def __init__(self, left, right, onclause=None, isouter=False): """Construct a new :class:`.Join`. The usual entrypoint here is the :func:`~.expression.join` function or the :meth:`.FromClause.join` method of any :class:`.FromClause` object. """ self.left = _interpret_as_from(left) self.right = _interpret_as_from(right).self_group() if onclause is None: self.onclause = self._match_primaries(self.left, self.right) else: self.onclause = onclause self.isouter = isouter
def join(self, left, right, onclause=None, isouter=False, base=None, **mapper_args): """Create an :func:`.expression.join` and map to it. The class and its mapping are not cached and will be discarded once dereferenced (as of 0.6.6). :param left: a mapped class or table object. :param right: a mapped class or table object. :param onclause: optional "ON" clause construct.. :param isouter: if True, the join will be an OUTER join. :param base: a Python class which will be used as the base for the mapped class. If ``None``, the "base" argument specified by this :class:`.SQLSoup` instance's constructor will be used, which defaults to ``object``. :param mapper_args: Dictionary of arguments which will be passed directly to :func:`.orm.mapper`. """ j = join(left, right, onclause=onclause, isouter=isouter) return self.map(j, base=base, **mapper_args)
def _create_outerjoin(cls, left, right, onclause=None): """Return an ``OUTER JOIN`` clause element. The returned object is an instance of :class:`.Join`. Similar functionality is also available via the :meth:`~.FromClause.outerjoin()` method on any :class:`.FromClause`. :param left: The left side of the join. :param right: The right side of the join. :param onclause: Optional criterion for the ``ON`` clause, is derived from foreign key relationships established between left and right otherwise. To chain joins together, use the :meth:`.FromClause.join` or :meth:`.FromClause.outerjoin` methods on the resulting :class:`.Join` object. """ return cls(left, right, onclause, isouter=True)
def largest_groups(cls, limit=10): member = table('member') package = table('package') j = join(member, package, member.c.table_id == package.c.id) s = select([member.c.group_id, func.count(member.c.table_id)]).\ select_from(j).\ group_by(member.c.group_id).\ where(and_(member.c.group_id!=None, member.c.table_name=='package', package.c.private==False, package.c.state=='active')).\ order_by(func.count(member.c.table_id).desc()).\ limit(limit) res_ids = model.Session.execute(s).fetchall() res_groups = [(model.Session.query(model.Group).get(unicode(group_id)), val) for group_id, val in res_ids] return res_groups
def __init__(self, left, right, onclause=None, isouter=False, full=False): """Construct a new :class:`.Join`. The usual entrypoint here is the :func:`~.expression.join` function or the :meth:`.FromClause.join` method of any :class:`.FromClause` object. """ self.left = _interpret_as_from(left) self.right = _interpret_as_from(right).self_group() if onclause is None: self.onclause = self._match_primaries(self.left, self.right) else: self.onclause = onclause self.isouter = isouter self.full = full
def process_movie_languages(self, document, movieelement, movie): # build query for movie languages processing languagecolumns = [db.metadata.tables['movie_lang'].c.movie_id, db.metadata.tables['movie_lang'].c.type, db.metadata.tables['movie_lang'].c.lang_id, db.metadata.tables['movie_lang'].c.acodec_id, db.metadata.tables['languages'].c.name, db.metadata.tables['acodecs'].c.name] language_join = join(db.metadata.tables['movie_lang'], \ db.metadata.tables['languages'], \ db.metadata.tables['movie_lang'].c.lang_id==db.metadata.tables['languages'].c.lang_id) acodec_join = language_join.join( \ db.metadata.tables['acodecs'], \ db.metadata.tables['movie_lang'].c.acodec_id==db.metadata.tables['acodecs'].c.acodec_id) languagesquery = select(\ bind=self.db.session.bind, \ columns = languagecolumns, \ from_obj = [language_join, acodec_join], \ whereclause = and_(db.metadata.tables['movie_lang'].c.movie_id==movie['movies_movie_id'], \ or_(db.metadata.tables['movie_lang'].c.type==0, or_(db.metadata.tables['movie_lang'].c.type==2, db.metadata.tables['movie_lang'].c.type==None))), \ use_labels = True) self.process_languages(document, movieelement, languagesquery)
def prefix_with(self, *expr, **kw): """Add one or more expressions following the statement keyword, i.e. SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE. Generative. This is used to support backend-specific prefix keywords such as those provided by MySQL. E.g.:: stmt = table.insert().prefix_with("LOW_PRIORITY", dialect="mysql") Multiple prefixes can be specified by multiple calls to :meth:`.prefix_with`. :param \*expr: textual or :class:`.ClauseElement` construct which will be rendered following the INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE keyword. :param \**kw: A single keyword 'dialect' is accepted. This is an optional string dialect name which will limit rendering of this prefix to only that dialect. """ dialect = kw.pop('dialect', None) if kw: raise exc.ArgumentError("Unsupported argument(s): %s" % ",".join(kw)) self._setup_prefixes(expr, dialect)
def suffix_with(self, *expr, **kw): """Add one or more expressions following the statement as a whole. This is used to support backend-specific suffix keywords on certain constructs. E.g.:: stmt = select([col1, col2]).cte().suffix_with( "cycle empno set y_cycle to 1 default 0", dialect="oracle") Multiple suffixes can be specified by multiple calls to :meth:`.suffix_with`. :param \*expr: textual or :class:`.ClauseElement` construct which will be rendered following the target clause. :param \**kw: A single keyword 'dialect' is accepted. This is an optional string dialect name which will limit rendering of this suffix to only that dialect. """ dialect = kw.pop('dialect', None) if kw: raise exc.ArgumentError("Unsupported argument(s): %s" % ",".join(kw)) self._setup_suffixes(expr, dialect)
def join(self, right, onclause=None, isouter=False): """Return a :class:`.Join` from this :class:`.FromClause` to another :class:`FromClause`. E.g.:: from sqlalchemy import join j = user_table.join(address_table, user_table.c.id == address_table.c.user_id) stmt = select([user_table]).select_from(j) would emit SQL along the lines of:: SELECT user.id, user.name FROM user JOIN address ON user.id = address.user_id :param right: the right side of the join; this is any :class:`.FromClause` object such as a :class:`.Table` object, and may also be a selectable-compatible object such as an ORM-mapped class. :param onclause: a SQL expression representing the ON clause of the join. If left at ``None``, :meth:`.FromClause.join` will attempt to join the two tables based on a foreign key relationship. :param isouter: if True, render a LEFT OUTER JOIN, instead of JOIN. .. seealso:: :func:`.join` - standalone function :class:`.Join` - the type of object produced """ return Join(self, right, onclause, isouter)
def outerjoin(self, right, onclause=None): """Return a :class:`.Join` from this :class:`.FromClause` to another :class:`FromClause`, with the "isouter" flag set to True. E.g.:: from sqlalchemy import outerjoin j = user_table.outerjoin(address_table, user_table.c.id == address_table.c.user_id) The above is equivalent to:: j = user_table.join( address_table, user_table.c.id == address_table.c.user_id, isouter=True) :param right: the right side of the join; this is any :class:`.FromClause` object such as a :class:`.Table` object, and may also be a selectable-compatible object such as an ORM-mapped class. :param onclause: a SQL expression representing the ON clause of the join. If left at ``None``, :meth:`.FromClause.join` will attempt to join the two tables based on a foreign key relationship. .. seealso:: :meth:`.FromClause.join` :class:`.Join` """ return Join(self, right, onclause, True)
def _create_join(cls, left, right, onclause=None, isouter=False): """Produce a :class:`.Join` object, given two :class:`.FromClause` expressions. E.g.:: j = join(user_table, address_table, user_table.c.id == address_table.c.user_id) stmt = select([user_table]).select_from(j) would emit SQL along the lines of:: SELECT user.id, user.name FROM user JOIN address ON user.id = address.user_id Similar functionality is available given any :class:`.FromClause` object (e.g. such as a :class:`.Table`) using the :meth:`.FromClause.join` method. :param left: The left side of the join. :param right: the right side of the join; this is any :class:`.FromClause` object such as a :class:`.Table` object, and may also be a selectable-compatible object such as an ORM-mapped class. :param onclause: a SQL expression representing the ON clause of the join. If left at ``None``, :meth:`.FromClause.join` will attempt to join the two tables based on a foreign key relationship. :param isouter: if True, render a LEFT OUTER JOIN, instead of JOIN. .. seealso:: :meth:`.FromClause.join` - method form, based on a given left side :class:`.Join` - the type of object produced """ return cls(left, right, onclause, isouter)
def _joincond_trim_constraints( cls, a, b, constraints, consider_as_foreign_keys): # more than one constraint matched. narrow down the list # to include just those FKCs that match exactly to # "consider_as_foreign_keys". if consider_as_foreign_keys: for const in list(constraints): if set(f.parent for f in const.elements) != set( consider_as_foreign_keys): del constraints[const] # if still multiple constraints, but # they all refer to the exact same end result, use it. if len(constraints) > 1: dedupe = set(tuple(crit) for crit in constraints.values()) if len(dedupe) == 1: key = list(constraints)[0] constraints = {key: constraints[key]} if len(constraints) != 1: raise exc.AmbiguousForeignKeysError( "Can't determine join between '%s' and '%s'; " "tables have more than one foreign key " "constraint relationship between them. " "Please specify the 'onclause' of this " "join explicitly." % (a.description, b.description))
def select_from(self, fromclause): """return a new :func:`.select` construct with the given FROM expression merged into its list of FROM objects. E.g.:: table1 = table('t1', column('a')) table2 = table('t2', column('b')) s = select([table1.c.a]).\\ select_from( table1.join(table2, table1.c.a==table2.c.b) ) The "from" list is a unique set on the identity of each element, so adding an already present :class:`.Table` or other selectable will have no effect. Passing a :class:`.Join` that refers to an already present :class:`.Table` or other selectable will have the effect of concealing the presence of that selectable as an individual element in the rendered FROM list, instead rendering it into a JOIN clause. While the typical purpose of :meth:`.Select.select_from` is to replace the default, derived FROM clause with a join, it can also be called with individual table elements, multiple times if desired, in the case that the FROM clause cannot be fully derived from the columns clause:: select([func.count('*')]).select_from(table1) """ self.append_from(fromclause)
def _selectable_name(selectable): if isinstance(selectable, sql.Alias): return _selectable_name(selectable.element) elif isinstance(selectable, sql.Select): return ''.join(_selectable_name(s) for s in selectable.froms) elif isinstance(selectable, schema.Table): return selectable.name.capitalize() else: x = selectable.__class__.__name__ if x[0] == '_': x = x[1:] return x
def top_rated_packages(cls, limit=10): # NB Not using sqlalchemy as sqla 0.4 doesn't work using both group_by # and apply_avg package = table('package') rating = table('rating') sql = select([package.c.id, func.avg(rating.c.rating), func.count(rating.c.rating)], from_obj=[package.join(rating)]).\ where(and_(package.c.private==False, package.c.state=='active')). \ group_by(package.c.id).\ order_by(func.avg(rating.c.rating).desc(), func.count(rating.c.rating).desc()).\ limit(limit) res_ids = model.Session.execute(sql).fetchall() res_pkgs = [(model.Session.query(model.Package).get(unicode(pkg_id)), avg, num) for pkg_id, avg, num in res_ids] return res_pkgs
def most_edited_packages(cls, limit=10): package_revision = table('package_revision') package = table('package') s = select([package_revision.c.id, func.count(package_revision.c.revision_id)], from_obj=[package_revision.join(package)]).\ where(and_(package.c.private==False, package.c.state=='active', )).\ group_by(package_revision.c.id).\ order_by(func.count(package_revision.c.revision_id).desc()).\ limit(limit) res_ids = model.Session.execute(s).fetchall() res_pkgs = [(model.Session.query(model.Package).get(unicode(pkg_id)), val) for pkg_id, val in res_ids] return res_pkgs
def top_tags(cls, limit=10, returned_tag_info='object'): # by package assert returned_tag_info in ('name', 'id', 'object') tag = table('tag') package_tag = table('package_tag') package = table('package') if returned_tag_info == 'name': from_obj = [package_tag.join(tag)] tag_column = tag.c.name else: from_obj = None tag_column = package_tag.c.tag_id j = join(package_tag, package, package_tag.c.package_id == package.c.id) s = select([tag_column, func.count(package_tag.c.package_id)], from_obj=from_obj).\ select_from(j).\ where(and_(package_tag.c.state=='active', package.c.private == False, package.c.state == 'active' )) s = s.group_by(tag_column).\ order_by(func.count(package_tag.c.package_id).desc()).\ limit(limit) res_col = model.Session.execute(s).fetchall() if returned_tag_info in ('id', 'name'): return res_col elif returned_tag_info == 'object': res_tags = [(model.Session.query(model.Tag).get(unicode(tag_id)), val) for tag_id, val in res_col] return res_tags
def get_package_revisions(cls): ''' @return: Returns list of revisions and date of them, in format: [(id, date), ...] ''' package_revision = table('package_revision') revision = table('revision') s = select([package_revision.c.id, revision.c.timestamp], from_obj=[package_revision.join(revision)]).order_by(revision.c.timestamp) res = model.Session.execute(s).fetchall() # [(id, datetime), ...] return res