def insert(address, port, location='default', protocol='default'): uid = str(uuid.uuid5(uuid.NAMESPACE_DNS,address)) conn = sqlite3.connect(db) try: conn.execute("INSERT INTO PROXY VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",[uid,address,port,location,protocol]) print('insert: '+str(address)) pass except sqlite3.IntegrityError as e: conn.execute("UPDATE PROXY SET ADDRESS = ?, PORT = ?, LOCATION = ?, PROTOCOL = ? WHERE UID=?",[address,port,location,protocol,uid]) print('update: '+str(address)) pass except sqlite3.ProgrammingError as e: #TODO pass finally: conn.commit() conn.close()
def storeSenderKey(self, senderKeyName, senderKeyRecord): """ :type senderKeyName: SenderKeName :type senderKeyRecord: SenderKeyRecord """ q = "INSERT INTO sender_keys (group_id, sender_id, record) VALUES(?,?, ?)" cursor = self.dbConn.cursor() serialized = senderKeyRecord.serialize() if sys.version_info < (2,7): serialized = buffer(serialized) try: cursor.execute(q, (senderKeyName.getGroupId(), senderKeyName.getSender().getName(), serialized)) self.dbConn.commit() except sqlite3.IntegrityError as e: q = "UPDATE sender_keys set record = ? WHERE group_id = ? and sender_id = ?" cursor = self.dbConn.cursor() cursor.execute(q, (serialized, senderKeyName.getGroupId(), senderKeyName.getSender().getName())) self.dbConn.commit()
def InsertRowsInTable(self, table_name, rows): """Insert a number of rows in table_name in GellishDB. """ # Insert a number of rows of data in table table_name command = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO %s VALUES (?%s)" % (table_name,54*",?") try: self.db_cursor.executemany(command, rows) except (sqlite3.IntegrityError, sqlite3.OperationalError): for row in rows: try: self.db_cursor.execute(command, row) except sqlite3.IntegrityError: print('** Error: IdeaUID %i already exists. Insertion ignored.' % (row[15])) except sqlite3.OperationalError: print("** Error: Row could not be interpreted and is skipped: %s " % row) # Save (commit) the additions self.db_connect.commit() #------------------------------------------------ -------------
def register_user(chat_id, username, name): """ Register given user to receive news and statistics """ # Open connection to DB conn = sqlite3.connect(DB_NAME) cursor = conn.cursor() try: query = ('INSERT INTO user(chat_id, name, username, notification, language) ' 'VALUES("{0}", "{1}", "{2}", "on", "it_IT.UTF-8")'.format(chat_id, name, username)) cursor.execute(query) conn.commit() except sqlite3.IntegrityError: return 0 finally: # Close connection to DB conn.close() return 1
def update_user(chat_id, username, full_name): """ Update name and username of missing users """ # Open connection to DB conn = sqlite3.connect(DB_NAME) cursor = conn.cursor() try: query = ('UPDATE user ' 'SET username = "{0}", name = "{1}" ' 'WHERE chat_id = "{2}"'.format(username, full_name, chat_id)) cursor.execute(query) conn.commit() except sqlite3.IntegrityError: return 0 finally: # Close connection to DB conn.close() return 1
def execute(self, sql: str, params: typing.Union[typing.Mapping, typing.Iterable] = None): """ Executes SQL in the current transaction. """ # lock to ensure nothing else is using the connection at once logger.debug("Running SQL {} with params {}".format(sql, params)) async with self._lock: async with threadpool(): for stmt in separate_statements(sql): try: if params is None: res = self.connection.execute(stmt) else: res = self.connection.execute(stmt, params) except sqlite3.IntegrityError as e: raise IntegrityError(*e.args) except sqlite3.OperationalError as e: raise DatabaseException(*e.args) return res
def _getValueHist(self, version, pkgarch, checksum): data=self._execute("SELECT value FROM %s WHERE version=? AND pkgarch=? AND checksum=?;" % self.table, (version, pkgarch, checksum)) row=data.fetchone() if row != None: return row[0] else: #no value found, try to insert try: self._execute("INSERT INTO %s VALUES (?, ?, ?, (select ifnull(max(value)+1,0) from %s where version=? AND pkgarch=?));" % (self.table,self.table), (version,pkgarch, checksum,version, pkgarch)) except sqlite3.IntegrityError as exc: logger.error(str(exc)) self.dirty = True data=self._execute("SELECT value FROM %s WHERE version=? AND pkgarch=? AND checksum=?;" % self.table, (version, pkgarch, checksum)) row=data.fetchone() if row != None: return row[0] else: raise prserv.NotFoundError
def _importHist(self, version, pkgarch, checksum, value): val = None data = self._execute("SELECT value FROM %s WHERE version=? AND pkgarch=? AND checksum=?;" % self.table, (version, pkgarch, checksum)) row = data.fetchone() if row != None: val=row[0] else: #no value found, try to insert try: self._execute("INSERT INTO %s VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?);" % (self.table), (version, pkgarch, checksum, value)) except sqlite3.IntegrityError as exc: logger.error(str(exc)) self.dirty = True data = self._execute("SELECT value FROM %s WHERE version=? AND pkgarch=? AND checksum=?;" % self.table, (version, pkgarch, checksum)) row = data.fetchone() if row != None: val = row[0] return val
def _importNohist(self, version, pkgarch, checksum, value): try: #try to insert self._execute("INSERT INTO %s VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?);" % (self.table), (version, pkgarch, checksum,value)) except sqlite3.IntegrityError as exc: #already have the record, try to update try: self._execute("UPDATE %s SET value=? WHERE version=? AND pkgarch=? AND checksum=? AND value<?" % (self.table), (value,version,pkgarch,checksum,value)) except sqlite3.IntegrityError as exc: logger.error(str(exc)) self.dirty = True data = self._execute("SELECT value FROM %s WHERE version=? AND pkgarch=? AND checksum=? AND value>=?;" % self.table, (version,pkgarch,checksum,value)) row=data.fetchone() if row != None: return row[0] else: return None
def deleteNoteADMIN(noteID,user): try: c = getC() conn = getConn() if(noteExists(noteID)): c.execute("SELECT contributor,note FROM note where noteID = (?)",(noteID,)) printUser("Deleting Note:",user) format_output_multirow(c.fetchall(),user) c.execute("DELETE FROM note WHERE noteID = (?);",(noteID,)) conn.commit() printUser("deleted note",user) else: printUser("No note exists with noteID " + str(noteID)) except sqlite3.IntegrityError: printUser("Strange error in deleting note", user) printMaster("Error " + str(traceback.format_exc()))
def deleteChal(CTF,challenge,user,verbose=False): try: c = getC() conn = getConn() chalID = getChalID(CTF,challenge) if(verbose): #We need a better format method for c.fetchone() for multiple columns 1 row. printUser("Deleting the following notes: ") c.execute("SELECT contributor,note FROM note WHERE challengeID = (?);",(chalID,)) format_output_multirow(c.fetchall(),user) c.execute("DELETE FROM note WHERE challengeID = (?);",(chalID,)) c.execute("DELETE FROM challenges WHERE challengeID = (?);",(chalID,)) conn.commit() printUser("deleted challenge: " + challenge + " from CTF " + CTF + ", along with all of its notes.",user) except sqlite3.IntegrityError: printUser("Strange error in deleting challenge", user) printMaster("Error " + str(traceback.format_exc()))
def deleteNoteREG(noteID,realuser,printuser): try: c = getC() conn = getConn() if(noteExists(noteID)): c.execute("SELECT contributor,note FROM note where noteID = (?)",(noteID,)) row = c.fetchone() print(str(row)) contributor = row[0] if(realuser.strip()==contributor.strip()): printUser("Deleting Note:",printuser) c.execute("SELECT contributor,note FROM note where noteID = (?)",(noteID,)) format_output_multirow(c.fetchall()) c.execute("DELETE FROM note WHERE noteID = (?)",(noteID,)) conn.commit() printUser("deleted note",printuser) else: printUser("You did not create this note.",printuser) else: printUser("No note exists with noteID " + str(noteID),printuser) except sqlite3.IntegrityError: printUser("Strange error in deleting note",printuser) printMaster("Error " + str(traceback.format_exc()))
def insert(self, location): """Insert a row into locations.db. Args: location (str): Returns: None """ local_conn = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(self.data_dirs["Database"], "locations.db")) local_cur = local_conn.cursor() try: local_cur.execute("INSERT INTO locations (Location) VALUES (?)", (location, )) except sqlite3.IntegrityError: pass local_cur.execute("UPDATE locations SET Num_of_calls" " = Num_of_calls + 1 WHERE Location=?", (location, )) local_conn.commit() local_conn.close()
def add_user(user, password, ut): hashed_pass = hash_pass(password) # Here we set the db file path. db = Path(os.path.join(gazee.DATA_DIR, gazee.DB_NAME)) # Here we make the inital DB connection that we will be using throughout this function. connection = sqlite3.connect(str(db)) c = connection.cursor() try: c.execute('INSERT INTO {tn} ({un}, {pw}, {ut}) VALUES (?,?,?)'.format(tn=gazee.USERS, un=gazee.USERNAME, pw=gazee.PASSWORD, ut=gazee.TYPE), (user, hashed_pass, ut,)) except sqlite3.IntegrityError: logging.info("User %s Already Exists" % user) return False finally: connection.commit() connection.close() logging.info("User %s Added" % (user)) return True
def add_note(self, steamid, message): tokens = message.split() if len(tokens)<3: return "No content. Note not added." else: try: self.bot.database.insert("notes", "key, content, author", "?, ?, ?", ( tokens[1], ' '.join(tokens[2:]), steamid ) ) return "Note added." except sqlite3.IntegrityError: return ("You already made a note with key" " '{}'.".format(tokens[1]))
def insert_one(cursor, obj): """Insert entry or comment into database""" if not obj: logging.debug('Entry is empty.') return False statement = 'INSERT INTO {} VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)'.format(obj.type_) params = tuple(obj.__iter__()) try: cursor.execute(statement, params) except sqlite3.IntegrityError: logging.debug(traceback.format_exc()) return False else: set_added_info(obj.type_) return True
def count_tags(cls, cursor, arg_tag=None): tags_dict = {} condition, params = cls.get_condition_and_params(arg_tag) statement = 'SELECT tags FROM entry {}'.format(condition) try: tags = cursor.execute(statement, params).fetchall() except sqlite3.IntegrityError: logging.debug('Fetching tags failed') return for tags_row in tags: tags = set(tags_row[0].strip().split(' ')) for tag in tags: if tag in tags_dict.keys(): tags_dict[tag] += 1 else: tags_dict[tag] = 1 return sorted(tags_dict.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
def setSubmission(data, processed = False, failed = True): id_value = data['id'] url = data['url'] title = data['title'] created_utc = data['created_utc'] author = data['author'] if db_path is None: print("ERROR : DB : setSubmission: ", 'db_path is None') exit() with sqlite3.connect(db_path) as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() try: #insert into submissions_table query = "INSERT INTO " + sub_table + " (id, url, title, created_utc, author) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" cursor.execute(query, (id_value, url, title, created_utc, author)) #insert into submissions_log query = "INSERT INTO " + sub_log + " (id, processed, failed) VALUES (?, ?, ?)" cursor.execute(query, (id_value, processed, failed)) except sqlite3.IntegrityError: print('ERROR: ID already exists in PRIMARY KEY column : ', id_value)
def setDomains(domainList): if db_path is None: print("ERROR : DB : setDomains: ", 'db_path is None') exit() blacklisted = 0 for domain in domainList: try: with sqlite3.connect(db_path) as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() query = "INSERT INTO " + domains_table + " (domain, blacklisted) VALUES (?, ?)" cursor.execute(query, (domain, blacklisted,)) except sqlite3.IntegrityError: print('ERROR: Cannot INSERT domain, already exists: ', domain)
def register(self, username, pword): ''' Attempts to enter a new username and pword into the USERS table :param username: new username, MUST BE UNIQUE :param pword: new password :return: 0 if username is not unique (can't have duplicate usernames) 1 if username is unique and user is put in db ''' try: self.conn.execute("INSERT INTO USERS(username, pword) VALUES(?,?)", (username, pword)) self.conn.commit() return 1 # username is not unique except sqlite3.IntegrityError: return 0
def upload(self, id, fileName, category, keywords): ''' Inserts new file into the FILES table :param id: username of user who's uploading file :param fileName: name of file :param category: category of file :param keywords: keywords :return: 0 if upload is not successful (can't have duplicate fileNames) 1 if upload is successful ''' timestamp = datetime.datetime.now() try: self.conn.execute("INSERT INTO FILES VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)", (id, fileName, category, keywords, timestamp)) self.conn.commit() return 1 # fileName not unique except sqlite3.IntegrityError: return 0
def set(self, owner_id, dashboard_id, old_layout_id, new_layout_id, new_layout_def, new_layout_props): with cursor() as cur: if old_layout_id is None: try: cur.execute(*insert('dashboard_layout', dict( owner_id=owner_id, dashboard_id=dashboard_id, layout_def=new_layout_def, layout_props=new_layout_props, layout_id=new_layout_id, ))) except sqlite3.IntegrityError: return False else: return True cur.execute("""UPDATE dashboard_layout SET layout_id=?, layout_def=?, layout_props=? WHERE owner_id=? AND dashboard_id=? AND layout_id=?""", [new_layout_id, new_layout_def, new_layout_props, owner_id, dashboard_id, old_layout_id]) return cur.rowcount == 1
def delete_all (self, reset_id = False): sql1 = 'DELETE FROM stardict;' sql2 = "UPDATE sqlite_sequence SET seq = 0 WHERE name = 'stardict';" try: self.__conn.execute(sql1) if reset_id: self.__conn.execute(sql2) self.__conn.commit() except sqlite3.IntegrityError as e: self.out(str(e)) return False except sqlite3.Error as e: self.out(str(e)) return False return True # ??????
def write_rows_to_db(connection, query, data, verbose=False): ''' ??????? ??????? ?????????: * connection - ?????????? ? ?? * query - ??????, ??????? ????? ????????? * data - ??????, ??????? ???? ???????? ? ???? ?????? ???????? ??????? ???????? ???????? ????????? ??????? ?? ?????? data. ???? ?????? ??????? ???????? ???????, ????????? ??????????? ? ??. ???? ? ???????? ?????? ??????? ???????? ??????, ?????????? ????????????. ???? verbose ???????????? ??, ????? ?? ???????? ????????? ?? ??????? ??? ????????? ?????? ???????. ''' for row in data: try: with connection: connection.execute(query, row) except sqlite3.IntegrityError as e: if verbose: print('??? ?????? ?????? '{}' ???????? ??????'.format(', '.join(row), e)) else: if verbose: print('?????? ?????? '{}' ?????? ???????'.format(', '.join(row)))
def write_data_to_db(connection, query, data): ''' ??????? ??????? ?????????: * connection - ?????????? ? ?? * query - ??????, ??????? ????? ????????? * data - ??????, ??????? ???? ???????? ? ???? ?????? ???????? ??????? ???????? ???????? ??? ?????? ?? ?????? data. ???? ?????? ??????? ???????? ???????, ????????? ??????????? ? ?? ? ??????? ?????????? True. ???? ? ???????? ?????? ???????? ??????, ?????????? ???????????? ? ??????? ?????????? False. ''' try: with connection: connection.executemany(query, data) except sqlite3.IntegrityError as e: print('Error occured: ', e) return False else: print('?????? ?????? ?????? ???????') return True
def commit_transaction(self): connection = self._connection_helper.retrieve_database_connection() try: connection.executemany( """INSERT INTO {0} ({1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}) VALUES (?, IFNULL(?, "default") ,? ,?, ?) """.format( MeasurementsTableManagement.TABLE_NAME(), MeasurementsTableManagement.KEY_COMPONENT_TYPE_FK(), MeasurementsTableManagement.KEY_COMPONENT_ARG_FK(), MeasurementsTableManagement.KEY_METRIC_FK(), MeasurementsTableManagement.KEY_TIMESTAMP(), MeasurementsTableManagement.KEY_VALUE() ), self.__insertions ) connection.commit() connection.close() except IntegrityError as err: log.error("Error during commit of bulk transaction. Most likely triggered by a duplicate timestamp.") log.error(err) log.error("Tried to commit these values: %s", str(self.__insertions)) self.__reset_variables()
def add_tracks(self, tracks): before = self.dbconn.execute("SELECT count(*) FROM tracks").fetchone()[0] cursor = self.dbconn.cursor() for t in tracks: try: cursor.execute("INSERT INTO tracks(title, artist, album, year, genre, duration, modified, location, hash) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)", (t.title, t.artist, t.album, t.year, t.genre, t.duration, t.modified, t.location, t.hash)) except sqlite3.IntegrityError as x: if str(x) == "UNIQUE constraint failed: tracks.hash": # track already exists with this hash, but update its modification time cursor.execute("UPDATE tracks SET modified=?, year=9999 WHERE hash=?", (t.modified, t.hash)) else: raise after = self.dbconn.execute("SELECT count(*) FROM tracks").fetchone()[0] cursor.close() self.dbconn.commit() amount_new = after - before return amount_new
def save2sql(self): for star in self.hotStarData: conn = sqlite3.connect(self.dbName) cursor = conn.cursor() nowTime = str(int(time.time())) sqlTableName = 'pTV' + star['roomid'] try: strEx='create table if not exists '+sqlTableName+' (time int(10) primary key, name varchar(10),\ title varchar(20), number varchar(10), roomid varchar(10))' cursor.execute(strEx) strEx = "insert into " + sqlTableName + "(time, name, title, number, roomid) values ("\ + nowTime+ ",' " + star['name'] + " ' , ' " + star['title'] + " ' , ' " + star['number'] + " ' , ' " + star['roomid'] +" ' )" #print(strEx) cursor.execute(strEx) except sqlite3.OperationalError as e: print(self.dbName,e) except sqlite3.IntegrityError as e : strEx = "insert into " + sqlTableName + "( number ) values (" + star['number'] + ")" print(strEx) cursor.execute(strEx) #except sqlite3.OperationalError as e: cursor.close() conn.commit() conn.close()
def save2sql(self): for star in self.hotStarData: conn = sqlite3.connect(self.dbName) cursor = conn.cursor() nowTime = str(int(time.time())) sqlTableName = self.platform +'TV' + star['roomid'] try: strEx='create table if not exists '+sqlTableName+' (time int(10) primary key, name varchar(10),\ title varchar(20), number varchar(10), roomid varchar(10))' cursor.execute(strEx) strEx = "insert into " + sqlTableName + "(time, name, title, number, roomid) values ("\ + nowTime+ ",' " + star['name'] + " ' , ' " + star['title'] + " ' , ' " + str(star['number']) + " ' , ' " + star['roomid'] +" ' )" #print(strEx) cursor.execute(strEx) except sqlite3.OperationalError as e: print(self.dbName,e) except sqlite3.IntegrityError as e : strEx = "insert into " + sqlTableName + "( number ) values (" + star['number'] + ")" print(strEx) cursor.execute(strEx) #except sqlite3.OperationalError as e: cursor.close() conn.commit() conn.close()
def handle(cursor, filenames, parser): for filename in filenames: with open(filename) as stream: for line in stream: try: name, link = parser(line) except ValueError: pass else: if link.strip() == '#': continue sql = 'insert into aliases values (?, ?)' args = (name, link) try: cursor.execute(sql, args) except IntegrityError: pass else: print('Inserted', name, link)
def test_live_write_account(self): db = local_stores.SqliteStore() db.clean_tables() db.write_account(self.account_id, self.public_key, self.private_key) with self.assertRaises(sqlite3.IntegrityError): db.write_account(self.account_id, self.public_key, self.private_key) db.clean_tables()
def upsert_connection(remote_connection): # Connecting to the database file conn = sqlite3.connect(db_file) c = conn.cursor() remote=remote_connection print("Adding: %s" % remote_connection) try: try: # insert a new row c.execute("INSERT INTO connections VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", [remote.ip, remote.country, remote.continent, remote.tz, remote.divisions]) except sqlite3.IntegrityError: # update existing row c.execute('''UPDATE connections SET country = :country, continent = :continent, timezone = :timezone, divisions = :divisions WHERE ip = :ip''', { 'ip': remote.ip, 'country': remote.country, 'continent': remote.continent, 'timezone': remote.tz, 'divisions': remote.divisions } ) print('IP already exists: {}, updating...'.format(remote.ip)) conn.commit() finally: conn.close()
def CheckContextManagerRollback(self): """Is a rollback called in the context manager?""" global did_rollback self.assertEqual(did_rollback, False) try: with self.con: self.con.execute("insert into test(c) values (4)") self.con.execute("insert into test(c) values (4)") except sqlite.IntegrityError: pass self.assertEqual(did_rollback, True)
def CheckIntegrityError(self): self.assertTrue(issubclass(sqlite.IntegrityError, sqlite.DatabaseError), "IntegrityError is not a subclass of DatabaseError")
def CheckExceptions(self): # Optional DB-API extension. self.assertEqual(self.cx.Warning, sqlite.Warning) self.assertEqual(self.cx.Error, sqlite.Error) self.assertEqual(self.cx.InterfaceError, sqlite.InterfaceError) self.assertEqual(self.cx.DatabaseError, sqlite.DatabaseError) self.assertEqual(self.cx.DataError, sqlite.DataError) self.assertEqual(self.cx.OperationalError, sqlite.OperationalError) self.assertEqual(self.cx.IntegrityError, sqlite.IntegrityError) self.assertEqual(self.cx.InternalError, sqlite.InternalError) self.assertEqual(self.cx.ProgrammingError, sqlite.ProgrammingError) self.assertEqual(self.cx.NotSupportedError, sqlite.NotSupportedError)
def insert_account(name, address): assert name, address try: cursor.execute('INSERT INTO accounts(name, address) VALUES (?, ?)', (name, address)) connection.commit() except sqlite3.IntegrityError as e: return 'Account exists'
def add_exploit(name, kind, code, uid = None): if len(name) == 0 or len(kind) == 0: return uid = uid or str(binascii.b2a_hex(os.urandom(8)), encoding='utf-8') exploit = Exploit(uid, name, kind, code) print('created exploit: {}'.format(exploit)) exploits[uid] = exploit cur = db.cursor() try: cur.execute('INSERT INTO exploits VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)', (uid, name, kind, code)) except sqlite3.IntegrityError: print('exploit already in db -- this is ok') else: db.commit()
def add_ip(ip): cur = db.cursor() try: cur.execute('INSERT INTO ips VALUES (?)', (ip,)) except sqlite3.IntegrityError: print('already had ip in table -- this is ok') else: db.commit() if ip not in ips: ips.append(ip)
def InsertRowInTable(self, table_name, row): """Insert one row in table_name into GellishDB'.""" # Insert row of data in table table_name command = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO %s VALUES (?%s)" % (table_name,54*",?") try: self.db_cursor.execute(command, row) except sqlite3.IntegrityError: print('ERROR: IdeaUID %i already exists. Insertion ignored.' % (row[15])) # Save (commit) the addition self.db_connect.commit() #-------------------------------------------------------------
def test_duplicate(self, filled_fragmentsdb, myshelve): with pytest.raises(sqlite3.IntegrityError): filled_fragmentsdb.add_fragments_from_shelve(myshelve)
def load_Data(self, df, table_name): #executemany - I couldn't for the life of me get executemany to work...? # http://jpython.blogspot.com/2013/11/python-sqlite-example-executemany.html data, columns = self.createListOfTuples(df, table_name) for row in data: try: self.conn.execute("INSERT INTO %s %s VALUES %s" % (table_name, columns, row)) except sqlite3.IntegrityError: print("Record Overwritten\n\tTable: %s\n\tID: %s\n" % (table_name, row[0])) self.conn.execute("DELETE FROM %s WHERE id = '%s'" % (table_name, row[0])) self.conn.execute("INSERT INTO %s %s VALUES %s" % (table_name, columns, row))
def test_write_read_events(tmpdir, in_memory_database): log = init_database(tmpdir, in_memory_database) event = EventTransferSentFailed(1, 'whatever') with pytest.raises(sqlite3.IntegrityError): log.storage.write_state_events(1, [(None, 1, 1, log.serializer.serialize(event))]) assert(len(get_all_state_events(log)) == 0) log.storage.write_state_change('statechangedata') log.storage.write_state_events(1, [(None, 1, 1, log.serializer.serialize(event))]) logged_events = get_all_state_events(log) assert(len(logged_events) == 1) assert(logged_events[0].identifier == 1) assert(logged_events[0].state_change_id == 1) assert(isinstance(logged_events[0].event_object, EventTransferSentFailed))
def post(self): url = self.get_body_argument("url") if not validators.url(url): self.set_status(400, "bad URL") return with self._connect() as connection: try: createSource(connection, url) except sqlite3.IntegrityError: self.set_status(400, "duplicate URL") return self.set_status(201)