def __init__(self, namespace, url=None, sa_opts=None, optimistic=False, table_name='beaker_cache', data_dir=None, lock_dir=None, **params): """Creates a database namespace manager ``url`` SQLAlchemy compliant db url ``sa_opts`` A dictionary of SQLAlchemy keyword options to initialize the engine with. ``optimistic`` Use optimistic session locking, note that this will result in an additional select when updating a cache value to compare version numbers. ``table_name`` The table name to use in the database for the cache. """ OpenResourceNamespaceManager.__init__(self, namespace) if sa_opts is None: sa_opts = params if lock_dir: self.lock_dir = lock_dir elif data_dir: self.lock_dir = data_dir + "/container_db_lock" if self.lock_dir: verify_directory(self.lock_dir) # Check to see if the table's been created before url = url or sa_opts['sa.url'] table_key = url + table_name def make_cache(): # Check to see if we have a connection pool open already meta_key = url + table_name def make_meta(): # SQLAlchemy pops the url, this ensures it sticks around # later sa_opts['sa.url'] = url engine = sa.engine_from_config(sa_opts, 'sa.') meta = sa.MetaData() meta.bind = engine return meta meta = DatabaseNamespaceManager.metadatas.get(meta_key, make_meta) # Create the table object and cache it now cache = sa.Table(table_name, meta, sa.Column('id', types.Integer, primary_key=True), sa.Column('namespace', types.String(255), nullable=False), sa.Column('accessed', types.DateTime, nullable=False), sa.Column('created', types.DateTime, nullable=False), sa.Column('data', types.PickleType, nullable=False), sa.UniqueConstraint('namespace') ) cache.create(checkfirst=True) return cache self.hash = {} self._is_new = False self.loaded = False self.cache = DatabaseNamespaceManager.tables.get(table_key, make_cache)