def on_modified_async(self): output_id = self.view.settings().get('minihtml_preview_output_view_id') output_view = next(view for view in self.view.window().views() if view.id() == output_id) content = self.view.substr(sublime.Region(0, self.view.size())) buffer_id = output_view.buffer_id() if buffer_id in self.phantom_sets: ps = self.phantom_sets[buffer_id] else: ps = sublime.PhantomSet(output_view, 'minihtml_preview_phantom') self.phantom_sets[buffer_id] = ps p = sublime.Phantom(sublime.Region(0), content, sublime.LAYOUT_BLOCK, _on_navigate) ps.update([p])
def show_html(md_view, preview): global windows_phantom_set html = markdown2html(get_view_content(md_view), os.path.dirname(md_view.file_name()), md_view.settings().get('color_scheme')) phantom_set = windows_phantom_set.setdefault(preview.window().id(), sublime.PhantomSet(preview, 'markdown_live_preview')) phantom_set.update([sublime.Phantom(sublime.Region(0), html, sublime.LAYOUT_BLOCK, lambda href: sublime.run_command('open_url', {'url': href}))]) # lambda href: sublime.run_command('open_url', {'url': href}) # get the "ratio" of the markdown view's position. # 0 < y < 1 y = md_view.text_to_layout(md_view.sel()[0].begin())[1] / md_view.layout_extent()[1] # set the vector (position) for the preview vector = [0, y * preview.layout_extent()[1]] # remove half of the viewport_extent.y to center it on the screen (verticaly) vector[1] -= preview.viewport_extent()[1] / 2 # make sure the minimum is 0 vector[1] = 0 if vector[1] < 0 else vector[1] # the hide the first line vector[1] += preview.line_height() preview.set_viewport_position(vector, animate=False)
def show_phantoms(self, view): """Show phantoms for compilation errors. Args: view (sublime.View): current view """ view.erase_phantoms(PopupErrorVis._TAG) if view.buffer_id() not in self.phantom_sets: phantom_set = sublime.PhantomSet(view, PopupErrorVis._TAG) self.phantom_sets[view.buffer_id()] = phantom_set else: phantom_set = self.phantom_sets[view.buffer_id()] phantoms = [] current_error_dict = self.err_regions[view.buffer_id()] for err in current_error_dict: errors_dict = current_error_dict[err] errors_html = PhantomErrorVis._as_html(errors_dict) pt = view.text_point(err - 1, 1) phantoms.append(sublime.Phantom( sublime.Region(pt, view.line(pt).b), errors_html, sublime.LAYOUT_BELOW, on_navigate=self._on_phantom_navigate)) phantom_set.update(phantoms)
def anim_loading(self): if self.loading > 0: self.loading_anim = (self.loading_anim + 1) % 8 char = '????????'[self.loading_anim] html = '''<body id="loader"> <style> .spinner { display: inline; color: var(--redish); } </style> Loading <span class="spinner">%s</span></body>''' % char self.loader = sublime.Phantom(sublime.Region(len(self.server['remote_path'])), html, sublime.LAYOUT_INLINE) self.phantom_set.update([self.loader, self.phantom] if self.phantom else [self.loader]) sublime.set_timeout(self.anim_loading, 100) else: print('removing anim') self.phantom_set.update([self.phantom] if self.phantom else [])
def run(self, edit): print("run phantom") view = self.view dirname = os.path.dirname(__file__) for tp, line in self.get_line(): m=re.search(r'!\[([^\]]*)\]\(([^)]*)\)', line) if m: name, file1 = m.group(1), m.group(2) message = "" file2 = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(view.file_name()), file1) # print("%s = %s" % (name, file1)) region = tp command = ['/usr/bin/python3', os.path.join(dirname, 'bin/imageutil.py'), 'size'] command.append(file2) out = self.run_command(" ".join(command)) widthstr, heightstr = out.split(',') # with Image.open(file2) as im: # print("file: %s with size: %d %d" % (file1, im.width, im.height)) message = '''<body> <img width="%s" height="%s" src="file://%s"></img> </body>''' % (widthstr, heightstr, file2) if len(name) == 0: name = file1 # phantom = sublime.Phantom(region, messag e, sublime.LAYOUT_BLOCK) print("message %s" % message) if not self.displayed: self.view.add_phantom(name, region, message, sublime.LAYOUT_BLOCK) else: self.view.erase_phantoms(name) # self.phantom_set.update([phantom]) # view.show_popup('<img src="file://c://msys64/home/chenyu/diary/diary/diary8.jpg">') self.displayed = not self.displayed
def _render(self): settings = self.view.settings() enabled = settings.get(OPT_ENABLED, True) self._clear() if not enabled: return phantoms = [] current_line = self.view.rowcol(self.view.sel()[0].begin())[0] current_line_char = settings.get(OPT_CURRENT_CHAR, "0") lines = self.view.lines(self.view.visible_region()) for line in lines: line_number = self.view.rowcol(line.a)[0] value = self._value( line_number, current_line, current_line_char) phantoms.append( sublime.Phantom( line, self._tpl(value, line_number == current_line), sublime.LAYOUT_INLINE)) self._phantoms.update(phantoms) self.view.set_viewport_position( (0, self.view.viewport_position()[1]), False) sublime.set_timeout(self._clear, settings.get(OPT_CLEAR_TIMEOUT, 1000))
def create_phantom(view: sublime.View, diagnostic: Diagnostic) -> sublime.Phantom: region = diagnostic.range.to_region(view) # TODO: hook up hide phantom (if keeping them) content = create_phantom_html(diagnostic.message) return sublime.Phantom( region, '<p>' + content + '</p>', sublime.LAYOUT_BELOW, lambda href: on_phantom_navigate(view, href, region.begin()) )
def build_phantoms(view, errs, formatter): phantoms = [] show_focus_links = len(errs) > 1 for tbck in errs: line = tbck['line'] text = tbck['text'] testcase = tbck.get('testcase') if text == '': continue pt = view.text_point(line - 1, 0) indentation = get_indentation_at(view, pt) text = formatter.format_text(text, indentation) if show_focus_links and testcase: focus_link = ( ' <a href="focus:{}">focus test</a>'.format(testcase)) lines = text.split('<br />') text = '<br />'.join([lines[0] + focus_link] + lines[1:]) phantoms.append(sublime.Phantom( sublime.Region(pt, view.line(pt).b), ('<body id=inline-error>' + STYLESHEET + '<div class="error">' + '<span class="message">' + text + '</span>' + '</div>' + '</body>'), sublime.LAYOUT_BELOW, _on_navigate)) return phantoms
def createPhantom(self, doc, view): xref_data = self.data[view.window().id()]; loc = sublime.Region(0,0); return sublime.Phantom(loc, doc, sublime.LAYOUT_BELOW, lambda link: self.processLink(link, self.callers, view));
def rebuild_phantom(self): html = '''<body id="tree"> <style> body { font-size: 12px; line-height: 16px; } .file a, .dir a { display: block; padding-left: 4px; } .dir a { padding-top: 1px; padding-bottom: 2px; } .dir a { text-decoration: none; } .file.active { background-color: color(var(--background) blend(var(--foreground) 80%)); border-radius: 3px; } .file span { font-size: 7px; } .file a { text-decoration: none; color: var(--foreground); } </style>''' + ''.join(self.render_subtree(self.tree, [])) + '</body>' self.phantom = sublime.Phantom(sublime.Region(0), html, sublime.LAYOUT_BLOCK, on_navigate=self.on_click) self.phantom_set.update([self.phantom])
def update(self, new_phantoms): """Update the list of phantoms that exist in the text buffer with their current location.""" regions = query_phantoms(self.view, [p.id for p in self.phantoms]) for i in range(len(regions)): self.phantoms[i].region = regions[i] count = 0 for p in new_phantoms: if not isinstance(p, Phantom): # Convert sublime.Phantom to mdpopups.Phantom p = Phantom( p.region, p.content, p.layout, md=False, css=None, on_navigate=p.on_navigate, wrapper_class=None, template_vars=None, template_env_options=None, nl2br=False ) new_phantoms[count] = p try: # Phantom already exists, copy the id from the current one idx = self.phantoms.index(p) p.id = self.phantoms[idx].id except ValueError: p.id = add_phantom( self.view, self.key, p.region, p.content, p.layout, p.md, p.css, p.on_navigate, p.wrapper_class, p.template_vars, p.template_env_options, p.nl2br ) count += 1 for p in self.phantoms: # if the region is -1, then it's already been deleted, no need to call erase if p not in new_phantoms and p.region != sublime.Region(-1): erase_phantom_by_id(self.view, p.id) self.phantoms = new_phantoms
def run(self, edit): (viewport_x, viewport_y) = self.view.viewport_position() path = gitPath(self.view.window()) current_path = self.view.file_name() if current_path is not None and current_path.startswith(path): remaining_path = current_path[len(path):] command = ("cd '{0}';git blame --show-email '{1}'").format(path, remaining_path) output, _ = run_bash_for_output(command) lines = output.split('\n') line_count = 0 regions = self.view.lines(sublime.Region(0, self.view.size())) phantoms = [] last_hash = None for line in lines: matches = re.search(r'^([0-9a-z]+).*?\(<(.*?)>', line) # print(line, ' ', matches) if matches is not None and line_count < len(regions): hash = matches.group(1) email = matches.group(2) at_position = email.find("@") if at_position != -1: email = email[:at_position] if len(email) > 10: email = email[:10] email = "{:*>10}".format(email) if hash == last_hash: email = "." * 10 html = "<b>{0}</b>".format(email) else: html = "<a href='{0}'>{1}</a>".format(hash, email) last_hash = hash r = regions[line_count] phantom = Phantom(sublime.Region(r.begin(), r.begin()), html, sublime.LAYOUT_INLINE, lambda link: self.click(link) ) phantoms.append(phantom) line_count = line_count + 1 global phantomSet phantomSet = PhantomSet(self.view, 'git_blame') phantomSet.update(phantoms) global viewIdToPhantomSet viewIdToPhantomSet[self.view.id()] = phantomSet self.view.set_viewport_position((0, viewport_y))