def _remove_heist(self, ctx, *, target: str): """Remove a target from the heist list""" author = ctx.message.author settings = self.check_server_settings(author.server) if string.capwords(target) in settings["Targets"]: await self.bot.say("Are you sure you want to remove {} from the list of " "targets?".format(string.capwords(target))) response = await self.bot.wait_for_message(timeout=15, author=author) if response is None: msg = "Canceling removal. You took too long." elif response.content.title() == "Yes": settings["Targets"].pop(string.capwords(target)) self.save_system() msg = "{} was removed from the list of targets.".format(string.capwords(target)) else: msg = "Canceling target removal." else: msg = "That target does not exist." await self.bot.say(msg)
def patch_2220(self, path): # Check if player data has the war game, and if not add it. if "Theme" not in path or not path["Theme"]: path["Theme"] = {"Jail": "jail", "OOB": "out on bail", "Police": "Police", "Bail": "bail", "Crew": "crew", "Sentence": "sentence", "Heist": "heist", "Vault": "vault"}, if "Banks" in path: path["Targets"] = path.pop("Banks") if "Theme" not in path["Config"]: path["Config"]["Theme"] = "Heist" if "Crew Output" not in path["Config"]: path["Config"]["Crew Ouput"] = "None" if "Bail Cost" in path["Config"]: path["Config"].pop("Bail Cost") for target in path["Targets"]: path["Targets"][string.capwords(target)] = path["Targets"].pop(target) self.save_system()
def jeopardy_start(self, ctx): if self.jeopardy_active: await self.bot.embed_reply(":no_entry: There's already a jeopardy game in progress") return self.jeopardy_active = True categories = [] category_titles = [] self.jeopardy_board_output = "" url = "http://jservice.io/api/random" for i in range(6): async with clients.aiohttp_session.get(url) as resp: data = await resp.json() categories.append(data[0]["category_id"]) for category in categories: url = "http://jservice.io/api/category?id=" + str(category) async with clients.aiohttp_session.get(url) as resp: data = await resp.json() category_titles.append(string.capwords(data["title"])) self.jeopardy_board.append([category, False, False, False, False, False]) self.jeopardy_max_width = max(len(category_title) for category_title in category_titles) for category_title in category_titles: self.jeopardy_board_output += category_title.ljust(self.jeopardy_max_width) + " 200 400 600 800 1000\n" await self.bot.embed_say(clients.code_block.format(self.jeopardy_board_output))
def _get_es_results(query: str, category: str, keyphrase: str, strict: bool) -> Response: skill_search = es_search if category: skill_search = skill_search.query('match', category=string.capwords(category) .replace(' And ', ' & ') .replace('Movies & Tv', 'Movies & TV')) if keyphrase: skill_search = skill_search.query('match', keyphrases=keyphrase) if query: operator = 'and' if strict else 'or' skill_search = skill_search.query('multi_match', query=query, fields=['name', 'description', 'usages', 'keyphrases'], minimum_should_match='50%', operator=operator) \ .highlight('description', order='score', pre_tags=['*'], post_tags=['*']) \ .highlight('title', order='score', pre_tags=['*'], post_tags=['*']) \ .highlight('usages', order='score', pre_tags=['*'], post_tags=['*']) return skill_search.execute()
def _extractNVMLErrorsAsClasses(): ''' Generates a hierarchy of classes on top of NVMLError class. Each NVML Error gets a new NVMLError subclass. This way try,except blocks can filter appropriate exceptions more easily. NVMLError is a parent class. Each NVML_ERROR_* gets it's own subclass. e.g. NVML_ERROR_ALREADY_INITIALIZED will be turned into NVMLError_AlreadyInitialized ''' this_module = sys.modules[__name__] nvmlErrorsNames = filter(lambda x: x.startswith("NVML_ERROR_"), dir(this_module)) for err_name in nvmlErrorsNames: # e.g. Turn NVML_ERROR_ALREADY_INITIALIZED into NVMLError_AlreadyInitialized class_name = "NVMLError_" + string.capwords(err_name.replace("NVML_ERROR_", ""), "_").replace("_", "") err_val = getattr(this_module, err_name) def gen_new(val): def new(typ): obj = NVMLError.__new__(typ, val) return obj return new new_error_class = type(class_name, (NVMLError,), {'__new__': gen_new(err_val)}) new_error_class.__module__ = __name__ setattr(this_module, class_name, new_error_class) NVMLError._valClassMapping[err_val] = new_error_class
def find_by_url(cls, song_url): soup = cls.__get_soup(song_url) og_title_tag = soup.find('meta', attrs={'property': cls.SONG_TITLE_META_OG_PROPERTY}) og_title = og_title_tag.get('content') song_url_parts = song_url.split('/') song_id = song_url_parts[4] title, artist = og_title.split(' - ', 1) title = capwords(title) artist = capwords(artist) song_dict = { 'song_id': song_id, 'title': title, 'artist': artist, 'url': song_url } return Song(**song_dict)
def title_case(title, minor_words=''): if minor_words == '': return capwords(title) ignore_words = [w.lower() for w in minor_words.split()] res = ''; words= title.split() for i in range(len(words)): if i == 0: res += words[0].capitalize() res += ' ' else: w = words[i] if w.lower() not in ignore_words: res += w.capitalize() else: res += w.lower() res += ' ' return res.strip()
def add_relation(self, colonist): menu = tk.Menu(self) for relationship_type in colonist.relationships: if isinstance(colonist.relationships[relationship_type], dict): menu_relations = tk.Menu(menu) for relationship in colonist.relationships[relationship_type]: if isinstance(colonist.relationships[relationship_type][relationship], list): menu_sibling = tk.Menu(menu_relations) for sibling in colonist.relationships[relationship_type][relationship]: menu_sibling.add_command(label=capwords(sibling.get_name())) if colonist.relationships[relationship_type][relationship]: menu_relations.add_cascade(label=capwords(relationship), menu=menu_sibling) else: if colonist.relationships[relationship_type][relationship]: menu_relations.add_command(label=capwords(relationship)) menu.add_cascade(label=capwords(relationship_type), menu=menu_relations) self.add_cascade(label=colonist.get_name(), menu=menu)
def get_searches(self): # Try to find both id and film title for each search result elements = string.split(self.page, "<li>") self.number_results = elements[-1] if (elements[0] != ''): for element in elements: id = gutils.trim(element, "?codice=", "\">") if id <> '': self.ids.append(id) title = self.capwords(gutils.convert_entities(gutils.trim(element, "<b>", "</b>"))) year = re.search('([[][0-9]{4}[]])', element) if year: year = year.group(0) if year: self.titles.append(title + ' ' + year) else: self.titles.append(title) else: self.number_results = 0 # # Plugin Test #
def parseLine(self, line): """ Parse a log line creating necessary events. :param line: The log line to be parsed """ m = self.getLineParts(line) if not m: return False match, action, data, client, target = m func = 'On%s' % string.capwords(action).replace(' ', '') if hasattr(self, func): func = getattr(self, func) event = func(action, data, match) if event: self.queueEvent(event) elif action in self._eventMap: self.queueEvent(self.getEvent(self._eventMap[action], data=data, client=client, target=target)) else: data = str(action) + ': ' + str(data) self.queueEvent(self.getEvent('EVT_UNKNOWN', data=data, client=client, target=target))
def parse_line(self, line): """ Parse a log line creating necessary events. :param line: The log line to be parsed """ m = self.getLineParts(line) if not m: return False match, action, data, client, target = m func = 'On%s' % string.capwords(action).replace(' ','') if hasattr(self, func): func = getattr(self, func) event = func(action, data, match) if event: self.queueEvent(event) elif action in self._eventMap: self.queueEvent(self.getEvent(self._eventMap[action], data=data, client=client, target=target)) elif action in self._actionMap: # addition for cod5 actionMapping self.translateAction(action, data, match) else: self.queueEvent(self.getEvent('EVT_UNKNOWN', str(action) + ': ' + str(data), client, target))
def _extractNVMLErrorsAsClasses(): ''' Generates a hierarchy of classes on top of NVMLError class. Each NVML Error gets a new NVMLError subclass. This way try,except blocks can filter appropriate exceptions more easily. NVMLError is a parent class. Each NVML_ERROR_* gets it's own subclass. e.g. NVML_ERROR_ALREADY_INITIALIZED will be turned into NVMLError_AlreadyInitialized ''' this_module = sys.modules[__name__] nvmlErrorsNames = [x for x in dir(this_module) if x.startswith("NVML_ERROR_")] for err_name in nvmlErrorsNames: # e.g. Turn NVML_ERROR_ALREADY_INITIALIZED into NVMLError_AlreadyInitialized class_name = "NVMLError_" + string.capwords(err_name.replace("NVML_ERROR_", ""), "_").replace("_", "") err_val = getattr(this_module, err_name) def gen_new(val): def new(typ): obj = NVMLError.__new__(typ, val) return obj return new new_error_class = type(class_name, (NVMLError,), {'__new__': gen_new(err_val)}) new_error_class.__module__ = __name__ setattr(this_module, class_name, new_error_class) NVMLError._valClassMapping[err_val] = new_error_class
def extract_metadata_from_pdf(data): stream = StringIO(data) # get access token using refresh token. resp = requests.post('https://api.mendeley.com/oauth/token', data=('grant_type=refresh_token&refresh_token=%s' '&redirect_uri=%s' % (REFRESH_TOKEN, REDIRECT_URI)), headers={ 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }, auth=HTTPBasicAuth(CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET) ).json() access_token = resp['access_token'] # assert(resp['refresh_token'] == REFRESH_TOKEN) # use access token to request paper metadata. result = requests.post('https://api.mendeley.com/documents', data=stream.read(), headers={ 'Authorization': 'Bearer %s' % access_token, 'Content-Type': 'application/pdf', 'Content-Disposition': 'attachment; filename="example.pdf"' }).json() result['title'] = string.capwords(result['title']) # convert to same title format. return result
def cmdln(): """Setup command line parser. """ cmdln = optparse.OptionParser(usage=USAGE, description=DESCR) cmdln.add_option('-r', dest='recurse', action='store_true', help='Recurse into subdirs') cmdln.add_option('-s', dest='silent', action='store_true', help='Silent mode') cmdln.add_option('-n', dest='dryrun', action='store_true', help='dry run/No-op mode (don\'t actually rename)') cmdln.add_option('-L', dest='lower', action='store_true', help='make Lower case (string.lower)') cmdln.add_option('-U', dest='upper', action='store_true', help='make Upper case (string.upper)') cmdln.add_option('-C', dest='capwords', action='store_true', help='Capitalize words (string.capwords)') cmdln.add_option('-f', dest='fromchars', default='', help='translate From FROMCHARS characters (requires -t)') cmdln.add_option('-t', dest='tochars', default='', help='translate To TOCHARS characters (requires -f)') cmdln.add_option('-d', dest='delchars', default='', help='Delete DELCHARS characters from file names') cmdln.add_option('-l', dest='limitglob', default='*', help='Limit file globbing to LIMITGLOB pattern') opts, args = cmdln.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) opts.stringfunc = lambda x: x if opts.capwords: opts.stringfunc = string.capwords if opts.upper: opts.stringfunc = string.upper if opts.lower: opts.stringfunc = string.lower error_checks(cmdln, args, opts) return opts, args[0]
def func(self, x: Node.dict_indexable): """0 - len (floor(log(x)) with numbers) 1 - lower 2 - upper 3 - swapcase 4 - title 5 - capitalize 6 - capwords 7 - strip 8 - lstrip 9 - rstrip""" if self.config == 0: return self.len(x) return Letters.settings[self.config-1](x)
def define(self, ctx, *, word : str): """Gives the definition of the word passed.""" # Check if we're suppressing @here and @everyone mentions if self.settings.getServerStat(ctx.message.server, "SuppressMentions").lower() == "yes": suppress = True else: suppress = False if not word: msg = 'Usage: `{}define [word]`'.format(ctx.prefix) await self.bot.send_message(ctx.message.channel, msg) return url = "http://api.urbandictionary.com/v0/define?term={}".format(quote(word)) msg = 'I couldn\'t find a definition for "{}"...'.format(word) r = requests.get(url, headers = {'User-agent': self.ua}) theJSON = r.json()["list"] if len(theJSON): # Got it - let's build our response ourWord = theJSON[0] msg = '__**{}:**__\n\n{}'.format(string.capwords(ourWord["word"]), ourWord["definition"]) if ourWord["example"]: msg = '{}\n\n__Example(s):__\n\n*{}*'.format(msg, ourWord["example"]) # await self.bot.send_message(ctx.message.channel, msg) # Check for suppress if suppress: msg = Nullify.clean(msg) await Message.say(self.bot, msg, ctx.message.channel, ctx.message.author)
def randefine(self, ctx): """Gives a random word and its definition.""" url = "http://api.urbandictionary.com/v0/random" r = requests.get(url, headers = {'User-agent': self.ua}) theJSON = r.json()["list"] if len(theJSON): # Got it - let's build our response ourWord = theJSON[0] msg = '__**{}:**__\n\n{}'.format(string.capwords(ourWord["word"]), ourWord["definition"]) if ourWord["example"]: msg = '{}\n\n__Example(s):__\n\n*{}*'.format(msg, ourWord["example"]) # await self.bot.send_message(ctx.message.channel, msg) await Message.say(self.bot, msg, ctx.message.channel, ctx.message.author)
def _callback_document_authors(self, request_id, results, exception): if exception: raise exception file_id = self._document_items[request_id] authors = set() items = results.get('revisions', []) if items: for item in items: authors.add(string.capwords(item['lastModifyingUser']['displayName'])) authors = list(authors) authors.sort() self._documents[file_id].authors = authors item = self._documents[file_id] self._write_to_cache(file_id + '_authors', self._documents[file_id].modifiedTime, authors)
def addHeader (self,key,value): k=string.capwords(key,"-") if k!="Accept-Encoding": self.__headers[k]=value
def __getitem__ (self,key): k=string.capwords(key,"-") if self.__headers.has_key(k): return self.__headers[k] else: return ""
def addHeader (self,key,value): k=string.capwords(key,"-") if k!="Transfer-Encoding": self.__headers+=[(k,value)]
def _processFormal(self, elem, sessionID): """Process a <formal> AIML element. <formal> elements process their contents recursively, and then capitalize the first letter of each word of the result. """ response = "" for e in elem[2:]: response += self._processElement(e, sessionID) return string.capwords(response) # <gender>
def __setitem__(self, i, y): self._regexIsDirty = True # for each entry the user adds, we actually add three entrys: super(type(self), self).__setitem__( string.lower(i), string.lower(y)) # key = value super(type(self), self).__setitem__( string.capwords(i), string.capwords(y)) # Key = Value super(type(self), self).__setitem__( string.upper(i), string.upper(y)) # KEY = VALUE
def normalize(header): return string.capwords(header.lower(), '-')
def to_camel_case(s): """Convert string to camel case.""" return (s[0].lower() + string.capwords(s, sep='_') .replace('_', '')[1:] if s else s)
def cap_first_word(arg): if type(arg) == str: s = arg.strip() return s[0].upper() + s[1:None] if type(arg) == list: return [string.capwords(arg[0])] + arg[1:None] raise TypeError("Invalid type passed to function: " + type(arg))
def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout layout.label(self.bl_label) for op, name in self.operators: text = capwords(name.replace("_", " ")) + " (Meta-Rig)" layout.operator(op, icon='OUTLINER_OB_ARMATURE', text=text)
def __get_song_from_list(cls, element): ul = element.find('ul', {'class': cls.BOARD_CONTENT_CLASS}) url = ul.get(cls.SONG_URL_PROP) id_parts = url.split('/') song_id = id_parts[4] if len(id_parts) > 4 else None title_item = ul.find('li', {'class': cls.SONG_TITLE_CLASS}) title = capwords(title_item.text) if title_item else None artist_item = ul.find('li', {'class': cls.SONG_ARTIST_CLASS}) artist = capwords(artist_item.text) if artist_item else None bit_rate = ul.find('li', {'class': cls.SONG_BIT_RATE_CLASS}).text bit_rate_parts = bit_rate.split() bit_rate = bit_rate_parts[0] if bit_rate_parts else None length = ul.find('li', {'class': cls.SONG_LENGTH_CLASS}).text length = Song.get_length_from_string(length) song_dict = { 'song_id': song_id, 'title': title, 'artist': artist, 'bit_rate': bit_rate, 'length': length, 'url': url } return Song(**song_dict)
def addHeader (self,key,value): k=string.capwords(key,"-") if k.lower() not in ["accept-encoding","content-length","if-modified-since","if-none-match"]: self._headers[k]=value
def delHeader (self,key): k = string.capwords(key,"-") if self._headers.has_key(k): del self._headers[k]
def __getitem__ (self,key): k=string.capwords(key,"-") if k in self._headers: return self._headers[k] else: return ""
def addHeader (self,key,value): k=string.capwords(key,"-") self._headers+=[(k,value)]
def method_for(self, name): """Return the MWS API method referred to in the argument. The named method can be in CamelCase or underlined_lower_case. This is the complement to MWSConnection.any_call.action """ action = '_' in name and string.capwords(name, '_') or name if action in api_call_map: return getattr(self, api_call_map[action]) return None
def test_capwords(self): self.assertEqual(string.capwords('abc def ghi'), 'Abc Def Ghi') self.assertEqual(string.capwords('abc\tdef\nghi'), 'Abc Def Ghi') self.assertEqual(string.capwords('abc\t def \nghi'), 'Abc Def Ghi') self.assertEqual(string.capwords('ABC DEF GHI'), 'Abc Def Ghi') self.assertEqual(string.capwords('ABC-DEF-GHI', '-'), 'Abc-Def-Ghi') self.assertEqual(string.capwords('ABC-def DEF-ghi GHI'), 'Abc-def Def-ghi Ghi') self.assertEqual(string.capwords(' aBc DeF '), 'Abc Def') self.assertEqual(string.capwords('\taBc\tDeF\t'), 'Abc Def') self.assertEqual(string.capwords('\taBc\tDeF\t', '\t'), '\tAbc\tDef\t')
def test(): string.capwords(1)
def _inforole(self, msg): """ provides an infodump of a role, including permissions and position """ try: args = shlex.split(msg.content) except ValueError as e: self.logger.warning("Unable to split {data.content}. {e}") raise CommandSyntaxError(e) if len(args) > 1: name = capwords(args[1]) role = find_role(msg.guild, args[1]) if role: t_dict = { "name": role.name, "permissions": role.permissions, "colour": role.colour, "hoist": role.hoist, "mentionable": role.mentionable, "position": role.position, "created_at": role.created_at, "id": role.id } t_string = "" for k, v in t_dict.items(): if k != "permissions": t_string = f"{t_string}{k}: {v!s}\n" else: t_string += k + ": " + ", ".join({x.upper() for x, y in v if y}) + "\n" await respond(msg, f"**ANALYSIS: role {role.name} has parameters :**\n ```{t_string}```") else: await respond(msg, f"**NEGATIVE. ANALYSIS: no role {name} found.**") else: raise CommandSyntaxError
def _help(self, msg): if not self.categories: await self.build_help() try: search = msg.clean_content.split(" ")[1].lower() except IndexError: cates = "\n".join(sorted([capwords(x, "_") for x in self.categories.keys()])) await respond(msg, f"**ANALYSIS: Command categories:**```\n{cates}\n```") return if search in [x.lower() for x in self.commands.keys()]: cmd = self.commands[search] name = cmd.name syn = cmd.syntax if not syn: syn = "N/A" doc = cmd.__doc__ perms = cmd.perms cate = capwords(cmd.category, "_") aliases = f"(Aliases: {', '.join(cmd.aliases)})" if cmd.aliases else "" if not {x for x, y in msg.author.guild_permissions if y} >= perms: raise UserPermissionError text = f"**ANALYSIS: Command {name}:**```\n{name} (Category {cate}) {aliases}\n\n{doc}\n\n" \ f"Syntax: {syn}\n```" await respond(msg, text) elif search in self.categories.keys(): name = capwords(search, "_") userperms = {x for x, y in msg.author.guild_permissions if y} cmds = {x.name for x in self.categories[search].values() if userperms >= x.perms} cmds = sorted(list(cmds)) if cmds: text = "\n".join(cmds) await respond(msg, f"**ANALYSIS: Category {name}:**```\n{text}\n```") else: await respond(msg, "**WARNING: You do not have permission for any command in this category.**") else: await respond(msg, f"**WARNING: No such category or command {search}**")
def country_from_name(name): countrydict = COUNTRY_DICT is_country_in_here = [x for x in countrydict.keys() if x in name.lower()] country = '' if is_country_in_here: country = string.capwords(is_country_in_here[0]) return country
def __setitem__(self, i, y): self._regexIsDirty = True # for each entry the user adds, we actually add three entrys: super(type(self), self).__setitem__(string.lower(i), string.lower(y)) # key = value super(type(self), self).__setitem__(string.capwords(i), string.capwords(y)) # Key = Value super(type(self), self).__setitem__(string.upper(i), string.upper(y)) # KEY = VALUE
def _show_classes(self, rule_type): """????rule_type?????????????""" import string plogger.info(os.linesep + '# {}?findkey??'.format(string.capwords(rule_type))) for findkey in sorted(SimpleFinder.getinstance().find_class_all(rule_type).keys()): plogger.info('- ' + findkey)
def __setitem__(self, i, y): self._regexIsDirty = True # for each entry the user adds, we actually add three entrys: super(type(self),self).__setitem__(i.lower(),y.lower()) # key = value super(type(self),self).__setitem__(string.capwords(i), string.capwords(y)) # Key = Value super(type(self),self).__setitem__(i.upper(), y.upper()) # KEY = VALUE