Python statsmodels.api 模块,OLS 实例源码


项目:DSI-personal-reference-kit    作者:teb311    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def build_model(y, x, add_constant=True):
        Build a linear regression model from the provided data

        y: a series or single column dataframe holding our solution vector for linear regression
        x: a dataframe that runs parallel to y, with all the features for our linear regression
        add_constant: a boolean, if true it will add a constant row to our provided x data. Otherwise
                      this method assumes you've done-so already, or do not want one for some good reason

        Return: a linear regression model from StatsModels and the data which was used to train the model.
                If add_constant was true this will be a new dataframe, otherwise it will be x
    if add_constant:
        x = sm.add_constant(x)

    model = sm.OLS(y, x).fit()
    return (model, x)
项目:DriverPower    作者:smshuai    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def dispersion_test(yhat, y, k=100):
    """ Implement the regression based dispersion test with k re-sampling.

        yhat (np.array): predicted mutation count
        y (np.array): observed mutation count
        k (int):

        float, float: p-value, theta

    theta = 0
    pval = 0
    for i in range(k):
        y_sub, yhat_sub = resample(y, yhat, random_state=i)
        # (np.power((y - yhat), 2) - y) / yhat for Poisson regression
        aux = (np.power((y_sub - yhat_sub), 2) - yhat_sub) / yhat_sub
        mod = sm.OLS(aux, yhat_sub)
        res =
        theta += res.params[0]
        pval += res.pvalues[0]
    theta = theta/k
    pval = pval/k
    return pval, theta
项目:plotnine    作者:has2k1    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def lm(data, xseq, **params):
    Fit OLS / WLS if data has weight
    X = sm.add_constant(data['x'])
    Xseq = sm.add_constant(xseq)

        model = sm.WLS(data['y'], X, weights=data['weight'])
    except KeyError:
        model = sm.OLS(data['y'], X)

    results =**params['method_args'])
    data = pd.DataFrame({'x': xseq})
    data['y'] = results.predict(Xseq)

    if params['se']:
        alpha = 1 - params['level']
        prstd, iv_l, iv_u = wls_prediction_std(
            results, Xseq, alpha=alpha)
        data['se'] = prstd
        data['ymin'] = iv_l
        data['ymax'] = iv_u

    return data
项目:rdtools    作者:NREL    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _degradation_CI(results):
    Monte Carlo estimation of uncertainty in degradation rate from OLS results

    results: OLSResults object from fitting a model of the form:
    results = sm.OLS(endog = df.energy_ma, exog = df.loc[:,['const','years']]).fit()
    68.2% confidence interval for degradation rate


    sampled_normal = np.random.multivariate_normal(results.params, results.cov_params(), 10000)
    dist = sampled_normal[:, 1] / sampled_normal[:, 0]
    Rd_CI = np.percentile(dist, [50 - 34.1, 50 + 34.1]) * 100.0
    return Rd_CI
项目:chainladder-python    作者:jbogaardt    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __get_tail_weighted_time_period(self):
        """ Method to approximate the weighted-average development age assuming
        exponential tail fit.

        Returns: float32
        #n = self.triangle.ncol-1
        #y = self.f[:n]
        #x = np.array([i + 1 for i in range(len(y))]) 
        #ldf_reg = stats.linregress(x, np.log(y - 1))
        #time_pd = (np.log(self.f[n] - 1) - ldf_reg[1]) / ldf_reg[0]

        n = self.triangle.ncol-1
        y = Series(self.f[:n])
        x = [num+1 for num, item in enumerate(y)]
        y.index = x
        x = sm.add_constant((y.index)[y>1])
        y = y[y>1]
        ldf_reg = sm.OLS(np.log(y-1),x).fit()
        time_pd = (np.log(self.f[n] - 1) - ldf_reg.params[0]) / ldf_reg.params[1]
        #tail_factor = np.exp(tail_model.params[0] + np.array([i+2 for i in range(n,n+100)]) * tail_model.params[1]).astype(float) + 1)

        return time_pd
项目:chainladder-python    作者:jbogaardt    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, x, y, w):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.w = w
        WLS = sm.WLS(y,x, w)
        OLS = sm.OLS(WLS.wendog,WLS.wexog).fit()
        self.coefficient = OLS.params[0]
        self.WSSResidual = OLS.ssr
        self.fittedvalues = OLS.predict(x)
        self.residual = OLS.resid
        if len(x) == 1:
            self.mean_square_error = np.nan 
            self.standard_error = np.nan
            self.sigma = np.nan
            self.std_resid = np.nan
            self.mean_square_error = OLS.mse_resid 
            self.standard_error = OLS.params[0]/OLS.tvalues[0]
            self.sigma = np.sqrt(self.mean_square_error)
            self.std_resid = OLSInfluence(OLS).resid_studentized_internal
项目:chainladder-python    作者:jbogaardt    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __get_MCL_model(self): 
        for i in range(len(
                modelsI.append(cl.WRTO([:,i].dropna(),[:,i].dropna(), w=1/[:,i].dropna()))
                modelsP.append(cl.WRTO([:,i].dropna(),[:,i].dropna(), w=1/[:,i].dropna()))       
        q_f = np.array([item.coefficient for item in modelsI])
        qinverse_f = np.array([item.coefficient for item in modelsP])
        rhoI_sigma = np.array([item.sigma for item in modelsI])
        rhoP_sigma = np.array([item.sigma for item in modelsP])
        #y = np.log(rhoI_sigma[:-1])
        #x = np.array([i + 1 for i in range(len(y))])
        #x = sm.add_constant(x)
        #OLS = sm.OLS(y,x).fit()
        #tailsigma = np.exp((x[:,1][-1]+ 1) * OLS.params[1] + OLS.params[0])
        return rhoI_sigma, rhoP_sigma, q_f, qinverse_f
项目:rsmtool    作者:EducationalTestingService    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def model_fit_to_dataframe(fit):
    Take an object containing a statsmodels OLS model fit and extact
    the main model fit metrics into a data frame.

    fit : a statsmodels fit object
        Model fit object obtained from a linear model trained using

    df_fit : pandas DataFrame
        Data frame with the main model fit metrics.

    df_fit = pd.DataFrame({"N responses": [int(fit.nobs)]})
    df_fit['N features'] = int(fit.df_model)
    df_fit['R2'] = fit.rsquared
    df_fit['R2_adjusted'] = fit.rsquared_adj
    return df_fit
项目:PyDataLondon29-EmbarrassinglyParallelDAWithAWSLambda    作者:SignalMedia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def checkOLS(self, exog, endog, x, y):
        reference = sm.OLS(endog, sm.add_constant(exog, prepend=False)).fit()
        with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning, check_stacklevel=False):
            result = ols(y=y, x=x)

        # check that sparse version is the same
        with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning, check_stacklevel=False):
            sparse_result = ols(y=y.to_sparse(), x=x.to_sparse())
        _compare_ols_results(result, sparse_result)

        assert_almost_equal(reference.params, result._beta_raw)
        assert_almost_equal(reference.df_model, result._df_model_raw)
        assert_almost_equal(reference.df_resid, result._df_resid_raw)
        assert_almost_equal(reference.fvalue, result._f_stat_raw[0])
        assert_almost_equal(reference.pvalues, result._p_value_raw)
        assert_almost_equal(reference.rsquared, result._r2_raw)
        assert_almost_equal(reference.rsquared_adj, result._r2_adj_raw)
        assert_almost_equal(reference.resid, result._resid_raw)
        assert_almost_equal(reference.bse, result._std_err_raw)
        assert_almost_equal(reference.tvalues, result._t_stat_raw)
        assert_almost_equal(reference.cov_params(), result._var_beta_raw)
        assert_almost_equal(reference.fittedvalues, result._y_fitted_raw)

项目:astetik    作者:mikkokotila    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ols(data,iv,dv1,dv2,dv3,title='OLS Summary',table_title=''):

    if len(table_title) == 0:

        table_title = "Independent Variable : " + str(iv)

    features = str(iv + ' ~ ' + dv1 + ' + ' + dv2 + ' + ' + dv3)
    y, X = dmatrices(features, data=data, return_type='dataframe')
    mod = sm.OLS(y, X)
    res =
    result = pd.DataFrame.transpose(pd.DataFrame([res.params,res.tvalues,res.pvalues,res.bse]))
    result.columns = ['coef','t','p_t','std_error']

    data = result.round(decimals=4)

    html = display(HTML("<style type=\"text/css\"> .tg {border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0;border:none;} .tg td{font-family:Arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px;padding:10px 5px;border-style:solid;border-width:0px;overflow:hidden;word-break:normal;} .tg th{font-family:Arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px;font-weight:normal;padding:10px 5px;border-style:solid;border-width:0px;overflow:hidden;word-break:normal;} .tg .tg-ejgj{font-family:Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif !important;;vertical-align:top} .tg .tg-anay{font-family:Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif !important;;text-align:right;vertical-align:top} .tg .tg-jua3{font-weight:bold;font-family:Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif !important;;text-align:right;vertical-align:top} h5{font-family:Verdana;} h4{font-family:Verdana;} hr{height: 3px; background-color: #333;} .hr2{height: 1px; background-color: #333;} </style> <table class=\"tg\" style=\"undefined;table-layout: fixed; width: 500px; border-style: hidden; border-collapse: collapse;\"> <colgroup> <col style=\"width: 150px\"> <col style=\"width: 120px\"> <col style=\"width: 120px\"> <col style=\"width: 120px\"> <col style=\"width: 120px\"> </colgroup> <h5>" + str(table_title) + "</h5> <h4><i>" + str(title) + "</i></h4> <hr align=\"left\", width=\"630\"> <tr> <th class=\"tg-ejgj\"></th> <th class=\"tg-anay\">" + str(data.keys()[0]) + "</th> <th class=\"tg-anay\">" + str(data.keys()[1]) + "</th> <th class=\"tg-anay\">" + str(data.keys()[2]) + "</th> <th class=\"tg-anay\">" + str(data.keys()[3]) + "</th> </tr> <tr> <td class=\"tg-ejgj\">" + str(data.index[0]) + "</td> <td class=\"tg-jua3\">" + str(data[data.keys()[0]][0]) + "</td> <td class=\"tg-jua3\">" + str(data[data.keys()[1]][0]) + "</td> <td class=\"tg-jua3\">" + str(data[data.keys()[2]][0]) + "</td> <td class=\"tg-jua3\">" + str(data[data.keys()[3]][0]) + "</td> </tr> <tr> <td class=\"tg-ejgj\">" + str(data.index[1]) + "</td> <td class=\"tg-jua3\">" + str(data[data.keys()[0]][1]) + "</td> <td class=\"tg-jua3\">" + str(data[data.keys()[1]][1]) + "</td> <td class=\"tg-jua3\">" + str(data[data.keys()[2]][1]) + "</td> <td class=\"tg-jua3\">" + str(data[data.keys()[3]][1]) + "</td> </tr> <tr> <td class=\"tg-ejgj\">" + str(data.index[2]) + "</td> <td class=\"tg-jua3\">" + str(data[data.keys()[0]][2]) + "</td> <td class=\"tg-jua3\">" + str(data[data.keys()[1]][2]) + "</td> <td class=\"tg-jua3\">" + str(data[data.keys()[2]][2]) + "</td> <td class=\"tg-jua3\">" + str(data[data.keys()[3]][2]) + "</td> </tr> <tr> <td class=\"tg-ejgj\">" + str(data.index[3]) + "</td> <td class=\"tg-jua3\">" + str(data[data.keys()[0]][3]) + "</td> <td class=\"tg-jua3\">" + str(data[data.keys()[1]][3]) + "</td> <td class=\"tg-jua3\">" + str(data[data.keys()[2]][3]) + "</td> <td class=\"tg-jua3\">" + str(data[data.keys()[3]][3]) + "</td> </tr>"))

    return html
项目:panel_reg    作者:metjush    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def estimate(self):
        Estimate the FE model with OLS
        :return: results
        # demean

        # first, make a dataframe out of the panel of indvars
        x_dataframe = self.x_demeaned.transpose(2,0,1).to_frame(False) # set to False to not drop NaNs
        # unstack the depvar dataframe into a series
        y_series = self.y_demeaned.unstack()

        # fit regression model with statsmodels
        results = sm.OLS(y_series.values, x_dataframe.values, missing='drop').fit()

        print(results.summary(self.depvar, self.indvars))

        self.result = results
项目:panel_reg    作者:metjush    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def estimate(self):
        Estimate the first differenced OLS
        :return: results
        # first difference data

        # first, make a dataframe out of the panel of indvars
        x_dataframe = self.fd_x.transpose(2,0,1).to_frame(False) # set to False to not drop NaNs
        # unstack the depvar dataframe into a series
        y_series = self.fd_y.unstack()

        # fit regression model with statsmodels
        results = sm.OLS(y_series.values, x_dataframe.values, missing='drop').fit()

        print(results.summary(self.depvar, self.indvars))

        self.result = results
项目:Machine-Learning    作者:zjuzpz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def solution2():
    print("Start problem 2")
    print("Start data preparation for problem 2")
    print("Results: ")
    tags = ['tweets_#gohawks', 'tweets_#gopatriots', 'tweets_#nfl', \
    'tweets_#patriots', 'tweets_#sb49', 'tweets_#superbowl']
    #tweets, retweets, sum of followers, maximum followers, time of the day
    for tag in tags:
        tweets, parameters = [], []
        f = open('problem 2 ' + tag + ' data.txt')
        line = f.readline()
        while len(line):
            p = line.split()
            parameters.append([float(p[i]) for i in range(len(p))])
            line = f.readline()
        next_hour_tweets = tweets
        res = sm.OLS(next_hour_tweets, parameters).fit()
        print("Result of " + tag)
项目:Multiple-factor-risk-model    作者:icezerowjj    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def macro_reg_ret(ret, macro_data):
    :param DataFrame ret: ??????????
    :param DataFrame macro_index: ??????????
    :return: [DataFrame,dict] [loading,significant_list]: ???????????????;??????????
    macro_loading = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros([ret.shape[1], macro_data.shape[1]]))
    # ??????????
    for i in range(ret.shape[1]):
        y = ret.values[:, i]
        # ??????????????
        for j in range(macro_data.shape[1]):
            x = macro_data.values[:, j]
            model = sm.OLS(y, x).fit()
            macro_loading.iloc[i, j] = model.params[0]
    return macro_loading
项目:Multiple-factor-risk-model    作者:icezerowjj    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ret_reg_loading(tech_loading,ret,dummy):
    :param tech_loading:
    :param ret:
    # ???????
    for tech in tech_loading.columns:
    # ??????111?????loading????
    for tech in tech_loading.columns:
        # ?????111???????????
        for i in range(ret.shape[0]):
            model = sm.OLS(ret.iloc[i,:].values, pd.concat([tech_loading[tech],dummy],axis=1).values).fit()
            if pvalue<0.1:
    return significant_days
项目:Multiple-factor-risk-model    作者:icezerowjj    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ind_reg_ret(ind_ret,ret):
    :param DataFrame ind_ret: ????????*????
    :param DataFrame ret: ????????*????
    # ?????????????????????????
    for i in range(ret.shape[1]):
        # ?????????????
        for j in range(ind_ret.shape[1]):
    return ind_loading
项目:elections    作者:justin-nonwork    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def Regress(self, print_data):
    a = np.ndarray(shape=(len(self._rows), len(self._REGRESS_COLUMNS)))
    b = np.zeros(shape=(len(self._rows)))
    rn = 0
    if print_data:
      print('Found %d rows' % (len(self._rows)))
    for juris,cols in self._rows.iteritems():
      if not self._IsValidInputData(cols):
      b[rn] = self._values[juris]
      cn = 0
      for c in sorted(self._REGRESS_COLUMNS):
        a[rn,cn] = cols[c]
        cn += 1
      if print_data:
        print('\t'.join(str(x) for x in a[rn:rn+1,][0].tolist()))
      rn += 1
    a.resize((rn, len(self._REGRESS_COLUMNS)))
    if print_data:
      print('\n'.join(str(x) for x in b.tolist()))
    results = sm.OLS(b, a).fit()
      xname=sorted(self._REGRESS_COLUMNS), alpha=0.01))
    i = 0
    for juris,cols in sorted(self._rows.iteritems()):
      p = []
      for c in sorted(self._REGRESS_COLUMNS):
      pred = results.predict(p)
      diff = math.e**self._values[juris] - math.e**pred
      print('%-20s\t%7d\t%7d\t%7.4f\t%7d' % (juris, math.e**pred,
        math.e**self._values[juris], diff / math.e**pred, diff))
    return results
项目:chainladder-python    作者:jbogaardt    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_tail_factor(self, colname_sep='-'):
        """Estimate tail factor, idea from Thomas Mack:
        Returns a tail factor based off of an exponential fit to the LDFs.  This will
        fail if the product of 2nd and 3rd to last LDF < 1.0001.  This also fails if
        the estimated tail is larger than 2.0.  In other areas, exponential fit is
        rejected if the slope parameter p-value >0.5.  This is currently representative
        of the R implementation of this package, but may be enhanced in the future to be
        p-value based.

            colname_sep : str
                text to join the names of two adjacent columns representing the
                age-to-age factor column name.

            Pandas.Series of the tail factor.        
        LDF = np.array(self.get_LDF()[:self.triangle.ncol-1])
        if self.tail==False:
        elif len(LDF[LDF>1]) < 2:
            warn("Not enough factors larger than 1.0 to fit an exponential regression.")
            tail_factor = 1
        elif (LDF[-3] * LDF[-2] > 1.0001):
            y = Series(LDF)
            x = sm.add_constant((y.index+1)[y>1])
            y = LDF[LDF>1]
            n, = np.where(LDF==y[-1])[0]
            tail_model = sm.OLS(np.log(y-1),x).fit()
            tail_factor = np.product(np.exp(tail_model.params[0] + np.array([i+2 for i in range(n,n+100)]) * tail_model.params[1]).astype(float) + 1)
            if tail_factor > 2:
                warn("The estimate tail factor was bigger than 2 and has been reset to 1.")
                tail_factor = 1
            if tail_model.f_pvalue > 0.05:
                warn("The p-value of the exponential tail fit is insignificant and tail has been set to 1.")
                tail_factor = 1
            warn("LDF[-2] * LDF[-1] is not greater than 1.0001 and tail has been set to 1.")
            tail_factor = 1
        return Series(tail_factor, index = [[-1] + colname_sep + 'Ult'])
项目:Quantopian_Pairs_Trader    作者:bartchr808    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def apply_half_life(self, time_series):
        lag = np.roll(time_series, 1)
        lag[0] = 0
        ret = time_series - lag
        ret[0] = 0

        # adds intercept terms to X variable for regression
        lag2 = sm.add_constant(lag)

        model = sm.OLS(ret, lag2)
        res =

        self.half_life = -np.log(2) / res.params[1]
项目:Quantopian_Pairs_Trader    作者:bartchr808    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def hedge_ratio(Y, X):
    # Look into using Kalman Filter to calculate the hedge ratio
    X = sm.add_constant(X)
    model = sm.OLS(Y, X).fit()
    return model.params[1]
项目:rsmtool    作者:EducationalTestingService    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ols_coefficients_to_dataframe(coefs):
    Take a series containing OLS coefficients and convert it
    to a data frame.

    coefs : pandas Series
        Series with feature names in the index and the coefficient
        values as the data, obtained from a linear model trained
        using `statsmodels.OLS`.

    df_coef : pandas DataFrame
        Data frame with two columns, the first being the feature name
        and the second being the coefficient value.

    The first row in the output data frame is always for the intercept
    and the rest are sorted by feature name.
    # first create a sorted data frame for all the non-intercept features
    non_intercept_columns = [c for c in coefs.index if c != 'const']
    df_non_intercept = pd.DataFrame(coefs.filter(non_intercept_columns), columns=['coefficient']) = 'feature'
    df_non_intercept = df_non_intercept.sort_index()

    # now create a data frame that just has the intercept
    df_intercept = pd.DataFrame([{'feature': 'Intercept',
                                  'coefficient': coefs['const']}])

    # append the non-intercept frame to the intercept one
    df_coef = df_intercept.append(df_non_intercept, ignore_index=True)

    # we always want to have the feature column first
    df_coef = df_coef[['feature', 'coefficient']]

    return df_coef
项目:PyDataLondon29-EmbarrassinglyParallelDAWithAWSLambda    作者:SignalMedia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def checkForSeries(self, x, y, series_x, series_y, **kwds):
        # Consistency check with simple OLS.
        with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning, check_stacklevel=False):
            result = ols(y=y, x=x, **kwds)
        with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning, check_stacklevel=False):
            reference = ols(y=series_y, x=series_x, **kwds), result)
项目:PyDataLondon29-EmbarrassinglyParallelDAWithAWSLambda    作者:SignalMedia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, y, x, intercept=True, weights=None, nw_lags=None,
        import warnings
        warnings.warn("The pandas.stats.ols module is deprecated and will be "
                      "removed in a future version. We refer to external packages "
                      "like statsmodels, see some examples here:",
                      FutureWarning, stacklevel=4)

            import statsmodels.api as sm
        except ImportError:
            import scikits.statsmodels.api as sm

        self._x_orig = x
        self._y_orig = y
        self._weights_orig = weights
        self._intercept = intercept
        self._nw_lags = nw_lags
        self._nw_overlap = nw_overlap

        (self._y, self._x, self._weights, self._x_filtered,
         self._index, self._time_has_obs) = self._prepare_data()

        if self._weights is not None:
            self._x_trans = self._x.mul(np.sqrt(self._weights), axis=0)
            self._y_trans = self._y * np.sqrt(self._weights)
            self.sm_ols = sm.WLS(self._y.get_values(),
            self._x_trans = self._x
            self._y_trans = self._y
            self.sm_ols = sm.OLS(self._y.get_values(),
项目:PyDataLondon29-EmbarrassinglyParallelDAWithAWSLambda    作者:SignalMedia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _prepare_data(self):
        Cleans the input for single OLS.

        lhs: Series
            Dependent variable in the regression.
        rhs: dict, whose values are Series, DataFrame, or dict
            Explanatory variables of the regression.

        Series, DataFrame
            Cleaned lhs and rhs
        (filt_lhs, filt_rhs, filt_weights,
         pre_filt_rhs, index, valid) = _filter_data(self._y_orig, self._x_orig,
        if self._intercept:
            filt_rhs['intercept'] = 1.
            pre_filt_rhs['intercept'] = 1.

        if hasattr(filt_weights, 'to_dense'):
            filt_weights = filt_weights.to_dense()

        return (filt_lhs, filt_rhs, filt_weights,
                pre_filt_rhs, index, valid)
项目:PyDataLondon29-EmbarrassinglyParallelDAWithAWSLambda    作者:SignalMedia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def summary_as_matrix(self):
        """Returns the formatted results of the OLS as a DataFrame."""
        results = self._results
        beta = results['beta']
        data = {'beta': results['beta'],
                't-stat': results['t_stat'],
                'p-value': results['p_value'],
                'std err': results['std_err']}
        return DataFrame(data, beta.index).T
项目:PythonPackages    作者:wanhanwan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def Orthogonalize(left_data, right_data, left_name, right_name):
    left_name: str
    right_name: str or list
    industry: str

    def OLS(data, left_name):
        tempData = data.copy()
        yData = np.array(tempData.pop(left_name))
        xData = np.array(tempData)
        NaNInd = pd.notnull(yData) & pd.notnull(xData).all(axis=1)
        model = sm.OLS(yData, xData, missing='drop')
        res =
        data[left_name+'_orthogonalized'] = np.nan
        data.ix[NaNInd, left_name+'_orthogonalized'] = res.resid
        return data

    factor_1 = left_data[[left_name]]
    if not isinstance(right_name, list):
        right_name = [right_name]
    factor_2 = right_data[right_name]
    factor = pd.concat([factor_1, factor_2], axis=1)
    factor['alpha'] = 1  # ?????
    factor = factor.groupby(level=0).apply(OLS, left_name=left_name)
    return factor[[left_name+'_orthogonalized']]
项目:MarketMakingProfitability    作者:MiesJansen    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def Calculate_Liquidity_Coeff(df_list):
    #list of lists of liq coeff per bond
    liq_arr_list = []

    #print 'df_list size: ', len(df_list)
    for df in df_list:
        if df.empty:

        # A temporary array for holding liquidity beta for each month
        liq_arr = [np.nan] * num_months_CONST
        #print df['cusip_id'][0]

        # Group dataframe on index by month
        for date, df_group in df.groupby(pd.TimeGrouper("M")):
            month = ''.join([str(date.month),str(date.year)])
            month_key = month_keys[month]

            # When there are some data in current month,
            if df_group.shape[0] > 0:
                # Run regression (as equation (2)) to get liquidity measure
                y,X = dmatrices('excess_return_1 ~ yld_pt + volume_and_sign', 
                                data=df_group, return_type='dataframe')
                #print date, X.shape
                mod = sm.OLS(y,X)
                res =

                #set specific months with liquidity factors
                #res.params(2) = liquidity coefficient
                liq_arr[month_key] = res.params[2]

        liq_arr_list.append(liq_arr)    #store all liq coeff for each month per bond

    return liq_arr_list
项目:MarketMakingProfitability    作者:MiesJansen    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def Run_Regression(liq_month_list):
    df = pd.DataFrame(index = month_list)    #set dates as index

    # Liquidity pi_t
    df['liq_month_list_1'] = liq_month_list
    # Liquidity pi_t-1
    df['liq_month_list'] = df['liq_month_list_1'].shift(1)
    # After shift, the first row is not longer valid data
    df = df.drop(df.index[0], inplace = False)

    ## FIX A scaling factor to delta_pi_t is dropped here because we do not
    ##  having historical amount outstanding of the bonds in the portfolio.
    ##  The scaling factor is (M_t-1 - M_1), where M_t is total dollar value at
    ##  end of month t-1, representing the total dollar value of the bonds
    ##  in month t
    # delta_pi_t = pi_t - pi_t-1
    df['liq_delta_1'] = df['liq_month_list_1'] - df['liq_month_list']
    # delta_pi_t-1
    df['liq_delta'] = df['liq_delta_1'].shift(1)
    # After shift, the first row is not longer valid data
    df = df.drop(df.index[0], inplace = False)

    # Run linear regression using equation (4)
    y,X = dmatrices('liq_delta_1 ~ liq_delta + liq_month_list', 
                    data = df, return_type = 'dataframe')
    mod = sm.OLS(y,X)
    res =

    # Calculate the predicted change in liquidty values
    df['liq_proxy_values'] = \
        res.params[0] + res.params[1] * df['liq_delta'] + \
        res.params[2] * df['liq_month_list']

    # Calculate the actual - predicted change in liquidity --> the residual term
    #  --> the liquidity risk
    df['residual_term'] = df['liq_delta_1'] - df['liq_proxy_values']

    # Scale the magnitude of the liquidity risk for convenient use in later steps
    df['residual_term'] = df['residual_term'] * 10000

    return df
项目:genetest    作者:pgxcentre    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fit(self, y, X, handler=None):
        """Fit the model.

            y (pandas.DataFrame): The vector of endogenous variable.
            X (pandas.DataFrame): The matrix of exogenous variables.

        # Creating the OLS model from StatsModels and fitting it
        model = sm.OLS(y, X)
        handler = self._results_handler if handler is None else handler
        return handler(
项目:mrqap-python    作者:lisette-espin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ols(self, x, y):
        xflatten = np.delete(x, [i*(x.shape[0]+1)for i in range(x.shape[0])])
        yflatten = np.delete(y, [i*(y.shape[0]+1)for i in range(y.shape[0])])
        xflatten = sm.add_constant(xflatten)
        model = sm.OLS(yflatten,xflatten)
        results =
        print results.summary()
项目:Enrich2    作者:FowlerLab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def regression_apply(row, timepoints, weighted):
    :py:meth:`pandas.DataFrame.apply` apply function for calculating 
    enrichment using linear regression. If *weighted* is ``True`` perform
    weighted least squares; else perform ordinary least squares.

    Weights for weighted least squares are included in *row*.

    Returns a :py:class:`pandas.Series` containing regression coefficients,
    residuals, and statistics.
    # retrieve log ratios from the row
    y = row[['L_{}'.format(t) for t in timepoints]]

    # re-scale the x's to fall within [0, 1]
    xvalues = [x / float(max(timepoints)) for x in timepoints]

    # perform the fit
    X = sm.add_constant(xvalues) # fit intercept
    if weighted:
        W = row[['W_{}'.format(t) for t in timepoints]]
        fit = sm.WLS(y, X, weights=W).fit()
        fit = sm.OLS(y, X).fit()

    # re-format as a data frame row
    values = np.concatenate([fit.params,  [fit.bse['x1'], fit.tvalues['x1'], 
                            fit.pvalues['x1']], fit.resid])
    index = ['intercept', 'slope', 'SE_slope', 't', 'pvalue_raw'] + \
            ['e_{}'.format(t) for t in timepoints]
    return pd.Series(data=values, index=index)
项目:Enrich2    作者:FowlerLab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def validate(self):
        Raises an informative ``ValueError`` if the time points in the analysis are not suitable.

        Calls validate method on all child SeqLibs.
        # check the time points
        if 0 not in self.timepoints:
            raise ValueError("Missing timepoint 0 [{}]".format(
        if self.timepoints[0] != 0:
            raise ValueError("Invalid negative timepoint [{}]".format(
        if len(self.timepoints) < 2:
            raise ValueError("Multiple timepoints required [{}]".format(
        elif len(self.timepoints) < 3 and self.scoring_method in ("WLS", "OLS"):
            raise ValueError("Insufficient number of timepoints for regression scoring [{}]".format(

        # check the wild type sequences
        if self.has_wt_sequence():
            for child in self.children[1:]:
                if self.children[0].wt != child.wt:
                    logging.warning("Inconsistent wild type sequences", extra={'oname' :})

        # check that we're not doing wild type normalization on something with no wild type
        #if not self.has_wt_sequence() and self.logr_method == "wt":
        #    raise ValueError("No wild type sequence for wild type normalization [{}]".format(

        # validate children
        for child in self.children:
项目:Enrich2    作者:FowlerLab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def calculate(self):
        Wrapper method to calculate counts and enrichment scores 
        for all data in the :py:class:`~selection.Selection`.
        if len(self.labels) == 0:
            raise ValueError("No data present across all sequencing libraries [{}]".format(
        for label in self.labels:
        if self.is_barcodevariant() or self.is_barcodeid():
        if self.scoring_method == "counts":
        elif self.scoring_method == "ratios":
            for label in self.labels:
        elif self.scoring_method == "simple":
            for label in self.labels:
        elif self.scoring_method in ("WLS", "OLS"):
            if len(self.timepoints) <= 2:
                raise ValueError("Regression-based scoring requires three or more time points.")
            for label in self.labels:
                if self.scoring_method == "WLS":
            raise ValueError('Invalid scoring method "{}" [{}]'.format(self.scoring_method,

        if self.scoring_method in ("ratios" , "WLS", "OLS") and self.component_outliers:
            if self.is_barcodevariant() or self.is_barcodeid():
            if self.is_coding():
项目:Enrich2    作者:FowlerLab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def calc_regression(self, label):
        Calculate least squares regression for *label*. If *weighted* is ``True``, calculates weighted least squares; else ordinary least squares.

        Regression results are stored in ``'/main/label/scores'``

        if self.check_store("/main/{}/scores".format(label)):
        elif "/main/{}/scores".format(label) in
            # need to remove the current keys because we are using append
  "/main/{}/scores".format(label))"Calculating {} regression coefficients ({})".format(self.scoring_method, label), extra={'oname' :})
        # append is required because it takes the "min_itemsize" argument, and put doesn't
        longest ="/main/{}/log_ratios".format(label), "columns='index'")
        chunk = 1
        if self.scoring_method == "WLS":
            for data in["/main/{}/log_ratios".format(label), "/main/{}/weights".format(label)], chunksize=self.chunksize):
      "Calculating weighted least squares for chunk {} ({} rows)".format(chunk, len(data.index)), extra={'oname' :})
                result = data.apply(regression_apply, args=[self.timepoints, True], axis="columns")
      "/main/{}/scores".format(label), result, min_itemsize={"index" : longest})
                chunk += 1
        elif self.scoring_method == "OLS":
            for data in"/main/{}/log_ratios".format(label), chunksize=self.chunksize):
      "Calculating ordinary least squares for chunk {} ({} rows)".format(chunk, len(data.index)), extra={'oname' :})
                result = data.apply(regression_apply, args=[self.timepoints, False], axis="columns")
      "/main/{}/scores".format(label), result, min_itemsize={"index" : longest})
                chunk += 1
            raise ValueError('Invalid regression scoring method "{}" [{}]'.format(self.scoring_method,

        # need to read from the file, calculate percentiles, and rewrite it"Calculating slope standard error percentiles ({})".format(label), extra={'oname' :})
        data =['/main/{}/scores'.format(label)]
        data['score'] = data['slope']
        data['SE'] = data['SE_slope']
        data['SE_pctile'] = [stats.percentileofscore(data['SE'], x, "weak") for x in data['SE']]
        data = data[['score', 'SE', 'SE_pctile', 'slope', 'intercept', 'SE_slope', 't', 'pvalue_raw']] # reorder columns"/main/{}/scores".format(label), data, format="table", data_columns=data.columns)
项目:Python-for-Finance-Second-Edition    作者:PacktPublishing    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def breusch_pagan_test(y,x): 
    sigma2 = sum(resid**2)/n 
    f = resid**2/sigma2 - 1
    bp=0.5 * sum(fv**2) 
    return round(bp,6), df, round(p_value,7)
项目:aq_weather    作者:eliucidate    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sm_multireg(self,Xtrain,ytrain, Xtest, ytest):    
                results = sm.OLS(ytrain, Xtrain).fit_regularized()
                #print "coefficient: ", results.params
                # train accuracy
                predictions = results.predict(Xtrain)
                correct = 0
                for i in range(len(predictions)):
                    if round(predictions[i], 1) == ytrain[i]:
                        correct += 1
                accuracy = correct * 1.0 / len(ytrain)
                print "train accuracy: ", accuracy * 100, "%"
                # calculate SSE, SSM & SST
                SSE = 0
                for i in range(len(predictions)):
                    SSE += (predictions[i] - ytrain[i])**2
                yAverage = np.mean(ytrain)
                SSM = 0
                for pred in predictions:
                    SSM += (pred - yAverage)**2
                print "SSM:", SSM
                SST = SSE + SSM
                print "SST:", SST
                # calculate PVE = SSM / SST
                PVE = SSM / SST
                print "PVE:", PVE
                # test accuracy
                predictions = results.predict(Xtest)
                correct = 0
                for i in range(len(predictions)):
                    print round(predictions[i], 1), ytest[i]
                    if round(predictions[i], 1) == ytest[i]:
                        correct += 1
                accuracy = correct * 1.0 / len(ytest)
                print "test accuracy: ", accuracy * 100, "%"
                return results
项目:deep-iv    作者:allentran    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fit_ols(y, x, idx=-1):
        ols = OLS(y, add_constant(x))
        results =
        return results.params.values[idx], results.cov_params().values[idx, idx]
项目:deep-iv    作者:allentran    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def weak_instruments(self, n_sims=20):


        model = feedforward.FeedForwardModel(19, 1, dense_size=60, n_dense_layers=2)

        treatment_effects = []
        ols_betas, ols_ses = [], []
        old_corrs, new_corrs = [], []
        for _ in xrange(n_sims):
            df = self.treatment_gen.simulate_data(False)

            X = np.hstack((self.x, df['new_treat'].values[:, None]))
            Z = np.hstack((self.x, df['instrument'].values[:, None]))

            ols_beta, ols_se = self.fit_ols(df['treatment_effect'], X)

            old_corr = df[['instrument', 'new_treat']].corr().values[0, 1]
            new_instrument, new_corr = model.fit_instruments(X, Z, df['treatment_effect'].values, batchsize=128)

            Z2 = Z.copy()
            Z2[:, -1] = new_instrument[:, 0]

            iv = IV2SLS(df['treatment_effect'].values.flatten(), add_constant(X), add_constant(Z2))


        if new_corr:
  "Old corr: %.2f, New corr: %.2f", np.mean(old_corrs), np.mean(new_corrs))"Treatment effect (OLS): %.3f (%.4f)", np.mean(ols_betas), np.mean(ols_ses))"Treatment effect: %.3f (%.4f)", np.mean(treatment_effects), np.std(treatment_effects))
项目:deep-iv    作者:allentran    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def estimate(self, n_sims=20):


        model = feedforward.FeedForwardModel(19, 1, dense_size=10, n_dense_layers=2)

        treatment_effects = []
        ols_betas, ols_ses = [], []
        old_corrs, new_corrs = [], []
        for _ in xrange(n_sims):
            df = self.treatment_gen.simulate_data(True)

            X = np.hstack((self.x, df['new_treat'].values[:, None]))
            Z = np.hstack((self.x, df['instrument'].values[:, None]))

            ols_beta, ols_se = self.fit_ols(df['treatment_effect'], X)

            new_corr =, Z, df['treatment_effect'].values, instrument=True, batchsize=64)
            if new_corr:
                old_corr = df[['instrument', 'new_treat']].corr().values[0, 1]


        if new_corr:
  "Old corr: %.2f, New corr: %.2f", np.mean(old_corrs), np.mean(new_corrs))"Treatment effect (OLS): %.3f (%.4f)", np.mean(ols_betas), np.mean(ols_ses))"Treatment effect: %.3f (%.4f)", np.mean(treatment_effects), np.std(treatment_effects))
项目:Machine-Learning    作者:zjuzpz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def solution3():
    print("Start problem 3")
    print("Start data preparation for problem 3")
    # firstly prepare data for problem 3, all text files will be saved at current path
    print("Results: ")

    tags = ['tweets_#gohawks', 'tweets_#gopatriots', 'tweets_#nfl', \
    'tweets_#patriots', 'tweets_#sb49', 'tweets_#superbowl']

    # idx for tag index in tags
    for tag in tags:
        tweets, parameters = [], []
        f = open('problem 3 ' + tag + ' data.txt')
        line = f.readline()
        while len(line):
            p = line.split()
            parameters.append([float(p[i]) for i in range(len(p))])
            line = f.readline()
        next_hour_tweets = np.array(tweets)
        X = np.matrix(parameters)
        res = sm.OLS(next_hour_tweets, X).fit()
        print("Result of " + tag)
        if tag == 'tweets_#gohawks' or tag=='tweets_#nfl' or tag=='tweets_#patriots':
        elif tag ==  'tweets_#gopatriots':
            scatterPlot(idx,1,3,4,X,next_hour_tweets, tag)
        elif tag == 'tweets_#sb49':
        elif tag == 'tweets_#superbowl':
            scatterPlot(idx,0,2,5,X, next_hour_tweets,tag)
        idx += 1    
项目:QuantProject    作者:sirius27    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def macro_regression(ret, macro_index,macro_index_list):
    :param DataFrame ret: ??????????
    :param DataFrame macro_index: ??????????
    :return: [DataFrame,dict] [loading,significant_list]: ???????????????;??????????
    loading = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros([ret.shape[1], macro_index.shape[1]]), columns=macro_index.columns)
    # ??????????????????
    significant_list = dict()
    # ??????
    for i in range(len(macro_index_list)):
        significant_list[macro_index_list[i]] = 0
    # p???????????
    pvalue_threshold = 0.1
    # ??????????
    for i in range(ret.shape[1]):
        y = ret.values[:, i]
        # ??????????????
        for j in range(len(macro_index_list)):
            x = macro_index.values[:, j]
            model = sm.OLS(y, x).fit()
            loading.iloc[i, j] = model.params[0]
            if model.pvalues < pvalue_threshold:
                significant_list[macro_index_list[j]] += 1
    return [loading, significant_list]
项目:Multiple-factor-risk-model    作者:icezerowjj    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def rm_reg_ri(rm,ret):
    for i in range(ret.shape[1]):
    return X
项目:Multiple-factor-risk-model    作者:icezerowjj    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fb_reg_over_time(ret, data,interval):
    :param DataFrame ret: ???
    :param {string:DataFrame} data: ?????????
    :param DataFrame ind_ret: ???????????
    :param [int] interval????????????
    :return: DataFrame X: ?????????????;??????
    # X???????????????????X[i,j]???(i+1)???????(j+1)????(row????col???)
    X = np.zeros([ret.shape[1], len(data)])
    # num_of_factor????????factor??????????????1
    num_of_factor = 0
    # name of factors,prepared for converting X to DataFrame,with columns=factor_name
    factor_name = []
    # ?????????,i???tuple,i[0]?????i[1]???DataFrame???[???,????]??????
    for i in data.items():
        factor_name = factor_name + [i[0]]
        # ????????????????0
        for j in range(i[1].shape[1]):
            # ??j??????????????????????
            model = sm.OLS(ret[j].values, interval_data[j].values).fit()
            # ?????????????
            X[j, num_of_factor] = model.params[0]
            # ?????????????1
        num_of_factor += 1
    # ?X??DataFrame????
    X = pd.DataFrame(X)
    X.fillna(0, inplace=True)
    X.columns = factor_name
    return X
项目:Multiple-factor-risk-model    作者:icezerowjj    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fb_reg_over_all_time(ret, data):
    :param DataFrame ret: ???
    :param {string:DataFrame} data: ?????????
    :param DataFrame ind_ret: ???????????
    :param [int] interval????????????
    :return: DataFrame X: ?????????????;??????
    # X???????????????????X[i,j]???(i+1)???????(j+1)????(row????col???)
    X = np.zeros([ret.shape[1], len(data)])
    # num_of_factor????????factor??????????????1
    num_of_factor = 0
    # name of factors,prepared for converting X to DataFrame,with columns=factor_name
    factor_name = []
    # ?????????,i???tuple,i[0]?????i[1]???DataFrame???[???,????]??????
    for i in data.items():
        factor_name = factor_name + [i[0]]
        # ????????????????0
        for j in range(i[1].shape[1]):
            # ??j??????????????????????
            model = sm.OLS(ret[j].values, i[1][j].values).fit()
            # ?????????????
            X[j, num_of_factor] = model.params[0]
            # ?????????????1
        num_of_factor += 1
    # ?X??DataFrame????
    X = pd.DataFrame(X)
    X.fillna(0, inplace=True)
    X.columns = factor_name
    return X
项目:dstk    作者:jotterbach    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fit(self, values, targets, penalty=0.0):
        self._knots = _get_percentiles(values, num_percentiles=self.num_percentiles)
        self.basis_matrix = _get_basis_vector(values, self._knots)

        X = np.vstack((self.basis_matrix, np.sqrt(penalty) * self._penalty_matrix()))
        y = np.asarray(targets + np.zeros((self.num_percentiles + 2, 1)).flatten().tolist())

        self.spline = sm.OLS(y, X).fit()
        return self
项目:PyDataLondon29-EmbarrassinglyParallelDAWithAWSLambda    作者:SignalMedia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _filter_data(lhs, rhs, weights=None):
    Cleans the input for single OLS.

    lhs : Series
        Dependent variable in the regression.
    rhs : dict, whose values are Series, DataFrame, or dict
        Explanatory variables of the regression.
    weights : array-like, optional
        1d array of weights.  If None, equivalent to an unweighted OLS.

    Series, DataFrame
        Cleaned lhs and rhs
    if not isinstance(lhs, Series):
        if len(lhs) != len(rhs):
            raise AssertionError("length of lhs must equal length of rhs")
        lhs = Series(lhs, index=rhs.index)

    rhs = _combine_rhs(rhs)
    lhs = DataFrame({'__y__': lhs}, dtype=float)
    pre_filt_rhs = rhs.dropna(how='any')

    combined = rhs.join(lhs, how='outer')
    if weights is not None:
        combined['__weights__'] = weights

    valid = (combined.count(1) == len(combined.columns)).values
    index = combined.index
    combined = combined[valid]

    if weights is not None:
        filt_weights = combined.pop('__weights__')
        filt_weights = None

    filt_lhs = combined.pop('__y__')
    filt_rhs = combined

    if hasattr(filt_weights, 'to_dense'):
        filt_weights = filt_weights.to_dense()

    return (filt_lhs.to_dense(), filt_rhs.to_dense(), filt_weights,
            pre_filt_rhs.to_dense(), index, valid)
项目:binet    作者:crisjf    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _residualNet(data,uselog=True,c=None,p=None,x=None,useaggregate=True,numericalControls=[],categoricalControls=[]):
    Given the data on a bipartite network of the form source,target,flow

    data : pandas.DataFrame
        Raw data. It has source,target,volume (trade, number of people etc.).
    c,p,x : str (optional)
        Labels of the columns in data used for source,target,volume. 
        If not provided it will use the first, second, and third.
    numericalControls : list
        List of columns to use as numerical controls.
    categoricalControls : list
        List of columns to use as categorical controls.
    uselog : boolean (True)
        If True it will use the logarithm of the provided weight.
    useaggregate : boolean (True)
        If true it will calculate the aggregate of the volume on both sides (c and p) and use as numbercal controls.

    net : pandas.Dataframe
        Table with c,p,x,x_res, where x_res is the residual of regressing x on the given control variables.
    c = data.columns.values[0] if c is None else c
    p = data.columns.values[1] if p is None else p
    x = data.columns.values[2] if x is None else x
    data_ = data[[c,p,x]+numericalControls+categoricalControls]
    if useaggregate:
        data_ = merge(data_,data.groupby(c).sum()[[x]].reset_index().rename(columns={x:x+'_'+c}))
        data_ = merge(data_,data.groupby(p).sum()[[x]].reset_index().rename(columns={x:x+'_'+p}))
    if uselog:
        data_ = data_[data_[x]!=0]
        data_[x] = np.log10(data_[x])
        if useaggregate:
            data_[x+'_'+c] = np.log10(data_[x+'_'+c])
            data_[x+'_'+p] = np.log10(data_[x+'_'+p])
    _categoricalControls = []
    for var in ser(categoricalControls):
        vals = list(set(data_[var]))
        for v in vals[1:]:

    Y = data_[x].values
    X = data_[list(set(numericalControls))+list(set(_categoricalControls))].values
    X = sm.add_constant(X)

    model = sm.OLS(Y,X).fit()
    data_[x+'_res'] = Y-model.predict(X)
    return data_[[c,p,x,x+'_res']]
项目:Enrich2    作者:FowlerLab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def wt_plot(self, pdf):
        Create a plot of the linear fit of the wild type variant.

        *pdf* is an open PdfPages instance.

        Only created for selections that use WLS or OLS scoring and have a wild type specified. 
        Uses :py:func:`~plots.fit_axes` for the plotting.
        """"Creating wild type fit plot", extra={'oname' :})

        # get the data and calculate log ratios
        if "variants" in self.labels:
            wt_label = "variants"
        elif "identifiers" in self.labels:
            wt_label = "identifiers"
        data ="/main/{}/counts".format(wt_label), where='index = "{}"'.format(WILD_TYPE_VARIANT)).ix[0]
        sums =['/main/{}/counts'.format(wt_label)].sum(axis="index")  # sum of complete cases (N')
        yvalues = np.log(data + 0.5) - np.log(sums + 0.5)
        xvalues = [tp / float(max(self.timepoints)) for tp in self.timepoints]

        # fit the line
        X = sm.add_constant(xvalues) # fit intercept
        if self.scoring_method == "WLS":
            W =  1 / (1 / (data + 0.5) + 1 / (sums + 0.5))
            fit = sm.WLS(yvalues, X, weights=W).fit()
        elif self.scoring_method == "OLS":
            fit = sm.OLS(yvalues, X).fit()
            raise ValueError('Invalid regression scoring method "{}" [{}]'.format(self.scoring_method,
        intercept, slope = fit.params
        slope_se = fit.bse['x1']

        # make the plot
        fig, ax = plt.subplots()
        fit_axes(ax, xvalues, yvalues, slope, intercept, xlabels=self.timepoints)
        fit_axes_text(ax, cornertext="Slope {:3.2f}\nSE {:.1f}".format(slope, slope_se))
        ax.set_title("Wild Type Shape\n{}".format(
        ax.set_ylabel("Log Ratio (Complete Cases)")
