Python string 模块,count() 实例源码


项目:featherduster    作者:nccgroup    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def count_words(candidate_text, common_words=frequency.common_words['english'], case_sensitive=True):
   Count the instances of common words in the expected plaintext
   language, return the total number of characters matched in each

   candidate_text - (string) Sample to analyze
   common_words - (list) Sequences expected to appear in the text
   case_sensitive - (bool) Whether or not to match case sensitively
   score = 0

   for word in common_words:
      if not case_sensitive:
         word = word.lower()
      num_found = candidate_text.count(word)
      if num_found > 0:
         score += num_found * len(word)

   return score
项目:DroidWatcher    作者:suemi994    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def translateDescParams( desc_params ):
    desc_params = desc_params.replace(" ", "")
    buff = ""

    for elem in desc_params.split(","):
        if elem != "":
            tab = ""
            if "[" in elem:
                tab = "[" * string.count(elem, "[")

                elem = elem[ : tab.find("[") - 2 ]

            if elem not in BASIC_TYPES:
                if elem in ADVANCED_TYPES:
                    buff += tab + ADVANCED_TYPES[ elem ] + " "
                    buff += tab + "L" + elem.replace(".", "/") + "; "
                buff += tab + BASIC_TYPES[ elem ] + " "

    buff = buff[:-1]
    return buff
项目:DroidWatcher    作者:suemi994    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def translateDescReturn( desc_return ):
    buff = ""
    for elem in desc_return.split(" "):
        tab = ""
        if "[" in elem:
            tab = "[" * string.count(elem, "[")
            elem = elem[ : tab.find("[") - 2 ]

        if elem in BASIC_TYPES:
            buff += tab + BASIC_TYPES[ elem ] + " "
            if elem in ADVANCED_TYPES:
                buff += tab + ADVANCED_TYPES[ elem ] + " "
                if "." in elem:
                    buff += tab + "L" + elem.replace(".", "/") + "; "

    buff = buff[:-1]
    return buff
项目:code    作者:ActiveState    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __MirrorPath(self, aLocalView, aDestinationPath, aFilePath):
        assert(string.count(aFilePath, aLocalView) != -1)

        myStartCommonSubpath = string.find(aFilePath, aLocalView)
        myStartCommonSubpath += len(aLocalView)

        myMirrorPath = aDestinationPath + aFilePath[myStartCommonSubpath:]
        myMirrorPath = os.path.dirname(myMirrorPath)
        myMirrorPath = os.path.normpath(myMirrorPath)

        return myMirrorPath
项目:featherduster    作者:nccgroup    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def generate_frequency_table(text,charset):
   Generate a character frequency table for a given text
   and charset as dict with character or string as key and
   frequency of appearance as value expressed as a decimal

   text - A sample of plaintext to analyze for frequency data
   charset - (list of strings) The set of items to count in the plaintext
      such as ['a','b','c', ... 'z','aa','ab','ac', ... 'zz']
   freq_table = {}
   text_len = 0 
   for char in charset:
      freq_table[char] = 0 
   for char in text:
      if char in charset:
         freq_table[char] += 1
         text_len += 1
   for multigraph in filter(lambda x: len(x)>1,charset):
      freq_table[multigraph] = string.count(text, multigraph)
   # Normalize frequencies with length of text
   for key in freq_table.keys():
      if text_len != 0:
         freq_table[key] /= float(text_len)
         freq_table[key] = 0 
   return freq_table
项目:python2-tracer    作者:extremecoders-re    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def main():
    pathname = EasyDialogs.AskFileForOpen(message='File to check end-of-lines in:')
    if not pathname:
    fp = open(pathname, 'rb')
        data =
    except MemoryError:
        EasyDialogs.Message('Sorry, file is too big.')
    if len(data) == 0:
        EasyDialogs.Message('File is empty.')
    number_cr = string.count(data, '\r')
    number_lf = string.count(data, '\n')
    if number_cr == number_lf == 0:
        EasyDialogs.Message('File contains no lines.')
    if number_cr == 0:
        EasyDialogs.Message('File has unix-style line endings')
    elif number_lf == 0:
        EasyDialogs.Message('File has mac-style line endings')
    elif number_cr == number_lf:
        EasyDialogs.Message('File probably has MSDOS-style line endings')
        EasyDialogs.Message('File has no recognizable line endings (binary file?)')
项目:androidjnipp    作者:naver    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def puts(self, ts, *args):
        if ts == "":

        ts = puts(ts, *args)
        ends_with_line_feed = (ts[-1] == '\n')
        max_replace = string.count(ts, '\n') - 1 if ends_with_line_feed else -1
        ts = string.replace(ts, '\n', '\n' + tab_character * self.indention, max_replace)
        if self.line_feed == 0:
            self.template += tab_character * self.indention
        self.template += ts
        if ends_with_line_feed:
            self.line_feed = 0
            self.line_feed += 1
项目:griffith    作者:Strit    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_rating(self):
        """Find the film's rating. From 0 to 10.
        Convert if needed when assigning."""
        tmp_rating = gutils.trim(, "ticas por:</B></Center>", "")
        if tmp_rating:
            self.rating = str(float(string.count(tmp_rating, 'estrela.gif'))*2)
项目:py-search    作者:vieira-rafael    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def main(exts):    outlayer(exts=exts)     # create output layer lists    files_by_type = {}    histogram = {} # Check how much source code is available, plus do histogram of chars for ext in exts:        files_by_type[ext] = glob.glob('code/*.'+ext)        total_bytes = 0 for file in files_by_type[ext]:            total_bytes = total_bytes + os.path.getsize(file)            source_data = open(file).read() for c in source_data: if c not in string.letters+" \n\r\t":                    histogram[c] = 1 + histogram.get(c,0)        sys.stderr.write("Total bytes of %s-source: %i\n" % (ext,total_bytes))
 # Sort the historgram and get a list of input symbols    schwartzian = [] for char, count in histogram.items():        schwartzian.append('%8i %s' % (count,char))        schwartzian.sort()        schwartzian.reverse()    common_symbols = [] for line in schwartzian[:NUM_FEATURES]:        common_symbols.append(line[9])    sys.stderr.write('Input set: '+string.join(common_symbols,' ')+'\n')
 # Create the actual data set (first randomize file order)    allfiles = {} for ext, files in files_by_type.items(): for file in files:            allfiles[file] = ext
 # Now step through random file order for file, ext in allfiles.items():        fh = open(file) while 1:            chunk =            read_len = len(chunk) if read_len < CHUNK_SIZE: break for c in common_symbols: print "%.2f" % (string.count(chunk,c)*NORM_FACTOR), print '>', outlayer(ext)