def ExecuteQueryDetailed( self, query: str) -> sql_query_data.SQLQueryData: """Executes the SQL Query and gets detailed information. Args: query (str): The SQL Query to execute on the SQLite database. Returns: sql_query_data.SQLQueryData: The data to the Query """ query_data = sql_query_data.SQLQueryData( data=None, has_error=True, columns=None) if not re.fullmatch('[A-Za-z,.;*=_0-9 ]*', query): query_data.error_message = ('Warning: Don\'t use any characters beside' ' a-z A-Z 0-9 . ; , * = _') return query_data if query.lower()[query.lower().find(' from '):].find(' as ') != -1: query_data.error_message = ('Warning: ' 'Don\'t use any alias for a table name') return query_data data_from_executed_query = self._ExecuteQuery(query, True) if not data_from_executed_query.has_error: duplicate_names = self._type_helper.GetDuplicateColumnNames( data_from_executed_query.columns) if duplicate_names: duplicate_names_as_string = ' '.join(duplicate_names) data_from_executed_query.has_error = True data_from_executed_query.error_message = ( 'Please use an alias (AS) for ' 'those column names: {0}'.format(duplicate_names_as_string)) if not data_from_executed_query.has_error: data_from_executed_query.columns = ( self._type_helper.AddMissingTypesFromSchema( data_from_executed_query.columns, query)) return data_from_executed_query
def _ExecuteQuery( self, query: str, detailed: bool=True) -> sql_query_data.SQLQueryData: """Executes the SQL Query. Args: query (str): The SQL Query to execute on the SQLite database. detailed (bool): True if additional information about the query is needed Returns: sql_query_data.SQLQueryData: The data to the Query """ query_data = sql_query_data.SQLQueryData() try: with self._connection: self._connection.execute('BEGIN') cursor = self._connection.execute(query) query_data.data = cursor.fetchall() if detailed: query_data.columns = ( self._type_helper.GetColumnInformationFromDescription( cursor.description)) self._connection.execute('ROLLBACK') except sqlite3.Error as error: query_data.error_message = 'Error: {0}'.format(str(error)) query_data.has_error = True except sqlite3.Warning as warning: query_data.error_message = 'Warning: {0}'.format(str(warning)) query_data.has_error = True return query_data
def CheckConnectionCall(self): """ Call a connection with a non-string SQL request: check error handling of the statement constructor. """ self.assertRaises(sqlite.Warning, self.con, 1)
def CheckWarning(self): self.assertTrue(issubclass(sqlite.Warning, StandardError), "Warning is not a subclass of StandardError")
def CheckExceptions(self): # Optional DB-API extension. self.assertEqual(self.cx.Warning, sqlite.Warning) self.assertEqual(self.cx.Error, sqlite.Error) self.assertEqual(self.cx.InterfaceError, sqlite.InterfaceError) self.assertEqual(self.cx.DatabaseError, sqlite.DatabaseError) self.assertEqual(self.cx.DataError, sqlite.DataError) self.assertEqual(self.cx.OperationalError, sqlite.OperationalError) self.assertEqual(self.cx.IntegrityError, sqlite.IntegrityError) self.assertEqual(self.cx.InternalError, sqlite.InternalError) self.assertEqual(self.cx.ProgrammingError, sqlite.ProgrammingError) self.assertEqual(self.cx.NotSupportedError, sqlite.NotSupportedError)
def CheckExecuteTooMuchSql(self): try: self.cu.execute("select 5+4; select 4+5") self.fail("should have raised a Warning") except sqlite.Warning: return except: self.fail("raised wrong exception")
def CheckWarning(self): self.assertTrue(issubclass(sqlite.Warning, Exception), "Warning is not a subclass of Exception")
def register(self, username, pword, sec_question, sec_answer): """ Attempts to enter a new username and pword into the USERS table :param username: new username, MUST BE UNIQUE :param pword: new password :return: False if username is not unique (can't have duplicate usernames) True if username is unique and user is put in db """ self.lock.acquire() result = 0 c = self.conn.cursor() try: c.execute("INSERT INTO GROUPS(groupname, user_created) VALUES(?,?)", (username + "_personal_repo", False)) gid = c.lastrowid print(type(gid)) c.execute("INSERT INTO USER(username, password, question, answer, repo_id) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)", (username, pword, sec_question, sec_answer,gid)) c.execute("INSERT INTO USER_GROUP(group_id, username) VALUES(?,?)", (gid, username)) self.conn.commit() result = gid # username is not unique except sqlite3.Warning: print('ignored') except Exception as e: print('Exception in register:', e) finally: self.lock.release() return result
def _run_query(self, query_string): """ Run a query. """ cursor = self.conn.cursor() try: cursor.execute(query_string) except (sqlite3.OperationalError, sqlite3.Warning): pass results = cursor.fetchall() cursor.close() return results
def _run_query(self, query_string, *parameters): """ Run a query. """ cursor = self.conn.cursor() try: cursor.execute(query_string, parameters) except (sqlite3.OperationalError, sqlite3.Warning): pass results = cursor.fetchall() cursor.close() return results
def register(self, username, password, authkey): self.lock.acquire() created = False c = self.conn.cursor() try: c.execute("INSERT INTO Login(username, password, authkey) VALUES(?,?,?)", (username, password, authkey)) self.conn.commit() created = True except sqlite3.Warning: print('unsucessful') except Exception as e: print('Exception in register:', e) finally: self.lock.release() return created