Python string 模块,rfind() 实例源码


项目:code    作者:ActiveState    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def printexpr(expr_string):
    """ printexpr(expr) - 
        print the value of the expression, along with linenumber and filename.

    stack = extract_stack ( )[-2:][0]
    actualCall = stack[3]
    left = string.find ( actualCall, '(' )
    right = string.rfind ( actualCall, ')' )
    caller_globals,caller_locals = _caller_symbols()
    expr = eval(expr_string,caller_globals,caller_locals)
    varType = type( expr )
    stderr.write("%s:%d>  %s == %s  (%s)\n" % (
        stack[0], stack[1],
        string.strip( actualCall[left+1:right] )[1:-1],
        repr(expr), str(varType)[7:-2]))
项目:hostapd-mana    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def lineReceived(self, line):
        parts = string.split(line)
        if not parts:
            parts = ['']
        if len(parts) == 1:
            slash_w = 0
            slash_w = 1
        user = parts[-1]
        if '@' in user:
            host_place = string.rfind(user, '@')
            user = user[:host_place]
            host = user[host_place+1:]
            return self.forwardQuery(slash_w, user, host)
        if user:
            return self.getUser(slash_w, user)
            return self.getDomain(slash_w)
项目:bootrom-tools    作者:MotorolaMobilityLLC    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def write(self, out_filename):
        """Create the FFFF file

        Create the FFFF file, write the FFFF ROMimage buffer to it and return
        a success flag.  Appends the default FFFF file extension if omitted
        # Reject the write if we didn't pass the sniff test
        if self.ffff0.header_validity != FFFF_HDR_VALID:
            raise ValueError("Invalid FFFF header 0")
        if self.ffff1.header_validity != FFFF_HDR_VALID:
            raise ValueError("Invalid FFFF header 1")

        # Ensure the output file ends in the default file extension if
        # the user hasn't specified their own extension.
        if rfind(out_filename, ".") == -1:
            out_filename += FFFF_FILE_EXTENSION

        # Output the entire FFFF blob
        with open(out_filename, 'wb') as wf:
            print("Wrote", out_filename)
            return True
项目:sslstrip-hsts-openwrt    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def lineReceived(self, line):
        parts = string.split(line)
        if not parts:
            parts = ['']
        if len(parts) == 1:
            slash_w = 0
            slash_w = 1
        user = parts[-1]
        if '@' in user:
            host_place = string.rfind(user, '@')
            user = user[:host_place]
            host = user[host_place+1:]
            return self.forwardQuery(slash_w, user, host)
        if user:
            return self.getUser(slash_w, user)
            return self.getDomain(slash_w)
项目:griffith    作者:Strit    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_searches(self):
        elements = re.split('<tr>',
        for index in range(1, len(elements), 1):
            element = elements[index]
            titleandid = gutils.trim(element, '<td class="title">', '</td>')
            title = gutils.clean(titleandid)
            id = gutils.trim(titleandid, 'href="', '"')
            idstart = string.rfind(id, '/')
            id = id[idstart + 1:]
            year = gutils.trim(element, '<td class="year">', '</td>')
            self.titles.append(title + ' (' + gutils.clean(year)+ ')')

# Plugin Test
项目:PortalAuth    作者:sud0nick    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _fixupParents(self, alogger):
        Ensure that there are either loggers or placeholders all the way
        from the specified logger to the root of the logger hierarchy.
        name =
        i = string.rfind(name, ".")
        rv = None
        while (i > 0) and not rv:
            substr = name[:i]
            if not self.loggerDict.has_key(substr):
                self.loggerDict[substr] = PlaceHolder(alogger)
                obj = self.loggerDict[substr]
                if isinstance(obj, Logger):
                    rv = obj
                    assert isinstance(obj, PlaceHolder)
            i = string.rfind(name, ".", 0, i - 1)
        if not rv:
            rv = self.root
        alogger.parent = rv
项目:BigBrotherBot-For-UrT43    作者:ptitbigorneau    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def mput(outarray,fname,writeheader=0,btype=N.int16):
Save a file for use in matlab.
    outarray = N.transpose(outarray)
    outdata = N.ravel(outarray).astype(btype)
    outdata = outdata.tostring()
    outfile = open(fname,'wb')
    if writeheader == 1:
            suffixindex = string.rfind(fname,'.')
            hdrname = fname[0:suffixindex]
        except ValueError:
            hdrname = fname
        if len(outarray.shape) == 2:
            hdr = [outarray.shape[1],outarray.shape[0], 1, 0]
            hdr = [outarray.shape[2],outarray.shape[1],outarray.shape[0], 0,'\n']
        print hdrname+'.hdr'
        outfile = open(hdrname+'.hdr','w')
    return None
项目:hostapd-mana    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getCurrentWord(self, entry):
        i = entry.get_point()
        text = entry.get_chars(0,-1)
        word = re.split(r'\s', text)[-1]
        start = string.rfind(text, word)
        end = start+len(word)
        return (word, (start, end))
项目:hostapd-mana    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def isCursorOnLastLine(entry):
    if entry.get_point() >= string.rfind(string.rstrip(entry.get_chars(0,-1)), '\n'):
        return 1
项目:electron-cassette-io    作者:stardot    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_leafname(self, path):
        """Get the leafname of the specified file."""

        pos = string.rfind(path, os.sep)
        if pos != -1:
            return path[pos+1:]
            return path
项目:build    作者:fuchsia-mirror    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def convert(label):
  if not label.startswith("//"):
      sys.stderr.write("expected label to start with //, got %s\n" % label)
      return 1
  base = _remove_sdk_dir(label[2:])
  separator_index = string.rfind(base, ":")
  if separator_index < 0:
      sys.stderr.write("could not find target name in label %s\n" % label)
      return 1
  path = base[:separator_index].split("/")
  name = base[separator_index+1:]
  if path[-1] == name:
      return ".".join(path)
      return "%s._%s" % (".".join(path), name)
项目:build    作者:fuchsia-mirror    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_target(label):
    if not label.startswith("//"):
        raise Exception("Expected label to start with //, got %s" % label)
    base = label[2:]
    separator_index = string.rfind(base, ":")
    if separator_index >= 0:
        name = base[separator_index+1:]
        path = base[:separator_index]
        name = base[base.rfind("/")+1:]
        path = base
    return path, name

# Updates paths in a TOML block.
项目:oil    作者:oilshell    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def split(p):
  Split a path in head (everything up to the last '.') and tail (the rest). FS
  name must still be dealt with separately since special field may contain '.'.
    (fs, drive, path)= _split(p)
    q= string.rfind(path, '.')
    if q!=-1:
        return (fs+drive+path[:q], path[q+1:])
    return ('', p)
项目:oil    作者:oilshell    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def splitext(p):
  Split a path in root and extension. This assumes the 'using slash for dot and
  dot for slash with foreign files' convention common in RISC OS is in force.
    (tail, head)= split(p)
    if '/' in head:
        q= len(head)-string.rfind(head, '/')
        return (p[:-q], p[-q:])
    return (p, '')
项目:python2-tracer    作者:extremecoders-re    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def split(p):
  Split a path in head (everything up to the last '.') and tail (the rest). FS
  name must still be dealt with separately since special field may contain '.'.
    (fs, drive, path)= _split(p)
    q= string.rfind(path, '.')
    if q!=-1:
        return (fs+drive+path[:q], path[q+1:])
    return ('', p)
项目:python2-tracer    作者:extremecoders-re    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def splitext(p):
  Split a path in root and extension. This assumes the 'using slash for dot and
  dot for slash with foreign files' convention common in RISC OS is in force.
    (tail, head)= split(p)
    if '/' in head:
        q= len(head)-string.rfind(head, '/')
        return (p[:-q], p[-q:])
    return (p, '')
项目:myelin-acorn-electron-hardware    作者:google    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_leafname(path):
    """Get the leafname of the specified file."""

    pos = string.rfind(path, os.sep)
    if pos != -1:
        return path[pos+1:]
        return path
项目:bootrom-tools    作者:MotorolaMobilityLLC    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def write(self, out_filename):
        """Create the TFTF file and return a success flag

        Create the TFTF file (appending the default extension if omitted)
        and write the TFTF buffer to it.
        success = True
        # Prepare the output buffer

        # Record the length of the entire TFTF blob (this will be longer
        # than the header's load_length)
        self.tftf_length = len(self.tftf_buf)

        # Ensure the output file ends in the default TFTF file extension if
        # the user hasn't specified their own extension.
        if rfind(out_filename, ".") == -1:
            out_filename += TFTF_FILE_EXTENSION

            with open(out_filename, 'wb') as wf:
                # Write the TFTF header

            # verify the file is the correct length
                statinfo = os.stat(out_filename)
                if statinfo.st_size != self.tftf_length:
                    error(out_filename, "has wrong length")
                error("Can't get info on", out_filename)

            error("Unable to write", out_filename)
            success = False
            if success:
                print("Wrote", out_filename)
                error("Failed to write", out_filename)
            return success
项目:sslstrip-hsts-openwrt    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getCurrentWord(self, entry):
        i = entry.get_point()
        text = entry.get_chars(0,-1)
        word = re.split(r'\s', text)[-1]
        start = string.rfind(text, word)
        end = start+len(word)
        return (word, (start, end))
项目:sslstrip-hsts-openwrt    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def isCursorOnLastLine(entry):
    if entry.get_point() >= string.rfind(string.rstrip(entry.get_chars(0,-1)), '\n'):
        return 1
项目:Dota2Server    作者:uin3566    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __get_background_url(self, url):
        # background-image: url('');
        start_index = string.find(url, "'")
        end_index = string.rfind(url, "'")
        return url[start_index + 1:end_index]
项目:ndk-python    作者:gittor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def split(p):
  Split a path in head (everything up to the last '.') and tail (the rest). FS
  name must still be dealt with separately since special field may contain '.'.
    (fs, drive, path)= _split(p)
    q= string.rfind(path, '.')
    if q!=-1:
        return (fs+drive+path[:q], path[q+1:])
    return ('', p)
项目:ndk-python    作者:gittor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def splitext(p):
  Split a path in root and extension. This assumes the 'using slash for dot and
  dot for slash with foreign files' convention common in RISC OS is in force.
    (tail, head)= split(p)
    if '/' in head:
        q= len(head)-string.rfind(head, '/')
        return (p[:-q], p[-q:])
    return (p, '')
项目:griffith    作者:Strit    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def rtrim(text, key1, key2):
    p1 = string.rfind(text, key2)
    if p1 == -1:
        return ''
    p2 = string.rfind(text[:p1], key1)
    if p2 == -1:
        return ""
        p2 = p2 + len(key1)
    return text[p2:p1]
项目:griffith    作者:Strit    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_trailer(self):
        # Find the film's trailer page or location
        self.trailer = ''
        pos_end = string.find(, '>guarda il trailer<')
        if pos_end > -1:
            pos_beg = string.rfind([:pos_end], '<a href')
            if pos_beg > -1:
                self.trailer = gutils.trim([pos_beg:pos_end], '"', '"')
项目:griffith    作者:Strit    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_o_site(self):
        self.o_site = ""
            index = string.rfind(, u'title="oficiální web"')
            if index > 0:
                tmp = gutils.before(, u'title="oficiální web"')
                index = string.rfind(tmp, 'href="')
                if index > 0:
                    self.o_site = gutils.trim(tmp[index:], '"', '"')
项目:griffith    作者:Strit    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_nextpage_url(self):
        match ='(siguientes >|siguientes &gt;)',
        if match:
            start = string.rfind(, '<a href="', 0, match.start())
            if start >= 0:
                return '' + gutils.before([start + 9:match.start()], '"')
        return None
项目:griffith    作者:Strit    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_trailer(self):
        self.trailer = ''
        tmp = string.find(, u'(trailers)')
        if tmp >= 0:
            index = string.rfind([:tmp], u'<a href="')
            if index >= 0:
                self.trailer = gutils.before([index + 9:], '"')
项目:BigBrotherBot-For-UrT43    作者:ptitbigorneau    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def rename(source, dest):
Renames files specified by UNIX inpattern to those specified by UNIX
outpattern.  Can only handle a single '*' in the two patterns!!!

Usage:   rename (source, dest)     e.g., rename('*.txt', '*.c')

    infiles = glob.glob(source)
    outfiles = []
    incutindex = string.index(source,'*')
    outcutindex = string.index(source,'*')
    findpattern1 = source[0:incutindex]
    findpattern2 = source[incutindex+1:]
    replpattern1 = dest[0:incutindex]
    replpattern2 = dest[incutindex+1:]
    for fname in infiles:
        if incutindex > 0:
            newname = re.sub(findpattern1,replpattern1,fname,1)
        if outcutindex < len(dest)-1:
            if incutindex > 0:
                lastone = string.rfind(newname,replpattern2)
                newname = newname[0:lastone] + re.sub(findpattern2,replpattern2,fname[lastone:],1)
                lastone = string.rfind(fname,findpattern2)
                if lastone <> -1:
                    newname = fname[0:lastone]
                    newname = newname + re.sub(findpattern2,replpattern2,fname[lastone:],1)
项目:BigBrotherBot-For-UrT43    作者:ptitbigorneau    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def bput(outarray,fname,writeheader=0,packtype=N.int16,writetype='wb'):
Writes the passed array to a binary output file, and then closes
the file.  Default is overwrite the destination file.

Usage:   bput (outarray,filename,writeheader=0,packtype=N.int16,writetype='wb')
    suffix = fname[-6:]
    if suffix == 'bshort':
        packtype = N.int16
    elif suffix == 'bfloat':
        packtype = N.Float32
        print 'Not a bshort or bfloat file.  Using packtype=',packtype

    outdata = N.ravel(outarray).astype(packtype)
    littleEndian = ( struct.pack('i',1)==struct.pack('<i',1) )
    if littleEndian and os.uname()[0]<>'Linux':
        outdata = outdata.byteswapped()
    outdata = outdata.tostring()
    outfile = open(fname,writetype)
    if writeheader == 1:
            suffixindex = string.rfind(fname,'.')
            hdrname = fname[0:suffixindex]
        except ValueError:
            hdrname = fname
        if len(outarray.shape) == 2:
            hdr = [outarray.shape[0],outarray.shape[1], 1, 0]
            hdr = [outarray.shape[1],outarray.shape[2],outarray.shape[0], 0,'\n']
        print hdrname+'.hdr'
        outfile = open(hdrname+'.hdr','w')
    return None
项目:TwiBot    作者:ShruthiChari    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, twitter, options):
        statusTxt = (" ".join(options['extra_args'])
                     if options['extra_args']
                     else str(input("message: ")))
        replies = []
        ptr = re.compile("@[\w_]+")
        while statusTxt:
            s = ptr.match(statusTxt)
            if s and s.start() == 0:
                statusTxt = statusTxt[s.end() + 1:]
        replies = " ".join(replies)
        if len(replies) >= 140:
            # just go back
            statusTxt = replies
            replies = ""

        splitted = []
        while statusTxt:
            limit = 140 - len(replies)
            if len(statusTxt) > limit:
                end = string.rfind(statusTxt, ' ', 0, limit)
                end = limit
            splitted.append(" ".join((replies, statusTxt[:end])))
            statusTxt = statusTxt[end:]

        if options['invert_split']:
        for status in splitted:
项目:TwiBot    作者:ShruthiChari    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, twitter, options):
        statusTxt = (" ".join(options['extra_args'])
                     if options['extra_args']
                     else str(input("message: ")))
        replies = []
        ptr = re.compile("@[\w_]+")
        while statusTxt:
            s = ptr.match(statusTxt)
            if s and s.start() == 0:
                statusTxt = statusTxt[s.end() + 1:]
        replies = " ".join(replies)
        if len(replies) >= 140:
            # just go back
            statusTxt = replies
            replies = ""

        splitted = []
        while statusTxt:
            limit = 140 - len(replies)
            if len(statusTxt) > limit:
                end = string.rfind(statusTxt, ' ', 0, limit)
                end = limit
            splitted.append(" ".join((replies, statusTxt[:end])))
            statusTxt = statusTxt[end:]

        if options['invert_split']:
        for status in splitted:
项目:ZServer    作者:zopefoundation    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_extension(path):
    dirsep = string.rfind(path, '/')
    dotsep = string.rfind(path, '.')
    if dotsep > dirsep:
        return path[dotsep + 1:]
        return ''
项目:buildroot    作者:flutter    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def compFiles(res, expected, base1, base2):
    l1 = len(base1)
    exp = expected.readlines()
    # the "relativisation" is done here
    for i in range(len(res)):
        j = string.find(res[i],base1)
        if (j == 0) or ((j == 2) and (res[i][0:2] == './')):
            col = string.find(res[i],':')
            if col > 0:
                start = string.rfind(res[i][:col], '/')
                if start > 0:
                    res[i] = res[i][start+1:]

    for i in range(len(exp)):
        j = string.find(exp[i],base2)
        if (j == 0) or ((j == 2) and (exp[i][0:2] == './')):
            col = string.find(exp[i],':')
            if col > 0:
                start = string.rfind(exp[i][:col], '/')
                if start > 0:
                    exp[i] = exp[i][start+1:]

    ret = 0
    # ideally we would like to use difflib functions here to do a
    # nice comparison of the two sets.  Unfortunately, during testing
    # (using python 2.3.3 and 2.3.4) the following code went into
    # a dead loop under windows.  I'll pursue this later.
#    diff = difflib.ndiff(res, exp)
#    diff = list(diff)
#    for line in diff:
#        if line[:2] != '  ':
#            print string.strip(line)
#            ret = -1

    # the following simple compare is fine for when the two data sets
    # (actual result vs. expected result) are equal, which should be true for
    # us.  Unfortunately, if the test fails it's not nice at all.
    rl = len(res)
    el = len(exp)
    if el != rl:
        print 'Length of expected is %d, result is %d' % (el, rl)
    ret = -1
    for i in range(min(el, rl)):
        if string.strip(res[i]) != string.strip(exp[i]):
            print '+:%s-:%s' % (res[i], exp[i])
            ret = -1
    if el > rl:
        for i in range(rl, el):
            print '-:%s' % exp[i]
            ret = -1
    elif rl > el:
        for i in range (el, rl):
            print '+:%s' % res[i]
            ret = -1
    return ret

# Separate threads to handle stdout and stderr are created to run this function
项目:BigBrotherBot-For-UrT43    作者:ptitbigorneau    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def binput(outarray,fname,packtype=None,writetype='wb'):
Unravels outarray and writes the data to a file, always in LittleEndian
format, along with a header file containing the original data shape. Default
is overwrite the destination file. Tries to figure out packtype from
4th-to-last character in filename. Thus, the routine understands these
file formats ...

1bin=Int8, sbin=int16, ibin=Int32, fbin=Float32, dbin=Float64, etc.

Usage:  binput(outarray,filename,packtype=None,writetype='wb')
    if not packtype:
        packtype = fname[-4]

    # a speck of error checking
    if packtype == N.int16 and outarray.typecode() == 'f':
        # check to see if there's data loss
        if max(N.ravel(outarray)) > 32767 or min(N.ravel(outarray))<-32768:
    outdata = N.ravel(outarray).astype(packtype)

    # force the data on disk to be LittleEndian (for more efficient PC/Linux use)
    if not N.LittleEndian:
        outdata = outdata.byteswapped()
    outdata = outdata.tostring()
    outfile = open(fname,writetype)

    # Now, write the header file
        suffixindex = string.rfind(fname,'.')
        hdrname = fname[0:suffixindex+2]+'hdr'  # include .s or .f or .1 or whatever
    except ValueError:
        hdrname = fname
    hdr = outarray.shape
    print hdrname
    outfile = open(hdrname,'w')
    return None