def _retry_on_exceptions(exc): if not isinstance(exc, exception.DBError): return False inn_e = exc.inner_exception if not isinstance(inn_e, sqlalchemy.exc.InternalError): return False return (( pymysql and isinstance(inn_e.orig, pymysql.err.InternalError) and (inn_e.orig.args[0] == pymysql.constants.ER.TABLE_DEF_CHANGED) ) or ( # HACK(jd) Sometimes, PostgreSQL raises an error such as "current # transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction # block" on its own catalog, so we need to retry, but this is not # caught by oslo.db as a deadlock. This is likely because when we use # Base.metadata.create_all(), sqlalchemy itself gets an error it does # not catch or something. So this is why this function exists. To # paperover I guess. psycopg2 and isinstance(inn_e.orig, psycopg2.InternalError) # current transaction is aborted and inn_e.orig.pgcode == '25P02' ))
def create_lock(context, lock_key, session): """Try to create lock record.""" with session.begin(): existing = session.query(models.ArtifactLock).get(lock_key) if existing is None: try: lock = models.ArtifactLock() lock.id = lock_key lock.save(session=session) return lock.id except (sqlalchemy.exc.IntegrityError, db_exception.DBDuplicateEntry): msg = _("Cannot lock an item with key %s. " "Lock already acquired by other request") % lock_key raise exception.Conflict(msg) else: if timeutils.is_older_than(existing.acquired_at, 5): existing.acquired_at = timeutils.utcnow() existing.save(session) return existing.id else: msg = _("Cannot lock an item with key %s. " "Lock already acquired by other request") % lock_key raise exception.Conflict(msg)
def _pre_upgrade_001(self, engine): self.assertRaises(sqlalchemy.exc.NoSuchTableError, db_utils.get_table, engine, 'glare_artifacts') self.assertRaises(sqlalchemy.exc.NoSuchTableError, db_utils.get_table, engine, 'glare_artifact_tags') self.assertRaises(sqlalchemy.exc.NoSuchTableError, db_utils.get_table, engine, 'glare_artifact_properties') self.assertRaises(sqlalchemy.exc.NoSuchTableError, db_utils.get_table, engine, 'glare_artifact_blobs') self.assertRaises(sqlalchemy.exc.NoSuchTableError, db_utils.get_table, engine, 'glare_artifact_locks')
def configure_authentication(self): """Set up authentication and authorization policies. For more information see Pyramid auth documentation. """ import pyramid.tweens from websauna.system.auth.principals import resolve_principals from websauna.system.auth.authentication import get_request_user from pyramid.authorization import ACLAuthorizationPolicy from websauna.system.auth.policy import SessionAuthenticationPolicy authn_policy = SessionAuthenticationPolicy(callback=resolve_principals) authz_policy = ACLAuthorizationPolicy() self.config.set_authentication_policy(authn_policy) self.config.set_authorization_policy(authz_policy) #self.config.add_tween("websauna.system.auth.tweens.SessionInvalidationTweenFactory", over=pyramid.tweens.MAIN) # We need to carefully be above TM view, but below exc view so that internal server error page doesn't trigger session authentication that accesses the database self.config.add_tween("websauna.system.auth.tweens.SessionInvalidationTweenFactory", under="pyramid_tm.tm_tween_factory") # Grab incoming auth details changed events from websauna.system.auth import subscribers self.config.scan(subscribers) # Experimental support for transaction aware properties try: from pyramid_tm.reify import transaction_aware_reify self.config.add_request_method( callable=transaction_aware_reify(self.config, get_request_user), name="user", property=True, reify=False) except ImportError: self.config.add_request_method(get_request_user, 'user', reify=True)
def sanity_check(self): """Perform post-initialization sanity checks. This is run on every startup to check that the database table schema matches our model definitions. If there are un-run migrations this will bail out and do not let the problem to escalate later. See also: :ref:`websauna.sanity_check`. """ import sqlalchemy.exc from websauna.system.model import sanitycheck from websauna.system.model.meta import Base from websauna.system.model.meta import create_dbsession from websauna.system.core import redis dbsession = create_dbsession(self.config.registry) db_connection_string = self.config.registry.settings.get("sqlalchemy.url") try: if not sanitycheck.is_sane_database(Base, dbsession): raise SanityCheckFailed("The database sanity check failed. Check log for details.") except sqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError as e: raise SanityCheckFailed("The database {} is not responding.\nMake sure the database is running on your local computer or correctly configured in settings INI file.\nFor more information see https://websauna.org/docs/tutorials/gettingstarted/tutorial_02.html.".format(db_connection_string)) from e dbsession.close() if self._has_redis_sessions: if not redis.is_sane_redis(self.config): raise SanityCheckFailed("Could not connect to Redis server.\nWebsauna is configured to use Redis server for session data.\nIt cannot start up without a running Redis server.\nPlease consult your operating system community how to install and start a Redis server.")
def del_rse(rse, session=None): """ Disable a rse with the given rse name. :param rse: the rse name. :param session: The database session in use. """ try: old_rse = session.query(models.RSE).filter_by(rse=rse).one() except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound: raise exception.RSENotFound('RSE \'%s\' cannot be found' % rse) old_rse.delete(session=session) del_rse_attribute(rse=rse, key=rse, session=session)
def get_rse(rse, rse_id=None, session=None): """ Get a RSE or raise if it does not exist. :param rse: The rse name. :param rse_id: The rse id. To be used if the rse parameter is none. :param session: The database session in use. :raises RSENotFound: If referred RSE was not found in the database. """ false_value = False # To make pep8 checker happy ... try: if rse: tmp = session.query(models.RSE).\ filter(sqlalchemy.and_(models.RSE.deleted == false_value, models.RSE.rse == rse))\ .one() else: tmp = session.query(models.RSE).\ filter(sqlalchemy.and_(models.RSE.deleted == false_value, models.RSE.id == rse_id))\ .one() tmp['type'] = tmp.rse_type return tmp except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound: raise exception.RSENotFound('RSE \'%s\' cannot be found' % rse)
def get_rse_id(rse, session=None): """ Get a RSE ID or raise if it does not exist. :param rse: the rse name. :param session: The database session in use. :returns: The rse id. :raises RSENotFound: If referred RSE was not found in the database. """ try: return session.query(models.RSE.id).filter_by(rse=rse).one()[0] except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound: raise exception.RSENotFound('RSE \'%s\' cannot be found' % rse)
def get_rse_name(rse_id, session=None): """ Get a RSE name or raise if it does not exist. :param rse_id: the rse uuid from the database. :param session: The database session in use. :returns: The rse name. :raises RSENotFound: If referred RSE was not found in the database. """ try: return session.query(models.RSE.rse).filter_by(id=rse_id).one()[0] except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound: raise exception.RSENotFound('RSE with ID \'%s\' cannot be found' % rse_id)
def update_rse(rse, parameters, session=None): """ Update RSE properties like availability or name. :param rse: the name of the new rse. :param parameters: A dictionnary with property (name, read, write, delete as keys). :param session: The database session in use. :raises RSENotFound: If RSE is not found. """ try: query = session.query(models.RSE).filter_by(rse=rse).one() except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound: raise exception.RSENotFound('RSE \'%s\' cannot be found' % rse) rse_id = query.id availability = 0 for column in query: if column[0] == 'availability': availability = column[1] or availability param = {} availability_mapping = {'availability_read': 4, 'availability_write': 2, 'availability_delete': 1} for key in parameters: if key == 'name': param['rse'] = parameters['name'] if key in ['availability_read', 'availability_write', 'availability_delete']: if parameters[key] is True: availability = availability | availability_mapping[key] else: availability = availability & ~availability_mapping[key] param['availability'] = availability query.update(param) if 'name' in parameters: add_rse_attribute(rse=parameters['name'], key=parameters['name'], value=1, session=session) query = session.query(models.RSEAttrAssociation).filter_by(rse_id=rse_id).filter(models.RSEAttrAssociation.key == rse) rse_attr = query.one() rse_attr.delete(session=session)
def assertTableNotExists(self, engine, table): self.assertRaises(sqlalchemy.exc.NoSuchTableError, oslodbutils.get_table, engine, table)
def _retry_on_deadlock(exc): """Decorator to retry a DB API call if Deadlock was received.""" if isinstance(exc, db_exception.DBDeadlock): LOG.warning("Deadlock detected. Retrying...") return True return False
def _get(context, artifact_id, session): try: query = _do_artifacts_query(context, session).filter_by( id=artifact_id) artifact = query.one() except orm.exc.NoResultFound: msg = _("Artifact with id=%s not found.") % artifact_id LOG.warning(msg) raise exception.ArtifactNotFound(msg) return artifact
def get_blob_data(context, uri, session): """Download blob data from database.""" blob_data_id = uri[6:] try: blob_data = session.query( models.ArtifactBlobData).filter_by(id=blob_data_id).one() except orm.exc.NoResultFound: msg = _("Cannot find a blob data with id %s.") % blob_data_id raise exception.NotFound(msg) return blob_data.data
def _check_233(self, engine, data): self.assertColumnExists(engine, 'compute_nodes', 'stats') compute_nodes = oslodbutils.get_table(engine, 'compute_nodes') self.assertIsInstance(compute_nodes.c.stats.type, sqlalchemy.types.Text) self.assertRaises(sqlalchemy.exc.NoSuchTableError, oslodbutils.get_table, engine, 'compute_node_stats')
def load_tweets(): """Load tweet data from scrapped twitter data file into database""" # Tweet.query.delete() for row in open("missing_dates_2.txt"): row = row.rstrip() tweet_data = row.split("|") handle = tweet_data[0] # Foreign key to users table user_id = User.query.filter(User.handle == handle).first() # Converting UTC timestamp timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(float(tweet_data[3])) # For tweets that don't have location data tweet_data[4] = tweet_data[4] or None tweet_data[5] = tweet_data[5] or None # Removing URLs from the tweet clean_tweet = re.sub(r"http\S+", "", tweet_data[2]) nb_classification = run_classifier([clean_tweet]) # Returns Trump/Clinton/Both for sorting later candidate = parsing_candidates(clean_tweet) if candidate: try: tweet = Tweet(user_id=user_id.user_id, tweet_id=tweet_data[1], text=clean_tweet, timestamp=timestamp, profile_location=tweet_data[4], place_id=tweet_data[5], naive_bayes=nb_classification[0], referenced_candidate=candidate) db.session.add(tweet) db.session.flush() db.session.commit() print "Tweet added: {}, {}".format(tweet.tweet_id, tweet.timestamp) except sqlalchemy.exc.IntegrityError: print "******flush or integrity error, rolling back! : {}, {}".format(tweet.tweet_id, tweet.timestamp) # Preventing duplicate tweets from accidentally being added db.session.rollback() continue ################################################################################ # Need to actually create the keyword file!
def post_users(): """ :param email: required, user's email, must be unique :param password: required, password hash :param salt: required, sent by client :param phone_id: required, phone id for client, may not be unique :param state: required, two letter string containing state code/abbrev. :param subbed: optional, whether user is subbed or not, defaults false :param alt_email: optional, user's alternate email, must be unique :returns: unique generated user token """ try: phone_os = str(g.req.data.get('phone_os')).lower() if phone_os not in SUPPORTED_PHONE_OS: raise InvalidUsage("\"{}\" is not currently supported.".format(phone_os)) except ValueError: raise InvalidUsage("\"phone_os\" must be a string.") user = User(email = g.req.data.get('email'), password = g.req.data.get('password'), salt = g.req.data.get('salt'), phone_id = g.req.data.get('phone_id'), phone_os = g.req.data.get('phone_os').lower(), subbed = g.req.data.get('subbed', False), state = g.req.data.get('state'), token = generate_user_token(), alt_email = g.req.data.get('alt_email')) db.session.add(user) try: db.session.commit() except sqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError as e: print_log(e) db.session.rollback() raise InvalidUsage(message="Internal configuration error.", status_code=500) except sqlalchemy.exc.IntegrityError as e: print_log(e) err = "Provided primary/alternative e-mail already exists." db.session.rollback() raise InvalidUsage(message=err) customer = stripe.Customer.create(description="Customer for {}".format(user.email), email=user.email) user.stripe_cus_id = customer.id db.session.add(user) db.session.commit() g.res.message = "Added new user with e-mail \"{}\".".format(user.email) g.res.update_data({'user': {'token': user.token, 'stripe_id': user.stripe_cus_id}}) g.res.status_code = 201 return jsonify(g.res) # PATCH /users/