def prepare_subprocess_args(self): popen_args = { 'args': self.get_php_cmd(), 'env': self.get_env(), 'stdin': subprocess.PIPE, 'stdout': subprocess.PIPE, 'stderr': subprocess.PIPE, } # Prevent cmd.exe window popup on Windows. if is_windows(): startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() startupinfo.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW startupinfo.wShowWindow = subprocess.SW_HIDE popen_args['startupinfo'] = startupinfo return popen_args
def start_server(server_binary_args, working_dir, env): debug("starting " + str(server_binary_args)) si = None if os.name == "nt": si = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() # type: ignore si.dwFlags |= subprocess.SW_HIDE | subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW # type: ignore try: process = subprocess.Popen( server_binary_args, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=working_dir, env=env, startupinfo=si) return Client(process, working_dir) except Exception as err: sublime.status_message("Failed to start LSP server {}".format(str(server_binary_args))) exception_log("Failed to start server", err)
def start(self): WorkerClient.stop_worker = False node_path = global_vars.get_node_path() if os.name == "nt": si = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() si.dwFlags |= subprocess.SW_HIDE | subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW self.server_proc = subprocess.Popen( [node_path, self.script_path], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, startupinfo=si ) else: self.server_proc = subprocess.Popen( [node_path, self.script_path], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) # start reader thread if self.server_proc and (not self.server_proc.poll()): log.debug("worker proc " + str(self.server_proc)) log.debug("starting worker thread") workerThread = threading.Thread(target=WorkerClient.__reader, args=( self.server_proc.stdout, self.msgq, self.eventq, self.asyncReq, self.server_proc, self.event_handlers)) workerThread.daemon = True workerThread.start()
def __init__(self, suproc_command, stdin_queue, stdout_queue, parent): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.setDaemon(False) # we want it to survive parent's death so it can detect innactivity and terminate subproccess self.setName('pjon_piper_thd') self._subproc_command = suproc_command self._birthtime = None self._stopped = False self._start_failed = False self._pipe = None self._stdout_queue = stdout_queue self._stdin_queue = stdin_queue self._parent = parent if sys.platform == 'win32': self._startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() self._startupinfo.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW self._startupinfo.wShowWindow = subprocess.SW_HIDE self.log = logging.getLogger(self.name) self.log.handlers = [] self.log.addHandler(logging.NullHandler()) #self.log.propagate = False self.log.setLevel(logging.INFO)
def stopVPNn(n): # Stop the platform VPN task. if not fakeConnection(): p = getPlatform() if p == platforms.LINUX or p == platforms.RPI: if useBigHammer(): n = "9" command = "killall -" + n + " openvpn" if useSudo(): command = "sudo " + command debugTrace("(Linux) Stopping VPN with " + command) os.system(command) if p == platforms.WINDOWS: # This call doesn't pay any attention to the size of the hammer. # Probably for Windows, if n is 15, then I should omit the /F but # I've not noticed any problems using /F so the n is ignored command = "taskkill /F /T /IM openvpn*" debugTrace("(Windows) Stopping VPN with " + command) args = shlex.split(command) proc = subprocess.Popen(args, creationflags=subprocess.SW_HIDE, shell=True) # **** ADD MORE PLATFORMS HERE **** return
def startVPN(vpn_profile): # Call the platform VPN to start the VPN if not fakeConnection(): p = getPlatform() if p == platforms.RPI or p == platforms.LINUX: command=getOpenVPNPath() + " \"" + vpn_profile + "\" > " + getVPNLogFilePath() + " &" if useSudo() : command = "sudo " + command debugTrace("(Linux) Starting VPN with " + command) os.system(command) if p == platforms.WINDOWS: command=getOpenVPNPath() + " \"" + vpn_profile + "\"" debugTrace("(Windows) Starting VPN with " + command) args = shlex.split(command) outfile = open(getVPNLogFilePath(),'w') proc = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=outfile, creationflags=subprocess.SW_HIDE, shell=True) # **** ADD MORE PLATFORMS HERE **** else: # This bit is just to help with debug during development. command=getOpenVPNPath() + " \"" + vpn_profile + "\" > " + getVPNLogFilePath() debugTrace("Faking starting VPN with " + command) return
def executeCmd(cmd): command=['cmd.exe', '/c'] + cmd.split() res = subprocess.check_output(command, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) # info=subprocess.STARTUPINFO() # info.dwFlags=subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW | subprocess.CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP # info.wShowWindow=subprocess.SW_HIDE # p=subprocess.Popen(command, startupinfo=info, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) # results, _=p.communicate() return res
def start_hidden_process(path): info = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() info.dwFlags = subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW|subprocess.CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP info.wShowWindow = subprocess.SW_HIDE p=subprocess.Popen(path, startupinfo=info) return p
def start_proc_with_token(args, hTokendupe, hidden=True): ##Start the process with the token. lpProcessInformation = PROCESS_INFORMATION() lpStartupInfo = STARTUPINFO() if hidden: lpStartupInfo.dwFlags = subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW|subprocess.CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP lpStartupInfo.wShowWindow = subprocess.SW_HIDE CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE = 0x00000010 CREATE_UNICODE_ENVIRONMENT = 0x00000400 NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS = 0x00000020 dwCreationflag = NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS | CREATE_UNICODE_ENVIRONMENT | CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE userenv = WinDLL('userenv', use_last_error=True) userenv.CreateEnvironmentBlock.argtypes = (POINTER(c_void_p), c_void_p, c_int) userenv.DestroyEnvironmentBlock.argtypes = (c_void_p,) cenv = c_void_p() success = userenv.CreateEnvironmentBlock(byref(cenv), hTokendupe, 0) if not success: raise WinError() success = windll.advapi32.CreateProcessAsUserA(hTokendupe, None, ' '.join(args), None, None, True, dwCreationflag, cenv, None, byref(lpStartupInfo), byref(lpProcessInformation)) if not success: raise WinError() print "[+] process created PID: " + str(lpProcessInformation.dwProcessId) return lpProcessInformation.dwProcessId
def start_server(): deleteDbIfExists() working_dir = os.path.join(util.get_plugin_folder(), 'apex-jorje-lsp.jar') java_cmd = 'java' java_path = util.get_setting('java_path') util.debug(java_path) if java_path != '': java_cmd = os.path.join(java_path, java_cmd) util.debug('using java path: ', java_cmd) args = [java_cmd, '-cp', working_dir, '-Ddebug.internal.errors=true','-Ddebug.semantic.errors=false', 'apex.jorje.lsp.ApexLanguageServerLauncher'] util.debug("starting " + str(args)) si = None if os.name == "nt": si = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() # type: ignore si.dwFlags |= subprocess.SW_HIDE | subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW # type: ignore try: process = subprocess.Popen( args, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=util.dxProjectFolder(), startupinfo=si) return Client(process) except Exception as err: util.debug(err)
def process_startup_info(): if not is_windows(): return None startupinfo = sub.STARTUPINFO() startupinfo.dwFlags |= sub.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW startupinfo.wShowWindow = sub.SW_HIDE return startupinfo
def start_server(self): if self.android is None: if self.enabled and self.lang.voice is not None: # voices = ["-s 190 -a 100 -p 75 -ven+m1 ", "-s 170 -a 100 -p 80 -ven+m2 ","-s 175 -a 100 -p 80 -ven+m3 ","-s 190 -a 100 -p 60 -ven+f1 ","-s 170 -a 100 -p 75 -ven+f2 ","-s 170 -a 100 -p 80 -ven+m2 "] cmd = ['espeak'] cmd.extend(self.lang.voice) try: # IS_WIN32 = 'win32' in str(sys.platform).lower() #maybe sys.platform is more secure is_win = platform.system() == "Windows" if is_win: startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() startupinfo.dwFlags = subprocess.CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE | subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW startupinfo.wShowWindow = subprocess.SW_HIDE kwargs = {} kwargs['startupinfo'] = startupinfo # self.process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, bufsize=0, close_fds=False, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, **kwargs) self.process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=False, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, startupinfo=startupinfo) else: self.process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=False, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) # self.process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) self.started = True except: self.enabled = False self.started = False print( "eduActiv8: You may like to install espeak to get some extra functionality, however this is not required to successfully use the game.") # stdout and stderr only used to hide the messages from terminal else: self.process = None
def subprocess(program, cwd, environment, newlines, joined, shell=True, show=False): """Create a subprocess using subprocess.Popen.""" stderr = subprocess.STDOUT if joined else subprocess.PIPE if os.name == 'nt': si = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() si.dwFlags = subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW si.wShowWindow = 0 if show else subprocess.SW_HIDE cf = subprocess.CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE if show else 0 return subprocess.Popen(program, universal_newlines=newlines, shell=shell, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=stderr, close_fds=False, startupinfo=si, creationflags=cf, cwd=cwd, env=environment) return subprocess.Popen(program, universal_newlines=newlines, shell=shell, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=stderr, close_fds=True, cwd=cwd, env=environment)
def __subprocess_call(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.IS_WIN32: startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() startupinfo.dwFlags = subprocess.CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE | subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW startupinfo.wShowWindow = subprocess.SW_HIDE kwargs['startupinfo'] = startupinfo retcode = subprocess.call(*args, **kwargs) return retcode
def run_command(command, shell=True, cwd=path.curdir, env=environ): """Run a generic command in a subprocess. Args: command (str): command to run Returns: str: raw command output """ try: stdin = None startupinfo = None if isinstance(command, list): command = subprocess.list2cmdline(command) log.debug("running command: \n%s", command) if sublime.platform() == "windows": # Don't let console window pop-up briefly. startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() startupinfo.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW startupinfo.wShowWindow = subprocess.SW_HIDE stdin = subprocess.PIPE output = subprocess.check_output(command, stdin=stdin, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=shell, cwd=cwd, env=env, startupinfo=startupinfo) output_text = ''.join(map(chr, output)) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: output_text = e.output.decode("utf-8") log.debug("command finished with code: %s", e.returncode) log.debug("command output: \n%s", output_text) return output_text
def script_ocrNavigatorObject(self, gesture): nav = api.getNavigatorObject() left, top, width, height = nav.location img = ImageGrab.grab(bbox=(left, top, left + width, top + height)) # Tesseract copes better if we convert to black and white... img = img.convert(mode='L') # and increase the size. img = img.resize((width * IMAGE_RESIZE_FACTOR, height * IMAGE_RESIZE_FACTOR), Image.BICUBIC) baseFile = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "nvda_ocr") try: imgFile = baseFile + ".bmp" img.save(imgFile) ui.message(_("Running OCR")) lang = getConfig()['language'] # Hide the Tesseract window. si = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() si.dwFlags = subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW si.wShowWindow = subprocess.SW_HIDE subprocess.check_call((TESSERACT_EXE, imgFile, baseFile, "-l", lang, "hocr"), startupinfo=si) finally: try: os.remove(imgFile) except OSError: pass try: hocrFile = baseFile + ".html" parser = HocrParser(file(hocrFile).read(), left, top) finally: try: os.remove(hocrFile) except OSError: pass # Let the user review the OCR output. nav.makeTextInfo = lambda position: OcrTextInfo(nav, position, parser) api.setReviewPosition(nav.makeTextInfo(textInfos.POSITION_FIRST)) ui.message(_("Done"))
def platform_startupinfo(): if sys.platform == 'win32': si = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() # Stop a visible console window from appearing. si.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW si.wShowWindow = subprocess.SW_HIDE return si else: return None
def run(self, edit): settings = sublime.load_settings(lt_settings_file) jarPath = settings.get('languagetool_jar') if jarPath: if os.path.isfile(jarPath): sublime.status_message('Starting local LanguageTool server ...') cmd = ['java', '-jar', jarPath, '-t'] if sublime.platform() == "windows": p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True, creationflags=subprocess.SW_HIDE) else: p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) else: showPanelText('Error, could not find LanguageTool\'s JAR file (%s)\n\nPlease install LT in this directory or modify the `languagetool_jar` setting.' % jarPath)
def _onInstallDragonCommands(): si = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() si.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW si.wShowWindow = subprocess.SW_HIDE dragonDir = r"C:\Program Files (x86)\Nuance\NaturallySpeaking15\Program" #Translators: Title of an error dialog shown in dictation bridge. DB_ERROR_TITLE = _("Dictation Bridge Error") if not os.path.exists(dragonDir): dragonDir.replace(r" (x86)", "") if not os.path.exists(dragonDir): #Translators: Message given to the user when the addon can't find an installed copy of dragon. gui.messageBox(_("Cannot find dragon installed on your machine. Please install dragon and then try this process again."), DB_ERROR_TITLE) return xml2dat = os.path.join(dragonDir, "mycmdsxml2dat.exe") nsadmin = os.path.join(dragonDir, "nsadmin.exe") #Translators: The official name of Dragon in your language, this probably should be left as Dragon. thisProgram = _("Dragon") if os.path.exists(os.path.join(addonRootDir, "dragon_dictationBridgeCommands.dat")): os.remove(os.path.join(addonRootDir, "dragon_dictationBridgeCommands.dat")) try: subprocess.check_call([ xml2dat, os.path.join(addonRootDir, "dragon_dictationBridgeCommands.dat"), os.path.join(addonRootDir, "dragon_dictationBridgeCommands.xml"), ], startupinfo=si) #Fixme: might need to get the users language, and put them there for non-english locales. d=config.execElevated(nsadmin, ["/commands", os.path.join(addonRootDir, "dragon_dictationBridgeCommands.dat"), "/overwrite=yes"], wait=True, handleAlreadyElevated=True) successDialog(thisProgram) except: #Translators: Message shown if dragon commands failed to install. gui.messageBox(_("There was an error while performing the addition of dragon commands into dragon. Are you running as an administrator? If so, please send the error in your log to the dictation bridge team as a bug report."), DB_ERROR_TITLE) raise finally: if os.path.exists(os.path.join(addonRootDir, "dragon_dictationBridgeCommands.dat")): os.remove(os.path.join(addonRootDir, "dragon_dictationBridgeCommands.dat"))
def popen(cmd, stdout=None, stderr=None, output_stream=STREAM_BOTH, env=None, extra_env=None): """Open a pipe to an external process and return a Popen object.""" info = None if os.name == 'nt': info = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() info.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESTDHANDLES | subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW info.wShowWindow = subprocess.SW_HIDE if output_stream == STREAM_BOTH: stdout = stdout or subprocess.PIPE stderr = stderr or subprocess.PIPE elif output_stream == STREAM_STDOUT: stdout = stdout or subprocess.PIPE stderr = subprocess.DEVNULL else: # STREAM_STDERR stdout = subprocess.DEVNULL stderr = stderr or subprocess.PIPE if env is None: env = create_environment() if extra_env is not None: env.update(extra_env) try: return subprocess.Popen( cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, startupinfo=info, env=env ) except Exception as err: from . import persist persist.printf('ERROR: could not launch', repr(cmd)) persist.printf('reason:', str(err)) persist.printf('PATH:', env.get('PATH', '')) # view utils
def interactive_open(program=None, encoding=None): try: if program is None: if sys.platform=="win32": program="cmd.exe" else: if "SHELL" in os.environ: program=os.environ["SHELL"] else: program="/bin/sh" encoding=None fullargs=[program] if sys.platform=="win32": try: #couldn't find a better way, none of the following methods worked for me : kernel32.SetConsoleOutputCP(), locale.getpreferredencoding(), sys.stdout.encoding encoding="cp"+str(re.findall(r".*:\s*([0-9]+)",subprocess.check_output("chcp", shell=True))[0]) except: pass if program.endswith("powershell") or program.endswith("powershell.exe"): fullargs=["powershell.exe", "-C", "-"] # trick to make powershell work without blocking if encoding is None: encoding=locale.getpreferredencoding() print "Opening interactive %s (with encoding %s)..."%(program,encoding) if sys.platform=="win32": startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() startupinfo.dwFlags = subprocess.CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE | subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW startupinfo.wShowWindow = subprocess.SW_HIDE p = Popen(fullargs, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, stdin=PIPE, bufsize=0, close_fds=ON_POSIX, universal_newlines=True, startupinfo=startupinfo) else: p = Popen(fullargs, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, stdin=PIPE, bufsize=0, close_fds=ON_POSIX, universal_newlines=True) q = Queue() q2 = Queue() t = Thread(target=write_output, args=(p.stdout, q)) t.daemon = True t.start() t = Thread(target=write_output, args=(p.stderr, q2)) t.daemon = True t.start() t = Thread(target=flush_loop, args=(q, encoding)) t.daemon = True t.start() t = Thread(target=flush_loop, args=(q2, encoding)) t.daemon = True t.start() while True: line = raw_input() p.stdin.write(line+"\n") p.stdin.flush() if line.strip()=="exit": break except Exception as e: print(traceback.format_exc())
def run(self): si = None if hasattr(subprocess, "STARTUPINFO"): si = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() si.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW try: #si.wShowWindow = subprocess.SW_HIDE # default envPATH = os.environ['PATH'] + LOCAL_PATH s = sublime.load_settings("Rekit.sublime-settings") if s.get('node_dir') and envPATH.find(s.get('node_dir')) == -1: envPATH = envPATH + os.pathsep + s.get('node_dir') if s.get('npm_dir') and envPATH.find(s.get('npm_dir')) == -1: envPATH = envPATH + os.pathsep + s.get('npm_dir') # https://docs.python.org/2/library/subprocess.html # Note If specified, env must provide any variables required for the program to execute. # On Windows, in order to run a side-by-side assembly the specified env **must** include a valid SystemRoot. envObj = { 'PATH': envPATH, 'SYSTEMROOT': os.environ['SYSTEMROOT'] } p = subprocess.Popen(self.command, cwd=self.working_dir, env=envObj, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, bufsize=1, startupinfo=si) for line in iter(p.stdout.readline, b''): line2 = line.decode().strip('\r\n') # only show output for mocha if re.search(r'run_test\.js|build\.js', self.command[1]) is not None: show_rekit_output(line2) if self.on_done: self.on_done() except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: # show_rekit_output(str(e)) show_rekit_output('running node failed:') show_rekit_output(str(e)) sublime.error_message(str(e)) except OSError as e: if e.errno == 2: main_thread(sublime.error_message, "Node binary could not be found in PATH\nConsider using the node_dir and npm_dir settings for the Rekit plugin\n\nPATH is: %s" % os.environ['PATH']) else: show_rekit_output('running node failed:') show_rekit_output(str(e)) raise e except Exception as e: show_rekit_output('running node failed:') show_rekit_output(str(e))
def compress_nw(self, electron_path): compression = self.get_setting('electron_compression_level') if compression.value == 0: return comp_dict = {'Darwin64bit': get_file('files/compressors/upx-mac'), 'Darwin32bit': get_file('files/compressors/upx-mac'), 'Linux64bit': get_file('files/compressors/upx-linux-x64'), 'Linux32bit': get_file('files/compressors/upx-linux-x32'), 'Windows64bit': get_file('files/compressors/upx-win.exe'), 'Windows32bit': get_file('files/compressors/upx-win.exe') } if is_installed(): comp_dict['Windows64bit'] = get_data_file_path('files/compressors/upx-win.exe') comp_dict['Windows32bit'] = get_data_file_path('files/compressors/upx-win.exe') plat = platform.system()+platform.architecture()[0] upx_version = comp_dict.get(plat, None) if upx_version is not None: upx_bin = upx_version os.chmod(upx_bin, 0o755) cmd = [upx_bin, '--lzma', u'-{}'.format(compression.value), electron_path] if platform.system() == 'Windows': startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() startupinfo.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW startupinfo.wShowWindow = subprocess.SW_HIDE proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, startupinfo=startupinfo) else: proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE) self.progress_text = '\n\n' self.progress_text = 'Compressing files' while proc.poll() is None: self.progress_text += '.' time.sleep(2) output, err = proc.communicate()
def __init__(self, script_path): """ Starts a node client (if not already started) and communicate with it. The script file to run is passed to the constructor. """ super(ServerClient, self).__init__(script_path) # start node process pref_settings = sublime.load_settings('Preferences.sublime-settings') node_path = pref_settings.get('node_path') if node_path: print("Path of node executable is configured as: " + node_path) configured_node_path = os.path.expandvars(node_path) if NodeCommClient.is_executable(configured_node_path): node_path = configured_node_path else: node_path = None print("Configured node path is not a valid executable.") if not node_path: if os.name == "nt": node_path = "node" else: node_path = NodeCommClient.which("node") if not node_path: path_list = os.environ["PATH"] + os.pathsep + "/usr/local/bin" + os.pathsep + "$NVM_BIN" print("Unable to find executable file for node on path list: " + path_list) print("To specify the node executable file name, use the 'node_path' setting") self.server_proc = None else: global_vars._node_path = node_path print("Trying to spawn node executable from: " + node_path) try: if os.name == "nt": # linux subprocess module does not have STARTUPINFO # so only use it if on Windows si = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() si.dwFlags |= subprocess.SW_HIDE | subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW self.server_proc = subprocess.Popen([node_path, script_path], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, startupinfo=si) else: log.debug("opening " + node_path + " " + script_path) self.server_proc = subprocess.Popen([node_path, script_path], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) except: self.server_proc = None # start reader thread if self.server_proc and (not self.server_proc.poll()): log.debug("server proc " + str(self.server_proc)) log.debug("starting reader thread") readerThread = threading.Thread(target=ServerClient.__reader, args=( self.server_proc.stdout, self.msgq, self.eventq, self.asyncReq, self.server_proc, self.event_handlers)) readerThread.daemon = True readerThread.start()
def start_process(args, input_string='', env=None, cwd=None, stdout=None, stderr=None): """Starts a subprocess like subprocess.Popen, but is threadsafe. The value of input_string is passed to stdin of the subprocess, which is then closed. Args: args: A string or sequence of strings containing the program arguments. input_string: A string to pass to stdin of the subprocess. env: A dict containing environment variables for the subprocess. cwd: A string containing the directory to switch to before executing the subprocess. stdout: A file descriptor, file object or subprocess.PIPE to use for the stdout descriptor for the subprocess. stderr: A file descriptor, file object or subprocess.PIPE to use for the stderr descriptor for the subprocess. Returns: A subprocess.Popen instance for the created subprocess. """ with _popen_lock: logging.debug('Starting process %r with input=%r, env=%r, cwd=%r', args, input_string, env, cwd) # Suppress the display of the console window on Windows. # Note: subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW & subprocess.SW_HIDE are only # availalbe after Python 2.7.2 on Windows. if (hasattr(subprocess, 'SW_HIDE') and hasattr(subprocess, 'STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW')): startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() startupinfo.dwFlags = subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW startupinfo.wShowWindow = subprocess.SW_HIDE else: startupinfo = None p = subprocess.Popen(args, env=env, cwd=cwd, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, startupinfo=startupinfo) if _SUBPROCESS_STDIN_IS_THREAD_HOSTILE: p.stdin.write(input_string) p.stdin.close() p.stdin = None if not _SUBPROCESS_STDIN_IS_THREAD_HOSTILE: p.stdin.write(input_string) p.stdin.close() p.stdin = None return p
def __init__(self, bus_addr=1, com_port=None, baud=115200): super(PjonPiperClient, self).__init__() self._pipe = None self._bus_addr = bus_addr self._serial_baud = baud self._piper_client_stdin_queue = Queue() self._piper_client_stdout_queue = Queue() self._receiver_function = self.dummy_receiver self._error_function = self.dummy_error self._last_watchdog_poll_ts = 0 self._piper_stdout_watchdog_timeout = 0 self._piper_stdout_last_received_ts = 0 if sys.platform == 'win32': self._startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() self._startupinfo.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW self._startupinfo.wShowWindow = subprocess.SW_HIDE self._pjon_piper_path = os.path.join(self.get_self_path(), 'pjon_piper_bin', 'win', 'PJON-piper.exe') elif sys.platform == 'linux2': #os.setpgrp() if(self.is_arm_platform()): if self.is_raspberry(): self._pjon_piper_path = os.path.join(self.get_self_path(), 'pjon_piper_bin', 'rpi', 'pjon_piper') #print(self._pjon_piper_path) else: NotImplementedError("Only Linux on Raspberry is supported") else: raise NotImplementedError("this version of Linux is not supported yet") else: raise NotImplementedError("platform not supported; currently provided support only for: win32") if sys.platform == 'win32': self._pipier_client_subproc_cmd = "%s %s %s %s\n" % (self._pjon_piper_path, com_port.strip(), baud, bus_addr) elif sys.platform == 'linux2': self._pipier_client_subproc_cmd = [self._pjon_piper_path, com_port.strip(), str(baud), str(bus_addr)] if com_port is None: raise ComPortUndefinedExc("missing com_port kwarg: serial port name is required") available_coms = self.get_coms() if com_port not in available_coms: raise ComPortNotAvailableExc("com port %s is not available in this system; available ports are: %s" % (com_port, str(available_coms))) else: log.info("COM OK: %s" % com_port) self._pipier_client_watchdog = WatchDog(suproc_command=self._pipier_client_subproc_cmd, stdin_queue=self._piper_client_stdin_queue, stdout_queue=self._piper_client_stdout_queue, parent = self) self._packets_processor = ReceivedPacketsProcessor(self) atexit.register(self.stop_client) # TODO: # 3. implement periodic checks if com is available # if not: restart watchdog (can be a permanent restart; no state machine required)
def checkVPNCommand(addon): # Issue the openvpn command and see if the output is a bunch of commands if not fakeConnection(): p = getPlatform() # Issue the openvpn command, expecting to get the options screen back if p == platforms.RPI or p == platforms.LINUX: # Issue Linux command command = getOpenVPNPath() + " > " + getVPNLogFilePath() + " &" if useSudo() : command = "sudo " + command infoTrace("platform.py", "Testing openvpn with : " + command) os.system(command) elif p == platforms.WINDOWS: # Issue Windows command command=getOpenVPNPath() infoTrace("platform.py", "Testing openvpn with : " + command) args = shlex.split(command) outfile = open(getVPNLogFilePath(),'w') proc = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=outfile, creationflags=subprocess.SW_HIDE, shell=True) else: errorTrace("platform.py", "Unsupported platform " + str(p)) # **** ADD MORE PLATFORMS HERE **** # Waiting for the log file to appear xbmc.sleep(1000) i = 0 while not xbmcvfs.exists(getVPNLogFilePath()) and i < 10: xbmc.sleep(1000) i = i + 1 # If the log file appears, check it's what we expect if xbmcvfs.exists(getVPNLogFilePath()): log_file = open(getVPNLogFilePath(), 'r') log_file_lines = log_file.readlines() log_file.close() # Look for a phrase we'd expect to see if the call # worked and the list of options was displayed for line in log_file_lines: if "General Options" in line: return True # Write the log file in case there's something in it errorTrace("platform.py", "Ran openvpn command and it failed") writeVPNLog() dialog_msg = "The OpenVPN executable isn't working. Check the log, then from a command line prompt type 'openvpn' and fix any problems reported." else: errorTrace("platform.py", "Ran openvpn command and VPN log didn't appear") dialog_msg = "The OpenVPN executable isn't writing out a log. Try changing the Kodi log directory setting in Settings-Debug menu and retry." # Display an error message xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(addon.getAddonInfo("name"), dialog_msg) return False else: return True
def isVPNTaskRunning(): # Return True if the VPN task is still running, or the VPN connection is still active # Return False if the VPN task is no longer running and the connection is not active if fakeConnection(): return True p = getPlatform() if p == platforms.LINUX or p == platforms.RPI: try: command = "pidof openvpn" if useSudo() : command = "sudo " + command debugTrace("(Linux) Checking VPN task with " + command) pid = os.system(command) # This horrible call returns 0 if it finds a process, it's not returning the PID number if xbmcaddon.Addon("service.vpn.manager").getSetting("alt_pid_check") == "true": if pid > 0 : return True else: if pid == 0 : return True debugTrace("(Linux) Didn't find a running process") return False except Exception as e: errorTrace("platform.py", "VPN task list failed") errorTrace("platform.py", str(e)) return False if p == platforms.WINDOWS: try: command = 'tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq OPENVPN.EXE"' debugTrace("(Windows) Checking VPN task with " + command) args = shlex.split(command) out = subprocess.check_output(args, creationflags=subprocess.SW_HIDE, shell=True).strip() if "openvpn.exe" in out: return True else: debugTrace("(Windows) Didn't find a running process") return False except Exception as e: errorTrace("platform.py", "VPN task list failed") errorTrace("platform.py", str(e)) return False # **** ADD MORE PLATFORMS HERE **** return False
def StartProcess(executable_name, clangd_log_path=None): if not clangd_log_path or not log.logger.isEnabledFor(log.DEBUG): clangd_log_path = os.devnull fdClangd = open(clangd_log_path, 'w+') # fix executable file name under windows (both cygwin and native win32) if sys_platform == 'msys' or sys_platform == 'win32': if not executable_name.endswith('.exe'): executable_name += '.exe' # apply platform-specific hacks if sys_platform != 'win32': # for posix or cygwin fdInRead, fdInWrite = Pipe() fdOutRead, fdOutWrite = Pipe() SetCloseOnExec(fdInWrite) SetCloseOnExec(fdOutRead) else: # only native win32 fdInRead, fdInWrite = Win32SocketPair() fdOutRead, fdOutWrite = Win32SocketPair() cwd = os.path.dirname(executable_name) # apply native win32's hack if sys_platform == 'win32': # we need hide this subprocess's window under windows, or it opens a new visible window startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() startupinfo.dwFlags = subprocess.STARTF_USESTDHANDLES | subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW startupinfo.wShowWindow = subprocess.SW_HIDE clangd = Popen( executable_name, stdin=fdInRead, stdout=fdOutWrite, stderr=fdClangd, cwd=cwd, creationflags=subprocess.CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP, startupinfo=startupinfo) else: clangd = Popen( executable_name, stdin=fdInRead, stdout=fdOutWrite, stderr=fdClangd, cwd=cwd) return clangd, fdInWrite, fdOutRead, fdClangd