def screenshot(self, filename=None): """ Return: PIL.Image Raises: EnvironmentError """ tmpfile = tempfile.mktemp(prefix='atx-screencap-', suffix='.tiff') try: idevice("screenshot", "--udid", self.udid, tmpfile) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: sys.exit(e.message) try: image = Image.open(tmpfile) image.load() if filename: image.save(filename) return image finally: if os.path.exists(tmpfile): os.unlink(tmpfile)
def _services(ip, timeout, *extra_args): args = ['ssh', ip, '-t'] if extra_args: args += list(extra_args) args += ['-o', 'StrictHostKeyChecking no', '-o', 'ConnectTimeout %d' % timeout, '-o', 'BatchMode yes', '--', 'cat', '/etc/aeriscloud.d/*'] try: return [ dict(zip( ['name', 'port', 'path'], service.strip().split(',') )) for service in check_output(args).split('\n') if service ] except CalledProcessError: return []
def _search_variables(search_path, variable): files = set() cmd = "grep -rI '%s = ' %s" % (variable, quote(search_path)) try: grep = subprocess32.check_output(cmd, shell=True) except subprocess32.CalledProcessError: return [] for line in grep.split('\n'): if not line.strip(): continue filename = line[:line.find(':')].strip() if filename.startswith('.'): continue files.add(filename) return files
def do_run(cmd): try: cwd = os.getcwd() if inherit_cwd else None if not async: if stdin: return subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True, stderr=stderr, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, env=env_dict, cwd=cwd) output = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True, stderr=stderr, env=env_dict, cwd=cwd) return output.decode(DEFAULT_ENCODING) # subprocess.Popen is not thread-safe, hence use a mutex here.. try: mutex_popen.acquire() stdin_arg = subprocess.PIPE if stdin else None stdout_arg = open(outfile, 'wb') if isinstance(outfile, six.string_types) else outfile process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdin=stdin_arg, bufsize=-1, stderr=stderr, stdout=stdout_arg, env=env_dict, cwd=cwd) return process finally: mutex_popen.release() except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: if print_error: print("ERROR: '%s': %s" % (cmd, e.output)) raise e
def _call_phantom(self, token, arns, output_file): """ shells out to phantomjs. - Writes ARNs to a file that phantomjs will read as an input. - Phantomjs exchanges the token for session cookies. - Phantomjs then navigates to the IAM page and executes JavaScript to call GenerateServiceLastAccessedDetails for each ARN. - Every 10 seconds, Phantomjs calls GetServiceLastAccessedDetails - Phantom saves output to a file that is used by `persist()` :return: Exit code from phantomjs subprocess32 """ path = os.path.dirname(__file__) console_js = os.path.join(path, 'awsconsole.js') with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as f: json.dump(arns, f) f.seek(0) try: p = subprocess32.Popen([ self.current_app.config.get('PHANTOMJS'), console_js, token, f.name, output_file], stdout=subprocess32.PIPE, stderr=subprocess32.STDOUT) output, errs = p.communicate(timeout=1200) # 20 mins self.current_app.logger.debug('Phantom Output: \n{}'.format(output)) self.current_app.logger.debug('Phantom Errors: \n{}'.format(errs)) except subprocess32.TimeoutExpired: self.current_app.logger.error('PhantomJS timed out') return 1 # return code 1 for timeout except CalledProcessError: self.current_app.logger.error('PhantomJS exited: {}' ''.format(p.returncode)) return p.returncode else: self.current_app.logger.info('PhantomJS exited: 0') return 0
def check_output(cmds, shell=False): try: output = subprocess.check_output(cmds, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=shell) return output except subprocess.CalledProcessError: # logger.warn('Failed to run command: %s', ' '.join(cmds)) # logger.warn('Error output:\n%s', e.output) raise
def idevice(name, *args): exec_name = 'idevice' + name exec_path = look_exec(exec_name) if not exec_path: raise EnvironmentError('Necessary binary ("%s") not found.' % exec_name) cmds = [exec_path] + list(args) try: output = subprocess.check_output(cmds, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=False) return output except subprocess.CalledProcessError: raise
def get_file_size(adb, remote_path): try: output = adb.run_cmd('shell', 'ls', '-l', remote_path) m = re.search(r'\s(\d+)', output) if not m: return 0 return int(m.group(1)) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: log.warn("call error: %s", e) time.sleep(.1) return 0
def _which(editor): try: editor_path = subprocess.check_output(['which', editor], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT).strip() if six.PY3: editor_path = editor_path.decode() except subprocess.CalledProcessError: editor_path = None return editor_path
def test_check_call_realtime_failure(): lines = '' with pytest.raises(subprocess.CalledProcessError) as e: for l in check_call_realtime(['make', 'doesnotexist']): lines += l assert e.value.returncode != 0 assert e.value.cmd == ['make', 'doesnotexist'] assert len(lines) != 0
def check_call_realtime(args): """Run command with arguments and yield the output as they come. Stderr is piped into stdout. :raises subprocess.CalledProcessError: if exit code is non-zero """ p = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) while p.poll() is None: yield p.stdout.read() yield p.stdout.read() if p.returncode != 0: raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(p.returncode, args)
def english_g2p(self, text): text = self.normalize(text) try: arpa_text = subprocess.check_output(['t2p', '"{}"'.format(text)]) arpa_text = arpa_text.decode('utf-8') except OSError: logging.warning('t2p (from flite) is not installed.') arpa_text = '' except subprocess.CalledProcessError: logging.warning('Non-zero exit status from t2p.') arpa_text = '' return self.arpa_to_ipa(arpa_text)
def english_g2p(self, text): text = self.normalize(text).lower() try: arpa_text = subprocess.check_output(['lex_lookup', text]) arpa_text = arpa_text.decode('utf-8') except OSError: logging.warning('lex_lookup (from flite) is not installed.') arpa_text = '' except subprocess.CalledProcessError: logging.warning('Non-zero exit status from lex_lookup.') arpa_text = '' return self.arpa_to_ipa(arpa_text)
def run_nmap(net): try: out = subprocess.check_output(["nmap", "-oX", "-" , "-R", "-p", "22-443", "-sV" , net]) except CalledProcessError: print("Error in caller\n") exit(1) return out
def subproc_call(cmd, timeout=None): try: output = subprocess.check_output( cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True, timeout=timeout) return output except subprocess.TimeoutExpired as e: logger.warn("Command timeout!") logger.warn(e.output) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: logger.warn("Commnad failed: {}".format(e.returncode)) logger.warn(e.output)
def create_thumbnail(self, video_path, time, output_path): try: subprocess.check_call(['ffmpeg', '-y', '-ss', time, '-i', b'{0}'.format(video_path.encode('utf-8')), '-vframes', '1', output_path]) return output_path except subprocess.CalledProcessError as error: logger.error(error, exc_info=True) return output_path
def get_video_meta(self, video_path): ''' get video meta information :param video_path: the absolute path of video file :return: a dictionary { 'width': integer, 'height': integer, 'duration': integer (millisecond) } if an error occurred, this method will return None ''' try: output = subprocess.check_output([ 'ffprobe', '-v', 'error', '-show_entries', 'format=duration:stream=width:stream=height', '-select_streams', 'v:0', '-of', 'json', b'{0}'.format(video_path.encode('utf-8')) ]) meta = json.loads(output) result = {} if 'format' in meta and 'duration' in meta['format']: result['duration'] = int(float(meta['format']['duration']) * 1000) if 'streams' in meta and len(meta['streams']) and 'width' in meta['streams'][0] and 'height' in meta['streams'][0]: result['width'] = meta['streams'][0]['width'] result['height'] = meta['streams'][0]['height'] return result except subprocess.CalledProcessError as error: logger.error(error) return None
def run_and_wait(args, timeout=None, logfile=None, append=False, env=None, cwd=None): """Run a command in a subprocess, then wait for it to finish. Parameters ---------- args : string or list[string] the command to run. Should be either a command string or a list of command string and its arguments as strings. A list is preferred; see Python subprocess documentation. timeout : float or None the amount of time to wait for the command to finish, in seconds. If None, waits indefinitely. logfile : string or None If given, stdout and stderr will be written to this file. append : bool True to append to the logfile. Defaults to False. env : dict[string, any] If not None, environment variables of the subprocess will be set according to this dictionary instead of inheriting from current process. cwd : string or None The current working directory of the subprocess. Returns ------- output : string the standard output and standard error from the command. Raises ------ subprocess.CalledProcessError if any error occurred in the subprocess. """ output = subprocess.check_output(args, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, timeout=timeout, env=env, cwd=cwd) output = output.decode(encoding=bag_encoding, errors=bag_codec_error) if logfile is not None: write_file(logfile, output, append=append) return output