

    This is a utility function that can be used to help reproduce
    inconsistent unit of work sorting issues.   For example,
    if two kinds of objects A and B are being inserted, and
    B has a foreign key reference to A - the A must be inserted first.
    However, if there is no relationship between A and B, the unit of work
    won't know to perform this sorting, and an operation may or may not
    fail, depending on how the ordering works out.   Since Python sets
    and dictionaries have non-deterministic ordering, such an issue may
    occur on some runs and not on others, and in practice it tends to
    have a great dependence on the state of the interpreter.  This leads
    to so-called "heisenbugs" where changing entirely irrelevant aspects
    of the test program still cause the failure behavior to change.

    By calling ``randomize_unitofwork()`` when a script first runs, the
    ordering of a key series of sets within the unit of work implementation
    are randomized, so that the script can be minimized down to the
    fundamental mapping and operation that's failing, while still reproducing
    the issue on at least some runs.

    This utility is also available when running the test suite via the
    ``--reversetop`` flag.

    .. versionadded:: 0.8.1 created a standalone version of the
       ``--reversetop`` feature.

    from sqlalchemy.orm import unitofwork, session, mapper, dependency
    from sqlalchemy.util import topological
    from sqlalchemy.testing.util import RandomSet
    topological.set = unitofwork.set = session.set = mapper.set = \
        dependency.set = RandomSet
项目:oa_qian    作者:sunqb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __new__(cls, arg):
        values = set([
            c for c
            in re.split('\s*,\s*', arg or "")
            if c

        if values.difference(cls._allowed_cascades):
            raise sa_exc.ArgumentError(
                "Invalid cascade option(s): %s" %
                ", ".join([repr(x) for x in

        if "all" in values:
        if "none" in values:

        self = frozenset.__new__(CascadeOptions, values)
        self.save_update = 'save-update' in values
        self.delete = 'delete' in values
        self.refresh_expire = 'refresh-expire' in values
        self.merge = 'merge' in values
        self.expunge = 'expunge' in values
        self.delete_orphan = "delete-orphan" in values

        if self.delete_orphan and not self.delete:
            util.warn("The 'delete-orphan' cascade "
                      "option requires 'delete'.")
        return self
项目:oa_qian    作者:sunqb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def randomize_unitofwork():
    """Use random-ordering sets within the unit of work in order
    to detect unit of work sorting issues.

    This is a utility function that can be used to help reproduce
    inconsistent unit of work sorting issues.   For example,
    if two kinds of objects A and B are being inserted, and
    B has a foreign key reference to A - the A must be inserted first.
    However, if there is no relationship between A and B, the unit of work
    won't know to perform this sorting, and an operation may or may not
    fail, depending on how the ordering works out.   Since Python sets
    and dictionaries have non-deterministic ordering, such an issue may
    occur on some runs and not on others, and in practice it tends to
    have a great dependence on the state of the interpreter.  This leads
    to so-called "heisenbugs" where changing entirely irrelevant aspects
    of the test program still cause the failure behavior to change.

    By calling ``randomize_unitofwork()`` when a script first runs, the
    ordering of a key series of sets within the unit of work implementation
    are randomized, so that the script can be minimized down to the
    fundamental mapping and operation that's failing, while still reproducing
    the issue on at least some runs.

    This utility is also available when running the test suite via the
    ``--reversetop`` flag.

    .. versionadded:: 0.8.1 created a standalone version of the
       ``--reversetop`` feature.

    from sqlalchemy.orm import unitofwork, session, mapper, dependency
    from sqlalchemy.util import topological
    from sqlalchemy.testing.util import RandomSet
    topological.set = unitofwork.set = session.set = mapper.set = \
        dependency.set = RandomSet
项目:chihu    作者:yelongyu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __new__(cls, value_list):
        if isinstance(value_list, util.string_types) or value_list is None:
            return cls.from_string(value_list)
        values = set(value_list)
        if values.difference(cls._allowed_cascades):
            raise sa_exc.ArgumentError(
                "Invalid cascade option(s): %s" %
                ", ".join([repr(x) for x in

        if "all" in values:
        if "none" in values:

        self = frozenset.__new__(CascadeOptions, values)
        self.save_update = 'save-update' in values
        self.delete = 'delete' in values
        self.refresh_expire = 'refresh-expire' in values
        self.merge = 'merge' in values
        self.expunge = 'expunge' in values
        self.delete_orphan = "delete-orphan" in values

        if self.delete_orphan and not self.delete:
            util.warn("The 'delete-orphan' cascade "
                      "option requires 'delete'.")
        return self
项目:chihu    作者:yelongyu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def randomize_unitofwork():
    """Use random-ordering sets within the unit of work in order
    to detect unit of work sorting issues.

    This is a utility function that can be used to help reproduce
    inconsistent unit of work sorting issues.   For example,
    if two kinds of objects A and B are being inserted, and
    B has a foreign key reference to A - the A must be inserted first.
    However, if there is no relationship between A and B, the unit of work
    won't know to perform this sorting, and an operation may or may not
    fail, depending on how the ordering works out.   Since Python sets
    and dictionaries have non-deterministic ordering, such an issue may
    occur on some runs and not on others, and in practice it tends to
    have a great dependence on the state of the interpreter.  This leads
    to so-called "heisenbugs" where changing entirely irrelevant aspects
    of the test program still cause the failure behavior to change.

    By calling ``randomize_unitofwork()`` when a script first runs, the
    ordering of a key series of sets within the unit of work implementation
    are randomized, so that the script can be minimized down to the
    fundamental mapping and operation that's failing, while still reproducing
    the issue on at least some runs.

    This utility is also available when running the test suite via the
    ``--reversetop`` flag.

    .. versionadded:: 0.8.1 created a standalone version of the
       ``--reversetop`` feature.

    from sqlalchemy.orm import unitofwork, session, mapper, dependency
    from sqlalchemy.util import topological
    from sqlalchemy.testing.util import RandomSet
    topological.set = unitofwork.set = session.set = mapper.set = \
        dependency.set = RandomSet
项目:ShelbySearch    作者:Agentscreech    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __new__(cls, value_list):
        if isinstance(value_list, util.string_types) or value_list is None:
            return cls.from_string(value_list)
        values = set(value_list)
        if values.difference(cls._allowed_cascades):
            raise sa_exc.ArgumentError(
                "Invalid cascade option(s): %s" %
                ", ".join([repr(x) for x in

        if "all" in values:
        if "none" in values:

        self = frozenset.__new__(CascadeOptions, values)
        self.save_update = 'save-update' in values
        self.delete = 'delete' in values
        self.refresh_expire = 'refresh-expire' in values
        self.merge = 'merge' in values
        self.expunge = 'expunge' in values
        self.delete_orphan = "delete-orphan" in values

        if self.delete_orphan and not self.delete:
            util.warn("The 'delete-orphan' cascade "
                      "option requires 'delete'.")
        return self
项目:ShelbySearch    作者:Agentscreech    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def randomize_unitofwork():
    """Use random-ordering sets within the unit of work in order
    to detect unit of work sorting issues.

    This is a utility function that can be used to help reproduce
    inconsistent unit of work sorting issues.   For example,
    if two kinds of objects A and B are being inserted, and
    B has a foreign key reference to A - the A must be inserted first.
    However, if there is no relationship between A and B, the unit of work
    won't know to perform this sorting, and an operation may or may not
    fail, depending on how the ordering works out.   Since Python sets
    and dictionaries have non-deterministic ordering, such an issue may
    occur on some runs and not on others, and in practice it tends to
    have a great dependence on the state of the interpreter.  This leads
    to so-called "heisenbugs" where changing entirely irrelevant aspects
    of the test program still cause the failure behavior to change.

    By calling ``randomize_unitofwork()`` when a script first runs, the
    ordering of a key series of sets within the unit of work implementation
    are randomized, so that the script can be minimized down to the
    fundamental mapping and operation that's failing, while still reproducing
    the issue on at least some runs.

    This utility is also available when running the test suite via the
    ``--reversetop`` flag.

    .. versionadded:: 0.8.1 created a standalone version of the
       ``--reversetop`` feature.

    from sqlalchemy.orm import unitofwork, session, mapper, dependency
    from sqlalchemy.util import topological
    from sqlalchemy.testing.util import RandomSet
    topological.set = unitofwork.set = session.set = mapper.set = \
        dependency.set = RandomSet
项目:pyetje    作者:rorlika    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __new__(cls, arg):
        values = set([
                    c for c
                    in re.split('\s*,\s*', arg or "")
                    if c

        if values.difference(cls._allowed_cascades):
            raise sa_exc.ArgumentError(
                    "Invalid cascade option(s): %s" %
                    ", ".join([repr(x) for x in

        if "all" in values:
        if "none" in values:

        self = frozenset.__new__(CascadeOptions, values)
        self.save_update = 'save-update' in values
        self.delete = 'delete' in values
        self.refresh_expire = 'refresh-expire' in values
        self.merge = 'merge' in values
        self.expunge = 'expunge' in values
        self.delete_orphan = "delete-orphan" in values

        if self.delete_orphan and not self.delete:
            util.warn("The 'delete-orphan' cascade "
                        "option requires 'delete'.")
        return self
项目:pyetje    作者:rorlika    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def set(self, reg, key, value):
        reg._attributes[(key, self.path)] = value
项目:pyetje    作者:rorlika    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def randomize_unitofwork():
    """Use random-ordering sets within the unit of work in order
    to detect unit of work sorting issues.

    This is a utility function that can be used to help reproduce
    inconsistent unit of work sorting issues.   For example,
    if two kinds of objects A and B are being inserted, and
    B has a foreign key reference to A - the A must be inserted first.
    However, if there is no relationship between A and B, the unit of work
    won't know to perform this sorting, and an operation may or may not
    fail, depending on how the ordering works out.   Since Python sets
    and dictionaries have non-deterministic ordering, such an issue may
    occur on some runs and not on others, and in practice it tends to
    have a great dependence on the state of the interpreter.  This leads
    to so-called "heisenbugs" where changing entirely irrelevant aspects
    of the test program still cause the failure behavior to change.

    By calling ``randomize_unitofwork()`` when a script first runs, the
    ordering of a key series of sets within the unit of work implementation
    are randomized, so that the script can be minimized down to the fundamental
    mapping and operation that's failing, while still reproducing the issue
    on at least some runs.

    This utility is also available when running the test suite via the
    ``--reversetop`` flag.

    .. versionadded:: 0.8.1 created a standalone version of the
       ``--reversetop`` feature.

    from sqlalchemy.orm import unitofwork, session, mapper, dependency
    from sqlalchemy.util import topological
    from sqlalchemy.testing.util import RandomSet
    topological.set = unitofwork.set = session.set = mapper.set = \
            dependency.set = RandomSet
项目:Price-Comparator    作者:Thejas-1    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __new__(cls, value_list):
        if isinstance(value_list, util.string_types) or value_list is None:
            return cls.from_string(value_list)
        values = set(value_list)
        if values.difference(cls._allowed_cascades):
            raise sa_exc.ArgumentError(
                "Invalid cascade option(s): %s" %
                ", ".join([repr(x) for x in

        if "all" in values:
        if "none" in values:

        self = frozenset.__new__(CascadeOptions, values)
        self.save_update = 'save-update' in values
        self.delete = 'delete' in values
        self.refresh_expire = 'refresh-expire' in values
        self.merge = 'merge' in values
        self.expunge = 'expunge' in values
        self.delete_orphan = "delete-orphan" in values

        if self.delete_orphan and not self.delete:
            util.warn("The 'delete-orphan' cascade "
                      "option requires 'delete'.")
        return self
项目:Price-Comparator    作者:Thejas-1    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def randomize_unitofwork():
    """Use random-ordering sets within the unit of work in order
    to detect unit of work sorting issues.

    This is a utility function that can be used to help reproduce
    inconsistent unit of work sorting issues.   For example,
    if two kinds of objects A and B are being inserted, and
    B has a foreign key reference to A - the A must be inserted first.
    However, if there is no relationship between A and B, the unit of work
    won't know to perform this sorting, and an operation may or may not
    fail, depending on how the ordering works out.   Since Python sets
    and dictionaries have non-deterministic ordering, such an issue may
    occur on some runs and not on others, and in practice it tends to
    have a great dependence on the state of the interpreter.  This leads
    to so-called "heisenbugs" where changing entirely irrelevant aspects
    of the test program still cause the failure behavior to change.

    By calling ``randomize_unitofwork()`` when a script first runs, the
    ordering of a key series of sets within the unit of work implementation
    are randomized, so that the script can be minimized down to the
    fundamental mapping and operation that's failing, while still reproducing
    the issue on at least some runs.

    This utility is also available when running the test suite via the
    ``--reversetop`` flag.

    .. versionadded:: 0.8.1 created a standalone version of the
       ``--reversetop`` feature.

    from sqlalchemy.orm import unitofwork, session, mapper, dependency
    from sqlalchemy.util import topological
    from sqlalchemy.testing.util import RandomSet
    topological.set = unitofwork.set = session.set = mapper.set = \
        dependency.set = RandomSet
项目:Flask-NvRay-Blog    作者:rui7157    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __new__(cls, value_list):
        if isinstance(value_list, util.string_types) or value_list is None:
            return cls.from_string(value_list)
        values = set(value_list)
        if values.difference(cls._allowed_cascades):
            raise sa_exc.ArgumentError(
                "Invalid cascade option(s): %s" %
                ", ".join([repr(x) for x in

        if "all" in values:
        if "none" in values:

        self = frozenset.__new__(CascadeOptions, values)
        self.save_update = 'save-update' in values
        self.delete = 'delete' in values
        self.refresh_expire = 'refresh-expire' in values
        self.merge = 'merge' in values
        self.expunge = 'expunge' in values
        self.delete_orphan = "delete-orphan" in values

        if self.delete_orphan and not self.delete:
            util.warn("The 'delete-orphan' cascade "
                      "option requires 'delete'.")
        return self
项目:Flask-NvRay-Blog    作者:rui7157    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def randomize_unitofwork():
    """Use random-ordering sets within the unit of work in order
    to detect unit of work sorting issues.

    This is a utility function that can be used to help reproduce
    inconsistent unit of work sorting issues.   For example,
    if two kinds of objects A and B are being inserted, and
    B has a foreign key reference to A - the A must be inserted first.
    However, if there is no relationship between A and B, the unit of work
    won't know to perform this sorting, and an operation may or may not
    fail, depending on how the ordering works out.   Since Python sets
    and dictionaries have non-deterministic ordering, such an issue may
    occur on some runs and not on others, and in practice it tends to
    have a great dependence on the state of the interpreter.  This leads
    to so-called "heisenbugs" where changing entirely irrelevant aspects
    of the test program still cause the failure behavior to change.

    By calling ``randomize_unitofwork()`` when a script first runs, the
    ordering of a key series of sets within the unit of work implementation
    are randomized, so that the script can be minimized down to the
    fundamental mapping and operation that's failing, while still reproducing
    the issue on at least some runs.

    This utility is also available when running the test suite via the
    ``--reversetop`` flag.

    .. versionadded:: 0.8.1 created a standalone version of the
       ``--reversetop`` feature.

    from sqlalchemy.orm import unitofwork, session, mapper, dependency
    from sqlalchemy.util import topological
    from sqlalchemy.testing.util import RandomSet
    topological.set = unitofwork.set = session.set = mapper.set = \
        dependency.set = RandomSet
项目:Flask-NvRay-Blog    作者:rui7157    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __new__(cls, value_list):
        if isinstance(value_list, util.string_types) or value_list is None:
            return cls.from_string(value_list)
        values = set(value_list)
        if values.difference(cls._allowed_cascades):
            raise sa_exc.ArgumentError(
                "Invalid cascade option(s): %s" %
                ", ".join([repr(x) for x in

        if "all" in values:
        if "none" in values:

        self = frozenset.__new__(CascadeOptions, values)
        self.save_update = 'save-update' in values
        self.delete = 'delete' in values
        self.refresh_expire = 'refresh-expire' in values
        self.merge = 'merge' in values
        self.expunge = 'expunge' in values
        self.delete_orphan = "delete-orphan" in values

        if self.delete_orphan and not self.delete:
            util.warn("The 'delete-orphan' cascade "
                      "option requires 'delete'.")
        return self
项目:Callandtext    作者:iaora    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __new__(cls, value_list):
        if isinstance(value_list, util.string_types) or value_list is None:
            return cls.from_string(value_list)
        values = set(value_list)
        if values.difference(cls._allowed_cascades):
            raise sa_exc.ArgumentError(
                "Invalid cascade option(s): %s" %
                ", ".join([repr(x) for x in

        if "all" in values:
        if "none" in values:

        self = frozenset.__new__(CascadeOptions, values)
        self.save_update = 'save-update' in values
        self.delete = 'delete' in values
        self.refresh_expire = 'refresh-expire' in values
        self.merge = 'merge' in values
        self.expunge = 'expunge' in values
        self.delete_orphan = "delete-orphan" in values

        if self.delete_orphan and not self.delete:
            util.warn("The 'delete-orphan' cascade "
                      "option requires 'delete'.")
        return self
项目:Callandtext    作者:iaora    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def randomize_unitofwork():
    """Use random-ordering sets within the unit of work in order
    to detect unit of work sorting issues.

    This is a utility function that can be used to help reproduce
    inconsistent unit of work sorting issues.   For example,
    if two kinds of objects A and B are being inserted, and
    B has a foreign key reference to A - the A must be inserted first.
    However, if there is no relationship between A and B, the unit of work
    won't know to perform this sorting, and an operation may or may not
    fail, depending on how the ordering works out.   Since Python sets
    and dictionaries have non-deterministic ordering, such an issue may
    occur on some runs and not on others, and in practice it tends to
    have a great dependence on the state of the interpreter.  This leads
    to so-called "heisenbugs" where changing entirely irrelevant aspects
    of the test program still cause the failure behavior to change.

    By calling ``randomize_unitofwork()`` when a script first runs, the
    ordering of a key series of sets within the unit of work implementation
    are randomized, so that the script can be minimized down to the
    fundamental mapping and operation that's failing, while still reproducing
    the issue on at least some runs.

    This utility is also available when running the test suite via the
    ``--reversetop`` flag.

    .. versionadded:: 0.8.1 created a standalone version of the
       ``--reversetop`` feature.

    from sqlalchemy.orm import unitofwork, session, mapper, dependency
    from sqlalchemy.util import topological
    from sqlalchemy.testing.util import RandomSet
    topological.set = unitofwork.set = session.set = mapper.set = \
        dependency.set = RandomSet
项目:python_ddd_flask    作者:igorvinnicius    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __new__(cls, value_list):
        if isinstance(value_list, util.string_types) or value_list is None:
            return cls.from_string(value_list)
        values = set(value_list)
        if values.difference(cls._allowed_cascades):
            raise sa_exc.ArgumentError(
                "Invalid cascade option(s): %s" %
                ", ".join([repr(x) for x in

        if "all" in values:
        if "none" in values:

        self = frozenset.__new__(CascadeOptions, values)
        self.save_update = 'save-update' in values
        self.delete = 'delete' in values
        self.refresh_expire = 'refresh-expire' in values
        self.merge = 'merge' in values
        self.expunge = 'expunge' in values
        self.delete_orphan = "delete-orphan" in values

        if self.delete_orphan and not self.delete:
            util.warn("The 'delete-orphan' cascade "
                      "option requires 'delete'.")
        return self
项目:python_ddd_flask    作者:igorvinnicius    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def randomize_unitofwork():
    """Use random-ordering sets within the unit of work in order
    to detect unit of work sorting issues.

    This is a utility function that can be used to help reproduce
    inconsistent unit of work sorting issues.   For example,
    if two kinds of objects A and B are being inserted, and
    B has a foreign key reference to A - the A must be inserted first.
    However, if there is no relationship between A and B, the unit of work
    won't know to perform this sorting, and an operation may or may not
    fail, depending on how the ordering works out.   Since Python sets
    and dictionaries have non-deterministic ordering, such an issue may
    occur on some runs and not on others, and in practice it tends to
    have a great dependence on the state of the interpreter.  This leads
    to so-called "heisenbugs" where changing entirely irrelevant aspects
    of the test program still cause the failure behavior to change.

    By calling ``randomize_unitofwork()`` when a script first runs, the
    ordering of a key series of sets within the unit of work implementation
    are randomized, so that the script can be minimized down to the
    fundamental mapping and operation that's failing, while still reproducing
    the issue on at least some runs.

    This utility is also available when running the test suite via the
    ``--reversetop`` flag.

    .. versionadded:: 0.8.1 created a standalone version of the
       ``--reversetop`` feature.

    from sqlalchemy.orm import unitofwork, session, mapper, dependency
    from sqlalchemy.util import topological
    from sqlalchemy.testing.util import RandomSet
    topological.set = unitofwork.set = session.set = mapper.set = \
        dependency.set = RandomSet
项目:webapp    作者:superchilli    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __new__(cls, value_list):
        if isinstance(value_list, util.string_types) or value_list is None:
            return cls.from_string(value_list)
        values = set(value_list)
        if values.difference(cls._allowed_cascades):
            raise sa_exc.ArgumentError(
                "Invalid cascade option(s): %s" %
                ", ".join([repr(x) for x in

        if "all" in values:
        if "none" in values:

        self = frozenset.__new__(CascadeOptions, values)
        self.save_update = 'save-update' in values
        self.delete = 'delete' in values
        self.refresh_expire = 'refresh-expire' in values
        self.merge = 'merge' in values
        self.expunge = 'expunge' in values
        self.delete_orphan = "delete-orphan" in values

        if self.delete_orphan and not self.delete:
            util.warn("The 'delete-orphan' cascade "
                      "option requires 'delete'.")
        return self
项目:webapp    作者:superchilli    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def randomize_unitofwork():
    """Use random-ordering sets within the unit of work in order
    to detect unit of work sorting issues.

    This is a utility function that can be used to help reproduce
    inconsistent unit of work sorting issues.   For example,
    if two kinds of objects A and B are being inserted, and
    B has a foreign key reference to A - the A must be inserted first.
    However, if there is no relationship between A and B, the unit of work
    won't know to perform this sorting, and an operation may or may not
    fail, depending on how the ordering works out.   Since Python sets
    and dictionaries have non-deterministic ordering, such an issue may
    occur on some runs and not on others, and in practice it tends to
    have a great dependence on the state of the interpreter.  This leads
    to so-called "heisenbugs" where changing entirely irrelevant aspects
    of the test program still cause the failure behavior to change.

    By calling ``randomize_unitofwork()`` when a script first runs, the
    ordering of a key series of sets within the unit of work implementation
    are randomized, so that the script can be minimized down to the
    fundamental mapping and operation that's failing, while still reproducing
    the issue on at least some runs.

    This utility is also available when running the test suite via the
    ``--reversetop`` flag.

    .. versionadded:: 0.8.1 created a standalone version of the
       ``--reversetop`` feature.

    from sqlalchemy.orm import unitofwork, session, mapper, dependency
    from sqlalchemy.util import topological
    from sqlalchemy.testing.util import RandomSet
    topological.set = unitofwork.set = session.set = mapper.set = \
        dependency.set = RandomSet
项目:QualquerMerdaAPI    作者:tiagovizoto    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __new__(cls, value_list):
        if isinstance(value_list, util.string_types) or value_list is None:
            return cls.from_string(value_list)
        values = set(value_list)
        if values.difference(cls._allowed_cascades):
            raise sa_exc.ArgumentError(
                "Invalid cascade option(s): %s" %
                ", ".join([repr(x) for x in

        if "all" in values:
        if "none" in values:

        self = frozenset.__new__(CascadeOptions, values)
        self.save_update = 'save-update' in values
        self.delete = 'delete' in values
        self.refresh_expire = 'refresh-expire' in values
        self.merge = 'merge' in values
        self.expunge = 'expunge' in values
        self.delete_orphan = "delete-orphan" in values

        if self.delete_orphan and not self.delete:
            util.warn("The 'delete-orphan' cascade "
                      "option requires 'delete'.")
        return self
项目:QualquerMerdaAPI    作者:tiagovizoto    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def randomize_unitofwork():
    """Use random-ordering sets within the unit of work in order
    to detect unit of work sorting issues.

    This is a utility function that can be used to help reproduce
    inconsistent unit of work sorting issues.   For example,
    if two kinds of objects A and B are being inserted, and
    B has a foreign key reference to A - the A must be inserted first.
    However, if there is no relationship between A and B, the unit of work
    won't know to perform this sorting, and an operation may or may not
    fail, depending on how the ordering works out.   Since Python sets
    and dictionaries have non-deterministic ordering, such an issue may
    occur on some runs and not on others, and in practice it tends to
    have a great dependence on the state of the interpreter.  This leads
    to so-called "heisenbugs" where changing entirely irrelevant aspects
    of the test program still cause the failure behavior to change.

    By calling ``randomize_unitofwork()`` when a script first runs, the
    ordering of a key series of sets within the unit of work implementation
    are randomized, so that the script can be minimized down to the
    fundamental mapping and operation that's failing, while still reproducing
    the issue on at least some runs.

    This utility is also available when running the test suite via the
    ``--reversetop`` flag.

    .. versionadded:: 0.8.1 created a standalone version of the
       ``--reversetop`` feature.

    from sqlalchemy.orm import unitofwork, session, mapper, dependency
    from sqlalchemy.util import topological
    from sqlalchemy.testing.util import RandomSet
    topological.set = unitofwork.set = session.set = mapper.set = \
        dependency.set = RandomSet
项目:gardenbot    作者:GoestaO    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __new__(cls, value_list):
        if isinstance(value_list, util.string_types) or value_list is None:
            return cls.from_string(value_list)
        values = set(value_list)
        if values.difference(cls._allowed_cascades):
            raise sa_exc.ArgumentError(
                "Invalid cascade option(s): %s" %
                ", ".join([repr(x) for x in

        if "all" in values:
        if "none" in values:

        self = frozenset.__new__(CascadeOptions, values)
        self.save_update = 'save-update' in values
        self.delete = 'delete' in values
        self.refresh_expire = 'refresh-expire' in values
        self.merge = 'merge' in values
        self.expunge = 'expunge' in values
        self.delete_orphan = "delete-orphan" in values

        if self.delete_orphan and not self.delete:
            util.warn("The 'delete-orphan' cascade "
                      "option requires 'delete'.")
        return self
项目:gardenbot    作者:GoestaO    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def randomize_unitofwork():
    """Use random-ordering sets within the unit of work in order
    to detect unit of work sorting issues.

    This is a utility function that can be used to help reproduce
    inconsistent unit of work sorting issues.   For example,
    if two kinds of objects A and B are being inserted, and
    B has a foreign key reference to A - the A must be inserted first.
    However, if there is no relationship between A and B, the unit of work
    won't know to perform this sorting, and an operation may or may not
    fail, depending on how the ordering works out.   Since Python sets
    and dictionaries have non-deterministic ordering, such an issue may
    occur on some runs and not on others, and in practice it tends to
    have a great dependence on the state of the interpreter.  This leads
    to so-called "heisenbugs" where changing entirely irrelevant aspects
    of the test program still cause the failure behavior to change.

    By calling ``randomize_unitofwork()`` when a script first runs, the
    ordering of a key series of sets within the unit of work implementation
    are randomized, so that the script can be minimized down to the
    fundamental mapping and operation that's failing, while still reproducing
    the issue on at least some runs.

    This utility is also available when running the test suite via the
    ``--reversetop`` flag.

    .. versionadded:: 0.8.1 created a standalone version of the
       ``--reversetop`` feature.

    from sqlalchemy.orm import unitofwork, session, mapper, dependency
    from sqlalchemy.util import topological
    from sqlalchemy.testing.util import RandomSet
    topological.set = unitofwork.set = session.set = mapper.set = \
        dependency.set = RandomSet
项目:flask-zhenai-mongo-echarts    作者:Fretice    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __new__(cls, value_list):
        if isinstance(value_list, util.string_types) or value_list is None:
            return cls.from_string(value_list)
        values = set(value_list)
        if values.difference(cls._allowed_cascades):
            raise sa_exc.ArgumentError(
                "Invalid cascade option(s): %s" %
                ", ".join([repr(x) for x in

        if "all" in values:
        if "none" in values:

        self = frozenset.__new__(CascadeOptions, values)
        self.save_update = 'save-update' in values
        self.delete = 'delete' in values
        self.refresh_expire = 'refresh-expire' in values
        self.merge = 'merge' in values
        self.expunge = 'expunge' in values
        self.delete_orphan = "delete-orphan" in values

        if self.delete_orphan and not self.delete:
            util.warn("The 'delete-orphan' cascade "
                      "option requires 'delete'.")
        return self
项目:flask-zhenai-mongo-echarts    作者:Fretice    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def randomize_unitofwork():
    """Use random-ordering sets within the unit of work in order
    to detect unit of work sorting issues.

    This is a utility function that can be used to help reproduce
    inconsistent unit of work sorting issues.   For example,
    if two kinds of objects A and B are being inserted, and
    B has a foreign key reference to A - the A must be inserted first.
    However, if there is no relationship between A and B, the unit of work
    won't know to perform this sorting, and an operation may or may not
    fail, depending on how the ordering works out.   Since Python sets
    and dictionaries have non-deterministic ordering, such an issue may
    occur on some runs and not on others, and in practice it tends to
    have a great dependence on the state of the interpreter.  This leads
    to so-called "heisenbugs" where changing entirely irrelevant aspects
    of the test program still cause the failure behavior to change.

    By calling ``randomize_unitofwork()`` when a script first runs, the
    ordering of a key series of sets within the unit of work implementation
    are randomized, so that the script can be minimized down to the
    fundamental mapping and operation that's failing, while still reproducing
    the issue on at least some runs.

    This utility is also available when running the test suite via the
    ``--reversetop`` flag.

    .. versionadded:: 0.8.1 created a standalone version of the
       ``--reversetop`` feature.

    from sqlalchemy.orm import unitofwork, session, mapper, dependency
    from sqlalchemy.util import topological
    from sqlalchemy.testing.util import RandomSet
    topological.set = unitofwork.set = session.set = mapper.set = \
        dependency.set = RandomSet
项目:Data-visualization    作者:insta-code1    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __new__(cls, value_list):
        if isinstance(value_list, util.string_types) or value_list is None:
            return cls.from_string(value_list)
        values = set(value_list)
        if values.difference(cls._allowed_cascades):
            raise sa_exc.ArgumentError(
                "Invalid cascade option(s): %s" %
                ", ".join([repr(x) for x in

        if "all" in values:
        if "none" in values:

        self = frozenset.__new__(CascadeOptions, values)
        self.save_update = 'save-update' in values
        self.delete = 'delete' in values
        self.refresh_expire = 'refresh-expire' in values
        self.merge = 'merge' in values
        self.expunge = 'expunge' in values
        self.delete_orphan = "delete-orphan" in values

        if self.delete_orphan and not self.delete:
            util.warn("The 'delete-orphan' cascade "
                      "option requires 'delete'.")
        return self
项目:Data-visualization    作者:insta-code1    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def randomize_unitofwork():
    """Use random-ordering sets within the unit of work in order
    to detect unit of work sorting issues.

    This is a utility function that can be used to help reproduce
    inconsistent unit of work sorting issues.   For example,
    if two kinds of objects A and B are being inserted, and
    B has a foreign key reference to A - the A must be inserted first.
    However, if there is no relationship between A and B, the unit of work
    won't know to perform this sorting, and an operation may or may not
    fail, depending on how the ordering works out.   Since Python sets
    and dictionaries have non-deterministic ordering, such an issue may
    occur on some runs and not on others, and in practice it tends to
    have a great dependence on the state of the interpreter.  This leads
    to so-called "heisenbugs" where changing entirely irrelevant aspects
    of the test program still cause the failure behavior to change.

    By calling ``randomize_unitofwork()`` when a script first runs, the
    ordering of a key series of sets within the unit of work implementation
    are randomized, so that the script can be minimized down to the
    fundamental mapping and operation that's failing, while still reproducing
    the issue on at least some runs.

    This utility is also available when running the test suite via the
    ``--reversetop`` flag.

    .. versionadded:: 0.8.1 created a standalone version of the
       ``--reversetop`` feature.

    from sqlalchemy.orm import unitofwork, session, mapper, dependency
    from sqlalchemy.util import topological
    from sqlalchemy.testing.util import RandomSet
    topological.set = unitofwork.set = session.set = mapper.set = \
        dependency.set = RandomSet
项目:micro-blog    作者:nickChenyx    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __new__(cls, value_list):
        if isinstance(value_list, util.string_types) or value_list is None:
            return cls.from_string(value_list)
        values = set(value_list)
        if values.difference(cls._allowed_cascades):
            raise sa_exc.ArgumentError(
                "Invalid cascade option(s): %s" %
                ", ".join([repr(x) for x in

        if "all" in values:
        if "none" in values:

        self = frozenset.__new__(CascadeOptions, values)
        self.save_update = 'save-update' in values
        self.delete = 'delete' in values
        self.refresh_expire = 'refresh-expire' in values
        self.merge = 'merge' in values
        self.expunge = 'expunge' in values
        self.delete_orphan = "delete-orphan" in values

        if self.delete_orphan and not self.delete:
            util.warn("The 'delete-orphan' cascade "
                      "option requires 'delete'.")
        return self
项目:micro-blog    作者:nickChenyx    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def randomize_unitofwork():
    """Use random-ordering sets within the unit of work in order
    to detect unit of work sorting issues.

    This is a utility function that can be used to help reproduce
    inconsistent unit of work sorting issues.   For example,
    if two kinds of objects A and B are being inserted, and
    B has a foreign key reference to A - the A must be inserted first.
    However, if there is no relationship between A and B, the unit of work
    won't know to perform this sorting, and an operation may or may not
    fail, depending on how the ordering works out.   Since Python sets
    and dictionaries have non-deterministic ordering, such an issue may
    occur on some runs and not on others, and in practice it tends to
    have a great dependence on the state of the interpreter.  This leads
    to so-called "heisenbugs" where changing entirely irrelevant aspects
    of the test program still cause the failure behavior to change.

    By calling ``randomize_unitofwork()`` when a script first runs, the
    ordering of a key series of sets within the unit of work implementation
    are randomized, so that the script can be minimized down to the
    fundamental mapping and operation that's failing, while still reproducing
    the issue on at least some runs.

    This utility is also available when running the test suite via the
    ``--reversetop`` flag.

    .. versionadded:: 0.8.1 created a standalone version of the
       ``--reversetop`` feature.

    from sqlalchemy.orm import unitofwork, session, mapper, dependency
    from sqlalchemy.util import topological
    from sqlalchemy.testing.util import RandomSet
    topological.set = unitofwork.set = session.set = mapper.set = \
        dependency.set = RandomSet
项目:python-flask-security    作者:weinbergdavid    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __new__(cls, value_list):
        if isinstance(value_list, util.string_types) or value_list is None:
            return cls.from_string(value_list)
        values = set(value_list)
        if values.difference(cls._allowed_cascades):
            raise sa_exc.ArgumentError(
                "Invalid cascade option(s): %s" %
                ", ".join([repr(x) for x in

        if "all" in values:
        if "none" in values:

        self = frozenset.__new__(CascadeOptions, values)
        self.save_update = 'save-update' in values
        self.delete = 'delete' in values
        self.refresh_expire = 'refresh-expire' in values
        self.merge = 'merge' in values
        self.expunge = 'expunge' in values
        self.delete_orphan = "delete-orphan" in values

        if self.delete_orphan and not self.delete:
            util.warn("The 'delete-orphan' cascade "
                      "option requires 'delete'.")
        return self
项目:python-flask-security    作者:weinbergdavid    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def randomize_unitofwork():
    """Use random-ordering sets within the unit of work in order
    to detect unit of work sorting issues.

    This is a utility function that can be used to help reproduce
    inconsistent unit of work sorting issues.   For example,
    if two kinds of objects A and B are being inserted, and
    B has a foreign key reference to A - the A must be inserted first.
    However, if there is no relationship between A and B, the unit of work
    won't know to perform this sorting, and an operation may or may not
    fail, depending on how the ordering works out.   Since Python sets
    and dictionaries have non-deterministic ordering, such an issue may
    occur on some runs and not on others, and in practice it tends to
    have a great dependence on the state of the interpreter.  This leads
    to so-called "heisenbugs" where changing entirely irrelevant aspects
    of the test program still cause the failure behavior to change.

    By calling ``randomize_unitofwork()`` when a script first runs, the
    ordering of a key series of sets within the unit of work implementation
    are randomized, so that the script can be minimized down to the
    fundamental mapping and operation that's failing, while still reproducing
    the issue on at least some runs.

    This utility is also available when running the test suite via the
    ``--reversetop`` flag.

    .. versionadded:: 0.8.1 created a standalone version of the
       ``--reversetop`` feature.

    from sqlalchemy.orm import unitofwork, session, mapper, dependency
    from sqlalchemy.util import topological
    from sqlalchemy.testing.util import RandomSet
    topological.set = unitofwork.set = session.set = mapper.set = \
        dependency.set = RandomSet
项目:watcher    作者:nosmokingbandit    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __new__(cls, value_list):
        if isinstance(value_list, util.string_types) or value_list is None:
            return cls.from_string(value_list)
        values = set(value_list)
        if values.difference(cls._allowed_cascades):
            raise sa_exc.ArgumentError(
                "Invalid cascade option(s): %s" %
                ", ".join([repr(x) for x in

        if "all" in values:
        if "none" in values:

        self = frozenset.__new__(CascadeOptions, values)
        self.save_update = 'save-update' in values
        self.delete = 'delete' in values
        self.refresh_expire = 'refresh-expire' in values
        self.merge = 'merge' in values
        self.expunge = 'expunge' in values
        self.delete_orphan = "delete-orphan" in values

        if self.delete_orphan and not self.delete:
            util.warn("The 'delete-orphan' cascade "
                      "option requires 'delete'.")
        return self
项目:watcher    作者:nosmokingbandit    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def randomize_unitofwork():
    """Use random-ordering sets within the unit of work in order
    to detect unit of work sorting issues.

    This is a utility function that can be used to help reproduce
    inconsistent unit of work sorting issues.   For example,
    if two kinds of objects A and B are being inserted, and
    B has a foreign key reference to A - the A must be inserted first.
    However, if there is no relationship between A and B, the unit of work
    won't know to perform this sorting, and an operation may or may not
    fail, depending on how the ordering works out.   Since Python sets
    and dictionaries have non-deterministic ordering, such an issue may
    occur on some runs and not on others, and in practice it tends to
    have a great dependence on the state of the interpreter.  This leads
    to so-called "heisenbugs" where changing entirely irrelevant aspects
    of the test program still cause the failure behavior to change.

    By calling ``randomize_unitofwork()`` when a script first runs, the
    ordering of a key series of sets within the unit of work implementation
    are randomized, so that the script can be minimized down to the
    fundamental mapping and operation that's failing, while still reproducing
    the issue on at least some runs.

    This utility is also available when running the test suite via the
    ``--reversetop`` flag.

    .. versionadded:: 0.8.1 created a standalone version of the
       ``--reversetop`` feature.

    from sqlalchemy.orm import unitofwork, session, mapper, dependency
    from sqlalchemy.util import topological
    from sqlalchemy.testing.util import RandomSet
    topological.set = unitofwork.set = session.set = mapper.set = \
        dependency.set = RandomSet
项目:Lixiang_zhaoxin    作者:hejaxian    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __new__(cls, value_list):
        if isinstance(value_list, util.string_types) or value_list is None:
            return cls.from_string(value_list)
        values = set(value_list)
        if values.difference(cls._allowed_cascades):
            raise sa_exc.ArgumentError(
                "Invalid cascade option(s): %s" %
                ", ".join([repr(x) for x in

        if "all" in values:
        if "none" in values:

        self = frozenset.__new__(CascadeOptions, values)
        self.save_update = 'save-update' in values
        self.delete = 'delete' in values
        self.refresh_expire = 'refresh-expire' in values
        self.merge = 'merge' in values
        self.expunge = 'expunge' in values
        self.delete_orphan = "delete-orphan" in values

        if self.delete_orphan and not self.delete:
            util.warn("The 'delete-orphan' cascade "
                      "option requires 'delete'.")
        return self
项目:Lixiang_zhaoxin    作者:hejaxian    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def randomize_unitofwork():
    """Use random-ordering sets within the unit of work in order
    to detect unit of work sorting issues.

    This is a utility function that can be used to help reproduce
    inconsistent unit of work sorting issues.   For example,
    if two kinds of objects A and B are being inserted, and
    B has a foreign key reference to A - the A must be inserted first.
    However, if there is no relationship between A and B, the unit of work
    won't know to perform this sorting, and an operation may or may not
    fail, depending on how the ordering works out.   Since Python sets
    and dictionaries have non-deterministic ordering, such an issue may
    occur on some runs and not on others, and in practice it tends to
    have a great dependence on the state of the interpreter.  This leads
    to so-called "heisenbugs" where changing entirely irrelevant aspects
    of the test program still cause the failure behavior to change.

    By calling ``randomize_unitofwork()`` when a script first runs, the
    ordering of a key series of sets within the unit of work implementation
    are randomized, so that the script can be minimized down to the
    fundamental mapping and operation that's failing, while still reproducing
    the issue on at least some runs.

    This utility is also available when running the test suite via the
    ``--reversetop`` flag.

    .. versionadded:: 0.8.1 created a standalone version of the
       ``--reversetop`` feature.

    from sqlalchemy.orm import unitofwork, session, mapper, dependency
    from sqlalchemy.util import topological
    from sqlalchemy.testing.util import RandomSet
    topological.set = unitofwork.set = session.set = mapper.set = \
        dependency.set = RandomSet
项目:flask    作者:bobohope    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __new__(cls, value_list):
        if isinstance(value_list, util.string_types) or value_list is None:
            return cls.from_string(value_list)
        values = set(value_list)
        if values.difference(cls._allowed_cascades):
            raise sa_exc.ArgumentError(
                "Invalid cascade option(s): %s" %
                ", ".join([repr(x) for x in

        if "all" in values:
        if "none" in values:

        self = frozenset.__new__(CascadeOptions, values)
        self.save_update = 'save-update' in values
        self.delete = 'delete' in values
        self.refresh_expire = 'refresh-expire' in values
        self.merge = 'merge' in values
        self.expunge = 'expunge' in values
        self.delete_orphan = "delete-orphan" in values

        if self.delete_orphan and not self.delete:
            util.warn("The 'delete-orphan' cascade "
                      "option requires 'delete'.")
        return self
项目:flask    作者:bobohope    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def randomize_unitofwork():
    """Use random-ordering sets within the unit of work in order
    to detect unit of work sorting issues.

    This is a utility function that can be used to help reproduce
    inconsistent unit of work sorting issues.   For example,
    if two kinds of objects A and B are being inserted, and
    B has a foreign key reference to A - the A must be inserted first.
    However, if there is no relationship between A and B, the unit of work
    won't know to perform this sorting, and an operation may or may not
    fail, depending on how the ordering works out.   Since Python sets
    and dictionaries have non-deterministic ordering, such an issue may
    occur on some runs and not on others, and in practice it tends to
    have a great dependence on the state of the interpreter.  This leads
    to so-called "heisenbugs" where changing entirely irrelevant aspects
    of the test program still cause the failure behavior to change.

    By calling ``randomize_unitofwork()`` when a script first runs, the
    ordering of a key series of sets within the unit of work implementation
    are randomized, so that the script can be minimized down to the
    fundamental mapping and operation that's failing, while still reproducing
    the issue on at least some runs.

    This utility is also available when running the test suite via the
    ``--reversetop`` flag.

    .. versionadded:: 0.8.1 created a standalone version of the
       ``--reversetop`` feature.

    from sqlalchemy.orm import unitofwork, session, mapper, dependency
    from sqlalchemy.util import topological
    from sqlalchemy.testing.util import RandomSet
    topological.set = unitofwork.set = session.set = mapper.set = \
        dependency.set = RandomSet
项目:Chorus    作者:DonaldBough    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __new__(cls, value_list):
        if isinstance(value_list, util.string_types) or value_list is None:
            return cls.from_string(value_list)
        values = set(value_list)
        if values.difference(cls._allowed_cascades):
            raise sa_exc.ArgumentError(
                "Invalid cascade option(s): %s" %
                ", ".join([repr(x) for x in

        if "all" in values:
        if "none" in values:

        self = frozenset.__new__(CascadeOptions, values)
        self.save_update = 'save-update' in values
        self.delete = 'delete' in values
        self.refresh_expire = 'refresh-expire' in values
        self.merge = 'merge' in values
        self.expunge = 'expunge' in values
        self.delete_orphan = "delete-orphan" in values

        if self.delete_orphan and not self.delete:
            util.warn("The 'delete-orphan' cascade "
                      "option requires 'delete'.")
        return self
项目:Chorus    作者:DonaldBough    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def randomize_unitofwork():
    """Use random-ordering sets within the unit of work in order
    to detect unit of work sorting issues.

    This is a utility function that can be used to help reproduce
    inconsistent unit of work sorting issues.   For example,
    if two kinds of objects A and B are being inserted, and
    B has a foreign key reference to A - the A must be inserted first.
    However, if there is no relationship between A and B, the unit of work
    won't know to perform this sorting, and an operation may or may not
    fail, depending on how the ordering works out.   Since Python sets
    and dictionaries have non-deterministic ordering, such an issue may
    occur on some runs and not on others, and in practice it tends to
    have a great dependence on the state of the interpreter.  This leads
    to so-called "heisenbugs" where changing entirely irrelevant aspects
    of the test program still cause the failure behavior to change.

    By calling ``randomize_unitofwork()`` when a script first runs, the
    ordering of a key series of sets within the unit of work implementation
    are randomized, so that the script can be minimized down to the
    fundamental mapping and operation that's failing, while still reproducing
    the issue on at least some runs.

    This utility is also available when running the test suite via the
    ``--reversetop`` flag.

    .. versionadded:: 0.8.1 created a standalone version of the
       ``--reversetop`` feature.

    from sqlalchemy.orm import unitofwork, session, mapper, dependency
    from sqlalchemy.util import topological
    from sqlalchemy.testing.util import RandomSet
    topological.set = unitofwork.set = session.set = mapper.set = \
        dependency.set = RandomSet
项目:Hawkeye    作者:tozhengxq    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __new__(cls, value_list):
        if isinstance(value_list, util.string_types) or value_list is None:
            return cls.from_string(value_list)
        values = set(value_list)
        if values.difference(cls._allowed_cascades):
            raise sa_exc.ArgumentError(
                "Invalid cascade option(s): %s" %
                ", ".join([repr(x) for x in

        if "all" in values:
        if "none" in values:

        self = frozenset.__new__(CascadeOptions, values)
        self.save_update = 'save-update' in values
        self.delete = 'delete' in values
        self.refresh_expire = 'refresh-expire' in values
        self.merge = 'merge' in values
        self.expunge = 'expunge' in values
        self.delete_orphan = "delete-orphan" in values

        if self.delete_orphan and not self.delete:
            util.warn("The 'delete-orphan' cascade "
                      "option requires 'delete'.")
        return self
项目:Hawkeye    作者:tozhengxq    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def randomize_unitofwork():
    """Use random-ordering sets within the unit of work in order
    to detect unit of work sorting issues.

    This is a utility function that can be used to help reproduce
    inconsistent unit of work sorting issues.   For example,
    if two kinds of objects A and B are being inserted, and
    B has a foreign key reference to A - the A must be inserted first.
    However, if there is no relationship between A and B, the unit of work
    won't know to perform this sorting, and an operation may or may not
    fail, depending on how the ordering works out.   Since Python sets
    and dictionaries have non-deterministic ordering, such an issue may
    occur on some runs and not on others, and in practice it tends to
    have a great dependence on the state of the interpreter.  This leads
    to so-called "heisenbugs" where changing entirely irrelevant aspects
    of the test program still cause the failure behavior to change.

    By calling ``randomize_unitofwork()`` when a script first runs, the
    ordering of a key series of sets within the unit of work implementation
    are randomized, so that the script can be minimized down to the
    fundamental mapping and operation that's failing, while still reproducing
    the issue on at least some runs.

    This utility is also available when running the test suite via the
    ``--reversetop`` flag.

    .. versionadded:: 0.8.1 created a standalone version of the
       ``--reversetop`` feature.

    from sqlalchemy.orm import unitofwork, session, mapper, dependency
    from sqlalchemy.util import topological
    from sqlalchemy.testing.util import RandomSet
    topological.set = unitofwork.set = session.set = mapper.set = \
        dependency.set = RandomSet
项目:Alfred    作者:jkachhadia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __new__(cls, value_list):
        if isinstance(value_list, util.string_types) or value_list is None:
            return cls.from_string(value_list)
        values = set(value_list)
        if values.difference(cls._allowed_cascades):
            raise sa_exc.ArgumentError(
                "Invalid cascade option(s): %s" %
                ", ".join([repr(x) for x in

        if "all" in values:
        if "none" in values:

        self = frozenset.__new__(CascadeOptions, values)
        self.save_update = 'save-update' in values
        self.delete = 'delete' in values
        self.refresh_expire = 'refresh-expire' in values
        self.merge = 'merge' in values
        self.expunge = 'expunge' in values
        self.delete_orphan = "delete-orphan" in values

        if self.delete_orphan and not self.delete:
            util.warn("The 'delete-orphan' cascade "
                      "option requires 'delete'.")
        return self