Python string 模块,lstrip() 实例源码


项目:kinect-2-libras    作者:inessadl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def indentsize(line):
    """Return the indent size, in spaces, at the start of a line of text."""
    expline = string.expandtabs(line)
    return len(expline) - len(string.lstrip(expline))
项目:kinect-2-libras    作者:inessadl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cleandoc(doc):
    """Clean up indentation from docstrings.

    Any whitespace that can be uniformly removed from the second line
    onwards is removed."""
        lines = string.split(string.expandtabs(doc), '\n')
    except UnicodeError:
        return None
        # Find minimum indentation of any non-blank lines after first line.
        margin = sys.maxint
        for line in lines[1:]:
            content = len(string.lstrip(line))
            if content:
                indent = len(line) - content
                margin = min(margin, indent)
        # Remove indentation.
        if lines:
            lines[0] = lines[0].lstrip()
        if margin < sys.maxint:
            for i in range(1, len(lines)): lines[i] = lines[i][margin:]
        # Remove any trailing or leading blank lines.
        while lines and not lines[-1]:
        while lines and not lines[0]:
        return string.join(lines, '\n')
项目:hostapd-mana    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def indentsize(line):
    """Return the indent size, in spaces, at the start of a line of text."""
    expline = string.expandtabs(line)
    return len(expline) - len(string.lstrip(expline))
项目:hostapd-mana    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cleandoc(doc):
    """Clean up indentation from docstrings.

    Any whitespace that can be uniformly removed from the second line
    onwards is removed."""
        lines = string.split(string.expandtabs(doc), '\n')
    except UnicodeError:
        return None
        # Find minimum indentation of any non-blank lines after first line.
        margin = sys.maxint
        for line in lines[1:]:
            content = len(string.lstrip(line))
            if content:
                indent = len(line) - content
                margin = min(margin, indent)
        # Remove indentation.
        if lines:
            lines[0] = lines[0].lstrip()
        if margin < sys.maxint:
            for i in range(1, len(lines)): lines[i] = lines[i][margin:]
        # Remove any trailing or leading blank lines.
        while lines and not lines[-1]:
        while lines and not lines[0]:
        return string.join(lines, '\n')
项目:Intranet-Penetration    作者:yuxiaokui    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def indentsize(line):
    """Return the indent size, in spaces, at the start of a line of text."""
    expline = string.expandtabs(line)
    return len(expline) - len(string.lstrip(expline))
项目:Intranet-Penetration    作者:yuxiaokui    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cleandoc(doc):
    """Clean up indentation from docstrings.

    Any whitespace that can be uniformly removed from the second line
    onwards is removed."""
        lines = string.split(string.expandtabs(doc), '\n')
    except UnicodeError:
        return None
        # Find minimum indentation of any non-blank lines after first line.
        margin = sys.maxint
        for line in lines[1:]:
            content = len(string.lstrip(line))
            if content:
                indent = len(line) - content
                margin = min(margin, indent)
        # Remove indentation.
        if lines:
            lines[0] = lines[0].lstrip()
        if margin < sys.maxint:
            for i in range(1, len(lines)): lines[i] = lines[i][margin:]
        # Remove any trailing or leading blank lines.
        while lines and not lines[-1]:
        while lines and not lines[0]:
        return string.join(lines, '\n')
项目:MKFQ    作者:maojingios    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def indentsize(line):
    """Return the indent size, in spaces, at the start of a line of text."""
    expline = string.expandtabs(line)
    return len(expline) - len(string.lstrip(expline))
项目:MKFQ    作者:maojingios    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cleandoc(doc):
    """Clean up indentation from docstrings.

    Any whitespace that can be uniformly removed from the second line
    onwards is removed."""
        lines = string.split(string.expandtabs(doc), '\n')
    except UnicodeError:
        return None
        # Find minimum indentation of any non-blank lines after first line.
        margin = sys.maxint
        for line in lines[1:]:
            content = len(string.lstrip(line))
            if content:
                indent = len(line) - content
                margin = min(margin, indent)
        # Remove indentation.
        if lines:
            lines[0] = lines[0].lstrip()
        if margin < sys.maxint:
            for i in range(1, len(lines)): lines[i] = lines[i][margin:]
        # Remove any trailing or leading blank lines.
        while lines and not lines[-1]:
        while lines and not lines[0]:
        return string.join(lines, '\n')
项目:oil    作者:oilshell    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def indentsize(line):
    """Return the indent size, in spaces, at the start of a line of text."""
    expline = string.expandtabs(line)
    return len(expline) - len(string.lstrip(expline))
项目:oil    作者:oilshell    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cleandoc(doc):
    """Clean up indentation from docstrings.

    Any whitespace that can be uniformly removed from the second line
    onwards is removed."""
        lines = string.split(string.expandtabs(doc), '\n')
    except UnicodeError:
        return None
        # Find minimum indentation of any non-blank lines after first line.
        margin = sys.maxint
        for line in lines[1:]:
            content = len(string.lstrip(line))
            if content:
                indent = len(line) - content
                margin = min(margin, indent)
        # Remove indentation.
        if lines:
            lines[0] = lines[0].lstrip()
        if margin < sys.maxint:
            for i in range(1, len(lines)): lines[i] = lines[i][margin:]
        # Remove any trailing or leading blank lines.
        while lines and not lines[-1]:
        while lines and not lines[0]:
        return string.join(lines, '\n')
项目:python2-tracer    作者:extremecoders-re    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def indentsize(line):
    """Return the indent size, in spaces, at the start of a line of text."""
    expline = string.expandtabs(line)
    return len(expline) - len(string.lstrip(expline))
项目:python2-tracer    作者:extremecoders-re    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cleandoc(doc):
    """Clean up indentation from docstrings.

    Any whitespace that can be uniformly removed from the second line
    onwards is removed."""
        lines = string.split(string.expandtabs(doc), '\n')
    except UnicodeError:
        return None
        # Find minimum indentation of any non-blank lines after first line.
        margin = sys.maxint
        for line in lines[1:]:
            content = len(string.lstrip(line))
            if content:
                indent = len(line) - content
                margin = min(margin, indent)
        # Remove indentation.
        if lines:
            lines[0] = lines[0].lstrip()
        if margin < sys.maxint:
            for i in range(1, len(lines)): lines[i] = lines[i][margin:]
        # Remove any trailing or leading blank lines.
        while lines and not lines[-1]:
        while lines and not lines[0]:
        return string.join(lines, '\n')
项目:sslstrip-hsts-openwrt    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def indentsize(line):
    """Return the indent size, in spaces, at the start of a line of text."""
    expline = string.expandtabs(line)
    return len(expline) - len(string.lstrip(expline))
项目:sslstrip-hsts-openwrt    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cleandoc(doc):
    """Clean up indentation from docstrings.

    Any whitespace that can be uniformly removed from the second line
    onwards is removed."""
        lines = string.split(string.expandtabs(doc), '\n')
    except UnicodeError:
        return None
        # Find minimum indentation of any non-blank lines after first line.
        margin = sys.maxint
        for line in lines[1:]:
            content = len(string.lstrip(line))
            if content:
                indent = len(line) - content
                margin = min(margin, indent)
        # Remove indentation.
        if lines:
            lines[0] = lines[0].lstrip()
        if margin < sys.maxint:
            for i in range(1, len(lines)): lines[i] = lines[i][margin:]
        # Remove any trailing or leading blank lines.
        while lines and not lines[-1]:
        while lines and not lines[0]:
        return string.join(lines, '\n')
项目:curl-auth-csrf    作者:JElchison    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def calculate_action_url(login_form, result):
    if "://" not in login_form.action:
        url_parts = urlparse.urlparse(result.url)
        action_url = "%s://%s%s/%s" % (url_parts.scheme, url_parts.netloc, os.path.dirname(url_parts.path), string.lstrip(login_form.action, '.'))
        action_url = login_form.action"Calculated action_url as " + action_url)
    return action_url
项目:specto    作者:mrknow    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def indentsize(line):
    """Return the indent size, in spaces, at the start of a line of text."""
    expline = string.expandtabs(line)
    return len(expline) - len(string.lstrip(expline))
项目:specto    作者:mrknow    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getdoc(object):
    """Get the documentation string for an object.

    All tabs are expanded to spaces.  To clean up docstrings that are
    indented to line up with blocks of code, any whitespace than can be
    uniformly removed from the second line onwards is removed."""
        doc = object.__doc__
    except AttributeError:
        return None
    if not isinstance(doc, (str, unicode)):
        return None
        lines = string.split(string.expandtabs(doc), '\n')
    except UnicodeError:
        return None
        margin = None
        for line in lines[1:]:
            content = len(string.lstrip(line))
            if not content: continue
            indent = len(line) - content
            if margin is None: margin = indent
            else: margin = min(margin, indent)
        if margin is not None:
            for i in range(1, len(lines)): lines[i] = lines[i][margin:]
        return string.join(lines, '\n')
项目:specto    作者:mrknow    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getcomments(object):
    """Get lines of comments immediately preceding an object's source code."""
    try: lines, lnum = findsource(object)
    except IOError: return None

    if ismodule(object):
        # Look for a comment block at the top of the file.
        start = 0
        if lines and lines[0][:2] == '#!': start = 1
        while start < len(lines) and string.strip(lines[start]) in ['', '#']:
            start = start + 1
        if start < len(lines) and lines[start][:1] == '#':
            comments = []
            end = start
            while end < len(lines) and lines[end][:1] == '#':
                end = end + 1
            return string.join(comments, '')

    # Look for a preceding block of comments at the same indentation.
    elif lnum > 0:
        indent = indentsize(lines[lnum])
        end = lnum - 1
        if end >= 0 and string.lstrip(lines[end])[:1] == '#' and \
            indentsize(lines[end]) == indent:
            comments = [string.lstrip(string.expandtabs(lines[end]))]
            if end > 0:
                end = end - 1
                comment = string.lstrip(string.expandtabs(lines[end]))
                while comment[:1] == '#' and indentsize(lines[end]) == indent:
                    comments[:0] = [comment]
                    end = end - 1
                    if end < 0: break
                    comment = string.lstrip(string.expandtabs(lines[end]))
            while comments and string.strip(comments[0]) == '#':
                comments[:1] = []
            while comments and string.strip(comments[-1]) == '#':
                comments[-1:] = []
            return string.join(comments, '')
项目:xxNet    作者:drzorm    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def indentsize(line):
    """Return the indent size, in spaces, at the start of a line of text."""
    expline = string.expandtabs(line)
    return len(expline) - len(string.lstrip(expline))
项目:xxNet    作者:drzorm    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cleandoc(doc):
    """Clean up indentation from docstrings.

    Any whitespace that can be uniformly removed from the second line
    onwards is removed."""
        lines = string.split(string.expandtabs(doc), '\n')
    except UnicodeError:
        return None
        # Find minimum indentation of any non-blank lines after first line.
        margin = sys.maxint
        for line in lines[1:]:
            content = len(string.lstrip(line))
            if content:
                indent = len(line) - content
                margin = min(margin, indent)
        # Remove indentation.
        if lines:
            lines[0] = lines[0].lstrip()
        if margin < sys.maxint:
            for i in range(1, len(lines)): lines[i] = lines[i][margin:]
        # Remove any trailing or leading blank lines.
        while lines and not lines[-1]:
        while lines and not lines[0]:
        return string.join(lines, '\n')
项目:pefile.pypy    作者:cloudtracer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def indentsize(line):
    """Return the indent size, in spaces, at the start of a line of text."""
    expline = string.expandtabs(line)
    return len(expline) - len(string.lstrip(expline))
项目:pefile.pypy    作者:cloudtracer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cleandoc(doc):
    """Clean up indentation from docstrings.

    Any whitespace that can be uniformly removed from the second line
    onwards is removed."""
        lines = string.split(string.expandtabs(doc), '\n')
    except UnicodeError:
        return None
        # Find minimum indentation of any non-blank lines after first line.
        margin = sys.maxint
        for line in lines[1:]:
            content = len(string.lstrip(line))
            if content:
                indent = len(line) - content
                margin = min(margin, indent)
        # Remove indentation.
        if lines:
            lines[0] = lines[0].lstrip()
        if margin < sys.maxint:
            for i in range(1, len(lines)): lines[i] = lines[i][margin:]
        # Remove any trailing or leading blank lines.
        while lines and not lines[-1]:
        while lines and not lines[0]:
        return string.join(lines, '\n')
项目:ndk-python    作者:gittor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def indentsize(line):
    """Return the indent size, in spaces, at the start of a line of text."""
    expline = string.expandtabs(line)
    return len(expline) - len(string.lstrip(expline))
项目:ndk-python    作者:gittor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cleandoc(doc):
    """Clean up indentation from docstrings.

    Any whitespace that can be uniformly removed from the second line
    onwards is removed."""
        lines = string.split(string.expandtabs(doc), '\n')
    except UnicodeError:
        return None
        # Find minimum indentation of any non-blank lines after first line.
        margin = sys.maxint
        for line in lines[1:]:
            content = len(string.lstrip(line))
            if content:
                indent = len(line) - content
                margin = min(margin, indent)
        # Remove indentation.
        if lines:
            lines[0] = lines[0].lstrip()
        if margin < sys.maxint:
            for i in range(1, len(lines)): lines[i] = lines[i][margin:]
        # Remove any trailing or leading blank lines.
        while lines and not lines[-1]:
        while lines and not lines[0]:
        return string.join(lines, '\n')
项目:empyrion-python-api    作者:huhlig    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def indentsize(line):
    """Return the indent size, in spaces, at the start of a line of text."""
    expline = string.expandtabs(line)
    return len(expline) - len(string.lstrip(expline))
项目:empyrion-python-api    作者:huhlig    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cleandoc(doc):
    """Clean up indentation from docstrings.

    Any whitespace that can be uniformly removed from the second line
    onwards is removed."""
        lines = string.split(string.expandtabs(doc), '\n')
    except UnicodeError:
        return None
        # Find minimum indentation of any non-blank lines after first line.
        margin = sys.maxint
        for line in lines[1:]:
            content = len(string.lstrip(line))
            if content:
                indent = len(line) - content
                margin = min(margin, indent)
        # Remove indentation.
        if lines:
            lines[0] = lines[0].lstrip()
        if margin < sys.maxint:
            for i in range(1, len(lines)): lines[i] = lines[i][margin:]
        # Remove any trailing or leading blank lines.
        while lines and not lines[-1]:
        while lines and not lines[0]:
        return string.join(lines, '\n')
项目:pmatic    作者:LarsMichelsen    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def indentsize(line):
    """Return the indent size, in spaces, at the start of a line of text."""
    expline = string.expandtabs(line)
    return len(expline) - len(string.lstrip(expline))
项目:pmatic    作者:LarsMichelsen    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cleandoc(doc):
    """Clean up indentation from docstrings.

    Any whitespace that can be uniformly removed from the second line
    onwards is removed."""
        lines = string.split(string.expandtabs(doc), '\n')
    except UnicodeError:
        return None
        # Find minimum indentation of any non-blank lines after first line.
        margin = sys.maxint
        for line in lines[1:]:
            content = len(string.lstrip(line))
            if content:
                indent = len(line) - content
                margin = min(margin, indent)
        # Remove indentation.
        if lines:
            lines[0] = lines[0].lstrip()
        if margin < sys.maxint:
            for i in range(1, len(lines)): lines[i] = lines[i][margin:]
        # Remove any trailing or leading blank lines.
        while lines and not lines[-1]:
        while lines and not lines[0]:
        return string.join(lines, '\n')
项目:CNCGToolKit    作者:cineuse    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _accept(prefix):
    return string.lstrip(prefix)[:7] == "#define"

# Image plugin for X11 bitmaps.
项目:Docker-XX-Net    作者:kuanghy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def indentsize(line):
    """Return the indent size, in spaces, at the start of a line of text."""
    expline = string.expandtabs(line)
    return len(expline) - len(string.lstrip(expline))
项目:Docker-XX-Net    作者:kuanghy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cleandoc(doc):
    """Clean up indentation from docstrings.

    Any whitespace that can be uniformly removed from the second line
    onwards is removed."""
        lines = string.split(string.expandtabs(doc), '\n')
    except UnicodeError:
        return None
        # Find minimum indentation of any non-blank lines after first line.
        margin = sys.maxint
        for line in lines[1:]:
            content = len(string.lstrip(line))
            if content:
                indent = len(line) - content
                margin = min(margin, indent)
        # Remove indentation.
        if lines:
            lines[0] = lines[0].lstrip()
        if margin < sys.maxint:
            for i in range(1, len(lines)): lines[i] = lines[i][margin:]
        # Remove any trailing or leading blank lines.
        while lines and not lines[-1]:
        while lines and not lines[0]:
        return string.join(lines, '\n')
项目:InstagramPosting    作者:LeviParadis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _accept(prefix):
    return string.lstrip(prefix)[:7] == "#define"

# Image plugin for X11 bitmaps.
项目:ngx_status    作者:YoYoAdorkable    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _accept(prefix):
    return string.lstrip(prefix)[:7] == "#define"

# Image plugin for X11 bitmaps.
项目:kinect-2-libras    作者:inessadl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def split_quoted (s):
    """Split a string up according to Unix shell-like rules for quotes and
    backslashes.  In short: words are delimited by spaces, as long as those
    spaces are not escaped by a backslash, or inside a quoted string.
    Single and double quotes are equivalent, and the quote characters can
    be backslash-escaped.  The backslash is stripped from any two-character
    escape sequence, leaving only the escaped character.  The quote
    characters are stripped from any quoted string.  Returns a list of

    # This is a nice algorithm for splitting up a single string, since it
    # doesn't require character-by-character examination.  It was a little
    # bit of a brain-bender to get it working right, though...
    if _wordchars_re is None: _init_regex()

    s = string.strip(s)
    words = []
    pos = 0

    while s:
        m = _wordchars_re.match(s, pos)
        end = m.end()
        if end == len(s):

        if s[end] in string.whitespace: # unescaped, unquoted whitespace: now
            words.append(s[:end])       # we definitely have a word delimiter
            s = string.lstrip(s[end:])
            pos = 0

        elif s[end] == '\\':            # preserve whatever is being escaped;
                                        # will become part of the current word
            s = s[:end] + s[end+1:]
            pos = end+1

            if s[end] == "'":           # slurp singly-quoted string
                m = _squote_re.match(s, end)
            elif s[end] == '"':         # slurp doubly-quoted string
                m = _dquote_re.match(s, end)
                raise RuntimeError, \
                      "this can't happen (bad char '%c')" % s[end]

            if m is None:
                raise ValueError, \
                      "bad string (mismatched %s quotes?)" % s[end]

            (beg, end) = m.span()
            s = s[:beg] + s[beg+1:end-1] + s[end:]
            pos = m.end() - 2

        if pos >= len(s):

    return words

# split_quoted ()
项目:kinect-2-libras    作者:inessadl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getcomments(object):
    """Get lines of comments immediately preceding an object's source code.

    Returns None when source can't be found.
        lines, lnum = findsource(object)
    except (IOError, TypeError):
        return None

    if ismodule(object):
        # Look for a comment block at the top of the file.
        start = 0
        if lines and lines[0][:2] == '#!': start = 1
        while start < len(lines) and string.strip(lines[start]) in ('', '#'):
            start = start + 1
        if start < len(lines) and lines[start][:1] == '#':
            comments = []
            end = start
            while end < len(lines) and lines[end][:1] == '#':
                end = end + 1
            return string.join(comments, '')

    # Look for a preceding block of comments at the same indentation.
    elif lnum > 0:
        indent = indentsize(lines[lnum])
        end = lnum - 1
        if end >= 0 and string.lstrip(lines[end])[:1] == '#' and \
            indentsize(lines[end]) == indent:
            comments = [string.lstrip(string.expandtabs(lines[end]))]
            if end > 0:
                end = end - 1
                comment = string.lstrip(string.expandtabs(lines[end]))
                while comment[:1] == '#' and indentsize(lines[end]) == indent:
                    comments[:0] = [comment]
                    end = end - 1
                    if end < 0: break
                    comment = string.lstrip(string.expandtabs(lines[end]))
            while comments and string.strip(comments[0]) == '#':
                comments[:1] = []
            while comments and string.strip(comments[-1]) == '#':
                comments[-1:] = []
            return string.join(comments, '')
项目:hostapd-mana    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def split_quoted (s):
    """Split a string up according to Unix shell-like rules for quotes and
    backslashes.  In short: words are delimited by spaces, as long as those
    spaces are not escaped by a backslash, or inside a quoted string.
    Single and double quotes are equivalent, and the quote characters can
    be backslash-escaped.  The backslash is stripped from any two-character
    escape sequence, leaving only the escaped character.  The quote
    characters are stripped from any quoted string.  Returns a list of

    # This is a nice algorithm for splitting up a single string, since it
    # doesn't require character-by-character examination.  It was a little
    # bit of a brain-bender to get it working right, though...
    if _wordchars_re is None: _init_regex()

    s = string.strip(s)
    words = []
    pos = 0

    while s:
        m = _wordchars_re.match(s, pos)
        end = m.end()
        if end == len(s):

        if s[end] in string.whitespace: # unescaped, unquoted whitespace: now
            words.append(s[:end])       # we definitely have a word delimiter
            s = string.lstrip(s[end:])
            pos = 0

        elif s[end] == '\\':            # preserve whatever is being escaped;
                                        # will become part of the current word
            s = s[:end] + s[end+1:]
            pos = end+1

            if s[end] == "'":           # slurp singly-quoted string
                m = _squote_re.match(s, end)
            elif s[end] == '"':         # slurp doubly-quoted string
                m = _dquote_re.match(s, end)
                raise RuntimeError, \
                      "this can't happen (bad char '%c')" % s[end]

            if m is None:
                raise ValueError, \
                      "bad string (mismatched %s quotes?)" % s[end]

            (beg, end) = m.span()
            s = s[:beg] + s[beg+1:end-1] + s[end:]
            pos = m.end() - 2

        if pos >= len(s):

    return words

# split_quoted ()
项目:hostapd-mana    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getcomments(object):
    """Get lines of comments immediately preceding an object's source code.

    Returns None when source can't be found.
        lines, lnum = findsource(object)
    except (IOError, TypeError):
        return None

    if ismodule(object):
        # Look for a comment block at the top of the file.
        start = 0
        if lines and lines[0][:2] == '#!': start = 1
        while start < len(lines) and string.strip(lines[start]) in ('', '#'):
            start = start + 1
        if start < len(lines) and lines[start][:1] == '#':
            comments = []
            end = start
            while end < len(lines) and lines[end][:1] == '#':
                end = end + 1
            return string.join(comments, '')

    # Look for a preceding block of comments at the same indentation.
    elif lnum > 0:
        indent = indentsize(lines[lnum])
        end = lnum - 1
        if end >= 0 and string.lstrip(lines[end])[:1] == '#' and \
            indentsize(lines[end]) == indent:
            comments = [string.lstrip(string.expandtabs(lines[end]))]
            if end > 0:
                end = end - 1
                comment = string.lstrip(string.expandtabs(lines[end]))
                while comment[:1] == '#' and indentsize(lines[end]) == indent:
                    comments[:0] = [comment]
                    end = end - 1
                    if end < 0: break
                    comment = string.lstrip(string.expandtabs(lines[end]))
            while comments and string.strip(comments[0]) == '#':
                comments[:1] = []
            while comments and string.strip(comments[-1]) == '#':
                comments[-1:] = []
            return string.join(comments, '')
项目:Intranet-Penetration    作者:yuxiaokui    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getcomments(object):
    """Get lines of comments immediately preceding an object's source code.

    Returns None when source can't be found.
        lines, lnum = findsource(object)
    except (IOError, TypeError):
        return None

    if ismodule(object):
        # Look for a comment block at the top of the file.
        start = 0
        if lines and lines[0][:2] == '#!': start = 1
        while start < len(lines) and string.strip(lines[start]) in ('', '#'):
            start = start + 1
        if start < len(lines) and lines[start][:1] == '#':
            comments = []
            end = start
            while end < len(lines) and lines[end][:1] == '#':
                end = end + 1
            return string.join(comments, '')

    # Look for a preceding block of comments at the same indentation.
    elif lnum > 0:
        indent = indentsize(lines[lnum])
        end = lnum - 1
        if end >= 0 and string.lstrip(lines[end])[:1] == '#' and \
            indentsize(lines[end]) == indent:
            comments = [string.lstrip(string.expandtabs(lines[end]))]
            if end > 0:
                end = end - 1
                comment = string.lstrip(string.expandtabs(lines[end]))
                while comment[:1] == '#' and indentsize(lines[end]) == indent:
                    comments[:0] = [comment]
                    end = end - 1
                    if end < 0: break
                    comment = string.lstrip(string.expandtabs(lines[end]))
            while comments and string.strip(comments[0]) == '#':
                comments[:1] = []
            while comments and string.strip(comments[-1]) == '#':
                comments[-1:] = []
            return string.join(comments, '')
项目:MKFQ    作者:maojingios    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getcomments(object):
    """Get lines of comments immediately preceding an object's source code.

    Returns None when source can't be found.
        lines, lnum = findsource(object)
    except (IOError, TypeError):
        return None

    if ismodule(object):
        # Look for a comment block at the top of the file.
        start = 0
        if lines and lines[0][:2] == '#!': start = 1
        while start < len(lines) and string.strip(lines[start]) in ('', '#'):
            start = start + 1
        if start < len(lines) and lines[start][:1] == '#':
            comments = []
            end = start
            while end < len(lines) and lines[end][:1] == '#':
                end = end + 1
            return string.join(comments, '')

    # Look for a preceding block of comments at the same indentation.
    elif lnum > 0:
        indent = indentsize(lines[lnum])
        end = lnum - 1
        if end >= 0 and string.lstrip(lines[end])[:1] == '#' and \
            indentsize(lines[end]) == indent:
            comments = [string.lstrip(string.expandtabs(lines[end]))]
            if end > 0:
                end = end - 1
                comment = string.lstrip(string.expandtabs(lines[end]))
                while comment[:1] == '#' and indentsize(lines[end]) == indent:
                    comments[:0] = [comment]
                    end = end - 1
                    if end < 0: break
                    comment = string.lstrip(string.expandtabs(lines[end]))
            while comments and string.strip(comments[0]) == '#':
                comments[:1] = []
            while comments and string.strip(comments[-1]) == '#':
                comments[-1:] = []
            return string.join(comments, '')
项目:oil    作者:oilshell    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def split_quoted (s):
    """Split a string up according to Unix shell-like rules for quotes and
    backslashes.  In short: words are delimited by spaces, as long as those
    spaces are not escaped by a backslash, or inside a quoted string.
    Single and double quotes are equivalent, and the quote characters can
    be backslash-escaped.  The backslash is stripped from any two-character
    escape sequence, leaving only the escaped character.  The quote
    characters are stripped from any quoted string.  Returns a list of

    # This is a nice algorithm for splitting up a single string, since it
    # doesn't require character-by-character examination.  It was a little
    # bit of a brain-bender to get it working right, though...
    if _wordchars_re is None: _init_regex()

    s = string.strip(s)
    words = []
    pos = 0

    while s:
        m = _wordchars_re.match(s, pos)
        end = m.end()
        if end == len(s):

        if s[end] in string.whitespace: # unescaped, unquoted whitespace: now
            words.append(s[:end])       # we definitely have a word delimiter
            s = string.lstrip(s[end:])
            pos = 0

        elif s[end] == '\\':            # preserve whatever is being escaped;
                                        # will become part of the current word
            s = s[:end] + s[end+1:]
            pos = end+1

            if s[end] == "'":           # slurp singly-quoted string
                m = _squote_re.match(s, end)
            elif s[end] == '"':         # slurp doubly-quoted string
                m = _dquote_re.match(s, end)
                raise RuntimeError, \
                      "this can't happen (bad char '%c')" % s[end]

            if m is None:
                raise ValueError, \
                      "bad string (mismatched %s quotes?)" % s[end]

            (beg, end) = m.span()
            s = s[:beg] + s[beg+1:end-1] + s[end:]
            pos = m.end() - 2

        if pos >= len(s):

    return words

# split_quoted ()
项目:oil    作者:oilshell    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getcomments(object):
    """Get lines of comments immediately preceding an object's source code.

    Returns None when source can't be found.
        lines, lnum = findsource(object)
    except (IOError, TypeError):
        return None

    if ismodule(object):
        # Look for a comment block at the top of the file.
        start = 0
        if lines and lines[0][:2] == '#!': start = 1
        while start < len(lines) and string.strip(lines[start]) in ('', '#'):
            start = start + 1
        if start < len(lines) and lines[start][:1] == '#':
            comments = []
            end = start
            while end < len(lines) and lines[end][:1] == '#':
                end = end + 1
            return string.join(comments, '')

    # Look for a preceding block of comments at the same indentation.
    elif lnum > 0:
        indent = indentsize(lines[lnum])
        end = lnum - 1
        if end >= 0 and string.lstrip(lines[end])[:1] == '#' and \
            indentsize(lines[end]) == indent:
            comments = [string.lstrip(string.expandtabs(lines[end]))]
            if end > 0:
                end = end - 1
                comment = string.lstrip(string.expandtabs(lines[end]))
                while comment[:1] == '#' and indentsize(lines[end]) == indent:
                    comments[:0] = [comment]
                    end = end - 1
                    if end < 0: break
                    comment = string.lstrip(string.expandtabs(lines[end]))
            while comments and string.strip(comments[0]) == '#':
                comments[:1] = []
            while comments and string.strip(comments[-1]) == '#':
                comments[-1:] = []
            return string.join(comments, '')
项目:python2-tracer    作者:extremecoders-re    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def split_quoted (s):
    """Split a string up according to Unix shell-like rules for quotes and
    backslashes.  In short: words are delimited by spaces, as long as those
    spaces are not escaped by a backslash, or inside a quoted string.
    Single and double quotes are equivalent, and the quote characters can
    be backslash-escaped.  The backslash is stripped from any two-character
    escape sequence, leaving only the escaped character.  The quote
    characters are stripped from any quoted string.  Returns a list of

    # This is a nice algorithm for splitting up a single string, since it
    # doesn't require character-by-character examination.  It was a little
    # bit of a brain-bender to get it working right, though...
    if _wordchars_re is None: _init_regex()

    s = string.strip(s)
    words = []
    pos = 0

    while s:
        m = _wordchars_re.match(s, pos)
        end = m.end()
        if end == len(s):

        if s[end] in string.whitespace: # unescaped, unquoted whitespace: now
            words.append(s[:end])       # we definitely have a word delimiter
            s = string.lstrip(s[end:])
            pos = 0

        elif s[end] == '\\':            # preserve whatever is being escaped;
                                        # will become part of the current word
            s = s[:end] + s[end+1:]
            pos = end+1

            if s[end] == "'":           # slurp singly-quoted string
                m = _squote_re.match(s, end)
            elif s[end] == '"':         # slurp doubly-quoted string
                m = _dquote_re.match(s, end)
                raise RuntimeError, \
                      "this can't happen (bad char '%c')" % s[end]

            if m is None:
                raise ValueError, \
                      "bad string (mismatched %s quotes?)" % s[end]

            (beg, end) = m.span()
            s = s[:beg] + s[beg+1:end-1] + s[end:]
            pos = m.end() - 2

        if pos >= len(s):

    return words

# split_quoted ()
项目:python2-tracer    作者:extremecoders-re    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getcomments(object):
    """Get lines of comments immediately preceding an object's source code.

    Returns None when source can't be found.
        lines, lnum = findsource(object)
    except (IOError, TypeError):
        return None

    if ismodule(object):
        # Look for a comment block at the top of the file.
        start = 0
        if lines and lines[0][:2] == '#!': start = 1
        while start < len(lines) and string.strip(lines[start]) in ('', '#'):
            start = start + 1
        if start < len(lines) and lines[start][:1] == '#':
            comments = []
            end = start
            while end < len(lines) and lines[end][:1] == '#':
                end = end + 1
            return string.join(comments, '')

    # Look for a preceding block of comments at the same indentation.
    elif lnum > 0:
        indent = indentsize(lines[lnum])
        end = lnum - 1
        if end >= 0 and string.lstrip(lines[end])[:1] == '#' and \
            indentsize(lines[end]) == indent:
            comments = [string.lstrip(string.expandtabs(lines[end]))]
            if end > 0:
                end = end - 1
                comment = string.lstrip(string.expandtabs(lines[end]))
                while comment[:1] == '#' and indentsize(lines[end]) == indent:
                    comments[:0] = [comment]
                    end = end - 1
                    if end < 0: break
                    comment = string.lstrip(string.expandtabs(lines[end]))
            while comments and string.strip(comments[0]) == '#':
                comments[:1] = []
            while comments and string.strip(comments[-1]) == '#':
                comments[-1:] = []
            return string.join(comments, '')
项目:sslstrip-hsts-openwrt    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def split_quoted (s):
    """Split a string up according to Unix shell-like rules for quotes and
    backslashes.  In short: words are delimited by spaces, as long as those
    spaces are not escaped by a backslash, or inside a quoted string.
    Single and double quotes are equivalent, and the quote characters can
    be backslash-escaped.  The backslash is stripped from any two-character
    escape sequence, leaving only the escaped character.  The quote
    characters are stripped from any quoted string.  Returns a list of

    # This is a nice algorithm for splitting up a single string, since it
    # doesn't require character-by-character examination.  It was a little
    # bit of a brain-bender to get it working right, though...
    if _wordchars_re is None: _init_regex()

    s = string.strip(s)
    words = []
    pos = 0

    while s:
        m = _wordchars_re.match(s, pos)
        end = m.end()
        if end == len(s):

        if s[end] in string.whitespace: # unescaped, unquoted whitespace: now
            words.append(s[:end])       # we definitely have a word delimiter
            s = string.lstrip(s[end:])
            pos = 0

        elif s[end] == '\\':            # preserve whatever is being escaped;
                                        # will become part of the current word
            s = s[:end] + s[end+1:]
            pos = end+1

            if s[end] == "'":           # slurp singly-quoted string
                m = _squote_re.match(s, end)
            elif s[end] == '"':         # slurp doubly-quoted string
                m = _dquote_re.match(s, end)
                raise RuntimeError, \
                      "this can't happen (bad char '%c')" % s[end]

            if m is None:
                raise ValueError, \
                      "bad string (mismatched %s quotes?)" % s[end]

            (beg, end) = m.span()
            s = s[:beg] + s[beg+1:end-1] + s[end:]
            pos = m.end() - 2

        if pos >= len(s):

    return words

# split_quoted ()
项目:sslstrip-hsts-openwrt    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getcomments(object):
    """Get lines of comments immediately preceding an object's source code.

    Returns None when source can't be found.
        lines, lnum = findsource(object)
    except (IOError, TypeError):
        return None

    if ismodule(object):
        # Look for a comment block at the top of the file.
        start = 0
        if lines and lines[0][:2] == '#!': start = 1
        while start < len(lines) and string.strip(lines[start]) in ('', '#'):
            start = start + 1
        if start < len(lines) and lines[start][:1] == '#':
            comments = []
            end = start
            while end < len(lines) and lines[end][:1] == '#':
                end = end + 1
            return string.join(comments, '')

    # Look for a preceding block of comments at the same indentation.
    elif lnum > 0:
        indent = indentsize(lines[lnum])
        end = lnum - 1
        if end >= 0 and string.lstrip(lines[end])[:1] == '#' and \
            indentsize(lines[end]) == indent:
            comments = [string.lstrip(string.expandtabs(lines[end]))]
            if end > 0:
                end = end - 1
                comment = string.lstrip(string.expandtabs(lines[end]))
                while comment[:1] == '#' and indentsize(lines[end]) == indent:
                    comments[:0] = [comment]
                    end = end - 1
                    if end < 0: break
                    comment = string.lstrip(string.expandtabs(lines[end]))
            while comments and string.strip(comments[0]) == '#':
                comments[:1] = []
            while comments and string.strip(comments[-1]) == '#':
                comments[-1:] = []
            return string.join(comments, '')
项目:xxNet    作者:drzorm    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getcomments(object):
    """Get lines of comments immediately preceding an object's source code.

    Returns None when source can't be found.
        lines, lnum = findsource(object)
    except (IOError, TypeError):
        return None

    if ismodule(object):
        # Look for a comment block at the top of the file.
        start = 0
        if lines and lines[0][:2] == '#!': start = 1
        while start < len(lines) and string.strip(lines[start]) in ('', '#'):
            start = start + 1
        if start < len(lines) and lines[start][:1] == '#':
            comments = []
            end = start
            while end < len(lines) and lines[end][:1] == '#':
                end = end + 1
            return string.join(comments, '')

    # Look for a preceding block of comments at the same indentation.
    elif lnum > 0:
        indent = indentsize(lines[lnum])
        end = lnum - 1
        if end >= 0 and string.lstrip(lines[end])[:1] == '#' and \
            indentsize(lines[end]) == indent:
            comments = [string.lstrip(string.expandtabs(lines[end]))]
            if end > 0:
                end = end - 1
                comment = string.lstrip(string.expandtabs(lines[end]))
                while comment[:1] == '#' and indentsize(lines[end]) == indent:
                    comments[:0] = [comment]
                    end = end - 1
                    if end < 0: break
                    comment = string.lstrip(string.expandtabs(lines[end]))
            while comments and string.strip(comments[0]) == '#':
                comments[:1] = []
            while comments and string.strip(comments[-1]) == '#':
                comments[-1:] = []
            return string.join(comments, '')
项目:pefile.pypy    作者:cloudtracer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def split_quoted (s):
    """Split a string up according to Unix shell-like rules for quotes and
    backslashes.  In short: words are delimited by spaces, as long as those
    spaces are not escaped by a backslash, or inside a quoted string.
    Single and double quotes are equivalent, and the quote characters can
    be backslash-escaped.  The backslash is stripped from any two-character
    escape sequence, leaving only the escaped character.  The quote
    characters are stripped from any quoted string.  Returns a list of

    # This is a nice algorithm for splitting up a single string, since it
    # doesn't require character-by-character examination.  It was a little
    # bit of a brain-bender to get it working right, though...
    if _wordchars_re is None: _init_regex()

    s = string.strip(s)
    words = []
    pos = 0

    while s:
        m = _wordchars_re.match(s, pos)
        end = m.end()
        if end == len(s):

        if s[end] in string.whitespace: # unescaped, unquoted whitespace: now
            words.append(s[:end])       # we definitely have a word delimiter
            s = string.lstrip(s[end:])
            pos = 0

        elif s[end] == '\\':            # preserve whatever is being escaped;
                                        # will become part of the current word
            s = s[:end] + s[end+1:]
            pos = end+1

            if s[end] == "'":           # slurp singly-quoted string
                m = _squote_re.match(s, end)
            elif s[end] == '"':         # slurp doubly-quoted string
                m = _dquote_re.match(s, end)
                raise RuntimeError, \
                      "this can't happen (bad char '%c')" % s[end]

            if m is None:
                raise ValueError, \
                      "bad string (mismatched %s quotes?)" % s[end]

            (beg, end) = m.span()
            s = s[:beg] + s[beg+1:end-1] + s[end:]
            pos = m.end() - 2

        if pos >= len(s):

    return words

# split_quoted ()
项目:pefile.pypy    作者:cloudtracer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getcomments(object):
    """Get lines of comments immediately preceding an object's source code.

    Returns None when source can't be found.
        lines, lnum = findsource(object)
    except (IOError, TypeError):
        return None

    if ismodule(object):
        # Look for a comment block at the top of the file.
        start = 0
        if lines and lines[0][:2] == '#!': start = 1
        while start < len(lines) and string.strip(lines[start]) in ('', '#'):
            start = start + 1
        if start < len(lines) and lines[start][:1] == '#':
            comments = []
            end = start
            while end < len(lines) and lines[end][:1] == '#':
                end = end + 1
            return string.join(comments, '')

    # Look for a preceding block of comments at the same indentation.
    elif lnum > 0:
        indent = indentsize(lines[lnum])
        end = lnum - 1
        if end >= 0 and string.lstrip(lines[end])[:1] == '#' and \
            indentsize(lines[end]) == indent:
            comments = [string.lstrip(string.expandtabs(lines[end]))]
            if end > 0:
                end = end - 1
                comment = string.lstrip(string.expandtabs(lines[end]))
                while comment[:1] == '#' and indentsize(lines[end]) == indent:
                    comments[:0] = [comment]
                    end = end - 1
                    if end < 0: break
                    comment = string.lstrip(string.expandtabs(lines[end]))
            while comments and string.strip(comments[0]) == '#':
                comments[:1] = []
            while comments and string.strip(comments[-1]) == '#':
                comments[-1:] = []
            return string.join(comments, '')
项目:ndk-python    作者:gittor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def split_quoted (s):
    """Split a string up according to Unix shell-like rules for quotes and
    backslashes.  In short: words are delimited by spaces, as long as those
    spaces are not escaped by a backslash, or inside a quoted string.
    Single and double quotes are equivalent, and the quote characters can
    be backslash-escaped.  The backslash is stripped from any two-character
    escape sequence, leaving only the escaped character.  The quote
    characters are stripped from any quoted string.  Returns a list of

    # This is a nice algorithm for splitting up a single string, since it
    # doesn't require character-by-character examination.  It was a little
    # bit of a brain-bender to get it working right, though...
    if _wordchars_re is None: _init_regex()

    s = string.strip(s)
    words = []
    pos = 0

    while s:
        m = _wordchars_re.match(s, pos)
        end = m.end()
        if end == len(s):

        if s[end] in string.whitespace: # unescaped, unquoted whitespace: now
            words.append(s[:end])       # we definitely have a word delimiter
            s = string.lstrip(s[end:])
            pos = 0

        elif s[end] == '\\':            # preserve whatever is being escaped;
                                        # will become part of the current word
            s = s[:end] + s[end+1:]
            pos = end+1

            if s[end] == "'":           # slurp singly-quoted string
                m = _squote_re.match(s, end)
            elif s[end] == '"':         # slurp doubly-quoted string
                m = _dquote_re.match(s, end)
                raise RuntimeError, \
                      "this can't happen (bad char '%c')" % s[end]

            if m is None:
                raise ValueError, \
                      "bad string (mismatched %s quotes?)" % s[end]

            (beg, end) = m.span()
            s = s[:beg] + s[beg+1:end-1] + s[end:]
            pos = m.end() - 2

        if pos >= len(s):

    return words

# split_quoted ()
项目:ndk-python    作者:gittor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getcomments(object):
    """Get lines of comments immediately preceding an object's source code.

    Returns None when source can't be found.
        lines, lnum = findsource(object)
    except (IOError, TypeError):
        return None

    if ismodule(object):
        # Look for a comment block at the top of the file.
        start = 0
        if lines and lines[0][:2] == '#!': start = 1
        while start < len(lines) and string.strip(lines[start]) in ('', '#'):
            start = start + 1
        if start < len(lines) and lines[start][:1] == '#':
            comments = []
            end = start
            while end < len(lines) and lines[end][:1] == '#':
                end = end + 1
            return string.join(comments, '')

    # Look for a preceding block of comments at the same indentation.
    elif lnum > 0:
        indent = indentsize(lines[lnum])
        end = lnum - 1
        if end >= 0 and string.lstrip(lines[end])[:1] == '#' and \
            indentsize(lines[end]) == indent:
            comments = [string.lstrip(string.expandtabs(lines[end]))]
            if end > 0:
                end = end - 1
                comment = string.lstrip(string.expandtabs(lines[end]))
                while comment[:1] == '#' and indentsize(lines[end]) == indent:
                    comments[:0] = [comment]
                    end = end - 1
                    if end < 0: break
                    comment = string.lstrip(string.expandtabs(lines[end]))
            while comments and string.strip(comments[0]) == '#':
                comments[:1] = []
            while comments and string.strip(comments[-1]) == '#':
                comments[-1:] = []
            return string.join(comments, '')