def configure_analyst_opsvm(): ''' Configures Anaylyst for OPSVM ''' if not service_running('plumgrid'): restart_pg() opsvm_ip = pg_gw_context._pg_dir_context()['opsvm_ip'] NS_ENTER = ('/opt/local/bin/nsenter -t $(ps ho pid --ppid $(cat ' '/var/run/libvirt/lxc/plumgrid.pid)) -m -n -u -i -p ') sigmund_stop = NS_ENTER + '/usr/bin/service plumgrid-sigmund stop' sigmund_status = NS_ENTER \ + '/usr/bin/service plumgrid-sigmund status' sigmund_autoboot = NS_ENTER \ + '/usr/bin/sigmund-configure --ip {0} --start --autoboot' \ .format(opsvm_ip) try: status = subprocess.check_output(sigmund_status, shell=True) if 'start/running' in status: if subprocess.call(sigmund_stop, shell=True): log('plumgrid-sigmund couldn\'t be stopped!') return subprocess.check_call(sigmund_autoboot, shell=True) status = subprocess.check_output(sigmund_status, shell=True) except: log('plumgrid-sigmund couldn\'t be started!')
def import_key(keyid): key = keyid.strip() if (key.startswith('-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----') and key.endswith('-----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----')): juju_log("PGP key found (looks like ASCII Armor format)", level=DEBUG) juju_log("Importing ASCII Armor PGP key", level=DEBUG) with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as keyfile: with open(keyfile.name, 'w') as fd: fd.write(key) fd.write("\n") cmd = ['apt-key', 'add', keyfile.name] try: subprocess.check_call(cmd) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: error_out("Error importing PGP key '%s'" % key) else: juju_log("PGP key found (looks like Radix64 format)", level=DEBUG) juju_log("Importing PGP key from keyserver", level=DEBUG) cmd = ['apt-key', 'adv', '--keyserver', 'hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80', '--recv-keys', key] try: subprocess.check_call(cmd) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: error_out("Error importing PGP key '%s'" % key)
def _git_update_requirements(venv, package_dir, reqs_dir): """ Update from global requirements. Update an OpenStack git directory's requirements.txt and test-requirements.txt from global-requirements.txt. """ orig_dir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(reqs_dir) python = os.path.join(venv, 'bin/python') cmd = [python, 'update.py', package_dir] try: subprocess.check_call(cmd) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: package = os.path.basename(package_dir) error_out("Error updating {} from " "global-requirements.txt".format(package)) os.chdir(orig_dir)
def _clean_check(cmd, target): """ Run the command to download target. If the command fails, clean up before re-raising the error. """ try: subprocess.check_call(cmd) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: if os.access(target, os.F_OK): os.unlink(target) raise
def stopScheduler(): try: subprocess.check_call(["sudo", "service", "supervisor", "stop"]) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: print "ERROR: couldn't stop the scheduler (supervisor): {reason}".format(reason=e) exit(-1) try: subprocess.check_call(["sudo", "service", "rabbitmq-server", "stop"]) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: print "ERROR: couldn't stop the scheduler (rabbitmq): {reason}".format(reason=e) exit(-1) print "Scheduler stopped successfully!"
def sed(filename, before, after, flags='g'): """ Search and replaces the given pattern on filename. :param filename: relative or absolute file path. :param before: expression to be replaced (see 'man sed') :param after: expression to replace with (see 'man sed') :param flags: sed-compatible regex flags in example, to make the search and replace case insensitive, specify ``flags="i"``. The ``g`` flag is always specified regardless, so you do not need to remember to include it when overriding this parameter. :returns: If the sed command exit code was zero then return, otherwise raise CalledProcessError. """ expression = r's/{0}/{1}/{2}'.format(before, after, flags) return subprocess.check_call(["sed", "-i", "-r", "-e", expression, os.path.expanduser(filename)])
def add_group(group_name, system_group=False): """Add a group to the system""" try: group_info = grp.getgrnam(group_name) log('group {0} already exists!'.format(group_name)) except KeyError: log('creating group {0}'.format(group_name)) cmd = ['addgroup'] if system_group: cmd.append('--system') else: cmd.extend([ '--group', ]) cmd.append(group_name) subprocess.check_call(cmd) group_info = grp.getgrnam(group_name) return group_info
def signalp(): singleline() command = ("signalp3.0 -t euk -short -m hmm " + path + "singleline.fasta | grep ' S ' > " + path + "signalpOUT.txt") print "\nRunning SignalP" signalpRUN = subprocess.check_call([command], shell=True) print "SignalP Complete" # Generate the list of sequences with siganal peptides using the mature sequences print "\nCreating SignalP protein list" command_list = ("cut -d ' ' -f 1 " + path + "signalpOUT.txt") file_out4 = open(path + "goodlistSigP.txt", "w") tab = subprocess.check_call([command_list], stdout=file_out4, shell=True) file_out4.close() # This function creates a fasta file containing the complete sequences with signal peptides
def tmhmm(): command = ("tmhmm -short " + path + "signalP_pass.fasta") file_out = open(path + "tmhmmOUT.txt", "w") print "\nRunning tmhmm on mature signalp sequences only" tmhmmRUN = subprocess.check_call([command], stdout=file_out, shell=True) file_out.close() print "tmhmm complete" print "\nIdentifying sequences without tm regions." # This section of code parses the output from tmhmm and collects fastas with no TM regions openfile = open(path + "tmhmmOUT.txt", "r") file_out2 = open(path + "tmhmmGoodlist.txt", "a") for line in openfile: if "\tPredHel=0\t" in line: goodname = line.partition('\t')[0] + '\n' file_out2.write(goodname) openfile.close() file_out2.close() #This function uses targetp to verify the destination of the signal peptide #NOTE for plant networks use -P over -N
def try_initialize_swauth(): if is_leader() and config('auth-type') == 'swauth': if leader_get('swauth-init') is not True: try: admin_key = config('swauth-admin-key') if admin_key == '' or admin_key is None: admin_key = leader_get('swauth-admin-key') if admin_key is None: admin_key = uuid.uuid4() leader_set({'swauth-admin-key': admin_key}) bind_port = config('bind-port') bind_port = determine_api_port(bind_port, singlenode_mode=True) subprocess.check_call([ 'swauth-prep', '-A', 'http://localhost:{}/auth'.format(bind_port), '-K', admin_key]) leader_set({'swauth-init': True}) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: log("had a problem initializing swauth!")
def add_metric(*args, **kwargs): """Add metric values. Values may be expressed with keyword arguments. For metric names containing dashes, these may be expressed as one or more 'key=value' positional arguments. May only be called from the collect-metrics hook.""" _args = ['add-metric'] _kvpairs = [] _kvpairs.extend(args) _kvpairs.extend(['{}={}'.format(k, v) for k, v in kwargs.items()]) _args.extend(sorted(_kvpairs)) try: subprocess.check_call(_args) return except EnvironmentError as e: if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise log_message = 'add-metric failed: {}'.format(' '.join(_kvpairs)) log(log_message, level='INFO')
def index_reference(self, in_fasta_fn, in_gtf_fn, num_threads=1, sa_sparse_d=None, sa_index_n_bases=None, chr_bin_n_bits=None, limit_ram=None): if os.path.exists(self.reference_star_path): raise Exception('STAR reference path %s already exists' % self.reference_star_path) os.mkdir(self.reference_star_path) args = ['STAR', '--runMode', 'genomeGenerate', '--genomeDir', self.reference_star_path, '--runThreadN', str(num_threads), '--genomeFastaFiles', in_fasta_fn, '--sjdbGTFfile', in_gtf_fn] if limit_ram is not None: args += ['--limitGenomeGenerateRAM', str(limit_ram)] if sa_sparse_d is not None: args += ['--genomeSAsparseD', str(sa_sparse_d)] if sa_index_n_bases is not None: args += ['--genomeSAindexNbases', str(sa_index_n_bases)] if chr_bin_n_bits is not None: args += ['--genomeChrBinNbits', str(chr_bin_n_bits)] subprocess.check_call(args)
def _index_reference(self, index_path, **kwargs): """ Generates a bowtie2 index for the specified reference file. Args: index_path (str): path to index prefix **kwargs: Any additional arguments to bowtie2-build may be included. Flags may have value set to None. Values are not validated. Parameters with hypens in name should be defined using underscores in place of hypens. Notes: Bowtie2 generates temporary files for indexing as a side-effect. Examples: kwargs can be specified as such: myBowtie2._index_reference(index_path, large_index=None, bmax=4) """ additional_arguments = cr_utils.kwargs_to_command_line_options(set(), replace_chars={'_': '-'}, **kwargs) command = 'bowtie2-build %s %s %s' % (additional_arguments, self.reference_fasta_path, index_path) subprocess.check_call(command, shell=True) self.index_path = index_path self.indexed = True
def main(args, outs): # Write read_chunk for consumption by Rust with open("chunk_args.json", "w") as f: json.dump(args.read_chunk, f) output_path = martian.make_path("") prefix = "fastq_chunk" chunk_reads_args = ['chunk_reads', '--reads-per-fastq', str(args.reads_per_file), output_path, prefix, "--martian-args", "chunk_args.json"] print "running chunk reads: [%s]" % str(chunk_reads_args) subprocess.check_call(chunk_reads_args) with open(os.path.join(output_path, "read_chunks.json")) as f: chunk_results = json.load(f) outs.out_chunks = [] # Write out a new chunk entry for each resulting chunk for chunk in chunk_results: print args.read_chunk chunk_copy = args.read_chunk.copy() print chunk_copy chunk_copy['read_chunks'] = chunk outs.out_chunks.append(chunk_copy)
def get_bcl2fastq_v2(hostname): try: subprocess.check_call(["which", "bcl2fastq"]) # Restore the LD_LIBRARY_PATH set aside by sourceme.bash/shell10x. # Required for some installations of bcl2fastq. new_environ = dict(os.environ) new_environ['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = os.environ.get('_TENX_LD_LIBRARY_PATH', '') output = subprocess.check_output(["bcl2fastq", "--version"], env=new_environ, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) match = None for l in output.split("\n"): match = re.match("bcl2fastq v([0-9.]+)", l) if match is not None: return (match.groups()[0], None) return (None, "bcl2fastq version not recognized -- please check the output of bcl2fastq --version") except subprocess.CalledProcessError: msg = "On machine: %s, bcl2fastq not found on PATH." % hostname return (None, msg)
def combine_vcfs(output_filename, input_vcf_filenames): tmp_filename = output_filename + ".tmp" for (i,fn) in enumerate(input_vcf_filenames): if i == 0: args = 'cat ' + fn subprocess.check_call(args + " > " + tmp_filename, shell=True) else: args = 'grep -v "^#" ' + fn ret = subprocess.call(args + " >> " + tmp_filename, shell=True) if ret == 2: raise Exception("grep call failed: " + args) # Sort and index the files tk_tabix.sort_vcf(tmp_filename, output_filename) tk_tabix.index_vcf(output_filename) os.remove(tmp_filename)
def start_ab3(tmp_dir_loc, repo_dir, pkg_info, rm_abdir=False): start_time = int(time.time()) os.chdir(tmp_dir_loc) if not copy_abd(tmp_dir_loc, repo_dir, pkg_info): return False # For logging support: ptyprocess.PtyProcessUnicode.spawn(['autobuild']) shadow_defines_loc = os.path.abspath(os.path.curdir) if not parser_pass_through(pkg_info, shadow_defines_loc): return False try: subprocess.check_call(['autobuild']) except: return False time_span = int(time.time()) - start_time print('>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Time for building\033[36m {} \033[0m:\033[36m {} \033[0mseconds'.format( pkg_info['NAME'], time_span)) if rm_abdir is True: shutil.rmtree(os.path.abspath(os.path.curdir) + '/autobuild/') # Will get better display later return True
def aria_get(url, threads=3, output=None): if os.path.exists(output) and not os.path.exists(output+'.aria2'): return aria_cmd = ['aria2c', '--max-connection-per-server={}'.format(threads), url, '--auto-file-renaming=false'] # ,'--check-certificate=false' if output is not None: aria_cmd.insert(2, '-d') aria_cmd.insert(3, dump_loc) aria_cmd.insert(4, '-o') aria_cmd.insert(5, output.split('/')[-1]) try: subprocess.check_call(aria_cmd) except KeyboardInterrupt: raise KeyboardInterrupt() except: raise AssertionError('Failed to fetch source with Aria2!') return
def compile_so(libs): # I don't know how else to find these .so files other than just asking clang # to make a .so file out of all of them clang = os.getenv('CLANG', 'clang') tempdir = tempfile.gettempdir() libname = '.'.join(sorted(libs)) target = join(tempdir, 'lib' + libname + '.so') if not os.path.exists(target): libs = ['-l' + lib for lib in libs] flags = ['-shared'] cmd = [clang, '-o', target] + flags + libs subprocess.check_call(cmd) return target
def share(self): '''Compile a single Rain file into a shared object file.''' self.build() if self.compiled: return self.compiled = True self.compile_links() with self.okay('sharing'): target = self.target or self.qname + '.so' clang = os.getenv('CLANG', 'clang') flags = ['-O2', '-shared', '-fPIC'] cmd = [clang, '-o', target, self.ll] + flags self.vprint('{:>10} {}', 'target', X(target, 'yellow')) self.vprint('{:>10} {}', 'flags', X(' '.join(flags), 'yellow')) self.vprint('{:>10} {}', 'src', X(self.ll, 'yellow')) subprocess.check_call(cmd)
def CreatePods(pod_name, yaml_file): """Creates pods based on the given kubernetes config. Args: pod_name: 'name-prefix' selector for the pods. yaml_file: kubernetes yaml config. Raises: TimeoutError: if jobs didn't come up for a long time. """ command = [_KUBECTL, 'create', '--filename=%s' % yaml_file] logging.info('Creating pods: %s', subprocess.list2cmdline(command)) subprocess.check_call(command) if not _WaitUntil(100, _GetPodNames, pod_name): raise TimeoutError( 'Timed out waiting for %s pod to come up.' % pod_name)
def clone_helpers(work_dir, branch): dest = os.path.join(work_dir, 'charm-helpers') logging.info('Checking out %s to %s.' % (branch, dest)) cmd = ['bzr', 'checkout', '--lightweight', branch, dest] subprocess.check_call(cmd) return dest
def interface_exists(interface): ''' Checks if interface exists on node. ''' try: subprocess.check_call(['ip', 'link', 'show', interface], stdout=open(os.devnull, 'w'), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: return False return True
def _exec_cmd(cmd=None, error_msg='Command exited with ERRORs', fatal=False): ''' Function to execute any bash command on the node. ''' if cmd is None: log("No command specified") else: if fatal: subprocess.check_call(cmd) else: try: subprocess.check_call(cmd) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: log(error_msg)
def service_resume(service_name, init_dir="/etc/init", initd_dir="/etc/init.d"): """Resume a system service. Reenable starting again at boot. Start the service""" upstart_file = os.path.join(init_dir, "{}.conf".format(service_name)) sysv_file = os.path.join(initd_dir, service_name) if init_is_systemd(): service('enable', service_name) elif os.path.exists(upstart_file): override_path = os.path.join( init_dir, '{}.override'.format(service_name)) if os.path.exists(override_path): os.unlink(override_path) elif os.path.exists(sysv_file): subprocess.check_call(["update-rc.d", service_name, "enable"]) else: raise ValueError( "Unable to detect {0} as SystemD, Upstart {1} or" " SysV {2}".format( service_name, upstart_file, sysv_file)) started = service_running(service_name) if not started: started = service_start(service_name) return started
def add_user_to_group(username, group): """Add a user to a group""" cmd = ['gpasswd', '-a', username, group] log("Adding user {} to group {}".format(username, group)) subprocess.check_call(cmd)
def symlink(source, destination): """Create a symbolic link""" log("Symlinking {} as {}".format(source, destination)) cmd = [ 'ln', '-sf', source, destination, ] subprocess.check_call(cmd)
def modprobe(module, persist=True): """Load a kernel module and configure for auto-load on reboot.""" cmd = ['modprobe', module] log('Loading kernel module %s' % module, level=INFO) check_call(cmd) if persist: with open('/etc/modules', 'r+') as modules: if module not in modules.read(): modules.write(module)
def rmmod(module, force=False): """Remove a module from the linux kernel""" cmd = ['rmmod'] if force: cmd.append('-f') cmd.append(module) log('Removing kernel module %s' % module, level=INFO) return check_call(cmd)
def update_initramfs(version='all'): """Updates an initramfs image""" return check_call(["update-initramfs", "-k", version, "-u"])
def relation_set(relation_id=None, relation_settings=None, **kwargs): """Set relation information for the current unit""" relation_settings = relation_settings if relation_settings else {} relation_cmd_line = ['relation-set'] accepts_file = "--file" in subprocess.check_output( relation_cmd_line + ["--help"], universal_newlines=True) if relation_id is not None: relation_cmd_line.extend(('-r', relation_id)) settings = relation_settings.copy() settings.update(kwargs) for key, value in settings.items(): # Force value to be a string: it always should, but some call # sites pass in things like dicts or numbers. if value is not None: settings[key] = "{}".format(value) if accepts_file: # --file was introduced in Juju 1.23.2. Use it by default if # available, since otherwise we'll break if the relation data is # too big. Ideally we should tell relation-set to read the data from # stdin, but that feature is broken in 1.23.2: Bug #1454678. with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as settings_file: settings_file.write(yaml.safe_dump(settings).encode("utf-8")) subprocess.check_call( relation_cmd_line + ["--file", settings_file.name]) os.remove(settings_file.name) else: for key, value in settings.items(): if value is None: relation_cmd_line.append('{}='.format(key)) else: relation_cmd_line.append('{}={}'.format(key, value)) subprocess.check_call(relation_cmd_line) # Flush cache of any relation-gets for local unit flush(local_unit())
def open_port(port, protocol="TCP"): """Open a service network port""" _args = ['open-port'] _args.append('{}/{}'.format(port, protocol)) subprocess.check_call(_args)
def action_set(values): """Sets the values to be returned after the action finishes""" cmd = ['action-set'] for k, v in list(values.items()): cmd.append('{}={}'.format(k, v)) subprocess.check_call(cmd)
def action_fail(message): """Sets the action status to failed and sets the error message. The results set by action_set are preserved.""" subprocess.check_call(['action-fail', message])
def leader_set(settings=None, **kwargs): """Juju leader set value(s)""" # Don't log secrets. # log("Juju leader-set '%s'" % (settings), level=DEBUG) cmd = ['leader-set'] settings = settings or {} settings.update(kwargs) for k, v in settings.items(): if v is None: cmd.append('{}='.format(k)) else: cmd.append('{}={}'.format(k, v)) subprocess.check_call(cmd)
def payload_register(ptype, klass, pid): """ is used while a hook is running to let Juju know that a payload has been started.""" cmd = ['payload-register'] for x in [ptype, klass, pid]: cmd.append(x) subprocess.check_call(cmd)
def payload_unregister(klass, pid): """ is used while a hook is running to let Juju know that a payload has been manually stopped. The <class> and <id> provided must match a payload that has been previously registered with juju using payload-register.""" cmd = ['payload-unregister'] for x in [klass, pid]: cmd.append(x) subprocess.check_call(cmd)
def pip_install(package, fatal=False, upgrade=False, venv=None, **options): """Install a python package""" if venv: venv_python = os.path.join(venv, 'bin/pip') command = [venv_python, "install"] else: command = ["install"] available_options = ('proxy', 'src', 'log', 'index-url', ) for option in parse_options(options, available_options): command.append(option) if upgrade: command.append('--upgrade') if isinstance(package, list): command.extend(package) else: command.append(package) log("Installing {} package with options: {}".format(package, command)) if venv: subprocess.check_call(command) else: pip_execute(command)
def pip_create_virtualenv(path=None): """Create an isolated Python environment.""" apt_install('python-virtualenv') if path: venv_path = path else: venv_path = os.path.join(charm_dir(), 'venv') if not os.path.exists(venv_path): subprocess.check_call(['virtualenv', venv_path])
def install_ca_cert(ca_cert): if ca_cert: with open('/usr/local/share/ca-certificates/keystone_juju_ca_cert.crt', 'w') as crt: crt.write(ca_cert) subprocess.check_call(['update-ca-certificates', '--fresh'])
def add_bridge(name, datapath_type=None): ''' Add the named bridge to openvswitch ''' log('Creating bridge {}'.format(name)) cmd = ["ovs-vsctl", "--", "--may-exist", "add-br", name] if datapath_type is not None: cmd += ['--', 'set', 'bridge', name, 'datapath_type={}'.format(datapath_type)] subprocess.check_call(cmd)
def del_bridge(name): ''' Delete the named bridge from openvswitch ''' log('Deleting bridge {}'.format(name)) subprocess.check_call(["ovs-vsctl", "--", "--if-exists", "del-br", name])
def del_bridge_port(name, port): ''' Delete a port from the named openvswitch bridge ''' log('Deleting port {} from bridge {}'.format(port, name)) subprocess.check_call(["ovs-vsctl", "--", "--if-exists", "del-port", name, port]) subprocess.check_call(["ip", "link", "set", port, "down"]) subprocess.check_call(["ip", "link", "set", port, "promisc", "off"])
def set_manager(manager): ''' Set the controller for the local openvswitch ''' log('Setting manager for local ovs to {}'.format(manager)) subprocess.check_call(['ovs-vsctl', 'set-manager', 'ssl:{}'.format(manager)])