def extract_path(cmd, delim=':'): """Return the user's PATH as a colon-delimited list.""" from . import persist persist.debug('user shell:', cmd[0]) out = run_shell_cmd(cmd).decode() path = out.split('__SUBL_PATH__', 2) if len(path) > 1: path = path[1] return ':'.join(path.strip().split(delim)) else: persist.printf('Could not parse shell PATH output:\n' + (out if out else '<empty>')) sublime.error_message( 'SublimeLinter could not determine your shell PATH. ' 'It is unlikely that any linters will work. ' '\n\n' 'Please see the troubleshooting guide for info on how to debug PATH problems.') return ''
def run_terminal(self, dir_, parameters): try: if not dir_: raise NotFoundError('The file open in the selected view has ' + 'not yet been saved') for k, v in enumerate(parameters): parameters[k] = v.replace('%CWD%', dir_) args = [TerminalSelector.get()] args.extend(parameters) encoding = locale.getpreferredencoding(do_setlocale=True) if sys.version_info >= (3,): cwd = dir_ else: cwd = dir_.encode(encoding) subprocess.Popen(args, cwd=cwd) except (OSError) as exception: print(str(exception)) sublime.error_message('Terminal: The terminal ' + TerminalSelector.get() + ' was not found') except (Exception) as exception: sublime.error_message('Terminal: ' + str(exception))
def start_server(project): if not tern_command: return None if time.time() - project.last_failed < 30: return None env = None if platform.system() == "Darwin": env = os.environ.copy() env["PATH"] += ":/usr/local/bin" proc = subprocess.Popen(tern_command + tern_arguments, cwd=project.dir, env=env, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=windows) output = "" while True: line = proc.stdout.readline().decode("utf-8") if not line: sublime.error_message("Failed to start server" + (output and ":\n" + output)) project.last_failed = time.time() return None match = re.match("Listening on port (\\d+)", line) if match: project.proc = proc return int(match.group(1)) else: output += line
def run(self, edit, **args): data = run_command(self.view, {"type": "definition", "lineCharPositions": True}) if data is None: return file = data.get("file", None) if file is not None: # Found an actual definition row, col = self.view.rowcol(self.view.sel()[0].b) cur_pos = self.view.file_name() + ":" + str(row + 1) + ":" + str(col + 1) jump_stack.append(cur_pos) if len(jump_stack) > 50: jump_stack.pop(0) real_file = (os.path.join(get_pfile(self.view).project.dir, file) + ":" + str(data["start"]["line"] + 1) + ":" + str(data["start"]["ch"] + 1)) sublime.active_window().open_file(real_file, sublime.ENCODED_POSITION) else: url = data.get("url", None) if url is None: sublime.error_message("Could not find a definition") else: webbrowser.open(url)
def compile_deps(path, config): files, root = deps.get(path) config['root'] = root config['file'] = path autoload_frameworks(config) struct = config["output"]["structure"] if not struct or struct == "nested": return compile.nested(files, config) elif type(struct) is list and len(struct) is 2 and struct[0] == "nested": return compile.nested(files, config, struct[1]) elif struct == "flat": return compile.flat(files, config) else: sublime.error_message(u"Unknown output structure: {0}".format(struct)) return
def _compile(files, config, outfile_for): flags = to_flags(config['compile']) compiled = [] for f in files: in_file = os.path.join(config['root'], f) out_file = outfile_for(f) # Make sure output folder exists mkdir_p(os.path.dirname(out_file)) command = [sass.path] + flags + [in_file, out_file] p = Popen(command, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, **_platform_opts) out, err = p.communicate() if err: print(u"Error: {0}".format(err)) print(u"Command: {0}".format(" ".join(command))) sublime.error_message(u"Failed to compile {0}\n\nView error with Ctrl+`".format(f)) return compiled.append(f) return compiled
def guess_root(file): ''' For projects without .libsass.json configs, search for the most distant parent directory that still has a .sass or .scss file ''' def is_sass(file): ext = os.path.splitext(file)[1] return ext in ['.sass', '.scss'] for i, path in enumerate(subpaths(file)): (_, _, files) = next(os.walk(path)) if not any([is_sass(f) for f in files]): break if not is_sass(file): sublime.error_message("Please save the file") assert is_sass(file) assert i > 0 return subpaths(file)[i-1]
def _run(self, thread, count=0): """Evaluate environment in a separate thread and show an activity indicator. Inspect thread at regular intervals until it's finished, at which point `make_requests` can be invoked. Return if thread times out. """ REFRESH_MULTIPLIER = 2 activity = self.get_activity_indicator(count//REFRESH_MULTIPLIER, self.ACTIVITY_SPACES) if count > 0: # don't distract user with RequesterEnv status if env can be evaluated quickly self.view.set_status('requester.activity', '{} {}'.format('RequesterEnv', activity)) if thread.is_alive(): timeout = self.config.get('timeout_env', None) if timeout is not None and count * self.REFRESH_MS/REFRESH_MULTIPLIER > timeout * 1000: sublime.error_message('Timeout Error: environment took too long to parse') self.view.set_status('requester.activity', '') return sublime.set_timeout(lambda: self._run(thread, count+1), self.REFRESH_MS/REFRESH_MULTIPLIER) else: requests = self.get_requests() self.view.set_status('requester.activity', '') self.make_requests(requests, self._env)
def get_env_dict_from_string(s): """What it sounds like. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5362771/load-module-from-string-in-python """ try: del sys.modules['requester.env'] # this avoids a subtle bug, DON'T REMOVE except KeyError: pass if not s: return {} env = imp.new_module('requester.env') try: exec(s, env.__dict__) except Exception as e: sublime.error_message('EnvBlock Error:\n{}'.format(e)) return {} else: return dict(env.__dict__)
def run(self, edit, back): view = self.view if not view.settings().get('requester.response_view', False): return reqs = load_history(rev=False) index = view.settings().get('requester.request_history_index', len(reqs)-1) total = len(reqs) if back: index -= 1 else: index += 1 if index < 0 or index >= len(reqs): return try: params_dict = reqs[index][1] except IndexError as e: sublime.error_message('RequestHistory Error: {}'.format(e)) return view.settings().set('requester.request_history_index', index) populate_staging_view(view, total-index-1, total, **params_dict)
def run_initial_request(self, req, filename): requests_method = getattr(requests, req.method.lower()) try: res = requests_method(*req.args, stream=True, **req.kwargs) except Exception as e: sublime.error_message('Download Error: {}'.format(e)) return response = Response(req, res, None) self.handle_response(response) self.handle_responses([response]) self.persist_requests([response]) # persist initial request before starting download if res.status_code != 200: sublime.error_message( 'Download Error: response status code is not 200\n\n{}'.format(truncate(res.text, 500)) ) if sublime.load_settings('Requester.sublime-settings').get('only_download_for_200', True): return self.download_file(res, filename)
def run(self, edit): curls = self.get_curls() requests = [] for curl in curls: try: request = curl_to_request(curl) except Exception as e: sublime.error_message('Conversion Error: {}'.format(e)) traceback.print_exc() else: requests.append(request) if not requests: return header = '# import from cURL' view = self.view.window().new_file() view.run_command('requester_replace_view_text', {'text': header + '\n\n\n' + '\n\n\n'.join(requests) + '\n', 'point': 0}) view.set_syntax_file('Packages/Requester/syntax/requester-source.sublime-syntax') view.set_name('requests') view.set_scratch(True)
def get_curls(self): """Parses curls from multiple selections. If nothing is highlighted, cursor's current line is taken as selection. """ view = self.view curls = [] for region in view.sel(): if not region.empty(): selection = view.substr(region) else: selection = view.substr(view.line(region)) try: curls_ = self.parse_curls(selection) except Exception as e: sublime.error_message('Parse Error: {}'.format(e)) traceback.print_exc() else: for curl in curls_: curls.append(curl) return curls
def get_requests(self): """Parses only first highlighted selection. """ view = self.view self._tests = [] for region in view.sel(): if not region.empty(): selection = view.substr(region) try: self._tests = parse_tests(selection) except Exception as e: sublime.error_message('Parse Error: there may be unbalanced brackets in tests') print(e) break # only parse first selection return [test.request for test in self._tests]
def get_requests(self): """Parses URL from first selection, and passes it in special `explore` arg to call to requests. """ view = self.view if not view or not view.settings().get('requester.response_view', False): sublime.error_message('Explore Error: you can only explore URLs from response tabs') return [] try: url = view.substr(view.sel()[0]).replace('"', '') except: return [] if not url: return [] self._explore_url = url try: request = self.get_replay_request() except: return [] unclosed = request[:-1].strip() if unclosed[-1] == ',': unclosed = unclosed[:-1] return ["{}, explore=({}, {}))".format(unclosed, repr(request), repr(url))]
def plugin_loaded(): global currentSettings, language, currentView currentSettings = sublime.load_settings(setting_file) language = currentSettings.get('language') currentView = sublime.active_window().active_view() docphpPath = getDocphpPath() if not os.path.isdir(docphpPath + 'language'): os.makedirs(docphpPath + 'language') if not callable(sublime_symbol.symbol_at_point) or not callable(sublime_symbol.navigate_to_symbol): sublime.error_message('Cannot find symbol_at_point from Default.sublime-package\n\nPlease restore the file which usually replaced by outdated localizations') from package_control import events if events.install(package_name) or not language: currentView.run_command('docphp_checkout_language', {"is_init": True, "set_fallback": True})
def languageExists(languageName=None, fallback=False): if not languageName: languageName = language if not language: currentView.run_command('docphp_checkout_language', {"is_init": True, "set_fallback": True}) return False if languageName not in docphp_languages and not loadLanguage(): if fallback: begin = 'The fallback' else: begin = 'The' print(getAllLanguages()) show_name = getAllLanguages()[languageName]['name'] sublime.error_message(begin + ' language "' + show_name + '" has not yet installed.\nYou can use\n\n DocPHP: checkout language\n\ncommand to checkout a language pack.') return False return True
def load_settings(self, project_dir): project_setting_file = RemoteGDBSettings.project_setting_file(project_dir) if not os.path.exists(project_setting_file): return False try: with open(project_setting_file) as data_file: json_str = "" for line in data_file.readlines(): line = line.strip() if len(line) == 0: continue if line.startswith("//"): continue json_str += line json_str += "\n" self.data = json.loads(json_str) except Exception as err: print(err) # sublime.error_message("some errors exist in project setting file!") return False return True
def run(self, index=None, **args): command = args.get('command') active_file_path = self.__active_file_path() active_folders = sublime.active_window().folders() if command == 'mlist': self.__beagle = Phoenix(active_file_path + 'beagle_migrations', self.__patterns(), active_folders) self.window.show_quick_panel(self.__beagle.descriptions(), self.__open_file) else: if not active_folders: active_folders = os.path.split(active_file_path)[0] sublime.error_message("SideBar is empty!") if active_file_path: if self.__patterns(): self.__beagle = Phoenix(active_file_path, self.__patterns(), active_folders) self.window.show_quick_panel(self.__beagle.descriptions(), self.__open_file) else: self.__status_msg("Patterns are not loaded!") else: self.__status_msg("No open files")
def get_transformation_list(self, settings, view): '''Generates a ranked list of available transformations.''' # score the transformations and rank them ranked = {} for label, setting in settings['transformations'].items(): for scope in setting['scope']: score = view.score_selector(0, scope) if not score: continue if label not in ranked or ranked[label] < score: ranked[label] = score if not len(ranked): sublime.error_message('No transformations configured for the syntax '+ view.settings().get('syntax')) return # reverse sort transformation_list = list(OrderedDict(sorted( ranked.items(), key=lambda t: t[1])).keys()) transformation_list.reverse() return transformation_list
def load_folder_settings_file(folder_settings_file): try: folder_settings_file = open(folder_settings_file, "r") except IOError as e: sublime.error_message("Error: spandoc.json exists, but could not be read. Exception: " + str(e)) folder_settings_file.close() else: settings_file_commented = folder_settings_file.read() folder_settings_file.close() # debug("settings_file_commented: " + str(settings_file_commented)) try: settings_file = sublime.decode_value(settings_file_commented) except (KeyError, ValueError) as e: sublime.error_message("JSON Error: Cannot parse spandoc.json. See console for details. Exception: " + str(e)) return None # debug("settings_file: " + str(settings_file)) return settings_file
def calc_width(view): ''' return float width, which must be 0.0 < width < 1.0 (other values acceptable, but cause unfriendly layout) used in show.show() and "outline_select" command with other_group=True ''' width = view.settings().get('outline_width', 0.3) if isinstance(width, float): width -= width//1 # must be less than 1 elif isinstance(width, int if ST3 else long): # assume it is pixels wport = view.viewport_extent()[0] width = 1 - round((wport - width) / wport, 2) if width >= 1: width = 0.9 else: sublime.error_message(u'FileBrowser:\n\noutline_width set to ' u'unacceptable type "%s", please change it.\n\n' u'Fallback to default 0.3 for now.' % type(width)) width = 0.3 return width or 0.1 # avoid 0.0
def on_done(self, paths, relative_to_project, name): if relative_to_project or s.get('new_folders_relative_to_project_root', False): paths = SideBarProject().getDirectories() if paths: paths = [SideBarItem(paths[0], True)] if not paths: paths = SideBarSelection(paths).getSelectedDirectoriesOrDirnames() else: paths = SideBarSelection(paths).getSelectedDirectoriesOrDirnames() for item in paths: item = SideBarItem(item.join(name), True) if item.exists(): sublime.error_message("Unable to create folder, folder or file exists.") self.run(paths, name) return else: item.create() if not item.exists(): sublime.error_message("Unable to create folder:\n\n"+item.path()) self.run(paths, name) return SideBarProject().refresh();
def run(self, paths = [], application = "", extensions = "", args=[]): application_dir, application_name = os.path.split(application) if extensions == '*': extensions = '.*' if extensions == '': items = SideBarSelection(paths).getSelectedItems() else: items = SideBarSelection(paths).getSelectedFilesWithExtension(extensions) import subprocess try: for item in items: if sublime.platform() == 'osx': subprocess.Popen(['open', '-a', application] + args + [item.name()], cwd=item.dirname()) elif sublime.platform() == 'windows': subprocess.Popen([application_name] + args + [escapeCMDWindows(item.path())], cwd=expandVars(application_dir), shell=True) else: subprocess.Popen([application_name] + args + [escapeCMDWindows(item.name())], cwd=item.dirname()) except: sublime.error_message('Unable to "Open With..", probably incorrect path to application.')
def run(self): old = self.old new = self.new key = self.key window_set_status(key, 'Duplicating…') item = SideBarItem(old, os.path.isdir(old)) try: if not item.copy(new): window_set_status(key, '') if SideBarItem(new, os.path.isdir(new)).overwrite(): self.run() else: SideBarDuplicateCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand).run([old], new) return except: window_set_status(key, '') sublime.error_message("Unable to copy:\n\n"+old+"\n\nto\n\n"+new) SideBarDuplicateCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand).run([old], new) return item = SideBarItem(new, os.path.isdir(new)) if item.isFile(): item.edit(); SideBarProject().refresh(); window_set_status(key, '')
def get_base64_saver(loading, url): def callback(content): if isinstance(content, urllib.error.HTTPError): if content.getcode() == 404: loading[url] = 404 return elif isinstance(content, urllib.error.URLError): if (content.reason.errno == 11001 and content.reason.strerror == 'getaddrinfo failed'): loading[url] = 404 return return sublime.error_message('An unexpected error has occured: ' + str(content)) loading[url] = to_base64(content=content) return callback
def _get_apple_clang_version_str(cls, output_text): version_regex = re.compile("\d\.\d\.*\d*") match = version_regex.search(output_text) if match: version_str = match.group() # throw away the patch number osx_version = version_str[:3] try: # info from this table: # https://gist.github.com/yamaya/2924292 version_str = OSX_CLANG_VERSION_DICT[osx_version] except Exception as e: sublime.error_message("Version '{}' of AppleClang is not " "supported yet. Please open an issue " "for it".format(osx_version)) raise e log.warning("OSX version %s reported. Reducing it to %s.", osx_version, version_str) log.info("Found clang version %s", version_str) return version_str else: raise RuntimeError(" Couldn't find clang version in clang version " "output.")
def info(self, tooltip_request, settings): """Provide information about object in given location. Using the current translation unit it queries libclang for available information about cursor. Args: tooltip_request (tools.ActionRequest): A request for action from the plugin. settings: All plugin settings. Returns: (tools.ActionRequest, str): completion request along with the info details read from the translation unit. """ # This is a dummy implementation that just shows an error to the user. sublime.error_message(DUMMY_INFO_MSG)
def _wait_for_finish_and_notify_user(self, i=1, dir=-1): """ Displays animated Message as long as TSS is initing. Is recoursive function. """ if self.get_initialisation_error_message(): sublime.error_message('Typescript initializion error for : %s\n >>> %s\n ArcticTypescript is disabled until you restart sublime.' % (self.project.tsconfigfile, self.get_initialisation_error_message())) set_plugin_temporarily_disabled() return if not self.is_initialized(): (i, dir) = self._display_animated_init_message(i, dir) # recursive: sublime.set_timeout(lambda: self._wait_for_finish_and_notify_user(i, dir), 100) else: # starting finished -> MESSAGE.show('Typescript project intialized for file : %s' % self.project.tsconfigfile, True, with_panel=False) self.project.on_services_started()
def entered_filename(self, filename): # Check if valid root specified for windows. if PLATFORM == "windows": if re.match(WIN_ROOT_REGEX, filename): root = filename[0:3] if not os.path.isdir(root): sublime.error_message(root + " is not a valid root.") self.clear() return base, path = self.split_path(filename) file_path = generate_creation_path(self.settings, base, path, True) # Check for invalid alias specified. is_valid = (TOP_LEVEL_SPLIT_CHAR in filename and not self.platform.is_absolute_path(base)) if is_valid: if base == "": error_message = "Current file cannot be resolved." else: error_message = "'" + base + "' is an invalid alias." sublime.error_message(error_message) self.entered_file_action(file_path)
def _delete_file(self, filepath): if not filepath: return elif not os.path.isfile(filepath): sublime.error_message("%s is not a file" % filepath) return if not sublime.ok_cancel_dialog("Delete this file?\n%s" % filepath): return vcs_tracking = (self.file_tracked_by_git(filepath) and self.settings.get(VCS_MANAGEMENT_SETTING)) self.close_view(filepath) if vcs_tracking: self._git_rm(filepath) else: self._execute_delete_file(filepath) self.refresh_sidebar()
def run(self, index=None, name=None): if self.server.is_configuring: sublime.error_message("CMake is configuring, please wait.") return if not self.server.targets: sublime.error_message("No targets found! " "Did you configure the project?") return if name is not None: self._on_done(name) elif not index: self.items = [ [t.name, t.type, t.directory] for t in self.server.targets] self.window.show_quick_panel(self.items, self._on_done) else: self._on_done(index)
def _create_project(self): os.makedirs(self.project_dir, exist_ok=True) if not os.path.exists(self.project_dir): sublime.error_message("Could not create directory %s" % self.project_dir) os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.project_dir, "src"), exist_ok=True) with open(os.path.join(self.project_dir, "CMakeLists.txt"), "w") as f: f.write(CMAKELISTS_FILE.format(self.project_name, self.type)) with open(os.path.join(self.project_dir, "src", "main." + self.suffix), "w") as f: if self.type == "C": f.write(CFILE) else: f.write(CXXFILE) with open(os.path.join(self.project_dir, "src", "CMakeLists.txt"), "w") as f: f.write(CMAKELISTS_SRC_FILE.format(self.suffix)) project_file = os.path.join(self.project_dir, self.project_name + ".sublime-project") with open(project_file, "w") as f: f.write(PROJECTFILE) if sublime.ok_cancel_dialog('Select the file %s in "%s" in the upcoming prompt...' % (self.project_name + ".sublime-project", self.project_dir)): sublime.run_command("prompt_open_project_or_workspace")
def _on_done(self, which, value): value = value.strip() if not value: return fqn = join(self.path, value) if exists(fqn): sublime.error_message('{} already exists'.format(fqn)) return if which == 'directory': os.makedirs(fqn) else: open(fqn, 'wb') self.view.run_command('dired_refresh', {'goto': value})
def _move(self, path): if path == self.path: return files = self.get_marked() or self.get_selected() if not isabs(path): path = join(self.path, path) if not isdir(path): sublime.error_message('Not a valid directory: {}'.format(path)) return # Move all items into the target directory. If the target directory was also selected, # ignore it. files = self.get_marked() or self.get_selected() path = normpath(path) for filename in files: fqn = normpath(join(self.path, filename)) if fqn != path: shutil.move(fqn, path) self.view.run_command('dired_refresh')
def run_script_on_file(self, temp_file_path): try: node_path = PluginUtils.get_node_path() script_path = PLUGIN_FOLDER + "/scripts/run.js" file_path = self.view.file_name() cmd = [node_path, script_path, temp_file_path, file_path or "?"] output = SoliumGutterCommand.get_output(cmd) print(output) if output.find(OUTPUT_VALID) != -1: output = output.decode('utf-8'); return output print(output) raise Exception(output) except: # Something bad happened. print("Unexpected error({0}): {1}".format(sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1])) # Usually, it's just node.js not being found. Try to alleviate the issue. msg = "Node.js was not found in the default path. Please specify the location." if not sublime.ok_cancel_dialog(msg): msg = "You won't be able to use this plugin without specifying the path to node.js." sublime.error_message(msg) else: PluginUtils.open_sublime_settings(self.view.window())
def run(self, edit): def done(path): settings = sublime.load_settings("PICO-8.sublime-settings") settings.set("pico-8_path", path) sublime.save_settings("PICO-8.sublime-settings") return platform = sublime.platform() if platform == "linux": self.view.window().show_input_panel("PICO-8 Path", "/path/to/pico8", done, None, None) elif platform == "osx": self.view.window().show_input_panel("PICO-8 Path", "/path/to/PICO-8.app/Contents/MacOS/pico8", done, None, None) elif platform == "windows": self.view.window().show_input_panel("PICO-8 Path", "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\PICO-8\\pico8.exe", done, None, None) else: sublime.error_message("Error: could not resolve platform\n\n[\"linux\", \"osx\", \"windows\"]") return
def run(self): head, tail = os.path.split(self.window.active_view().file_name()) CurrentWindowFileName = self.window.active_view().file_name().split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] CurrentWindowFileType = self.window.active_view().file_name().split('/')[-1].split('.')[-1] if os.path.isfile(CurrentWindowFileName) == False: sublime.error_message("You have not complied your solution! Build the executable using sublime text") return inputFile = CurrentWindowFileName+"_input.in" outputFile = CurrentWindowFileName+"_output.out" if os.path.isfile(inputFile) == False: print(os.path.isfile(inputFile), inputFile) sublime.error_message("Initialize the input first! Enter your custom testcases here") self.window.open_file(inputFile) return cmd = QuoteFunc(head + '/' + tail.split('.')[0])+"<"+QuoteFunc(head + '/' + inputFile)+">"+QuoteFunc(head + '/' + outputFile) command = Command(cmd) command.run(timeout = 3) self.window.open_file(outputFile)
def show_file_input(view, title, on_done): file = STATE.file(view.file_name()) if file == None: path = s_cwd() path = path + os.sep else: path = file.remote_path() def on_done_callback(new_file): log('The user has chosen: ' + new_file) cwd = s_cwd() if not new_file.startswith(cwd): sublime.error_message('File must be under CWD:\n\n' + cwd) return path = new_file[len(cwd) + 1:] file = File(cwd=cwd, path=path) on_done(file) view.window().show_input_panel( caption=title, initial_text=path, on_done=on_done_callback, on_change=None, on_cancel=None, )
def _run_in_the_background(self, view, src_file, dst_file): try: ssh_cmd('mv "{src}" "{dst}"'.format( src=src_file.remote_path(), dst=dst_file.remote_path())) except: log_exception('Failed to mv remote files.') sublime.error_message( 'Failed to move files remotely.\n\nSRC={src}\n\nDST={dst}'.format( src=src_file.remote_path(), dst=dst_file.remote_path())) return self._rm_local_file(src_file.local_path()) self._rm_local_file(dst_file.local_path()) Commands.open_file(self.view, dst_file.to_args()) log(dir(self.view)) view.close() STATE.update_list(cwd=s_cwd(view), files_to_add=[dst_file], files_to_rm=[src_file])
def run_script_on_file(self, data): try: dirname = os.path.dirname(data) node_path = PluginUtils.get_node_path() eslint_path = PluginUtils.get_eslint_path(dirname) if eslint_path == False: sublime.error_message('ESLint could not be found on your path') return; cmd = [node_path, eslint_path, '--fix', data] config_path = PluginUtils.get_pref("config_path") if os.path.isfile(config_path): # If config file path exists, use as is full_config_path = config_path else: # Find config gile relative to project path project_path = PluginUtils.project_path() full_config_path = os.path.join(project_path, config_path) if os.path.isfile(full_config_path): print("Using configuration from {0}".format(full_config_path)) cmd.extend(["--config", full_config_path]) if self.view.file_name(): cdir = os.path.dirname(self.view.file_name()) else: cdir = "/" output = PluginUtils.get_output(cmd, cdir, data) return output; except: # Something bad happened. msg = str(sys.exc_info()[1]) print("Unexpected error({0}): {1}".format(sys.exc_info()[0], msg)) sublime.error_message(msg)
def run(self, args): self.load_config() self.save_all() file = self.file_type(self.view.file_name()) command = file.run_all_tests_command() if self.run_shell_command(command, file.get_project_root()): pass else: sublime.error_message("Only *.exs files supported!")
def file_name_input(self, file_name): full_path = os.path.join(self.selected_dir, file_name) if os.path.lexists(full_path): sublime.error_message('File already exists:\n%s' % full_path) return else: self.create_and_open_file(full_path)
def run(self, cmd="/bin/bash -l", title="Terminal", cwd=None, syntax=None, keep_open=False): """ Open a new terminal view Args: cmd (str, optional): Shell to execute. Defaults to 'bash -l. title (str, optional): Terminal view title. Defaults to 'Terminal'. cwd (str, optional): The working dir to start out with. Defaults to either the currently open file, the currently open folder, $HOME, or "/", in that order of precedence. You may pass arbitrary snippet-like variables. syntax (str, optional): Syntax file to use in the view. keep_open (bool, optional): Keep view open after cmd exits. """ if sublime.platform() not in ("linux", "osx"): sublime.error_message("TerminalView: Unsupported OS") return st_vars = self.window.extract_variables() if not cwd: cwd = "${file_path:${folder}}" cwd = sublime.expand_variables(cwd, st_vars) if not cwd: cwd = os.environ.get("HOME", None) if not cwd: # Last resort cwd = "/" args = {"cmd": cmd, "title": title, "cwd": cwd, "syntax": syntax, "keep_open": keep_open} self.window.new_file().run_command("terminal_view_activate", args=args)
def run(self, _, **kwargs): # Lookup the sublime buffer instance for this view the first time this # command is called if self._sub_buffer is None: self._sub_buffer = SublimeBufferManager.load_from_id(self.view.id()) if type(kwargs["key"]) is not str: sublime.error_message("Terminal View: Got keypress with non-string key") return if "meta" in kwargs and kwargs["meta"]: sublime.error_message("Terminal View: Meta key is not supported yet") return if "meta" not in kwargs: kwargs["meta"] = False if "alt" not in kwargs: kwargs["alt"] = False if "ctrl" not in kwargs: kwargs["ctrl"] = False if "shift" not in kwargs: kwargs["shift"] = False # Lookup the sublime buffer instance for this view sublime_buffer = SublimeBufferManager.load_from_id(self.view.id()) keypress_cb = sublime_buffer.keypress_callback() app_mode = sublime_buffer.terminal_emulator().application_mode_enabled() if keypress_cb: keypress_cb(kwargs["key"], kwargs["ctrl"], kwargs["alt"], kwargs["shift"], kwargs["meta"], app_mode)
def error_message(self, text): sublime.error_message("%s: %s" % (self.package_name, text)) # Output view
def copy_linter(self, name): """Copy the template linter to a new linter with the given name.""" self.name = name self.fullname = 'SublimeLinter-contrib-{}'.format(name) self.dest = os.path.join(sublime.packages_path(), self.fullname) if os.path.exists(self.dest): sublime.error_message('The plugin “{}” already exists.'.format(self.fullname)) return src = os.path.join(sublime.packages_path(), persist.PLUGIN_DIRECTORY, 'linter-plugin-template') self.temp_dir = None try: self.temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() self.temp_dest = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, self.fullname) shutil.copytree(src, self.temp_dest) self.get_linter_language(name, self.configure_linter) except Exception as ex: if self.temp_dir and os.path.exists(self.temp_dir): shutil.rmtree(self.temp_dir) sublime.error_message('An error occurred while copying the template plugin: {}'.format(str(ex)))
def configure_linter(self, language): """Fill out the template and move the linter into Packages.""" try: if language is None: return if not self.fill_template(self.temp_dir, self.name, self.fullname, language): return git = util.which('git') if git: subprocess.call((git, 'init', self.temp_dest)) shutil.move(self.temp_dest, self.dest) util.open_directory(self.dest) self.wait_for_open(self.dest) except Exception as ex: sublime.error_message('An error occurred while configuring the plugin: {}'.format(str(ex))) finally: if self.temp_dir and os.path.exists(self.temp_dir): shutil.rmtree(self.temp_dir)
def create_tempdir(): """Create a directory within the system temp directory used to create temp files.""" try: if os.path.isdir(tempdir): shutil.rmtree(tempdir) os.mkdir(tempdir) # Make sure the directory can be removed by anyone in case the user # runs ST later as another user. os.chmod(tempdir, stat.S_IRWXU | stat.S_IRWXG | stat.S_IRWXO) except PermissionError: if sublime.platform() != 'windows': current_user = pwd.getpwuid(os.geteuid())[0] temp_uid = os.stat(tempdir).st_uid temp_user = pwd.getpwuid(temp_uid)[0] message = ( 'The SublimeLinter temp directory:\n\n{0}\n\ncould not be cleared ' 'because it is owned by \'{1}\' and you are logged in as \'{2}\'. ' 'Please use sudo to remove the temp directory from a terminal.' ).format(tempdir, temp_user, current_user) else: message = ( 'The SublimeLinter temp directory ({}) could not be reset ' 'because it belongs to a different user.' ).format(tempdir) sublime.error_message(message) from . import persist persist.debug('temp directory:', tempdir)