def run(inventory, shell_cmd, limit, *args, **kwargs): env = ansible_env(os.environ.copy()) cmd = [ 'ansible', limit, '-i', get_inventory_file(inventory), '-m', 'shell' ] if verbosity(): cmd += ['-' + ('v' * verbosity())] cmd += args cmd += ['-a', shell_cmd] logger.info('running %s', ' '.join(map(quote, cmd))) logger.debug('env: %r', env) return call(cmd, start_new_session=True, env=env, **kwargs)
def up_node1(): subproc.check_call(['vagrant', 'destroy', '-f', 'node1']) subproc.check_call(['vagrant', 'up', 'node1', '--no-provision']) yield "node1 is ready" print("Destroying node1...") subproc.call(['vagrant', 'destroy', '-f', 'node1']) print("Node1 is destroyed.")
def up_node2(): subproc.check_call(['vagrant', 'destroy', '-f', 'node2']) subproc.check_call(['vagrant', 'up', 'node2']) yield "node2 is ready" print("Destroying node2...") subproc.call(['vagrant', 'destroy', '-f', 'node2']) print("Node2 is destroyed.")
def up_node3(): subproc.check_call(['vagrant', 'destroy', '-f', 'node3']) subproc.check_call(['vagrant', 'up', 'node3']) yield "node3 is ready" print("Destroying node3...") subproc.call(['vagrant', 'destroy', '-f', 'node3']) print("Node3 is destroyed.")
def run_terraform(self, tfvar_file): """Return a apply terraform after template rendered.""" path = os.path.dirname(self.args.output) tfvar_file = os.path.join(path, tfvar_file) self.get_lambda_versions_file(tfvar_file) affirm = ['true', 'y', 'yes'] decline = ['', 'false', 'n', 'no'] tf_cmds = { 'apply': 'terraform apply -var-file={} {}'.format(tfvar_file, path), 'plan': 'terraform plan -var-file={} {}'.format(tfvar_file, path) } quit_cmds = ['q', 'quit'] while True: run_tf = input("Run terraform? [y/N] ").lower() if run_tf in affirm + decline: run_tf = run_tf not in decline break print('Try again.') if run_tf is True: while True: tf_cmd = input("terraform apply or plan? [apply/plan/quit] ") if tf_cmd in tf_cmds: subprocess.call(tf_cmds[tf_cmd], shell=True) break if tf_cmd.lower() in quit_cmds: break print('Try again.') return print('command to show plan:\n\t{}'.format(tf_cmds['plan'])) print('command to apply:\n\t{}'.format(tf_cmds['apply']))
def windows_kill(self): subprocess.call(['taskkill', '/F', '/IM', 'chromedriver.exe', '/T'])
def run_cmd(self, cmd, collect, env=None): out = [] if self.args.verbose: self.logr(" CMD: %s" % cmd) fh = None if self.args.disable_cmd_redirection or collect == self.Want_Output: fh = open(self.cov_paths['tmp_out'], 'w') else: fh = open(os.devnull, 'w') if env is None: subprocess.call(cmd, stdin=None, stdout=fh, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True, executable='/bin/bash') else: subprocess.call(cmd, stdin=None, stdout=fh, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True, env=env, executable='/bin/bash') fh.close() if self.args.disable_cmd_redirection or collect == self.Want_Output: with open(self.cov_paths['tmp_out'], 'r') as f: for line in f: out.append(line.rstrip('\n')) return out
def grabLicence(self): """ Returns True if a CPLEX licence can be obtained. The licence is kept until releaseLicence() is called. """ status = ctypes.c_int() # If the config file allows to do so (non null params), try to # grab a runtime license. if ilm_cplex_license and ilm_cplex_license_signature: runtime_status = CPLEX_DLL.lib.CPXsetstaringsol( ilm_cplex_license, ilm_cplex_license_signature) # if runtime_status is not zero, running with a runtime # license will fail. However, no error is thrown (yet) # because the second call might still succeed if the user # has another license. Let us forgive bad user # configuration: if not (runtime_status == 0) and self.msg: print( "CPLEX library failed to load the runtime license" + "the call returned status=%s" % str(runtime_status) + "Please check the pulp config file.") self.env = CPLEX_DLL.lib.CPXopenCPLEX(ctypes.byref(status)) self.hprob = None if not(status.value == 0): raise PulpSolverError("CPLEX library failed on " + "CPXopenCPLEX status=" + str(status))
def shell(inventory, *args, **kwargs): env = ansible_env(os.environ.copy()) cmd = ['ansible-console', '-i', get_inventory_file(inventory)] + list(args) if verbosity(): cmd += ['-' + ('v' * verbosity())] logger.info('running %s', ' '.join(cmd)) logger.debug('env: %r', env) return call(cmd, start_new_session=True, env=env, **kwargs)
def _ssh(ip, timeout, *args, **kwargs): call_args = [ 'ssh', ip, '-t', '-A'] call_args += ['-o', 'ConnectTimeout %d' % timeout] if args: call_args += list(args) logger.info('Running %s' % ' '.join(map(quote, call_args))) return call(call_args, **kwargs)
def ssh_shell(self, cmd=None, cd=True, popen=False, **kwargs): """ Create an interactive ssh shell on the remote VM :return: subprocess32.Popen """ call_args = [ 'ssh', self.ip(), '-t', '-A', '-l', 'vagrant', '-i', self.ssh_key()] if cmd: if isinstance(cmd, tuple) or isinstance(cmd, list): cmd = ' '.join(map(quote, cmd)) if cd: cmd = '[ ! -d "{0}" ] && exit {1}; cd "{0}"; {2}'.format( self.project.name(), self.NO_PROJECT_DIR, cmd ) call_args.append(cmd) self._logger.debug('calling %s', ' '.join(call_args)) if popen: return Popen(call_args, start_new_session=True, **kwargs) return call(call_args, **kwargs)
def secret(ctx, commands): """Executes git commands in the secret directory. This literally forwards all the arguments to git. tigerhost-deploy secret push origin master becomes: git push origin master in the secret directory. """ with contextmanagers.chdir(secret_dir.secret_dir_path()): ret = subprocess.call(['git'] + list(commands)) ctx.exit(code=ret)
def _do_exec(self): return subprocess32.call(self.monitor['args'], timeout=self.monitor['timeout']) == 0
def initialize_ph5 (self) : ''' Set up processing directory structure and set M from existing mini files ''' if self.home == None : return if not os.path.exists (self.home) : try : os.makedirs (self.home) except Exception as e : raise FormaIOError (4, "Failed to create output directory: {0}".format (self.home)) for m in self.nmini : os.chdir (self.home) if not os.path.exists (m) : os.mkdir (m) try : os.chdir (m) subprocess.call ('initialize_ph5 -n master', shell=True, stdout=open (os.devnull, 'w'), stderr=open (os.devnull, 'w')) except Exception as e : raise FormaIOError (5, "Failed to initialize {0}".format (os.path.join (self.home, m))) files = os.listdir ('.') minis = filter (lambda a : a[0:5] == 'miniP' and a[-3:] == 'ph5', files) if len (minis) : if self.M == None or len (minis) > self.M : self.M = len (minis) os.chdir (self.whereami)
def place_file(self, id, source_path): target_dir = os.path.join(IMAGERY_PATH, id) if not os.path.exists(target_dir): os.mkdir(target_dir) output_file = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(target_dir, 'index.tif')) # rewrite with gdal_translate gdal_translate = [ 'gdal_translate', source_path, output_file, '-co', 'TILED=yes', '-co', 'COMPRESS=DEFLATE', '-co', 'PREDICTOR=2', '-co', 'BLOCKXSIZE=512', '-co', 'BLOCKYSIZE=512', '-co', 'NUM_THREADS=ALL_CPUS', ] started_at = datetime.utcnow() self.update_state(state='RUNNING', meta={ 'name': 'preprocess', 'started_at': started_at.isoformat(), 'status': 'Rewriting imagery' }) try: returncode = subprocess.call(gdal_translate, timeout=TASK_TIMEOUT) except subprocess.TimeoutExpired as e: raise Exception(json.dumps({ 'name': 'preprocess', 'started_at': started_at.isoformat(), 'command': ' '.join(gdal_translate), 'status': 'Timed out' })) if returncode != 0: raise Exception(json.dumps({ 'name': 'preprocess', 'started_at': started_at.isoformat(), 'command': ' '.join(gdal_translate), 'return_code': returncode, 'status': 'Failed' })) if not source_path.startswith(('/vsicurl', 'http://', 'https://')): # delete original os.unlink(source_path) return { 'name': 'preprocess', 'completed_at': datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), 'started_at': started_at, 'status': 'Image pre-processing completed' }
def create_warped_vrt(self, id): raster_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(IMAGERY_PATH, id, 'index.tif')) vrt_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(IMAGERY_PATH, id, 'index.vrt')) meta = get_metadata(id) approximate_zoom = meta['meta']['approximateZoom'] # create a warped VRT to reproject on the fly gdalwarp = [ 'gdalwarp', raster_path, vrt_path, '-r', 'cubic', '-t_srs', 'epsg:3857', '-overwrite', '-of', 'VRT', '-te', '-20037508.34', '-20037508.34', '20037508.34', '20037508.34', '-ts', str(2 ** approximate_zoom * 256), str(2 ** approximate_zoom * 256), ] # add an alpha band (for NODATA) if one wasn't already included if meta['meta']['bandCount'] < 4: gdalwarp.append('-dstalpha') started_at = datetime.utcnow() self.update_state(state='RUNNING', meta={ 'name': 'warped-vrt', 'started_at': started_at.isoformat(), 'status': 'Creating warped VRT' }) try: returncode = subprocess.call(gdalwarp, timeout=TASK_TIMEOUT) except subprocess.TimeoutExpired as e: raise Exception(json.dumps({ 'name': 'warped-vrt', 'started_at': started_at.isoformat(), 'command': ' '.join(gdalwarp), 'status': 'Timed out' })) if returncode != 0: raise Exception(json.dumps({ 'name': 'warped-vrt', 'started_at': started_at.isoformat(), 'command': ' '.join(gdalwarp), 'return_code': returncode, 'status': 'Failed' })) return { 'completed_at': datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), 'started_at': started_at, 'status': 'Warped VRT creation completed' }
def actualSolve(self, lp): """Solve a well formulated lp problem""" if not self.executable(self.path): raise PulpSolverError("PuLP: cannot execute "+self.path) if not self.keepFiles: pid = os.getpid() tmpLp = os.path.join(self.tmpDir, "%d-pulp.lp" % pid) tmpSol = os.path.join(self.tmpDir, "%d-pulp.sol" % pid) else: tmpLp = lp.name+"-pulp.lp" tmpSol = lp.name+"-pulp.sol" lp.writeLP(tmpLp, writeSOS = 0) proc = ["glpsol", "--cpxlp", tmpLp, "-o", tmpSol] if not self.mip: proc.append('--nomip') proc.extend(self.options) self.solution_time = clock() if not self.msg: proc[0] = self.path pipe = open(os.devnull, 'w') if operating_system == 'win': # Prevent flashing windows if used from a GUI application startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() startupinfo.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW rc = subprocess.call(proc, stdout = pipe, stderr = pipe, startupinfo = startupinfo) else: rc = subprocess.call(proc, stdout = pipe, stderr = pipe) if rc: raise PulpSolverError("PuLP: Error while trying to execute "+self.path) else: if os.name != 'nt': rc = os.spawnvp(os.P_WAIT, self.path, proc) else: rc = os.spawnv(os.P_WAIT, self.executable(self.path), proc) if rc == 127: raise PulpSolverError("PuLP: Error while trying to execute "+self.path) self.solution_time += clock() if not os.path.exists(tmpSol): raise PulpSolverError("PuLP: Error while executing "+self.path) lp.status, values = self.readsol(tmpSol) lp.assignVarsVals(values) if not self.keepFiles: try: os.remove(tmpLp) except: pass try: os.remove(tmpSol) except: pass return lp.status
def actualSolve(self, lp): """Solve a well formulated lp problem""" if not self.executable(self.path): raise PulpSolverError("PuLP: cannot execute "+self.path) if not self.keepFiles: pid = os.getpid() tmpLp = os.path.join(self.tmpDir, "%d-pulp.lp" % pid) tmpSol = os.path.join(self.tmpDir, "%d-pulp.sol" % pid) else: tmpLp = lp.name+"-pulp.lp" tmpSol = lp.name+"-pulp.sol" lp.writeLP(tmpLp, writeSOS = 1) try: os.remove(tmpSol) except: pass cmd = self.path cmd += ' ' + ' '.join(['%s=%s' % (key, value) for key, value in self.options]) cmd += ' ResultFile=%s' % tmpSol if lp.isMIP(): if not self.mip: warnings.warn('GUROBI_CMD does not allow a problem to be relaxed') cmd += ' %s' % tmpLp if self.msg: pipe = None else: pipe = open(os.devnull, 'w') return_code = subprocess.call(cmd.split(), stdout = pipe, stderr = pipe) if return_code != 0: raise PulpSolverError("PuLP: Error while trying to execute "+self.path) if not self.keepFiles: try: os.remove(tmpLp) except: pass if not os.path.exists(tmpSol): warnings.warn('GUROBI_CMD does provide good solution status of non optimal solutions') status = LpStatusNotSolved else: status, values, reducedCosts, shadowPrices, slacks = self.readsol(tmpSol) if not self.keepFiles: try: os.remove(tmpSol) except: pass try: os.remove("gurobi.log") except: pass if status != LpStatusInfeasible: lp.assignVarsVals(values) lp.assignVarsDj(reducedCosts) lp.assignConsPi(shadowPrices) lp.assignConsSlack(slacks) lp.status = status return status
def fix_anomalies(self): to_prune = [] # machine_index = MachineIndex() for uuid, exports in six.iteritems(self.exports): # machine = machine_index.get_by_uuid(uuid) # machine cannot be found in the index # if not machine: # to_prune.append(uuid) # continue # one of the path does not exists anymore if [path for path in exports if not os.path.exists(path)]: to_prune.append(uuid) continue # remove all exports that have issues for uuid in to_prune: logger.info('pruning NFS entry for %s' % uuid) # taken from vagrant/plugins/hosts/linux/cap/nfs.rb extended_re_flag = '-r' sed_expr = '\\\x01^# VAGRANT-BEGIN:( {user})? {id}\x01,' \ '\\\x01^# VAGRANT-END:( {user})? {id}\x01 d'.format( id=uuid, user=os.getuid() ) if platform.system() == 'Darwin': extended_re_flag = '-E' sed_expr = '/^# VAGRANT-BEGIN:( {user})? {id}/,' \ '/^# VAGRANT-END:( {user})? {id}/ d'.format( id=uuid, user=os.getuid() ) cmd = [ 'sed', extended_re_flag, '-e', sed_expr, '-ibak', self.export_file ] # if we do not have write access, use sudo if not os.access(self.export_file, os.W_OK): cmd = [ 'sudo', '-p' 'Fixing invalid NFS exports. Administrators privileges ' 'are required\n[sudo] password for %u', '--' ] + cmd if call(cmd) != 0: raise RuntimeError('could not prune invalid nfs exports ' '"%s" from /etc/exports' % uuid)
def run(pro, *args, **kwargs): """ Run vagrant within a project :param pro: .project.Project :param args: list[string] :param kwargs: dict[string,string] :return: """ with cd(pro.folder()): # fix invalid exports for vagrant NFS().fix_anomalies() new_env = ansible_env(os.environ.copy()) new_env['PATH'] = os.pathsep.join([ new_env['PATH'], os.path.join(aeriscloud_path, 'venv/bin') ]) new_env['VAGRANT_DOTFILE_PATH'] = pro.vagrant_dir() new_env['VAGRANT_CWD'] = pro.vagrant_working_dir() new_env['VAGRANT_DISKS_PATH'] = os.path.join(data_dir(), 'disks') # We might want to remove that or bump the verbosity level even more if verbosity() >= 4: new_env['VAGRANT_LOG'] = 'info' new_env['AERISCLOUD_PATH'] = aeriscloud_path new_env['AERISCLOUD_ORGANIZATIONS_DIR'] = os.path.join(data_dir(), 'organizations') org = default_organization() if org: new_env['AERISCLOUD_DEFAULT_ORGANIZATION'] = org organization_name = pro.organization() if organization_name: organization = Organization(organization_name) else: organization = Organization(org) basebox_url = organization.basebox_url() if basebox_url: new_env['VAGRANT_SERVER_URL'] = basebox_url args = ['vagrant'] + list(args) logger.debug('running: %s\nenv: %r', ' '.join(args), new_env) # support for the vagrant prompt if args[1] == 'destroy': return call(args, env=new_env, **kwargs) else: process = Popen(args, env=new_env, stdout=PIPE, bufsize=1, **kwargs) for line in iter(process.stdout.readline, b''): timestamp(line[:-1]) # empty output buffers process.poll() return process.returncode
def get_file_dic(path, options): ''' This function opens supplied VCF files and saves metadata and variants in the dictionary spec_data. ''' global sample_list spec_data = [] # create empty list that will be populated which dictionaries of VCF file information file_list = [f for f in os.listdir(path) if options.file_pattern in f] # get file list from input path and fname pattern for fname in file_list: if not options.inverse_deletions: # retroseq results # DO VCF to BED conversion if fname.endswith(".vcf"): subprocess32.call(["vcf2bed", "-d"], stdin=open(os.path.join(path, fname)), stdout=open(os.path.join(options.out_path, fname.replace(".vcf", ".bed")),"w")) fname = fname.replace(".vcf", ".bed") else: copyfile(os.path.join(path, fname), os.path.join(options.out_path,fname)) fname_splitted = fname.split(".") species_dict = {"sample": fname_splitted[0], "fname": fname, "ftype": fname_splitted[-1], "meitype": fname_splitted[3], "f_bedtools": BedTool(os.path.join(options.out_path, fname)), "fname_sm": fname.replace(".gq.bed", ".sorted.merged.gq.bed")} elif options.inverse_deletions: fname_splitted = fname.split(".") species_dict = {"sample": fname_splitted[0], "fname": fname, "ftype": fname_splitted[-1], "meitype": fname_splitted[-2], #fname_splitted[2], "f_bedtools": BedTool(os.path.join(path, fname)).saveas(os.path.join(options.out_path,fname)), "fname_sm": fname.replace(".bed", ".sorted.merged.bed")} print "\n loading %s" % fname, print "\t BedTool object length: %i" % (len(species_dict.get("f_bedtools"))), if len(species_dict.get("f_bedtools")) < 3 or species_dict.get( "meitype") == "DNA": # filter out empty BedTool object and DNA insetions continue print "\t performing analyses: ", for analyses in prep_analyses: # perform initial analyses print "\t %s" % analyses.__name__, species_dict["f_bedtools"] = analyses(species_dict.get("f_bedtools")).saveas(os.path.join(options.out_path, species_dict.get("fname_sm"))) #.saveas(os.path.join(options.out_path, species_dict.get("fname_sm"))) # save again to dictionary # species_dict.get("f_bedtools").saveas( # os.path.join(options.out_path, species_dict.get("fname_sm"))) # save to file spec_data.append(species_dict) # append to list sample_list = set([l.get("sample") for l in spec_data]) return spec_data