Python sqlalchemy 模块,nullsfirst() 实例源码


项目:Flask_Blog    作者:sugarguo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _create_nullsfirst(cls, column):
        """Produce the ``NULLS FIRST`` modifier for an ``ORDER BY`` expression.

        :func:`.nullsfirst` is intended to modify the expression produced
        by :func:`.asc` or :func:`.desc`, and indicates how NULL values
        should be handled when they are encountered during ordering::

            from sqlalchemy import desc, nullsfirst

            stmt = select([users_table]).\\

        The SQL expression from the above would resemble::

            SELECT id, name FROM user ORDER BY name DESC NULLS FIRST

        Like :func:`.asc` and :func:`.desc`, :func:`.nullsfirst` is typically
        invoked from the column expression itself using
        :meth:`.ColumnElement.nullsfirst`, rather than as its standalone
        function version, as in::

            stmt = (select([users_table]).

        .. seealso::





        return UnaryExpression(
项目:Flask_Blog    作者:sugarguo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _create_nullslast(cls, column):
        """Produce the ``NULLS LAST`` modifier for an ``ORDER BY`` expression.

        :func:`.nullslast` is intended to modify the expression produced
        by :func:`.asc` or :func:`.desc`, and indicates how NULL values
        should be handled when they are encountered during ordering::

            from sqlalchemy import desc, nullslast

            stmt = select([users_table]).\\

        The SQL expression from the above would resemble::

            SELECT id, name FROM user ORDER BY name DESC NULLS LAST

        Like :func:`.asc` and :func:`.desc`, :func:`.nullslast` is typically
        invoked from the column expression itself using
        :meth:`.ColumnElement.nullslast`, rather than as its standalone
        function version, as in::

            stmt = select([users_table]).\\

        .. seealso::





        return UnaryExpression(
项目:Flask_Blog    作者:sugarguo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _create_desc(cls, column):
        """Produce a descending ``ORDER BY`` clause element.


            from sqlalchemy import desc

            stmt = select([users_table]).order_by(desc(

        will produce SQL as::

            SELECT id, name FROM user ORDER BY name DESC

        The :func:`.desc` function is a standalone version of the
        :meth:`.ColumnElement.desc` method available on all SQL expressions,

            stmt = select([users_table]).order_by(

        :param column: A :class:`.ColumnElement` (e.g. scalar SQL expression)
         with which to apply the :func:`.desc` operation.

        .. seealso::





        return UnaryExpression(
项目:Flask_Blog    作者:sugarguo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _create_asc(cls, column):
        """Produce an ascending ``ORDER BY`` clause element.


            from sqlalchemy import asc
            stmt = select([users_table]).order_by(asc(

        will produce SQL as::

            SELECT id, name FROM user ORDER BY name ASC

        The :func:`.asc` function is a standalone version of the
        :meth:`.ColumnElement.asc` method available on all SQL expressions,

            stmt = select([users_table]).order_by(

        :param column: A :class:`.ColumnElement` (e.g. scalar SQL expression)
         with which to apply the :func:`.asc` operation.

        .. seealso::





        return UnaryExpression(
项目:QXSConsolas    作者:qxsch    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _create_nullsfirst(cls, column):
        """Produce the ``NULLS FIRST`` modifier for an ``ORDER BY`` expression.

        :func:`.nullsfirst` is intended to modify the expression produced
        by :func:`.asc` or :func:`.desc`, and indicates how NULL values
        should be handled when they are encountered during ordering::

            from sqlalchemy import desc, nullsfirst

            stmt = select([users_table]).\\

        The SQL expression from the above would resemble::

            SELECT id, name FROM user ORDER BY name DESC NULLS FIRST

        Like :func:`.asc` and :func:`.desc`, :func:`.nullsfirst` is typically
        invoked from the column expression itself using
        :meth:`.ColumnElement.nullsfirst`, rather than as its standalone
        function version, as in::

            stmt = (select([users_table]).

        .. seealso::





        return UnaryExpression(
项目:QXSConsolas    作者:qxsch    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _create_nullslast(cls, column):
        """Produce the ``NULLS LAST`` modifier for an ``ORDER BY`` expression.

        :func:`.nullslast` is intended to modify the expression produced
        by :func:`.asc` or :func:`.desc`, and indicates how NULL values
        should be handled when they are encountered during ordering::

            from sqlalchemy import desc, nullslast

            stmt = select([users_table]).\\

        The SQL expression from the above would resemble::

            SELECT id, name FROM user ORDER BY name DESC NULLS LAST

        Like :func:`.asc` and :func:`.desc`, :func:`.nullslast` is typically
        invoked from the column expression itself using
        :meth:`.ColumnElement.nullslast`, rather than as its standalone
        function version, as in::

            stmt = select([users_table]).\\

        .. seealso::





        return UnaryExpression(
项目:QXSConsolas    作者:qxsch    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _create_desc(cls, column):
        """Produce a descending ``ORDER BY`` clause element.


            from sqlalchemy import desc

            stmt = select([users_table]).order_by(desc(

        will produce SQL as::

            SELECT id, name FROM user ORDER BY name DESC

        The :func:`.desc` function is a standalone version of the
        :meth:`.ColumnElement.desc` method available on all SQL expressions,

            stmt = select([users_table]).order_by(

        :param column: A :class:`.ColumnElement` (e.g. scalar SQL expression)
         with which to apply the :func:`.desc` operation.

        .. seealso::





        return UnaryExpression(
项目:QXSConsolas    作者:qxsch    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _create_asc(cls, column):
        """Produce an ascending ``ORDER BY`` clause element.


            from sqlalchemy import asc
            stmt = select([users_table]).order_by(asc(

        will produce SQL as::

            SELECT id, name FROM user ORDER BY name ASC

        The :func:`.asc` function is a standalone version of the
        :meth:`.ColumnElement.asc` method available on all SQL expressions,

            stmt = select([users_table]).order_by(

        :param column: A :class:`.ColumnElement` (e.g. scalar SQL expression)
         with which to apply the :func:`.asc` operation.

        .. seealso::





        return UnaryExpression(
项目:flasky    作者:RoseOu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _create_nullsfirst(cls, column):
        """Produce the ``NULLS FIRST`` modifier for an ``ORDER BY`` expression.

        :func:`.nullsfirst` is intended to modify the expression produced
        by :func:`.asc` or :func:`.desc`, and indicates how NULL values
        should be handled when they are encountered during ordering::

            from sqlalchemy import desc, nullsfirst

            stmt = select([users_table]).\\

        The SQL expression from the above would resemble::

            SELECT id, name FROM user ORDER BY name DESC NULLS FIRST

        Like :func:`.asc` and :func:`.desc`, :func:`.nullsfirst` is typically
        invoked from the column expression itself using
        :meth:`.ColumnElement.nullsfirst`, rather than as its standalone
        function version, as in::

            stmt = (select([users_table]).

        .. seealso::





        return UnaryExpression(
            _literal_as_text(column), modifier=operators.nullsfirst_op)
项目:flasky    作者:RoseOu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _create_nullslast(cls, column):
        """Produce the ``NULLS LAST`` modifier for an ``ORDER BY`` expression.

        :func:`.nullslast` is intended to modify the expression produced
        by :func:`.asc` or :func:`.desc`, and indicates how NULL values
        should be handled when they are encountered during ordering::

            from sqlalchemy import desc, nullslast

            stmt = select([users_table]).\\

        The SQL expression from the above would resemble::

            SELECT id, name FROM user ORDER BY name DESC NULLS LAST

        Like :func:`.asc` and :func:`.desc`, :func:`.nullslast` is typically
        invoked from the column expression itself using
        :meth:`.ColumnElement.nullslast`, rather than as its standalone
        function version, as in::

            stmt = select([users_table]).\\

        .. seealso::





        return UnaryExpression(
            _literal_as_text(column), modifier=operators.nullslast_op)
项目:flasky    作者:RoseOu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _create_desc(cls, column):
        """Produce a descending ``ORDER BY`` clause element.


            from sqlalchemy import desc

            stmt = select([users_table]).order_by(desc(

        will produce SQL as::

            SELECT id, name FROM user ORDER BY name DESC

        The :func:`.desc` function is a standalone version of the
        :meth:`.ColumnElement.desc` method available on all SQL expressions,

            stmt = select([users_table]).order_by(

        :param column: A :class:`.ColumnElement` (e.g. scalar SQL expression)
         with which to apply the :func:`.desc` operation.

        .. seealso::





        return UnaryExpression(
            _literal_as_text(column), modifier=operators.desc_op)
项目:flasky    作者:RoseOu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _create_asc(cls, column):
        """Produce an ascending ``ORDER BY`` clause element.


            from sqlalchemy import asc
            stmt = select([users_table]).order_by(asc(

        will produce SQL as::

            SELECT id, name FROM user ORDER BY name ASC

        The :func:`.asc` function is a standalone version of the
        :meth:`.ColumnElement.asc` method available on all SQL expressions,

            stmt = select([users_table]).order_by(

        :param column: A :class:`.ColumnElement` (e.g. scalar SQL expression)
         with which to apply the :func:`.asc` operation.

        .. seealso::





        return UnaryExpression(
            _literal_as_text(column), modifier=operators.asc_op)
项目:oa_qian    作者:sunqb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _create_nullsfirst(cls, column):
        """Produce the ``NULLS FIRST`` modifier for an ``ORDER BY`` expression.

        :func:`.nullsfirst` is intended to modify the expression produced
        by :func:`.asc` or :func:`.desc`, and indicates how NULL values
        should be handled when they are encountered during ordering::

            from sqlalchemy import desc, nullsfirst

            stmt = select([users_table]).\\

        The SQL expression from the above would resemble::

            SELECT id, name FROM user ORDER BY name DESC NULLS FIRST

        Like :func:`.asc` and :func:`.desc`, :func:`.nullsfirst` is typically
        invoked from the column expression itself using
        :meth:`.ColumnElement.nullsfirst`, rather than as its standalone
        function version, as in::

            stmt = (select([users_table]).

        .. seealso::





        return UnaryExpression(
            _literal_as_text(column), modifier=operators.nullsfirst_op)
项目:oa_qian    作者:sunqb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _create_nullslast(cls, column):
        """Produce the ``NULLS LAST`` modifier for an ``ORDER BY`` expression.

        :func:`.nullslast` is intended to modify the expression produced
        by :func:`.asc` or :func:`.desc`, and indicates how NULL values
        should be handled when they are encountered during ordering::

            from sqlalchemy import desc, nullslast

            stmt = select([users_table]).\\

        The SQL expression from the above would resemble::

            SELECT id, name FROM user ORDER BY name DESC NULLS LAST

        Like :func:`.asc` and :func:`.desc`, :func:`.nullslast` is typically
        invoked from the column expression itself using
        :meth:`.ColumnElement.nullslast`, rather than as its standalone
        function version, as in::

            stmt = select([users_table]).\\

        .. seealso::





        return UnaryExpression(
            _literal_as_text(column), modifier=operators.nullslast_op)
项目:oa_qian    作者:sunqb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _create_desc(cls, column):
        """Produce a descending ``ORDER BY`` clause element.


            from sqlalchemy import desc

            stmt = select([users_table]).order_by(desc(

        will produce SQL as::

            SELECT id, name FROM user ORDER BY name DESC

        The :func:`.desc` function is a standalone version of the
        :meth:`.ColumnElement.desc` method available on all SQL expressions,

            stmt = select([users_table]).order_by(

        :param column: A :class:`.ColumnElement` (e.g. scalar SQL expression)
         with which to apply the :func:`.desc` operation.

        .. seealso::





        return UnaryExpression(
            _literal_as_text(column), modifier=operators.desc_op)
项目:oa_qian    作者:sunqb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _create_asc(cls, column):
        """Produce an ascending ``ORDER BY`` clause element.


            from sqlalchemy import asc
            stmt = select([users_table]).order_by(asc(

        will produce SQL as::

            SELECT id, name FROM user ORDER BY name ASC

        The :func:`.asc` function is a standalone version of the
        :meth:`.ColumnElement.asc` method available on all SQL expressions,

            stmt = select([users_table]).order_by(

        :param column: A :class:`.ColumnElement` (e.g. scalar SQL expression)
         with which to apply the :func:`.asc` operation.

        .. seealso::





        return UnaryExpression(
            _literal_as_text(column), modifier=operators.asc_op)
项目:chihu    作者:yelongyu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _create_nullsfirst(cls, column):
        """Produce the ``NULLS FIRST`` modifier for an ``ORDER BY`` expression.

        :func:`.nullsfirst` is intended to modify the expression produced
        by :func:`.asc` or :func:`.desc`, and indicates how NULL values
        should be handled when they are encountered during ordering::

            from sqlalchemy import desc, nullsfirst

            stmt = select([users_table]).\\

        The SQL expression from the above would resemble::

            SELECT id, name FROM user ORDER BY name DESC NULLS FIRST

        Like :func:`.asc` and :func:`.desc`, :func:`.nullsfirst` is typically
        invoked from the column expression itself using
        :meth:`.ColumnElement.nullsfirst`, rather than as its standalone
        function version, as in::

            stmt = (select([users_table]).

        .. seealso::





        return UnaryExpression(
项目:chihu    作者:yelongyu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _create_nullslast(cls, column):
        """Produce the ``NULLS LAST`` modifier for an ``ORDER BY`` expression.

        :func:`.nullslast` is intended to modify the expression produced
        by :func:`.asc` or :func:`.desc`, and indicates how NULL values
        should be handled when they are encountered during ordering::

            from sqlalchemy import desc, nullslast

            stmt = select([users_table]).\\

        The SQL expression from the above would resemble::

            SELECT id, name FROM user ORDER BY name DESC NULLS LAST

        Like :func:`.asc` and :func:`.desc`, :func:`.nullslast` is typically
        invoked from the column expression itself using
        :meth:`.ColumnElement.nullslast`, rather than as its standalone
        function version, as in::

            stmt = select([users_table]).\\

        .. seealso::





        return UnaryExpression(
项目:chihu    作者:yelongyu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _create_desc(cls, column):
        """Produce a descending ``ORDER BY`` clause element.


            from sqlalchemy import desc

            stmt = select([users_table]).order_by(desc(

        will produce SQL as::

            SELECT id, name FROM user ORDER BY name DESC

        The :func:`.desc` function is a standalone version of the
        :meth:`.ColumnElement.desc` method available on all SQL expressions,

            stmt = select([users_table]).order_by(

        :param column: A :class:`.ColumnElement` (e.g. scalar SQL expression)
         with which to apply the :func:`.desc` operation.

        .. seealso::





        return UnaryExpression(
项目:chihu    作者:yelongyu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _create_asc(cls, column):
        """Produce an ascending ``ORDER BY`` clause element.


            from sqlalchemy import asc
            stmt = select([users_table]).order_by(asc(

        will produce SQL as::

            SELECT id, name FROM user ORDER BY name ASC

        The :func:`.asc` function is a standalone version of the
        :meth:`.ColumnElement.asc` method available on all SQL expressions,

            stmt = select([users_table]).order_by(

        :param column: A :class:`.ColumnElement` (e.g. scalar SQL expression)
         with which to apply the :func:`.asc` operation.

        .. seealso::





        return UnaryExpression(
项目:ShelbySearch    作者:Agentscreech    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _create_nullsfirst(cls, column):
        """Produce the ``NULLS FIRST`` modifier for an ``ORDER BY`` expression.

        :func:`.nullsfirst` is intended to modify the expression produced
        by :func:`.asc` or :func:`.desc`, and indicates how NULL values
        should be handled when they are encountered during ordering::

            from sqlalchemy import desc, nullsfirst

            stmt = select([users_table]).\

        The SQL expression from the above would resemble::

            SELECT id, name FROM user ORDER BY name DESC NULLS FIRST

        Like :func:`.asc` and :func:`.desc`, :func:`.nullsfirst` is typically
        invoked from the column expression itself using
        :meth:`.ColumnElement.nullsfirst`, rather than as its standalone
        function version, as in::

            stmt = (select([users_table]).

        .. seealso::





        return UnaryExpression(
项目:ShelbySearch    作者:Agentscreech    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _create_nullslast(cls, column):
        """Produce the ``NULLS LAST`` modifier for an ``ORDER BY`` expression.

        :func:`.nullslast` is intended to modify the expression produced
        by :func:`.asc` or :func:`.desc`, and indicates how NULL values
        should be handled when they are encountered during ordering::

            from sqlalchemy import desc, nullslast

            stmt = select([users_table]).\

        The SQL expression from the above would resemble::

            SELECT id, name FROM user ORDER BY name DESC NULLS LAST

        Like :func:`.asc` and :func:`.desc`, :func:`.nullslast` is typically
        invoked from the column expression itself using
        :meth:`.ColumnElement.nullslast`, rather than as its standalone
        function version, as in::

            stmt = select([users_table]).\

        .. seealso::





        return UnaryExpression(
项目:ShelbySearch    作者:Agentscreech    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _create_desc(cls, column):
        """Produce a descending ``ORDER BY`` clause element.


            from sqlalchemy import desc

            stmt = select([users_table]).order_by(desc(

        will produce SQL as::

            SELECT id, name FROM user ORDER BY name DESC

        The :func:`.desc` function is a standalone version of the
        :meth:`.ColumnElement.desc` method available on all SQL expressions,

            stmt = select([users_table]).order_by(

        :param column: A :class:`.ColumnElement` (e.g. scalar SQL expression)
         with which to apply the :func:`.desc` operation.

        .. seealso::





        return UnaryExpression(
项目:ShelbySearch    作者:Agentscreech    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _create_asc(cls, column):
        """Produce an ascending ``ORDER BY`` clause element.


            from sqlalchemy import asc
            stmt = select([users_table]).order_by(asc(

        will produce SQL as::

            SELECT id, name FROM user ORDER BY name ASC

        The :func:`.asc` function is a standalone version of the
        :meth:`.ColumnElement.asc` method available on all SQL expressions,

            stmt = select([users_table]).order_by(

        :param column: A :class:`.ColumnElement` (e.g. scalar SQL expression)
         with which to apply the :func:`.asc` operation.

        .. seealso::





        return UnaryExpression(
项目:Price-Comparator    作者:Thejas-1    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _create_nullsfirst(cls, column):
        """Produce the ``NULLS FIRST`` modifier for an ``ORDER BY`` expression.

        :func:`.nullsfirst` is intended to modify the expression produced
        by :func:`.asc` or :func:`.desc`, and indicates how NULL values
        should be handled when they are encountered during ordering::

            from sqlalchemy import desc, nullsfirst

            stmt = select([users_table]).\\

        The SQL expression from the above would resemble::

            SELECT id, name FROM user ORDER BY name DESC NULLS FIRST

        Like :func:`.asc` and :func:`.desc`, :func:`.nullsfirst` is typically
        invoked from the column expression itself using
        :meth:`.ColumnElement.nullsfirst`, rather than as its standalone
        function version, as in::

            stmt = (select([users_table]).

        .. seealso::





        return UnaryExpression(
项目:Price-Comparator    作者:Thejas-1    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _create_nullslast(cls, column):
        """Produce the ``NULLS LAST`` modifier for an ``ORDER BY`` expression.

        :func:`.nullslast` is intended to modify the expression produced
        by :func:`.asc` or :func:`.desc`, and indicates how NULL values
        should be handled when they are encountered during ordering::

            from sqlalchemy import desc, nullslast

            stmt = select([users_table]).\\

        The SQL expression from the above would resemble::

            SELECT id, name FROM user ORDER BY name DESC NULLS LAST

        Like :func:`.asc` and :func:`.desc`, :func:`.nullslast` is typically
        invoked from the column expression itself using
        :meth:`.ColumnElement.nullslast`, rather than as its standalone
        function version, as in::

            stmt = select([users_table]).\\

        .. seealso::





        return UnaryExpression(
项目:Price-Comparator    作者:Thejas-1    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _create_desc(cls, column):
        """Produce a descending ``ORDER BY`` clause element.


            from sqlalchemy import desc

            stmt = select([users_table]).order_by(desc(

        will produce SQL as::

            SELECT id, name FROM user ORDER BY name DESC

        The :func:`.desc` function is a standalone version of the
        :meth:`.ColumnElement.desc` method available on all SQL expressions,

            stmt = select([users_table]).order_by(

        :param column: A :class:`.ColumnElement` (e.g. scalar SQL expression)
         with which to apply the :func:`.desc` operation.

        .. seealso::





        return UnaryExpression(
项目:Price-Comparator    作者:Thejas-1    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _create_asc(cls, column):
        """Produce an ascending ``ORDER BY`` clause element.


            from sqlalchemy import asc
            stmt = select([users_table]).order_by(asc(

        will produce SQL as::

            SELECT id, name FROM user ORDER BY name ASC

        The :func:`.asc` function is a standalone version of the
        :meth:`.ColumnElement.asc` method available on all SQL expressions,

            stmt = select([users_table]).order_by(

        :param column: A :class:`.ColumnElement` (e.g. scalar SQL expression)
         with which to apply the :func:`.asc` operation.

        .. seealso::





        return UnaryExpression(
项目:Flask-NvRay-Blog    作者:rui7157    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _create_nullsfirst(cls, column):
        """Produce the ``NULLS FIRST`` modifier for an ``ORDER BY`` expression.

        :func:`.nullsfirst` is intended to modify the expression produced
        by :func:`.asc` or :func:`.desc`, and indicates how NULL values
        should be handled when they are encountered during ordering::

            from sqlalchemy import desc, nullsfirst

            stmt = select([users_table]).\\

        The SQL expression from the above would resemble::

            SELECT id, name FROM user ORDER BY name DESC NULLS FIRST

        Like :func:`.asc` and :func:`.desc`, :func:`.nullsfirst` is typically
        invoked from the column expression itself using
        :meth:`.ColumnElement.nullsfirst`, rather than as its standalone
        function version, as in::

            stmt = (select([users_table]).

        .. seealso::





        return UnaryExpression(
项目:Flask-NvRay-Blog    作者:rui7157    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _create_nullslast(cls, column):
        """Produce the ``NULLS LAST`` modifier for an ``ORDER BY`` expression.

        :func:`.nullslast` is intended to modify the expression produced
        by :func:`.asc` or :func:`.desc`, and indicates how NULL values
        should be handled when they are encountered during ordering::

            from sqlalchemy import desc, nullslast

            stmt = select([users_table]).\\

        The SQL expression from the above would resemble::

            SELECT id, name FROM user ORDER BY name DESC NULLS LAST

        Like :func:`.asc` and :func:`.desc`, :func:`.nullslast` is typically
        invoked from the column expression itself using
        :meth:`.ColumnElement.nullslast`, rather than as its standalone
        function version, as in::

            stmt = select([users_table]).\\

        .. seealso::





        return UnaryExpression(
项目:Flask-NvRay-Blog    作者:rui7157    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _create_desc(cls, column):
        """Produce a descending ``ORDER BY`` clause element.


            from sqlalchemy import desc

            stmt = select([users_table]).order_by(desc(

        will produce SQL as::

            SELECT id, name FROM user ORDER BY name DESC

        The :func:`.desc` function is a standalone version of the
        :meth:`.ColumnElement.desc` method available on all SQL expressions,

            stmt = select([users_table]).order_by(

        :param column: A :class:`.ColumnElement` (e.g. scalar SQL expression)
         with which to apply the :func:`.desc` operation.

        .. seealso::





        return UnaryExpression(
项目:Flask-NvRay-Blog    作者:rui7157    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _create_asc(cls, column):
        """Produce an ascending ``ORDER BY`` clause element.


            from sqlalchemy import asc
            stmt = select([users_table]).order_by(asc(

        will produce SQL as::

            SELECT id, name FROM user ORDER BY name ASC

        The :func:`.asc` function is a standalone version of the
        :meth:`.ColumnElement.asc` method available on all SQL expressions,

            stmt = select([users_table]).order_by(

        :param column: A :class:`.ColumnElement` (e.g. scalar SQL expression)
         with which to apply the :func:`.asc` operation.

        .. seealso::





        return UnaryExpression(
项目:Flask-NvRay-Blog    作者:rui7157    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _create_nullsfirst(cls, column):
        """Produce the ``NULLS FIRST`` modifier for an ``ORDER BY`` expression.

        :func:`.nullsfirst` is intended to modify the expression produced
        by :func:`.asc` or :func:`.desc`, and indicates how NULL values
        should be handled when they are encountered during ordering::

            from sqlalchemy import desc, nullsfirst

            stmt = select([users_table]).\\

        The SQL expression from the above would resemble::

            SELECT id, name FROM user ORDER BY name DESC NULLS FIRST

        Like :func:`.asc` and :func:`.desc`, :func:`.nullsfirst` is typically
        invoked from the column expression itself using
        :meth:`.ColumnElement.nullsfirst`, rather than as its standalone
        function version, as in::

            stmt = (select([users_table]).

        .. seealso::





        return UnaryExpression(
项目:Flask-NvRay-Blog    作者:rui7157    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _create_desc(cls, column):
        """Produce a descending ``ORDER BY`` clause element.


            from sqlalchemy import desc

            stmt = select([users_table]).order_by(desc(

        will produce SQL as::

            SELECT id, name FROM user ORDER BY name DESC

        The :func:`.desc` function is a standalone version of the
        :meth:`.ColumnElement.desc` method available on all SQL expressions,

            stmt = select([users_table]).order_by(

        :param column: A :class:`.ColumnElement` (e.g. scalar SQL expression)
         with which to apply the :func:`.desc` operation.

        .. seealso::





        return UnaryExpression(
项目:Flask-NvRay-Blog    作者:rui7157    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _create_asc(cls, column):
        """Produce an ascending ``ORDER BY`` clause element.


            from sqlalchemy import asc
            stmt = select([users_table]).order_by(asc(

        will produce SQL as::

            SELECT id, name FROM user ORDER BY name ASC

        The :func:`.asc` function is a standalone version of the
        :meth:`.ColumnElement.asc` method available on all SQL expressions,

            stmt = select([users_table]).order_by(

        :param column: A :class:`.ColumnElement` (e.g. scalar SQL expression)
         with which to apply the :func:`.asc` operation.

        .. seealso::





        return UnaryExpression(
项目:Callandtext    作者:iaora    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _create_nullsfirst(cls, column):
        """Produce the ``NULLS FIRST`` modifier for an ``ORDER BY`` expression.

        :func:`.nullsfirst` is intended to modify the expression produced
        by :func:`.asc` or :func:`.desc`, and indicates how NULL values
        should be handled when they are encountered during ordering::

            from sqlalchemy import desc, nullsfirst

            stmt = select([users_table]).\\

        The SQL expression from the above would resemble::

            SELECT id, name FROM user ORDER BY name DESC NULLS FIRST

        Like :func:`.asc` and :func:`.desc`, :func:`.nullsfirst` is typically
        invoked from the column expression itself using
        :meth:`.ColumnElement.nullsfirst`, rather than as its standalone
        function version, as in::

            stmt = (select([users_table]).

        .. seealso::





        return UnaryExpression(
项目:Callandtext    作者:iaora    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _create_nullslast(cls, column):
        """Produce the ``NULLS LAST`` modifier for an ``ORDER BY`` expression.

        :func:`.nullslast` is intended to modify the expression produced
        by :func:`.asc` or :func:`.desc`, and indicates how NULL values
        should be handled when they are encountered during ordering::

            from sqlalchemy import desc, nullslast

            stmt = select([users_table]).\\

        The SQL expression from the above would resemble::

            SELECT id, name FROM user ORDER BY name DESC NULLS LAST

        Like :func:`.asc` and :func:`.desc`, :func:`.nullslast` is typically
        invoked from the column expression itself using
        :meth:`.ColumnElement.nullslast`, rather than as its standalone
        function version, as in::

            stmt = select([users_table]).\\

        .. seealso::





        return UnaryExpression(
项目:Callandtext    作者:iaora    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _create_desc(cls, column):
        """Produce a descending ``ORDER BY`` clause element.


            from sqlalchemy import desc

            stmt = select([users_table]).order_by(desc(

        will produce SQL as::

            SELECT id, name FROM user ORDER BY name DESC

        The :func:`.desc` function is a standalone version of the
        :meth:`.ColumnElement.desc` method available on all SQL expressions,

            stmt = select([users_table]).order_by(

        :param column: A :class:`.ColumnElement` (e.g. scalar SQL expression)
         with which to apply the :func:`.desc` operation.

        .. seealso::





        return UnaryExpression(
项目:Callandtext    作者:iaora    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _create_asc(cls, column):
        """Produce an ascending ``ORDER BY`` clause element.


            from sqlalchemy import asc
            stmt = select([users_table]).order_by(asc(

        will produce SQL as::

            SELECT id, name FROM user ORDER BY name ASC

        The :func:`.asc` function is a standalone version of the
        :meth:`.ColumnElement.asc` method available on all SQL expressions,

            stmt = select([users_table]).order_by(

        :param column: A :class:`.ColumnElement` (e.g. scalar SQL expression)
         with which to apply the :func:`.asc` operation.

        .. seealso::





        return UnaryExpression(
项目:python_ddd_flask    作者:igorvinnicius    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _create_nullsfirst(cls, column):
        """Produce the ``NULLS FIRST`` modifier for an ``ORDER BY`` expression.

        :func:`.nullsfirst` is intended to modify the expression produced
        by :func:`.asc` or :func:`.desc`, and indicates how NULL values
        should be handled when they are encountered during ordering::

            from sqlalchemy import desc, nullsfirst

            stmt = select([users_table]).\\

        The SQL expression from the above would resemble::

            SELECT id, name FROM user ORDER BY name DESC NULLS FIRST

        Like :func:`.asc` and :func:`.desc`, :func:`.nullsfirst` is typically
        invoked from the column expression itself using
        :meth:`.ColumnElement.nullsfirst`, rather than as its standalone
        function version, as in::

            stmt = (select([users_table]).

        .. seealso::





        return UnaryExpression(
项目:python_ddd_flask    作者:igorvinnicius    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _create_nullslast(cls, column):
        """Produce the ``NULLS LAST`` modifier for an ``ORDER BY`` expression.

        :func:`.nullslast` is intended to modify the expression produced
        by :func:`.asc` or :func:`.desc`, and indicates how NULL values
        should be handled when they are encountered during ordering::

            from sqlalchemy import desc, nullslast

            stmt = select([users_table]).\\

        The SQL expression from the above would resemble::

            SELECT id, name FROM user ORDER BY name DESC NULLS LAST

        Like :func:`.asc` and :func:`.desc`, :func:`.nullslast` is typically
        invoked from the column expression itself using
        :meth:`.ColumnElement.nullslast`, rather than as its standalone
        function version, as in::

            stmt = select([users_table]).\\

        .. seealso::





        return UnaryExpression(
项目:python_ddd_flask    作者:igorvinnicius    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _create_desc(cls, column):
        """Produce a descending ``ORDER BY`` clause element.


            from sqlalchemy import desc

            stmt = select([users_table]).order_by(desc(

        will produce SQL as::

            SELECT id, name FROM user ORDER BY name DESC

        The :func:`.desc` function is a standalone version of the
        :meth:`.ColumnElement.desc` method available on all SQL expressions,

            stmt = select([users_table]).order_by(

        :param column: A :class:`.ColumnElement` (e.g. scalar SQL expression)
         with which to apply the :func:`.desc` operation.

        .. seealso::





        return UnaryExpression(
项目:python_ddd_flask    作者:igorvinnicius    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _create_asc(cls, column):
        """Produce an ascending ``ORDER BY`` clause element.


            from sqlalchemy import asc
            stmt = select([users_table]).order_by(asc(

        will produce SQL as::

            SELECT id, name FROM user ORDER BY name ASC

        The :func:`.asc` function is a standalone version of the
        :meth:`.ColumnElement.asc` method available on all SQL expressions,

            stmt = select([users_table]).order_by(

        :param column: A :class:`.ColumnElement` (e.g. scalar SQL expression)
         with which to apply the :func:`.asc` operation.

        .. seealso::





        return UnaryExpression(
项目:webapp    作者:superchilli    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _create_nullsfirst(cls, column):
        """Produce the ``NULLS FIRST`` modifier for an ``ORDER BY`` expression.

        :func:`.nullsfirst` is intended to modify the expression produced
        by :func:`.asc` or :func:`.desc`, and indicates how NULL values
        should be handled when they are encountered during ordering::

            from sqlalchemy import desc, nullsfirst

            stmt = select([users_table]).\

        The SQL expression from the above would resemble::

            SELECT id, name FROM user ORDER BY name DESC NULLS FIRST

        Like :func:`.asc` and :func:`.desc`, :func:`.nullsfirst` is typically
        invoked from the column expression itself using
        :meth:`.ColumnElement.nullsfirst`, rather than as its standalone
        function version, as in::

            stmt = (select([users_table]).

        .. seealso::





        return UnaryExpression(
项目:webapp    作者:superchilli    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _create_nullslast(cls, column):
        """Produce the ``NULLS LAST`` modifier for an ``ORDER BY`` expression.

        :func:`.nullslast` is intended to modify the expression produced
        by :func:`.asc` or :func:`.desc`, and indicates how NULL values
        should be handled when they are encountered during ordering::

            from sqlalchemy import desc, nullslast

            stmt = select([users_table]).\

        The SQL expression from the above would resemble::

            SELECT id, name FROM user ORDER BY name DESC NULLS LAST

        Like :func:`.asc` and :func:`.desc`, :func:`.nullslast` is typically
        invoked from the column expression itself using
        :meth:`.ColumnElement.nullslast`, rather than as its standalone
        function version, as in::

            stmt = select([users_table]).\

        .. seealso::





        return UnaryExpression(
项目:webapp    作者:superchilli    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _create_desc(cls, column):
        """Produce a descending ``ORDER BY`` clause element.


            from sqlalchemy import desc

            stmt = select([users_table]).order_by(desc(

        will produce SQL as::

            SELECT id, name FROM user ORDER BY name DESC

        The :func:`.desc` function is a standalone version of the
        :meth:`.ColumnElement.desc` method available on all SQL expressions,

            stmt = select([users_table]).order_by(

        :param column: A :class:`.ColumnElement` (e.g. scalar SQL expression)
         with which to apply the :func:`.desc` operation.

        .. seealso::





        return UnaryExpression(
项目:webapp    作者:superchilli    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _create_asc(cls, column):
        """Produce an ascending ``ORDER BY`` clause element.


            from sqlalchemy import asc
            stmt = select([users_table]).order_by(asc(

        will produce SQL as::

            SELECT id, name FROM user ORDER BY name ASC

        The :func:`.asc` function is a standalone version of the
        :meth:`.ColumnElement.asc` method available on all SQL expressions,

            stmt = select([users_table]).order_by(

        :param column: A :class:`.ColumnElement` (e.g. scalar SQL expression)
         with which to apply the :func:`.asc` operation.

        .. seealso::





        return UnaryExpression(
项目:QualquerMerdaAPI    作者:tiagovizoto    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _create_nullsfirst(cls, column):
        """Produce the ``NULLS FIRST`` modifier for an ``ORDER BY`` expression.

        :func:`.nullsfirst` is intended to modify the expression produced
        by :func:`.asc` or :func:`.desc`, and indicates how NULL values
        should be handled when they are encountered during ordering::

            from sqlalchemy import desc, nullsfirst

            stmt = select([users_table]).\

        The SQL expression from the above would resemble::

            SELECT id, name FROM user ORDER BY name DESC NULLS FIRST

        Like :func:`.asc` and :func:`.desc`, :func:`.nullsfirst` is typically
        invoked from the column expression itself using
        :meth:`.ColumnElement.nullsfirst`, rather than as its standalone
        function version, as in::

            stmt = (select([users_table]).

        .. seealso::





        return UnaryExpression(
项目:QualquerMerdaAPI    作者:tiagovizoto    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _create_nullslast(cls, column):
        """Produce the ``NULLS LAST`` modifier for an ``ORDER BY`` expression.

        :func:`.nullslast` is intended to modify the expression produced
        by :func:`.asc` or :func:`.desc`, and indicates how NULL values
        should be handled when they are encountered during ordering::

            from sqlalchemy import desc, nullslast

            stmt = select([users_table]).\

        The SQL expression from the above would resemble::

            SELECT id, name FROM user ORDER BY name DESC NULLS LAST

        Like :func:`.asc` and :func:`.desc`, :func:`.nullslast` is typically
        invoked from the column expression itself using
        :meth:`.ColumnElement.nullslast`, rather than as its standalone
        function version, as in::

            stmt = select([users_table]).\

        .. seealso::





        return UnaryExpression(
项目:QualquerMerdaAPI    作者:tiagovizoto    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _create_desc(cls, column):
        """Produce a descending ``ORDER BY`` clause element.


            from sqlalchemy import desc

            stmt = select([users_table]).order_by(desc(

        will produce SQL as::

            SELECT id, name FROM user ORDER BY name DESC

        The :func:`.desc` function is a standalone version of the
        :meth:`.ColumnElement.desc` method available on all SQL expressions,

            stmt = select([users_table]).order_by(

        :param column: A :class:`.ColumnElement` (e.g. scalar SQL expression)
         with which to apply the :func:`.desc` operation.

        .. seealso::





        return UnaryExpression(