Python sublime 模块,Region() 实例源码


项目:NeoVintageous    作者:NeoVintageous    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(self, edit, backwards=False):
        if not _EX_HISTORY['cmdline']:

        if CycleCmdlineHistory.HISTORY_INDEX is None:
            CycleCmdlineHistory.HISTORY_INDEX = -1 if backwards else 0
            CycleCmdlineHistory.HISTORY_INDEX += -1 if backwards else 1

        if (
            CycleCmdlineHistory.HISTORY_INDEX == len(_EX_HISTORY['cmdline']) or
            CycleCmdlineHistory.HISTORY_INDEX < -len(_EX_HISTORY['cmdline'])
            CycleCmdlineHistory.HISTORY_INDEX = -1 if backwards else 0

        self.view.erase(edit, Region(0, self.view.size()))
        self.view.insert(edit, 0, _EX_HISTORY['cmdline'][CycleCmdlineHistory.HISTORY_INDEX])
项目:NeoVintageous    作者:NeoVintageous    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _gen_modelines(view):
    topRegEnd = min(_MODELINES_REG_SIZE, view.size())
    candidates = view.lines(sublime.Region(0, view.full_line(topRegEnd).end()))

    # Consider modelines at the end of the buffer too. There might be overlap
    # with the top region, but it doesn't matter because it means the buffer is
    # tiny.
    pt = view.size() - _MODELINES_REG_SIZE
    bottomRegStart = pt if pt > -1 else 0
    candidates += view.lines(sublime.Region(bottomRegStart, view.size()))

    prefix = _build_modeline_prefix(view)
    modelines = (view.substr(c) for c in candidates if _is_modeline(prefix, view.substr(c)))

    for modeline in modelines:
        yield modeline
项目:NeoVintageous    作者:NeoVintageous    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def restore_visual_data(self, data):
        rows, chars, old_mode = data
        first = first_sel(self.view)

        if old_mode == modes.VISUAL:
            if rows > 0:
                end = self.view.text_point(utils.row_at(self.view, first.b) +
                                           rows, chars)
                end = first.b + chars

            self.view.sel().add(sublime.Region(first.b, end))
            self.mode = modes.VISUAL

        elif old_mode == modes.VISUAL_LINE:
            rows, _, old_mode = data
            begin = self.view.line(first.b).a
            end = self.view.text_point(utils.row_at(self.view, begin) +
                                       (rows - 1), 0)
            end = self.view.full_line(end).b
            self.view.sel().add(sublime.Region(begin, end))
            self.mode = modes.VISUAL_LINE
项目:NeoVintageous    作者:NeoVintageous    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def find_all_in_range(view, term, start, end, flags=0):
    matches = []
    while True:
        m = find_in_range(view, term, start, end, flags)

        if m == sublime.Region(-1, -1):
            return matches

        if not m:
            return matches

        if m.end() > end or m.begin() < start:
            return matches

        start = m.end()
项目:NeoVintageous    作者:NeoVintageous    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def inner_lines(view, s, count=1):
    Return a region spanning @count inner lines.

    Inner lines are lines excluding leading/trailing whitespace at outer ends.

    Assumes we're operating in INTERNAL_NORMAL mode.

      Target view.
      Selection in @view taken as starting point.
      Number of lines to include in returned region.
    end = view.text_point(row_at(view, s.b) + (count - 1), 0)
    begin = view.line(s.b).a
    begin = next_non_white_space_char(view, begin, white_space=' \t')

    return Region(begin, view.line(end).b)
项目:NeoVintageous    作者:NeoVintageous    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def a_word(view, pt, inclusive=True, count=1):
    assert count > 0
    start = current_word_start(view, pt)
    end = pt

    if inclusive:
        end = units.word_starts(view, start, count=count, internal=True)

        # If there is no space at the end of our word text object, include any
        # preceding spaces. (Follows Vim behavior.)
        if (not view.substr(end - 1).isspace() and view.substr(start - 1).isspace()):
            start = utils.previous_non_white_space_char(view, start - 1, white_space=' \t') + 1

        # Vim does some inconsistent stuff here...
        if count > 1 and view.substr(end) == '\n':
            end += 1

        return sublime.Region(start, end)

    for x in range(count):
        end = current_word_end(view, end)

    return sublime.Region(start, end)
项目:NeoVintageous    作者:NeoVintageous    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def regions_transformer(view, f):
    sels = list(view.sel())
    new = []
    for sel in sels:
        region = f(view, sel)
        if not isinstance(region, Region):
            raise TypeError('Region required')

# TODO IMPORTANT was refactored from a module that removed vi/ ...
#       but required by lib/cmds/ module. This can
#       probably be refactored to use regions_transformer(), in
#       fact this function probably causes some bugs becayse
#       regions_transformer() is newer but this function was
#       looks like it was never updated.
项目:NeoVintageous    作者:NeoVintageous    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def resize_visual_region(r, b):
    Define a new visual mode region.

    Returns a region where x.a != x.b.

      Existing region.
      New end point.
    if b < r.a:
        if r.b > r.a:
            return Region(r.a + 1, b)
        return Region(r.a, b)

    if b > r.a:
        if r.b < r.a:
            return Region(r.a - 1, b + 1)
        return Region(r.a, b + 1)

    return Region(b, b + 1)
项目:NeoVintageous    作者:NeoVintageous    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def reverse_search(view, what, start=0, end=-1, flags=0):
    """Do binary search to find `what` walking backwards in the buffer."""
    if end == -1:
        end = view.size()
    end = find_eol(view, view.line(end).a)

    last_match = None

    lo, hi = start, end
    while True:
        middle = (lo + hi) / 2
        line = view.line(middle)
        middle, eol = find_bol(view, line.a), find_eol(view, line.a)  # FIXME # noqa: F841

        if search_in_range(view, what, middle, hi, flags):
            lo = middle
        elif search_in_range(view, what, lo, middle - 1, flags):
            hi = middle - 1

        # Don't search forever the same line.
        if last_match and line.contains(last_match):
            match = find_last_match(view, what, lo, hi, flags=flags)
            return view.rowcol(match.begin())[0] + 1

        last_match = sublime.Region(line.begin(), line.end())
项目:NeoVintageous    作者:NeoVintageous    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def resolve(self, view):
        """Return a representing the Vim line range that the ex command should operate on."""
        start = self.resolve_line_reference(view, self.start or [TokenDot()])

        if not self.separator:
            if start == -1:
                return Region(-1, -1)

            if len(self.start) == 1 and isinstance(self.start[0], TokenPercent):
                return Region(0, view.size())

            return view.full_line(view.text_point(start, 0))

        new_start = start if self.separator == ';' else 0
        end = self.resolve_line_reference(view, self.end or [TokenDot()], current=new_start)

        return view.full_line(Region(view.text_point(start, 0), view.text_point(end, 0)))
项目:NeoVintageous    作者:NeoVintageous    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(self, edit, mode=None, surround_with='"', count=1, motion=None):
        def f(view, s):
            if mode == INTERNAL_NORMAL_MODE:
                self.surround(edit, s, surround_with)
                return Region(s.begin())
            elif mode in (VISUAL_MODE, VISUAL_BLOCK_MODE):
                self.surround(edit, s, surround_with)
                return Region(s.begin())

            return s

        if not motion and not self.view.has_non_empty_selection_region():
            raise ValueError('motion required')

        if mode == INTERNAL_NORMAL_MODE:
            self.view.run_command(motion['motion'], motion['motion_args'])

        if surround_with:
            _regions_transformer_reversed(self.view, f)

项目:NeoVintageous    作者:NeoVintageous    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def do_append(self, parsed_command):
        if parsed_command.command.target_file:

        r = None
        if parsed_command.line_range.is_empty:
            # If the user didn't provide any range data, Vim appends whe whole buffer.
            r = Region(0, self._view.size())
            r = parsed_command.line_range.resolve(self._view)

        text = self._view.substr(r)
        text = text if text.startswith('\n') else '\n' + text

        location = resolve_insertion_point_at_b(first_sel(self._view))

        self._view.run_command('append', {'characters': text})

        utils.replace_sel(self._view, Region(self._view.line(location).a))

项目:NeoVintageous    作者:NeoVintageous    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def on_change(self, s):
        state = self.state
        flags = self.calculate_flags()
        next_hit = find_wrapping(self.view,
                                 start=self.view.sel()[0].b + 1,
        if next_hit:
            if state.mode == modes.VISUAL:
                next_hit = Region(self.view.sel()[0].a, next_hit.a + 1)

            self.view.add_regions('vi_inc_search', [next_hit], '', '', DRAW_NO_OUTLINE)

            if not self.view.visible_region().contains(next_hit.b):
项目:NeoVintageous    作者:NeoVintageous    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(self, mode=None, count=1):
        def f(view, s):
            if mode == modes.NORMAL:
                return Region(0)
            elif mode == modes.VISUAL:
                if s.a < s.b:
                    return Region(s.a + 1, 0)
                    return Region(s.a, 0)
            elif mode == modes.INTERNAL_NORMAL:
                return Region(view.full_line(s.b).b, 0)
            elif mode == modes.VISUAL_LINE:
                if s.a < s.b:
                    return Region(0, s.b)
                    return Region(0, s.a)
            return s

        regions_transformer(self.view, f)
项目:NeoVintageous    作者:NeoVintageous    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(self, mode=None, count=None):
        def f(view, s):
            if mode == modes.NORMAL:
                pt = eof
                if not view.line(eof).empty():
                    pt = utils.previous_non_white_space_char(view, eof - 1, white_space='\n')
                return Region(pt, pt)
            elif mode == modes.VISUAL:
                return Region(s.a, eof)
            elif mode == modes.INTERNAL_NORMAL:
                begin = view.line(s.b).a
                begin = max(0, begin - 1)
                return Region(begin, eof)
            elif mode == modes.VISUAL_LINE:
                return Region(s.a, eof)

            return s

        eof = self.view.size()
        regions_transformer(self.view, f)
项目:NeoVintageous    作者:NeoVintageous    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(self, count=None, mode=None):
        def f(view, s):
            if mode == modes.NORMAL:
                non_ws = utils.next_non_white_space_char(view, target)
                return Region(non_ws, non_ws)
            elif mode == modes.INTERNAL_NORMAL:
                return Region(s.a + 1, target)
            elif mode == modes.VISUAL:
                new_target = utils.next_non_white_space_char(view, target)
                return Region(s.a + 1, new_target)
                return s

        r = self.view.visible_region()
        row, _ = self.view.rowcol(r.a)
        row += count + 1

        target = self.view.text_point(row, 0)

        regions_transformer(self.view, f)
项目:NeoVintageous    作者:NeoVintageous    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(self, count=1, mode=None):
        def do_motion(view, s):
            if mode == modes.NORMAL:
                pt = word_reverse(self.view, s.b, count, big=True)
                return Region(pt)

            elif mode == modes.INTERNAL_NORMAL:
                pt = word_reverse(self.view, s.b, count, big=True)
                return Region(s.a, pt)

            elif mode in (modes.VISUAL, modes.VISUAL_BLOCK):
                if s.a < s.b:
                    pt = word_reverse(self.view, s.b - 1, count, big=True)
                    if pt < s.a:
                        return Region(s.a + 1, pt)
                    return Region(s.a, pt + 1)
                elif s.b < s.a:
                    pt = word_reverse(self.view, s.b, count, big=True)
                    return Region(s.a, pt)

            return s

        regions_transformer(self.view, do_motion)
项目:NeoVintageous    作者:NeoVintageous    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(self, count=None, mode=None):
        def f(view, s):
            a = s.a
            b = s.b
            if s.size() > 0:
                a = resolve_insertion_point_at_a(s)
                b = resolve_insertion_point_at_b(s)

            bol = self.view.line(b).a
            bol = utils.next_non_white_space_char(self.view, bol, white_space='\t ')

            if mode == modes.NORMAL:
                return Region(bol)
            elif mode == modes.INTERNAL_NORMAL:
                # The character at the "end" of the region is skipped in both
                # forward and reverse cases, so unlike other regions, no need to add 1 to it
                return Region(a, bol)
            elif mode == modes.VISUAL:
                return utils.new_inclusive_region(a, bol)
                return s

        regions_transformer(self.view, f)
项目:NeoVintageous    作者:NeoVintageous    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(self, count=1, mode=None):
        def f(view, s):
            if mode == modes.NORMAL:
                eol = view.line(s.b).b
                return Region(eol - 1, eol - 1)

            elif mode == modes.VISUAL:
                eol = None
                if s.a < s.b:
                    eol = view.line(s.b - 1).b
                    return Region(s.a, eol)
                    eol = view.line(s.b).b
                    if eol > s.a:
                        return Region(s.a - 1, eol)
                    return Region(s.a, eol)

            elif mode == modes.INTERNAL_NORMAL:
                eol = view.line(s.b).b
                return Region(s.a, eol)

            return s

        regions_transformer(self.view, f)
项目:NeoVintageous    作者:NeoVintageous    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(self, mode=None, extend=False, count=None):

        def f(view, s):
            if mode == modes.NORMAL:
                return next

            elif mode == modes.VISUAL:
                return Region(s.a, next.b)

            elif mode == modes.INTERNAL_NORMAL:
                return Region(s.a, next.b)

            elif mode == modes.VISUAL_LINE:
                return Region(s.a, self.view.full_line(next.b).b)

            return s

        next, scroll_amount = self.next_half_page(count)
        regions_transformer(self.view, f)
项目:NeoVintageous    作者:NeoVintageous    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(self, mode=None, count=1):
        def to_word_end(view, s):
            if mode == modes.NORMAL:
                pt = word_end_reverse(view, s.b, count)
                return Region(pt)
            elif mode in (modes.VISUAL, modes.VISUAL_BLOCK):
                if s.a < s.b:
                    pt = word_end_reverse(view, s.b - 1, count)
                    if pt > s.a:
                        return Region(s.a, pt + 1)
                    return Region(s.a + 1, pt)
                pt = word_end_reverse(view, s.b, count)
                return Region(s.a, pt)
            return s

        regions_transformer(self.view, to_word_end)
项目:NeoVintageous    作者:NeoVintageous    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(self, mode=None, count=1):
        def to_word_end(view, s):
            if mode == modes.NORMAL:
                pt = word_end_reverse(view, s.b, count, big=True)
                return Region(pt)
            elif mode in (modes.VISUAL, modes.VISUAL_BLOCK):
                if s.a < s.b:
                    pt = word_end_reverse(view, s.b - 1, count, big=True)
                    if pt > s.a:
                        return Region(s.a, pt + 1)
                    return Region(s.a + 1, pt)
                pt = word_end_reverse(view, s.b, count, big=True)
                return Region(s.a, pt)
            return s

        regions_transformer(self.view, to_word_end)
项目:NeoVintageous    作者:NeoVintageous    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(self, mode=None, count=1):

        def f(view, s):
            # TODO: must skip empty paragraphs.
            sen = self.find_previous_sentence_end(s)

            if mode == modes.NORMAL:
                return Region(sen.a, sen.a)

            elif mode == modes.VISUAL:
                return Region(s.a + 1, sen.a + 1)

            elif mode == modes.INTERNAL_NORMAL:
                return Region(s.a, sen.a + 1)

            return s

        regions_transformer(self.view, f)
项目:NeoVintageous    作者:NeoVintageous    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def find_next_sentence_end(self, r):
        sen = r
        non_ws = utils.next_non_white_space_char(self.view, sen.b, '\t \n')
        sen = Region(non_ws, non_ws)
        while True:
            sen = self.view.expand_by_class(sen, CLASS_PUNCTUATION_START | CLASS_LINE_END)
            if (sen.b == self.view.size() or
                (self.view.substr(Region(sen.b, sen.b + 2)).endswith(('. ', '.\t'))) or
                (self.view.substr(Region(sen.b, sen.b + 1)).endswith(('?', '!'))) or
                (self.view.substr(self.view.line(sen.b)).strip() == '')):  # FIXME # noqa: E129
                    if self.view.substr(sen.b) in '.?!':
                        return Region(sen.a, sen.b + 1)
                        if self.view.line(sen.b).empty():
                            return Region(sen.a, sen.b)
                            return self.view.full_line(sen.b)
项目:NeoVintageous    作者:NeoVintageous    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(self, mode=None, count=1):
        def f(view, s):
            # TODO: must skip empty paragraphs.
            sen = self.find_next_sentence_end(s)

            if mode == modes.NORMAL:
                target = min(sen.b, view.size() - 1)
                return Region(target, target)

            elif mode == modes.VISUAL:
                # TODO: Must encompass new line char too?
                return Region(s.a, sen.b)

            elif mode == modes.INTERNAL_NORMAL:
                return Region(s.a, sen.b)

            return s

        regions_transformer(self.view, f)
项目:NeoVintageous    作者:NeoVintageous    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def on_change(self, s):
        flags = self.calculate_flags()
        state = self.state
        occurrence = reverse_find_wrapping(self.view,
        if occurrence:
            if state.mode == modes.VISUAL:
                occurrence = Region(self.view.sel()[0].a, occurrence.a)

            self.view.add_regions('vi_inc_search', [occurrence], '', '', DRAW_NO_OUTLINE)

            if not self.view.visible_region().contains(occurrence):
项目:NeoVintageous    作者:NeoVintageous    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(self, mode=None, count=1):
        self.view.run_command('_vi_j', {'mode': mode, 'count': count})

        def advance(view, s):
            if mode == modes.NORMAL:
                pt = utils.next_non_white_space_char(view, s.b,
                                                     white_space=' \t')
                return Region(pt)
            elif mode == modes.VISUAL:
                if s.a < s.b:
                    pt = utils.next_non_white_space_char(view, s.b - 1,
                                                         white_space=' \t')
                    return Region(s.a, pt + 1)
                pt = utils.next_non_white_space_char(view, s.b,
                                                     white_space=' \t')
                return Region(s.a, pt)
            return s

        regions_transformer(self.view, advance)
项目:NeoVintageous    作者:NeoVintageous    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(self, mode=None, count=1):
        self.view.run_command('_vi_k', {'mode': mode, 'count': count})

        def advance(view, s):
            if mode == modes.NORMAL:
                pt = utils.next_non_white_space_char(view, s.b,
                                                     white_space=' \t')
                return Region(pt)
            elif mode == modes.VISUAL:
                if s.a < s.b:
                    pt = utils.next_non_white_space_char(view, s.b - 1,
                                                         white_space=' \t')
                    return Region(s.a, pt + 1)
                pt = utils.next_non_white_space_char(view, s.b,
                                                     white_space=' \t')
                return Region(s.a, pt)
            return s

        regions_transformer(self.view, advance)
项目:NeoVintageous    作者:NeoVintageous    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(self, mode=None, count=1, char=None):
        def move(view, s):
            reg = find_prev_lone_bracket(self.view, s.b, brackets)
            if reg is not None:
                return Region(reg.a)
            return s

        if mode != modes.NORMAL:

        brackets = self.BRACKETS.get(char)
        if brackets is None:

        regions_transformer(self.view, move)

项目:NeoVintageous    作者:NeoVintageous    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(self, count=1):
        for i in range(count):

        if self._view.has_non_empty_selection_region():
            def reverse(view, s):
                return Region(s.end(), s.begin())

            # TODO: xpos is misaligned after this.
            regions_transformer(self._view, reverse)
            # FIXME: why from modes.VISUAL?
            self.window.run_command('_enter_normal_mode', {
                'mode': modes.VISUAL

        # If we yy, then u, we might end up with outlined regions if we
        # don't erase them here, because ST will restore them when undoing.

项目:NeoVintageous    作者:NeoVintageous    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(self, edit, mode=None):
        def f(view, s):
            if mode == modes.VISUAL_LINE:
                return Region(s.a, s.b)
                if s.empty() and (s.b == self.view.size()):
                    return s

                # Extending from s.a to s.b because we may be looking at
                # selections with len>0. For example, if it's been created
                # using the mouse. Normally, though, the selection will be
                # empty when we reach here.
                end = s.b
                # Only extend .b by 1 if we're looking at empty sels.
                if not view.has_non_empty_selection_region():
                    end += 1
                return Region(s.a, end)

        regions_transformer(self.view, f)
项目:NeoVintageous    作者:NeoVintageous    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(self, edit, mode=None):
        def f(view, s):
            if mode == modes.VISUAL:
                if s.a < s.b:
                    if view.substr(s.b - 1) != '\n':
                        return Region(view.line(s.a).a, view.full_line(s.b - 1).b)
                        return Region(view.line(s.a).a, s.b)
                    if view.substr(s.a - 1) != '\n':
                        return Region(view.full_line(s.a - 1).b, view.line(s.b).a)
                        return Region(s.a, view.line(s.b).a)
                return view.full_line(s.b)

        regions_transformer(self.view, f)
项目:NeoVintageous    作者:NeoVintageous    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(self, edit, mode=None, count=1, motion=None, register=None):
        def f(view, s):
            return Region(s.end(), s.begin())

        if mode == modes.INTERNAL_NORMAL:
            if motion is None:
                raise ValueError('bad args')
            self.view.run_command(motion['motion'], motion['motion_args'])

        elif mode not in (modes.VISUAL, modes.VISUAL_LINE, modes.VISUAL_BLOCK):

        state = self.state
        state.registers.yank(self, register)
        regions_transformer(self.view, f)

项目:NeoVintageous    作者:NeoVintageous    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(self, edit, mode=None, count=1, register=None):
        def f(view, s):
            if mode == modes.INTERNAL_NORMAL:
                if count == 1:
                    if view.line(s.b).size() > 0:
                        eol = view.line(s.b).b
                        return Region(s.b, eol)
                    return s
            return s

        regions_transformer(self.view, f)

        state = self.state


项目:NeoVintageous    作者:NeoVintageous    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(self, edit, mode=None, count=None):
        def motion(view, s):
            if mode != modes.INTERNAL_NORMAL:
                return s

            if count <= 1:
                return s

            a = utils.get_bol(view, s.a)
            pt = view.text_point(utils.row_at(view, a) + (count - 1), 0)
            return Region(a, utils.get_eol(view, pt))

        def action(view, s):
            bol = utils.get_bol(view, s.begin())
            pt = utils.next_non_white_space_char(view, bol, white_space='\t ')
            return Region(pt)

        regions_transformer(self.view, motion)
        regions_transformer(self.view, action)
项目:NeoVintageous    作者:NeoVintageous    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(self, edit, mode=None, count=1):
        def f(view, s):
            return Region(s.begin())

        def select(view):
            s0 = utils.first_sel(self.view)
            end_row = utils.row_at(view, s0.b) + (count - 1)
            view.sel().add(Region(s0.begin(), view.text_point(end_row, 1)))

        if count > 1:

        self.view.run_command('reindent', {'force_indent': False})
        regions_transformer(self.view, f)
项目:NeoVintageous    作者:NeoVintageous    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(self, edit, mode=None, count=1):
        def f(view, s):
            bol = utils.get_bol(view, s.begin())
            pt = utils.next_non_white_space_char(view, bol, white_space='\t ')
            return Region(pt)

        def select(view):
            s0 = utils.first_sel(view)
            end_row = utils.row_at(view, s0.b) + (count - 1)
            utils.replace_sel(view, Region(s0.begin(), view.text_point(end_row, 1)))

        if count > 1:

        regions_transformer(self.view, f)
项目:NeoVintageous    作者:NeoVintageous    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(self, edit, mode=None, count=1, motion=None):
        def f(view, s):
            return Region(s.begin())

        # Note: Vim does not unindent in visual block mode.

        if motion:
            self.view.run_command(motion['motion'], motion['motion_args'])
        elif mode not in (modes.VISUAL, modes.VISUAL_LINE):

        for i in range(count):

        regions_transformer(self.view, f)
项目:NeoVintageous    作者:NeoVintageous    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(self, edit, count=1, mode=None, motion=None):
        def select(view, s):
            if mode == modes.VISUAL:
                return Region(s.end(), s.begin())
            return Region(s.begin(), s.end() + count)

        def after(view, s):
            return Region(s.begin())

        regions_transformer(self.view, select)

        if mode in (modes.VISUAL, modes.VISUAL_LINE, modes.VISUAL_BLOCK):
            regions_transformer(self.view, after)

项目:NeoVintageous    作者:NeoVintageous    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(self, edit, mode=None, count=1):
        def select(view, s):
            line = view.line(s.b)

            return Region(line.end(), line.begin())

        def to_lower(view, s):
            view.replace(edit, s, view.substr(s).lower())
            return s

        regions_transformer(self.view, select)
        regions_transformer(self.view, to_lower)

# Non-standard command. After a search has been performed via '/' or '?',
# selects all matches and enters select mode.
项目:NeoVintageous    作者:NeoVintageous    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(self, edit, mode=None, count=1):
        def f(view, s):
            if mode == modes.INTERNAL_NORMAL:
                if utils.row_at(self.view, s.a) != utils.row_at(self.view, self.view.size()):
                    pt = utils.next_non_white_space_char(view, s.a, white_space=' \t')
                    pt = utils.next_non_white_space_char(view,
                                                         white_space=' \t')

                return Region(pt, pt)
            return s

        self.view.run_command('_vi_gcc_motion', {'mode': mode, 'count': count})

        state = self.state

        row = [self.view.rowcol(s.begin())[0] for s in self.view.sel()][0]
        regions_transformer_reversed(self.view, f)
        self.view.sel().add(Region(self.view.text_point(row, 0)))
项目:Sublime-minihtml-Preview    作者:ehuss    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def on_modified_async(self):
        output_id = self.view.settings().get('minihtml_preview_output_view_id')
        output_view = next(view for view in self.view.window().views()
            if == output_id)
        content = self.view.substr(sublime.Region(0, self.view.size()))

        buffer_id = output_view.buffer_id()
        if buffer_id in self.phantom_sets:
            ps = self.phantom_sets[buffer_id]
            ps = sublime.PhantomSet(output_view, 'minihtml_preview_phantom')
            self.phantom_sets[buffer_id] = ps

        p = sublime.Phantom(sublime.Region(0), content,
                            sublime.LAYOUT_BLOCK, _on_navigate)
项目:hyperhelp    作者:OdatNurd    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _restore_state(view, state):
    Restore the selection and viewport position that was previously saved via
    _save_state(). If the last selection was at the end of the buffer, put it
    back there even if the size of the buffer has changed so that future append
    operations will work.
    size = state[0]
    sel = state[1]
    vpos = state[2]

    # If the last selection was at the end of the buffer, replace that
    # selection with the new end of the buffer so the relative position remains
    # the same.
    if sublime.Region(size, size) == sel[-1]:
        sel[-1] = sublime.Region(view.size(), view.size())

    for region in sel:

    view.set_viewport_position(vpos, False)
项目:hyperhelp    作者:OdatNurd    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def focus_on(view, position):
    Focus the given help view on the provided position to ensure that is is
    visible. This alters the selection to the given position.

    If position is a point, the view is focused on that point and the cursor is
    placed there. If it is a Region, the region is selected and the cursor is
    left at the beginning of the region instead of at the end.
    if isinstance(position, int):
        position = sublime.Region(position, position)
        position = sublime.Region(position.end(), position.begin())


    # Hack to make the view update properly. See:
    view.add_regions("_hh_rk", [], "", "", sublime.HIDDEN)
项目:VHDL-Mode    作者:Remillard    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(self, edit):
        """Sublime Text plugin run method."""
        # Note, if one changes the header, this might need to change too.
        pattern = util.get_vhdl_setting(self, 'vhdl-modified-time-string')
        region = self.view.find(pattern, 0)
        #print('Region Diagnostics')
        #print('Begin: {}'.format(region.begin()))
        #print('End:   {}'.format(region.end()))
        #print('Empty? {}'.format(region.empty()))
        if not region.empty():
            region = self.view.line(region)
            date = time.ctime(time.time())
            new_mtime = pattern + '{}'.format(date)
            self.view.replace(edit, region, new_mtime)
            print('vhdl-mode: Updated last modified time.')
            print('vhdl-mode: No last modified time field found.')

项目:TerminalView    作者:Wramberg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _update_line_content(self, edit, line_no, content):
        # Note this function has been optimized quite a bit. Calls to the ST3
        # API has been left out on purpose as they are slower than the
        # alternative.

        # We need to add a newline otherwise ST3 does not break the line
        content_w_newline = content + "\n"

        # Check in our local buffer that the content line is different from what
        # we are already showing - otherwise we can stop now
        view_content_cache = self._sub_buffer.view_content_cache()
        if view_content_cache.has_line(line_no):
            if view_content_cache.get_line(line_no) == content_w_newline:

        # Content is different - make ST3 region that spans the line. Start by
        # geting start and end point of the line
        line_start, line_end = view_content_cache.get_line_start_and_end_points(line_no)

        # Make region spanning entire line (including any newline at the end)
        line_region = sublime.Region(line_start, line_end)
        self.view.replace(edit, line_region, content_w_newline)
        view_content_cache.update_line(line_no, content_w_newline)
项目:TerminalView    作者:Wramberg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _update_line_colors(self, line_no, line_color_map):
        # Note this function has been optimized quite a bit. Calls to the ST3
        # API has been left out on purpose as they are slower than the
        # alternative.
        view_region_cache = self._sub_buffer.view_region_cache()
        view_content_cache = self._sub_buffer.view_content_cache()

        for idx, field in line_color_map.items():
            length = field["field_length"]
            color_scope = "terminalview.%s_%s" % (field["color"][0], field["color"][1])

            # Get text point where color should start
            line_start, _ = view_content_cache.get_line_start_and_end_points(line_no)
            color_start = line_start + idx

            # Make region that should be colored
            buffer_region = sublime.Region(color_start, color_start + length)
            region_key = "%i,%s" % (line_no, idx)

            # Add the region
            flags = sublime.DRAW_NO_OUTLINE | sublime.PERSISTENT
            self.view.add_regions(region_key, [buffer_region], color_scope, flags=flags)
            view_region_cache.add(line_no, region_key)
项目:sublime-text-3-packages    作者:nickjj    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def select_lint_region(cls, view, region):
        Select and scroll to the first marked region that contains region.

        If none are found, the beginning of region is used. The view is
        centered on the calculated region and the region is selected.


        marked_region = cls.find_mark_within(view, region)

        if marked_region is None:
            marked_region = sublime.Region(region.begin(), region.begin())

        sel = view.sel()

        # There is a bug in ST3 that prevents the selection from changing
        # when a quick panel is open and the viewport does not change position,
        # so we call our own custom method that works around that.
        util.center_region_in_view(marked_region, view)
项目:sublime-text-3-packages    作者:nickjj    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def scan(self):
    """Scan the file for colours and add/remove regions appropriately"""

    # Return a list of all the line regions in the current file
    if self.action == 'update':
      regions = [self.view.line(s) for s in self.view.sel()]
      regions = self.view.lines(Region(0, self.view.size()))

    for region in regions:
      line = Line(self.view, region,
      if line.has_color():
          self.view.erase_regions("gutter_color_%s" % region.a)
项目:PhaserSublimePackage    作者:PhaserEditor2D    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def buffer_fragment(view, pos):
  region = None
  for js_region in view.find_by_selector("source.js"):
    if js_region.a <= pos and js_region.b >= pos:
      region = js_region
  if region is None: return sublime.Region(pos, pos)

  start = view.line(max(region.a, pos - 1000)).a
  if start < pos - 1500: start = pos - 1500
  cur = start
  min_indent = 10000
  while True:
    next = view.find("\\bfunction\\b", cur)
    if next is None or next.b > pos or (next.a == -1 and next.b == -1): break
    line = view.line(next.a)
    if line.a < pos - 1500: line = sublime.Region(pos - 1500, line.b)
    indent = count_indentation(view.substr(line))
    if indent < min_indent:
      min_indent = indent
      start = line.a
    cur = line.b
  return sublime.Region(start, min(pos + 500, region.b))