def run_batch_query(self, query: str, labels: List[str] = None, params: List[dict] = None, chunk_size: int = 1000): node_labels = ':{0}'.format(':'.join(labels)) \ if labels else '' query_template = Template("UNWIND {params} AS params " + query) labeled_query = query_template.safe_substitute(labels=node_labels) chunk_count = 1 def batch(): for i in range(0, len(params), chunk_size): logger.debug('starting chunk %s', i) result = (yield labeled_query, dict(params=params[i:i + chunk_size])) logger.debug(result) result = self.run_in_tx(batch(), chunk_count=chunk_count) return result
def generate_menu(name, menu_text): """Generate and return a sublime-menu from a template.""" from . import persist plugin_dir = os.path.join(sublime.packages_path(), persist.PLUGIN_DIRECTORY) path = os.path.join(plugin_dir, '{}.sublime-menu.template'.format(name)) with open(path, encoding='utf8') as f: template = f.read() # Get the indent for the menus within the template, # indent the chooser menus except for the first line. indent = MENU_INDENT_RE.search(template).group(1) menu_text = indent_lines(menu_text, indent) text = Template(template).safe_substitute({'menus': menu_text}) path = os.path.join(plugin_dir, '{}.sublime-menu'.format(name)) with open(path, mode='w', encoding='utf8') as f: f.write(text) return text
def get_template(self, template_name): tried = [] for template_file in self.iter_template_filenames(template_name): try: with io.open(template_file, encoding=settings.FILE_CHARSET) as fp: template_code = fp.read() except IOError as e: if e.errno == errno.ENOENT: tried.append(( Origin(template_file, template_name, self), 'Source does not exist', )) continue raise return Template(template_code) else: raise TemplateDoesNotExist(template_name, tried=tried, backend=self)
def get_wrapper_template(self, declaration): arg_desc = [] for option in declaration['options']: option_desc = [self.TYPE_NAMES.get(arg['type'], arg['type']) + ' ' + arg['name'] for arg in option['arguments'] if not arg.get('ignore_check', False)] # TODO: this should probably go to THPLongArgsPlugin if option_desc: arg_desc.append('({})'.format(', '.join(option_desc))) else: arg_desc.append('no arguments') arg_desc.sort(key=len) arg_desc = ['"' + desc + '"' for desc in arg_desc] arg_str = ', '.join(arg_desc) readable_name = declaration['python_name'] return Template(self.WRAPPER_TEMPLATE.safe_substitute( readable_name=readable_name, num_options=len(arg_desc), expected_args=arg_str))
def declare_methods(self, stateless): tensor_methods = '' for declaration in (self.declarations if not stateless else self.stateless_declarations): flags = 'METH_VARARGS' flags += ' | ' + declaration.get('method_flags') if 'method_flags' in declaration else '' if not declaration.get('only_register'): flags += ' | METH_KEYWORDS' if declaration.get('override_method_flags'): flags = declaration['override_method_flags'] entry = Template(' {"$python_name", (PyCFunction)$name, $flags, NULL},\n').substitute( python_name=declaration['python_name'], name=declaration['name'], flags=flags ) if 'defined_if' in declaration: entry = self.preprocessor_guard(entry, declaration['defined_if']) tensor_methods += entry return self.TENSOR_METHODS_DECLARATION.substitute(methods=tensor_methods, stateless=('' if not stateless else 'stateless_'))
def is_available(room_email,start_time,end_time): xml_template = open("getavailibility_template.xml", "r").read() xml = Template(xml_template) headers = {} headers["Content-type"] = "text/xml; charset=utf-8" data=unicode(xml.substitute(email=room_email,starttime=start_time,endtime=end_time)).strip() response=requests.post(url,headers = headers, data= data, auth= HttpNtlmAuth(user,password)) tree = ET.fromstring(response.text.encode('utf-8')) status = "Free" # arrgh, namespaces!! elems=tree.findall(".//{http://schemas.microsoft.com/exchange/services/2006/types}BusyType") for elem in elems: status=elem.text elems=tree.findall(".//faultcode") if elems: sys.stderr.write("Error occured\n") sys.stderr.write("tree: "+str(tree)+"\n") sys.stderr.write("response: "+response.text.encode('utf-8')+"\n") status= "N/A" sys.stderr.write("Room status: "+str(status)+"\n") return (status == "Free")
def execute(self, command, params): """ Send a command to the remote server. Any path subtitutions required for the URL mapped to the command should be included in the command parameters. :Args: - command - A string specifying the command to execute. - params - A dictionary of named parameters to send with the command as its JSON payload. """ command_info = self._commands[command] assert command_info is not None, 'Unrecognised command %s' % command data = utils.dump_json(params) path = string.Template(command_info[1]).substitute(params) url = '%s%s' % (self._url, path) return self._request(command_info[0], url, body=data)
def __init__(self, fmt=None, datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", exceptionfmt="Traceback (most recent call last):\n%(traceback)s\n%(classname)s: %(message)s"): # set standard Formatter values self.datefmt = datefmt self._fmt = fmt self._exceptionfmt = exceptionfmt # set colors self._fmt = Template(fmt).safe_substitute(SHELL_COLORS) self._exceptionfmt = Template(exceptionfmt).safe_substitute(SHELL_COLORS) # do we have a tty? if sys.stdout.isatty() or os.isatty(sys.stdout.fileno()): self.useColors = True else: self.useColors = False # remove all colors if not self.useColors: self._fmt = re.sub("\033\[(\d+|;)+m", "", self._fmt) self._exceptionfmt = re.sub("\033\[(\d+|;)+m", "", self._exceptionfmt)
def _get_submodule_code(op): parameters = ', '.join('%s &%s' % (_dtype_to_ctype[t], name) for i, (name, t) in enumerate(zip(op.param_names, op.types))) typedecl = ''.join(('typedef %s in%d_type;\n' % (_dtype_to_ctype[t], i)) for i, t in enumerate(op.types[:op.nin])) typedecl += ''.join(('typedef %s out%d_type;\n' % (_dtype_to_ctype[t], i)) for i, t in enumerate(op.types[op.nin:])) module_code = string.Template(''' __device__ void ${name}(${parameters}) { ${typedecl} ${operation}; } ''').substitute( name=op.name, parameters=parameters, operation=op.operation, typedecl=typedecl) return module_code + '\n'
def _get_pre_code(in_vars, out_vars, operation): in_params = ', '.join('%s v%s' % (_dtype_to_ctype[v.ty], v.num) for v in in_vars) out_params = ''.join('%s v%s;\n' % (_dtype_to_ctype[v.ty], v.num) for v in out_vars) module_code = string.Template(''' __device__ ${return_type} _pre_map(${in_params}) { ${out_params} ${operation}; return ${return_var}; } ''').substitute( return_type=_dtype_to_ctype[out_vars[0].ty], in_params=in_params, out_params=out_params, operation=operation, return_var='v%d' % out_vars[0].num) return module_code
def process_expansions(dct): def expand(val, dct): if isinstance(val, six.integer_types) or isinstance(val, bool): return val if isinstance(val, six.string_types): dct2 = copy.deepcopy(dct) for env_key, env_val in six.iteritems(os.environ): dct2[env_key] = env_val return string.Template(val).safe_substitute(dct2) if isinstance(val, list): return [expand(x, dct) for x in val] if isinstance(val, dict): return {k: expand(v,val) for k,v in six.iteritems(val)} return val for key,val in six.iteritems(dct): nval = expand(val, dct) dct[key] = nval
def translate(self): visitor = self.translator_class(self.document) self.document.walkabout(visitor) # copy parts for part in self.visitor_attributes: setattr(self, part, getattr(visitor, part)) # get template string from file try: template_file = open(self.document.settings.template, 'rb') except IOError: template_file = open(os.path.join(self.default_template_path, self.document.settings.template), 'rb') template = string.Template(unicode(template_file.read(), 'utf-8')) template_file.close() # fill template self.assemble_parts() # create dictionary of parts self.output = template.substitute(self.parts)
def substitute(template, context): """ Performs string substitution. Args: template (str): The string to perform the substitution on. context (dict): A mapping of keys to values for substitution. Returns: str: The substituted string. """ from string import Template template = Template(template) return template.safe_substitute(context)
def init_with_genesis(smoketest_genesis): with open(GENESIS_PATH, 'wb') as handler: json.dump(smoketest_genesis, handler) cmd = '$RST_GETH_BINARY --datadir $RST_DATADIR init {}'.format(GENESIS_PATH) args = shlex.split( Template(cmd).substitute(os.environ) ) init = subprocess.Popen( args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, ) out, err = init.communicate() assert init.returncode == 0 return (out, err)
def format_index_html(self, dirname): INDEX_TEMPLATE = u''' <html> <title>Directory listing for $dirname</title> <body> <h2>Directory listing for $dirname</h2> <hr> <ul> $html </ul> <hr> </body></html> ''' html = '' if not isinstance(dirname, unicode): dirname = dirname.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) for name in os.listdir(dirname): fullname = os.path.join(dirname, name) suffix = u'/' if os.path.isdir(fullname) else u'' html += u'<li><a href="%s%s">%s%s</a>\r\n' % (name, suffix, name, suffix) return string.Template(INDEX_TEMPLATE).substitute(dirname=dirname, html=html)
def __init__(self, detail=None, headers=None, comment=None, body_template=None, **kw): Response.__init__(self, status='%s %s' % (self.code, self.title), **kw) Exception.__init__(self, detail) if headers: self.headers.extend(headers) self.detail = detail self.comment = comment if body_template is not None: self.body_template = body_template self.body_template_obj = Template(body_template) if self.empty_body: del self.content_type del self.content_length
def handle(self, *options): if not options: self.show_usage('You must provide a project name') project_name = options[0] template_dir = os.path.join(noopy.__path__[0], 'project_template') os.mkdir(project_name) shutil.copytree(os.path.join(template_dir, 'src'), '{}/src'.format(project_name)) context = dict( project_name=project_name, lambda_prefix=to_pascal_case(project_name), ) context['account_id'] = raw_input('Input aws account id > ').strip() context['role_arn'] = raw_input('Input role arn to be granted to lambda function > ').strip() for file_path in glob.glob('{}/*.py'.format(template_dir)): with open(file_path, 'r') as f: content = f.read() filename = os.path.split(file_path)[1] with open(os.path.join(project_name, filename), 'w') as f: f.write(Template(content).substitute(**context)) print 'Project "{}" created'.format(project_name)
def start_scrapy_project(project_name): """Bootstrap a portia project with default scrapy files.""" if PY2: project_name = encode(project_name) files = find_files(project_name) out_files = {} for path, contents in files.items(): contents = string.Template(contents).substitute( project_name=project_name, ProjectName=string_camelcase(project_name) ) if path.endswith('.tmpl'): path = path[:-len('.tmpl')] if path.endswith('scrapy.cfg'): path = 'scrapy.cfg' out_files[path] = contents out_files['setup.py'] = SETUP(project_name) return out_files
def _bbox_2_wkt(bbox, srid): ''' Given a bbox dictionary, return a WKTSpatialElement, transformed into the database\'s CRS if necessary. returns e.g. WKTSpatialElement("POLYGON ((2 0, 2 1, 7 1, 7 0, 2 0))", 4326) ''' db_srid = int(config.get('ckan.spatial.srid', '4326')) bbox_template = Template('POLYGON (($minx $miny, $minx $maxy, $maxx $maxy, $maxx $miny, $minx $miny))') wkt = bbox_template.substitute(minx=bbox['minx'], miny=bbox['miny'], maxx=bbox['maxx'], maxy=bbox['maxy']) if srid and srid != db_srid: # Input geometry needs to be transformed to the one used on the database input_geometry = ST_Transform(WKTElement(wkt,srid),db_srid) else: input_geometry = WKTElement(wkt,db_srid) return input_geometry
def show_kernel_error(self, error): """Show kernel initialization errors.""" # Remove unneeded blank lines at the beginning eol = sourcecode.get_eol_chars(error) if eol: error = error.replace(eol, '<br>') # Don't break lines in hyphens # From http://stackoverflow.com/q/7691569/438386 error = error.replace('-', '‑') message = _("An error occurred while starting the kernel") kernel_error_template = Template(KERNEL_ERROR) page = kernel_error_template.substitute(css_path=CSS_PATH, message=message, error=error) self.setHtml(page)
def authenticate(self, username, password): server = settings.get('authentication.config.server') port = settings.get('authentication.config.port') bind_user = settings.get('authentication.config.bind_user') bind_password = settings.get('authentication.config.bind_password') query = Template(settings.get('authentication.config.user_query')) with simpleldap.Connection(server, port, bind_user, bind_password) as conn: try: user = conn.get(query.substitute(username=username)) except simpleldap.ObjectNotFound: return None with simpleldap.Connection(server, port) as conn: if conn.authenticate(user.dn, password): return User( username=username, name=user.first('cn'), groups=[self._split_ldap_spec(x)['CN'] for x in user.get('memberof', [])] ) return None
def execute_for_backends(self, cmd, pxname, svname, wait_for_status = None): """ Run some command on the specified backends. If no backends are provided they will be discovered automatically (all backends) """ # Discover backends if none are given if pxname is None: backends = self.discover_all_backends() else: backends = [pxname] # Run the command for each requested backend for backend in backends: # Fail when backends were not found state = self.get_state_for(backend, svname) if (self.fail_on_not_found or self.wait) and state is None: self.module.fail_json(msg="The specified backend '%s/%s' was not found!" % (backend, svname)) self.execute(Template(cmd).substitute(pxname = backend, svname = svname)) if self.wait: self.wait_until_status(backend, svname, wait_for_status)
def create_capability_files(template_path, themes_path, map_path, fonts_path, use_debug, shapepath): template = Template( open( os.path.join(template_path, "SeaChart_THEME.map"), 'r' ).read() ) for theme in os.listdir(themes_path): # Remove file suffix theme = os.path.splitext(theme)[0] debug_string = "" if use_debug: debug_string = str.format(debug_template, theme) d = get_dictionary(theme, map_path, fonts_path, debug_string) if shapepath: d['SHAPEPATH'] = shapepath fileout = open( os.path.join(map_path, "SeaChart_" + theme + ".map"), 'w' ) fileout.write( template.substitute(d) )
def create_legend_files(template_path, themes_path, map_path, fonts_path, use_debug): template = Template( open( os.path.join(template_path, "SeaChart_Legend_THEME.map"), 'r' ).read() ) for theme in os.listdir(themes_path): # Remove file suffix theme = os.path.splitext(theme)[0] debug_string = "" if use_debug: debug_string = str.format(debug_template, theme) d = get_dictionary(theme, map_path, fonts_path, debug_string) legend_path = dirutils.force_sub_dir(map_path, "legends") fileout = open( os.path.join(legend_path, "SeaChart_Legend_" + theme + ".map"), 'w' ) fileout.write( template.substitute(d) )
def write_html_link_index(out_dir, link): with open(LINK_INDEX_TEMPLATE, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: link_html = f.read() path = os.path.join(out_dir, 'index.html') print(' ? Updating: index.html') with open(path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(Template(link_html).substitute({ **link, **link['latest'], 'type': link['type'] or 'website', 'tags': link['tags'] or 'untagged', 'bookmarked': datetime.fromtimestamp(float(link['timestamp'])).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'), 'updated': datetime.fromtimestamp(float(link['updated'])).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'), 'archive_org': link['latest'].get('archive_org') or 'https://web.archive.org/save/{}'.format(link['url']), 'wget': link['latest'].get('wget') or link['domain'], })) chmod_file(path)
def test_keyword_arguments_safe(self): eq = self.assertEqual raises = self.assertRaises s = Template('$who likes $what') eq(s.safe_substitute(who='tim', what='ham'), 'tim likes ham') eq(s.safe_substitute(dict(who='tim'), what='ham'), 'tim likes ham') eq(s.safe_substitute(dict(who='fred', what='kung pao'), who='tim', what='ham'), 'tim likes ham') s = Template('the mapping is $mapping') eq(s.safe_substitute(dict(foo='none'), mapping='bozo'), 'the mapping is bozo') eq(s.safe_substitute(dict(mapping='one'), mapping='two'), 'the mapping is two') d = dict(mapping='one') raises(TypeError, s.substitute, d, {}) raises(TypeError, s.safe_substitute, d, {})
def test_delimiter_override(self): eq = self.assertEqual raises = self.assertRaises class AmpersandTemplate(Template): delimiter = '&' s = AmpersandTemplate('this &gift is for &{who} &&') eq(s.substitute(gift='bud', who='you'), 'this bud is for you &') raises(KeyError, s.substitute) eq(s.safe_substitute(gift='bud', who='you'), 'this bud is for you &') eq(s.safe_substitute(), 'this &gift is for &{who} &') s = AmpersandTemplate('this &gift is for &{who} &') raises(ValueError, s.substitute, dict(gift='bud', who='you')) eq(s.safe_substitute(), 'this &gift is for &{who} &') class PieDelims(Template): delimiter = '@' s = PieDelims('@who likes to eat a bag of @{what} worth $100') self.assertEqual(s.substitute(dict(who='tim', what='ham')), 'tim likes to eat a bag of ham worth $100')
def __init__(self, fmt=None, datefmt=None, style='%'): """ Initialize the formatter with specified format strings. Initialize the formatter either with the specified format string, or a default as described above. Allow for specialized date formatting with the optional datefmt argument (if omitted, you get the ISO8601 format). Use a style parameter of '%', '{' or '$' to specify that you want to use one of %-formatting, :meth:`str.format` (``{}``) formatting or :class:`string.Template` formatting in your format string. .. versionchanged: 3.2 Added the ``style`` parameter. """ if style not in _STYLES: raise ValueError('Style must be one of: %s' % ','.join( _STYLES.keys())) self._style = _STYLES[style](fmt) self._fmt = self._style._fmt self.datefmt = datefmt
def bootstrap(self, **vars): path = Template(self.path).substitute(**vars) self._create(path) if self.mode is not None: os.chmod(path, self.mode) if os.getuid() == 0: if self.username is not None: uid = pwd.getpwnam(self.username).pw_uid else: uid = -1 if self.group is not None: gid = grp.getgrnam(self.group).gr_gid else: gid = -1 if uid != -1 or gid != -1: os.chown(path, uid, gid)
def chord(): chords = request.args.get('transcript') confidence = request.args.get('confidence') '''do midi stuff with chord request''' t = Template("request='${chords}' (${confidence})") str = t.substitute({"chords": chords, "confidence": confidence}) print("========================================") print(str) print("========================================") resp = parser(chords) print json.dumps(resp, indent=4, sort_keys=True) chord = Chord() chord.getchord() for note in resp['notes']: chord.getchord(note['note'], note['params'][0], resp['octave']) chord.play() return json.dumps(resp)
def copy_template(template_path: Path, path: Path, variables: dict): for d in template_path.iterdir(): target_path = path / d.relative_to(template_path) if d.is_dir(): copy_template(d, target_path, variables) elif target_path.exists(): # better not overwrite any existing files! raise click.UsageError('Target file "{}" already exists. Aborting!'.format(target_path)) else: with Action('Writing {}..'.format(target_path)): target_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with d.open() as fd: contents = fd.read() template = string.Template(contents) contents = template.safe_substitute(variables) with target_path.open('w') as fd: fd.write(contents)
def substitute_file(from_file, to_file, substitutions): """ Substitute contents in from_file with substitutions and output to to_file using string.Template class Raises: IOError file the file to replace from is not found Arguments: ---------- from_file -- template file to load to_file -- substituted file substitutions -- dictionary of substitutions. """ with open(from_file, "r") as f_in: source = string.Template(f_in.read()) with open(to_file, "w") as f_out: outcome = source.safe_substitute(substitutions) f_out.write(outcome)
def playlistinfo(self, sortkey='pos'): """Shows playlist information sorted by key """ new_buf = wc.buffer_search("", "mpc: playlist") if len(new_buf) == 0: new_buf = wc.buffer_new('mpc: playlist', "", "", "", "") pl = self._mpdc.playlistinfo() try: # Numerical sort spl = sorted(pl, cmp=lambda x,y: cmp(int(x), int(y)), key=itemgetter(sortkey)) except ValueError: # Alpha sort lcmp = lambda x,y: cmp(x.lower(), y.lower()) spl = sorted(pl, cmp=lambda x,y: cmp(x.lower(), y.lower()), key=itemgetter(sortkey)) t = Template(wc.config_get_plugin("playinfo")) for line in spl: wc.prnt(new_buf, t.safe_substitute(line)) return pl
def z_make_templates(source, target, replacements): for f in os.listdir(source): newtarget = os.path.join(target, f) newsource = os.path.join(source, f) if os.path.isdir(newsource): os.makedirs(newtarget) print z_info('Created folder ' + f) z_make_templates(newsource, newtarget, replacements) else: targetfile = io.open(newtarget, 'w') sourcefile = io.open(newsource, 'r') for line in sourcefile: template = Template(line) targetfile.write(template.substitute(replacements)) targetfile.close() print z_info('Created file ' + f) # Merge two dicts recursively. # Values from y will override the ones from x # Returns x or y if the other is empty.
def _add_file_to_c2_repo(config, template_file_path, params, dest_path_in_c2_repo): with open(template_file_path, 'r') as f: templatized_file = string.Template(f.read()) dest_file = os.path.join(config["benign_repo_path"], dest_path_in_c2_repo) with open(dest_file, "w") as f: f.write(templatized_file.safe_substitute(params)) # Add file to the c2 repo orig_dir = os.path.abspath(os.curdir) # cd into cloned git repo to do git munging there os.chdir(config["benign_repo_path"]) if "nothing to commit" not in str(subprocess.check_output("git status", shell=True)): # Add agent.py and push subprocess.check_output("git add %s" % dest_path_in_c2_repo, shell=True) subprocess.check_output("git commit -m 'Add %s'" % dest_path_in_c2_repo, shell=True) subprocess.check_output("git push --repo %s" % config["primary_clone_url"], shell=True) os.chdir(orig_dir)
def _parse_yaml_file(fname): # type: (str) -> Dict[str, Any] """Parse YAML file with environment variable substitution. Parameters ---------- fname : str yaml file name. Returns ------- table : Dict[str, Any] the yaml file as a dictionary. """ content = read_file(fname) # substitute environment variables content = string.Template(content).substitute(os.environ) return yaml.load(content)
def get_wrapper_template(self, declaration): arg_desc = [] def describe_arg(arg): desc = self.TYPE_NAMES[arg['type']] + ' ' + arg['name'] if arg.get('nullable'): return '[{} or None]'.format(desc) return desc for option in declaration['options']: option_desc = [describe_arg(arg) for arg in option['arguments'] if not arg.get('ignore_check', False)] if option_desc: arg_desc.append('({})'.format(', '.join(option_desc))) else: arg_desc.append('no arguments') arg_desc.sort(key=len) arg_desc = ['"' + desc + '"' for desc in arg_desc] arg_str = ', '.join(arg_desc) return Template(self.WRAPPER_TEMPLATE.safe_substitute(expected_args=arg_str))
def get_html(): if DEV: try: with open("dev.html") as fptr: html = Template(fptr.read()) return html except Exception as err: print(err) print("Delivering embedded HTML") return INDEX
def html(self): # ???????? form_html = '' if self.form_def is not None: form_html = self.form_def.render(self.data, self._template, self.edit_fields, self.omit_fields, self.errors, **self.options) for widget in self._widgets: form_html += widget.html() buttons = self.form_def.buttons(self._buttons) else: fields_html = {} for widget in self._widgets: if isinstance(widget, hidden_input): form_html += widget.html() else: fields_html[widget.name] = widget.html() if not self._template: self.layout() form_html += Template(self._template).safe_substitute(fields_html) buttons = self._gen_buttons_html(self._buttons) if 'submit' in self._triggers: kss_url = self._triggers['submit'][0][0] else: kss_url = '' klass = ' '.join(self.klass) if kss_url: klass += ' KSSLoad' loading_data = 'data-loading="%s"' % self.loading_text else: loading_data = '' desc, h3 = '', '' if self.title: h3 = '<h3>%s</h3>' % self.title if self.description: desc = '<div class="discreet m_b_3">%s</div>' % self.description if self._layout == 'inline': return '''<form action="%s" %s class="%s" method="post">%s%s<table style="width: 100%%"><tr><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr></table>%s</form>''' % \ (kss_url or self.action, loading_data, klass, h3, desc, form_html, buttons, self.hidden_input) else: return '''<form action="%s" %s class="%s" method="post">%s%s%s%s%s</form>''' % \ (kss_url or self.action, loading_data, klass, h3, desc, form_html, buttons, self.hidden_input)
def _interpolate_env_vars(key): return Template(key).substitute(defaultdict(lambda: "", os.environ))
def append_to_note(guid, new_content, main_new_content, add_if_already_exists): #Get the note to be updated using the note's guid http://dev.evernote.com/documentation/reference/NoteStore.html#Fn_NoteStore_getNote note_store = _get_note_store() log_progress('load the \'2Archive\' note') note = note_store.getNote(guid, True, True, False, False) #Regular expressions used to replicate ENML tags. These same tags will be used to "rebuild" the note with the existing note metadata log_progress('do the regEx stuff') xmlTag = re.search('<\?xml.*?>', note.content).group() docTag = re.search('<\!DOCTYPE.*?>', note.content).group() noteOpenTag = re.search('<\s*en-note.*?>', note.content).group() noteCloseTag = re.search('<\s*/en-note.*?>', note.content).group() breakTag = '<br />' #Rebuild the note using the new content log_progress('Rebuild the note using the new content') content = note.content.replace(xmlTag, "").replace(noteOpenTag, "").replace(noteCloseTag, "").replace(docTag, "").strip() if main_new_content in content: if add_if_already_exists: content += breakTag + "".join(new_content) else: log_progress('url already in note') else: content += breakTag + ''.join(new_content) template = Template ('$xml $doc $openTag $body $closeTag') note.content = template.substitute(xml=xmlTag,doc=docTag,openTag=noteOpenTag,body=content,closeTag=noteCloseTag) #Update the note log_progress('save the updated note to evernote') try: _get_note_store().updateNote(note) except: print sys.exc_info() #Return updated note (object) to the function return note
def _getStates(self): return self.__corePackage.states # FIXME: implement this on our own without the Template class. How to do proper # escaping?
def resolve(self, text): if isinstance(text, str): resolver = IncludeHelper.Resolver(self.__fileLoader, self.__baseDir, self.__varBase, text) t = Template(text) t.delimiter = '$<' t.pattern = self.__pattern ret = t.substitute(resolver) sourceAnchor = "_BOB_SOURCES[$LINENO]=" + quote(self.__sourceName) return ("\n".join(resolver.prolog + [sourceAnchor, ret]), "\n".join(resolver.incDigests)) else: return (None, None)
def cli(project, base_image, base_deps, add_deps, requirements): project_dir = utils.get_project_dir() scrapy_config = shub_utils.get_config() if not scrapy_config.has_option('settings', project): raise shub_exceptions.BadConfigException( 'Settings for the project is not found') settings_module = scrapy_config.get('settings', project) values = { 'base_image': base_image, 'system_deps': _format_system_deps(base_deps, add_deps), 'system_env': _format_system_env(settings_module), 'requirements': _format_requirements(project_dir, requirements), } values = {key: value if value else '' for key, value in values.items()} source = Template(DOCKERFILE_TEMPLATE.strip()) results = source.substitute(values) results = results.replace('\n\n', '\n') click.echo("The following Dockerfile will be created:\n{}".format(results)) valid = {"yes": True, "y": True, "ye": True, "no": False, "n": False} while True: dockefile_path = os.path.join(project_dir, 'Dockerfile') choice = input("Save to {}: (y/n)".format(dockefile_path)).lower() if choice in valid: if valid[choice]: with open(dockefile_path, 'w') as dockerfile: dockerfile.write(results) click.echo('Saved.') break click.echo("Please respond with 'yes'('y') or 'no'(n)")