def generate_scheme_fix(old_scheme, new_scheme_path): """Appends background-correction XML to a color scheme file""" from os.path import join from re import sub UUID_REGEX = '[0-9A-Fa-f]{8}-[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}-[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}-[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}-[0-9A-Fa-f]{12}' with open(join(packages_path(),current_directory(),'background_fix.xml')) as f: xml = f.read() scheme_data = load_resource(old_scheme) # only valid for ST3 API! insertion_point = scheme_data.rfind("</array>") new_scheme_data = scheme_data[:insertion_point] + xml + scheme_data[insertion_point:] def uuid_gen(args): from uuid import uuid4 return str(uuid4()) new_scheme_data = sub(UUID_REGEX, uuid_gen, new_scheme_data) with open(new_scheme_path, "wb") as f: f.write(new_scheme_data.encode("utf-8"))
def read_css(self, css): """Read the CSS file.""" try: var = copy.copy(self.variables) var.update( { 'is_phantom': self.css_type == PHANTOM, 'is_popup': self.css_type == POPUP } ) return self.env.from_string( clean_css(sublime.load_resource(css)) ).render(var=var, colors=self.colors, plugin=self.plugin_vars) except Exception: return ''
def _get_user_css(): """Get user css.""" css = None user_css = _get_setting('mdpopups.user_css', DEFAULT_USER_CSS) try: css = clean_css(sublime.load_resource(user_css)) except Exception: css = clean_css(sublime.load_resource(DEFAULT_CSS)) return css if css else '' ############################## # Markdown parsing ##############################
def _get_theme(view, css=None, css_type=POPUP, template_vars=None): """Get the theme.""" global base_css if base_css is None: base_css = clean_css(sublime.load_resource(BASE_CSS)) obj, user_css = _get_scheme(view) font_size = view.settings().get('font_size', 12) try: return obj.apply_template( base_css + obj.get_css() + (clean_css(css) if css else '') + user_css, css_type, font_size, template_vars ) if obj is not None else '' except Exception: _log('Failed to retrieve scheme CSS!') _debug(traceback.format_exc(), ERROR) return ''
def _get_user_css(): """Get user css.""" css = None user_css = _get_setting('mdpopups.user_css', DEFAULT_USER_CSS) try: css = clean_css(sublime.load_resource(user_css)) except Exception: pass return css if css else '' ############################## # Markdown parsing ##############################
def _get_theme(view, css=None, css_type=POPUP, template_vars=None): """Get the theme.""" global base_css if base_css is None: base_css = clean_css(sublime.load_resource(BASE_CSS)) obj, user_css, default_css = _get_scheme(view) font_size = view.settings().get('font_size', 12) try: return obj.apply_template( base_css + default_css + obj.get_css() + (clean_css(css) if css else '') + user_css, css_type, font_size, template_vars ) if obj is not None else '' except Exception: _log('Failed to retrieve scheme CSS!') _debug(traceback.format_exc(), ERROR) return ''
def formatPopup(self, content, symbol, can_back=False): if not isinstance(content, str): return content = decodeEntity(content) parser = PopupHTMLParser(symbol, language, can_back) try: parser.feed(content) except FinishError: pass content = parser.output content = '<style>'+sublime.load_resource('Packages/' + package_name + '/style.css') + \ '</style><div id="outer"><div id="container">' + content + "</div></div>" content = re.sub('<strong><code>([A-Z_]+)</code></strong>', '<strong><code><a class="constant" href="constant.\\1">\\1</a></code></strong>', content) return content
def get_missing(theme_package): missing_icons = [] all_icons = sublime.find_resources("*.png") package_icons = json.loads(sublime.load_resource("Packages/" + settings.PACKAGE_NAME + "/common/icons.json")) theme_icons_path = get_path(theme_package) theme_icons = [ os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(i)[0]) for i in all_icons if i.startswith(theme_icons_path) ] for icon in package_icons: if icon not in theme_icons: missing_icons.append(icon) return missing_icons
def run(self): view = self.window.new_file() view.set_name("{} – Changelog".format(settings.PACKAGE_NAME)) view.settings().set("gutter", False) view.settings().set("line_numbers", False) view.settings().set("caret_extra_top", 0) view.settings().set("caret_extra_bottom", 0) view.settings().set("caret_extra_width", 0) html = str(sublime.load_resource( "Packages/{}/.sublime/CHANGELOG.html".format(settings.PACKAGE_NAME) )) view.add_phantom( "afi_changelog", sublime.Region(0), html, sublime.LAYOUT_INLINE, on_navigate=self.on_navigate ) view.set_read_only(True) view.set_scratch(True)
def load_help(pkg_info, help_file): """ Load and return the contents of the help file with the given name from the provided package. The help file name should be relative to the set document root for the package given. Returns the contents of the help file or None. """ try: return sublime.load_resource("%s/%s" % (pkg_info.doc_root, help_file)) except: pass return None
def set_color_scheme(view): """ Set color scheme for view """ color_scheme = "Packages/TerminalView/TerminalView.hidden-tmTheme" # Check if user color scheme exists try: sublime.load_resource("Packages/User/TerminalView.hidden-tmTheme") color_scheme = "Packages/User/TerminalView.hidden-tmTheme" except: pass if view.settings().get('color_scheme') != color_scheme: view.settings().set('color_scheme', color_scheme)
def show_doc_popup(self, view, point, word): if not word in functions: return max_width, max_height = 600, 300 word = word.replace("_","-") filepath = re.sub("{{.*?}}",word,self.settings.get('pathToPHPDocs')) print(filepath) html_file = filepath html_str = sublime.load_resource(html_file) html_str = re.sub("<!DOCTYPE.*?>","",html_str) #strip Meta tag html_str = re.sub("<meta .*?>","",html_str) #remove entities that python has trouble with from what I saw html_str = re.sub("—","-",html_str) html_str = re.sub(""",'"',html_str) html_str = re.sub("'","'",html_str) html_str = re.sub("»","»",html_str) #replace &$ with entity many functions had this html_str = re.sub("&\$","&$",html_str) #remove all spans html_str = re.sub("<span.*?>(.*?)</span>",r"\1",html_str) html_str = re.sub("<head>","",html_str) html_str = re.sub("</head>","",html_str) view.show_popup(html_str, sublime.HIDE_ON_MOUSE_MOVE_AWAY, point, max_width, max_height, lambda s: self.on_navigate(s, view, point), ) print("here")
def load_css(self): """ Loads CSS from file and stores it as object property. """ settings = sublime.load_settings("RegexExplainTip.sublime-settings") css_file = settings.get("css_file") self.observe_settings() try: self.css = sublime.load_resource(css_file).replace("\r", "") except IOError: self.css = "" print("RegexExplainTip:\nSpecified file: '%s' does not seem to exists." % css_file)
def __load_resources(self): """Load Vale's static resources. """ self.error_template = sublime.load_resource( self.settings.get('vale_error_template')) self.warning_template = sublime.load_resource( self.settings.get('vale_warning_template')) self.info_template = sublime.load_resource( self.settings.get('vale_info_template')) self.css = sublime.load_resource(self.settings.get('vale_css'))
def open_doc(self, json_path, prefix_url): doc_dict = json.loads(sublime.load_resource(json_path)) doc_list = list(doc_dict.keys()) doc_list = sorted(doc_list) show_list = copy.copy(doc_list) for i in range(len(show_list)): api = doc_list[i] info = doc_dict[api] show_list[i] = '%s (%s)' % (api, info['desc']) def on_done(index): if index == -1: return api = doc_list[index] info = doc_dict[api] url = prefix_url + info['href'] open_url(url) window = sublime.active_window() window.show_quick_panel(show_list, on_done) # ---------------------------------------------------------- # Commands # ----------------------------------------------------------
def _get_default_css(): """Get default CSS.""" return clean_css(sublime.load_resource(DEFAULT_CSS))
def get_scratch_view_from_resource(self, resource): content = sublime.load_resource(resource) view = self.window.new_file() view.set_name('Requester Tests') view.run_command('requester_replace_view_text', {'text': content}) view.set_scratch(True) return view
def run(self): show_read_only_doc_view( self.window.new_file(), sublime.load_resource('Packages/Requester/docs/tutorial.pyr'), 'Requester Tutorial.pyr', syntax='Packages/Requester/syntax/requester-source.sublime-syntax' )
def run(self, online=False): if online: webbrowser.open_new_tab('http://requester.org') return show_read_only_doc_view(self.window.new_file(), sublime.load_resource('Packages/Requester/docs/_content/body.md'), 'Requester Documentation')
def set_syntax(view, syntax): """Attempts to set syntax for view without showing error pop-up. """ try: sublime.load_resource(syntax) except: return False else: view.set_syntax_file(syntax) return True
def getAllLanguages(): return sublime.decode_value(sublime.load_resource('Packages/' + package_name + '/languages.json'))
def decodeEntity(xml, category='iso'): global entities if not isinstance(xml, str): return xml if entities[category]: forward, reverse = entities[category] else: resourceMap = { "iso": "IsoEntities.json", "html": "HtmlEntities.json", } forward = sublime.decode_value(sublime.load_resource('Packages/' + package_name + '/' + resourceMap[category])) reverse = dict((v, k) for k, v in forward.items()) entities[category] = (forward, reverse) def parseEntity(match): entity = match.group(1) try: if entity.isdigit(): return reverse[int(entity)] else: return chr(forward[entity]) except: return match.group(0) xml = re.sub('&([a-zA-Z0-9]+);', parseEntity, xml) return xml
def load_stylesheets_content(self): """Load the content of the scheme_styles.json file.""" content = "" if os.path.isfile(self.theme_file_path): content = sublime.load_resource(self.resource_path) return content
def __init__(self, view): self.current_line = (-1, -1) self.view = view self.settings = sublime.load_settings('hyper_click.sublime-settings') self.css = sublime.load_resource("Packages/HyperClick/html/ui.css") self.html = sublime.load_resource("Packages/HyperClick/html/ui.html")
def run(self): if self.window.active_view().file_name(): configFile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.window.active_view().file_name()), 'spandoc.json') else: sublime.status_message("Cannot create project configuration for unsaved files.") return if os.path.exists(configFile): self.window.open_file(configFile) return defaultConfigFile = os.path.join(sublime.packages_path(), 'Spandoc', 'Spandoc.sublime-settings') userConfigFile = os.path.join(sublime.packages_path(), 'User', 'Spandoc.sublime-settings') if not os.path.exists(defaultConfigFile) and not os.path.exists(userConfigFile): try: s = sublime.load_resource("Packages/Spandoc/Spandoc.sublime-settings") except OSError as e: sublime.status_message("Could not load default Pandoc configuration.") print("[Spandoc could not find a default configuration file in Packages/Spandoc/Spandoc.sublime-settings]") print("[Loading from the binary package resource file also failed.]") print("[e: {0}]".format(e)) return with codecs.open(configFile, "w", "utf-8") as f: f.write(s) self.window.open_file(configFile) else: try: toCopy = defaultConfigFile if not os.path.exists(userConfigFile) else userConfigFile shutil.copy(toCopy, configFile) except Exception as e: sublime.status_message("Could not write {0}".format(configFile)) print("[Spandoc encountered an exception:]") print("[e: {0}]".format(e)) else: self.window.open_file(configFile)
def _get_package_version(): pkg_json = sublime.load_resource("Packages/" + settings.PACKAGE_NAME + "/package.json") return json.loads(pkg_json)["version"]
def _get_default(): s = json.loads(jsonutils.sanitize_json(sublime.load_resource( "Packages/{0}/.sublime/{1}" .format(PACKAGE_NAME, PACKAGE_SETTINGS_FILE) ))) del s["dev_mode"] del s["dev_trace"] return s
def plugin_loaded(): global error404, loading, DEFAULT_STYLE, USER_STYLE_FILE loading = sublime.load_resource('Packages/MarkdownLivePreview/loading.txt') error404 = sublime.load_resource('Packages/MarkdownLivePreview/404.txt') DEFAULT_STYLE = sublime.load_resource('Packages/MarkdownLivePreview/default.css') USER_STYLE_FILE = os.path.join(sublime.packages_path(), 'User', "MarkdownLivePreview.css")
def get_resource(resource): if os.path.exists(os.path.join(sublime.packages_path(), '..', resource)): with open(os.path.join(sublime.packages_path(), '..', resource), encoding='utf-8') as fp: return fp.read() else: return sublime.load_resource(resource)
def test_populate_flags(self): """Testing include population.""" # open any existing file file_name = path.join(path.dirname(__file__), 'test_files', 'test_wrong_triggers.cpp') self.set_up_view(file_name) # now test the things manager = SettingsManager() settings = manager.user_settings() valid, _ = settings.is_valid() self.assertTrue(valid) p = path.join(sublime.packages_path(), "User", "EasyClangComplete.sublime-settings") if path.exists(p): user = sublime.load_resource( "Packages/User/EasyClangComplete.sublime-settings") if "common_flags" in user: # The user modified the default common flags, just skip the # next few tests. self.tear_down() return initial_common_flags = list(settings.common_flags) settings = manager.settings_for_view(self.view) dirs = settings.common_flags current_folder = path.dirname(self.view.file_name()) parent_folder = path.dirname(current_folder) self.assertTrue(len(initial_common_flags) <= len(dirs)) self.assertTrue(initial_common_flags[0] in dirs) self.assertFalse(initial_common_flags[1] in dirs) self.assertTrue(("-I" + current_folder) in dirs) self.assertTrue(("-I" + parent_folder) in dirs) self.tear_down()
def test_flags(self): """Test that flags are properly defined for a completer.""" file_name = path.join(path.dirname(__file__), 'test_files', 'test.cpp') self.set_up_view(file_name) manager = SettingsManager() settings = manager.settings_for_view(self.view) view_config = ViewConfig(self.view, settings) self.assertIsNotNone(view_config.completer) p = path.join(sublime.packages_path(), "User", "EasyClangComplete.sublime-settings") if path.exists(p): user = sublime.load_resource( "Packages/User/EasyClangComplete.sublime-settings") if "common_flags" in user: # The user modified the default common flags, just skip the # next few tests. self.tear_down() return completer = view_config.completer self.assertEqual(len(completer.clang_flags), 14) # test from the start self.assertEqual(completer.clang_flags[0], '-c') self.assertEqual(completer.clang_flags[1], '-fsyntax-only') self.assertEqual(completer.clang_flags[2], '-x') self.assertEqual(completer.clang_flags[3], 'c++') self.assertEqual(completer.clang_flags[4], '-std=c++11') # test last one expected = path.join(path.dirname( path.dirname(__file__)), 'local_folder') self.assertEqual(completer.clang_flags[12], '-I' + expected) self.tear_down()
def initialize_ProgressBar( self, view ): #??? Text ???# self.popUp_Label_InProgress = "PROGRESS:" self.popUp_Label_Complete = "COMPLETE!" #??? Progress Tracking ???# self.maxPercent = 100 self.updateFrequency = 50 # In Milliseconds #??? Dimensions ???# self.popupWidth = 500 self.popupMaxHeight = 500 self.progressBar_Height = 21 #??? Colors ???# self.progressBar_Incomplete_Color = "#0B121A" self.progressBar_Complete_Color = "#57BB80" self.progressBar_Progress_Color = "#5A91BC" self.progressBar_BorderColor = "#000000" self.popupCSS = sublime.load_resource( sublime.find_resources( "ProgressBarDemo_ProgressBar.css" )[ 0 ] ) self.progressBar_Width = int( float( self.popupWidth * 0.8 ) ) self.progressPercent = 0 mdpopups.show_popup( view, # view "", # content True, # markdown self.popupCSS, # css 0, # flags -1, # location self.popupWidth, # width self.popupMaxHeight # height )
def copy_template_resource(self, dest_path, resource_name): plugin_dir_name = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) # extract plugin name from file with extention ".sublime-package": # Electric Imp Developer.sublime-package plugin_name, ext = os.path.splitext(plugin_dir_name) # see https://www.sublimetext.com/docs/3/api_reference.html: # load_resource(name) - Loads the given resource. # The name should be in the format Packages/Default/Main.sublime-menu. resource_path = '/'.join(["Packages", plugin_name, PR_TEMPLATE_DIR_NAME, resource_name]) content = sublime.load_resource(resource_path) dest_path = os.path.join(dest_path, resource_name) if os.path.isdir(dest_path) else dest_path with open(dest_path, 'a', encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(content)
def _get_resource(package_name, resource, return_binary=False, encoding="utf-8"): packages_path = sublime.packages_path() content = None if VERSION > 3013: try: if return_binary: content = sublime.load_binary_resource("Packages/" + package_name + "/" + resource) else: content = sublime.load_resource("Packages/" + package_name + "/" + resource) except IOError: pass else: path = None if os.path.exists(os.path.join(packages_path, package_name, resource)): path = os.path.join(packages_path, package_name, resource) content = _get_directory_item_content(path, return_binary, encoding) if VERSION >= 3006: sublime_package = package_name + ".sublime-package" packages_path = sublime.installed_packages_path() if content is None: if os.path.exists(os.path.join(packages_path, sublime_package)): content = _get_zip_item_content(os.path.join(packages_path, sublime_package), resource, return_binary, encoding) packages_path = os.path.dirname(sublime.executable_path()) + os.sep + "Packages" if content is None: if os.path.exists(os.path.join(packages_path, sublime_package)): content = _get_zip_item_content(os.path.join(packages_path, sublime_package), resource, return_binary, encoding) return content
def get_code(self, type='text' ): code = '' file_name = "%s.tmpl" % type isIOError = False if IS_GTE_ST3: tmpl_dir = 'Packages/' + PACKAGE_NAME + '/' + TMLP_DIR + '/' user_tmpl_dir = 'Packages/User/' + PACKAGE_NAME + '/' + TMLP_DIR + '/' else: tmpl_dir = os.path.join(PACKAGES_PATH, PACKAGE_NAME, TMLP_DIR) user_tmpl_dir = os.path.join(PACKAGES_PATH, 'User', PACKAGE_NAME, TMLP_DIR) self.user_tmpl_path = os.path.join(user_tmpl_dir, file_name) self.tmpl_path = os.path.join(tmpl_dir, file_name) if IS_GTE_ST3: try: code = sublime.load_resource(self.user_tmpl_path) except IOError: try: code = sublime.load_resource(self.tmpl_path) except IOError: isIOError = True else: if os.path.isfile(self.user_tmpl_path): code = self.open_file(self.user_tmpl_path) elif os.path.isfile(self.tmpl_path): code = self.open_file(self.tmpl_path) else: isIOError = True if isIOError: sublime.message_dialog('[Warning] No such file: ' + self.tmpl_path + ' or ' + self.user_tmpl_path) return self.format_tag(code)
def get_template(self, theme_path): s = self.settings() if theme_path == 'none' or theme_path is None: return None tooltip_text = sublime.load_resource(theme_path) return Template(tooltip_text)
def run(self, edit): v = self.view.window().new_file() v.set_name('GPG: Readme') v.settings().set('gutter', False) v.insert(edit, 0, sublime.load_resource('Packages/GPG/README.md')) v.set_syntax_file('Packages/Markdown/Markdown.sublime-syntax') v.set_read_only(True) v.set_scratch(True)
def run(self, edit): v = self.view.window().new_file() v.set_name('GPG: Changelog') v.settings().set('gutter', False) v.insert(edit, 0, sublime.load_resource('Packages/GPG/CHANGELOG.md')) v.set_syntax_file('Packages/Markdown/Markdown.sublime-syntax') v.set_read_only(True) v.set_scratch(True)
def formatCodeVar(self): reportHtml = '<div class="var">' reportHtml += '<p class="files"><em>in this file, at line : </em><a href="line-{line}">{line}</a></p>'.format(line=self.varsFound['line']) # format the code for a better syntax coloration reportHtmlContent = re.sub('(\$|=|new|->)', '<p class="monokai_red">\g<1></p>', self.varsFound['code']) reportHtmlContent = re.sub('(class)(;|,)', '<p class="monokai_blue">\g<1></p>\g<2>', reportHtmlContent) reportHtmlContent = re.sub('(\[| |=|>)([0-9]+)(\]| |;|,)', '\g<1><p class="monokai_int">\g<2></p>\g<3>', reportHtmlContent) # print(reportHtmlContent) reportHtml += reportHtmlContent reportHtml += '</div>' # load the font settings = sublime.load_settings('Preferences.sublime-settings') font = '' if settings.has('font_face'): font = '"%s",' % settings.get('font_face') # getting the errors that occured during the execution htmlErrors = '' if self.QuickEditSetting.get('show_errors'): for e in self.aErrors: htmlErrors += '<p class="error">• %s</p>' % e # if errors were found if htmlErrors: htmlErrors = '<div class="panel panel-error mt20"><div class="panel-header">Errors that occured during the search</div><div class="panel-body">{errors}</div></div>'.format(errors=htmlErrors) # load css, and html ui css = sublime.load_resource('Packages/QuickEdit/resources/ui.css').replace('@@font', font) html = sublime.load_resource('Packages/QuickEdit/resources/report.html').format(css=css, html=reportHtml, errors=htmlErrors) self.view.erase_phantoms('quick_edit') self.view.add_phantom("quick_edit", self.view.sel()[0], html, sublime.LAYOUT_BLOCK, self.click) ######################################################################## # format the code for the functions ########################################################################
def load_color_scheme_resource(color_scheme): return plistlib.readPlistFromBytes(bytes(load_resource(color_scheme), 'UTF-8'))
def random_func(): # Generally safe sublime.load_resource() # but not if called from within the global module scope
def _load_index(package, index_file): """ Takes a package name and its associated hyperhelp.json index resource name and loads it. Returns None on failure or a HelpData tuple for the loaded help information on success. """ try: _log("Loading help index for package %s", package) json = sublime.load_resource(index_file) raw_dict = sublime.decode_value(json) except: return _log("Unable to load help index from '%s'", index_file) # Extract all known top level dictionary keys from the help index description = raw_dict.pop("description", "No description available") doc_root = raw_dict.pop("doc_root", None) toc = raw_dict.pop("toc", None) help_files = raw_dict.pop("help_files", dict()) package_files = raw_dict.pop("package_files", dict()) urls = raw_dict.pop("urls", dict()) # Warn about unknown keys still in the dictionary; they are harmless, but # probably the author did something dodgy. for key in raw_dict.keys(): _log("Unknown key '%s' in help index for package '%s'", key, package) if doc_root is None: doc_root = path.split(index_file)[0] else: doc_root = path.normpath("Packages/%s/%s" % (package, doc_root)) # Pull in all the topics. topics = dict() _process_topic_dict(package, topics, help_files) _process_topic_dict(package, topics, package_files) _process_topic_dict(package, topics, urls) if toc is None: toc = [topics.get(topic) for topic in sorted(topics.keys())] else: _validate_toc(package, toc, topics) return HelpData(package, description, index_file, doc_root, topics, sorted(help_files.keys()), sorted(package_files.keys()), list(urls.keys()), toc)
def update_gutter_marks(self): """Update the gutter mark info based on the the current "gutter_theme" setting.""" theme_path = self.settings.get('gutter_theme', DEFAULT_GUTTER_THEME_PATH) theme = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(theme_path))[0] if theme_path.lower() == 'none': gutter_marks['warning'] = gutter_marks['error'] = '' return info = None for path in (theme_path, DEFAULT_GUTTER_THEME_PATH): try: info = sublime.load_resource(path) break except IOError: pass if info is not None: if theme != 'Default' and os.path.basename(path) == 'Default.gutter-theme': printf('cannot find the gutter theme \'{}\', using the default'.format(theme)) path = os.path.dirname(path) for error_type in ('warning', 'error'): icon_path = '{}/{}.png'.format(path, error_type) gutter_marks[error_type] = icon_path try: info = json.loads(info) colorize = info.get('colorize', False) except ValueError: colorize = False gutter_marks['colorize'] = colorize else: sublime.error_message( 'SublimeLinter: cannot find the gutter theme "{}",' ' and the default is also not available. ' 'No gutter marks will display.'.format(theme) ) gutter_marks['warning'] = gutter_marks['error'] = ''
def load_data(self, kodi_version="krypton"): """ loads the xml with control nodes for sanity checking (controls.xml) as well as builtins including their help string (data.xml) """ # TODO: clean this up try: # since we get packaged we need to use load_resource() to load external files import sublime controls = sublime.load_resource("Packages/KodiDevKit/data/%s/controls.xml" % kodi_version) self.template_root = ET.fromstring(controls.encode("utf-8"), PARSER) # resolve includes data = sublime.load_resource("Packages/KodiDevKit/data/%s/data.xml" % kodi_version) root = ET.fromstring(data.encode("utf-8"), PARSER) WINDOW_MAP = json.loads(sublime.load_resource("Packages/KodiDevKit/data/%s/windows.json" % kodi_version)) except (ImportError, OSError): # fallback to old method so that class still can get used without sublime import path = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(__file__)) folder = os.path.split(path)[0] self.template_root = utils.get_root_from_file(os.path.join(folder, "..", "data", kodi_version, "controls.xml")) root = utils.get_root_from_file(os.path.join(folder, "..", "data", kodi_version, "data.xml")) with open(os.path.join(folder, "..", "data", kodi_version, "windows.json")) as f: WINDOW_MAP = json.load(f) self.WINDOW_FILENAMES = [item[2] for item in WINDOW_MAP] self.WINDOW_NAMES = [item[0] for item in WINDOW_MAP] self.WINDOW_IDS = [str(item[1]) for item in WINDOW_MAP] self.builtins = [[i.find("code").text, i.find("help").text] for i in root.find("builtins")] self.conditions = [[i.find("code").text, i.find("help").text] for i in root.find("conditions")] for include in self.template_root.xpath("//include[@name]"): for node in self.template_root.xpath("//include[not(@*)]"): if node.text == include.attrib.get("name"): for child in include.getchildren(): child = copy.deepcopy(child) node.getparent().append(child) node.getparent().remove(node) self.template_root.remove(include) self.template_attribs = {} self.template_values = {} for template in self.template_root: self.template_attribs[template.attrib.get("type")] = {i.tag: i.attrib for i in template.iterchildren()} self.template_values[template.attrib.get("type")] = {i.tag: i.text for i in template.iterchildren()}
def run(self, edit): if not check_extension(self.view.file_name(), self.view.name()): return vgs = get_prefs() fname = vgs.get("header", "") if fname == "example": if ST3: text = sublime.load_resource('Packages/Verilog Gadget/template/verilog_header.v') else: fname = os.path.join(sublime.packages_path(), 'Verilog Gadget/template/verilog_header.v') if fname != "example": if fname.startswith('Packages'): fname = re.sub('Packages', sublime.packages_path(), fname) if not os.path.isfile(fname): disp_error("Insert Header : File not found (" + fname + ")") return else: with open(fname, "r", encoding="utf8") as f: text = str(f.read()) # replace {DATE}, {FILE}, {YEAR}, {TIME}, {TABS}, {SUBLIME_VERSION} date = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d', time.localtime()) year = time.strftime('%Y', time.localtime()) ntime = time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.localtime()) tabs = str(self.view.settings().get('tab_size')) enco = self.view.encoding() sver = sublime.version()[0] text = re.sub("{DATE}", date, text) # {DATE} text = re.sub("{YEAR}", year, text) # {YEAR} text = re.sub("{TIME}", ntime, text) # {TIME} text = re.sub("{TABS}", tabs, text) # {TABS} text = re.sub("{SUBLIME_VERSION}", sver, text) # {SUBLIME_VERSION} _file = re.compile(r"{FILE}").findall(text) if _file: fname = self.view.file_name() if not fname: disp_msg("Insert Header : Save with name") fname = "" else: fname = os.path.split(fname)[1] text = re.sub("{FILE}", fname, text) # {FILE} self.view.insert(edit, 0, text)