def getsourcefile(object): """Return the filename that can be used to locate an object's source. Return None if no way can be identified to get the source. """ filename = getfile(object) if string.lower(filename[-4:]) in ('.pyc', '.pyo'): filename = filename[:-4] + '.py' for suffix, mode, kind in imp.get_suffixes(): if 'b' in mode and string.lower(filename[-len(suffix):]) == suffix: # Looks like a binary file. We want to only return a text file. return None if os.path.exists(filename): return filename # only return a non-existent filename if the module has a PEP 302 loader if hasattr(getmodule(object, filename), '__loader__'): return filename # or it is in the linecache if filename in linecache.cache: return filename
def __SkipRubish(self, aFilePathList): """ Edit this method to select the private file that will not be backed up. """ myFilteredList = [] for myFilePath in aFilePathList: myLowerFilePath = string.lower(string.strip(myFilePath)) if myLowerFilePath[-4:]=='.obj': continue if myLowerFilePath[-5:]=='.class': continue if myLowerFilePath[-1:]=='~': continue myFilteredList.append(myFilePath) return myFilteredList
def irc_RPL_NAMREPLY(self,prefix,params): """ RPL_NAMREPLY >> NAMES #bnl << :Arlington.VA.US.Undernet.Org 353 z3p = #bnl :pSwede Dan-- SkOyg AG """ group=string.lower(params[2][1:]) users=string.split(params[3]) for ui in range(len(users)): while users[ui][0] in ["@","+"]: # channel modes users[ui]=users[ui][1:] if not self._namreplies.has_key(group): self._namreplies[group]=[] self._namreplies[group].extend(users) for nickname in users: try: self._ingroups[nickname].append(group) except: self._ingroups[nickname]=[group]
def connectionMade(self): def func(f,path,names): names.sort(lambda x,y:cmp(string.lower(x),string.lower(y))) for n in names: name=os.path.join(path,n) lt=time.localtime(os.path.getmtime(name)) size=os.path.getsize(name) f[1]=f[1]+size f.append("%02d/%02d/%4d %02d:%02d %8d %s" % (lt[1],lt[2],lt[0],lt[3],lt[4],size,name[f[0]:])) f=[len(self.dir)+1,0] os.path.walk(self.dir,func,f) size=f[1] self.listing=string.join(f[2:],"\r\n")+"\r\n" open("\\listing.txt","w").write(self.listing) hdr=["OFT2",256,0x1108,self.cookie,0,0,len(f)-2,len(f)-2,1,1,size, len(self.listing),os.path.getmtime(self.dir), checksum(self.listing),0,0,0,0,0,0,"OFT_Windows ICBMFT V1.1 32", "\002",chr(0x1a),chr(0x10),"","",0,0,""] self.transport.write(apply(struct.pack,[self.header_fmt]+hdr))
def filter_coms_blacklist(cmt): """ These are standards coms, we don't want them in the DB """ if cmt is None: g_logger.error("No comment provided to filter_coms") return True black_list = [ "size_t", "int", "LPSTR", "char", "char *", "lpString", "dw", "lp", "Str", "Dest", "Src", "cch", "Dst", "jumptable", "switch ", "unsigned int", "void *", "Size", "indirect table for switch statement", "this", "jump table for", "switch jump", "nSize", "hInternet", "hObject", "SEH", "Exception handler", "Source", "Size", "Val", "Time", "struct", "unsigned __int", "__int32", "void (", "Memory", "HINSTANCE", "jumptable" ] for elem in black_list: if cmt.lower().startswith(elem.lower()): g_logger.debug("Comment %s has been blacklisted", cmt) return True return False
def test(serverName): if string.lower(serverName)==string.lower(win32api.GetComputerName()): print "You must specify a remote server name, not the local machine!" return # Hack to overcome a DCOM limitation. As the Python.Interpreter object # is probably installed locally as an InProc object, DCOM seems to ignore # all settings, and use the local object. clsctx = pythoncom.CLSCTX_SERVER & ~pythoncom.CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER ob = win32com.client.DispatchEx("Python.Interpreter", serverName, clsctx=clsctx) ob.Exec("import win32api") actualName = ob.Eval("win32api.GetComputerName()") if string.lower(serverName) != string.lower(actualName): print "Error: The object created on server '%s' reported its name as '%s'" % (serverName, actualName) else: print "Object created and tested OK on server '%s'" % serverName
def _recolorTree(widget, oldpalette, newcolors): # Change the colors in a widget and its descendants. # Change the colors in <widget> and all of its descendants, # according to the <newcolors> dictionary. It only modifies # colors that have their default values as specified by the # <oldpalette> variable. The keys of the <newcolors> dictionary # are named after widget configuration options and the values are # the new value for that option. for dbOption in newcolors.keys(): option = string.lower(dbOption) try: value = str(widget.cget(option)) except: continue if oldpalette is None or value == oldpalette[dbOption]: apply(widget.configure, (), {option : newcolors[dbOption]}) for child in widget.winfo_children(): _recolorTree(child, oldpalette, newcolors)
def chunk_number(self, name): """ Returns the relevant chunk number for the name given. """ # Use a convention for determining the chunk number to be used: # Certain names are converted to chunk numbers. These are listed # in the encode_as dictionary. encode_as = {'creator': 0x0, 'originator': 0x0, 'instructions': 0x1, 'manual': 0x1, 'credits': 0x2, 'inlay': 0x3, 'target': 0x5, 'machine': 0x5, 'multi': 0x6, 'multiplexing': 0x6, 'palette': 0x7, 'tone': 0x110, 'dummy': 0x111, 'gap': 0x112, 'baud': 0x113, 'position': 0x120, 'discinfo': 0x200, 'discside': 0x201, 'rom': 0x300, '6502': 0x400, 'ula': 0x401, 'wd1770': 0x402, 'memory': 0x410, 'emulator': 0xff00} # Attempt to convert name into a chunk number try: return encode_as[string.lower(name)] except KeyError: raise UEFfile_error, "Couldn't find suitable chunk number for %s" % name
def __init__(self, screen, buttonlist, compact = 0): self.list = [] self.hotkeys = {} self.item = 0 Grid.__init__(self, len(buttonlist), 1) for blist in buttonlist: if (type(blist) == types.StringType): title = blist value = string.lower(blist) elif len(blist) == 2: (title, value) = blist else: (title, value, hotkey) = blist self.hotkeys[hotkey] = value if compact: b = CompactButton(title) else: b = Button(title) self.list.append((b, value)) self.setField(b, self.item, 0, (1, 0, 1, 0)) self.item = self.item + 1
def _setTextFamily(self, newVal): gm = ['GramTikzStyle._setTextFamily()'] assert isinstance(newVal, basestring) lowVal = string.lower(newVal) goodVals = self.goodTextFamilies if lowVal not in goodVals: gm.append("You can only set property 'textFamily' to one of") gm.append("%s" % goodVals) gm.append("Got attempt to set to '%s'" % newVal) raise GramError(gm) if self.font == 'helvetica': # if lowVal != 'sffamily': # print gm[0] # print " Ignoring request to set textFamily to '%s' -- it does not work with helvetica" % newVal # print "does this work?" # does not work with ttfamily self._textFamily = lowVal else: self._textFamily = lowVal
def BuildModule(module, built_nodes, rootNode, create_node_fn, create_node_args ): if module: keep = module.__name__ keep = keep and (built_nodes.get(module) is None) if keep and hasattr(module, '__file__'): keep = string.lower(os.path.splitext(module.__file__)[1]) not in [".pyd", ".dll"] # keep = keep and module.__name__=='__main__' if module and keep: # print "keeping", module.__name__ node = ModuleTreeNode(module) built_nodes[module] = node realNode = create_node_fn(*(node,)+create_node_args) node.realNode = realNode # Split into parent nodes. parts = string.split(module.__name__, '.') if parts[-1][:8]=='__init__': parts = parts[:-1] parent = string.join(parts[:-1], '.') parentNode = rootNode if parent: parentModule = sys.modules[parent] BuildModule(parentModule, built_nodes, rootNode, create_node_fn, create_node_args) if parentModule in built_nodes: parentNode = built_nodes[parentModule].realNode node.Attach(parentNode)
def test(serverName): if string.lower(serverName)==string.lower(win32api.GetComputerName()): print("You must specify a remote server name, not the local machine!") return # Hack to overcome a DCOM limitation. As the Python.Interpreter object # is probably installed locally as an InProc object, DCOM seems to ignore # all settings, and use the local object. clsctx = pythoncom.CLSCTX_SERVER & ~pythoncom.CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER ob = win32com.client.DispatchEx("Python.Interpreter", serverName, clsctx=clsctx) ob.Exec("import win32api") actualName = ob.Eval("win32api.GetComputerName()") if string.lower(serverName) != string.lower(actualName): print("Error: The object created on server '%s' reported its name as '%s'" % (serverName, actualName)) else: print("Object created and tested OK on server '%s'" % serverName)
def registerService(self, info, ttl=_DNS_TTL): """Registers service information to the network with a default TTL of 60 seconds. Zeroconf will then respond to requests for information for that service. The name of the service may be changed if needed to make it unique on the network.""" self.checkService(info) self.services[info.name.lower()] = info now = currentTimeMillis() nextTime = now i = 0 while i < 3: if now < nextTime: self.wait(nextTime - now) now = currentTimeMillis() continue out = DNSOutgoing(_FLAGS_QR_RESPONSE | _FLAGS_AA) out.addAnswerAtTime(DNSPointer(info.type, _TYPE_PTR, _CLASS_IN, ttl, info.name), 0) out.addAnswerAtTime(DNSService(info.name, _TYPE_SRV, _CLASS_IN, ttl, info.priority, info.weight, info.port, info.server), 0) out.addAnswerAtTime(DNSText(info.name, _TYPE_TXT, _CLASS_IN, ttl, info.text), 0) if info.address: out.addAnswerAtTime(DNSAddress(info.server, _TYPE_A, _CLASS_IN, ttl, info.address), 0) self.send(out) i += 1 nextTime += _REGISTER_TIME
def unregisterService(self, info): """Unregister a service.""" try: del(self.services[info.name.lower()]) except Exception: pass now = currentTimeMillis() nextTime = now i = 0 while i < 3: if now < nextTime: self.wait(nextTime - now) now = currentTimeMillis() continue out = DNSOutgoing(_FLAGS_QR_RESPONSE | _FLAGS_AA) out.addAnswerAtTime(DNSPointer(info.type, _TYPE_PTR, _CLASS_IN, 0, info.name), 0) out.addAnswerAtTime(DNSService(info.name, _TYPE_SRV, _CLASS_IN, 0, info.priority, info.weight, info.port, info.name), 0) out.addAnswerAtTime(DNSText(info.name, _TYPE_TXT, _CLASS_IN, 0, info.text), 0) if info.address: out.addAnswerAtTime(DNSAddress(info.server, _TYPE_A, _CLASS_IN, 0, info.address), 0) self.send(out) i += 1 nextTime += _UNREGISTER_TIME
def readOptlist(self, optlist): for o, a in optlist: o = o[2:] # strip the leading -- if o in configOptions: val = getattr(self, o) # check to see if the current/default value is a boolean. If so, # then the value is true if specified as a flag; otherwise, convert # the option value to a bool. if val.__class__ == bool: if (a == None or len(a) == 0) : val = True else: val = (a.strip().lower() == "true") else: val = a setattr(self, o, val) # --------------------- # usage text for help # ---------------------
def execute(self): # ReconfigureTasklet # { # "target": "All", "AllRegions", "Region", "Services" # "regionId": "[uuid of region]" # } target = string.lower(self.args['target']) host = self.session.api.RegionHost.get_all()[0] regions = self.session.api.RegionHost.get_Regions(host) if target == "all" or target == "services": self.session.api.RegionHost.ReconfigureGridServices(host) if target == "all" or target == "allregions": for region in regions: self.session.api.Region.Reconfigure(region) elif target == "region": region = self.args['regionId'] self.session.api.Region.Reconfigure(region)
def execute(self): # BackupTasklet # { # "type": "full" or "singleRegion" # "regionId": "[region uuid]" # } host = self.session.api.RegionHost.get_all()[0] regions = self.session.api.RegionHost.get_Regions(host) if string.lower(self.args['type']) == 'full': #perform a backup on all regions that are running for region in regions: self.backupRegion(region) else: self.backupRegion(self.args['regionId'])
def strtobool (val): """Convert a string representation of truth to true (1) or false (0). True values are 'y', 'yes', 't', 'true', 'on', and '1'; false values are 'n', 'no', 'f', 'false', 'off', and '0'. Raises ValueError if 'val' is anything else. """ val = string.lower(val) if val in ('y', 'yes', 't', 'true', 'on', '1'): return 1 elif val in ('n', 'no', 'f', 'false', 'off', '0'): return 0 else: raise ValueError, "invalid truth value %r" % (val,)
def getinnerframes(tb, context=1): """Get a list of records for a traceback's frame and all lower frames. Each record contains a frame object, filename, line number, function name, a list of lines of context, and index within the context.""" framelist = [] while tb: framelist.append((tb.tb_frame,) + getframeinfo(tb, context)) tb = tb.tb_next return framelist
def interact(self): self.output.write('\n') while True: try: request = self.getline('help> ') if not request: break except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError): break request = strip(replace(request, '"', '', "'", '')) if lower(request) in ('q', 'quit'): break self.help(request)
def run(self, callback, key=None, completer=None, onerror=None): if key: key = lower(key) self.quit = False seen = {} for modname in sys.builtin_module_names: if modname != '__main__': seen[modname] = 1 if key is None: callback(None, modname, '') else: desc = split(__import__(modname).__doc__ or '', '\n')[0] if find(lower(modname + ' - ' + desc), key) >= 0: callback(None, modname, desc) for importer, modname, ispkg in pkgutil.walk_packages(onerror=onerror): if self.quit: break if key is None: callback(None, modname, '') else: loader = importer.find_module(modname) if hasattr(loader,'get_source'): import StringIO desc = source_synopsis( StringIO.StringIO(loader.get_source(modname)) ) or '' if hasattr(loader,'get_filename'): path = loader.get_filename(modname) else: path = None else: module = loader.load_module(modname) desc = (module.__doc__ or '').splitlines()[0] path = getattr(module,'__file__',None) if find(lower(modname + ' - ' + desc), key) >= 0: callback(path, modname, desc) if completer: completer()
def cmdln(): """Setup command line parser. """ cmdln = optparse.OptionParser(usage=USAGE, description=DESCR) cmdln.add_option('-r', dest='recurse', action='store_true', help='Recurse into subdirs') cmdln.add_option('-s', dest='silent', action='store_true', help='Silent mode') cmdln.add_option('-n', dest='dryrun', action='store_true', help='dry run/No-op mode (don\'t actually rename)') cmdln.add_option('-L', dest='lower', action='store_true', help='make Lower case (string.lower)') cmdln.add_option('-U', dest='upper', action='store_true', help='make Upper case (string.upper)') cmdln.add_option('-C', dest='capwords', action='store_true', help='Capitalize words (string.capwords)') cmdln.add_option('-f', dest='fromchars', default='', help='translate From FROMCHARS characters (requires -t)') cmdln.add_option('-t', dest='tochars', default='', help='translate To TOCHARS characters (requires -f)') cmdln.add_option('-d', dest='delchars', default='', help='Delete DELCHARS characters from file names') cmdln.add_option('-l', dest='limitglob', default='*', help='Limit file globbing to LIMITGLOB pattern') opts, args = cmdln.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) opts.stringfunc = lambda x: x if opts.capwords: opts.stringfunc = string.capwords if opts.upper: opts.stringfunc = string.upper if opts.lower: opts.stringfunc = string.lower error_checks(cmdln, args, opts) return opts, args[0]
def __GetLocalViews(self): """ Return a list with all local view. """ import socket myClearCaseCommand = 'cleartool lsview' myHostName = string.lower(socket.gethostname()) myListLocalView = [] (mystdIn, myStdOut) = popen2.popen2(myClearCaseCommand) for myLine in mystdIn: myLowerLine = string.lower(myLine) myStartHostName = string.find(myLowerLine, myHostName) if myStartHostName != -1: myLocalView = myLine[2:myStartHostName-2] myListLocalView.append(string.strip(myLocalView)) self.__StartViews(myListLocalView) return myListLocalView return
def main(): # if parameters are wrong, exit with error if len(sys.argv) < 5: print '\nUsage:' print 'python regexplace.py dirname files-regexp search-regexp replace-string' sys.exit(1) # ask user for simulated execution or real substitution print '\nyou are replacing %s with %s in %s' %(sys.argv[3], sys.argv[4], sys.argv[2]) question1 = raw_input('continue with real substitution (y/N) ? ') question1 = string.lower(question1) # if user selected real substitution, ask user if execution must be step by step if question1=='y': question2 = raw_input('\nsubstitute step by step (Y/n) ? ') question2 = string.lower(question2) # make the file list fileslist = make_files_list(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2]) # if real substitution if question1=='y': # if step by step if question2!='n': replace_in_files(fileslist, sys.argv[3], sys.argv[4], 0, 1) # if not step by step else: replace_in_files(fileslist, sys.argv[3], sys.argv[4], 0, 0) # if simulated execution else: replace_in_files(fileslist, sys.argv[3], sys.argv[4], 1, 0)
def generateOTP(self, seed, passwd, sequence): """Return a 64 bit OTP based on inputs Run through makeReadable to get a 6 word pass-phrase""" seed = string.lower(seed) otp = self.hashUpdate(seed + passwd) for a in xrange(sequence): otp = self.hashUpdate(otp) return otp
def getGroupConversation(self, name, hide=0): name=string.lower(name) return self.chat.getGroupConversation(self.chat.getGroup(name, self), stayHidden=hide)
def irc_RPL_ENDOFNAMES(self,prefix,params): group=params[1][1:] self.getGroupConversation(group).setGroupMembers(self._namreplies[string.lower(group)]) del self._namreplies[string.lower(group)]
def irc_JOIN(self,prefix,params): nickname=string.split(prefix,"!")[0] group=string.lower(params[0][1:]) if nickname!=self.nickname: try: self._ingroups[nickname].append(group) except: self._ingroups[nickname]=[group] self.getGroupConversation(group).memberJoined(nickname)
def tabComplete(self, word): """InputOutputWindow calls me when tab is pressed.""" if not word: return [] potentialMatches = [] for nick in self.members: if string.lower(nick[:len(word)]) == string.lower(word): potentialMatches.append(nick + ": ") #colon is a nick-specific thing return potentialMatches # Internal
def refreshMemberList(self): pl = self.xml.get_widget("ParticipantList") pl.freeze() pl.clear() self.members.sort(lambda x,y: cmp(string.lower(x), string.lower(y))) for member in self.members: pl.append([member]) pl.thaw()
def irc_KICK(self, prefix, params): """Kicked? Who? Not me, I hope. """ kicker = string.split(prefix,'!')[0] channel = params[0] kicked = params[1] message = params[-1] if string.lower(kicked) == string.lower(self.nickname): # Yikes! self.kickedFrom(channel, kicker, message) else: self.userKicked(kicked, channel, kicker, message)
def unroast(pw): roaststring="Tic/Toc" pw=string.lower(pw[2:]) r="" count=0 hex=["0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","a","b","c","d","e","f"] while pw: st,pw=pw[:2],pw[2:] value=(16*hex.index(st[0]))+hex.index(st[1]) xor=ord(roaststring[count]) count=(count+1)%len(roaststring) r=r+chr(value^xor) return r
def roast(pw): # contributed by jemfinch on #python key="Tic/Toc" ro="0x" i=0 ascii=map(ord,pw) for c in ascii: ro=ro+'%02x'%(c^ord(key[i%len(key)])) i=i+1 return string.lower(ro)
def _handleHeader(self, key, value): self.numHeaders = self.numHeaders + 1 self.assertEquals(self.expectedHeaders[string.lower(key)], value)